94-29384. Walter S. Kletch; Denial of Hearing; Final Debarment Order  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 228 (Tuesday, November 29, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-29384]
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    [Federal Register: November 29, 1994]
    Food and Drug Administration
    [Docket No. 92N-0423]
    Walter S. Kletch; Denial of Hearing; Final Debarment Order
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is denying Mr. Walter 
    S. Kletch's request for a hearing and is issuing a final order under 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) permanently 
    debarring Mr. Walter S. Kletch, 210 East Juniper Ave., Sterling, VA 
    20164, from providing services in any capacity to a person with an 
    approved or pending drug application. The Interim Deputy Commissioner 
    bases this order on her finding that Mr. Kletch was convicted of a 
    felony under Federal law for conduct relating to the development or 
    approval, including the process for development or approval, of a drug 
    product, and relating to the regulation of a drug product under the 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: November 29, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Application for termination of debarment to the Dockets 
    Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 12420 
    Parklawn Dr., rm. 1-23, Rockville, MD 20857.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mary E. Catchings, Center for Drug 
    Evaluation and Research (HFD-366), Food and Drug Administration, 7500 
    Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 301-594-2041.
    I. Background
        Mr. Walter S. Kletch, a former review chemist in FDA's Division of 
    Generic Drugs (public official), pled guilty and was sentenced on 
    September 22, 1989, for receiving an unlawful gratuity, a felony 
    offense under 18 U.S.C. 201(c)(1)(B). The basis for this conviction was 
    Mr. Kletch's receipt of two $500 gift certificates (which he converted 
    to cash) from the president of a pharmaceutical firm. In his official 
    capacity as a review chemist, Mr. Kletch was involved in the regulation 
    of the firm's drug products and was responsible for reviewing the 
    firm's applications to determine whether they met certain statutory 
    standards for approval.
        In a certified letter received by Mr. Kletch on December 16, 1992, 
    the Deputy Commissioner for Operations offered Mr. Kletch an 
    opportunity for a hearing on the agency's proposal to issue an order 
    under section 306(a) of the act (21 U.S.C. 335a(a)) (the mandatory 
    debarment provisions) debarring Mr. Kletch from providing services in 
    any capacity to a person that has an approved or pending drug product 
    application. FDA based the proposal to debar Mr. Kletch on its finding 
    that he was convicted of a felony under Federal law for conduct 
    relating to the development, approval, and regulation of the 
    pharmaceutical firm's drug products.
        The certified letter also informed Mr. Kletch that his request for 
    a hearing could not rest upon mere allegations or denials but must 
    present specific facts showing that there was a genuine and substantial 
    issue of fact requiring a hearing. The letter also notified Mr. Kletch 
    that if it conclusively appeared from the face of the information and 
    factual analyses in his request for a hearing that there was no genuine 
    and substantial issue of fact which precluded the order of debarment, 
    FDA would enter summary judgment against him and deny his request for a 
        In a letter dated January 8, 1993, Mr. Kletch requested a hearing, 
    and in a letter dated February 26, 1993, Mr. Kletch submitted arguments 
    to support his hearing request. In his request for a hearing, Mr. 
    Kletch acknowledged that he was convicted of a felony under Federal law 
    as alleged by FDA. However, Mr. Kletch argued that FDA's findings based 
    on that conviction are incorrect and that the agency's proposal to 
    debar him is unconstitutional.
        The Interim Deputy Commissioner has considered Mr. Kletch's 
    arguments and concludes that they are unpersuasive and fail to raise a 
    genuine and substantial issue of fact requiring a hearing. Moreover, 
    the constitutional arguments that Mr. Kletch presents do not create a 
    basis for a hearing (see 21 CFR 12.24(b)(1)). Mr. Kletch's arguments 
    are discussed below.
    II. Arguments in Support of a Hearing
        Mr. Kletch contends that FDA's findings are not supported by the 
    evidence because the factual predicate for mandatory permanent 
    debarment is not met in this case. Acknowledging that he was convicted 
    for receiving an illegal gratuity while employed as a review chemist at 
    FDA, Mr. Kletch claims that he received the gratuity from the president 
    of a pharmaceutical firm because of their social relationship. Mr. 
    Kletch denies taking any action that was inconsistent with agency 
    policy because of the gratuity. Thus, he claims the facts do not 
    support mandatory permanent debarment but rather permissive debarment.
        This argument is unconvincing and fails to raise a genuine and 
    substantial issue of fact for two reasons. First, as a matter of law, 
    Mr. Kletch's conviction was for conduct relating to the development, 
    approval, and regulation of a drug product. Mr. Kletch, an FDA review 
    chemist, pled guilty to and was convicted of violating 18 U.S.C. 
    201(c)(1)(B) for receiving and accepting two $500 gift certificates 
    (which he exchanged for cash) from a president of a pharmaceutical 
        To be convicted under 18 U.S.C. 201(c)(1)(B), a public official 
    must, otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of 
    one's duties as a public official, receive and accept anything of value 
    personally for or because of any official act performed or to be 
    performed by such official. ``Official act'' is defined by 18 U.S.C. 
    201(a)(3) as ``any decision or action on any question, matter, cause, 
    suit, proceeding or controversy, which may at any time be pending, or 
    which may by law be brought before any public official, in such 
    official's official capacity, or in such official's place of trust or 
    profit.'' Thus, as a matter of law, Mr. Kletch's conviction establishes 
    that his receipt of the gratuity was for, and because of, official acts 
    that he had performed and was to perform.
        As a review chemist within FDA's Division of Generic Drugs, Mr. 
    Kletch's sole responsibilities were the review of applications 
    submitted by pharmaceutical manufacturers seeking FDA's approval to 
    market their products to the public, and the general regulation of 
    drugs. Therefore, Mr. Kletch's conviction under 18 U.S.C. 201(c)(1)(B) 
    establishes that his felony conviction was for conduct relating to the 
    development and approval, including the process for development and 
    approval, of a drug product, and for conduct relating to the regulation 
    of a drug product. For this reason, the mandatory permanent debarment 
    provisions (section 306(a)(2)) of the act apply to Mr. Kletch's receipt 
    of the illegal gratuity, and not the permissive debarment provisions as 
    Mr. Kletch alleges. Mr. Kletch would be considered a candidate for 
    permissive debarment only if FDA finds that the conduct giving rise to 
    the conviction did not relate to the development or approval or the 
    regulation of any drug product. As discussed above, the conduct 
    required for the conviction necessarily involved the approval and 
    regulation of generic drugs.
        Second, having admitted and been convicted of receiving an illegal 
    gratuity in a Federal criminal proceeding, Mr. Kletch is now estopped 
    from attempting to relitigate the issue in an administrative forum. Mr. 
    Kletch had sufficient opportunity to contest the Government's 
    allegations during the criminal proceedings prior to his conviction. 
    Yet, Mr. Kletch admitted in those proceedings that he was, in fact, 
    guilty of receiving an unlawful gratuity, a crime relating to the 
    performance of his official duties. Thus, Mr. Kletch is collaterally 
    estopped from arguing that he did not receive the gratuity ``for or 
    because of any official act performed or to be performed.''
        Mr. Kletch also argues that the ex post facto clause of the U.S. 
    Constitution prohibits application of section 306(a)(2) of the act to 
    him because this section was not in effect at the time of Mr. Kletch's 
    criminal conduct. With the enactment of the Generic Drug Enforcement 
    Act (GDEA) on May 13, 1992, Congress amended the act to include section 
    306(a)(2), whereas he was convicted on September 22, 1989.
        An ex post facto law is one that reaches back to punish acts which 
    occurred before enactment of the law or that adds a new punishment to 
    one that was in effect when the crime was committed (Ex Parte Garland, 
    4 Wall. 333, 377, 18 L. Ed. 366 (1866); Collins v. Youngblood, 110 S. 
    Ct. 2715 (1990)).
        Mr. Kletch's claim that application of the mandatory debarment 
    provisions of the act is prohibited by the ex post facto clause is 
    unpersuasive. Because the intent behind debarment under section 
    306(a)(2) of the act is remedial rather than punitive, this section 
    does not violate the ex post facto clause.
        The congressional intent with respect to actions under section 
    306(a)(2) of the act is clearly remedial. Congress created the GDEA in 
    response to findings of fraud and corruption in the generic drug 
    industry. Both the language of the GDEA itself and its legislative 
    history reveal that the purpose of the debarment provisions set forth 
    in the GDEA is ``to restore and ensure the integrity of the ANDA 
    approval process and to protect the public health.'' (See section 1, 
    Pub. L. 102-282, The Generic Drug Enforcement Act of 1992.) This is a 
    remedial rather than a punitive goal (see Manocchio v. Kusserow, 961 
    F.2d 1539, 1542 (11 Cir. 1992) (exclusion of physician from 
    participation in medicare programs because criminal conviction is 
    remedial, not punitive)). Supporting the remedial character of 
    debarment is a statement by Senator Hatch in the Congressional Record 
    of April 10, 1992, at S 5616, ``* * * [t]he legislation * * * provides 
    a much-needed remedy for the blatant fraud and corruption uncovered in 
    the generic drug industry * * * during the last 3 years.''
        The Supreme Court has long held that statutes that deny future 
    privileges to convicted offenders because of their previous criminal 
    activities in order to ensure against corruption in specified areas do 
    not impose penalties for past conduct and, therefore, do not violate 
    the ex post facto prohibitions (see, e.g., Hawker v. New York, 170 U.S. 
    189, 190 (1898) (physician barred from practicing medicine for a prior 
    felony conviction); De Veau v. Braisted, 373 U.S. 154 (1960) (convicted 
    felon's exclusion from employment as officer of waterfront union is not 
    a violation of the ex post facto clause)).
        In De Veau, the Court upheld a law that prohibited a convicted 
    felon from employment as an officer in a waterfront union. The purpose 
    of the law was to remedy the past corruption and to ensure against 
    future corruption in the waterfront unions. The court in De Veau, 363 
    U.S. at 160, stated:
        The question in each case where unpleasant consequences are 
    brought to bear upon an individual for prior conduct, is whether the 
    legislative aim was to punish that individual for past activity, or 
    whether the restriction of the individual comes about as a relevant 
    incident to a regulation of a present situation, such as the proper 
    qualifications for a profession * * *.
        The legislative purpose of the relevant statute here is to ensure 
    that fraud and corruption are eliminated from the drug industry. The 
    restrictions placed on individuals convicted of a felony under Federal 
    law are not intended as punishment but are ``incident to a regulation 
    of a present situation'' (De Veau, 363 U.S. at 160) and necessary in 
    order to remedy the past fraud and corruption in the industry.
        Finally, Mr. Kletch argues that the proposal to debar him under 
    section 306(a)(2) of the act violates the double jeopardy clause of the 
    Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The double jeopardy clause 
    states that no person shall ``be subject for the same offense to be 
    twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.'' Mr. Kletch relies on U.S. v. 
    Halper, 490 U.S. 435 (1989), to argue that the Fifth Amendment double 
    jeopardy clause should prevent his debarment because a civil sanction 
    that serves the goals of punishment--retribution or deterrence--
    constitutes punishment. To support his argument that the purpose of 
    debarment is punitive, Mr. Kletch relies on statements in the 
    Congressional Records referring to the debarment provisions of the act 
    as, among other things, deterrents. Mr. Kletch further argues that his 
    proposed permanent debarment is punitive because it would eliminate any 
    opportunity to demonstrate that he would no longer be a threat to the 
    integrity of the drug approval process.
        Mr. Kletch's arguments are unconvincing. First, the double jeopardy 
    clause is inapplicable here because the effect of section 306(a)(2) of 
    the act is remedial, not punitive. As discussed above, the legislative 
    goal of this section is to restore and ensure the integrity of the drug 
    approval process and to protect the public health by eradicating fraud 
    and corruption from the drug industry. This is plainly a remedial 
    rather than a punitive goal (Manocchio v. Kusserow, 961 F.2d at 1542). 
    Although the Congressional Records contain statements, as Mr. Kletch 
    points out, that the legislation will provide deterrents, the primary 
    goal of the legislation, as shown above, is to protect the public from 
    corruption found to exist in the drug industry. Thus, because the 
    legislative intent of section 306(a)(2) of the act is to protect the 
    public, a legitimate nonpunitive goal, the sanctions imposed by the 
    debarment provisions are remedial, not punitive.
