2024-26980. Air Plan Partial Approval and Partial Disapproval; North Carolina; Second Period Regional Haze Plan
Table 1—Contributions of 2028 SO 2 and NO X Emissions From All Source Sectors to Visibility Impairment for the 20 Percent Most Impaired Days for Class I Areas in North Carolina
[Mm −1 ] *
Class I area Sulfate + nitrate visibility impairment (Mm −1 ) 2028 total impairment (all species) 2028 sulfate + nitrate impairment NC All other VISTAS states CENRAP region ** LADCO region ** MANE-VU region ** Boundary + all other regions within VISTAS modeling domain Great Smoky Mountains 45.75 24.17 0.89 9.77 1.87 3.74 1.57 6.33 Joyce Kilmer 45.12 22.48 0.43 5.62 2.96 6.84 0.82 5.81 Linville Gorge 42.52 19.47 0.95 4.19 2.55 5.54 1.15 5.09 Shining Rock 42.09 19.20 1.13 3.97 2.80 5.11 0.75 5.44 Swanquarter 46.39 21.14 1.83 3.87 0.72 4.19 3.23 7.30 * As noted in North Carolina's Haze Plan, the columns to the right of “Projected 2028 Impairment on 20% Most Impaired Days” do not add up to the values in the “Projected 2028 Impairment on 20% Most Impaired Days” column due to international emissions and boundary emissions. ** “CENRAP” refers to Central Regional Air Planning Association (which is associated with the Central States Air Resource Agencies (CENSARA)); “LADCO” refers to Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium; “MANE-VU” refers to Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Visibility Union; “WRAP” refers to Western Regional Air Partnership. See also: https://www.epa.gov/visibility/visibility-regional-planning-organizations.