2024-27896. Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska; Proposed 2025 and 2026 Harvest Specifications for Groundfish
Table 1—Proposed 2025 and 2026 OFLs, ABCs, and TACs of Groundfish for the Western/Central/West Yakutat, Western, Central, and Eastern Regulatory Areas, the West Yakutat and Southeast Outside Districts of the Eastern Regulatory Area, and Gulfwide District of the Gulf of Alaska
[Values are rounded to the nearest metric ton]
Species Area 1 OFL ABC TAC 2 Pollock 2 Shumagin (610) n/a 32,144 32,144 Chirikof (620) n/a 75,179 75,179 Kodiak (630) n/a 41,821 41,821 WYK (640) n/a 4,601 4,601 W/C/WYK (subtotal) 182,891 157,687 153,745 ( print page 94684) SEO (650) 12,998 9,749 9,749 Total 195,889 167,436 163,494 Pacific cod 3 W n/a 7,638 5,347 C n/a 17,981 13,486 E n/a 2,565 1,924 Total 33,970 28,184 20,757 Sablefish 4 W n/a 4,719 4,719 C n/a 9,693 9,693 WYK n/a 2,940 2,940 SEO n/a 5,343 5,343 Subtotal TAC n/a n/a 22,695 Total 55,317 47,350 n/a Shallow-water flatfish 5 W n/a 23,782 13,250 C n/a 28,311 28,311 WYK n/a 2,831 2,831 SEO n/a 1,699 1,699 Total 69,354 56,623 46,091 Deep-water flatfish 6 W n/a 234 234 C n/a 2,614 2,614 WYK n/a 1,827 1,827 SEO n/a 2,278 2,278 Total 8,257 6,953 6,953 Rex sole W n/a 3,363 3,363 C n/a 13,624 13,624 WYK n/a 1,439 1,439 SEO n/a 2,877 2,877 Total 25,900 21,303 21,303 Arrowtooth flounder W n/a 30,323 14,500 C n/a 64,688 64,688 WYK n/a 7,848 7,848 SEO n/a 16,053 6,900 Total 142,074 118,912 93,936 Flathead sole W n/a 13,521 8,650 C n/a 21,702 21,702 WYK n/a 3,949 3,949 SEO n/a 2,086 2,086 Total 50,322 41,258 36,387 Pacific ocean perch 7 W n/a 1,726 1,726 C n/a 27,768 27,768 WYK n/a 2,038 2,038 SEO n/a 6,822 6,822 Total 45,835 38,354 38,354 Northern rockfish 8 W n/a 2,446 2,446 C n/a 2,200 2,200 E n/a Total 5,548 4,646 4,646 Shortraker rockfish 9 W n/a 34 34 C n/a 189 189 E n/a 424 424 Total 863 647 647 ( print page 94685) Dusky rockfish 10 W n/a 137 137 C n/a 6,979 6,979 WYK n/a 81 81 SEO n/a 28 28 Total 8,796 7,225 7,225 Rougheye and blackspotted rockfish 11 W n/a 198 198 C n/a 317 317 E n/a 526 526 Total 1,566 1,041 1,041 Demersal shelf rockfish 12 SEO 376 283 283 Thornyhead rockfish 13 W n/a 314 314 C n/a 693 693 E n/a 621 621 Total 2,170 1,628 1,628 Other rockfish 14 15 W/C/WYK combined n/a 1,353 1,353 SEO n/a 2,421 300 Total 4,977 3,774 1,653 Atka mackerel GW 6,200 4,700 3,000 Big skates 16 W n/a 745 745 C n/a 1,749 1,749 E n/a 341 341 Total 3,780 2,835 2,835 Longnose skates 17 W n/a 104 104 C n/a 1,894 1,894 E n/a 538 538 Total 3,380 2,536 2,536 Other skates 18 GW 887 665 665 Sharks GW 6,521 4,891 4,891 Octopuses GW 1,307 980 980 Total 673,289 562,224 482,000 1 Regulatory areas and districts are defined at § 679.2. (W=Western Gulf of Alaska; C=Central Gulf of Alaska; E=Eastern Gulf of Alaska; WYK=West Yakutat District; SEO=Southeast Outside District; GW=Gulfwide). 2 The total for the W/C/WYK Regulatory Areas pollock ABC is 157,687 mt. After deducting 2.5 percent (3,942 mt) of that ABC for the State's pollock GHL fishery, the remaining pollock ABC of 153,745 mt (for the W/C/WYK Regulatory Areas) is apportioned among four statistical areas (Areas 610, 620, 630, and 640). The apportionments in Areas 610, 620, and 630 are further divided by season, as detailed in table 2 (proposed 2025 and 2026 seasonal biomass distribution of pollock in the Western and Central Regulatory Areas, area apportionments, and seasonal allowances). In the West Yakutat (Area 640) and Southeast Outside (Area 650) Districts of the Eastern Regulatory Area, pollock is not divided into seasonal allowances. 3 The annual Pacific cod TAC is apportioned, after seasonal apportionment to the jig sector, as follows: 1) 63.84 percent to the A season and 36.16 percent to the B season and 2) 64.16 percent to the A season and 35.84 percent to the B season in the Western and Central Regulatory Areas of the GOA, respectively. The Pacific cod TAC in the Eastern Regulatory Area of the GOA is allocated 90 percent to vessels harvesting Pacific cod for processing by the inshore component and 10 percent to vessels harvesting Pacific cod for processing by the offshore component. Table 4 lists the proposed 2025 and 2026 Pacific cod seasonal apportionments and sector allocations. 4 The sablefish OFL and ABC are set Alaska-wide (55,317 mt and 47,350 mt, respectively), and the GOA sablefish TAC is 22,695 mt. Tables 5 and 6 list the proposed 2025 and 2026 allocations of sablefish TACs. 5 “Shallow-water flatfish” means flatfish not including “deep-water flatfish,” flathead sole, rex sole, or arrowtooth flounder. 6 “Deep-water flatfish” means Dover sole, Greenland turbot, Kamchatka flounder, and deepsea sole. 7 “Pacific ocean perch” means Sebastes alutus. 8 “Northern rockfish” means Sebastes polyspinis. For management purposes, the one mt apportionment of ABC to the WYK District of the Eastern Regulatory Area has been included in the other rockfish species group. 9 “Shortraker rockfish” means Sebastes borealis. 10 “Dusky rockfish” means Sebastes variabilis. 11 “Rougheye and blackspotted rockfish” means Sebastes aleutianus (rougheye) and Sebastes melanostictus (blackspotted). 12 “Demersal shelf rockfish” means Sebastes pinniger (canary), S. nebulosus (china), S. caurinus (copper), S. maliger (quillback), S. helvomaculatus (rosethorn), S. nigrocinctus (tiger), and S. ruberrimus (yelloweye). 13 “Thornyhead rockfish” means Sebastolobus species. ( print page 94686) 14 “Other rockfish” means Sebastes aurora (aurora), S. melanostomus (blackgill), S. paucispinis (bocaccio), S. goodei (chilipepper), S. crameri (darkblotch), S. elongatus (greenstriped), S. variegatus (harlequin), S. wilsoni (pygmy), S. babcocki (redbanded), S. proriger (redstripe), S. zacentrus (sharpchin), S. jordani (shortbelly), S. brevispinis (silvergray), S. diploproa (splitnose), S. saxicola (stripetail), S. miniatus (vermilion), S. reedi (yellowmouth), S. entomelas (widow), and S. flavidus (yellowtail). In the Eastern GOA only, other rockfish also includes northern rockfish ( S. polyspinis). 15 Other rockfish in the Western and Central Regulatory Areas and in the West Yakutat District of the Eastern Regulatory Area means all rockfish species included in the other rockfish and demersal shelf rockfish categories. The other rockfish species group in the SEO District only includes other rockfish. 16 “Big skates” means Beringraja binoculata. 17 “Longnose skates” means Raja rhina. 18 “Other skates” means Bathyraja.