96-29659. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions: Group I Polymers and Resins and Group IV Polymers and Resins  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 228 (Monday, November 25, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 59849-59852]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-29659]
    40 CFR Part 63
    RIN 2060-AD-56
    RIN 2060-AE-37
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant 
    Emissions: Group I Polymers and Resins and Group IV Polymers and Resins
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR).
    SUMMARY: The EPA intends to propose changes to the recently promulgated 
    subpart U--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant 
    Emissions: Group I Polymers and Resins; and subpart JJJ--National 
    Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions: Group IV 
    Polymers and Resins. The proposed changes to subparts U and JJJ will 
    parallel proposed changes to the National Emission Standards for 
    Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions for Source Categories: Organic 
    Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Synthetic Organic Chemical 
    Manufacturing Industry and Other Processes Subject to the Negotiated 
    Regulation for Equipment Leaks (commonly known as the Hazardous 
    Organics NESHAP or HON).
        Since HON regulations are directly referenced in subparts U and 
    JJJ, the proposed changes to HON subparts F, G, and H will also apply 
    to Group I and Group IV Polymers and Resins sources subject to subparts 
    U and JJJ. In addition to direct cross-references, there are additional 
    changes that the EPA plans to propose to subparts U and JJJ to provide 
    consistency with the HON. The EPA also intends to extend the compliance 
    date for heat exchange systems to September 5, 1999.
    DATES: Comments. Comments on this ANPR must be received by the EPA on 
    or before December 26, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments. Comments should be submitted (in duplicate, if 
    possible) to the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center 
    (6102), Attention: Docket No. A-92-44 (for Polymers and Resins I) and/
    or A-92-45 (for Polymers and Resins IV), U. S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 20460. The dockets are located 
    at the above address in room M-1500, Waterside Mall (ground floor), and 
    may be inspected from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday; 
    telephone number (202) 260-7548. A reasonable fee may be charged for 
    copying docket materials.
        The EPA requests that a separate copy of the comments also be sent 
    to the contact person listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
    section below. Comments on this ANPR may also be submitted 
    electronically by sending electronic mail (e-mail) to: docket@epamail.epa.gov.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning this ANPR, 
    contact Mr. Robert Rosensteel at (919) 541-5608, Organic Chemicals 
    Group, Emission Standards Division (MD-13), U. S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711.
        Regulated entities. Regulated categories and entities include:
                 Category                  Examples of regulated entities   
    Industry..........................  Producers of butyl rubber, halobutyl
                                         rubber, epichlorohydrin elastomers,
                                         ethylene propylene rubber,         
                                         HypalonTM, neoprene, nitrile       
                                         butadiene rubber, nitrile butadiene
                                         latex, polysulfide rubber,         
                                         polybutadiene rubber/styrene       
                                         butadiene rubber by solution,      
                                         styrene butadiene latex, and       
                                         styrene butadiene rubber by        
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by 
    regulation discussed in this ANPR. If you have questions regarding the 
    applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the person 
    listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section.
        Electronic Submission of Comments. Electronic comments must be 
    submitted as an ASCII file, avoiding the use of special characters and 
    any form of encryption. Comments will also be accepted on diskette in 
    WordPerfect 5.1 or ASCII file format. All comments in electronic form 
    must be identified by the docket number A-92-44 or A-92-45. No 
    Confidential Business Information (CBI) should be submitted through e-
    mail. Electronic comments may be filed online at many Federal 
    Depository Libraries.
    I. Background
        The HON was promulgated on April 22, 1994 (59 FR 19402) as subparts 
    F, G, H, and I of 40 CFR part 63. The HON regulates emissions of 
    certain organic hazardous air pollutants (HAP) from synthetic organic 
    chemical manufacturing industry (SOCMI) production processes. Due to 
    [[Page 59850]]
    similarities in HAP emissions and emission controls at SOCMI facilities 
    and at elastomer and thermoplastic production facilities, the HON 
    provisions were used in the development of regulations for elastomer 
    and thermoplastic production facilities (40 CFR part 63, subparts U and 
        On March 29, 1995 (60 FR 16090), the EPA proposed standards for 
    seven source categories collectively referred to as Group IV polymers 
    and resins source categories. These source categories, which produce 
    products generally called ``thermoplastics,'' are (1) Acrylonitrile 
    Butadiene Styrene Resin, (2) Styrene Acrylonitrile Resin, (3) Methyl 
    Methacrylate Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resin, (4) Methyl 
    Methacrylate Butadiene Styrene Terpolymers, (5) Polystyrene Resin, (6) 
    Polyol (Ethylene Terephthalate) Resin, and (7) Nitrile Resin. These 
    standards, which are contained in subpart JJJ of 40 CFR part 63, were 
    promulgated on September 12, 1996 (61 FR 48207).
        On June 12, 1995 (60 FR 30801), the EPA proposed standards for nine 
    source categories collectively referred to as Group I polymers and 
    resins source categories. These source categories, which produce 
    products generally called ``elastomers,'' are (1) Butyl Rubber 
    Production, (2) Epichlorohydrin Elastomers Production, (3) Ethylene-
    Propylene Rubber Production, (4) HypalonTM Production, (5) 
    Neoprene Production, (6) Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Production, (7) 
    Polybutadiene Rubber Production, (8) Polysulfide Rubber Production, and 
    (9) Styrene-Butadiene Rubber and Latex Production. These standards, 
    which are contained in subpart U of 40 CFR part 63, were promulgated on 
    September 5, 1996 (61 FR 46905).
        On August 26, 1996 (61 FR 43698), in conformance with a settlement 
    agreement reached with the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) and 
    the Dow Chemical Company, the EPA proposed revisions to the HON rule. 
    Some of these proposed amendments are in sections which are referenced 
    in subparts U and JJJ. Therefore, these proposed changes would also 
    affect subparts U and JJJ, as discussed in the following sections of 
    this ANPR. In addition, some of the HON proposal would add language to 
    the rule, such as new definitions, and the EPA intends to propose the 
    same changes to subparts U and JJJ where relevant.
    II. Relationship of Subparts U and JJJ to the HON
        Subparts U and JJJ each regulate seven HAP emission sources types. 
    For five emission source types (storage vessels, continuous process 
    vents, equipment leaks, heat exchange systems, and wastewater), both 
    subpart U and subpart JJJ directly reference the HON rule. In addition, 
    several HON definitions are referenced, as are the storage vessel and 
    wastewater emission estimation equations used for emissions averaging.
        Table 1 shows the specific sections of subparts F, G, and H 
    referenced in subparts U and JJJ. Since subparts U and JJJ directly 
    reference the HON provisions in these instances, any changes to the 
    referenced HON sections will also affect subparts U and JJJ.
        In addition to the direct reference to HON sections, some portions 
    of subparts U and JJJ are modeled after the HON requirements. 
    Specifically, the applicability and emissions averaging provisions, and 
    the testing, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements in 
    subparts U and JJJ are based on the analogous HON provisions. Some 
    changes were made to these provisions after proposal to make them 
    unique to subparts U and JJJ; however, they continue to follow the HON 
    approach. In these instances, the proposed changes to subparts F, G, 
    and H will not directly impact subparts U and JJJ.
        Table 1.--Sections of Subparts F, G, and H Directly Referenced in   
                               Subparts U and JJJ                           
                                    Description of                          
      HON section referenced in       referenced              Comment       
         subparts U and JJJ           provisions                            
    Subpart F:                                                              
        63.101..................  Definitions.......  Several definitions   
                                                       from 63.101 are      
                                                       incorporated by      
                                                       reference into       
                                                       subparts U and JJJ.  
        63.104..................  Heat exchange       Directly referenced in
                                   system              subpart U in Sec.    
                                   requirements.       63.502. Directly     
                                                       referenced in subpart
                                                       JJJ with minor       
                                                       deviations noted in  
                                                       Sec.  63.1328.       
    Subpart G:                                                              
        63.111..................  Definitions.......  Several definitions   
                                                       from 63.111 are      
                                                       incorporated by      
                                                       reference into       
                                                       subparts U and JJJ.  
        63.113-63.118...........  Continuous process  Minor deviations from 
                                   vent provisions.    the subpart G        
                                                       language are noted in
                                                       subparts U and JJJ.  
        63.119-63.123...........  Storage vessel      Minor deviations from 
                                   provisions.         the subpart G        
                                                       language are noted in
                                                       subparts U and JJJ.  
        63.131-63.147...........  Wastewater          Minor deviations from 
                                   provisions.         the subpart G        
                                                       language are noted in
                                                       subparts U and JJJ.  
        63.148..................  Leak inspection     Minor deviations from 
                                   provisions.         the subpart G        
                                                       language are noted in
                                                       subparts U and JJJ.  
        63.150(g)(3)............  Procedures for                            
                                   emission debits                          
                                   from storage                             
        63.150(g)(5)............  Procedures for                            
                                   emission debits                          
                                   from wastewater.                         
        63.150(h)(3)............  Procedures for                            
                                   emissions credits                        
                                   from storage                             
        63.150(h)(5)............  Procedures for                            
                                   emissions credits                        
                                   from wastewater.                         
    Subpart H                                                               
        63.160-63.193...........  Equipment leak      Subparts U and JJJ    
                                   provisions.         affected sources must
                                                       comply with all      
                                                       requirements of      
                                                       subpart H.           
    [[Page 59851]]
        However, the EPA intends to propose changes to many of these 
    provisions, following a similar rationale to that used in developing 
    the proposed HON changes.
    III. Summary of Proposed Changes to Subparts F, G, and H
        The proposed revisions to the HON consisted of amendments to 
    subparts F, G, H, and I of 40 CFR part 63. The proposed revisions to 
    the HON are intended to remove any ambiguity, to clearly convey the 
    EPA's intent, to make the rule easier to read and implement, and to 
    increase flexibility.
        The wastewater sections of the rule were redrafted to improve 
    organizational structure and clarity. The revised definition of 
    ``wastewater'' incorporates the concept that only water that is 
    discarded from a process is subject to the HON wastewater provisions. 
    Additional changes were also proposed to the HON wastewater provisions 
    to (1) ensure that streams traveling from one piece of process 
    equipment to another would be handled appropriately to avoid emissions 
    to the environment, and (2) ensure that the changes in the wastewater 
    definitions would not permit sources to dilute their waste streams 
    prior to the point at which the streams are determined to be wastewater 
    (thus avoiding control requirements). The proposed revisions also 
    include provisions that would allow the owner or operator of a HON 
    affected source who wished to ship waste off-site for treatment to ship 
    to a facility that has certified that it will treat the waste to the 
    standard required by the HON.
        In the proposed amendments to the HON, the EPA proposed new 
    requirements for monitoring heat exchange systems for leaks of process 
    fluids into cooling water. These revisions were proposed in order to 
    address issues related to the availability of monitoring methods with 
    sufficient analytical sensitivity, lack of flexibility in some of the 
    requirements, and the burden associated with the monitoring 
        In contrast to the significant redrafting of the requirements for 
    wastewater and heat exchange systems, minor changes were also proposed 
    for other sections of the HON. In addition to removing ambiguity and 
    increasing flexibility (e.g., through more flexible monitoring method 
    requirements and sampling location requirements), some revisions would 
    reduce the reporting and recordkeeping burden for sources. The 
    reporting and recordkeeping revisions would include changes which 
    reduce the number of copies of reports that must be submitted to the 
    EPA and the States; provide for alternative, less frequent 
    recordkeeping of monitoring data where sources show no violations for 
    prolonged stretches of time; and remove the requirement for most 
    sources to file an Implementation Plan. The preamble to the proposed 
    HON changes (61 FR 43698) provides a more in-depth explanation of the 
    rationale behind these changes.
    IV. Summary of Planned EPA Action
        The proposed changes to the continuous process vent, storage 
    vessel, wastewater, heat exchange system, and equipment leak 
    requirements in the HON apply to subpart U and JJJ sources, due to the 
    fact that subparts U and JJJ directly reference these requirements. The 
    EPA intends to propose minor editorial and cross-referencing changes to 
    these sections in subparts U and JJJ in order to parallel the revisions 
    to the HON sections, and to seek public comment on such changes. In 
    addition, the EPA plans to revise the compliance date in subpart U for 
    heat exchange systems to be September 5, 1999 (three years after 
    initial promulgation of subpart U).
        The EPA is also planning to incorporate many of the continuous 
    process vent revisions from the HON proposal into the batch process 
    vent provisions in subparts U and JJJ, in order to take advantage of 
    the increased clarity and flexibility that are represented in the 
    proposed HON changes. Finally, the EPA is planning to incorporate the 
    changes to the HON applicability, testing, reporting, and recordkeeping 
    sections, which also provide increased clarity and flexibility, into 
    the comparable sections in subparts U and JJJ.
    V. Request for Comments
        In this ANPR, the EPA is requesting comments on the proposed 
    revisions to subparts F, G, and H, as they pertain to subparts U and 
    JJJ. Specifically, the EPA is interested in receiving comments on 
    whether the proposed changes to the HON are appropriate for the polymer 
    and resin production facilities subject to subparts U and JJJ and, if 
    these changes are not appropriate for these rules, recommendations for 
    alternative approaches.
        As mentioned earlier, some provisions in subparts U and JJJ were 
    based on the HON provisions, even though the final rules do not 
    directly reference these particular provisions in the HON. One example 
    of this occurs in the testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting 
    requirements for batch process vents. These provisions were modeled 
    after the HON provisions for continuous process vents, but these 
    sections of the rules do not reference any section of the HON. The EPA 
    requests comment on whether any of the changes made to the HON process 
    vent testing, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping provisions are 
    appropriate for the subpart U and JJJ batch process vent provisions. If 
    commenters believe that some proposed changes made to the HON are 
    needed for subparts U and JJJ, the EPA requests that the commenters 
    identify the HON change, explain the reasons the same (or a similar) 
    change is needed in subpart U and/or JJJ, and explain the section of 
    subpart U or JJJ where they believe the change is necessary.
    VI. Administrative Requirements
    A. Docket
        The dockets for the Polymers and Resins I and Polymers and Resins 
    IV rules are A-92-44 and A-92-45, respectively. The dockets for the HON 
    are A-90-19 through A-90-23. These dockets are complete, organized 
    files of all the information submitted to, or otherwise considered by, 
    the Agency in the development of these rules. These dockets are 
    available for public inspection at the EPA's Air and Radiation Docket 
    and Information Center, which is listed in the ADDRESSES section of 
    this notice.
    B. Regulatory Requirements
        This notice is not a rule, but an Advanced Notice of the Agency's 
    preliminary intentions as it begins to work on revisions to subparts U 
    and JJJ. The notice imposes no regulatory requirements or costs. 
    Therefore, the EPA has not prepared an assessment of the potential 
    costs and benefits pursuant to Executive Order 12866, an economic 
    impact analysis pursuant to Section 317, a regulatory flexibility 
    analysis pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354, 
    September 19, 1980), or a budgetary impact statement pursuant to the 
    Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995. Also, this notice does not contain any 
    information collection requirements and, therefore, is not subject to 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 63
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hazardous 
    [[Page 59852]]
        Dated: November 8, 1996.
    Mary D. Nichols,
    Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation.
    [FR Doc. 96-29659 Filed 11-22-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR).
Document Number:
Comments. Comments on this ANPR must be received by the EPA on or before December 26, 1996.
59849-59852 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 63.1328