95-28995. Special Conditions; Hamilton Standard Model 247F Propeller  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 228 (Tuesday, November 28, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 58508-58509]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-28995]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 35
    [Docket No. 94-ANE-50; Notice No. 35-ANE-01]
    Special Conditions; Hamilton Standard Model 247F Propeller
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Final special conditions.
    SUMMARY: These special conditions are issued for Hamilton Standard 
    Model 247F propeller with electronic propeller and pitch control 
    system. The applicable regulations currently do not contain adequate or 
    appropriate safety standards for constant speed propellers with 
    electronic propeller and pitch control. These special conditions 
    contain the additional safety standards which the Administrator 
    considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that 
    established by the airworthiness standards of part 35 of the Federal 
    Aviation Regulations (FAR).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 28, 1995.
    Martin Buckman, Engine and Propeller Standards Staff, ANE-110, Engine 
    and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, FAA, New 
    England Region, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, 
    Massachusetts 01803-5229; telephone (617) 238-7112; fax (617) 238-7199.
        On March 8, 1993, Hamilton Standard applied for an amendment to the 
    type certificate of Model 247F propeller. The new propeller would use a 
    new electronic propeller and pitch control system in place of the 
    primary governor control and synchrophaser unit.
        The existing propeller pitch control is normally monitored by a 
    governor which senses propeller speed and adjusts the pitch to absorb 
    the engine power and therefore maintains the propeller at the correct 
    RPM. When the primary governor fails, the propeller pitch is controlled 
    by an overspeed governor. This type of system is conventional and its 
    airworthiness considerations are addressed by part 35 of the FAR's.
        The FAA has determined that special conditions are necessary to 
    certificate a Hamilton Standard electronic propeller and pitch control 
    in place of the primary governor control and synchrophaser unit for the 
    Model 247F propeller. This control is designed to operate with existing 
    mechanical and hydraulic interface of the engine and propeller. 
    Electronic propeller and pitch controls introduce potential failures 
    that can result in unsafe conditions. These types of failures are not 
    addressed by the requirements of part 35. These failures can lead to 
    the following possible unsafe conditions:
        (1) Loss of control of the propeller,
        (2) Instability of a critical function,
        (3) Unwanted change in propeller pitch causing improper thrust/
    overspeed, and
        (4) Unwanted action of a critical control function resulting in 
    propeller flat pitch or reverse.
    [[Page 58509]]
        Certification issues that must be addressed are possible loss of 
    aircraft-supplied electrical power, aircraft supplied data, failures 
    modes, environmental effects including lightning strikes and high 
    intensity radiated fields (HIRF), and software design.
        The FAA finds that under the provisions of Sec. 21.16 of the FAR, 
    additional safety standards must be applied to the Hamilton Standard 
    electronic propeller control for Model 247F propellers to demonstrate 
    that it is capable of acceptable operation.
    Type Certification Basis
        Under the provisions of Sec. 21.17 of the FAR, Hamilton Standard 
    must show that the Model 247F propeller meets the requirements of the 
    applicable regulations in effect on the date of the application. Those 
    FAR's are Sec. 21.21 and part 35, effective February 1, 1965, as 
        The Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness 
    regulations in part 35, as amended, do not contain adequate or 
    appropriate safety standards for the Model 247F propeller. Therefore, 
    the Administrator prescribes special conditions under the provisions of 
    Sec. 21.16 to establish a level of safety equivalent to that 
    established in the regulations.
        Special conditions, as appropriate, are issued in accordance with 
    Sec. 11.49 of the FAR after public notice and opportunity for comment, 
    as required by Secs. 11.28 and 11.29(b), and become part of the type 
    certification basis in accordance with Sec. 21.101(b)(2).
    Novel or Unusual Design Features
        Because of the unusual design features of the Hamilton Standard 
    Model 247F propeller with electronic propeller and pitch control, the 
    FAA issues special conditions under Sec. 21.16 of the FAR.
    Discussion of Comments
        Interested persons have been afforded the opportunity to 
    participate in the making of these special conditions. Due 
    consideration has been given to the comments received.
        One commenter was concerned that the terms ``unsafe conditions'' 
    and ``unacceptable change'' are vague and could lead to multiple 
    interpretations if the terms were not defined in the special 
        The FAA agrees, and the term ``unsafe conditions'' is now defined 
    in the special conditions and the term ``unacceptable change'' has been 
    removed and replaced with the term ``unsafe condition''.
        One commenter was concerned with system redundancy and stated that 
    FAR 25.1309, its associated Advisory Circular and a Failure Modes 
    Effects Analysis (FMEA) should be applied to the special condition.
        The FAA disagrees. The special condition as stated in paragraph 
    (a)(2) addresses the commenter's concern by requiring that the 
    propeller be designed and constructed so that no single failure or 
    malfunction, or probable combination of failures of electrical or 
    electronic components of the propeller control system, result in an 
    unsafe condition. Also, the propeller manufacturer includes a FMEA 
    report as part of the data required for propeller certification. This 
    same report is submitted to the airframe manufacturer for incorporation 
    into aircraft certification documentation to show compliance with FAR 
        After careful review of the available data, including the comments 
    noted above, the FAA determined that air safety and the public interest 
    require the adoption of these special conditions with the changes 
    discussed previously.
        This action affects only Hamilton Standard Model 247F propeller 
    with a new system of electronic propeller and pitch control. It is not 
    a rule of general applicability and affects only the manufacturer who 
    applied to the FAA for approval of these features on the aircraft.
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 35
        Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.
        The authority citation for these special conditions continues to 
    read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704; and 14 
    CFR 11.49 and 21.16.
    The Special Conditions
        Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the 
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the following special conditions 
    are issued as part of the type certification basis for the Hamilton 
    Standard Model 247F propeller and pitch control system. Considering 
    that electronic propeller and pitch control systems introduce potential 
    failures that can result in unsafe conditions, the following special 
    conditions are issued:
        (a) Each propeller and pitch control system which relies on 
    electrical and electronic means for normal operation must:
        (1) Be designed and constructed so that any failure or malfunction 
    of aircraft supplied power or data will not result in an unsafe 
    condition of the propeller pitch setting or prevent continued safe 
    operation of the propeller.
        (2) Be designed and constructed so that no single failure or 
    malfunction, or probable combination of failures of electrical or 
    electronic components of the propeller control system, result in an 
    unsafe condition.
        (3) Be tested to its environmental limits including transients 
    (variations) caused by lightning and high intensity radiated fields 
    (HIRF) and demonstrate no adverse effects on the control system 
    operation and performance or resultant damage. These tests shall 
    include, but not be limited to, the following:
        (i) Lightning strikes, such as multiple-stroke and multiple-burst
        (ii) Pin-injected tests to appropriate wave forms and levels
        (iii) HIRF susceptibility tests
        (4) Be demonstrated by analysis/tests that associated software is 
    designed and implemented to prevent errors that would result in an 
    unsafe propeller pitch setting or an unsafe condition.
        (5) Be designed and constructed so that a failure or malfunction of 
    electrical or electronic components in the propeller or control system 
    will not prevent safe operation of any remaining propeller that is 
    installed on the aircraft.
        (b) For the purpose of these special conditions, an unsafe 
    condition is considered to exist for each of the following conditions:
        (1) Loss of control of the propeller,
        (2) Instability of a critical function,
        (3) Unwanted change in propeller pitch causing improper thrust/
    overspeed, and
        (4) Unwanted action of a critical control function resulting in 
    propeller flat pitch or reverse.
        Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on November 16, 1995.
    Jay Pardee,
    Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
    [FR Doc. 95-28995 Filed 11-27-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Final special conditions.
Document Number:
December 28, 1995.
58508-58509 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 94-ANE-50, Notice No. 35-ANE-01
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
14 CFR 11.49
14 CFR 21.16