97-30898. Anchorage Regulations: San Diego Harbor, CA  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 227 (Tuesday, November 25, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 62734-62736]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-30898]
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Part 110
    RIN 2115-AA98
    Anchorage Regulations: San Diego Harbor, CA
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Coast Guard proposes the establishment of several special 
    anchorages in San Diego Bay, California. These areas are currently used 
    as temporary and long term anchorages. A ``special anchorage'' is an 
    area on the water where vessels less than 20 meters (approximately 65 
    feet) in length are allowed to anchor without displaying navigation 
    lights which are otherwise required for anchored vessels under Rule 30 
    of the Inland Navigational Rules, codified at 33 U.S.C. 2030. The 
    intended effect of these special anchorages is to reduce the risk of 
    vessel collisions within San Diego Bay by specifying more special 
    anchorage areas which will provide designated moorings for vessels less 
    than 20 meters in length. In addition, minor corrections to some of the 
    coordinates describing the corner points of existing special anchorage 
    areas have been made in the proposed regulations.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before January 26, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be mailed to Commanding Officer, Coast Guard 
    Marine Safety Office, 2716 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101, 
    (619) 683-6495. The comments and other materials referenced in this 
    notice will be available for inspection and copying at the above 
    address. Normal office hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., 
    Monday through Friday except holidays. Comments may also be hand-
    delivered to this address.
    Lieutenant Mike Arguelles, Marine Safety Office San Diego, (619) 683-
    6484, or Mike Van Houten, USCG, Pacific Operations and Waterways 
    Branch, Eleventh Coast Guard District, (510) 437-2984.
    Request for Comments
        Interested persons are invited to participate in this proposed 
    rulemaking by submitting written views, data or arguments to the office 
    listed under ADDRESSES in this preamble. Persons submitting comments 
    should include
    [[Page 62735]]
    their names and addresses, identify the docket number for the 
    regulations (CGD11-97-007), the specific section of the proposal to 
    which their comments apply, and give reasons for each comment. Receipt 
    of comments will be acknowledged if a stamped, self-addressed postcard 
    or envelope is enclosed. The regulations may be changed in light of the 
    comments received. All comments received before the expiration of the 
    comment period will be considered before final action is taken on this 
    proposal. No public hearing is planned, but one may be held if written 
    requests for a hearing are received and it is determined that the 
    opportunity to make oral presentations will aid in the rule making 
    Discussion of the Proposed Regulation
        A ``special anchorage'' is an area on the water in which vessels 
    less than 20 meters (approximately 65 feet) in length are allowed to 
    anchor without displaying navigation lights. Such lights are otherwise 
    required for anchored vessels under Rule 30 of the Inland Navigational 
    Rules, codified at 33 U.S.C. 2030. The Coast Guard proposes to 
    establish 7 new special anchorage areas (A-1a, A-1b, A-1c, A-4, A-6, A-
    8, & A-9), and modify the 4 special anchorage areas already in 
    existence (A-1, A-2, A-3, & A-5), as follows:
    (A-1, A-1a, A-1b, A-1c) Shelter Island Moorings, North San Diego 
    Bay, approximately 75 yards off shore and along Shelter Island (for 
    A-1, minor corrections to some of the coordinates describing the 
    corner points of the special anchorage area),
    (A-2) America's Cup Harbor, North San Diego Bay, in the area known 
    as Commercial Basin (minor corrections to some of the coordinates 
    describing the corner points of the special anchorage area),
    (A-3) Laurel Street Roadstead Moorings, North San Diego Bay, east of 
    the Coast Guard Activities (minor corrections to some of the 
    coordinates describing the corner points of the special anchorage 
    (A-4) Bay Bridge Roadstead Moorings, Central San Diego Bay, at the 
    northwest end of the Coronado Bridge,
    (A-5) Glorietta Bay Anchorage, Central San Diego Bay, across the bay 
    from Naval Amphibious Base (minor corrections to some of the 
    coordinates describing the corner points of the special anchorage 
    (A-6) Fiddlers Cove, South San Diego Bay, just south of the Naval 
    Amphibious Base,
    (A-8) Sweetwater Anchorage, South San Diego Bay, west of 24th Street 
    Marine Terminal, and
    (A-9) Cruiser Anchorage, North San Diego Bay, west of the Coast 
    Guard Activities.
        The primary users of these anchorages are recreational vessels, 
    with the majority of them being long term users. Some of the anchorages 
    are depicted on local charts, while all of them use buoys to delineate 
    their boundaries. By establishing these areas as special anchorages, 
    the requirement of displaying anchor lights and day shapes will be 
    removed for vessels less than 20 meters in length.
