97-31243. Achieving Interoperability in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) With Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 229 (Friday, November 28, 1997)]
    [Pages 63408-63411]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-31243]
    Federal Highway Administration
    [FHWA Docket No. FHWA-97-2320; FHWA-96-46]
    Achieving Interoperability in Intelligent Transportation Systems 
    (ITS) With Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
    AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
    ACTION: Supplemental notice; extension of comment period.
    SUMMARY: The FHWA published a notice in the Federal Register on January 
    6, 1997 (62 FR 791), in which the agency requested comments on three 
    items of concern relating to the
    [[Page 63409]]
    implementation of dedicated short range communication (DSRC) systems 
    specified in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) National 
    Architecture. These issues are paraphrased as follows:
        (1) Should the FHWA require that DSRC systems purchased with 
    Federal-aid highway funding meet draft standard specifications?
        (2) Should the FHWA require that DSRC systems purchased with 
    Federal-aid highway funding meet an escalating interoperability formula 
    (e.g., start with national interoperability of all commercial vehicle 
    operations (CVO) applications and gradually transition stepwise over 
    time to national interoperability of all federally-funded DSRC 
        (3) Should a single DSRC standard be developed for all applications 
    in ITS projects with Federal-aid highway funding?
        The comment period for this notice was scheduled to close on 
    February 1, 1997. The FHWA solicits further public comment on this 
    issue; therefore, it is extending the comment period until January 27, 
    DATES: Comments must be received no later than January 27, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: All signed, written comments should refer to the docket 
    number that appears at the top of this document and must be submitted 
    to the Docket Clerk, U.S. DOT Dockets, Room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, 
    SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001. All comments received will be available 
    for examination at the above address between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t., 
    Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Those desiring 
    notification of receipt of comments must include a self-addressed, 
    stamped envelope or postcard.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical and programmatic 
    questions contact: Mr. Michael P. Onder, ITS Joint Program Office, 
    (202) 366-2639. For legal questions contact: Ms. Beverly M. Russell, 
    Office of the Chief Counsel, (202) 366-1355. Federal Highway 
    Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. Office 
    hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, 
    except Federal holidays.
        The ITS program of the United States Department of Transportation 
    (USDOT) was established by the Congress in the Intermodal Surface 
    Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), Pub. L. 102-240, 105 
    Stat. 1914. In section 6053(b) of the ISTEA, the Congress directed the 
    USDOT to develop and implement standards and protocols to promote 
    widespread use and evaluation of ITS technology as a component of the 
    nation's surface transportation systems. A precursor to the development 
    of standards has been the formation of a National ITS Architecture. The 
    architecture describes how system components should work and interact, 
    and includes recommendations for which kinds of communication system 
    media are used for data transmission among the various components.
        The USDOT began an intensive National ITS Architecture development 
    program in December 1994, and concluded with an architecture that 
    supports 30 ITS user services in July 1996. The National ITS 
    Architecture envisions a transportation system in which DSRC is the 
    favored method of wireless communications between vehicles and roadside 
    subsystems for CVO, for Electronic Toll and Traffic Management (ETTM), 
    and for several other important, but less prevalent, ITS applications. 
    In ITS reauthorization legislation, for fiscal years 1998 or 1999, it 
    is expected that the USDOT will be directed to ensure conformance with 
    the National ITS Architecture and its implementing standards for ITS 
    deployment projects using Federal-aid highway funds, thus ensuring the 
    highest effectiveness and benefits for the funds expended.
    The Vehicle/Roadside Air Interface Problem
        Currently, interoperability does not exist between the DSRC 
    equipment of different manufacturers. The DSRC standards governing the 
    wireless communication between the transponder and reader, and the 
    message sets in this wireless air interface exchange that are required 
    for interoperability, are not yet applied to ITS project deployment. 
    Interoperability, in this case, is the ability of any given roadside 
    reader or interrogation device to meaningfully query, send or receive, 
    and process data from any given transponder mounted in a vehicle, 
    regardless of which manufacturer produced either the reader or 
    transponder. In order for wireless communication between vehicles and 
    roadside--a fundamental enabling technology for ITS--to take place 
    successfully, DSRC standards must be established at levels one and two 
    of the International Standards Organization's Open Systems Interconnect 
    (OSI) reference model, which deal with the ``air interface'' and the 
    physical properties of the system. Furthermore, for the DSRC 
    applications to be a viable alternative for commercial fleets, it is 
    essential that interoperability exist on a nationwide basis.
        Over the past several years, the DSRC industry has been unable to 
    agree upon a viable path for DSRC standardization. If the FHWA 
    continues to allow Federal-aid highway funds to be invested in 
    noncompatible systems, the magnitude of the problem will continue to 
    escalate. Unless the DSRC industry can identify a solution to the 
    remaining areas of non-interoperability soon, the FHWA will be forced 
    to seek a process to develop and apply a standard as an 
    interoperability solution to support long term deployment of DSRC using 
    Federal-aid highway funds, and therein halt the proliferation of non-
    interoperable DSRC systems.
    Discussion of Comments
        A total of 21 comments were received in response to the initial 
    notice soliciting comments on January 6, 1997. These comments represent 
    the opinions of 29 entities. The comments received in response to each 
    question are described immediately after a restatement of each 
    question. The first question is subdivided into three parts for clear 
    delineation of the salient aspects of the responses. The remaining two 
    questions are briefly stated with their respective responses from the 
    Questions and Responses
        1(a). Should the FHWA require that the DSRC systems purchased with 
    Federal-aid highway funds meet draft standard specification, such as 
    that of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) proposed 
    Draft No. 6 DSRC standard and the Committee for European Normalization 
    (CEN) draft documents N473, N474, and N505, prior to their formal 
    adoption as industry standards in an effort to reduce the proliferation 
    of non-interoperable systems?
        The responses were evenly divided on the question of whether 
    Federal-aid funds should be tied to conformance with draft standards.
        Comments from manufacturers were divided. Those manufacturers with 
    products that meet, or are close to meeting, the ASTM draft DSRC 
    standards were in favor of using a draft standard rather than a fully 
    adopted national standard. The majority of the manufacturers, and some 
    of the public and user agencies, stated that the CEN pre-standards are 
    not suitable for North America. It was suggested that current work on 
    the ASTM standard covering North American use of the 902 and 928 
    megahertz (MHZ) band for the DSRC
    [[Page 63410]]
    capability should be completed and, then, a long-term transition to the 
    5.8 gigahertz (GHz) band should be developed.
        A majority of the commenters from the public and user agencies 
    rejected use of the ASTM draft DSRC standards. They stated that the 
    existing ASTM draft DSRC standards are not interoperable and would not 
    ensure interoperability.
        A few system integrators commented that requiring conformance with 
    the ASTM draft DSRC standards would force all manufacturers to support 
    preparation of the final standard, thus accelerating the effort to 
    establish and publish the national standards.
        1(b). Should the FHWA include message set requirement, such as, the 
    Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Dedicated Short 
    Range Communications Interface Requirements of April 2, 1996 (The Johns 
    Hopkins University-Applied Physics Lab)?
        A majority of commenters agreed that message set requirements are 
    needed in the DSRC standards.
        Manufacturers commented that message set requirements should be 
    part of the standard, but that they would rather work with a fully 
    defined and adopted DSRC standard.
        Comments from the public and user agencies varied depending on the 
    particular DSRC application in use; however, a majority stated that 
    message set requirements should be incorporated into the DSRC standard 
    to the extent practicable.
        The system integrators believed that including message set 
    requirements as a portion of the DSRC standard is necessary and would 
    help force commitment to reach an agreement on the DSRC standard.
        1(c). Should compliance with specific draft DSRC standards be 
    required for CVO application only; for both CVO and ETTM application; 
    or for CVO, ETTM, and additional applications?
        A slight majority of commenters favored requiring compliance with 
    the ASTM draft DSRC standard for application to CVO and ETTM.
        Comments from manufacturers were divided on adopting an ASTM draft 
    DSRC standard. One half of this group stated that the availability of 
    Federal-aid highway funds should be tied only to a fully defined and 
    endorsed DSRC standard; while the other half supported the adoption of 
    a specific ASTM draft standard. There was a divergence of views on the 
    extent of applicability of a DSRC standard. Some stated that users of 
    simple applications should not have to pay for the needs of complex 
    applications. Others supported a single DSRC standard for all 
    applications. Another group would adopt a single DSRC standard 
    applicable to both CVO and ETTM applications.
        Public and user agency responses were slightly varied, with all 
    supporting application of a DSRC standard to CVO. A majority favored 
    application of the DSRC standard to both CVO and ETTM. A few commenters 
    favored a single DSRC standard for all DSRC applications.
        Comments from the system integrators supported a widely applicable 
    DSRC standard. This group supported immediate establishment of rules 
    for use of the ASTM draft DSRC standard as a prerequisite for Federal-
    aid highway funding. According to the system integrators, even a draft 
    DSRC standard could be used as a mechanism to move all parties to 
    agreement on the final endorsed DSRC standard.
        2. Should the FHWA require that DSRC systems purchased with 
    Federal-aid highway funds meet an escalating interoperability formula? 
    An example would be that, initially, all CVO applications must be 
    nationally interoperable; later, all new (after some specified later 
    date) ETTM systems and system upgrades must be interoperable with CVO 
    applications; and, finally, all other new (after another specified even 
    later date) and upgrading DSRC applications must be interoperable with 
    CVO applications.
        The FHWA believes that nationwide interoperability is critical for 
    the efficient operation of vehicles using DSRC equipment crossing the 
    nation, especially commercial vehicles, and, thus, requires a national 
    focus. The ETTM programs, on the other hand, and possibly other DSRC 
    applications are more focused on regional travel, with the exception of 
    commercial carriers. Thus, it may not be practical to require all users 
    of DSRC equipment to adhere immediately to a national DSRC standard. 
    Instead, a transition to national interoperability may be the best 
        A significant majority (60 percent) of all commenters favored use 
    of a DSRC standard with an escalating interoperability formula as a 
    prerequisite for use of Federal-aid highway funds.
        A large majority of the DSRC equipment manufacturers and the DSRC 
    system integrators responded favorably to the use of an escalating 
    interoperability formula.
        Comments from public and user agencies were divided on support for 
    application of the escalating interoperability formulas as a 
    prerequisite for use of Federal-aid highway funds. The public and user 
    agencies strongly supported continued use of existing equipment, 
    including both transponders and readers, when a DSRC standard is 
        3. Should a single DSRC standard be developed for all DSRC 
    applications, or should separate standards be developed with an 
    assumption that trucks and buses, and perhaps other users, would likely 
    require separate technology to perform those functions?
        The FHWA recognizes that the CVO and ETTM applications, as well as 
    other DSRC applications, have different requirements that have also 
    shaped the design and operation of the DSRC equipment. While it may be 
    desirable to have a single DSRC standard, it may not be practical. A 
    possible alternative measure would be to have a single DSRC standard 
    with standard fields, such as, vehicle identifier and message set 
    identifier, but with different message sets for each application.
        A majority (64 percent) of all non-Federal respondents favored use 
    of a single DSRC standard for all applications as a prerequisite for 
    use of Federal-aid funds.
        The DSRC equipment manufacturers and the DSRC system integrators 
    unanimously favored development and endorsement of an appropriately 
    designed single DSRC standard, and its use for all ITS applications of 
    DSRC, as a prerequisite for use of Federal-aid highway funds.
        Comments from the public and user agencies were more divided on 
    their responses for and against a single DSRC standard. Some of the 
    agencies seemed to favor a single DSRC standard with multiple 
    applications under its umbrella, which would provide interoperability, 
    but possibly with different optional features (such as, different 
    message sets) for the different applications. This is differentiated 
    from the scenario implied by those questions asked in the January 6 
    notice; namely, a single DSRC standard with all of its requirements 
    applicable to all DSRC applications.
        The USDOT has a strong desire to facilitate development and 
    acceptance of standards that best serve the industry and the users of 
    ITS technology. The USDOT is relying on the DSRC industry and users of 
    ITS technology to come to agreement on the national DSRC standards. The 
    FHWA has demonstrated its willingness to assist in this process by 
    funding ASTM, a standards development organization, for this purpose. 
    Also, the FHWA has been
    [[Page 63411]]
    participating in all discussions sponsored by the Intelligent 
    Transportation Society of America (ITS America) that have been taking 
    place between DSRC users and manufacturers. The FHWA understands that 
    significant progress has been made toward agreement on a broad DSRC 
    standard in the ASTM Draft No. 7 DSRC standard, prepared with industry 
    and user participation. It is clear that the DSRC industry and users 
    have been striving to make progress on the national DSRC standards--
    many work on their own time and at their own expense. The USDOT is 
    sincerely appreciative for this cooperative effort, and will continue 
    to encourage the DSRC industry to do its part. The need for national 
    interoperability for CVO applications is becoming more critical. Also, 
    the total national investment in non-interoperable ETTM equipment 
    continues to grow rapidly. The USDOT would prefer that the DSRC 
    industry and users set the necessary DSRC standards through a consensus 
    building process among the DSRC vendor and user communities, which the 
    USDOT is sponsoring through ITS America. It is imperative that the DSRC 
    standards be ready for ballot by the end of 1997. If the ballottable 
    standard is not available by that time, for publication by June 1998, 
    of the endorsed DSRC standards, a meeting will be held under the ITS 
    America auspices between the USDOT, the DSRC users, and the 
    manufacturers to determine the extent of the delay. If a significant 
    impasse to progress remains at the conclusion of that meeting, the 
    USDOT will initiate a rulemaking action to establish the necessary 
    standards to allow interoperability between DSRC applications.
    (Sec. 6053(b), Pub. L. 102-240, 105 Stat. 1914; 23 U.S.C. 307 note; 
    49 CFR 1.48)
        Issued on: November 19, 1997.
    Kenneth R. Wykle,
    Federal Highway Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 97-31243 Filed 11-26-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-22-P

Document Information

Federal Highway Administration
Entry Type:
Supplemental notice; extension of comment period.
Document Number:
Comments must be received no later than January 27, 1998.
63408-63411 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FHWA Docket No. FHWA-97-2320, FHWA-96-46
PDF File: