94-28790. National Defense Executive Reserve Guidance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 227 (Monday, November 28, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-28790]
    [Federal Register: November 28, 1994]
    44 CFR Part 337
    RIN 3067-AB51
    National Defense Executive Reserve Guidance
    AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This proposed rule would add a new part 337 to title 44, Code 
    of Federal Regulations, National Defense Executive Reserve Guidance. 
    This part would provide guidance to Federal departments and agencies 
    that sponsor reserve units and recruit and train unit members under the 
    National Defense Executive Reserve.
    DATES: Comments are requested and should be submitted no later than 
    January 27, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Please submit written comments to the Rules Docket Clerk, 
    Office of the General Counsel, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 
    C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (facsimile) (202) 646-4536.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Linda Matticks, Program Analyst, 
    Preparedness, Training and Exercises Directorate, Federal Emergency 
    Management Agency, Room 633, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, 
    (202) 646-2703.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: New part 337 responds to Executive Order 
    12919 of June 8, 1994, 59 FR 29525, which delegates to the Director of 
    FEMA the responsibility to provide for the appropriate guidance for the 
    recruitment, training, and activation of National Defense Executive 
    Reserve Units. This part would provide guidance for those Federal 
    departments and agencies delegated authority under Executive Order 
    12919 of June 3, 1994 (59 FR 29525, June 7, 1994) to sponsor reserve 
    units under the National Defense Executive Reserve and guidance for the 
    recruitment and training of unit members.
    Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review
        This proposed rule would not be a significant regulatory action for 
    the purposes of Executive Order 12866, as defined in Sec. 3(f) of that 
    Executive Order. To the greatest extent practicable, FEMA would adhere 
    to the principles of regulation set forth in Sec. 1(b) of the Executive 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        I certify that this rule would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities in accordance with the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., because the rule 
    would not be expected (1) to affect adversely the availability of 
    Federal benefits to small entities, (2) to have significant secondary 
    or incidental effects on a substantial number of small entities, and 
    (3) to create any additional burden on small entities. As a result, a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis would not be prepared.
    Paper Work Reduction Act
        The information collection contained in this rule has been approved 
    by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the provisions of 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 U.S.C 3501 et seq. and assigned 
    OMB control number 3067-0001. Public reporting burden for the 
    information collection, FEMA Form 85-3, National Defense Executive 
    Reserve Personal Qualifications Statement, is estimated to average 30 
    minutes per response. This includes the time for reviewing 
    instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and 
    maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the form. 
    Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of the form, 
    including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Information 
    Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C 
    Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472; and to the Office of Management and 
    Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-1001), Washington, DC 20503.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        This rule would be categorically excluded from the requirements of 
    44 CFR Part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact 
    assessment has been prepared.
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        This rule involves no policies that have federalism implications 
    under Executive Order 12612, Federalism, dated October 26, 1987.
    Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform
        This rule meets the applicable standards of section 2(b)(2) of 
    Executive Order 12778.
    List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 337
        National defense, National Defense Executive Reserve, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Accordingly, Title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, is proposed to 
    be amended by adding part 337 as follows:
    337.1  Introduction
    337.2  Policy
    337.3  Purpose
    337.4  Applicability and scope
    337.5  Definitions
    337.6  Implementation
    337.7  Criteria
    337.8  Reserve membership
    337.9  Reporting
    Appendix A to Part 337--National Defense Executive Reserve Application
    Appendix B to Part 337--National Defense Executive Reserve Statement of 
        Authority: National Security Act of 1947, 50 U.S.C. 404; Defense 
    Production Act of 1950, 50 U.S.C. App. 2061, et seq.; The Robert T. 
    Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 
    5121 et seq.; E.O. 12148 of July 20, 1979, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 
    412; E.O. 12656 of November 18, 1988, 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 585; and 
    E.O. 12919 of June 3, 1994 (59 FR 29525, June 7, 1994).
    Sec. 337.1  Introduction.
        Section 710(e) of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended 
    (50 U.S.C. App. 2160(e)) authorizes the President to establish and 
    train a nucleus Executive Reserve. The President by Executive Order 
    10660 of February 15, 1956 established the National Defense Executive 
    Reserve (NDER). The Executive Order authorized the heads of departments 
    or agencies designated by the Director of the Office of Defense 
    Mobilization (predecessor to the Director of the Federal Emergency 
    Management Agency (FEMA)) to establish units of the Executive Reserve. 
    Executive Order 12919 of June 3, 1994, superseded Executive Order 11179 
    which superseded Executive Order 10660 but continued the NDER program. 
    The NDER is part of the national security emergency preparedness 
    program and provides for a standby reserve of highly qualified 
    individuals who are trained as volunteers until they are activated by 
    the President, or the head of a department or agency during periods of 
    emergency. The program facilitates the employment of Reservists in 
    executive positions in government during an emergency requiring such 
    activation. In addition, the Executive Reserve may be used for 
    emergency preparedness activities as defined under Title VI of the 
    Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
    Sec. 337.2  Policy.
        (a) lt is the policy of the President that there shall be in the 
    Executive Branch of the Government an NDER composed of persons of 
    recognized expertise from various segments of the private sector and 
    from government (other than fulltime Federal employees) to be trained 
    for employment in the Federal Government in the event of an emergency 
    that requires such employment.
        (b) As part of the President's national security emergency 
    preparedness policy under Executive Order 12656, Federal departments 
    and agencies shall develop plans and programs to mobilize personnel 
    (including reservist programs) as appropriate within their assigned 
    areas of responsibility and to assess essential emergency requirements 
    and plan for possible use of such resources to meet essential demands 
    during and following national emergencies.
    Sec. 337.3  Purpose.
        This part establishes policy and program guidance to assist those 
    Federal departments and agencies authorized to establish Executive 
    Reserve units in the NDER. This guidance is to aid in the establishment 
    and administration of such reserve units and in the recruitment and 
    training of its members. The purpose of this part is to improve the 
    ability of departments and agencies to mobilize its manpower 
    requirements in times of emergencies. The NDER is a mechanism that 
    allows the Federal Government to enlist the best and most talented 
    personnel in the private sector to fill both defense and essential 
    civilian needs in time of emergencies.
    Sec. 337.4  Applicability and scope.
        This part is applicable to all Federal departments and agencies 
    that sponsor or that may wish to sponsor a reserve unit under the NDER 
    program. It provides the standards and procedural guidance for 
    establishing and administering reserve units and for the recruitment 
    and training of its members.
    Sec. 337.5  Definitions.
        National Defense Executive Reserve is a program that provides for 
    standby Executive Reserve units sponsored by Federal departments and 
    agencies that are composed of individuals of recognized expertise from 
    various segments of the private sector and from government (except 
    full-time Federal employees) who are trained to serve in executive 
    positions in the Federal Government in time of an emergency that 
    requires such employment.
    Sec. 337.6  Implementation.
        (a) General. The Director of FEMA is responsible for the 
    development of appropriate guidance for the NDER and for the 
    coordination of the program activities of the departments and agencies 
    in establishing units of the Executive Reserve. The Director is 
    responsible for providing appropriate standards and procedural guidance 
    for recruitment, training and activation of the reserve unit members. 
    The Director shall issue necessary rules and guidance in connection 
    with the program and may request the services of participating 
    departments and agencies and private sector organizations, 
    institutions, and enterprises in the development of training programs 
    and materials and in keeping of a centralized roster of Executive 
    Reserve members.
        (b) Interagency NDER Committee. An Interagency NDER Committee, 
    composed of representatives of the departments and agencies sponsoring 
    Executive Reserve units and chaired by a representative from FEMA, will 
    advise the Director of FEMA on matters concerning the NDER program.
        (c) Federal departments and agencies. The head of any department 
    and agency, subject to the guidance of the Director of FEMA may 
    establish a unit of the Executive Reserve in that department or agency. 
    It is the responsibility of each department and agency that establishes 
    a unit to obtain the necessary funding for the unit, to recruit their 
    own members, to set their own qualifications for membership in addition 
    to the requirements set forth in this part, to obtain the necessary 
    security clearances and to conduct training and annual exercises for 
    such members. FEMA will assist the departments and agencies in their 
    recruitment efforts through referrals.
    Sec. 337.7  Criteria.
        (a) The following criteria shall be used in establishing and 
    maintaining a unit of the Executive Reserve:
        (1) The purpose of establishing a reserve unit shall be to augment 
    the department's or agency's requirements for trained highly-qualified 
    executive personnel as determined by that department or agency, for use 
    in time of emergencies.
        (2) The functional assignments of members of the reserve unit shall 
    be described in an organization chart for use in time of an emergency, 
    accompanied by position descriptions and staffing patterns related to 
    the organization chart and augmentation plans. These plans must be 
    approved by the head of the department or agency, and a copy of such 
    plans is to be provided to the Director, FEMA. A reservist shall not be 
    assigned to a position that is already filled by a regular government 
        (3) Each reserve unit shall be directed by an agency official 
    designated by the head thereof. The name of the official designated 
    shall be furnished to the Director, FEMA.
        (b) The administration and maintenance of a reserve unit is the 
    responsibility of the sponsoring agency. Recruitment, security 
    clearances, training, travel, pay, personnel records, and other 
    administrative matters shall be accomplished in accordance with the 
    standards and procedures set forth in this part, the Ethics Reform Act 
    of 1989, and 5 CFR part 2635, Executive Order 12674, and in the Federal 
    Personnel Manual to the extent such matters are covered, otherwise, the 
    sponsoring department or agency is responsible for implementing its own 
    standards and procedures for that purpose.
        (c) Funding the training, travel, and administrative support of the 
    reserve members shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring 
    department or agency.
        (d) The disestablishment of a reserve unit by the head of a 
    department or agency shall be reported to the Director, FEMA.
        (e) All documents and communications directed to FEMA shall be 
    addressed to Associate Director, Preparedness, Training and Exercises 
    Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., 
    Washington, DC 20472, Attn: NDER Program.
    Sec. 337.8  Reserve membership.
        (a) General membership conditions. Candidates must agree to the 
    following conditions to become members of the NDER:
        (1) Maintain an active participation in the unit to which he or she 
    is assigned and attend scheduled training and exercises;
        (2) Report without delay for full-time government employment with 
    the assigned department or agency upon being activated in time of an 
        (3) Serve without compensation, except for reimbursement for 
    expenses incurred while training;
        (4) Serve for a period of 5 years, with a possibility of additional 
    extensions of 5 year terms;
        (5) Inform the department or agency when he or she is unavailable 
    for full-time government employment in time of an emergency; and
        (6) Secure concurrence from his or her employer to participate in 
    the Executive Reserve unit.
        (b) Membership requirements. The following standards apply to the 
    eligibility of candidates to be reserve members:
        (1) Must be U.S. citizens;
        (2) No discrimination in the selection because of race, color, 
    religion, sex, age, national origin, or against qualified handicapped 
        (3) Members of the Ready Reserve (including the National Guard), 
    retired military personnel with mobilization orders, active Federal 
    employees, and State and local government employees with emergency 
    assignments are not eligible for NDER membership. Persons running for 
    or elected to public office are not eligible;
        (4) Candidates must be eligible to be cleared for access to at 
    least Secret information; and
        (5) Candidates must possess the qualifications required to perform 
    in the assigned emergency position to be filled by the candidate in 
    time of an emergency. Qualifications for Federal positions are set 
    forth in the Federal Personnel Manual, Standards of Qualification, 
    Chapter X-118.
        (c) Procedures for designating members. The following steps shall 
    be taken by the sponsoring department or agency when processing a 
    candidate for membership in the Executive Reserve:
        (1) Candidate is to complete an application (FEMA Form 85-3, 
    National Defense Executive Reserve Personal Qualifications Statement) 
    for the NDER program, along with a Statement of Understanding from the 
    candidate's employer, if applicable, that the employee may participate 
    in the NDER program. See appendixes A and B of this part.
        (2) The sponsoring agency shall send a copy of candidate's 
    application to the Director of FEMA to determine that the candidate is 
    not currently a member of the NDER program. FEMA will enter the data 
    from the form into the NDER Central Register and return the application 
    to the sponsoring agency.
        (3) Members of the NDER may be cleared for access to at least 
    secret information. If a security clearance is required, applicable 
    forms shall be completed by the candidate and returned to the 
    sponsoring department or agency. If required, that department or agency 
    shall conduct a security investigation of the candidate in accordance 
    with current security regulations.
        (4) When the sponsoring department or agency has approved the 
    candidate, the head thereof shall issue to the new member, a 
    Certificate of Membership in the department's or agency's Executive 
    Reserve unit and a letter informing the member of his or her 
    appointment. The sponsoring department or agency shall then notify FEMA 
    of the appointment so that the new member's file in the NDER Central 
    Register may be updated.
        (5) Appointments of members to the Executive Reserve units shall 
    not exceed five (5) years. Redesignations, transfers and terminations 
    are covered in Sec. 337.8(f). (Use of FEMA Form 85-3 has been approved 
    by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3067-0001.)
        (d) Conflicts of interest. (1) The activities of members appointed 
    to the Executive Reserve under this part shall not include acting or 
    advising on any matter pending before any department or agency but 
    shall be limited to receiving training for the member's emergency 
    assignment. When the member is called to Federal employment during an 
    emergency, the sponsoring department or agency shall inform the member 
    of the following conflicts of interest statutes and regulations and any 
    change thereto or of any new laws or regulations governing this topic:
        (i) Bribery, graft and conflict of interest statutes (18 U.S.C. ch. 
        (ii) Ethics Reform Act of 1989;
        (iii) 5 CFR part 2635;
        (iv) Executive Order 12674;
        (v) Sponsoring department's or agency's conflict of interest 
    regulations. Questions about conflicts of interest and financial 
    interest should be referred to the sponsoring department's or agency's 
    Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO). Such questions may also be 
    directed to the Office of Government Ethics, Washington, DC 20415.
        (e) Orientation and training. (1) The program official of the 
    Executive Reserve unit shall give to all new members appointed to the 
    unit an orientation covering the overall NDER program, the appropriate 
    emergency preparedness plans and programs of the sponsoring department 
    or agency, and the appointee's emergency assignment.
        (2) Members shall be kept abreast of their expected duties and of 
    any new developments in the department's or agency's appropriate 
    emergency preparedness programs through formal training and exercises 
    at least annually.
        (3) Departments and agencies are responsible for designing their 
    own orientation and training programs. Executive Reserve program 
    officials shall design these programs to reflect the appropriate 
    emergency preparedness activities to which the members will be assigned 
    as well as an overview of department's and agency's total national 
    security emergency preparedness programs.
        (f) Redesignation, transfer, and termination. (1) To be 
    redesignated, a reservist must have attended at least one annual 
    training session within the previous term of appointment or have 
    otherwise participated in approved training. However, the unit's 
    program official of the sponsoring department or agency may authorize 
    the redesignation of a reservist on a case-by-case basis, where there 
    are special circumstances or conditions to warrant or justify such 
        (2) A Reservist who changes employment since his or her previous 
    designation, will be required to file a new application with a 
    Statement of Understanding (appendix B of this part) from his or her 
    employer agreeing to the member's participation in the NDER program.
        (3) A sponsoring department or agency that requests the transfer of 
    a reservist from one unit to another must obtain the concurrence of:
        (A) The reservist current unit;
        (B) The reservist; and
        (C) The reservist's employer.
        (4) A reservist may be terminated if it is determined by the 
    sponsoring department or agency that the member's services are no 
    longer needed. A reservist is terminated automatically when the 
    member's term expires without redesignation or when the reservist fails 
    to meet the membership requirements as set forth in this Part or as set 
    forth in the sponsoring department's or agency's qualifications. A 
    reservist may resign at any time.
        (5) A reservist who has served with distinction and who is not 
    redesignated may be placed in Reservist Emeritus Status. Such a 
    reservist may participate in training programs and other activities 
    when the unit would benefit from the member's knowledge and experience. 
    A Reservist Emeritus will not receive an appropriate emergency 
    assignment nor will he or she be called to duty in time of an emergency 
    without consent.
        (6) Notification of any changes in status of a reservist, whether 
    by redesignation, transfer, termination or Emeritus determination, 
    shall be furnished in writing to the Director of FEMA to include the 
    date of such action and any change of addresses, home or business.
        (g) Activating reservists. (1) The head of each department or 
    agency with an NDER unit may activate the unit, in whole or in part, 
    upon written determination that an emergency exists and that the 
    activation of the unit is necessary to carry out the emergency program 
    functions of the department or agency.
        (2) At least 72 hours prior to activating the NDER unit, the head 
    of the department or agency shall notify, in writing, the Assistant to 
    the President for National Security Affairs of the impending 
    activation, and a copy of such plans is to be provided to the Director, 
        (3) Once the authority to activate reservists has been approved by 
    the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, whether 
    it be an activation by unit or by individual, the sponsoring department 
    or agency is responsible for notifying the reservists.
        (4) The authority for appointing reservists to assigned positions 
    upon being activated may be found in the Federal Personnel Manual, part 
    910-1. Appointments in the event of an attack on the United States are 
    addressed in the Federal Personnel Manual Supplement.
        (h) Central register of reservists. The Director of FEMA shall 
    maintain a central register of all NDER members and candidates. The 
    register will be used to compile periodic and special reports and to 
    prevent duplication in recruiting of NDER members.
        (i) Employment of reservist in a non-NDER status. Departments and 
    agencies wishing to appoint a member of the Reserve as a Federal 
    employee or consultant outside the NDER, must follow the established 
    Office of Personnel Management procedures for hiring regular Federal 
        (j) Records. Departments and agencies sponsoring NDER units shall 
    keep administrative records of their units' activities that will enable 
    them to report information to the Director of FEMA of the type 
    necessary for the periodic reports to the President required under 
    Executive Order 12656 and Executive Order 12919.
    Sec. 337.9  Reporting.
        Under Executive Order 12656, the Director of FEMA is required to 
    submit a periodic report to the President on the Federal Government's 
    capability to respond to national security emergencies. In addition, 
    the Director of FEMA is to report to the President periodically 
    concerning all program activities conducted pursuant to Executive Order 
    12919. An evaluation of the NDER programs of Federal departments and 
    agencies will be included in these reports. Therefore, Federal 
    departments and agencies shall report the following information to the 
    Director on an annual basis in accordance with written instructions 
    provided by FEMA:
        (a) The number of active and emeritus members in each unit;
        (b) Training activities for the past fiscal year and training plans 
    for the upcoming fiscal year, including a description of the program, 
    its location, the number of reserve, Federal, State, local and guest 
    participants, and dates; and
        (c) A written evaluation of NDER activities during the past fiscal 
    year. (These reporting requirements have been cleared in accordance 
    with Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (FIRMR) 201-
    45.6 (41 CFR 201-45.6) and assigned interagency report control number 
    BILLING CODE 6718-20-P
        Dated: November 16, 1994.
    Harvey G. Ryland,
    Deputy Director.
    [FR Doc. 94-28790 Filed 11-25-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6718-20-C

Document Information

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments are requested and should be submitted no later than January 27, 1995.
0-0 (None pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: November 28, 1994
CFR: (9)
44 CFR 337.1
44 CFR 337.2
44 CFR 337.3
44 CFR 337.4
44 CFR 337.5
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