95-29152. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change and Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Proposed Rule Change by the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc., to List and Trade ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 229 (Wednesday, November 29, 1995)]
    [Pages 61277-61280]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-29152]
    [Release No. 34-36505; International Series Release No. 889; File No. 
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order Approving a Proposed Rule 
    Change and Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval of 
    Amendment No. 2 to the Proposed Rule Change by the Philadelphia Stock 
    Exchange, Inc., to List and Trade 3D Foreign Currency Options on the 
    Japanese Yen
    November 22, 1995.
    I. Introduction
        On June 14, 1995, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc. (``Phlx'' 
    or ``Exchange'') filed a proposed rule change with the Securities and 
    Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or ``Commission''), pursuant to Section 
    19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'')\1\ and Rule 
    19b-4 thereunder,\2\ to list and trade Dollar Denominated Delivery 
    (``3D'') foreign currency options (``FCOs'') on the Japanese yen. The 
    Exchange filed Amendment No. 1 to the proposal on July 7, 1995.\3\ The 
    Exchange filed Amendment No. 2 on November 8, 1995.\4\
        \1\15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
        \2\17 CFR 240.19b-4.
        \3\The Phlx submitted Amendment No. 1 to the Commission to make 
    certain technical corrections to the proposal. See Letter from 
    Michele Wiesbaum, Associate General Counsel, Phlx. to John Ayanian, 
    Attorney, Office of Market Supervision (``OMS''), Division of Market 
    Regulation (``Market Regulation''), Commission, dated July 7, 1995.
        \4\The Phlx submitted Amendment No. 2 to the Commission to 
    explain its proposed provisions for calculating and disseminating 
    the settlement value for the 3D Japanese yen options. See Letter 
    from Michele Weisbaum, Associate General Counsel, Phlx, to John 
    Ayanian, Attorney, OMS, Market Regulation, Commission, dated 
    November 8, 1995 (``Amendment No. 2'').
        Notice of the proposal, and Amendment No. 1, was published for 
    comment and appeared in the Federal Register on August 11, 1995.\5\ No 
    comment letters were received on the proposed rule change. This order 
    approves the Exchange's proposal, as amended.
        \5\See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 36062 (August 4, 
    1995), 60 FR 41140.
    II. Background
        In March 1994, the Commission approved the listing and trading of 
    3D FCOs on the German mark.\6\ 3D FCOs are cash-settled, European-style 
    options issued by The Options Clearing Corporation (``OCC'') that allow 
    holders to receive U.S. dollars representing the difference between the 
    current foreign exchange spot price\7\ and the exercise price of the 
    option. Specifically, upon exercise of an in-the-money 3D FCO 
    structured as a call, the holder will receive, from OCC, U.S. dollars 
    representing the difference between the exercise strike price and the 
    closing settlement value of the 3D FCO contract multiplied by the 
    number of units of currency covered by the contract. For a 3D FCO 
    structured as a put, the holder will receive U.S. dollars representing 
    the excess of the exercise price over the closing settlement value of 
    the 3D FCO contract multiplied by the number of units of foreign 
    currency covered by the contract.
        \6\See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 33732 (March 8, 
    1995), 59 FR 12023 (March 15, 1994).
        \7\The ``spot price'' with respect to an option contract on a 
    foreign currency option contract means the price for the sale of one 
    foreign currency for another, quoted by various commercial banks in 
    the interbank foreign exchange market for the sale of a single unit 
    of such foreign currency for immediate delivery (which generally 
    means delivery within two business days following the date on which 
    the terms of such sale are agreed upon). See Phlx Rule 1000(b)(16).
        Unlike other Phlx-traded FCOs, 3D FCOs which are in-the-money by 
    any amount on the expiration date will be exercised automatically by 
    OCC. 3D FCOs which are out-of-the-money at expiration will expire 
        German 3D FCOs were originally listed with one-week and two-week 
    expirations to provide a hedging vehicle to sophisticated retail 
    customers, portfolio managers and multi-national corporations which 
    needed to hedge their short term foreign currency exposure and also to 
    banks which needed to hedge the risks associated with trading in the 
    forward and cash markets. The Commission recently approved the Phlx's 
    proposal to list German 3D FCO contracts with longer term expirations 
    up to twelve months.\8\
        \8\See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 35756 (May 24, 1995), 
    60 FR 28638 (June 1, 1995).
    III. Description of the Proposal
        The Exchange is now proposing to list and trade 3D FCOs on the 
    Japanese yen (U.S. dollar/Japanese yen) (``3D JY Options''). The 
    contract size will be 6,250,000 yen, the same as physically settled 
    Japanese yen contract. Pursuant to Phlx Rule 1012(a)(ii), the contracts 
    will be listed with expirations at one week and two weeks and one, two, 
    three, six and nine months (twelve month options will not be listed at 
    this time but will be permitted under Phlx rules). The options will be 
    on the March, June, September, December cycle and no month end or long 
    term expirations will be listed. The expiration date for the 
    consecutive and cycle month options will be the Monday preceding the 
    third Wednesday of each month. The Exchange expects that the symbols 
    for these options will be as follows:
    XJA  first Monday of month expiration
    XJB  second Monday of month expiration
    XJC  third Monday of month expiration
    XJD  fourth Monday of month expiration
    XJE  fifth Monday of month expiration
    XJS  settlement symbol
        The 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9 month options will be listed with the symbol 
    XJB or XJC depending on whether expiration will be the second or third 
    Monday of that month and will carry that symbol to expiration. For 
    example, a ``Sept 1995'' option which would expire on Monday September 
    18, would be listed as an XJC Sept 95 call whereas the ``Nov 1995'' 
    option which would expire on Monday, November 13, would be listed as an 
    XJB Nov 95 call.
        Similar to the 3D German mark contracts, the Exchange proposes that 
    a series of 3D JY Options will trade during normal trading hours for 
    foreign currency options, specifically, 2:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. E.T. 
    Monday through Friday. The expiring FCO contract will cease trading at 
    10:30 a.m. and expire at 11:59 p.m. on its expiration Monday, unless 
    such Monday is an Exchange holiday or an Exchange designated bank 
    holiday, when, under Phlx Rule 1000(b)(21), ``Expiration date,'' as 
    amended, the 3D FCO will expire at 11:59 p.m. on the preceding business 
    date (ordinarily a Friday).
        Accordingly, on Exchange holidays and Exchange designated bank 
    holidays, the expiring 3D FCOs will cease trading at 10:30 a.m. on the 
    preceding business day. In addition, when Monday is an exchange 
    holiday, new series will be listed on the following Tuesday at 2:30 
    a.m. E.T. as opposed to the normal Monday morning listing.
        The closing settlement value, which will be disseminated through 
    the Options Price Reporting Authority (``OPRA''), will be determined by 
    a designated agent(s) of the Exchange under Phlx Rule 1057, ``3D 
    (Dollar Denomination Delivery) Foreign Currency Option Closing 
    [[Page 61278]]
    Value.'' Pursuant to Phlx Rule 1057, at 10:30 a.m. (E.T.), on every 
    expiration date for 3D FCOs, the market information vendor(s), acting 
    as the Exchange's designated agent will determine the final settlement 
    value. The Exchange has retained Reuters to calculate the settlement 
    value which the Exchange disseminates.\9\
        \9\See Amendment No. 2, supra note 4.
        The market information vendor(s) will collect a bid and offer 
    quotation, from 10 a.m. (E.T.) until 10:30 a.m. (E.T.), for the current 
    Japanese yen spot price from the quotations submitted by 15 interbank 
    foreign participants, which the designated agent will select randomly 
    from a list created by the Phlx of at least 25 active interbank foreign 
    exchange market participants.\10\ After discarding the five highest 
    offers and five lowest bids, the designated agent will arithmetically 
    average the remaining ten bids and ten offers to arrive at a closing 
    settlement value. This value will be calculated and sent to the Phlx 
    every 30 seconds until 10:30 a.m. when the designated agent will 
    determine the final settlement value. At that time, the settlement 
    value will be automatically entered into the Phlx's systems, and then 
    the Phlx disseminates it to OPRA and the OCC for entry into the OCC 
    clearing systems.
        \10\The Phlx will select the list of interbank market 
    participants by evaluating the number of times each contributor 
    supplies Japanese yen spot quotes to the market information 
    vendor(s) on Monday mornings between 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The pool 
    of quote contributors will be reviewed monthly based on these 
    criteria and substitutions will be made, if necessary. If at any 
    time an interbank market participant ceases to distribute Japanese 
    yen spot quotes or is no longer in the business of making Japanese 
    yen markets, that entity will be replaced. Currently, there are 40 
    interbank market participants on the list which show bid and offer 
    quotations. Telephone conversation between Michele Weisbaum, 
    Associate General Counsel, Phlx, and John Ayanian, Attorney, OMS, 
    Market Regulation, Commission, on November 15, 1995.
        The Exchange represents that there are two Reuters terminals within 
    the Exchange Regulatory Services area which calculate the settlement 
    value and both are connected to a digital feed. If one terminal has a 
    complication with any 30 second calculation, the other terminal takes 
    over. If there is a communication problem between Reuters and the 
    Exchange, the Exchange can telephone Reuter's New York office to have 
    the value provided verbally, as it is also calculated on a terminal in 
    New York. In the event of a broad based shut down of Reuters, the 
    Exchange would directly contact a group of banks and ask for their 
    current spot quote, and calculate the settlement value using the same 
    methodology as described above. Additionally, if the Reuters program 
    does not generate enough quotes during an inactive period, the Exchange 
    can add quotes from the Reuters international page which shows bank 
    quotes other than the predetermined set of 40 in the normal 
        \11\See Amendment No. 2, supra note 4.
        The position limits and exercise limits for the 3D JY Options will 
    be the same as the position and exercise limit for the physically 
    settled Japanese yen contracts pursuant to Phlx Rule 1001\12\ and Rule 
    1002 and positions in the 3D JY Options will be aggregated with 
    positions in the physically settled Japanese yen contracts. The Phlx 
    proposes to initially list exercise strike prices for each expiration 
    around the current spot price and new strikes may be added during the 
    life of the option in accordance with Phlx Rule 1012 at half-cent 
    intervals for the one and two weeks and 3 near term months and at one 
    cent intervals for the six and nine month options.\13\
        \12\Position and exercise limits on the Japanese yen are 100,000 
    contracts on either side of the market, however, the Phlx has 
    recently proposed to raise this limit to 200,000 contracts. This 
    proposal is currently under review at the Commission. See Securities 
    Exchange Act Release No. 35688 (May 8, 1995), 60 FR 26062 (May 16, 
        \13\The Phlx represents that it has adequate systems capacity to 
    process quotations and trades in the proposed 3D JY Options. See 
    Letter from William H. Morgan, Vice President, Trading Systems, 
    Phlx, to Michael Walinskas, Branch Chief, OMS, Market Regulation, 
    Commission, dated November 17, 1995.
        The Commission notes that trading of 3D JY Options is contingent 
    upon the Commission's receipt of the Options Price Reporting 
    Authority's representation that it has adequate systems capacity to 
    process quotations and trades in the proposed 3D JY Options. 
    Telephone Conservation between Michele Weisbaum, Associate General 
    Counsel, Phlx, and John Ayanian, Attorney, OMS, Market Regulation, 
    Commission, on November 22, 1995.
        The 3D JY Options will trade in accordance with the rules governing 
    all Phlx FCOs, including sales practice rules and floor trading rules. 
    For example, Phlx Rule 1014, ``Obligations and Restrictions Applicable 
    to Specialists and Registered Options Traders'' provides that bid/ask 
    differentials for 3D FCOs shall be determined by reference to the 
    underlying foreign currency. Further, 3D JY Options will not be subject 
    to customized trading pursuant to Phlx Rule 1069.
        The 3D JY Options will have the same customer margin requirements 
    as are provided for the existing Japanese yen FCOs pursuant to Phlx 
    Rule 722, ``Margin Accounts.'' Specifically, for any put or call on 3D 
    options which are issued, guaranteed or carried ``short'' in a 
    customer's account, the required margin shall be 100% of the options 
    premium plus 4% of the value of the underlying contract less any out-
    of-the-money account, with an adjustment for out-of-the-money options 
    to be not less than 100% of the options premium plus \3/4\% of the 
    underlying contract margin within five days following the date on which 
    a customer enters into a 3D FCO position and within two days if the 
    option has two weeks or less to expiration.
        The Exchange believes that the proposed rule change is consistent 
    with Section 6 of the Act, in general, and furthers the objectives of 
    Section 6(b)(5), in particular, in that it is designed to promote just 
    and equitable principles of trade, prevent fraudulent and manipulative 
    acts and practices, as well as to protect investors and the public 
    interest by providing foreign currency option users who do not 
    necessarily need to exchange currency at settlement with an alternative 
    cash settled foreign currency option with corresponding expirations.
    IV. Commission Finding and Conclusions
        The Commission finds that the proposed rule change is consistent 
    with the requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations 
    thereunder applicable to a national securities exchange, and, in 
    particular, the requirements of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act.\14\ 
    Specifically, the Commission believes that the Exchange's proposal is 
    designed to provide investors with an adequate means to hedge foreign 
    currency portfolios and cash flows from short-term market risk, thereby 
    facilitating transactions in FCOs and providing investors with greater 
    flexibility to tailor foreign currency options positions to satisfy 
    their investment objectives.\15\
        \14\15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
        \15\Pursuant to Section 6(b)(5) of the Act the Commission must 
    predicate approval of exchange trading for new products upon a 
    finding that the introduction of the product is in the public 
    interest. Such a finding would be difficult with respect to a 
    product that served no investment hedging or other economic 
    function, because any benefits that might be derived by market 
    participants would likely be outweighed by the potential for 
    manipulation, diminished public confidence in the integrity of the 
    markets, and other valid regulatory concerns.
        The Commission believes that the Phlx's proposal will help to 
    promote the maintenance of a fair and orderly market by extending the 
    benefits of a listed currency market to an instrument designed to meet 
    the investment needs of Japanese currency market participants. The 
    attributes of the Exchange's markets versus the OTC market for short-
    term FCOs include, but are not limited to, a regulated market 
    [[Page 61279]]
    center, an auction market, with posted market quotations and 
    transaction reporting, standardized contract specifications, parameters 
    and procedures and procedures for clearance and settlement, and the 
    guarantee of the OCC.
        The trading of 3D JY Options, generally, however, raises several 
    issues, including issues related to pricing and settlement value, 
    customer protection, surveillance, and market impact. For the reasons 
    discussed below, the Commission believes that the Phlx has adequately 
    addressed these issues.
    A. Pricing and Settlement Value
        The Commission believes that the methodology described above in 
    Phlx Rule 1057 and Amendment No. 2 for calculating the settlement value 
    of 3D JY Options is designed to provide an accurate reflection of the 
    foreign currency spot price. The Commission also believes that the 
    Phlx's procedures and the competitive nature of the spot market for 
    foreign currencies should help to ensure that the settlement values for 
    3D FCO contracts will accurately reflect the spot price for foreign 
    currencies. Moreover, the Commission believes that the Phlx's 
    procedures should guard against unreliable or manipulated quotes. 
