94-29364. Research, Development, and Demonstration of Metal Casting Research to Increase the Competitiveness of the U.S. Foundry Industry  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 228 (Tuesday, November 29, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-29364]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: November 29, 1994]
    Research, Development, and Demonstration of Metal Casting 
    Research to Increase the Competitiveness of the U.S. Foundry Industry
    AGENCY: Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office.
    ACTION: Solicitation for Financial Assistance: Metal Casting 
    Competitiveness Research Program.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Idaho Operations Office 
    (ID), is seeking applications for cost-shared research and technology 
    development in the U.S. metal casting industry. The objective is to 
    promote the competitiveness and energy efficiency of the U.S. metal 
    casting industry through major gains in manufacturing productivity; 
    remediation technologies; process cost reduction; and product quality 
    improvement. This is a complete solicitation document. No other 
    solicitation will be issued for this Metal Casting Competitiveness 
    Research Program.
    DATES: The deadline for receipt of applications is January 19, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Applications shall be submitted to: B. G. Bauer, Contracting 
    Officer; Procurement Services Division; U. S. Department of Energy; 
    Idaho Operations Office; 850 Energy Drive, MS 1221; Idaho Falls, Idaho 
    83401-1563. [NUMBER DE-PS07-95ID13339]
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carol Bruns, Contract Specialist, 
    (208) 526-1534.
        In order to improve the competitiveness and energy efficiency of 
    the U.S. metal casting industry, the Office of Industrial Processes 
    (OIP) of the DOE has sponsored a R&D program titled Metal Casting 
    Competitiveness Research Program. As part of this program, this 
    solicitation for federal financial assistance applications is being 
    Project Description
        DOE anticipates awarding approximately two to eight Cooperative 
    Agreements in accordance with DOE Financial Assistance regulations 
    appearing at Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter II 
    Subchapter H, Part 600 as a result of this solicitation, provided 
    applications received meet or further the objectives of Public Law 101-
    425, Department of Energy Metal Casting Competitiveness Research Act of 
    1990, and funds are available. Federal funds appropriated for this 
    solicitation are approximately $1,750,000 and are to be used to fund 
    the entire research effort. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance 
    Number for this program is 81.078. Each award will make available 
    federal funds to a project on a cost-sharing basis, but the federal 
    funding contribution will not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of a 
    research project. Under Cooperative Agreements it is anticipated there 
    will be substantial involvement by DOE.
        DOE suggests, but does not require, a multi-phase approach and 
    projects may be initiated at the bench (Phase I), laboratory (Phase 
    II), or pilot-scale (Phase III), levels. The period of performance for 
    Phase I is anticipated to be 12 months. At the end of Phase I, provided 
    satisfactory progress has been made and funds are available, DOE may 
    award a continuation of work to undertake further development if the 
    participant demonstrates a continuing need for federal assistance, 
    shows sufficient progress in the research effort in Phase I, has 
    completed Phase I in compliance with a mutually agreed management plan, 
    and identifies the new research planned.
        The thrust of the Program is directed towards R&D which will 
    improve the competitive position and energy efficiency of the U.S. 
    metal casting industry, defined as the industries identified by codes 
    numbered 3321, 3322, 3324, 3325, 3363, 3364, 3365, 3366, and 3369, in 
    the Standard Industrial Classification manual published by the Office 
    of Management and Budget in 1987. Utilizing the recommendations of the 
    DOE Metal Casting Industrial Advisory Board, and in accordance with the 
    objectives of Public Law 101-425, the below listed priority research 
    subject areas have been identified. Proposals for research in areas not 
    included in the list below will not be considered. Applications must 
    identify the priority area being addressed, explain why industry is not 
    already performing the proposed research, and why DOE funding is 
    Metal Casting Research Priorities
        This solicitation is to be focused on the following metal casting 
    research priorities identified by the industry and the Industrial 
    Advisory Board.
    1. Solidification and Casting Technologies:
        a. Dimensional control of castings,
        b. Clean cast metal technology,
        c. Lost Foam casting technology,
        d. Cast metal properties,
        e. Porosity and inclusion defect elimination technology,
        f. Thixotropic molding and rheocasting,
        g. Solidification technology.
    2. Computational Modeling and Design:
        a. Computer integrated processing methods for productivity and 
    quality improvements such as Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer 
    Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Manufacturing, (CAM), and 
    Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM),
        b. Interaction of process variables,
        c. Predictive Cupola furnace model,
        d. Thermophysical property data base development for commercial 
    casting alloys.