        The fact that Mr. Kletch's debarment is permanent rather than 
    temporary does not signify that the legislation is nonremedial or 
    punitive. The Supreme Court has upheld laws which, for remedial 
    purposes, permanently bar a class or group of individuals from certain 
    occupations due to a prior criminal conviction (see Hawker v. New York, 
    170 U.S. 189, 190 (1898); De Veau v. Braisted, 373 U.S. 154 (1960)).
        Second, the double jeopardy clause is inapplicable to FDA's 
    proposal to debar Mr. Kletch because the sanctions imposed by section 
    306(a)(2) of the act are rationally related to the remedial 
    governmental goal of eradicating fraud from the drug industry.
        Due to the potentially serious consequences to the public health of 
    fraud and corruption in the drug industry, the permanent debarment of 
    convicted felons like Mr. Kletch is not an excessive means to eliminate 
    fraud from the industry. The legislative history of the GDEA is replete 
    with statements, some cited above, that the act provides a reasonable 
    means of ridding the generic drug industry of widespread corruption and 
    to restore consumer confidence in generic drugs.
        Mr. Kletch acknowledges that he was convicted as alleged by FDA in 
    its proposal to debar him and has raised no genuine and substantial 
    issue of fact regarding this conviction. In addition, Mr. Kletch's 
    legal arguments do not create a basis for a hearing and, in any event, 
    are unpersuasive. Accordingly, the Interim Deputy Commissioner for 
    Operations denies Mr. Kletch's request for a hearing.
    III. Findings and Order
        Therefore, the Interim Deputy Commissioner for Operations, under 
    section 306(a) of the act, and under authority delegated to her (21 CFR 
    5.20), finds that Mr. Walter S. Kletch has been convicted of a felony 
    under Federal law for conduct: (1) Relating to the development or 
    approval, including the process for development or approval, of a drug 
    product (21 U.S.C. 335a(a)(2)(A)); and (2) relating to the regulation 
    of a drug product (21 U.S.C. 335a(a)(2)(B)).
        As a result of the foregoing findings, Mr. Walter S. Kletch is 
    permanently debarred from providing services in any capacity to a 
    person with an approved or pending drug product application under 
    sections 505, 507, 512, or 802 of the act (21 U.S.C. 355, 357, 360b, or 
    382), or under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 
    262), effective November 29, 1994 (21 U.S.C. 335a(c)(1)(B) and 
    (c)(2)(A)(ii) and 21 U.S.C. 321(ee)).
        Any person with an approved or pending drug product application who 
    knowingly uses the services of Mr. Kletch in any capacity, during his 
    period of debarment, will be subject to civil money penalties (21 
    U.S.C. 335b(a)(6)). If Mr. Kletch, during his period of debarment, 
    provides services in any capacity to a person with an approved or 
    pending drug product application, he will be subject to civil money 
    penalties (21 U.S.C. 335b(a)(7)). In addition, FDA will not accept or 
    review any abbreviated new drug application or abbreviated antibiotic 
    drug application submitted by or with Mr. Kletch's assistance during 
    his period of debarment.
        Mr. Kletch may file an application to attempt to terminate his 
    debarment, pursuant to section 306(d)(4)(A) of the act. Any such 
    application would be reviewed under the criteria and processes set 
    forth in section 306(d)(4)(C) and (d)(4)(D) of the act. Such an 
    application should be identified with Docket No. 92N-0423 and sent to 
    the Dockets Management Branch (address above). All such submissions are 
    to be filed in four copies. The public availability of information in 
    these submissions is governed by 21 CFR 10.20(j). Publicly available 
    submissions may be seen in the Dockets Management Branch between 9 a.m. 
    and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
        Dated: November 14, 1994.
    Linda A. Suydam,
    Interim Deputy Commissioner for Operations.
    [FR Doc. 94-29384 Filed 11-28-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-P

Document Information

Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
November 29, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: November 29, 1994, Docket No. 92N-0423