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria contained in Executive Order 12612, and it has been determined 
    that the rule making does not have sufficient federalism implications 
    to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    Environmental Assessment
        This proposal has been reviewed by the Coast Guard and determined 
    to be categorically excluded from further environmental documentation 
    in accordance with section 2.B.2 of Commandant Instruction M16475.1B, 
    as revised in 59 FR 38654, July 29, 1994. A Categorical Exclusion 
    Determination and Environmental Analysis Checklist will be available 
    for inspection and copying in the docket to be maintained at the 
    address listed in ADDRESSES.
    Regulatory Evaluation
        This proposal is not a significant regulatory action under section 
    3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and does not require an assessment of 
    potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that order. It 
    has been exempted from review by the Office of Management and Budget 
    under that order. It is not significant under the regulatory policies 
    and procedures of the Department of Transportation (DOT) (44 FR 11040; 
    February 26, 1979). The Coast Guard expects the economic impact of this 
    proposal to be so minimal that a full Regulatory Evaluation under 
    paragraph 10(e) of the regulatory policies and procedures of DOT is 
    unnecessary. This proposal will impose no cost on vessel operators, it 
    will have minimal impact on vessel traffic, and will provide greater 
    options to vessels desiring to anchor in San Diego Bay.
    Small Entities
        Under 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., known as the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act, the Coast Guard must consider whether this proposal will have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    ``Small Entities'' include independently owned and operated small 
    businesses that are not dominant in their field and that otherwise 
    qualify as ``small business concerns'' under section 3 of the small 
    Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632). Since the impact of this proposal is 
    expected to be minimal, the Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 
    605(b), that this proposal, if adopted, will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    Collection of Information
        This proposal imposes no collection of information requirements 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 110
        Anchorage grounds.
    Proposed Regulations
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Coast Guard proposes to 
    amend part 110 of Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
    PART 110--[REVISED]
        1. The authority citation for part 110 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 471, 2030, 2035, and 2071; 49 CFR 1.46 and 
    33 CFR 1.05-1(g). Section 110.1a and each section listed in 110.1a 
    is also issued under 33 U.S.C. 1223 and 1231.
        1. Section 110.90 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 110.90  San Diego Harbor, California.
        (a) Area A-1. In North San Diego Bay, the Shelter Island Yacht 
    Basin Anchorage, the water area enclosed by a line beginning at 
    latitude 32 deg.42'56.7'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'47.1'' W.; thence 
    southwesterly to latitude 32 deg.42'53.6'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.13'51.3'' W.; thence northwesterly to latitude 32 deg.43'01.3'' 
    N., longitude 117 deg.13'59.1'' W.; thence northeasterly to latitude 
    32 deg.43'02.6'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'55.5'' W.; thence southeast 
    to latitude 32 deg.42'59.8'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'50.4'' W.; thence 
    southeast to the point of beginning.
        (b) Area A-1a. In North San Diego Bay, the Shelter Island Roadstead 
    Anchorage east of Shelter Island, the water area 55 feet either side of 
    a line beginning at latitude 32 deg.42'33.6'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.13'48.3'' W.; thence northeast to latitude 32 deg.42'36.0'' N., 
    longitude 117 deg.13'45.1'' W.
        (c) Area A-1b. The water area off Shelter Island's eastern shore, 
    210 feet shoreward of a line beginning at latitude 32 deg.42'43.9'' N., 
    longitude 117 deg.13'34.3'' W.; thence northeast to latitude 
    32 deg.42'52.8'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'22.4'' W.
        (d) Area A-1c. The water area off Shelter Island's eastern shore, 
    210 feet shoreward of a line beginning at latitude 32 deg.42'55.0'' N., 
    longitude 117 deg.13'19.4'' W.; thence northeast to latitude
    [[Page 62736]]
    32 deg.43'03.5'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'07.6'' W.
        (e) Area A-2. In North San Diego Bay, the America's Cup Harbor 
    Anchorage, the water area enclosed by a line beginning at latitude 
    32 deg.43'13.7'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'23.8'' W.; thence northeast 
    to latitude 32 deg.43'16.7'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'16.4'' W.; thence 
    northwest to latitude 32 deg.43'22.6'' N., longitude 117 deg.13'25.8'' 
    W.; thence west to latitude 32 deg.43'22.5'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.13'29.6'' W.; thence southwest to latitude 32 deg.43'19.0'' N., 
    longitude 117 deg.13'32.6'' W.; thence southeast to the point of 
        (f) Area A-3. In the North San Diego Bay, the Laurel Street 
    Roadstead Anchorage, the water area enclosed by a line beginning at 
    latitude 32 deg.43'30.5'' N., longitude 117 deg.10'28.5'' W.; and 
    thence southwesterly to latitude 32 deg.43'29.8'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.10'34.2'' W.; and thence southwesterly to latitude 
    32 deg.43'25.8'' N., longitude 117 deg.10'36.1'' W.; and thence 
    southerly to latitude 32 deg.43'20.2'' N., longitude 117 deg.10'36.1'' 
    W.; thence westerly to latitude 32 deg.43'20.2'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.10'52.9'' W.; thence northeasterly to 32 deg.43'29.8'' N., 
    longitude 117 deg.10'48.0'' W., thence northeasterly following a line 
    parallel to, and 200 feet bayward of, the shoreline of San Diego Bay 
    adjoining Harbor Drive to the point of beginning.