    Finally, as noted above, the Phlx has established adequate back-up 
    mechanisms to ensure the settlement value calculation will be available 
    on a timely basis.
    B. Customer Protection
        The Commission believes that a regulatory system designed to 
    protect public customers must be in place before the trading of 
    sophisticated financial instruments, such as 3D JY Options, can 
    commence on a national securities exchange. Under paragraph (b) of Phlx 
    Rule 1024, members will be prohibited from accepting a customer order 
    to purchase or write a 3D FCO unless such customer's account has been 
    specially approved in writing by a designated Foreign Currency Options 
    principal of the member for transactions in 3D FCOs. Exchange Rule 1026 
    is designed to ensure that options, including 3D FCOs, will be sold 
    only to customers capable of evaluating and bearing the risks 
    associated with trading in the instruments. Finally, under Exchange 
    Rule 1027, members will be permitted to exercise discretionary power 
    with respect to trading 3D FCOs in a customer's account only if the 
    member has received prior written authorization from the customer and 
    the account has been accepted in writing by a designated Foreign 
    Currency Options Principal. In addition, under Exchange Rule 1027, the 
    Foreign Currency Options Principal or a Registered Options Principal 
    must approve and initial each discretionary 3D FCO on the day the order 
    is entered.
        The Commission notes that the trading of standardized exchange-
    traded options occurs in an environment that is designed to ensure, 
    among other things, that: (1) The special risks of options are 
    disclosed to public customers; (2) only investors capable of evaluating 
    and bearing the risks of options trading are engaged in such trading; 
    and (3) special compliance procedures are applicable to options 
    accounts. Accordingly, because the 3D JY Options will be subject to the 
    same regulatory regime as the other 3D FCOs currently traded on the 
    Phlx, the Commission believes that adequate safeguards are in place to 
    ensure the protection of investors in 3D JY Options.
    C. Surveillance
        The Commission notes that the Phlx will integrate 3D JY Options 
    into existing Phlx market surveillance programs. The Commission 
    believes that existing FCO surveillance procedures should enable the 
    Exchange to conduct, deter, as well as detect, trading abuses involving 
    the 3D JY Options market and the markets for the underlying Japanese 
    yen. In light of the design of the 3D JY Options contracts and the 
    developed market for foreign currencies, the Commission believes that 
    the markets for the 3D JY Options will not be readily susceptible to 
    D. Position and Exercise Limits and Margin Requirements
        As noted above, 3D JY Options will be aggregated with other 
    existing contracts on the same underlying currency for position and 
    exercise limit purposes. The Commission believes that aggregation of 3D 
    FCOs with existing contracts on the same underlying currency for 
    position and exercise limit purposes will reduce concerns regarding 
    manipulations or disruptions of the markets for 3D FCOs, other currency 
    options, and the underlying currencies, while at the same time not 
    hampering the depth and liquidity of the marekt for 3D FCOs.
        The Commission believes the proposed margin levels for 3D FCO 
    contracts, which are consistent with the margin levels for the Phlx's 
    other FCOs, will result in adequate coverage of contract obligations 
    and are designed to preclude the systemic risks arising from 
    excessively low margin levels. As noted above, the margin requirement 
    on any put and call 3D FCO issued, guaranteed or carried ``short'' in a 
    customer's account shall be 100% of the option premium plus 4% of the 
    value of the underlying contract less any out-of-the money amount, with 
    an adjustment for out-of-the money options to be not less than 100% of 
    the option premium plus \3/4\% of the underlying contract value. The 
    Phlx plans to collect margin within five days following the date on 
    which a customer enters into a 3D FCO position and within two days if 
    the option has two weeks or less to expiration. The Phlx has indicated 
    that the proposed margin would cover the historical volatility over the 
    preceding three years of the Japanese yen over a five-day period with a 
    97.50% level of confidence.\16\ Accordingly, the Commission believes 
    that the Phlx's propsoed margin level will result in adequate coverage 
    for 3D JY Options. Because the volatility of foreign currencies can 
    change significantly, the Commission expects the Phlx to monitor the 
    adequacy of margin levels for 3D JY Options to ensure that the required 
    margin remains appropriate in view of the volatility of the underlying 
        \16\Telephone conversation between Michele Weisbaum, Associate 
    General Counsel, Phlx, and John Ayanian, Attorney, OMS, Market 
    Regulation, Commission, on November 22, 1995.
