94-28683. North Pacific Fisheries Research Plan  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 223 (Monday, November 21, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-28683]
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    [Federal Register: November 21, 1994]
    50 CFR Part 677
    [Docket No. 940412-4310; I.D. 102094A]
    RIN 0648-AD80
    North Pacific Fisheries Research Plan
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS issues a proposed rule to clarify and make minor changes 
    to regulations implementing the North Pacific Fisheries Research Plan 
    (Research Plan). The proposed rule would clarify 1995 observer coverage 
    requirements, revise the definition of the term ``processor,'' specify 
    who is and is not included in the definition of processor, and exempt 
    certain processors included in the definition from the requirement to 
    have a Federal Processor Permit. These clarifications will be 
    incorporated as minor revisions to the instructions accompanying the 
    Federal Processor Permit Application. In addition, the definition of 
    ``round weight'' will be revised to conform it to recent regulatory 
    changes. This proposed rule is consistent with the intent of the final 
    rule implementing the Research Plan and is intended to reduce confusion 
    during the first year of the fee-collection program authorized under 
    the Research Plan. NMFS expects these changes to be effective by 
    January 1, 1995.
    DATES: Comments on this proposed rule must be received by December 2, 
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this proposed rule may be sent to Ronald J. 
    Berg, Chief, Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Region, NMFS, 709 
    West 9th Street, Juneau, AK 99801, or P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-
    1668, Attn: Lori J. Gravel. Copies of the Research Plan and the 
    environmental assessment/regulatory impact review prepared for the 
    Research Plan may be obtained from the North Pacific Fishery Management 
    Council, P.O. Box 103136, Anchorage, AK 99510. Copies of the Observer 
    Plan may be obtained from NMFS at the address noted above.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Salveson, 907-586-7228.
        Regulations implementing the Research Plan became effective October 
    6, 1994 (59 FR 46126, September 6, 1994). A correction subsequently was 
    published in the Federal Register that delayed specified parts of the 
    implementing rule until January 1, 1995 (59 FR 51874, October 13, 
    1994). The purpose for, and description of, the Research Plan are 
    contained in the preamble to that final rule.
        NMFS has identified five areas of ambiguity and inconsistency in 
    the final rule implementing the Research Plan. Consequently, the 
    following changes are proposed:
        1. The 1995 observer coverage requirements set out at 
    Sec. 677.10(a)(1)(i)(C) are clarified to continue to exempt from 
    observer coverage any vessel that delivers unsorted codends to a 
        2. The definition of ``processor'' under the Research Plan is 
    amended to make clear NMFS' interpretation that tender vessels are not 
    considered processors for purposes of the Research Plan, and that 
    fishermen who transfer fish to persons outside of the United States are 
    included in the definition.
        3. The requirement for a Federal Processor Permit is also revised. 
    Certain persons, although considered processors under the definition of 
    that term, are not required to obtain this permit. Fishermen who sell 
    fish directly to a restaurant or to another individual for use as bait 
    or personal consumption or fishermen who transfer fish to a person 
    outside the United States are not required to have a processor permit.
        4. The Federal Processor Permit Application (Form FPP-1) is revised 
    to reflect changes referenced in items 2. and 3., above; and
        5. The definition of ``round weight or round-weight equivalent'' is 
    revised to reflect the recent amendment of the definition of this term 
    in 50 CFR 672.2 and 675.2 (59 FR 50699, October 5, 1994).
        A further description of and justification for the proposed 
    regulatory amendments listed under the first three items follow.
    1995 Observer Coverage Requirements
        Prior to the effective date of the Research Plan, Amendments 13 and 
    18 to the FMPs for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska and Groundfish of 
    the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area respectively, authorized the 
    Observer Plan, which set out domestic observer coverage requirements 
    for groundfish vessels and processors. The Observer Plan stated `` * * 
    * operators of catcher vessels which transport unsorted codends to a 
    mothership are not required to comply with this Observer Plan.'' On 
    April 29, 1994, a final rule was published in the Federal Register to 
    revise observer coverage requirements that inadvertently deleted this 
    exemption for catcher vessels 125 ft (38.1 m) length overall (LOA) or 
    longer (59 FR 22133). This erroneous regulatory language was 
    incorporated into the final rule implementing 1995 observer coverage 
    requirements under the Research Plan (Sec. 677.10(a)(1)(i)(C)). The 
    result is that current regulations under the Research Plan require 
    catcher vessels 125 ft (38.1 m) LOA or longer to carry an observer at 
    all times, even when the vessel is delivering unsorted codends to a 
    processor and no opportunity exists for the observer to observe the 
        This proposed rule would revise regulations at 
    Sec. 677.10(a)(1)(i)(C) to correct this error by requiring a catcher 
    vessel 125 ft (38.1 m) LOA or longer to carry an observer 100 percent 
    of its fishing days. The term ``fishing days'' currently is defined at 
    Sec. 677.2 to exclude days during which a vessel only delivers unsorted 
    codends to a processor.
    Definition of the Term ``Processor''
        The definition of the term ``processor,'' as published in the 
    September 6, 1994, final rule implementing the Research Plan, includes 
    any person, except a restaurant, who receives fish from fishermen for 
    commercial purposes. The final rule implementing the Research Plan 
    added the exclusion for restaurants, but indicated the intent was that 
    all landings of fish harvested in Research Plan fisheries be accounted 
    for so that fees may be assessed based on the amount of fish landed and 
    an annually specified fee per pound.
        Under the definition published in the September 6, 1994, final 
    rule, a tender vessel receiving fish from fishermen for delivery to a 
    shoreside processing facility could be considered a processor. 
    Inclusion of tender vessels as processors for purposes of the Research 
    Plan was not the intent of the final rule implementing the Research 
    Plan and is unnecessary to account for landings of fish. Accordingly, 
    NMFS proposes to revise the definition of ``processor'' so that it is 
    clear that tender vessels are not included.
        The definition of processor in the September 6, 1994, final rule 
    also inadvertently excluded fishermen who transport fish to persons 
    outside the United States. To date, the amount of fish transferred by 
    fishermen to persons outside the United States is believed to be small. 
    However, the halibut and sablefish Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) 
    program scheduled for implementation in 1995 (58 FR 59375, November 9, 
    1993) is anticipated to result in increased deliveries of these species 
    to persons in Canada and elsewhere outside the United States. Such 
    deliveries could result in unreported landings. Consequently, NMFS 
    proposes to revise the definition of ``processor'' to clarify that 
    these fishermen are considered processors so that they are held 
    accountable for payment of billed fee assessments.
    Exemption of Certain Processors From Applying for a Processor 
        The final rule implementing the Research Plan requires that all 
    processors of fish from Research Plan fisheries must have a Federal 
    Processor Permit. This requirement is reasonable for those processors 
    that anticipate participation in a Research Plan fishery, but is not 
    necessary for a fisherman who delivers fish outside of the United 
    States or sells fish directly to restaurants or to individuals for use 
    as bait or personal consumption. Furthermore, the fisherman may not be 
    the owner of the catcher vessel. Vessel owners often cannot anticipate 
    the number or identity of operators of their vessels during a given 
    fishing year. As a result, individual fishermen who are processors 
    under the Research Plan may be difficult to identify until after an 
    Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) fish ticket or other 
    documentation of landing has been submitted. Therefore, this proposed 
    rule would make it explicit that these processors are exempt from such 
        NMFS further notes its intent that the following sections of the 
    Observer Plan still are effective during the first year of the Research 
    Plan (1995): (1) Standards of observer conduct (attachment number 3); 
    and (2) the description, specifications, and work statement for 
    certified domestic observer contractors, including conflict of interest 
    standards for NMFS-certified observers and contractors and conditions 
    for contractor and observer certification revocation (attachment number 
    4). Copies of the Observer Plan dated May 1994 are available from NMFS 
    (see ADDRESSES).
        After the first year of the Research Plan, standards and criteria 
    for conduct, certification, conflict of interest, and revocation of 
    certification of observers and observer contractors will be included as 
    part of the contractual arrangements between NMFS and observer 
        This proposed rule includes minor revisions to the instructions 
    accompanying the collection of information approved by the Office of 
    Management and Budget, OMB control number 0648-0206 (Processor Permit 
    Application). No new information is collected, but the number of 
    persons required to comply with this collection-of-information 
    requirement is reduced.
