95-29043. Cost of Hospital and Medical Care and Treatment Furnished by the United States; Certain Rates Regarding Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third Persons  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 229 (Wednesday, November 29, 1995)]
    [Pages 61450-61452]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-29043]
    [[Page 61449]]
    Part VII
    Office of Management and Budget
    Cost of Hospital and Medical Care and Treatment Furnished by the United 
    States; Certain Rates Regarding Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third 
    Persons; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 29, 1995 / 
    [[Page 61450]]
    Cost of Hospital and Medical Care and Treatment Furnished by the 
    United States; Certain Rates Regarding Recovery From Tortiously Liable 
    Third Persons
        By virtue of the authority vested in the President by Section 2(a) 
    of P.L. 87-693 (76 Stat. 593; 42 U.S. C. 2652), and delegated to the 
    Director of the Office of Management and Budget by Executive Order No. 
    11541 of July 1, 1970 (35 FR 10737), the three sets of rates outlined 
    below are hereby established. These rates are for use in connection 
    with the recovery, from tortiously liable third persons, of the cost of 
    hospital and medical care and treatment furnished by the United States 
    (Part 43, Chapter I, Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations) through 
    three separate Federal agencies. The rates have been established in 
    accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-25, requiring 
    reimbursement of the full cost of all services provided. The rates are 
    established as follows:
        (1) Department of Defense. The FY 1996 inpatient rates are based on 
    the cost per Diagnostic Related Group (DRG), which is the inpatient 
    full reimbursement rate per hospital discharge, weighted to reflect the 
    intensity of the principal diagnosis involved. The average cost per 
    Relative Weighted Product (RWP) for large urban, other urban/rural and 
    overseas facilities will be published annually as an inpatient 
    standardized amount.
        The adjusted standardized amounts (ASA) per Relative Weighted 
    Product (RWP) for use in the Direct Care System will be comparable to 
    procedures utilized by Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and 
    the Civilian Health and Medical Program for the Uniformed Services 
    (CHAMPUS). These expenses will include all direct care expenses. The 
    average cost per relative weighted product for large urban, other 
    urban/rural and overseas facilities will be published annually as an 
    inpatient standardized amount and will include the cost of inpatient 
    professional services. The DRG rates will apply to reimbursement from 
    all sources. A relative weight for each DRG using the standardized 
    amount will be the same as the DRG weights published annually for 
    hospital reimbursement rates under the Civilian Health and Medical 
    Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) pursuant to 32 CFR 
    199.14(a)(1) which includes adjustments for outliers, area wages, and 
    indirect medical education.
        (2) Department of Health and Human Services. The sum of obligations 
    for each cost center providing medical service is broken down into 
    amounts attributable to inpatient care on the basis of the proportion 
    of staff devoted to each cost center. Total inpatient costs and 
    outpatient costs thus determined are divided by the relevant workload 
    statistic (inpatient day, outpatient visit) to produce the inpatient 
    and outpatient rates. In calculation of the rates, the Department's 
    unfunded retirement liability cost and capital and equipment 
    depreciation cost were incorporated to conform to requirements set 
    forth in OMB Circular A-25. In addition, each cost center's obligations 
    include all costs for accounts, such as Medicare and Medicaid 
    collections and Contract Health funds used to support direct program 
    operation. Inclusion of these funds yields a more accurate indication 
    of the cost of care in HHS facilities.
        (3) Department of Veterans Affairs. The actual costs and per diem 
    rates by type of care the previous year are added to the facility 
    overhead costs and then adjusted by the budgeted percentage change for 
    the current year and the budget year to compute the base rate for the 
    budget year. The base rate is then adjusted by the estimated cost for 
    depreciation of buildings and equipment, central office overhead, 
    Government employee retirement and disability charges, and return on 
    fixed assets (interest on capital for land, buildings and equipment 
    (net book value)), to compute the budget year tortiously liable 
    reimbursement rates. Also shown for inpatient per diem rates are 
    breakdowns into three cost components: Physician; Ancillary; and 
    Nursing, Room and Board. As with the total per diem rates, these 
    breakdowns are calculated from actual data by type of care for the 
    previous year.
        These rates represent the reasonable cost of hospital, nursing 
    home, medical, surgical, or dental care and treatment (including 
    prostheses and medical appliances) furnished or to be furnished by the 
    United States in Federal hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient 
    clinics administered by the Department of Defense, the Department of 
    Veterans Affairs and the Department of Health and Human Services.
        For such care and treatment furnished at the expense of the United 
    States in a facility not operated by the United States, the rates shall 
    be the amounts expended for such care and treatment.
        For the Department of Defense, effective October 1, 1995 and 
    I. Inpatient Rates (Per Inpatient Day)\1\
    A. Burn Center..........................................          $3,794
    B. Surgical Care Services (Cosmetic Surgery)............          1,567 
    C. All Other Inpatient Services (Based on Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG)
    1. FY 1996 Direct Care Inpatient Reimbursement Rates (Adjusted 
                                                                 Full cost  
    Large Urban.............................................          $4,713
    Other Urban/Rural.......................................           4,745
    Overseas................................................           6,038
    2. Overview
        The FY 1996 inpatient rates are based on the cost per DRG which 
    is the inpatient full reimbursement rate per hospital discharge, 
    weighed to reflect the intensity of the principal diagnosis 
    involved. The average costs per Relative Weighted Product (RWP) for 
    large urban, other urban/rural and overseas facilities will be 
    published annually as an inpatient standardized amount. (See item 1 
    above). A ``relative weighted product'' for each DRG case to apply 
    to the standardized amount will be determined from DRG weights 
    published annually for hospital reimbursement rates under the 
    Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services 
    (CHAMPUS) pursuant to 32 CFR 199.14(a)(1) with adjustments for 
    outliers. Standardized amounts will be adjusted for area wage 
    differences and indirect medical education. An example of how to 
    apply DoD costs to a DRG standardized weight to arrive at DoD costs 
    is contained in part 3 of Section I.C., below.
    3. Example of Adjusted Standardized Amounts for Procedures 
    Large Urban Area--Example
        a. The cost to be recovered is DoD's cost for medical services 
    provided in a large urban area. Billings will be at the third party 
        b. DRG 020: Nervous System infection except viral meningitis. 
    Relative Weighed Product for an inlier case is the CHAMPUS weight of 
        c. The DoD adjusted standardized amount to be recovered is 
    $4,713 (i.e., the third party rate as shown in the table).
        d. DoD cost to be recovered at a non-teaching hospital with area 
    wage index of 1.0 is the RWP factor (2,0327) in item 3.b., above, 
    times the amount ($4,713) in 3.c., above.
        Cost to be recovered is $9,580.
    II. Outpatient Rates\1\
               Code                   Clinical services        reimbursement
                                 A. Medical Care                            
    BAA                         Internal Medicine...........            $163
    BAB                         Allergy.....................              56
    BAC                         Cardiology..................             116
    BAE                         Diabetes....................              70
    BAF                         Endocrinology...............            152 
    [[Page 61451]]
    BAG                         Gastroenterology............             190
    BAH                         Hematology..................             269
    BAI                         Hypertension................              60
    BAJ                         Nephrology..................             230
    BAK                         Neurology...................             177
    BAL                         Nutrition...................              51
    BAM                         Oncology....................             157
    BAN                         Pulmonary Disease...........             205
    BAO                         Rheumatology................             147
    BAP                         Dermatology.................             100
    BAQ                         Infectious Disease..........             139
    BAR                         Physical Medicine...........             132
                                 B. Surgical Care                           
    BBA                         General Surgery.............             193
    BBB                         Cardiovascular/Thoracic                  183
    BBC                         Neurosurgery................             228
    BBD                         Ophthalmology...............             131
    BBE                         Organ Transplant............             262
    BBF                         Otolaryngology..............             150
    BBG                         Plastic Surgery.............             170
    BBH                         Proctology..................             159
    BBI                         Urology.....................             174
    BBJ                         Pediatric Surgery...........             125
                    C. Obstetrical and Gynecological (OB-GYN)               
    BCA                         Family Planning.............              87
    BCB                         Gynecology..................             118
    BCC                         Obstetrics..................             113
                                D. Pediatric Care                           
    BDA                         Pediatric...................              88
    BDB                         Adolescent..................              86
    BDC                         Well Baby...................              64
                               E. Orthopaedic Care                          
    BEA                         Orthopaedic.................             163
    BEB                         Cast Clinic.................              69
    BEC                         Hand Surgery................              69
    BEE                         Orthopaedic Appliance.......             112
    BEF                         Podiatry....................              79
    BEZ                         Chiropractic Clinic.........              49
                     F. Psychiatric and/or Mental Health Care               
    BFA                         Psychiatry..................             165
    BFB                         Psychology..................             135
    BFC                         Child Guidance..............              56
    BFD                         Mental Health...............             119
    BFE                         Social Work.................             129
    BFF                         Substance Abuse                           98
                             G. Primary Medical Care                        
    BGA                         Family Practice.............             105
    BHA                         Primary Care................             102
    BHB                         Medical Examination.........              93
    BHC                         Optometry...................              71
    BHD                         Audiology Clinic............              57
    BHE                         Speech Pathology............              88
    BHF                         Community Health............              80
    BHG                         Occupational Health.........              84
    BHI                         Immediate Care Clinic.......            139 
                            H. Emergency Medical Care                       
    BIA                         Emergency Care Clinic 163...                
                            I. Flight Medicine Clinic                       
    BJA                         Flight Medicine.............             151
                            J. Underseas Medicine Care                      
    BKA                         Underseas Medicine Clinic 65                
                            K. Rehabilitative Services                      
    BLA                         Physical Therapy............              49
    BLB                         Occupational Therapy........              96
    BLC                         Neuromuscular Skeletal                    37
                                     L. Same Day Surgery                 767
    III. Other Rates and Charges
    A. Immunizations........................................             $18
    B. Hyperbaric Services:                                                 
      1-60 minutes..........................................             233
      61-120 minutes........................................             452
      121-180 minutes.......................................             671
      181-240 minutes.......................................             889
      Each Additional Hour (Note: Charges may be prorated                   
       based on usage)......................................             233
    C. Family Member Rate (Formerly Military Dependents                     
     Rate)..................................................            9.70
        For the Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health 
    Service, effective October 1, 1995 and thereafter:
    Hospital Care Inpatient Day:                                            
      General Medical Care.........................................   $2,018
    Outpatient Medical Treatment:                                           
      Outpatient Visit.............................................      195
        For the Department of Veterans' Affairs effective October 1, 
    1995 and thereafter:
                     Hospital Care, rates per inpatient day                 
    General Medicine...............................................     $966
      Physician....................................................      116
      Ancillary....................................................      252
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      598
    Surgery........................................................    1,576
      Physician....................................................      174
      Ancillary....................................................      478
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      924
    General Psychiatry.............................................      458
      Physician....................................................       43
      Ancillary....................................................       72
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      343
    Intermediate Medicine..........................................      337
      Physician....................................................       17
      Ancillary....................................................       49
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      271
    Neurology......................................................      847
      Physician....................................................      124
      Ancillary....................................................      224
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      499
    Rehabilitation Medicine........................................      712
      Physician....................................................       81
      Ancillary....................................................      218
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      413
    Blind Rehabilitation...........................................      859
      Physician....................................................       69
      Ancillary....................................................      427
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      363
    Spinal Cord Injury.............................................      855
      Physician....................................................      106
      Ancillary....................................................      215
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      534
      Substance Abuse (Alcohol and Drug Treatment).................      295
      Physician....................................................       28
      Ancillary....................................................       68
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      199
                         Nursing Home Care, rates per day                   
      Nursing Home Care............................................      266
      Physician....................................................        8
      Ancillary....................................................       36
      Nursing, Room and Board......................................      222
                     Outpatient Medical and Dental Treatment                
    Outpatient Visit...............................................      205
      Emergency Dental Outpatient Visit............................      104
      Prescription Filled..........................................       20
        1. Pursuant to the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 109, the inpatient 
    Diagnosis Related Groups are 96 percent hospital and 4 percent 
    professional fee. The outpatient per visit percentages are 58 
    percent hospital, 29 percent ancillary and 13 percent professional.
        2. The Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS) 
    code is a three digit code which defines the summary account and the 
    subaccount within a functional category in the DoD medical system. 
    An example of this hierarchical arrangement is as follows:
        Outpatient Care (Functional Category)             MEPRS Code        
    Medical Care (Summary Account)..............  BA                        
    Internal Medicine (Subaccount)..............  BAA                       
        MEPRS codes are used to ensure that consistent expense and 
    operating performance data is reported in the DoD military medical 
        For the period beginning October 1, 1995, the rates prescribed 
    herein superseded those established by the Director of the Office of 
    [[Page 61452]]
    Management and Budget October 24, 1994 (59 FR 53492).
    Alice M. Rivlin,
    Director, Office of Management and Budget.
    [FR Doc. 95-29043 Filed 11-28-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3110-01-P

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Management and Budget Office
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61450-61452 (3 pages)
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