        \17\In this regard, the Commission would view coverage of less 
    than 97.50% as problematic. If coverage should fall below this 
    level, the Exchange will immediately notify the Commission's 
    Division of Market Regulation.
    E. Market Impact
        The Commission believes that the listing and trading of 3D JY 
    Options will not adversely affect the spot or derivative foreign 
    currenly markets. First, the Commission notes that the interbank 
    foreign currency spot market is an extremely large, diverse market 
    comprised of banks and other financial institutions worldwide. That 
    market is supplemented by equally deep and liquid markets for 
    standardized options and futures on foreign currencies and options on 
    those futures. There is also an active OTC market for FCOs.
        Further, as noted above, the Phlx applies its existing FCO 
    surveillance procedures to the 3D FCOs, which should enable the 
    Exchange to conduct, deter, as well as detect, trading abuses involving 
    the 3D JY Options market and the markets for the underlying Japanese 
    F. Conclusion and Accelerated Approval of Amendment No. 2
        Based on the above, the Commission believes that the proposed rule 
    change is consistent with the requirements of the Act and the rules and 
    [[Page 61280]]
    thereunder applicable to a national securities exchange, and, in 
    particular, the requirements of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act.\18\ 
    Additionally, the Commission notes that implementation of this proposed 
    rule change is contingent upon the Commission's receipt of OPRA's 
    representation that it has adequate systems capacity to process 
    quotations and trades in the proposed 3D JY Options.\19\
        \18\15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
        \19\See supra note 13.
        The Commission finds good cause for approving Amendment No. 2 to 
    the proposed rule change prior to the thirtieth day after the date of 
    publication of the notice thereof in the Federal Register. In Amendment 
    No. 2, the Phlx represented that the provisions for calculating and 
    disseminating the settlement value for the 3D Japanese yen options will 
    be exactly the same as used for the 3D German mark options. The 
    Commission believes that because the provisions for calculating and 
    disseminating the settlement value for the 3D Japanese yen options will 
    be exactly the same as used for the 3D German mark options, and contain 
    adequate back-up procedures in case of system failure or other 
    problems, no new regulatory issues are raised. Accordingly, the 
    Commission believes that it is consistent with Sections 6(b)(5) and 
    19(b)(2) of the Act to approve Amendment No. 2 to the Phlx proposal on 
    an accelerated basis.
    V. Solicitation of Comments
        Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and 
    arguments concerning Phlx Amendment No. 2. Persons making written 
    submissions should file six copies thereof with the Secretary, 
    Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, 
    DC 20549. Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all 
    written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are 
    filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to 
    the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other 
    than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the 
    provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for inspection and 
    copying at the Commission's Public Reference Section, 450 Fifth Street, 
    NW., Washington, DC 20549. Copies of such filing will also be available 
    for inspection and copying at the principal office of the Phlx. All 
    submissions should refer to SR-Phlx-95-42 and should be submitted by 
    December 20, 1995.
        It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
    Act,\20\ that the proposed rule change (File No. SR-phlx-95-42), as 
    amended, is approved.
        \20\15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
        For the Commission, by the Division of Market Regulation, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.\21\
        \21\17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 95-29152 Filed 11-28-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
61277-61280 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-36505, International Series Release No. 889, File No. SR-Phlx-95-42
PDF File: