Table 1—Comparison of Existing and Provisional Revenue Requirements and Composite Rate
LAP firm electric service Existing under L-F12 as of Jan. 1, 2023 Provisional under L-F13 first step as of Jan. 1, 2025 First step percent change Provisional under L-F13 second step as of Jan. 1, 2026 Second step percent change Total Revenue Requirement 1 (in million $) $74.6 $81.3 9.0 $87.9 8.1 Pick-Sloan—WD 1 2 Fry-Ark (in million $). $58.5 $16.1 $62.6 $18.7 7.0 16.1 $66.3 $21.6 5.9 15.5 LAP Composite Rate 1 (mills/kWh) 36.61 39.84 8.8 43.10 8.2 1 Provisional values are estimates only based on using set/final Base and estimated Drought Adder components. 2 Additional information on the overall P-SMBP PRS and charge components can be found in Rate Order No. WAPA-213 and on the UGP's website at: