[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 226 (Friday, November 25, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 94-29087]
[[Page Unknown]]
[Federal Register: November 25, 1994]
Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Impact Statement
and Public Hearings for the Proposed York County Energy Partners
Cogeneration Project at North Codorus Township, PA
AGENCY: Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(Draft Statement), Notice of Public Hearings on the Draft Statement,
and Floodplains/Wetlands Notification.
SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (Department) announces the
availability of the York County Energy Partners Cogeneration Project's
Draft Statement (EIS-0221) prepared to assess the environmental and
human health effects of the design, construction, and operation of a
proposed 250 (gross) megawatt electric (MWe) atmospheric circulating
fluidized bed cogeneration facility, to be located in North Codorus
Township, York County, Pennsylvania. As one of the proposals selected
under Round I of the Clean Coal Technology Program, the Cogeneration
Project would demonstrate the applicability of atmospheric circulating
fluidized bed combustion and cogeneration technology at a utility
scale. This technology, when compared to conventional coal burning
technologies, would result in a cost effective reduction in emissions
of sulfur, oxides of nitrogen, and particles from a nominal 250-MWe
(227 MWe net) coal-fired power plant. The proposed action is the cost-
shared Federal funding of the project by the Department of
approximately $75 million (about 20 percent of the total cost of
approximately $350 million). The industrial partner for this proposed
project is York County Energy Partners, L.P., a project company of Air
Products and Chemicals, Inc. The proposed project would be a
cogeneration facility, supplying steam to be purchased by P.H.
Glatfelter Company, and electricity that would be purchased by
Metropolitan Edison Company. As a result of the purchase of steam, P.H.
Glatfelter Company's No. 4 power boiler would be placed on hot-standby
status and operated up to 720 hours per year in parallel with the
proposed project. This would result in a net reduction in emissions of
sulfur dioxide and particles within York County, Pennsylvania. In
addition, emission reduction credits for oxides of nitrogen emissions
would be transferred, in part, from the No. 4 power boiler to the
proposed project in order to generate the 1.15 to 1 offsets required by
The Draft Statement assesses the environmental impacts of the
atmospheric circulating fluidized bed combustion and cogeneration
technology at a large utility scale and setting. The technologies to be
demonstrated include a Foster Wheeler 2,500 MMBtu/hr single-train
atmospheric circulating fluidized bed boiler, incorporating selective
non-catalytic reduction for reducing emissions of oxides of nitrogen,
limestone injection for reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide, and fine
particle filters for reducing particulate emissions.
DATES: The Department invites comments on the Draft Statement from all
interested parties. Written comments or suggestions regarding the
adequacy, accuracy, and completeness of the Draft Statement will be
considered in preparing the Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final
Statement) and should be received by January 10, 1995. Written comments
received after that date will be considered to the degree practicable.
The Department will also hold public hearings on three consecutive
dates at which agencies, organizations, and the general public are
invited to present oral and/or written comments or suggestions on the
Draft Statement. Locations, dates, and times for the public hearings
are provided in the section of this notice entitled ``PUBLIC
HEARINGS.'' Written and oral comments will be given equal weight and
will be considered in preparing the Final Statement. Requests for
copies of the Draft Statement and/or Final Statement or questions
concerning the project should be sent to Dr. Suellen A. Van Ooteghem at
the address noted below.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the Draft Statement should be received
by January 10, 1995, for incorporation into the public hearing record.
Oral and written comments will be accepted at the public hearings.
Written comments, requests to speak at the hearings, or questions
concerning the York County Energy Partners Cogeneration Project, should
be directed to: Dr. Suellen A. Van Ooteghem, Environmental Project
Manager, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, 3610 Collins Ferry Road,
Morgantown, WV 26507-0880 Telephone: (304) 285-5443.
If you request to speak, please indicate at which hearing(s).
Envelopes should be labeled ``York County Energy Partners Draft EIS.''
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information on the
Department's Environmental Impact Statement process and other matters
related to the National Environmental Policy Act, please contact: Ms.
Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Oversight (EH-25), U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC
20585. Telephone: (202) 586-4600 or (800) 472-2756.
Background and Need for the Proposed Action
The Department proposes to provide cost-shared funding support for
the design, construction, and operation of a 250-MWe (gross) coal-fired
atmospheric circulating fluidized bed cogeneration power plant at North
Codorus Township, Pennsylvania, to demonstrate the cost effective
reduction in emissions of sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and
particulate matter. The proposed project was selected by the Department
for negotiation of a Cooperative Agreement for Federal assistance under
the Clean Coal Technology Program. Following a 24-month demonstration
period anticipated to conclude in December, 1999, the facility would
enter into commercial operation for a period of approximately 23 years.
The proposed project would be located in North Codorus Township in York
County, Pennsylvania, approximately 6 miles southwest of York,
Pennsylvania. The proposed project would be built on property currently
owned by P.H. Glatfelter Company, which would purchase approximately
400,000 lbs/hr of steam for industrial use from the proposed
cogeneration project.
In December 1985, Congress allocated funds to the Department for
conducting the first round of the cost-shared Clean Coal Technology
Program. On February 17, 1986, the Department issued a Program
Opportunity Notice soliciting proposals to conduct cost-shared projects
to demonstrate innovative, energy efficient, economically competitive
coal-based technologies that had potential for commercialization in the
1990s. In response to the solicitation, 51 proposals were received.
From these proposals, nine projects were selected by the Department in
July of 1986 for negotiation, and a list of alternate candidates was
established in the event that one or more of the initial nine projects
did not proceed. In June of 1989, the Arvah B. Hopkins Circulating
Fluidized Bed Repowering Project, proposed by the City of Tallahassee,
Florida, was selected from the alternate list. As originally
envisioned, this project would have repowered one of the City of
Tallahassee's municipally-owned natural gas boilers with atmospheric
circulating fluidized bed combustion technology.
In early September 1991, the City of Tallahassee indicated that it
no longer wished to proceed with the proposed project. The City
indicated its willingness to cooperate with the effort to relocate the
project, and other potential hosts for the project were then
considered. Subsequently, the Department agreed to reassign the project
to York County Energy Partners, a subsidiary of Air Products and
Chemicals, Inc., of Allentown, Pennsylvania. The new sponsors proposed
to relocate the project from Tallahassee, Florida, to an industrial
site adjacent to the J.E. Baker Company quarry and brick manufacturing
operations in West Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania, and
to operate the project as a cogeneration facility. Steam produced by
the project would have been purchased by the J.E. Baker Company and
electricity would have been purchased by Metropolitan Edison Company.
All other major aspects of the project would have remained essentially
unchanged from the original project.
During the summer of 1992, York County Energy Partners sought
opportunities for air emissions reductions from existing companies in
the vicinity of the proposed project as a means of acquiring air
emissions offsets. Discussions with P.H. Glatfelter Company indicated
that the desired level of air emissions reductions could be achieved by
relocating the project to P.H. Glatfelter Company's paper mill facility
in North Codorus Township, if the proposed York County Energy Partners
project could provide sufficient steam to largely displace an existing
P.H. Glatfelter Company coal-fired boiler. Additionally, it was
determined that the co-location of the proposed cogeneration project
with P.H. Glatfelter Company's paper mill facility would enable York
County Energy Partners to treat and recycle wastewater from the mill
for use as cooling water at the proposed cogeneration facility, thereby
greatly reducing the amount of fresh water used. Accordingly, on
February 1, 1993, York County Energy Partners and P.H. Glatfelter
Company issued a joint statement that they were evaluating the
feasibility of relocating the proposed York County Energy Partners
project to the North Codorus Township site. The Department was
requested to consider York County Energy Partners' proposed site
change. The Department issued its approval of the proposed site change
in a memorandum dated June 23, 1993.
Environmental Impact Statement Preparation
The Draft Statement has been prepared in accordance with Section
102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act, as implemented in
regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR
Parts 1500-1508) and by the Department's Implementing Procedures (10
CFR Part 1021). In accordance with the National Environmental Policy
Act, the Department determined that providing cost-shared funding for
the York County Energy Partners Cogeneration Project constitutes a
major Federal action that may significantly affect the quality of the
human environment. Therefore, the Department has prepared a Draft
Statement to assess the potential impacts of both the proposed action,
and reasonable alternatives to the proposed action, on the human and
natural environment.
A Notice of Intent (Notice) to prepare an environmental impact
statement and hold public scoping meetings was published in the Federal
Register on July 29, 1993 (58 FR 40631). The Notice invited oral and
written comments and suggestions on the proposed scope of the
environmental impact statement, including environmental issues and
alternatives, and invited public participation in the National
Environmental Policy Act process. Scoping meetings were held on August
19, 1993 and October 5, 1993 in North Codorus Township and York,
Pennsylvania, respectively. Overall, the Department received 614
comments. As a result of the scoping process, the Department developed
an Environmental Impact Statement Implementation Plan to define the
scope and to provide further guidance for preparing the environmental
impact statement.
The Draft Statement provides an analysis of information prepared to
evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed
construction and operation of the York County Energy Partners Project
at the proposed site. This Draft Statement also considers the proposed
action, an alternate site, and the no-action alternative, which
includes a scenario that reasonably could be expected to result as a
consequence of the no-action alternative. Impacts to human health,
atmospheric resources, surface water, groundwater, socioeconomic
resources (including environmental justice), noise, and traffic from
construction and operation of the proposed York County Energy Partners
Cogeneration Project have been analyzed. Impacts to biological
resources, biodiversity, floodplains, and wetlands are also considered.
Floodplains/Wetlands Notification
Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management) and the
Department's Procedures for Compliance with Floodplains/Wetlands
Environmental Review Requirements (10 CFR 1022), notification is
provided that portions of electric connections and pipeline corridors
proposed as components of the York County Energy Partners Cogeneration
Project would be constructed and operated in the 100-year floodplain
(as depicted on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood
Insurance Rate Map; Panel Number 422223 0005, 0010 and Panel Number
422227 0005, 0010). In addition, portions of ladder tracks and a rail
spur associated with the proposed project would also be located within
the 100-year floodplain. A total of approximately 1.1 acres would be
expected to be utilized for placement of these ancillary facilities
within the 100-year floodplain.
Small areas of the Codorus Creek's 100-year floodplain would be
unavoidably impacted by development to connect the proposed project
with utility (electric) substation facilities. Approximately 14 to 22
power line utility poles (required to provide a connection between the
York County Energy Partners Cogeneration Facility and Metropolitan-
Edison's existing Bair Substation) would be located within the 100-year
floodplain of Codorus Creek. This electric interconnect would intersect
the floodplain on property controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, and property owned by P.H. Glatfelter Company. It is
estimated that 4-8 utility poles would be located on land belonging to
P.H. Glatfelter Company, and 10-14 utility poles would be located on
land controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers. Placement of these
utility poles would impact approximately 0.013 acres of the 100-year
floodplain. Construction and operation of these electrical connections
(and their rights-of way) would be conducted in accord with relevant
regulatory requirements and in consultation with appropriate regulatory
Short segments of the proposed facility's steam supply pipeline to
P.H. Glatfelter Company and condensate return pipeline would also be
located within an identified 100-year floodplain, affecting
approximately 0.3 acres. A small area (approximately 0.8 acres) of the
Codorus Creek 100-year floodplain would be impacted by ladder tracks
and rail spur that would require an expansion of the existing YorkRail
right-of-way on P.H. Glatfelter Company property. The rail structures
would be similar to, and closely parallel, the existing YorkRail Main
line at the same elevation.
Impacts during construction would include equipment and vehicle
access, earth disturbance, sedimentation, erosion from exposed soils,
damaged vegetation, and placement and compaction of fill to support new
rail lines. In addition, the steam and condensate return pipelines to
P.H. Glatfelter Company would require permanent pipe supports to be
placed within the floodplain. During operation, there would be some
periodic minor disturbance due to personnel and equipment entry for
inspection and maintenance of the new ladder tracks, rail spur, and
above-ground steam and condensate return pipelines to P.H. Glatfelter
The potential impacts and mitigation measures associated with the
above proposed activities within identified floodplains are discussed
in Section 4 of the Draft Statement and constitutes the floodplains
assessment in accordance with 10 CFR Part 1022.
Comments regarding the effects of the proposed action on
floodplains may be submitted to the Department in accordance with the
procedures described below.
In accordance with Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands,
and the Department's Procedures for Compliance with Floodplains/
Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements (10 CFR Part 1022), wetlands
protection has also been considered in the Department's Draft
Statement. Above- and below-ground pipeline connections between the
proposed new facility and existing facilities would require
construction affecting approximately 0.5 acres of wetlands. These
wetlands would be temporarily disturbed as a result of construction and
excavation activities associated with pipeline installation.
Four identified wetlands, along with Codorus Creek, would be
potentially affected by the proposed project and utility corridors. A
fringe wetland bordering Mill Pond and Kessler Pond would be
unavoidably affected by placement of permanent pipe support foundations
for a pipe rack supporting the steam and condensate return pipelines to
the P.H. Glatfelter Company facility. This wetland impact is
unavoidable due to the proposed facility being sited on the opposite
side of Codurus Creek from the P.H. Glatfelter Company facility. Three
other wetlands would be traversed by supply and return pipelines for
the proposed project cooling tower. A total of approximately 0.20 acre
of these three wetlands would be impacted for excavation and
underground placement of cooling tower supply and return pipelines from
the proposed facility to P.H. Glatfelter Company facilities.
During construction of the pipeline interconnect, vegetation would
be selectively removed using manual labor whenever possible in order to
minimize potential impacts associated with mechanical clearing
techniques. York County Energy Partners would obtain regulatory
approval prior to construction or disturbance of wetlands. Potential
impacts during construction and operation, such as erosion and
sedimentation, would be controlled with appropriate mitigation measures
(such as silt fencing during construction).
It should be noted, however, that construction of the proposed
electrical interconnect corridor, the proposed rail spur, and ladder
track associated with this proposed project would not result in
incursion into wetland areas.
Potential environmental impacts to wetlands are discussed more
fully in Chapter 4 of the Draft Statement and constitutes the wetlands
assessment in accordance with 10 CFR Part 1022. Comments regarding the
effects of the proposed action on wetland areas may be submitted to the
Department in accordance with the procedures described below.
Comment Procedures
Availability of Draft Statement
Copies of the Draft Statement are being distributed to
organizations, environmental groups, and individuals known to be
interested in or affected by the proposed project. Additional copies of
the document or appendices to the main document may be obtained by
contacting the Department as provided in the section of this notice
entitled ADDRESSES.
Copies of the Draft Statement, including major documents referenced
in the Draft Statement, are available for inspection at the locations
identified below:
(1) U.S. Department of Energy, Freedom of Information Reading Room,
1E-190, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington,
DC 20585.
(2) U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center,
3610 Collins Ferry Road, P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, WV 26507-0880.
(3) Glatfelter Memorial Library, 101 Glenview Rd., Spring Grove, PA
(4) York County Library, 118 Pleasant Acres Rd., York, PA 17401.
(5) York County Courthouse, 28 E. Market St., York, PA 17401.
Written Comments
Interested parties are invited to provide comments on the content
of the Draft Statement to the Department as indicated in the section of
this notice entitled ADDRESSES. Envelopes should be labeled ``York
County Energy Partners Draft EIS.'' Comments should be received no
later than January 10, 1995, the close of the public comment period, to
ensure consideration in preparing the Final Statement. Comments
received after January 10, 1995 will be considered to the extent
Public Hearings
The public is invited to provide comments on the Draft Statement to
the Department in person at the scheduled public hearings. Advance
registration for presentation of oral comments at the hearings will be
accepted up to one week prior to the hearing date by telephone or by
mail at the office listed in the ADDRESSES section above. Envelopes
should be labeled ``York County Energy Partners Draft EIS.'' Requests
to speak at a specific time will be honored if possible. Registrants
are allowed to register only themselves to speak and must confirm the
time they are scheduled to speak at the registration desk the day of
the hearing. Persons who have not registered in advance may register to
speak when they arrive at the hearings to the extent that time is
available. To ensure that as many persons as possible have the
opportunity to present comments, 5 minutes will be allotted to each
speaker. Persons presenting comments at the hearings are requested to
provide the Department with written copies of their comments at the
hearing, if possible.
Hearing Schedules and Locations
Public hearings will be held at the following locations, times, and
1. Date: December 14, 1994
Time: 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm (Registration will commence at 6:00 pm)
Place: York Fairgrounds, 334 Carlisle Avenue, York, PA 17404, (717)
2. Date: December 15, 1994
Time: 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm (Registration will commence at 6:00 pm)
Place: York Fairgrounds, 334 Carlisle Avenue, York, PA 17404, (717)
3. Date: December 16, 1994
Time: 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm (Registration will commence at 6:00 pm)
Place: York Fairgrounds, 334 Carlisle Avenue, York, PA 17404, (717)
Conduct of Hearings
The Department's rules and procedures for the orderly conduct of
hearings will be announced by the presiding officer at the start of the
hearings. The hearings will not be of an adjudicatory or evidentiary
nature. Speakers will not be cross-examined, although the presiding
officer and the Department's members on the hearing panel may ask
clarifying questions. In addition, the Department's representatives
will be available to discuss the project in informal conversations. A
transcript of the hearings will be prepared, and the entire record of
each hearing, including the transcript, will be placed on file by the
Department for inspection at the public locations given above in the
Signed in Washington DC, this 18th day of November 1994, for the
United States Department of Energy.
Peter N. Brush,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Environment, Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 94-29087 Filed 11-23-94; 8:45 am]