        The North Pacific Fishery Management Council, NMFS, and the ADF&G 
    prepared a final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis as part of the 
    Regulatory Impact Review prepared for the Research Plan. A copy of this 
    analysis is available from the Council (see ADDRESSES).
        NMFS finds that this proposed action should be implemented as soon 
    as possible so that clear instructions may be sent out to the industry 
    that reflect what will be in place for the 1995 fee collection program 
    authorized under the Research Plan. Delay in implementing the proposed 
    revisions would create unnecessary confusion within the fishing 
    industry concerning implementation of the Research Plan during 1995. 
    NMFS is providing a 15-day comment period to expedite final action 
    while allowing an opportunity for public comment.
        This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 677
        Fisheries, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: November 15, 1994.
    Gary Matlock,
    Program Management Officer, National Marine Fisheries Service.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 677 is 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 677 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. 
        2. In Sec. 677.2, the definitions of ``processor'' and paragraph 
    (1) of ``round-weight or round-weight equivalent'' are revised and the 
    definition of ``tender vessel'' is added, in alphabetical order, to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 677.2  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Processor means any shoreside processing facility or vessel that 
    processes fish, any person who receives fish from fishermen for 
    commercial purposes, any fisherman who transfers fish outside of the 
    United States, and any fisherman who sells fish directly to a 
    restaurant or to an individual for use as bait or personal consumption. 
    Processor does not include a tender vessel or a restaurant, or a person 
    who receives fish from fishermen for personal consumption or bait.
    * * * * *
        Round weight or round-weight equivalent means:
        (1) For groundfish or halibut--the weight of fish calculated by 
    dividing the weight of the primary product made from that fish by the 
    standard product recovery rate for that primary product as listed in 
    Sec. 672.20(j) of this chapter, or, if not listed, the weight of fish 
    calculated by dividing the weight of a primary product by the standard 
    product recovery rate as determined using the best available evidence 
    on a case-by-case basis.
    * * * * *
        Tender vessel means a vessel that does not process fish but that is 
    used to transport fish from another vessel to a shoreside processing 
    facility or to a vessel that processes fish for commercial use or 
    consumption, or for delivery to such a processing facility or vessel.
        3. In Sec. 677.4, paragraph (a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 677.4  Permits.
        (a) General. In addition to the permit and licensing requirements 
    at Sec. 301.3 of this title and Secs. 672.4, 675.4, and Sec. 676.13 of 
    this chapter, a processor of fish from a Research Plan fishery must 
    have a Federal Processor Permit issued by the Regional Director under 
    this section, except that this requirement does not apply to any 
    fisherman who transfers fish outside of the United States, or any 
    fisherman who sells fish directly to a restaurant or to an individual 
    for use as bait or personal consumption. Federal Processor Permits will 
    be issued without charge.
    * * * * *
        4. In Sec. 677.7, paragraph (e) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 677.7  General prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (e) Process or receive fish from a Research Plan fishery without a 
    valid permit issued pursuant to this part.
    * * * * *
        5. In Sec. 677.10, paragraph (a)(1)(i)(C) is revised to read as 
    Sec. 677.10  General requirements.
        (a) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (C) A catcher/processor or catcher vessel 125 ft (38.1 m) LOA or 
    longer must carry a NMFS-certified observer during 100 percent of its 
    fishing days while fishing for groundfish, except for a vessel fishing 
    for groundfish with pot gear as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(F) of 
    this section.
    * * * * *
    Figure 1 to Part 677  [Amended]
        6. Figure 1 to part 677, Federal Processor Permit Application (Form 
    FPP-1), is revised to read as follows:
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-M
    [FR Doc. 94-28683 Filed 11-17-94; 8:57 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-C

Document Information

Commerce Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments on this proposed rule must be received by December 2, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: November 21, 1994, Docket No. 940412-4310, I.D. 102094A
CFR: (6)
50 CFR 672.20(j)
50 CFR 677.10(a)(1)(i)(C)
50 CFR 677.2
50 CFR 677.4
50 CFR 677.7
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