    3. Processing Technologies and Design for Energy Efficiency, Material 
    Conservation, Environmental Protection, or Industrial Productivity:
        a. Energy Efficiency:
        (1) Aluminum furnace optimization,
        (2) Cupola furnace optimization,
        (3) Waste heat recuperation for melting and holding furnace and 
    process ovens.
        b. Material Conservation:
        (1) Process improvements for lightweight components of aluminum and 
        (2) Net shape casting such as permanent molding and high pressure 
    die casting with disposable core and investment casting technologies,
        (3) Improved molten metal delivery system designs,
        (4) Net shape high modulus ferrous casting technology (Steel),
        (5) Thin wall metal casting technology (ferrous and non-ferrous).
        c. Environmental Protection:
        (1) Sand reclamation,
        (2) Characterization of waste streams,
        (3) Waste treatment technologies and utilization.
        d. Industrial Productivity:
        (1) Gating system removal and finishing operation technologies,
        (2) Core removal technology,
        (3) Core assembly automation,
        (4) Lead time compression technology.
    4. Other Areas of Research:
        a. On-line process controls (sensors) for molding, melting, and 
        b. Plasma melting,
        c. Cokeless Cupola,
        d. Metal matrix composite materials,
        e. Extended die casting die life,
        f. Development of advanced alloy technologies.
    Proposal Requirements
        Each proposal must contain the following:
    1. Identify the priority area being addressed, explain why industry is 
    not already performing the proposed research, and why DOE funding is 
    2. Demonstrated support of the metal casting industry by describing:
        a. how industry has participated in deciding what research 
    activities will be undertaken;
        b. how industry will participate in the evaluation of the 
    applicant's progress in research and development activities;
        c. the extent of industry involvement in conducting trials at 
    multiple plants to accomplish or validate the research; and
        d. the extent to which industry funds are committed to the 
    applicant's proposal;
    3. Demonstrate a commitment for matching funds from non-federal 
    sources, which shall consist of:
        a. cash, and/or
        b. as determined by DOE, the fair market value of equipment, 
    services, materials, appropriate technology transfer activities, and 
    other assets directly related to the proposed project;
    4. Provide a single or multiyear management plan that outlines how the 
    research, development, and technology transfer activities will be 
    carried out and administered. The management plan shall:
        a. outline the research, development, and technology transfer 
    activities by Task expected to be performed;
        b. outline who will conduct those research activities;
        c. establish the time frame over which the research activities will 
    take place; and
        d. define the overall program management and direction by:
        1. identifying managerial, organizational and administrative 
    procedures and responsibilities;
        2. outlining how the coordination of research and development 
    between the individuals and organizations involved will be achieved;
        3. demonstrating how implementation and monitoring of the progress 
    of the research project after receipt of funding from DOE will be 
        4. demonstrating how recommendations and implementations on 
    modifications to the plan, if any, will be achieved; and
        5. providing sufficient rationale to support the project costs.
    5. State the annual cost of the proposal and a breakdown of those costs 
    per each task and each individual performing the work;
    6. Provide a critical review of existing and emerging technologies, 
    relevant patents, on-going research, and practices, and a description 
    of the hurdles that must be overcome to ensure commercial viability and 
    commercialization of the proposed technologies;
    7. Justify the project with an initial economic evaluation indicating 
    the potential for a significant reduction in manufacturing cost and/or 
    a significant improvement in product value resulting from the proposed 
    8. Identify the technical hurdles for commercialization and how they 
    will be addressed; and
    9. Provide evidence of having the facilities and equipment capable of 
    conducting at least laboratory scale testing or demonstration of metal 
    casting or related processes.
        Note: Underlying assumptions along with detailed calculations to 
    support the claimed economic and energy efficiency benefits must be 
    included in the application.
    Qualified Applicants
        The following entities that are located in a region where the metal 
    casting industry is concentrated are qualified to respond to this 
    a. an educational institution;
    b. a consortium of educational institutions;
    c. a consortium of educational institution(s) with one or more of the 
    following: Government-owned laboratories, private research 
    organizations, nonprofit institutions, or private firms.
    Proposal Evaluation
        a. Application Deadline: The deadline for receipt of applications 
    is January 19, 1995. Late applications will be handled in accordance 
    with 10 CFR 600.13.
        b. Selection of Proposals: Only those proposals which meet all of 
    the requirements of this solicitation will be considered for selection. 
    Selections will be made in accordance with the following selection 
    criteria and programmatic considerations:
        Criterion 1--The research proposal demonstrates a thorough 
    knowledge of the metal casting industry by highlighting its technology 
    needs, barriers to their development and commercialization, and 
    provides a credible management plan to achieve, and evidence to 
    support, the benefits identified in the proposed research.
        Criterion 2--The research proposal contains evidence of strong 
    support by the metal casting industry by identifying significant 
    industry involvement in preparation of the proposal and in performing 
    the research activities.
        Criterion 3--The research proposal identifies a viable mechanism to 
    facilitate the transfer of the technology to the metal casting industry 
    at the earliest practicable time; Proposals that include conducting 
    trials at multiple plants to accomplish or validate work are preferred.
        Criterion 4--The research proposal offers technology which is based 
    upon sound scientific, environmental, and engineering principles, are 
    technically feasible and cost effective, have practical industrial 
    application, and will provide the greatest benefits per dollar invested 
    in U.S. metal casting industry competitiveness and job creation and/or 
        Criterion 5--The extent of the financial commitment of non-Federal 
    sources to the research activities above and beyond the minimum 50% 
        c. Weighting of Criteria: Criterion 1 is weighted 50%, Criteria 2 
    is weighted 20%, and Criteria 3, 4, and 5 are weighted 10% of the total 
        d. Programmatic Selection Considerations: In conjunction with the 
    evaluation results and rankings of individual proposals, the Government 
    will make selections for negotiations and planned awards from among the 
    highest ranking proposals utilizing the following programmatic 
        (1) To the greatest extent possible and subject to available 
    appropriations, selection decisions will ensure that at least one 
    applicant is selected from each of the four census regions of the 
    country where the metal casting area is concentrated (see Section 3 of 
    Public Law 101-425). A list of the four census regions will be included 
    in the application package.
        (2) It is desirable to implement each research and development 
    project as a continuing collaborative effort in which the participants 
    represent both the scientific/engineering research disciplines as well 
    as members of the metal casting industry engaged in its practical, 
    daily operations and experienced in the application of advanced metal 
    casting processes.
        (3) To the maximum extent possible, the research and development 
    activities should be conducted on the premises of the industrial 
    participants in the proposed projects.
        (4) It is desirable that a dominant portion of the proposed 
    research focus on improving metal casting processes and the application 
    of emerging advanced technologies in the typical U.S. metal casting 
        (5) Proposals that have the potential to save significant energy 
    and provide significant cost benefits are preferred.
        (6) Proposal teams which include historically black colleges and 
    universities are preferred.
        e. Merit Reviews: All Applications will be evaluated under the 
    Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Merit Review of 
    Discretionary Financial Assistance Applications Review Procedures for 
    Solicited Proposals. The procedure for ``Objective Merit Review of 
    Discretionary Financial Assistance Applications'' was published in the 
    Federal Register on May 31, 1990 (Vol. 55, No. 105). Selections for 
    negotiations are expected to be made February 28, 1995, and financial 
    assistance awards are expected to be made by June 30, 1995.
    General Conditions
        The applications will be evaluated in accordance with the Office of 
    Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Merit Review Procedure, and the 
    criteria and programmatic considerations set forth in this 
    solicitation. In conducting this evaluation, the Government may utilize 
    assistance and advice from non-Government personnel. Applicants are 
    therefore requested to state on the cover sheet of the applications if 
    they do not consent to an evaluation by such non-Government personnel. 
    The applicants are further advised that DOE may be unable to give full 
    consideration to an application submitted without such consent. DOE 
    reserves the right to support or not to support any, all, or any part 
    of any application. All applicants will be notified in writing of the 
    action taken on their applications in approximately 90 days after the 
    closing date for this solicitation, provided no follow-up 
    clarifications are needed. Status of any application during the 
    evaluation and selection process will not be discussed with the 
    applicants. Unsuccessful applications will not be returned.
    Instructions for Preparation of Applications
        Each application in response to this solicitation should be 
    prepared in one volume. One original and nine copies of each 
    application are required. The application facesheet is the Standard 
    Form 424. The application is to be prepared for the complete project 
        a. Proprietary Proposal Information: Applications submitted in 
    response to this solicitation may contain trade secrets and/or 
    privileged or confidential commercial or financial information which 
    the applicant does not want used or disclosed for any purpose other 
    than evaluation of the application. The use and disclosure of such data 
    may be restricted provided the applicant marks the cover sheet of the 
    application with the following legend, specifying the pages of the 
    application which are to be restricted in accordance with the 
    conditions of the legend:
        The data contained in pages ______ of this application have been 
    submitted in confidence and contain trade secrets or proprietary 
    information, and such data shall be used or disclosed only for 
    evaluation purposes, provided that if this applicant receives an 
    award as a result of or in connection with the submission of this 
    application, DOE shall have the right to use or disclose the data 
    herein to the extent provided in the award. This restriction does 
    not limit the government's right to use or disclose data obtained 
    without restriction from any source, including the applicant.
        Further, to protect such data, each page containing such data shall 
    be specifically identified and marked, including each line or paragraph 
    containing the data to be protected with a legend similar to the 
        Use or disclosure of the data set forth above is subject to the 
    restriction on the cover page of this application.
        It should be noted, however, that data bearing the aforementioned 
    legend may be subject to release under the provisions of the Freedom of 
    Information Act (FOIA), if DOE or a court determines that the material 
    so marked is not exempt under the FOIA. The Government assumes no 
    liability for disclosure or use of unmarked data and may use or 
    disclose such data for any purpose. Applicants are hereby notified that 
    DOE intends to make all applications submitted available to non-
    Government personnel for the sole purpose of assisting the DOE in its 
    evaluation of the applications. These individuals will be required to 
    protect the confidentiality of any specifically identified information 
    obtained as a result of their participation in the evaluation.
        b. Budget: A budget period is an interval of time (usually 12 
    months) into which the project period is divided for funding and 
    reporting purposes. Project period means the total approved period of 
    time that DOE will provide support contingent upon satisfactory 
    progress and availability of funds. The project period may be divided 
    into several budget periods. The project period shall not exceed three 
    years. Each application must contain Standard Forms 424 and 424A. The 
    budget summary page only needs to be completed for the first budget 
    period; all other periods of support requested should be shown on the 
    total costs page. The proposal should contain full details of the costs 
    regarding the labor, overhead, material, travel, subcontracts, 
    consultants, and other support costs broken down per task and per year. 
    Every cost item should be justifiable and further details of the costs 
    may be required if the proposal is selected for the award. It is 
    essential that requested details be submitted in a timely manner for 
    the actual award. Items of needed equipment should be individually 
    listed by description and estimated cost, inclusive of tax, and 
    adequately justified. The destination and purpose of budgeted travel 
    and its relation to the research, should be specified. Anticipated 
    consultant services should be justified and information furnished on 
    each individual's expertise, primary organizational affiliation, daily 
    compensation rate and number of days of expected service. Consultant's 
    travel costs should be listed separately under travel in the budget.
        c. Cost: In the event there are multiple projects proposed in a 
    submittal, a separate cost proposal should be included for each project 
    proposed for funding. The cost proposal should have sufficient detail 
    that an independent evaluation of the labor, materials, equipment and 
    other costs as well as a verification of the proposed cost share can be 
    Notices to Applicants
        a. False Statements: Applications must set forth full, accurate, 
    and complete information as required by this solicitation. The penalty 
    for making false statements is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001.
        b. Application Clarification: DOE reserves the right to require 
    applications to be clarified or supplemented to the extent considered 
    necessary either through additional written submissions or oral 
        c. Amendments: All amendments to this solicitation will be mailed 
    to recipients who submit a written request for the application forms.
        d. Applicant's Past Performance: DOE reserves the right to solicit 
    from available sources relevant information concerning an applicant's 
    past performance and may consider such information in its evaluation.
        e. Commitment of Public Funds: The Contracting Officer is the only 
    individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditure of 
    public funds in connection with the proposed award. Any other 
    commitment, either explicit or implied, is invalid.
        f. Effective Period of Application: All applications should remain 
    in effect for at least 180 days from the closing date.
        g. Availability of Funds: The actual amount of funds to be 
    obligated in each fiscal year will be subject to availability of funds 
    appropriated by Congress to carry out the purposes of the Act (Public 
    Law 101-425).
        h. Assurances and Certifications: DOE requires the submission of 
    preaward assurances of compliance and certifications which are mandated 
    by law. The assurance and certification forms will be provided in the 
    application package which will be provided to you upon written request.
        i. Preaward Costs: The government is not liable for any costs 
    incurred in preparation of an application. Awardees may incur preaward 
    costs up to ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of award. 
    Should the awardee take such action, it is done so at the awardee's 
    risk and does not impose any obligation on the DOE to issue an award 
    (10 CFR 600.103)
        j. Patent Rights: Pursuant to the direction in Section 9 of Public 
    Law 101-425, applicants are advised that patent rights will be treated 
    in accordance with Chapter 18, Title 35 of the United States Code.
        k. Loans under DOE Minority Economic Impact (MEI) Loan Program: 
    Applicants are advised that loans under the DOE Minority Economic 
    Impact (MEI) Loan Program are not available to finance the cost of 
    preparing an application pursuant to this solicitation.
        l. Environmental impact: The applicant shall include a listing, 
    discussion and existing documentation if the project/activity has the 
    possibility of involving, generating or resulting in changes to any of 
    the following: (1) Air Pollutants--released or discharged into the 
    atmosphere through point or fugitive sources; (2) Liquid Effluent--any 
    waste stream discharged; (3) Solid Waste--nonradioactive, nonhazardous 
    solid waste; (4) Radioactive Waste--waste containing >2 nCi/g; (5) 
    Hazardous Waste--RCRA hazardous per 40 CFR 261.3 and polychlorinated 
    biphenyls (PCBs); (6) Mixed Waste--combination of radioactive and 
    hazardous waste; (7) Chemical Storage/Use--define species, uses and 
    estimates volumes; (8) Petroleum Products Storage--define product, 
    volume, use and type of storage; (9) Asbestos Waste--define friability, 
    estimated volume, and if project is renovation or demolition; (10) 
    Water Use/Diversion--withdrawal of groundwater or diversion or 
    withdrawal of surface water; (11) Sewage System--all pipes, tanks, 
    treatment structures; disposal areas, etc. for collection, treatment, 
    and disposal of sewage; (12) Clearing/Excavation--removal of surface 
    debris, vegetation, and other changes in soil surface features; (13) 
    Construction/Renovation; (14) Excess Noise Levels--ambient noise level 
    name, near proposed project/activity; (15) Pesticide Use--identify 
    pesticide name, target organism, use area, application rate, method, 
    and applicator; (16) Radiation Exposures--radiation levels at or near 
    the proposed project/activity.
        The discussion shall address the following questions. Will this 
    action contribute to a cumulative impact with on-going activities? Is 
    this action related to a proposed action with potentially significant 
    impacts? Will the project create uncertain, unique, or unknown risks? 
    Will the project require siting, construction, or expansion of a waste 
    facility? Will the project impact a RCRA-regulated unit or facility? 
    Will the project threaten or violate any statute, regulation, or DOE 
    Order? Will the project require any federal, state, or local permits, 
    approvals, etc.? Has this action/area been previously assessed under 
    NEPA? Will the action take place in an area of previous or on-going 
    disturbance? Will the action have any socioeconomic concerns?
        Will the project adversely affect any of the following 
    environmentally sensitive resources? (1) Threatened/Endangered Species; 
    (2) Wildlife/Vegetation; (3) Soils/Erosion; (4) Cultural/Historical; 
    (5) Wilderness/Scenic Areas; (6) Prime/Unique Farmland; (7) Wild/Scenic 
    Rivers; (8) Lakes/Floodplains/Wetlands; (9) Domestic/Groundwater; (10) 
    Air Resources/Quality. Discussions shall include how all environmental 
    impacts will be mitigated. If an environmental impact cannot be 
    mitigated, what are the direct and indirect, short term and long term 
    adverse effects that can not be avoided?
        m. Applicants shall be required to comply with Section 2306 of the 
    Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) [42 U.S.C. 13525], in the event EPACT 
    applies to financial assistance instruments issued as a result of this 
    solicitation. A copy of Section 2306 will be included in the 
    application package.
        In order to receive a copy of the application package, please 
    submit a written request or fax to the following address. U.S. 
    Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office, 850 Energy Drive, Idaho 
    Falls, ID 83401-1563, Attn: Carol Bruns MS-1221, Fax No. (208) 526-
        The Procurement Request No. is 07-95ID13339.000. To facilitate 
    handling, please place the Procurement Request No. on the facsimile or 
    outside of the package containing your request for the application 
        Issued in Idaho Falls, Idaho on November 9, 1994.
    R.J. Hoyles,
    Director, Procurement Services Division.
    [FR Doc. 94-29364 Filed 11-28-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Solicitation for Financial Assistance: Metal Casting Competitiveness Research Program.
Document Number:
The deadline for receipt of applications is January 19, 1995.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: November 29, 1994