96-30460. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal Phase, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement; Notice of Availability and Public Hearings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 231 (Friday, November 29, 1996)]
    [Pages 60690-60693]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-30460]
    Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal Phase, Draft Supplemental 
    Environmental Impact Statement; Notice of Availability and Public 
    AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of availability and public hearings.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE or Department) announces the 
    availability for public review and comment of the draft supplemental 
    environmental impact statement (SEIS-II) for the proposed disposal of 
    transuranic (TRU) radioactive waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 
    (WIPP) near Carlsbad, NM, and the schedule for public hearings on that 
    DATES: DOE invites all interested parties to submit comments on the 
    draft SEIS-II during a comment period ending on January 28, 1997. 
    Written comments must be postmarked by January 28, 1997 to ensure 
    consideration. Comments postmarked after that date will be considered 
    to the extent practicable.
        DOE will also hold several public hearings to receive public 
    comments and suggestions on the draft SEIS-II. Public hearings will be 
    held on the dates and at the locations given below.
    [[Page 60691]]
    Albuquerque, NM.............  January 6, 1997.....  Albuquerque         
                                                         Convention Center, 
                                                         401 2nd Street     
                                                         N.W., Albuquerque, 
                                                         NM 87103, (505) 768-
                                  January 7, 1997.....                      
    Santa Fe, NM................  January 8, 1997.....  Sweeney Convention  
                                                         Center, 201 West   
                                                         Marcy, Santa Fe, NM
                                                         87501, (505) 986-  
                                  January 9, 1997.....                      
                                  January 10, 1997....                      
    Richland, WA................  January 15, 1997....  Red Lion Inn        
                                                         Richland, 802      
                                                         George Washington  
                                                         Way, Richland, WA  
                                                         99352, (509) 946-  
    Carlsbad, NM................  January 13, 1997....  Pecos River Village,
                                                         711 N. Muscatel,   
                                                         Carlsbad, NM 88220,
                                                         (505) 887-6516.    
    Denver, CO..................  January, 13 1997....  Arvada Center for   
                                                         Arts and           
                                                         Humanities, 6901   
                                                         Boulevard, Denver, 
                                                         CO 80003, (303) 431-
    Boise, ID...................  January 15, 1997....  Red Lion Inn        
                                                         Riverside, 2900    
                                                         Chinden Boulevard, 
                                                         Boise, ID 83714,   
                                                         (208) 946-7611.    
    Oak Ridge, TN...............  January 21, 1997....  American Museum of  
                                                         Science and Energy,
                                                         300 South Tulane   
                                                         Avenue, Oak Ridge, 
                                                         TN 37830, (423) 576-
    N. Augusta, SC..............  January 23, 1997....  North Augusta       
                                                         Community Center,  
                                                         495 Brookside      
                                                         Drive, North       
                                                         Augusta, SC 29841, 
                                                         (803) 441-4290.    
        Public hearings are planned for morning (only in Albuquerque and on 
    January 9th and 10th in Santa Fe), afternoon, and evening sessions. The 
    length of sessions held at each location may be adjusted as 
    preregistration demand warrants. The planned hours for hearings are: 
    9:00 AM to 12 noon for the morning sessions, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM for the 
    afternoon sessions, and 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM for the evening sessions. 
    Call the WIPP Information line at 1-800-336-9477 at least a week before 
    the hearing to register in advance to speak at a particular public 
    hearing. Persons who have not registered in advance may register to 
    comment when they arrive at the hearing to the extent time is 
    available. For additional information about the format for the hearings 
    and speaker registration see the Public Hearing subheading under 
    ADDRESSES: Written comments on the draft SEIS II should be directed to: 
    Harold Johnson, NEPA Compliance Officer, Attn: SEIS Comments, P.O. Box 
    9800, Albuquerque, NM 87119.
        Comments submitted by electronic mail should be sent to 
    [email protected] Faxed comments should be directed to Harold 
    Johnson at 1-505-224-8030. Oral comments will be accepted only at the 
    public hearings.
        Copies of the draft SEIS II are also available for reference at the 
    public reading rooms set forth below. The reading rooms also contain 
    reference documents.
    New Mexico State Library 325 Don Gaspar Santa Fe, NM 87503
    Carlsbad Public Library 101 S. Halagueno St. Carlsbad, NM 88220
    Zimmerman Library Government Publications Department University of 
    New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131
    Pannell Library New Mexico Junior College 5317 Lovington Highway 
    Hobbs, NM 88240
    WIPP Public Reading Room National Atomic Museum U.S. Department of 
    Energy Albuquerque Operations Office P.O. Box 5400 Albuquerque, NM 
    Martin Speare Memorial Library New Mexico Institute of Mining and 
    Technology Campus Station Soccorro, NM 87801
    Raton Public Library Public Reading Room 244 Cook Ave. Raton, NM 
    New Mexico State University Library P.O. Box 30001 Las Cruces, NM 
    Los Alamos National Laboratory Community Reading Room P.O. Box 1663, 
    MS A-117 Los Alamos, NM 87545
    DOE Public Reading Room--Oakland 1301 Clay St., Room 700N Oakland, 
    CA 94612
    DOE Public Reading Room--Nevada 2621 Losee Rd. North Las Vegas, NV 
    Flagstaff--Coconino County Public Library 300 West Aspen Flagstaff, 
    AZ 86001
    The Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency
    c/o Levon Benally Jr.
    P.O. Box 339
    Window Rock, AZ
    DOE Public Reading Room--Richland
    Washington State University Tri-Cities
    100 Sprout Rd., Room 130 West
    Richland, WA 99352
    Oregon State Library
    250 Winter St.
    Salem, OR 97310
    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) Reading Room
    1776 Science Center Dr.
    Idaho Falls, ID 83402
    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory--Boise Office
    816 West Bannock Suite 306
    Boise, ID 83702
    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory--Pocatello Office
    1651 AT Ricken Dr.
    Pocatello, ID 83201
    Idaho National Engineering Laboratory--Twin Falls Office
    233 2nd St. North, Suite B
    Twin Falls, ID 83301
    University of Idaho Library
    Government Document Department (University of Idaho Campus)
    Rayburn Street
    Moscow, ID 83843
    Shoshone-Bannock Library
    Human Resources Center
    Bannock and Pima
    Fort Hall, ID 83203
    Moscow Environmental Restoration Information Office
    530 South Ashbury, Suite 2
    Moscow, ID 83843
    Pocatello Public Library
    113 South Garfield
    Pocatello, ID 83201
    Idaho State University Library
    741 South 7th Ave., Box 8089
    Pocatello, ID 83209
    Twin Falls Public Library
    434 2nd St. East
    Twin Falls, ID 83301
    Wyoming State Library
    Supreme Court Building
    2301 Capitol Ave.
    Cheyenne, WY 82002
    DOE Rocky Flats Public Reading Room
    Front Range Community College Library
    3645 West 112th Ave.
    Westminster, CO 80030
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Records Center
    999 18th St., 5th Floor
    Denver, CO 80220
    Information Center
    Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
    [[Page 60692]]
    4300 Cherry Creek Dr. South, Building A
    Denver, CO 80222-1530
    Citizens Advisory Board
    9035 N. Wadsworth Pkwy., Suite 2250
    Westminster, CO 80021
    Standley Lake Library
    8485 Kipling St.
    Arvada, CO 80005
    Texas State Library
    Information Services Division
    1201 Brazos St.
    Austin, TX 78701
    Oklahoma Dept. of Libraries
    200 N.E. 18th St.
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105
    Arkansas State Library
    One Capitol Mall
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    Kansas State Library
    State Capitol Building
    Topeka, KS 66612
    Missouri State Library
    600 West Main
    Jefferson City, MO 65102
    Indiana State Library
    140 North Senate Ave.
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
    DOE Public Reading Room--Chicago
    9800 South Cass Ave.
    Building 201
    Argonne, IL 60439
    DOE CERCLA Public Reading Room
    Miamisburg Senior Adult Center
    305 Central Ave.
    Miamisburg, OH 45342
    Office of Scientific and Technical Information
    Technical Information Center
    P.O. Box 62
    Oak Ridge, TN 37831
    DOE Public Reading Room--Oak Ridge
    55 Jefferson Cir.
    Oak Ridge, TN 37830
    DOE Public Reading Room--Savannah River
    USC--Aiken Library
    171 University Pkwy.
    Aiken, SC 29801
    Mobile Public Library
    701 Government St.
    Mobile, AL 36602
    Atlanta--Fulton Public Library
    One Margaret Mitchell Square N.W.
    Atlanta, GA 30303
    Mississippi State Law Library
    450 High St.
    Jackson, MS 39215
    Louisiana State Library
    760 North Third St.
    Baton Rouge, LA 70802
    DOE/Forrestal Building
    Freedom of Information Reading Room
    1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
    Washington, DC 20585
    Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
    625 Indiana Ave., N.W., Suite 700
    Washington, DC 20004
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information, to register 
    to speak at the public hearings, or to obtain a copy of the 
    environmental impact statement, call the WIPP Information line at 1-
    800-336-9477 (staffed 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM mountain time; answering 
    machine at other times).
        For further information on the DOE NEPA process, contact: Carol M. 
    Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Assistance (EH-42), U.S. 
    Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20585, Telephone: 202-586-4600 or leave a message at 1-800-472-2756.
    Background, Purpose and Need for Agency Action
        TRU waste is waste that contains alpha particle-emitting 
    radionuclides with an atomic number greater than that of uranium (92), 
    and half lives greater than 20 years, in concentrations greater than 
    100 nanocuries per gram of waste. Since the mid 1940s, DOE and its 
    predecessor agencies have conducted research and development, nuclear 
    weapons production and fuel reprocessing activities that have produced 
    TRU waste. Continued operation of Departmental facilities, 
    decontamination and decommissioning of defense production facilities, 
    and environmental restoration activities are expected to generate 
    additional TRU waste in the future.
        The Department needs to safely dispose of the accumulated TRU waste 
    and provide for disposal of the additional TRU waste to be generated. 
    Since TRU waste emits alpha radiation for a long period of time and 
    some TRU waste contains hazardous constituents that could be harmful if 
    taken into the body, the waste must be isolated from means of 
    environmental transport (primarily air and water) for a long time 
    period for safe disposal. To this end, the Department has constructed 
    the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico.
        The draft SEIS II examines the environmental impacts of the 
    proposed action: disposal at WIPP of the volume of defense TRU waste 
    allowed by the WIPP Land Withdrawal Act (i.e., by burying it 2,100 feet 
    deep in a salt deposit), after treatment to meet planning basis WIPP 
    waste acceptance criteria. Three action alternatives examine the 
    impacts of disposal of DOE TRU waste at WIPP, with three alternative 
    treatments (planning basis WIPP waste acceptance criteria, shred and 
    grout treatment to reduce gas generation, and thermal treatment to meet 
    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Land Disposal Restrictions). The 
    non-thermal treatment alternatives do not include disposal of TRU waste 
    commingled with polychlorinated biphenyls. If the Department were to 
    decide that shred and grout or thermal treatment would be the minimal 
    treatment required for disposal at WIPP, the planning basis waste 
    acceptance criteria would be revised appropriately. Two no-action 
    alternatives examine the impacts of leaving the waste at generator 
    sites. One no-action alternative assumes continued management of TRU 
    waste in existing and planned storage facilities, while the other 
    assumes construction of new monitored retrievable storage facilities 
    for TRU waste that has been thermally treated to meet Resource 
    Conservation and Recovery Act Land Disposal Restrictions. The proposed 
    action is identified as the Department's preferred alternative.
    Public Hearing and Procedures
        The public hearings will be conducted in an informal ``round 
    table'' setting. Comments will be recorded and a transcript of the 
    comments will be prepared. A sound system at the comment table will 
    enable other participants to hear commenters. For participants who want 
    to ask questions about the content, methodology, and results of the 
    draft SEIS II analysis before commenting, DOE will provide that 
    information in a separate room. Clarifying questions regarding the 
    content of the draft SEIS II may be asked as part of comments at the 
    public hearing, but the time needed to answer the questions will be 
    counted as part of the questioner's allotted speaking time. A quiet 
    area will be set aside where commenters can handwrite their comments or 
    record their comments on audiotape.
        The hearing will not be an adjudicatory or evidentiary hearing and 
    speakers will not be cross-examined, although DOE's hearing panel 
    members may ask clarifying questions or respond to questions raised by 
    the commenter. The hearing transcripts will be available in the public 
    reading rooms as soon as possible after the hearings have concluded.
        Participants can register in advance to present oral comments at a 
    particular hearing location by calling 1-800-336-9477 at least a week 
    before the hearing. To ensure that as many persons as possible have the 
    opportunity to present comments, Government representatives and 
    representatives of organizations (one per organization) will be allowed 
    10 minutes to comment and individuals will be allowed 5 minutes. 
    Reservations for commenting times will be accepted from any 
    representative of a Government or organization. Individual commenters 
    must make reservations on
    [[Page 60693]]
    their own behalf. An individual may register a group of commenters, but 
    such groups will be scheduled to speak last, and only to the extent 
    time is available after individuals have commented. Persons who have 
    not registered in advance may register to comment when they arrive at 
    the hearing to the extent time is available.
        Speakers should confirm their scheduled time at the registration 
    desk the day of the hearing. Persons presenting oral comments at the 
    hearing are requested to provide DOE with written copies of their 
    comments at the hearing, if possible.
        More details are available in the public involvement plan. To 
    obtain a copy of that plan call 1-800-336-9477.
        Issued in Washington, D.C., this 25th day of November, 1996.
    Alvin L. Alm,
    Assistant Secretary, Environmental Management.
    [FR Doc. 96-30460 Filed 11-27-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of availability and public hearings.
Document Number:
DOE invites all interested parties to submit comments on the draft SEIS-II during a comment period ending on January 28, 1997. Written comments must be postmarked by January 28, 1997 to ensure consideration. Comments postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent practicable.
60690-60693 (4 pages)
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