95-29118. United States Standards for Corn  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 229 (Wednesday, November 29, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 61194-61196]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-29118]
    Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
    7 CFR Part 810
    RIN 0580-AA14
    United States Standards for Corn
    AGENCY: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration 
    (GIPSA) is revising the United States Standards for Corn to: report 
    test weight (TW) to the nearest tenth of a pound; eliminate the count 
    limit on stones and reduce the U.S. Sample grade aggregate weight 
    tolerance from more than 0.2 percent by weight to more than 0.1 percent 
    by weight; and offer stress crack testing as official criteria.
        The objective of these revisions is to ensure that the corn 
    standards are serving their intended purpose to facilitate the 
    marketing of corn.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 1996.
        Availability: Stress crack testing will be available January 1, 
    South Building, P.O. Box 96454, Washington, D.C. 20090-6454; telephone 
    (202) 720-0292; FAX (202) 720-4628.
    Executive Order 12866
        The Department is issuing this rule in conformance with Executive 
    Order 12866.
    Executive Order 12778
        This final rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, 
    Civil Justice Reform. This action is not intended to have retroactive 
    effect. The United States Grain Standards Act (Act) provides in section 
    87g that no State or subdivision may require or impose any requirements 
    or restrictions concerning the inspection, weighing, or description of 
    grain under the Act. Otherwise, this rule will not preempt any State or 
    local laws, regulations, or policies, unless they present an 
    irreconcilable conflict with this rule. There are no administrative 
    procedures which must be exhausted prior to any judicial challenge to 
    the provisions of this rule.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        James R. Baker, Administrator, GIPSA, has determined that this rule 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities as defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 
    601 et seq.) because most users of the official inspection and weighing 
    services and those entities that perform these services do not meet the 
    requirements for small entities. Further, the regulations are applied 
    equally to all entities.
        During October 1993, the Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), 
    which is now part of GIPSA, prepared a discussion paper concerning the 
    U.S. Standards for Corn. This paper addressed a number of issues 
    relating to the corn standards and served as a starting point for 
    discussions with producers, trade associations, processors, handlers, 
    and merchandisers to better understand their views on changes needed to 
    improve existing standards. It was distributed throughout the grain 
    industry. FGIS received positive response from the grain industry.
        On February 22, 1995, GIPSA proposed in the Federal Register (60 FR 
    9790) to revise the United States Standards for corn to: (1) report TW 
    to the nearest tenth of a pound; (2) eliminate the count limit on 
    stones and reduce the U.S. Sample grade aggregate weight tolerance from 
    more than 0.2 percent by weight to more than 0.1 percent by weight; and 
    (3) offer stress crack testing as official criteria. Furthermore, GIPSA 
    sought comments not only on the proposal to offer stress crack testing 
    as official criteria, but also on the reporting method.
        GIPSA officials discussed the proposed revisions to the corn 
    standards at the Grain Quality Workshops and presented the stress crack 
    testing proposal at the Grain Quality Conference organized by the 
    University of Illinois.
    Comment Review
        During the 60-day comment period, GIPSA received fifteen comments: 
    four from grain handlers, three from corn producers, three from corn 
    processors, two from official inspection agencies, two from foreign 
    buyers, and one from academia.
        On the basis of these comments received during the comment period 
    and other available information, GIPSA has decided to enact the changes 
    as proposed.
    TW Per Bushel
        TW per bushel is the weight per Winchester bushel (2,150.42 cubic 
    inches) as determined using an approved device according to procedures 
    prescribed in FGIS instructions. TW for corn is determined before the 
    removal of broken corn and foreign material and certificated in whole 
    and half pounds with a fraction of a half pound disregarded. Upon 
    request, TW for corn is reported to the nearest tenth of a pound in 
    addition to the official certification method.
        Reporting TW in corn to the nearest tenth of a pound will bring TW 
    reporting requirements in line with the reporting requirements for 
    other factors such as damaged kernels total and broken corn and foreign 
    material. Another consideration is that nearly all TW results are 
    currently rounded down. For example, under the current reporting 
    method, a scale reading 53.99 pounds per bushel is certified as 53.5 
    pounds per bushel, which meets the TW grade limit for U.S. No. 3 corn. 
    If the results, however, were rounded to the nearest tenth of a pound, 
    the resultant 54.0 pounds per bushel would meet the grade limit for 
    U.S. No. 2 corn. Usually, the current practice of rounding down causes 
    TW to be underrepresented throughout the marketing channel. 
    Furthermore, the rounding of TW results to the nearest tenth of a pound 
    will not significantly affect the assigned grade since, in most cases, 
    the rounded result will fall within the grade requirement.
        Nine commentors supported the proposed change stating that 
    reporting TW to the nearest tenth of a pound is in the best interest of 
    corn producers, will have a positive impact on net farm income, and 
    rounding down in half pound increments has been particularly unfair and 
    sent a negative signal to producers.
        Two commentors opposed this change stating that the current 
    rounding method is working satisfactorily; GIPSA has not confirmed that 
    it will have a net beneficial impact on the market or that the current 
    reporting method inhibits the efficient transmission of information on 
    quality; and they are concerned about the reproducibility of results at 
    the tenth of a pound level. 
    [[Page 61195]]
        Commentors in support of the proposed action indicate that 
    reporting TW to the nearest tenth pound per bushel will benefit both 
    producers and the general corn market. Further, statistical information 
    provided in the proposed action indicated that the reproducibility of 
    TW results is similar to or better than the reproducibility of other 
    factors reported to the nearest tenth. Therefore, the reproducibility 
    of TW results was considered prior to the proposal.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA is revising Sec. 810.102, Definition of other terms, 
    by revising section (d), Test weight per bushel, to report TW in corn 
    to the nearest tenth of a pound per bushel.
    Stone Count
        GIPSA proposed to eliminate the count limit on stones and reduce 
    the U.S. Sample grade aggregate weight tolerance from more than 0.2 
    percent by weight to more than 0.1 percent by weight. Presently, eight 
    or more stones with an aggregate weight in excess of 0.2 percent of the 
    sample are required to assign the Sample Grade designation. This 
    determination is performed before the removal of broken corn and 
    foreign material.
        Ten commentors supported the proposed change stating that 
    eliminating the stone count limit and reducing the aggregate weight 
    percent from 0.2 to 0.1 will not have a negative impact on growers, 
    provides a positive signal to foreign buyers, addresses the needs of 
    corn millers without adversely affecting corn farmers, and emphasizes 
    the importance of quality by clearly showing that reducing 
    contamination is desirable.
        One opponent stated that elimination of stone count limits is 
    undesirable because having one 15-gram stone in a 1,000-gram sample 
    could make a lot ``Sample Grade'' and one stone is incidental and may 
    be the only stone in the entire lot.
        Stones have harmful effects on corn quality and millability. In 
    addition, several corn industry representatives have requested that the 
    count limit on stones be eliminated to encourage the delivery of high 
    quality corn. GIPSA believes that eliminating the stone count limit and 
    reducing the aggregate weight tolerance will facilitate the marketing 
    of corn.
        Based on this information, comments received, and other available 
    information, GIPSA is revising Sec. 810.404, Grades and grade 
    requirements for corn, by revising the definition of U.S. Sample Grade 
    by eliminating the count limit on stones and reducing the aggregate 
    weight criteria from more than 0.2 percent by weight to more than 0.1 
    percent by weight.
    Stress Crack Testing Service
        GIPSA proposed to offer corn stress crack testing using the 
    Illinois Crop Improvement Association, Identity Preserved Grain 
    Laboratory (IPGL), method as official criteria under the authority of 
    the Act and sought comments on the reporting method for results.
        As described by the IPGL, stress crack tests are performed on 
    random subsamples. The kernels are inspected visually on a backlighted 
    lightboard and separated into four categories: no or zero stress 
    cracks; one or single stress cracks; two or double stress cracks; and 
    more than two or multiple stress cracks. The percentage of kernels 
    falling into each category is used to calculate the percentage of total 
    stress cracks and stress crack index as follows:
    % TSC = [% single SC + % double SC + % multiple SC]
    SCI = [(% single SC) + (% double SC  x  3) + (% multiple SC  x  5)]
    Where SC = stress cracks:
    SCI = stress crack index; and
    TSC = total stress cracks.
    The stress crack index is an indication of the multiplicity of stress 
    cracks in each kernel. The weighting factors indicate that corn kernels 
    with double and multiple stress cracks are more susceptible to breakage 
    than kernels with single stress cracks.
        This testing service will be optional and GIPSA will recover the 
    cost of providing this service through the applicable inspection fees 
    as set forth in Sec. 800.71(a) of the regulations.
        Corn which contains stress-cracked kernels tends to break apart 
    and, as a result, is undesirable in the corn dry milling, wet milling, 
    and food manufacturing processes. Also, stress cracked kernels indicate 
    that corn has been dried at an excessively high temperature.
        Starch recovery, which is an essential component of the wet milling 
    process, is also lower from kernels possessing many stress cracks. To 
    the food manufacturer, stress cracks are of concern because of the 
    adverse effect on soaking, which is an essential component of the 
    manufacturing process.
        Cracked corn is also more difficult to store since it is more 
    readily attacked by microorganisms and is difficult to aerate 
    uniformly. Cracked corn can also contribute to increased elevator dust 
    levels and, thus, negatively impact elevator safety and the 
        Twelve commentors supported this proposal stating that GIPSA can 
    make a significant contribution to market efficiency by offering a 
    standardized stress crack testing service and testing could provide an 
    incentive for improving drying methods which could improve corn 
        Three commentors opposed this proposal stating that: it is not 
    clear that stress crack testing will improve quality or enhance safety; 
    direct correlation between stress cracks and end-use value have yet to 
    be proven; inexperienced users could make misleading or inappropriate 
    interpretations based on official results; corn processors and grain 
    elevator managers will adopt new discount schedules; the test is 
    currently available from private laboratories; processors are only 
    interested in total stress cracks, not the four categories (single, 
    double, multiple, and total); and GIPSA will not be able to recover the 
    full cost of developing and offering the test.
        Several commentors suggested that GIPSA provide educational efforts 
    to inform affected producers, allow testing based on 50 kernels rather 
    than 100 kernels, and permit applicants to specify certification of 
    results to meet their needs.
        GIPSA selected the IPGL test method because it meets the basic 
    requirement for online testing. It is quick, easy, and cost effective. 
    In addition, this method is well developed, has been in use 
    successfully for several years, and will impose a minimal cost to the 
    inspection system.
        Based on comments received and other available information, GIPSA 
    is offering stress crack testing as an official criteria under the 
    authority of the Act. Total percent stress cracks will be reported. 
    Upon request, stress crack categories (single, double, and multiple) 
    will also be reported. This testing service will be optional. GIPSA 
    will recover the cost of providing this service through the applicable 
    inspection fees as set forth in Sec. 800.71(a) of the regulations.
    Miscellaneous Changes
        GIPSA proposed to revise the format of the grading chart in 
    Sec. 810.404, Grades and Grade Requirements for Corn, to improve the 
    readability of the grading chart. However, information received from 
    participants in GIPSA's quality control and proficiency training 
    programs and employee suggestion hotline indicate the present chart 
    format is easier to understand than the proposed chart or other 
    recently revised 
    [[Page 61196]]
    charts and should not be changed. Based on this information, GIPSA has 
    decided not to adopt the proposed format change.
    Final Action
        On the basis of these comments and other available information, 
    GIPSA has decided to revise the corn standards as proposed except for 
    revising the format of the grading chart. Pursuant to section 4(b)(1) 
    of the United States Grain Standards Act (7 U.S.C. 76(b)(1)), no 
    standards established or amendments or revocations of standards are to 
    become effective less than one calendar year after promulgation, unless 
    in the judgment of the Administrator, the public health, interest, or 
    safety requires that they become effective sooner. Pursuant to that 
    section of the Act, GIPSA has determined that it is in the public 
    interest that the revisions become effective September 1, 1996. This 
    effective date will coincide with the beginning of the 1996 crop year 
    and facilitate domestic and export marketing of corn. Stress crack 
    testing service is provided as official criteria and is not included in 
    the U.S. Standards for Corn. Consequently, this official service will 
    be available on January 1, 1996.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 810
        Exports, Grain.
        For reasons set out in the preamble, 7 CFR part 810 is amended as 
        1. The authority citation for part 810 continues to read as 
        Authority: Pub. L. 94-582, 90 Stat. 2067 as amended (7 U.S.C. 71 
    et. seq.)
    Subpart A--General Provisions
        2. Section 810.102(d) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 810.102  Definition of other terms.
    * * * * *
        (d) Test weight per bushel. The weight per Winchester bushel 
    (2,150.42 cubic inches) as determined using an approved device 
    according to procedures prescribed in FGIS instructions. Test weight 
    per bushel in the standards for corn, mixed grain, oats, sorghum, and 
    soybeans is determined on the original sample. Test weight per bushel 
    in the standards for barley, flaxseed, rye, sunflower seed, triticale, 
    and wheat is determined after mechanically cleaning the original 
    sample. Test weight per bushel is recorded to the nearest tenth pound 
    for corn, rye, triticale, and wheat. Test weight per bushel for all 
    other grains, if applicable, is recorded in whole and half pounds with 
    a fraction of a half pound disregarded. Test weight per bushel is not 
    an official factor for canola.
    * * * * *
    Subpart D--United States Standards for Corn
        3. Section 810.404 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 810.404  Grades and grade requirements for Corn.
                                                                                         Maximum limits of          
                                                                    Minimum         Damaged kernels                 
                                                                  test weight -------------------------- Broken corn
                                Grade                              per bushel      Heat                  and foreign
                                                                    (pounds)     damaged       Total       material 
                                                                                 kernels     (percent)    (percent) 
    U.S. No. 1..................................................         56.0          0.1          3.0          2.0
    U.S. No. 2..................................................         54.0          0.2          5.0          3.0
    U.S. No. 3..................................................         52.0          0.5          7.0          4.0
    U.S. No. 4..................................................         49.0          1.0         10.0          5.0
    U.S. No. 5..................................................         46.0          3.0         15.0          7.0
    U.S. Sample Grade                                                                                               
      U.S. Sample grade is corn that:                                                                               
        (a) Does not meet the requirements for the grades U.S. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; or                            
        (b) Contains stones with an aggregate weight in excess of 0.1 percent of the sample weight, 2 or more pieces
      of glass, 3 or more crotalaria seeds (Crotalaria spp.), 2 or more castor beans (Ricinus communis L.), 4 or    
      more particles of an unknown foreign substance(s)or a commonly recognized harmful or toxic substance(s), 8 or 
      more cockleburs (Xanthium spp.), or similar seeds singly or in combination, or animal filth in excess of 0.20 
      percent in 1,000 grams; or                                                                                    
        (c) Has a musty, sour, or commercially objectionable foreign odor; or                                       
        (d) Is heating or otherwise of distinctly low quality.                                                      
    Dated: November 14, 1995.
    James R. Baker,
    Administrator, Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration.
    [FR Doc. 95-29118 Filed 11-28-95; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
September 1, 1996.
61194-61196 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
7 CFR 810.102
7 CFR 810.404