96-29881. Request for a Collection of Information Under the Paperwork Reduction Act; Locating and Paying Participants  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 226 (Thursday, November 21, 1996)]
    [Page 59252]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-29881]
    Request for a Collection of Information Under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act; Locating and Paying Participants
    AGENCY: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
    ACTION: Submission for OMB emergency review; comment request.
    SUMMARY: The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has requested that 
    the Office of Management and Budget approve a collection of information 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The information collection is needed 
    to locate and pay participants and beneficiaries who are entitled to 
    pension benefits under terminated defined benefit pension plans.
    DATES: The PBGC has requested that OMB approve this request by November 
    29, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: All written comments should be addressed to: Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for 
    the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 725 17th Street, NW., Room 
    10235, Washington, DC 20503. The request for approval will be available 
    for public inspection at the PBGC Communications and Public Affairs 
    Department, suite 240, 1200 K Street, NW., Washington, DC 20005, 
    between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Harold J. Ashner, Assistant General 
    Counsel, Office of the General Counsel, Suite 340, 1200 K Street, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20005, 202-326-4024 (202-326-4179 for TTY and TDD). 
    (These are not toll-free numbers.)
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 
    U.S.C. Chapter 35) establishes policies and procedures for controlling 
    the paperwork burdens imposed by Federal agencies on the public. The 
    Act vests the OMB with regulatory responsibility over these burdens, 
    and OMB has promulgated rules on the clearance of collections of 
    information by Federal agencies.
        The PBGC is requesting OMB approval of a collection of information 
    needed to locate and pay participants and beneficiaries who may be 
    entitled to pension benefits under a defined benefit plan that has 
    terminated. The information consists of identifying information that 
    the individual would provide as part of an initial contact with the 
    PBGC and additional information he or she would provide in connection 
    with any application for benefits.
        The PBGC estimates that up to 8,000 individuals will provide the 
    PBGC with identifying information as part of an initial contact and 
    that the associated burden is 2,000 hours (15 minutes per individual). 
    The PBGC further estimates that it will request that up to 1,600 of 
    these individuals submit applications for benefits and that the 
    associated burden is 950 hours (approximately 36 minutes per 
    individual). Thus, the total estimated burden associated with this 
    collection of information is 2,950 hours.
        The PBGC solicits comments to:
        (i) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
    necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
    including whether the information will have practical utility;
        (ii) Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden 
    of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of 
    the methodology and assumptions used;
        (iii) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
    to be collected; and
        (iv) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those 
    who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
    electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
    other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
    submission of responses.
        The PBGC has requested that OMB approve this collection on an 
    emergency basis by November 29, 1996, so that it can promptly initiate 
    a search effort, with a view toward locating individuals entitled to 
    benefits as soon as possible.
        Issued at Washington, D.C., this 19th day of November, 1996.
    Martin Slate,
    Executive Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 96-29881 Filed 11-20-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7708-01-P

Document Information

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Entry Type:
Submission for OMB emergency review; comment request.
Document Number:
The PBGC has requested that OMB approve this request by November 29, 1996.
59252-59252 (1 pages)
PDF File: