96-29931. Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 227 (Friday, November 22, 1996)]
    [Pages 59744-59759]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-29931]
    [[Page 59743]]
    Part IV
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 227 / Friday, November 22, 1996 / 
    [[Page 59744]]
    [OPPTS-51848; FRL-5574-3]
    Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires 
    any person who intends to manufacture or import a new chemical to 
    notify EPA and comply with the statutory provisions pertaining to the 
    manufacture or import of substances not on the TSCA Inventory. Section 
    5 of TSCA also requires EPA to publish receipt and status information 
    in the Federal Register each month reporting premanufacture notices 
    (PMN) and test marketing exemption (TME) application requests received, 
    both pending and expired. The information in this document contains 
    notices received from December 16, 1995 to February 29, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments, identified by the document control number 
    ``[OPPTS-51848]'' and the specific PMN number, if appropriate, should 
    be sent to: Document Control Office (7407), Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
    Rm. ETG-099 Washington, DC 20460.
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by sending 
    electronic mail (e-mail) to: ncic@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic comments 
    must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special 
    characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be 
    accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1 file format or ASCII file 
    format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by 
    the docket number [OPPTS-51848]. No Confidential Business Information 
    (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail. Electronic comments on this 
    notice may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries. 
    Additional information on electronic submissions can be found under 
    ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION'' of this document.
    Environmental Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. E-545, 401 
    M St., SW., Washington, DC, 20460, (202) 554-1404, TDD (202) 554-0551; 
    e-mail: TSCA-Hotline@epamail.epa.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the provisions of TSCA, EPA is 
    required to publish notice of receipt and status reports of chemicals 
    subject to section 5 reporting requirements. The notice requirements 
    are provided in TSCA sections 5(d)(2) and 5(d)(3). Specifically, EPA is 
    required to provide notice of receipt of PMNs and TME application 
    requests received. EPA also is required to identify those chemical 
    submissions for which data has been received, the uses or intended uses 
    of such chemicals, and the nature of any test data which may have been 
    developed. Lastly, EPA is required to provide periodic status reports 
    of all chemical substances undergoing review and receipt of notices of 
        A record has been established for this notice under docket number 
    ``[OPPTS-51848]'' (including comments and data submitted electronically 
    as described below). A public version of this record, including 
    printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include 
    any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 12 
    noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    public record is located in the TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center 
    (NCIC), Rm. NEM-B607, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption.
        The official record for this notice, as well as the public version, 
    as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, EPA will 
    transfer all comments received electronically into printed, paper form 
    as they are received and will place the paper copies in the official 
    record which will also include all comments submitted directly in 
    writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the 
    address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
        In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the 
    status of section 5 filings received, pending or expired, as well as 
    notices reflecting receipt of notices of commencement. In an effort to 
    become more responsive to the regulated community, the users of this 
    information and the general public, to comply with the requirements of 
    TSCA, to conserve EPA resources, and to streamline the process and make 
    it more timely, EPA is consolidating these separate notices into one 
    comprehensive notice that will be issued at regular intervals.
        In this notice, EPA shall provide a consolidated report in the 
    Federal Register reflecting the dates PMN requests were received, the 
    projected notice end date, the manufacturer or importer identity, to 
    the extent that such information is not claimed as confidential and 
    chemical identity, either specific or generic depending on whether 
    chemical identity has been claimed confidential. Additionally, in this 
    same report, EPA shall provide a listing of receipt of new notices of 
        EPA believes the new format of the notice will be easier to 
    understand by the interested public, and provides the information that 
    is of greatest interest to the public users. Certain information 
    provided in the earlier notices will not be provided under the new 
    format. The status reports of substances under review, potential 
    production volume, and summaries of health and safety data will not be 
    provided in the new notices.
        EPA is not providing production volume information in the 
    consolidated notice since such information is generally claimed as 
    confidential. For this reason, there is no substantive loss to the 
    public in not publishing the data. Health and safety data are not 
    summarized in the notice since it is recognized as impossible, given 
    the format of this notice, as well as the previous style of notices, to 
    provide meaningful information on the subject. In those submissions 
    where health and safety data were received by the Agency, a footnote is 
    included by the Manufacturer/Importer identity to indicate its 
    existence. As stated below, interested persons may contact EPA directly 
    to secure information on such studies.
        For persons who are interested in data not included in this notice, 
    access can be secured at EPA Headquarters in the NCIC at the address 
    provided above. Additionally, interested parties may telephone the 
    Document Control Office at (202) 260-1532, TDD (202) 554-0551, for 
    generic use information, health and safety data not claimed as 
    confidential or status reports on section 5 filings.
        Send all comments to the address listed above. All comments 
    received will be reviewed and appropriate amendments will be made as 
    deemed necessary.
        This notice will identify: (I) PMNs received; and (II) Notices of 
    Commencement to manufacture/import.
    [[Page 59745]]
                                                I.  401 Premanufacture Notices Received From: 12/16/95 to 02/29/96                                          
                                                                   Projected Notice End       Manufacturer/                                                 
                  Case No.                    Received Date               Date                  Importer                  Use                 Chemical      
    P-96-0356                            01/11/96                04/10/96                Bostik, Inc.           (G) Open, non-         (G) Polyurethane     
    P-96-0357                            01/11/96                04/10/96                CBI                    (S) Flexographic       (G) Carboxylic       
                                                                                                                 printing plates        polybutadiene       
    P-96-0358                            01/11/96                04/10/96                Ciba-Geigy             (G) Textile ultra-     (G) Chloro,          
                                                                                          Corporation, Textile   violent absorber       sulfoxy,ethyl       
                                                                                          Products Division                             sulfonylphenyl,     
                                                                                                                                        substituted benzene 
                                                                                                                                        sulfonic acid       
    P-96-0359                            01/11/96                04/10/96                Fiber-Resins           (S) Castable urethane  (G) Aliphatic        
                                                                                          Corporation,                                  isocyanate          
    P-96-0360                            01/11/96                04/10/96                Fiber-Resins           (S) Casting compound,  (G) Aromatic         
                                                                                          Corporation            part A                 isocyanate          
    P-96-0361                            01/11/96                04/10/96                CBI                    (G) Resin for          (G) Oil free         
                                                                                                                 printing inks and      terephthalic        
                                                                                                                 coatings               polyester           
    P-96-0362                            01/11/96                04/10/96                CBI                    (G) Thickening         (G) Hydrophobically  
                                                                                                                 compound for aqueous   modified acrylate   
                                                                                                                 systems                copolymer, sodium   
    P-96-0363                            01/11/96                04/10/96                CBI                    (S) Adjuvant for       (G) Organo modified  
                                                                                                                 agrochemicals          heptamethyltrisiloxa
                                                                                                                 (nonoionic             ne                  
    P-96-0364                            01/11/96                04/10/96                CBI                    (G) Synthetic high     (G) Pentaerythritol  
                                                                                                                 temperature            tetraester with     
                                                                                                                 lubricant base stock   mixed fatty acids   
    P-96-0365                            01/11/96                04/10/96                Fiber-Resins           (S) Reverse osmosis    (G) Aromatic         
                                                                                          Corporation            filter adhesive;       isocyanate          
                                                                                                                 casting compound       prepolymer          
    P-96-0366                            01/16/96                04/15/96                Aldrich Chemical       (G) Destructive use    (S) Ethanedione,     
                                                                                          Company, Inc.                                 bis(4-fluorophenyl)-
    P-96-0367                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Urethane foam      (G) Di-T-amine amide 
    P-96-0368                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0369                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0370                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0371                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0372                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0373                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0374                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0375                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0376                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0377                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0378                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0379                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0380                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0381                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0382                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0383                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0384                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0385                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0386                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0387                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0388                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0389                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0390                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0391                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0392                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0393                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0394                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0395                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0396                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0397                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Olefins          
    P-96-0398                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Site-limited       (G) Alkyl nitrile    
    P-96-0399                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0400                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0401                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0402                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             ester               
    P-96-0403                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             ester               
    P-96-0404                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S)Industrial          (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 lubricant and fuel     esters              
    P-96-0405                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Open, dispersive   (G) Alkyl diamine    
    P-96-0406                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Open, dispersive   (G) Alkyl triamine   
    P-96-0407                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Open, dispersive   (G) Alkyl tetramine  
    [[Page 59746]]
    P-96-0408                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Open, dispersive   (G) Alkyl pentamine  
    P-96-0409                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Intermediate       (G) 4-cyano-N-       
                                                                                                                 chemical               heptyltoluene       
                                                                                                                 (penultimate           derivative          
                                                                                                                 material in                                
                                                                                                                 synthetic chain)                           
    P-96-0410                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Printing plate     (G) 4-[bis           
                                                                                                                 additive in open,      (Trichloromethyl)   
                                                                                                                 non-dispersive use     heteromonocycle]-N- 
                                                                                                                                        Nheptyl) benzamide  
    P-96-0411                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Amino epoxy      
                                                                                                                 dispersive use         microgel            
    P-96-0412                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Hydroxy          
                                                                                                                 dispersive             functional oligomer 
    P-96-0413                            01/17/96                04/16/96                3M Company             (S) Hot melt adhesive  (G) Polyurethane     
    P-96-0414                            01/11/96                04/10/96                BASF Wyandotte         (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyether polyol,
                                                                                          Corporation            the production of      salt of             
                                                                                                                 polyether polyols                          
    P-96-0415                            01/11/96                04/10/96                BASF Wyandotte         (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyether polyol,
                                                                                          Corporation            the production of      salt of             
                                                                                                                 polyether polyols                          
    P-96-0416                            01/11/96                04/10/96                Basf Wyandotte         (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyether polyol,
                                                                                          Corporation            the production of      salt of             
                                                                                                                 polyether polyols                          
    P-96-0417                            01/11/96                04/10/96                Basf Wyandotte         (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyether polyol,
                                                                                          Corporation            the production of      salt of             
                                                                                                                 polyether polyols                          
    P-96-0418                            01/11/96                04/10/96                BASF Wyandotte         (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyether polyol,
                                                                                          Corporation            the production of      salt of             
                                                                                                                 polyether polyols                          
    P-96-0419                            01/11/96                04/15/96                BASF Wyandotte         (S) Intermediate for   (G) Polyether polyol,
                                                                                          Corporation            the production of      salt of             
                                                                                                                 polyether polyols                          
    P-96-0420                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (G) Antistatic agent   (G) Ethoxylated alkyl
    P-96-0421                            01/16/96                04/02/96                CBI                    (S) Component of an    (S) 2-propenoic acid,
                                                                                                                 industrial coating     (4-methyl-1,3-      
                                                                                                                 that cures under       phenylene) bis      
                                                                                                                 exposure to            (iminocarbonyloxy-  
                                                                                                                 ultraviolet light or   2,1-ethanediyl)     
                                                                                                                 electron beam          ester               
    P-96-0422                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Adhesive for       (G) Polyester        
                                                                                                                 flexible substrates    urethane polymer    
    P-96-0423                            01/22/96                04/21/96                Eastman Kodak Company  (G) Contained use in   (G) Substituted alkyl
                                                                                                                 an article             amide               
    P-96-0424                            01/11/96                04/10/96                CBI                    (G) Additive, open,    (G) Epoxy resin-fatty
                                                                                                                 non-dispersive         acids copolymer     
    P-96-0425                            01/11/96                04/10/96                CBI                    (G) Additive, open,    (G) Epoxy resin-fatty
                                                                                                                 non-dispersive use     acids copolymer     
    P-96-0426                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0427                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0428                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0429                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0430                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0431                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0432                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0433                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0434                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0435                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0436                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0437                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0438                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0439                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0440                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0441                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0442                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0443                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0444                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    [[Page 59747]]
    P-96-0445                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0446                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0447                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0448                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0449                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0450                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H.B. Fuller Company    (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0451                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0452                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0453                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0454                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0455                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0456                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0457                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0458                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0459                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0460                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0461                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0462                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0463                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0464                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0465                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0466                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0467                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0468                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0469                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0470                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0471                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0472                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0473                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0474                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0475                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0476                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0477                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0478                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0479                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    [[Page 59748]]
    P-96-0480                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0481                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0482                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0483                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0484                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0485                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0486                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0487                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0488                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0489                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0490                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0491                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0492                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0493                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0494                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0495                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0496                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0497                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0498                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0499                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0500                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0501                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0502                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0503                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0504                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0505                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0506                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0507                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0508                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0509                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0510                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0511                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0512                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0513                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0514                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    [[Page 59749]]
    P-96-0515                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0516                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0517                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0518                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0519                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0520                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0521                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0522                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0523                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0524                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0525                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0526                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Ccompany  (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0527                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0528                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0529                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0530                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0531                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0532                            01/11/96                04/26/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0533                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0534                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0535                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0536                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0537                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0538                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0539                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0540                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0541                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0542                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0543                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0544                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0545                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0546                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0547                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0548                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    P-96-0549                            01/11/96                04/24/96                H. B. Fuller Company   (S) Moisture-cure      (G) Isocyanate-      
                                                                                                                 adhesive for variety   terminated polyester
                                                                                                                 of substrates          polyurethane        
    [[Page 59750]]
    P-96-0550                            01/22/96                04/21/96                CBI                    (G) Dye for printing   (G) Metallo, dihydro 
                                                                                                                 material               hydroxy,            
                                                                                                                                        , alkylether, azo,  
                                                                                                                                        carboxylate, salt.  
    P-96-0551                            01/22/96                04/21/96                Eastman Chemical       (S) Chemical           (S) Hexanoic acid, 6-
                                                                                          Company                intermediate for       [(1-oxononyl) amino]-
    P-96-0552                            01/18/96                04/18/96                CBI                    (S) Resin for pigment  (S)                  
                                                                                                                                        ar-methyl, polymer  
                                                                                                                                        with formaldehyde   
                                                                                                                                        and urea            
    P-96-0553                            01/22/96                04/18/96                Eastman Kodak Company  (G) Chemical           (G) Substituted      
                                                                                                                 intermediate           naphthalene         
    P-96-0554                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0555                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0556                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0557                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0558                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0559                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0560                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0561                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0562                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0563                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0564                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             esters              
    P-96-0565                            01/16/96                04/15/96                CBI                    (S) Site-limited       (G) Fatty alcohol    
                                                                                                                 production             ethers              
    P-96-0566                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Polymer            (G) Polyester resin  
                                                                                                                 intermediate for                           
                                                                                                                 open non-dispersive                        
    P-96-0567                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Open,non-          (G) Polyester resin  
                                                                                                                 dispersive coating                         
    P-96-0568                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (S) Coil coating for   (G) Polyester        
                                                                                                                 appliances             containing neopentyl
    P-96-0569                            01/18/96                04/17/96                Fiber-Resins           (S) Potting compound   (G) Aromatic         
                                                                                          Corporation                                   isocyanate          
    P-96-0570                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Polyester polyol 
                                                                                                                 dispersively applied                       
    P-96-0571                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Raw material for   (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 coatings for           resin               
    P-96-0572                            01/16/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Aromatic boron   
    P-96-0573                            01/16/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Open, dispersive   (G) Ethoxylated alkyl
                                                                                                                 use                    quaternary ammonium 
    P-96-0574                            01/16/96                04/17/96                Aldrich Chemical       (G) Destructive use    (S)                  
                                                                                          Company, Inc.                                 Benzaldehyde,2,3,5  
    P-96-0575                            01/23/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Industrial         (G) Polymer of       
                                                                                                                 coating binder         hydroxy polyester   
                                                                                                                 component              acrylate with       
                                                                                                                                        phthalate ester of  
                                                                                                                                        alkyl diglycidyl    
    P-96-0576                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Light duty         (G) Polyoxyethylene  
                                                                                                                 detergent              alkyl citrate       
    P-96-0577                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Light duty         (G) Polyoxyethylene  
                                                                                                                 detergent              alkyl citrate       
    P-96-0578                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Light duty         (G) Polyoxyethylene  
                                                                                                                 detergent              alkyl citrate       
    P-96-0579                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Light duty         (G) Polyoxyethlene   
                                                                                                                 detergent              alkyl citrate       
    P-96-0580                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Light duty         (G) Polyoxyethylene  
                                                                                                                 detergent              alkyl citrate       
    P-96-0581                            01/18/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Light duty         (G) Polyoxyethylene  
                                                                                                                 detergent              alkyl citrate       
    P-96-0582                            01/24/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (S) Spray applied      (G) Amine salt of    
                                                                                                                 coatings               polyurethane resin  
    P-96-0583                            01/25/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Chemical process   (G) Alkyl n-         
                                                                                                                 aid                    heterocycle         
    [[Page 59751]]
    P-96-0584                            01/24/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Organo acid salt 
    P-96-0585                            01/24/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (G) Processing aid     (G) Salt of a        
    P-96-0586                            01/24/96                04/17/96                Goldschmidt Chemical   (G) Open, non          (G) Acrylmodified    
                                                                                          Corporation            dispersive use         polysiloxane        
    P-96-0587                            01/23/96                04/17/96                CBI                    (S) Castable urethane  (G) Aromatic         
                                                                                                                 part A                 isocyanate          
    P-96-0588                            01/16/96                04/15/96                Ciba-Geigy             (G) Textile dye        (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Corporation                                   naphthalenesulfonic 
                                                                                                                                        acid azo            
                                                                                                                                        naphthalenyly amino 
                                                                                                                                        substituted alkane  
    P-96-0589                            01/26/96                04/25/96                CBI                    (G) Thickening         (G) N,N-dimethyl     
                                                                                                                 compound for aqueous   amino ethyl         
                                                                                                                 systems                methacrylate-ethyl  
                                                                                                                                        acrylate copolymer  
    P-96-0590                            01/30/96                04/24/96                Cytec Iindustries      (G) Resin for on-      (G) Substituted      
                                                                                                                 dispresive use         polyimide resin     
    P-96-0591                            01/25/96                04/24/96                Fiber-Resins           (S) Casting urethane   (G) Aliphatic        
                                                                                          Corporation            part a                 isocyanate          
    P-96-0592                            01/30/96                04/29/96                CBI                    (G) Coating material   (G) Polycarbonate    
    P-96-0593                            01/26/96                04/25/96                CBI                    (G) Lubricant          (G) Alkyl substituted
                                                                                                                 additive               phenyl glycidyl     
    P-96-0594                            01/30/96                04/29/96                Cytec Industries       (G) Captive            (G) Substituted      
                                                                                                                 intermediate           aromatic imide      
    P-96-0595                            01/24/96                04/23/96                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                                        basecoat resin      
    P-96-0596                            01/24/96                04/23/96                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                                        basecoat resin      
    P-96-0597                            01/24/96                04/23/96                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                                        basecoat resin      
    P-96-0598                            01/24/96                04/23/96                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                                        basecoat resin      
    P-96-0599                            01/26/96                04/25/96                E. I. DuPont -         (S) Industrial         (G) 5-substituted    
                                                                                          Agricultural           intermediate           hexanamide          
    P-96-0600                            01/31/96                04/30/96                Ausimont USA, Inc.     (S) High performance   (G)                  
                                                                                                                 fluid for              Poly(perfluoropropyl
                                                                                                                 electronics; heat      ene oxide)          
                                                                                                                 transfer fluid;                            
    P-96-0601                            01/26/96                04/25/96                Aldrich Chemical       (G) Destructive use    (S) 8-               
                                                                                          Company, Inc.                                 Azabicyclo[3,2,1]oct
                                                                                                                                        an-3-one, 8-methyl  
    P-96-0602                            01/29/96                04/28/96                The Dow Chemical       (G) General metal      (S) 2-propenioc acid,
                                                                                          Company                coatings               2-methyl-, 2-       
                                                                                                                                        ethyl ester         
    P-96-0603                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (S) Adhesion promoter  (G) Organofunctional 
                                                                                                                 for adhesives and      silane ester        
                                                                                                                 crosslinker for                            
                                                                                                                 industrial coating                         
    P-96-0604                            01/31/96                04/30/96                Spies Hecker, Inc.     (S) Binder for paints  (S) 2-methyl-2-      
                                                                                                                 (esp. clear coats)     propenoic acid butyl
                                                                                                                                        ester, polymer with 
                                                                                                                                        ethenyl methyl      
                                                                                                                                        benzene and methyl 2-
    P-96-0605                            01/31/96                04/30/96                W. R. Grace            (G) Mineral            (G) Ethanolamine     
                                                                                                                 processing additive    acetate             
                                                                                                                                        acetate solution    
    P-96-0606                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Site limited       (G) Amino-           
                                                                                                                 intermediate           benzothiazolyl      
                                                                                                                                        substituted phenol  
                                                                                                                                        phosphoric acid salt
    P-96-0607                            01/31/96                04/30/96                Spies Hecker, Inc.     (S) Wire enamels       (S) 1,4-             
                                                                                                                                        acid, dimethyl      
                                                                                                                                        ester, polymer with 
                                                                                                                                        lic acid, 1,2-      
                                                                                                                                        ethanediol, 2-ethyl-
                                                                                                                                        1,3-propanediol, 4,4-
                                                                                                                                        mine) and 1,2,3-    
    P-96-0608                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0609                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrulic resin   
    P-96-0610                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrulic resin   
    P-96-0611                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrulic resin   
    P-96-0612                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrulic resin   
    P-96-0613                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrulic resin   
    P-96-0614                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrulic resin   
    P-96-0615                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrulic resin   
    P-96-0616                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0617                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    [[Page 59752]]
    P-96-0618                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0619                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0620                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0621                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0622                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0623                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0624                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0625                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0626                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0627                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0628                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0629                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0630                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0631                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0632                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0633                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0634                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0635                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0636                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0637                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Neutralized      
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyacrylic resin   
    P-96-0638                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0639                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0640                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0641                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0642                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0643                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0644                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0645                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (G) Component of       (G) Amine functional 
                                                                                                                 coating with open      polyoxypropylene    
                                                                                                                 use                    polyurethane        
    P-96-0646                            01/31/96                04/30/96                CBI                    (S) Coatings           (G) Urethane modified
    P-96-0647                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0648                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0649                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0650                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0651                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0652                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0653                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0654                            02/06/96                04/05/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Alkyl phenol     
    P-96-0655                            02/02/96                04/01/96                CBI                    (G) Destructive use    (G) Branched         
    P-96-0656                            02/05/96                04/05/96                Dow Corning Company    (S) Silicone fabric    (G) Amino-functional 
                                                                                                                 softener               polydimethylsiloxane
    [[Page 59753]]
    P-96-0657                            02/05/96                04/05/96                NAa Industries, Inc.   (S) Curing agent for   (S) 2-propenoic acid,
                                                                                                                 epoxy resins           2-methyl, methy     
                                                                                                                                        ester, polymer with 
                                                                                                                                        aziridine, butyl 2- 
                                                                                                                                        ethenylbenzene and 2-
                                                                                                                                        propenoic acid,     
    P-96-0658                            02/05/96                04/25/96                Dystar L.P.            (S) Dyeing of          (G) Tri-substituted  
                                                                                                                 polyester fiber        acetanilide         
    P-96-0659                            02/06/96                05/06/96                E. I. DuPont -         (S) Industrial         (G) Carbomethoxy     
                                                                                          Agricultural           intermediate           imino               
                                                                                          Products                                      heteromonocycle     
    P-96-0660                            02/06/96                05/06/96                E. I. DuPont-          (S) Industrial         (G) N-carbomethoxy-5-
                                                                                          Agricultural           intermediate           substituted-        
                                                                                          Products                                      pentanamine         
    P-96-0661                            02/06/96                05/06/96                AKZO Nobel Resins      (S) Resin used to      (G) Hydroxy acrylic  
                                                                                                                 manufacturing          resin               
                                                                                                                 industrial ctgs.                           
    P-96-0662                            02/06/96                05/06/96                AKZO Nobel Resins      (S) Resin used to      (G) Hydroxy acrylic  
                                                                                                                 mfg. industrial        resin               
    P-96-0663                            02/06/96                05/06/96                AKZO Nobel Resins      (S) Resin used to      (G) Hydroxy acrylic  
                                                                                                                 mfg. industrial        resin               
    P-96-0664                            02/06/96                05/06/96                Dystar L. P.           (S) Reactive dye for   (G) Tri-substituted  
                                                                                                                 cellulose powder       naphthalene         
                                                                                                                 formulation;           disulfonic acid salt
                                                                                                                 reactive dye for                           
                                                                                                                 cellulose liquid                           
    P-96-0665                            02/06/96                05/06/96                Dystar L. P.           (S) Reactive dye for   (G) Tri-substituted  
                                                                                                                 cellulose powder       naphthalene         
                                                                                                                 formulation;           disulfonic acid salt
                                                                                                                 reaction dye for                           
                                                                                                                 cellulose liquid                           
    P-96-0666                            02/01/96                05/01/96                Cerdec Corporation;    (G) Glass enamel       (S) Bismuth oxide    
                                                                                                                 additive               silicate (bi 2      
    P-96-0667                            02/01/96                05/01/96                Cerdec Corporation     (G) Glass enamel       (S) Silicate acid    
                                                                                                                 additive               (H4SIOA), bismuth   
                                                                                                                                        (3+) salt (3:4)     
    P-96-0668                            02/01/96                05/01/96                Cerdec Corporation     (G) Glass enamel       (S) Bismuth oxid     
                                                                                                                 additive               silicate (bi 12 o   
    P-96-0669                            02/06/96                05/06/96                S. C. Johnson & Son,   (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic emulsion 
                                                                                          Inc.                   dispersive use.        polymer             
    P-96-0670                            02/06/96                05/06/96                S. C. Johnson & Son,   (G) Open, non-         (G) Acrylic emulsion 
                                                                                          Inc.                   dispersive use.        polymer             
    P-96-0671                            02/06/96                05/06/96                Daicolor-Pope, Inc.    (G) This substance is  (G) Copper           
                                                                                                                 added during pigment   phthalocyanine,     
                                                                                                                 manufacture. the       alkylaminomethyl    
                                                                                                                 resulting treated      derivative          
                                                                                                                 pigment has superior                       
    P-96-0672                            02/06/96                05/06/96                Stamford Chemicals     (G) Polymeric          (G) Aqueous copolymer
                                                                                          Corporation            thickener                                  
    P-96-0673                            02/07/96                05/07/96                CBI                    (G) Additive, open,    (G) Siloxanes and    
                                                                                                                 non-dispersive use     silicones, di-me,   
                                                                                                                                        polyether polyester 
    P-96-0674                            02/07/96                05/07/96                E. I. DuPont de        (S) Additive for       (G) Parially         
                                                                                          Nemours & Company      fibers to provide      fluorinated         
                                                                                                                 water and oil          aliphatic ester     
    P-96-0675                            02/07/96                05/07/96                E. I. DuPont de        (S) Isolated           (G) Partially        
                                                                                          Nemours & Company,     intermediate for       fluorinated         
                                                                                                                 final PMN product      alkylcarboxylic acid
    P-96-0676                            02/07/96                05/07/96                Eastman Kodak Company  (G) Chemical           (G) Halo amino       
                                                                                                                 intermediate           benzoic acid        
    P-96-0677                            02/09/96                05/09/96                3M Company             (G) Coating            (G) 2-propenoic acid 
    P-96-0678                            02/09/96                05/09/96                CBI                    (G) Open, non-         (G) Potassium        
                                                                                                                 dispersive             aspartate           
    P-96-0679                            02/12/96                05/12/96                Henkel Corporation     (G) Energy curable     (S) Poly oxy-1,2-    
                                                                                                                 compounds              ethanediyl,(bis x,x'-
                                                                                                                                        1,6-hexanediyl bis  
                                                                                                                                        propenyl)oxy hydroxy-
    P-96-0680                            02/12/96                05/12/96                Henkel Corporation     (G) Energy curable     (S) Poly oxy-1,2-    
                                                                                                                 compounds              ethanediyl,(bis x,x'-
                                                                                                                                        1,6-hexanediyl bis  
                                                                                                                                        propenyl)oxy hydroxy-
    P-96-0681                            02/12/96                05/12/96                Henkel Corporation     (S) Intermediate       (S) Poly oxy-1,2-    
                                                                                                                                        ethanediyl,(bis x,x'-
                                                                                                                                        1,6-hexanediyl bis  
                                                                                                                                        propenyl)oxy hydroxy-
    P-96-0682                            02/12/96                05/12/96                Henkel Corporation     (S) Intermediate       (S) Poly oxo(methyl- 
                                                                                                                                        1,2- ethanediyl)x,x'
                                                                                                                                        1,6-hexanediyl bis(w-
    P-96-0683                            02/12/96                05/12/96                CBI                    (G) Bis phenyl                              
                                                                                                                 substituted urea                           
    P-96-0684                            02/12/96                05/12/96                Orient Chemical        (S) Printing ink       (S) Carbon black,    
                                                                                          Corporation                                   carboxy-modified,   
                                                                                                                                        sodium salts        
    P-96-0685                            02/14/96                04/30/96                Westvaco Corporation   (G) Coupler/carrier    (G) C5 oligimers and 
                                                                                                                 for corrosion          naphtha steam       
                                                                                                                 inhibitors             cracked reaction    
    P-96-0686                            02/14/96                04/30/96                Westvaco Corporation   (G) Coupler/carrier    (G) Hack oligimers   
                                                                                                                 for corrosion          and naphtha steam   
                                                                                                                 inhibitors             cracked reaction    
    P-96-0687                            02/14/96                04/30/96                Westvaco Corporation   (G) Coupler/carrier    (G) C5 oligimers and 
                                                                                                                 for corrosion          naphtha steam       
                                                                                                                 inhibitors             cracked reaction    
    P-96-0688                            02/14/96                04/30/96                Westvaco Corporation   (G) Coupler/carrier    (G) C5 oligimers and 
                                                                                                                 for corrosion          naphtha steam       
                                                                                                                 inhibitors             cracked reaction    
                                                                                                                                        heads over          
    [[Page 59754]]
    P-96-0689                            02/12/96                05/12/96                Ciba-Geigy             (G) Textile dye        (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Corporation                                   phenyl azo          
                                                                                                                                        naphthalenyl amino  
                                                                                                                                        substituted alkyl   
    P-96-0690                            02/13/96                05/13/96                CBI                    (G) Component in       (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 polyurethane           prepolymer          
    P-96-0691                            02/13/96                05/13/96                Mona Industries, Inc.  (S) Cleaners           (G) Potassium        
                                                                                                                 specialty cleaners     alkanonate          
                                                                                                                 exempt personal care                       
    P-96-0692                            02/13/96                05/13/96                R. T. Vanderbilt       (S) Neoprene curing    (G) 1,3,4-thiadiazole
                                                                                                                 agent                  derivative          
    P-96-0693                            02/14/96                05/14/96                CBI                    (G) Additive for oil   (S) Phosphonic acid, 
                                                                                                                 well cement            [1,2-ethanediylbis  
                                                                                                                                        pentasodium salt    
    P-96-0694                            02/14/96                05/14/96                Fiber-Resins           (S) Adhesive; casting  (G) Aromatic         
                                                                                          Corporation            compounds              isocyanate          
    P-96-0695                            02/16/96                05/16/96                Dow Corning            (S) Silcone adhesion   (G) Silylated        
                                                                                                                 promoter               polyglycol          
    P-96-0696                            02/20/96                05/20/96                The Dow Chemical       (S) Latex binder for   (G) Carboxylated     
                                                                                          Company                paper coating          styrene-butadiene   
                                                                                                                 application            polymer             
    P-96-0697                            02/20/96                05/20/96                The Dow Chemical       (S) Latex binder for   (G) Carboxylated     
                                                                                          Company                paper coating          styrene-butadiene   
                                                                                                                 application            polymer             
    P-96-0698                            02/20/96                05/20/96                The Dow Chemical       (S) Latex binder for   (G) Carboxylated     
                                                                                          Company                paper coating          styrene-butadiene   
                                                                                                                 application            polymer             
    P-96-0699                            02/14/96                05/14/96                Hercules Incorporated  (G) Papermaking        (G)Epichlorohydrin   
                                                                                                                 production aid         modified polyamide  
                                                                                                                                        polyvinyl acohol    
    P-96-0700                            02/16/96                05/16/96                CBI                    (G) Paint              (G) Polyurethane     
    P-96-0701                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (G) Petroleum          (S) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 hydrocarbon additive   unsaturated.,       
                                                                                                                                        dimers, compds. with
    P-96-0702                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (G) Open,              (G) Substituted      
                                                                                                                 nondispersive use      phenyl azo          
                                                                                                                                        substituted sulfo   
    P-96-0703                            02/20/96                05/20/96                Ciba-Geigy             (S) Extrudable master  (S) Formaldehyde,    
                                                                                          Corporation            model paste hardener   polymer with alpha- 
                                                                                                                                        e and phenol        
    P-96-0704                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethylenediamine, a  
                                                                                                                 television             dibasic acid,       
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        diamines and a mono-
                                                                                                                 housings.              basic acid          
    P-96-0705                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethylenediamine,    
                                                                                                                 television             tall-oil fatty      
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        acids, a dibasic    
                                                                                                                 housing.               acid and diamines   
    P-96-0706                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethylenediamine,    
                                                                                                                 television             tall-oil fatty      
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        acids, a dibasic    
                                                                                                                 housing.               acid, and diamines  
    P-96-0707                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethylenediamine, a  
                                                                                                                 television             dibasic acid,       
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        diamines and a mono-
                                                                                                                 housing.               basic acid          
    P-96-0708                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethylenediamine, a  
                                                                                                                 television             dibasic acid,       
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        diamines and a mono-
                                                                                                                 housing.               basic acid.         
    P-96-0709                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethyleneidiamine,   
                                                                                                                 television             tall-oil fatty acids
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        a dibasic acid and  
                                                                                                                 housing.               diamines            
    P-96-0710                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethylenediamine, a  
                                                                                                                 television             dibasic acid and a  
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        diamines            
    P-96-0711                            02/20/96                05/20/96                CBI                    (S) As a hot melt      (G) Fatty acids, C18-
                                                                                                                 adhesive to bond       unsaturated, dimers,
                                                                                                                 copper wire coils to   polymers with       
                                                                                                                 noryl plastic          ethylenediamine, a  
                                                                                                                 television             dibasic acid and a  
                                                                                                                 deflection yoke        diamine             
    P-96-0712                            02/21/96                05/21/96                CBI                    (G) Chemical           (G) Macrocyclic      
                                                                                                                 intermediate           hydroperoxide       
    P-96-0713                            02/21/96                05/21/96                CBI                    (G) Pressure-          (G) Hydrogenated     
                                                                                                                 sensitive adhesive     petroleum resin     
    P-96-0714                            02/21/96                05/21/96                Bostik, Inc.           (G) Open-non           (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 dispersive use                             
    [[Page 59755]]
    P-96-0715                            02/22/96                05/22/96                Worthen Industries,    (S) Primer for         (S) Propanoic acid, 3-
                                                                                          Inc.                   thermoplastic          hydroxy-2-          
                                                                                                                 polyolefin in          (hydroxymethyl)-2-  
                                                                                                                 automotive             methyl-, polymer    
                                                                                                                 applications           with 1,1-           
                                                                                                                                        e], 2-oxepanone and 
                                                                                                                                        2,2 -               
                                                                                                                                        compound with N,N-  
    P-96-0716                            02/23/96                05/23/96                E. I. Dupont de        (G) Film additive      (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Nemours & Co.                                 biphenol            
    P-96-0717                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (S) Hardener for       (G) 4,4-             
                                                                                                                 architectural          (methylethylidene)bi
                                                                                                                 coatings hardener      sphenol, polymer    
                                                                                                                 for metal primers      with                
                                                                                                                 for maintenance        (chloromethyl)oxiran
                                                                                                                 coatings               e, reaction products
                                                                                                                                        with alkylglycidyl  
                                                                                                                                        ethers and          
    P-96-0718                            02/23/96                05/23/96                E. I. Dupont de        (G) Synthetic          (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Nemours & Co.          intermediate,          biphenol            
                                                                                                                 totally consumed                           
    P-96-0719                            02/26/96                05/26/96                CBI                    (G) Lubrication oil    (G) Alkylbenzene     
                                                                                                                 additives              sulfonic acid,      
                                                                                                                                        calcium salt        
    P-96-0720                            02/26/96                05/26/96                CBI                    (G) Lubrication oil    (G) Alkylbenzene     
                                                                                                                 additives              sulfonic acid,      
                                                                                                                                        barium salt         
    P-96-0721                            02/26/96                05/26/96                CBI                    (G) Lubrication oil    (G) Alkylbenzene     
                                                                                                                 additives              sulfonic acid,      
                                                                                                                                        calcium salt        
    P-96-0722                            02/26/96                05/26/96                CBI                    (G) Lubrication oil    (G) Alkylbenzene     
                                                                                                                 additives              sulfonic acid       
    P-96-0723                            02/26/96                05/26/96                CBI                    (G) Soluble oil        (G) Alkylbenzene     
                                                                                                                 additives              sulfonic acid,      
                                                                                                                                        sodium salt         
    P-96-0724                            02/26/96                05/20/96                Uniroyal Chemical      (S) Rubber             (S) 2-               
                                                                                          Company.               crossinglinking        benzothiazolesulfena
                                                                                                                 accelerator            mide, N-(2-         
    P-96-0725                            02/23/96                05/23/96                Dow Corning            (S) Chemical           (S) M-               
                                                                                                                 intermediate           (diacetoxyiodo)tolue
    P-96-0726                            02/23/96                05/23/96                Dow Corning            (G) Catalyst in a      (S) Ioduim, (3-      
                                                                                                                 coating formulation    methylphenyl)phenyl-
                                                                                                                                        , ar-C14-30-alkyl   
                                                                                                                                        derivs., salts with 
                                                                                                                                        onic acid (1:1)     
    P-96-0727                            02/27/96                05/13/96                I C & S Distributing   (S) An ingredient of   (S) Polymer of:      
                                                                                          Company                a wood coating         ethanol,2,2-oxybis; 
                                                                                                                                        1,2-propanediol; 2- 
                                                                                                                                        butenedioic acid;   
                                                                                                                                        ; 1-butanol, 2,2-   
    P-96-0728                            02/27/96                05/13/96                I C & S Distributing   (S) An ingredient of   (S) Polymer of: 1,2- 
                                                                                          Company                a wood coating         ethanediol;         
                                                                                                                                        2-butenedioic acid; 
                                                                                                                                        1-butanol, 2,2-     
    P-96-0729                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Additive           (G) Substituted      
                                                                                                                 precursor              alkylenepolyamine   
    P-96-0730                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0731                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0732                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0733                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0734                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0735                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0736                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0737                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0738                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0739                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0740                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0741                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0742                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0743                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    P-96-0744                            02/23/96                05/23/96                CBI                    (G) Specialty          (G) Salt of a        
                                                                                                                 additive               substituted         
    [[Page 59756]]
    P-96-0745                            02/26/96                05/26/96                CBI                    (G) Petroleum          (G) Alkyl-substituted-
                                                                                                                 hydrocarbon process    N-heterocycle       
    P-96-0746                            02/26/96                05/26/96                Engelhard Corporation  (S) As a organic       (G) Organic orange   
                                                                                                                 pigment in plastics    pigment             
                                                                                                                 and coatings and                           
    P-96-0747                            02/27/96                05/27/96                Huls America Inc.      (S) Pigment dipersant  (S) 2,5-furandione,  
                                                                                                                 for waterborne         polymer with        
                                                                                                                 industrial coatings    ethenylbenzene,     
                                                                                                                                        propyl ester, compd.
                                                                                                                                        with 2-amino-2-     
    P-96-0748                            02/27/96                05/27/96                CBI                    (G) Polyurethane       (G) Polyurethane     
                                                                                                                 adhesive component     prepolymer          
    P-96-0749                            02/27/96                05/27/96                Ciba-Geigy             (G) Textile dye        (G) Substituted      
                                                                                          Corporation, Textile                          phenyl azo          
                                                                                          Products Division                             sustituted phenyl   
                                                                                                                                        substituted phenyl  
    P-96-0750                            02/27/96                05/27/96                CBI                    (G) Coloring material  (G) Tetraazo         
                                                                                                                 for printing ink.      naphthalene sulfonic
    P-96-0751                            02/27/96                05/27/96                R.T. Vanderbilt        (S) Friction modifier  (G) Organomolybdenum 
                                                                                                                 for engine oil         complex of organic  
    P-96-0754                            02/28/96                05/28/96                E. I. Dupont -         (S) Industrial         (G) 2-substituted-1- 
                                                                                          agricultural           intermediate           ol benzene sulfonate
    P-96-0755                            02/27/96                05/27/96                CBI                    (G) Modified epoxy     (G) Modified epoxy   
                                                                                                                 used in a structual    resin               
                                                                                                                 composite matrix                           
    P-96-0756                            02/28/96                05/28/96                E. I. Dupont -         (S) Industrial         (G) 1-               
                                                                                          Agricultural           intermediate           Piperidinecarboxylic
                                                                                          Products                                      acid, 2-[(dichloro- 
                                                                                                                                        zono]-,methyl ester 
    P-96-0757                            02/28/96                05/28/96                E. I. Dupont -         (S) Industrial         (G) Dichloro,        
                                                                                          Agricultural           intermediate           hydroxy, hydrazino- 
                                                                                          Products                                      carbomonocycle      
    P-96-0758                            02/28/96                05/28/96                E. I. Dupont -         (S) Industrial         (G) Dichloro,        
                                                                                          Agricultural           intermediate           hydroxy, hydrazino- 
                                                                                          Products                                      carbomonocycle-     
                           II. 144 Notices of Commencement Received From: 12/16/95 to 02/29/96                      
                  Case No.                   Received Date              Date                      Chemical          
    P-87-1559                           08/10/87               01/16/96               (G)Polymer of aliphthalic     
                                                                                       diisocyanate and a diol      
    P-88-2247                           08/28/89               11/01/96               (G)Sulfonated polyacrylate    
                                                                                       mixed ammonium sodium salt;  
                                                                                       sulfonated polyacrylate      
                                                                                       ammonium salt                
    P-89-0538                           03/27/89               02/22/96               (G)Aliphatic dione            
    P-90-1835                           04/23/90               01/30/96               (G) alkylnaphthalene          
    P-91-0303                           02/14/96               04/15/92               (G) Diquaterneric             
    P-92-0782                           02/21/96               01/26/96               (G) Crosslinked acrylic       
    P-92-0894                           05/18/96               02/29/96               (G)High heat polyurethane     
    P-92-1317                           01/30/96               12/29/95               (S) Benzenepropanol,beta-     
    P-93-0018                           02/28/96               02/07/96               (G) N,N-dimethylethanolamine  
                                                                                       salted, acid functional,     
                                                                                       styrenated acrylic polymer   
    P-93-0311                           01/23/96               01/03/96               (G) Organofunctional silica   
    P-93-0347                           12/30/96               02/29/96               (S) Ethylene carbonmonoxide   
                                                                                       copolymer oxygen             
    P-93-0453                           01/21/93               02/28/96               (S)Titanium IV tetrakis       
                                                                                       tridecanolato, adduct 2 moles
                                                                                       of tris tridecyl phosphate   
    P-93-0454                           0121/93                02/28/96               (S)Zirconium IV tetrakis      
                                                                                       tridecanolato, adduct 2 moles
                                                                                       of tris tridecyl phosphate   
    P-93-0562                           01/21/96               12/21/95               (S) Phosphonic acid,          
                                                                                       ethenylidene bis-, tetrakis(1-
    P-93-0591                           02/28/96               11/01/95               (S) Zirconium iv bis hydrogen,
                                                                                       tris (bis tridecyl)          
                                                                                       diphosphato-o bis N,N-       
                                                                                       dimethylamino propyl         
                                                                                       methacylamide salt           
    P-93-0592                           02/22/93               02/28/96               (G) Oxy bis titanium IV       
                                                                                       (tridecyl) phosphate-o       
    P-93-0593                           02/28/96               11/01/95               (S) Oxy bis zirconium iv tris 
                                                                                       (tridecyl) phosphato-o       
    P-93-0594                           02/28/96               11/01/95               (S)Oxy bis titanium iv tris   
                                                                                       (ethoxylated butyl) phosphato-
    P-93-0595                           02/28/96               11/01/95               (S)Oxy bis zirconium iv tris  
                                                                                       (ethoxylated butyl) phosphato-
    P-93-0620                           02/21/96               01/30/96               (G) Aryl, cyano, phosphorus   
                                                                                       ester based olefin polymer   
    P-93-0633                           02/06/96               01/10/96               (G) Aliphatic ester           
    P-93-0676                           02/21/96               02/08/96               (G) Aryl, cyano, phosphorus   
                                                                                       ester based olefin polymer,  
                                                                                       sulfonated and hydrolyzed    
    P-93-0678                           02/21/96               02/08/96               (G) Aryl,cyano,phosporus ester
                                                                                       based olefin polymer,        
                                                                                       sulfonated and hydrolyzed,   
                                                                                       alkali salt                  
    P-93-0937                           02/28/96               11/01/95               (S) Butanolato oligo          
                                                                                       oxyethylene hydroxy acetate  
    P-93-1693                           01/11/96               12/08/95               (G) Modified olefinic         
                                                                                       hydrocarbon resin            
    P-94-0612                           01/11/96               05/17/94               (G) Cyclohexane, 5-isocyanato-
                                                                                       trimethyl-, polymer with 5-  
                                                                                       , alkanediol, hexanedioic    
                                                                                       acid, dimethylalkanediol and 
    P-94-0619                           01/18/96               01/05/96               (G) Polymeric colorant        
    [[Page 59757]]
    P-94-0671                           02/20/96               01/30/96               (G) Aminoalkyl-alkoxysilane   
    P-94-1017                           01/25/96               01/09/96               (G) Substituted urea          
    P-94-1018                           02/21/96               02/05/96               (G) Substituted guanidine     
    P-94-1019                           02/21/96               02/08/96               (G) Quaternary ammonium halide
    P-94-1117                           01/31/96               01/23/96               (G) Rosin, maleated, polymer  
                                                                                       with an alkylphenol,         
                                                                                       carboxylic acids,            
                                                                                       formaldehyde and a polyol    
    P-94-1126                           01/30/96               12/28/95               (G) Water polyurethane        
    P-94-1415                           01/31/96               01/15/96               (G) Poly hydroxy poly amino   
    P-94-1476                           02/14/96               09/23/94               (G) Modified silicone resin   
    P-94-1521                           01/23/96               01/05/96               (G) Adipic acid, polymer with 
                                                                                       diols and a monohydric       
    P-94-1743                           01/11/96               12/09/95               (G) Isophorone diisocyanate   
                                                                                       neopentyl glycol adipate     
                                                                                       polyurethane prepolymer      
    P-94-1843                           01/16/96               12/06/95               (G) Polyaromatic polymer      
    P-94-1891                           01/11/96               11/13/95               (G) Perflouroalkylethyl       
                                                                                       acrylate copolymer           
    P-94-1928                           02/06/96               01/08/96               (G) Copolyester               
    P-94-1960                           02/28/96               01/30/96               (G) Ethylene interpolymer     
    P-94-2061                           01/11/96               11/22/95               (G) Benzotriazole derivative  
    P-94-2237                           01/11/96               12/15/95               (G) Diol ethoxylated          
    P-95-0014                           02/01/96               01/11/96               (G) Rosin, maleated polymer,  
                                                                                       with substituted phenols,    
                                                                                       paraformaldehyde and         
    P-95-0194                           01/29/96               01/02/96               (G) Perfluoropolyether diol   
    P-95-0241                           01/11/96               11/13/95               (G) Perfluoroalkylethyl       
                                                                                       acrylate copolymer           
    P-95-0243                           01/16/96               12/20/95               (G) Poly alkylphenol          
    P-95-0248                           01/30/96               01/04/96               (G) Aminofunctional siliconate
    P-95-0422                           01/31/96               12/26/95               (G) Substituted               
                                                                                       cyclopentadienyl metal       
    P-95-0514                           02/20/96               02/07/96               (G) Substituted diphenyl azo  
    P-95-0535                           02/15/96               02/08/96               (G) Reaction products of      
                                                                                       formalin (37%) with amine C- 
                                                                                       12 [the fractional forecuts- 
                                                                                       diethylene glycol and        
    P-95-0536                           01/11/96               11/30/95               (G) Sodium group iva metal    
    P-95-0576                           02/13/96               02/04/96               (G) Acrylate/acrylonitrile    
    P-95-0600                           01/23/96               01/11/96               (G) Alkoxysilane-isocyanate   
                                                                                       terminated polyether based   
                                                                                       urethane prepolymer          
    P-95-0640                           02/23/96               02/06/96               (G) Epoxy ester polymer       
    P-95-0725                           01/22/96               12/29/95               (G) PEG polymer with mono-and 
                                                                                       di-functional hydroxy-and    
                                                                                       amino-alkanes, alkanoic acid 
                                                                                       and alkanedioic acid.        
    P-95-0726                           01/22/96               12/29/95               (G) PEG polymer with mono-and 
                                                                                       di-functional hydroxy-and    
                                                                                       amino-alkanes, alkanoic acid 
                                                                                       and alkanedioic acid.        
    P-95-0732                           01/11/96               12/23/95               (G) Silyloxy organolithium    
    P-95-0750                           02/27/96               02/08/96               (G) Polyamide resin           
    P-95-0886                           01/11/96               12/01/95               (G) Acrylic resin salt        
    P-95-0888                           02/06/96               01/05/96               (G) Acrylic resin salt        
    P-95-0975                           01/30/96               01/26/96               (G) Aluminum organometallic   
    P-95-1197                           01/11/96               12/05/95               (G) Modified epoxy resin      
    P-95-1198                           01/11/96               12/05/95               (G) Acrylic resin salt        
    P-95-1201                           01/11/96               11/29/95               (G) Acrylate polymer          
    P-95-1220                           02/26/96               02/05/96               (G) Fatty acid diamide        
    P-95-1327                           02/05/96               10/06/95               (G) Polyhydroxyester of       
                                                                                       epoxidized soybean oil with  
                                                                                       anlky-aryl sulphonic acids   
    P-95-1331                           01/16/96               01/10/96               (G) Substituted phenyl azo    
                                                                                       naphthalenesulfonic acid azo 
                                                                                       phenyl amino substituted     
                                                                                       naphthalenesulfonic acid     
    P-95-1333                           01/11/96               12/14/95               (S) A mixture of potassium    
                                                                                       fluoroaluminate known as fl-7
                                                                                       containing 15-25% dipotassium
                                                                                       pentafluoro aluminate        
                                                                                       monohydrate and 75-85%       
                                                                                       potassium aluminum fluoride  
    P-95-1350                           02/07/96               01/18/96               (G) Heterocyclic aromatic     
    P-95-1361                           01/16/96               12/11/95               (S) Benzoic acid, 2-[(2-      
                                                                                       1naphtaneyl) azo]-aluminum   
    P-95-1397                           02/15/96               01/25/96               (G) Amine sulfonate monomer   
    P-95-1398                           02/28/96               02/09/96               (G) Vinyl chloride, polymer   
                                                                                       with vinyl acetate and amine 
                                                                                       sulfonate monomer.           
    P-95-1399                           02/28/96               02/09/96               (G) Vinyl chloride, polymer   
                                                                                       with vinyl acetate and amine 
                                                                                       sulfonate monomer.           
    P-95-1411                           01/11/96               12/27/95               (G) Substituted malonic acid, 
    P-95-1421                           01/31/96               01/11/96               (G) Polyhydroxy polyphosphate 
                                                                                       ester salt                   
    P-95-1439                           01/23/96               12/27/95               (G) Hydroxy functional acrylic
    P-95-1467                           01/22/96               01/04/96               (G) Substituted aromatic      
    P-95-1471                           02/20/96               01/10/96               (G) Epoxy amine adduct        
    P-95-1472                           02/14/96               01/10/96               (G) Component in an epoxy     
    P-95-1508                           02/01/96               01/08/96               (G) Acid functional acrylic   
    P-95-1531                           01/30/96               11/30/95               (G) Water-borne polyurethane  
    P-95-1589                           01/11/96               12/21/95               (G) Silyloxy organochloride   
    P-95-1591                           06/27/95               02/29/96               (G)Thermoplastic MDI based    
                                                                                       polyurethane resin           
    P-95-1672                           01/11/96               11/29/95               (G) Aromatic polycarbodimide  
    P-95-1696                           01/11/96               12/04/95               (G) Isocyanate-terminated     
                                                                                       polycarbonate polyurethane   
    P-95-1707                           01/22/96               12/14/95               (G) Metal salt of aromatic    
                                                                                       sulfo carboxylate            
    P-95-1708                           01/16/96               10/31/95               (G) High molecular weight     
                                                                                       unsaturated carboxylic acid  
    P-95-1711                           01/11/96               11/28/95               (S) 2,5-furandione, dihydro-, 
                                                                                       deriverstive, reaction       
                                                                                       products with 1-             
                                                                                       and 4(or 5) -methyl-1H-      
    [[Page 59758]]
    P-95-1715                           02/05/96               01/25/96               (G) Olefin modified           
                                                                                       hydrocarbon resin            
    P-95-1729                           02/13/96               02/04/96               (G) Olefin modified           
                                                                                       hydrocarbon resin            
    P-95-1735                           02/27/96               02/01/96               (G) Starch, 2-carboxy-2-      
    P-95-1749                           01/24/96               10/23/95               (G) Substituted               
                                                                                       pyridinedicarboxylic ester   
    P-95-1759                           02/13/96               02/06/96               (G) Acid functional polyester 
    P-95-1767                           01/29/96               01/12/96               (G) Diakylheterocyclic amine  
    P-95-1772                           02/27/96               02/07/96               (G) Polyalkyl phosphate       
    P-95-1822                           01/11/96               11/28/95               (S) Butanedioic acid,         
                                                                                       octadecenyl-, mixed esters   
                                                                                       with diethylene glycol and   
                                                                                       (tetrapropenyl) butanedioic  
    P-95-1823                           01/11/96               11/15/95               (S) Butanedioic acid,         
                                                                                       octadecenyl-, mixed esters   
                                                                                       with diethylene glycol and   
                                                                                       (tetrapropenyl) butanedioic  
                                                                                       acid, compounds, with        
    P-95-1824                           01/11/96               12/12/95               (S) Butanedioic acid,         
                                                                                       octadecenyl-, mixed esters   
                                                                                       with diethylene glycol and   
                                                                                       (tetrapropenyl) butanedioic  
                                                                                       acid, compounds, with        
                                                                                       branched 3-(tridecyloxy)-1-  
                                                                                       propenamine, ethanolamine and
    P-95-1827                           02/05/96               02/01/96               (S) Benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, 
                                                                                       oxoneodecyl)propyl ester     
    P-95-1828                           01/23/96               12/28/95               (G) Styryl pyridinium         
    P-95-1838                           01/25/96               01/04/96               (S) Naptha (petroleum),       
                                                                                       isomerization, C6-fraction   
    P-95-1839                           01/11/96               12/08/95               (G) High solids polyester     
    P-95-1857                           01/16/96               01/07/96               (G) Substituted phenyl        
                                                                                       substituted thiomorpholine   
    P-95-1864                           01/23/96               01/17/96               (S) Silicic acid (HSIO3),     
                                                                                       strontium salt (1:1)         
    P-95-1865                           02/23/96               02/05/96               (S) Phenethyl diisopropyl     
                                                                                       chloilosilane (mixture 2-    
                                                                                       ilane 1-phenyl ethyl         
                                                                                       diisopropyl chlorosilane     
    P-95-1867                           02/28/96               02/12/96               (G) Alkenoic acid,            
                                                                                       disubstituted-phenyl ester   
    P-95-1868                           01/16/96               12/30/95               (G) Substituted alkyl ester   
    P-95-1872                           01/11/96               12/27/95               (G) Styrene-maleic anhydride  
                                                                                       copolymer, compd. with       
    P-95-1876                           01/11/96               11/30/95               (G) Cycloaliphatic acrylic    
    P-95-1884                           01/11/96               12/14/95               (G) Carboxy alkanol reaction  
    P-95-1885                           01/24/96               01/11/96               (G) Modified vinyl polymer    
    P-95-1886                           01/24/96               01/11/96               (G) Modified biopolymer       
    P-95-1895                           01/11/96               12/02/95               (S) 2-ethyl-1,3-propanediol   
    P-95-1896                           01/16/96               12/12/95               (G) Acrylic copolymer modified
                                                                                       with fatty acids and olefins 
    P-95-1897                           01/16/96               12/12/95               (G) Fatty acid modified       
                                                                                       polymer, free of solvents and
                                                                                       volatile amines              
    P-95-1898                           01/16/96               12/12/95               (G) Acrylic copolymer modified
                                                                                       with fatty acids and olefins.
    P-95-1899                           01/30/96               01/19/96               (S) Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-   
    P-95-1900                           01/11/96               12/27/95               (G) Methacrylic acid ester,   
    P-95-1901                           01/11/96               12/27/95               (G) Phosphoric acid ester,    
                                                                                       metal salt                   
    P-95-1903                           01/23/96               01/03/96               (G) Polymer of isophorone     
                                                                                       diisocyanate and aliphatic   
                                                                                       diols/aliphatic dicarboxylic 
    P-95-1943                           01/22/96               12/26/95               (G) Dialkyl pyridine          
    P-95-1944                           02/09/96               01/10/96               (G) Acrylic polymer           
    P-95-1953                           02/05/96               01/09/96               (S) Hexanoic acid, 6-amino-,  
                                                                                       monosodium salt              
    P-95-1964                           02/13/96               02/02/96               (G) Amine salt of polyurethane
    P-95-1966                           01/29/96               01/10/96               (G) Starch, 2-                
                                                                                       [(substituted)methylamino] -2-
                                                                                       oxoethyl 2-hydroxy-3         
                                                                                       , chloride, hydrochloride    
    P-95-1969                           01/18/96               12/22/95               (G)                           
    P-95-1971                           01/11/96               12/12/95               (G) Modified melamine,        
                                                                                       formaldehyde, urea polymer   
    P-95-2000                           01/22/96               12/17/95               (G) Polyiminoamide salt       
    P-95-2029                           01/11/96               12/13/95               (G) Alicyclic diester         
    P-95-2031                           02/28/96               02/01/96               (G) Amide-functional          
    P-95-2034                           02/13/96               01/26/96               (G) Melamine, polymer with    
                                                                                       formaldehyde, methylated,    
    P-95-2038                           01/11/96               12/13/95               (G) Saturated polyester resin 
    P-95-2059                           02/09/96               01/29/96               (G) Acrylate copolymer        
    P-95-2062                           01/31/96               01/11/96               (G) Diketo-pyrrolopyrrole     
    P-95-2088                           01/25/96               01/09/96               (G) Polyester                 
    P-95-2096                           02/21/96               02/05/96               (G) Water thinnable fatty acid
                                                                                       modified polyurethane resin  
    P-95-2104                           01/29/96               01/05/96               (G) Starch, 2-hydroxy-3-      
                                                                                       (trimethylammonio)propyl 2-  
                                                                                       [methyl (2-substituted)      
                                                                                       amino]-2-substituted ether,  
    P-95-2105                           01/16/96               01/04/96               (G) Modified polyester resin  
    P-95-2106                           01/26/96               01/24/96               (G) Organosilicone copolymer  
    P-95-2108                           01/26/96               01/24/96               (S) Beta.-alanine, N-[2-[[[[2-
                                                                                       ester; .beta.-alanine, N-(2- 
                                                                                       (trimethoxysilyl)propyl ester
    P-95-2109                           01/26/96               01/24/96               (S) Polymer of: siloxanes and 
                                                                                       silicones, di-me, 3-         
                                                                                       hydroxypropyl, group-        
                                                                                       terminated, ethoxylated;     
                                                                                       cyclosiloxanes, di-me;       
    P-95-2111                           02/21/96               01/24/96               (G) Polyurethane              
    P-96-0005                           02/06/96               01/04/96               (G) Polyethylene terephthalate
                                                                                       copolymer containing lithium 
                                                                                       sulfo isophthalate           
    P-96-0013                           02/13/96               01/26/96               (G) Polyurethane prepolymer   
    P-96-0014                           02/21/96               01/23/96               (S) Neodecanoic acid, ethenyl 
                                                                                       ester, polymer with butyl 2- 
                                                                                       cyclohexyl 2-methyl-2-       
                                                                                       propenoate, 1,1-dimethylethyl
                                                                                       2-propenoate, 2-hydroxyethyl 
                                                                                       2-methyl-2-propenoate, 2-    
                                                                                       methylpropyl 2-methyl-2-     
                                                                                       propenoate, 1,2-propanediol  
                                                                                       mono (2-methyl-2-propenoate) 
                                                                                       and 2-propenoic acid         
    [[Page 59759]]
    P-96-0015                           02/13/96               02/11/96               (G) Naphthalene sulfonic acid 
                                                                                       azo substituted naphthalene  
    P-96-0023                           02/21/96               02/13/96               (G) Alkyne                    
    P-96-0040                           02/22/96               02/15/96               (G) Styrene-maleic anhydrid   
                                                                                       copolymer, reaction products 
                                                                                       with alcoholic compounds,    
                                                                                       salt with alkanolamine       
    P-96-0154                           02/15/96               02/05/96               (S) 2-(3 heptl)-N-butyl-1,3-  
    P-96-0161                           02/15/96               02/05/96               (S) Hexanedioic acid, polymer 
                                                                                       with 1,4-butanediol, 2,2     
                                                                                       dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 1,2-
                                                                                       ethanediamine, 3-hydroxy-2-  
                                                                                       methylpropanoic acid and 5-  
                                                                                       compound with ethanamine,N,N-
    Y-91-0129                           04/04/91               01/14/96               (G) Norbornene polymer        
    Y-92-0192                           08/24/92               01/14/96               (G) Water emulsion at         
                                                                                       different concentrations of  
                                                                                       polypropylene modified with a
                                                                                       carboxilic groups insetion   
                                                                                       and emulsionated with        
                                                                                       surfactants not ionics, such 
                                                                                       as etho-nonyl phenols.       
    Y-94-0050                           05/31/94               11/30/95               (G) Unsaturated urethane      
    Y-94-0115                           05/31/94               11/30/95               (G) Saturated polyester       
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Premanufacture notices.
        Dated: November 18, 1996.
    Geogre A. Bonina,
    Acting Director, Information Management Division, Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics.
    [FR Doc. 96-29931 Filed 11-21-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
59744-59759 (16 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-51848, FRL-5574-3
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