        (g) Area A-4. In Central San Diego Bay, the Bay Bridge Roadstead 
    Anchorage, the water enclosed by a line beginning at latitude 
    32 deg.41'32.1'' N., longitude 117 deg.09'43.1'' W.; thence 
    southwesterly to latitude 32 deg.41'19.1'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.09'46.1'' W.; thence southeasterly to latitude 32 deg.41'17.8'' 
    N., longitude 117 deg.09'44.3'' W.; thence southeasterly to latitude 
    32 deg.41'14.9'' N., longitude 117 deg.09'37.9'' W.; thence 
    northeasterly to latitude 32 deg.41'26.9'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.09'35.1'' W., thence southwesterly to the point of beginning.
        (h) Area A-5. In Central San Diego Bay, the Glorietta Bay 
    Anchorage, the water area enclosed by a line beginning at latitude 
    32 deg.40'42.2'' N., longitude 117 deg.10'03.1'' W.; thence 
    southwesterly to latitude 32 deg.40'41.2'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.10'06.6'' W.; thence northwesterly to latitude 32 deg.40'46.2'' 
    N., longitude 117 deg.10'15.6'' W.; thence northeasterly to latitude 
    32 deg.40'46.7'' N., longitude 117 deg.10'14.1'' W.; thence 
    southeasterly to the point of beginning.
        (i) Area A-6. In Fiddler's Cove, the water enclosed by a line 
    beginning at latitude 32 deg.39'10.4'' N., longitude 117 deg.08'49.4'' 
    W.; thence northwesterly to latitude 32 deg.39'14.9'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.08'51.8'' W.; thence northeasterly to latitude 32 deg.39'17.6'' 
    N., longitude 117 deg.08'47.5'' W.; thence northwesterly to latitude 
    32 deg.39'19.8'' N., longitude 117 deg.08'48.8'' W.; thence 
    northeasterly to latitude 32 deg.39'24.4'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.08'41.4'' W., thence southeasterly to latitude 32 deg.39'15.7'' 
    N., longitude 117 deg.08'36.0'' W.; thence southwesterly to the point 
    of beginning.
        Note: This area is located on Federal Property owned by the 
    United States, and it is reserved for active duty military, their 
    dependents, retirees, and DOD employees only.
        (j) Area A-8. In South San Diego Bay, the Sweetwater Anchorage, the 
    water enclosed by a line beginning at latitude 32 deg.39'12.2'' N 
    longitude 117107'45.1'' W.; thence easterly to latitude 
    32 deg.39'12.2'' N., longitude 117 deg.07'30.1'' W.; thence southerly 
    to latitude 32 deg.38'45.2'' N., longitude 117 deg.07'30.1'' W.; thence 
    westerly to latitude 32 deg.38'45.2'' N., longitude 117 deg.07'45.1'' 
    W.; thence northerly to the point of beginning.
        (k) Area A-9. In North San Diego Bay, the Cruiser Anchorage, the 
    water enclosed by a line beginning at latitude 32 deg.43.35.9'' N., 
    longitude 117 deg.11'06.2'' W.; thence southwesterly to latitude 
    32 deg.43'31.5'' N., longitude 117 deg.11'13.2'' W.; thence 
    southeasterly to latitude 32 deg.43'28.9'' N., longitude 
    117 deg.11'11.0'' W.; thence southeasterly to latitude 32 deg.43'25.9'' 
    N., longitude 117 deg.11'07.7'' W.; thence northeasterly to latitude 
    32 deg.43'34.8'' N., longitude 117 deg.11'03.2'' W.; thence 
    northwesterly to the point of beginning. All coordinates referred use 
    Datum: NAD 83.
        Note: Mariners anchoring in these anchorages, excluding 
    Anchorage A-6, should consult applicable local ordinances of the San 
    Diego Unified Port District. Temporary floats or buoys for marking 
    anchors are allowed. Fixed moorings, piles or stakes are prohibited. 
    All moorings shall be so that no vessel, when anchored, shall at any 
    time extend beyond the limits of the area.
        Dated: October 6, 1997.
    J.C. Card,
    Vice Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard Commander, Eleventh Coast Guard 
    [FR Doc. 97-30898 Filed 11-24-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-14-M

Document Information

Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before January 26, 1998.
62734-62736 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2115-AA98: Special Anchorage Areas/Anchorage Grounds Regulations
RIN Links:
PDF File: