94-26625. Cargo Tanks; Miscellaneous Requirements; Final Rule DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 212 (Thursday, November 3, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-26625]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: November 3, 1994]
    Part II
    Department of Transportation
    Research and Special Programs Administration
    49 CFR Part 171 et al.
    Cargo Tanks; Miscellaneous Requirements; Final Rule
    Research and Special Programs Administration
    49 CFR Parts 171, 173, 178, and 180
    [Docket No. HM-183C; Amdt. Nos. 171-129, 173-240, 178-105, 180-7]
    RIN 2137-AC37
    Cargo Tanks; Miscellaneous Requirements
    AGENCY: Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: RSPA is amending certain requirements for the manufacture, 
    qualification and maintenance of cargo tank motor vehicles. These 
    regulatory actions are based on petitions for rulemaking, exemptions, 
    National Transportation Safety Board recommendations, and RSPA 
    initiative. The intended effect of these actions is to relax certain 
    regulatory requirements and to reduce unnecessary economic burdens on 
    industry where there will be no adverse effect on safety.
    DATES: Effective date: January 5, 1995.
        Compliance date: Compliance with the regulations, as amended 
    herein, is authorized immediately.
        Incorporation by reference: The incorporation by reference of 
    certain publications listed in this final rule is approved by the 
    Director of the Office of the Federal Register as of January 5, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ronald Kirkpatrick, telephone (202) 
    366-4545, Office of Hazardous Materials Technology, or Jennifer Karim, 
    (202) 366-4488, Office of Hazardous Materials Standards, Research and 
    Special Programs Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 
    Washington, DC 20590-0001.
    I. Background
        On March 3, 1993, RSPA published in the Federal Register a notice 
    of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) [Docket No. HM-183C; Notice No. 93-7; 58 
    FR 12316] proposing to amend certain requirements for the manufacture, 
    qualification and maintenance of cargo tank motor vehicles. Most issues 
    raised in the NPRM relate to requirements that were adopted in final 
    rules published under Docket No. HM-183/HM-183A (June 12, 1989, 54 FR 
    24982; May 22, 1990, 55 FR 21035; September 7, 1990, 55 FR 37028; June 
    17, 1991, 56 FR 27872). The final rules established three new cargo 
    tank specifications designated as DOT 406, DOT 407 and DOT 412, and 
    revised the structural design requirements for MC 331 and MC 338 cargo 
    tanks. Voluntary compliance for manufacture of cargo tanks to these new 
    or revised specifications was authorized beginning on October 1, 1990.
        As manufacturers began modifying their manufacturing operations to 
    construct cargo tanks to the new requirements, they encountered certain 
    technical problems which caused them to question changes they had 
    endorsed several years ago. They raised issues relating to structural 
    integrity, accident damage protection, use of dual function pressure 
    relief devices, and certification by the American Society of Mechanical 
    Engineers (ASME). Also RSPA received several petitions for rulemaking 
    addressing certain issues not previously raised. In the NPRM, RSPA 
    pointed out these concerns and other issues based on petitions for 
    rulemaking, exemptions, and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) 
    recommendations. The NPRM also announced a public meeting that was held 
    in Chicago on March 24 and 25, 1993, to address issues raised in the 
        On March 8, 1993, RSPA published a final rule [Docket HM-183, 58 FR 
    12904] granting an extension until April 21, 1994, for the continued 
    construction of cargo tank motor vehicles to the MC 306, MC 307, MC 
    312, MC 331, and MC 338 specifications. This action was granted to 
    allow additional time for RSPA and industry to address certain 
    technical issues concerning the manufacture of cargo tank motor 
    vehicles to the DOT 406, DOT 407 and DOT 412 specifications, and to 
    resolve certain concerns about the structural design requirements in 
    the MC 331 and MC 338 specifications.
        At the March 24-25 public meeting, several significantly different 
    views of design engineers and cargo tank manufacturers were identified. 
    Additionally, preliminary results were presented of an advanced 
    structural evaluation (using finite element analysis) of the MC 331 
    cargo tank which raised questions in regard to stress levels in areas 
    of concentrated loadings.
        On January 12, 1994, RSPA published a final rule [Docket HM-183, 58 
    FR 1784] granting another extension until August 31, 1995, for 
    continued construction of cargo tank motor vehicles to the MC 
    specifications. The final rule also announced a public meeting in 
    Washington, D.C. on February 7-8, 1994.
        At the February public meeting, RSPA obtained clarification of 
    certain comments received in response to the NPRM and also obtained 
    additional supporting data on certain alternate proposals offered by 
    industry. In addition, RSPA sought information to resolve the remaining 
    issues on structural integrity, accident damage protection, use of dual 
    function pressure relief devices, and ASME certification of low 
    pressure cargo tank motor vehicle manufacturers.
    II. Summary of Comments
        RSPA received over 50 written comments in response to the proposals 
    contained in the NPRM from trade associations, cargo tank manufacturers 
    and repairers, manufacturers of cargo tank parts and equipment, and 
    Federal, State and local agencies. RSPA has considered all comments, 
    public meeting transcripts and petitions in the development of this 
    final rule.
        In the NPRM, RSPA informed industry that the following items would 
    be open for discussion at the March public meeting:
        1. Application of the ASME Code to DOT 400-series specification 
    cargo tank motor vehicles.
        a. The feasibility of citing all sections of the ASME Code that 
    must be met in construction of DOT specification cargo tank motor 
    vehicles as opposed to citing only those sections that do not apply.
        b. The development of a consensus standard containing procedures 
    for quality control, welding and design as an alternative to the 
    procedures contained in the ASME Code.
        2. The progress of the industry on development and testing of dual 
    function vents, reclosing pressure relief devices capable of reseating 
    with the loss of less than one gallon of lading, and self-closing 
    systems for vacuum-loaded hazardous waste tanks.
        3. The regulatory proposals contained in the NPRM.
        Most commenters supported application of the ASME Code. One 
    commenter stated that his company, which had initially opposed becoming 
    ASME certified, has benefited from the expertise of the National Board 
        The ASME Code is an internationally recognized consensus standard 
    for the design and construction of pressure vessels. It is also the 
    only proven quality control standard for pressure vessels and cargo 
        The Cargo Tank Manufacturing Association (CTMA) submitted a draft 
    quality control manual for review. CTMA recommended that RSPA recognize 
    the manual, which includes quality control procedures, as an 
    alternative to requiring manufacturers to have an ASME ``U'' stamp or 
    National Board ``R'' stamp. The use of the alternative standard 
    recommended by CTMA is not equivalent in scope and detail to the ASME 
    Code and is not included in this final rule.
        It has also been brought to RSPA's attention that some ``U'' stamp 
    and ``R'' stamp holders may believe they are not required to apply all 
    provisions of the ASME or National Board quality control program for 
    work on non-ASME DOT specification cargo tanks. When the regulations 
    requiring cargo tank manufacturers and repair facilities to hold ``U'' 
    and ``R'' stamps were promulgated, RSPA stated in the preamble 
    discussions of the final rules and at public meetings that major 
    provisions of the ASME or National Board quality control programs would 
    apply to all work on DOT specification cargo tanks. Such provisions 
    include welder qualifications, welding techniques, and quality control 
    procedures. For instance, refer to the preamble discussions in the 
    following final rules: ``B. Cargo Tank: Manufacturer Qualification, 
    Registration, Quality Control, and Certification,'' (June 12, 1989, 54 
    FR 24984); ``Section 180.413 (Repair, Modification, Stretching, and 
    Rebarrelling),'' (September 7, 1990, 55 FR 37044).
        One commenter stated that specifying all applicable sections of the 
    ASME Code, rather than providing exceptions to sections that are not 
    applicable, would provide greater assurance to engineers and designers 
    that they have not overlooked an obscure section of the ASME Code. The 
    commenter did not provide RSPA with any suggested wording for 
    implementation of the recommendation.
        The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) submitted a report on 
    the structural integrity of the MC 331 specification cargo tank. NPGA 
    recommended uniformity in design loading requirements for all DOT 
    specification cargo tanks. RSPA will consider the design loading 
    requirements for MC 331 and MC 338 specification cargo tanks in a 
    future rulemaking. The report is available for review in the public 
    III. Section-by-Section Review
        This review by section discusses only significant comments received 
    to the proposals in the NPRM, changes made based on alternative 
    proposals offered by commenters, and clarifications to certain 
    provisions based on RSPA's initiatives. For those provisions that are 
    adopted as proposed, readers are referred to the preamble discussion in 
    the NPRM.
    Section 171.7
        The Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association (TTMA) submitted a 
    petition for rulemaking (P-1236) requesting RSPA to incorporate by 
    reference the latest editions of the ASME Code from the 1986 Edition 
    and Addenda through 1985 to the 1992 edition and Addenda through 1993, 
    and to update the National Board inspection Code from the 1983 Edition 
    to the 1992 Edition. RSPA has reviewed these updated standards and 
    agrees the latest editions should be referenced. The table in paragraph 
    (a)(3) has been revised accordingly.
    Section 173.33
        Consistent with changes made in Sec. 180.405(h) in this final rule, 
    a new sentence is added to paragraph (d) stating that the venting 
    requirements of the original DOT cargo tank specification must be met 
    whenever a pressure relief valve is modified to a more recent 
    specification. See preamble discussion for Sec. 180.405(h). Similarly, 
    in view of changes made in Secs. 178.337-11 and 178.338-11 in this 
    final rule, a new paragraph (h) is added to inform shippers that 
    certain MC 331 and MC 338 cargo tanks manufactured after August 31, 
    1995, must have remotely controlled, internal, self-closing stop 
    valves. See preamble discussion for Sec. 178.337-11.
    Section 173.225
        Commenters supported the proposal to revise paragraph (e)(2) to 
    authorize the use of MC 307 and DOT 407 cargo tank motor vehicles for 
    certain organic peroxides. However, one commenter opposed allowing the 
    use of MC 307 cargo tanks for all organic peroxides. This commenter 
    misunderstood the proposal. Note 14 to the Sec. 173.225(b) Table 
    authorizes bulk packagings for only a few organic peroxides. Therefore, 
    paragraph (e)(2) is adopted as proposed in the NPRM.
    Section 173.315
        For cargo tank motor vehicles in chlorine service, changes in 
    requirements for hose, piping or tubing to be carried on the vehicle 
    and in requirements for testing angle valves, as proposed in the NPRM, 
    are adopted as paragraphs (o)(1) and (o)(2) respectively.
    Section 178.337-1
        Paragraphs (a)(3) and (e)(1) are revised to correct certain section 
    references and paragraph (e)(2) is revised to authorize the use of 
    ceramic fiber/fiberglass insulation for cargo tanks in chlorine service 
    as proposed in the NPRM.
    Section 178.337-9
        As proposed in the NPRM, the restriction is removed against 
    mounting or carrying on a cargo tank motor vehicle any hose, piping or 
    tubing used in loading or unloading; paragraphs (b)(7) (ii) and (iii) 
    are redesignated as (b)(7) (i) and (ii) respectively.
    Section 178.337-11
        In response to NTSB recommendation H-90-91 dealing with release of 
    sulfur dioxide from an MC 331 cargo tank during unloading, RSPA 
    proposed revision of requirements for remotely controlled self-closing 
    stop valves on liquid or vapor discharge lines on newly constructed MC 
    331 cargo tank motor vehicles. Currently found at paragraph (a)(2), 
    this requirement applies only to equipment intended for transportation 
    of a flammable liquid, a flammable compressed gas, hydrogen chloride 
    (refrigerated liquid) or anhydrous ammonia. RSPA proposed to broaden 
    the requirement to include all compressed gases. This revision also was 
    proposed for MC 338 cargo tanks.
        Both the NTSB and the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) commented on 
    RSPA's proposal to require remotely controlled internal self-closing 
    stop valves. While supportive of RSPA's proposal, NTSB stated:
        Although the Safety Board is aware that MC 331 cargo tanks are 
    predominantly used for the transportation of flammable and 
    nonflammable compressed gases, the hazardous materials regulations 
    (49 CFR Parts 171 through 180) do authorize these tanks to be used 
    for the transportation of other classes of hazardous materials such 
    as flammable liquids and poisons. The Safety Board believes that 
    remote controls for internal shut-off valves should be required for 
    any hazardous material that is authorized to be transported in an MC 
    331 cargo tank. Further the Safety Board believes that all MC 331 
    and MC 338 cargo tanks currently in hazardous materials service, and 
    not just newly constructed tanks, should also be equipped with 
    remote controls for the internal shut-off valves. The Safety Board 
    has consistently urged the DOT to eliminate ``grandfathering'' 
    clauses that permit hazardous materials to be transported 
    indefinitely in containers or vehicles that fail to meet current 
    minimum safety standards. The Safety Board believes that RSPA should 
    require all MC 331 and MC 338 highway cargo tanks in hazardous 
    materials service to be equipped with remote controls for internal 
    shut-off valves by a specific date.
        On the other hand, the CGA believes that remotely controlled shut-
    off valves should not be required for nonflammable ladings. CGA stated 
    that ``operating experience for the nonflammable compressed gases does 
    not warrant the addition of this restriction which would add cost 
    without providing additional safety benefit.''
        After consideration of both comments, RSPA has revised the wording 
    in Secs. 178.337-11 and 178.338-11 to require the use of remotely 
    controlled internal self-closing stop valves on any cargo tank motor 
    vehicle certified after August 31, 1995, that is intended for the 
    transportation of hazardous materials other than argon, carbon dioxide, 
    helium, krypton, neon, nitrogen, and xenon. RSPA has excepted these 
    particular gases because they pose a lesser degree of risk to public 
    health, safety, and the environment in the event of their release 
    during transportation. Many of the nonflammable refrigerant gases 
    presently transported in cargo tanks are ozone depleters; some other 
    nonflammable gases are toxic or noxious. RSPA will address the retrofit 
    of existing cargo tanks with remotely controlled internal self-closing 
    stop valves in a separate rulemaking action.
    Section 178.338-9
        As proposed in the NPRM and adopted in this final rule, paragraph 
    (c)(2) is amended by removing the definition of ``same design'' and by 
    adding a reference to the definition of ``same design'' contained in 
    Sec. 178.320. By referencing the definition in Sec. 178.320, minor 
    design variations are allowed for MC 338 cargo tanks.
    Section 178.338-11
        NTSB and CGA submitted comments to this section which were similar 
    to their comments to proposed Sec. 178.337-11. As stated in the 
    preamble discussion to Sec. 178.337-11 above, RSPA has revised the 
    wording in Secs. 178.337-11 and 178.338-11 to require the use of 
    remotely controlled internal self-closing stop valves on any MC 338 
    cargo tank motor vehicle certified after August 31, 1995, that is 
    intended for the transportation of hazardous materials other than 
    argon, carbon dioxide, helium, krypton, neon, nitrogen, and xenon.
    Section 178.345-1
        In paragraph (c), definitions for ``normal operating loading'' and 
    ``extreme dynamic loading'' are added. These terms are used in revised 
    Sec. 178.345-3 in this final rule.
        Paragraph (i)(2) requires that the void space within the connecting 
    structure of a cargo tank motor vehicle composed of multiple cargo 
    tanks must be vented to the atmosphere by a drain of at least 1 inch in 
    diameter. In the NPRM, RSPA proposed to remove the drain hole size 
    restriction. RSPA also solicited information on suitable dimensional 
    controls for these drains, how often these areas need to be inspected, 
    the conditions revealed during such inspections, and the availability 
    of equipment for inspecting these areas.
        Commenters expressed diverse views on the need to inspect these 
    areas. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) strongly supported the need 
    for periodic inspection of the connecting structures on cargo tanks 
    used to transport all hazardous materials. CHP related information 
    about three separate catastrophic failures of molten sulfur trailers 
    that occurred due to fatigue cracking in the void space. All three 
    cargo tank motor vehicles had been insulated, thus preventing any 
    external visual inspection for shell cracks. CHP believes that if an 
    internal visual inspection of the void space had been performed, 
    evidence of cracking may have been detected prior to the catastrophic 
    failures. CHP noted that equipment, such as fiber optics, borescopes 
    and video cameras, is readily available for inspecting closed areas and 
    is being used for pipeline, aircraft, oil well, and boiler inspections. 
    Also, numerous contractors offering inspection and non-destructive 
    testing services are available throughout the U.S.
        NTSB also concurred that regular and effective inspections of void 
    spaces are essential. NTSB, however, expressed concern that HM-183C did 
    not address the configuration of other appurtenances that could conceal 
    corrosion that might lead to a failure of the tank wall. The NTSB 
    recommendation H-83-30 called for periodic external visual inspection 
    of surfaces obscured by appurtenances, structural members, etc.
        Several commenters who opposed inspecting these areas stated that 
    double bulkheads and void spaces on MC 306 or DOT 406 cargo tanks in 
    non-corrosive service do not experience the same degree of 
    deterioration as MC 312 or DOT 412 cargo tanks in corrosive service. 
    They stated that cargo tanks in non-corrosive service should not be 
    subject to the same inspections. One commenter submitted to RSPA 
    samples taken from bulkheads adjacent to void spaces of two scrapped MC 
    306 carbon steel cargo tanks used in gasoline service for 14 and 15 
    years. The commenter stated that neither tank showed evidence of 
    corrosion at this location; the samples confirm this statement.
        TTMA stated there is little possibility of corrosion occurring in 
    the void space of any tank, except on carbon steel cargo tanks in 
    corrosive service. TTMA recommended that the connecting structure on 
    self-supporting cargo tanks be thickness tested every two years for 
    signs of corrosion. Several other commenters supported TTMA's comments. 
    One commenter also suggested that the wording be revised to eliminate 
    reference to the inspection opening but continue to provide for a 
    drain. The commenter stated that the minimum acceptable size of any 
    drain opening should be 0.5 inches diameter, which is large enough to 
    insert a borescope or equivalent device.
        RSPA agrees with commenters that there has been no evidence of 
    corrosion occurring in the void space of any tank, except a carbon 
    steel cargo tank in corrosive service. Corrosion in connecting spaces 
    has serious structural implications for self-supporting cargo tanks. 
    The failure reported in the NTSB investigative report, containing 
    recommendation H-83-30, involved a carbon steel MC 312 cargo tank semi-
    trailer carrying hydrochloric acid; the failure occurred due to severe 
    corrosion in the tank shell under a circumferential reinforcing ring. 
    Therefore, paragraph (i)(2) is revised to require that the connecting 
    structure in a carbon steel, self-supporting multi-tank cargo tank 
    motor vehicle must have a single drain of at least 1.0 inch diameter, 
    or two or more drains of at least 0.5 inches diameter, 6 inches apart, 
    one of which is located on the bottom centerline. In addition, 
    Sec. 180.407(i) is revised to require thickness testing of these areas 
    as suggested by TTMA.
        RSPA believes that NTSB recommendation H-83-30, which calls for 
    periodic external visual inspection of cargo tank surfaces obscured by 
    appurtenances and structural attachments, is adequately addressed in 
    current Sec. 180.407(d). Paragraph (d) requires that a periodic 
    external visual inspection must be conducted of all major appurtenances 
    and structural attachments on a cargo tank to detect signs of corrosion 
    or damage.
    Section 178.345-3
        Commenters expressed concern over the lack of flexibility in 
    calculating compressive stresses for non-ASME DOT 400-series cargo 
    tanks. They recommended that RSPA provide alternatives to ASME Code 
    Section VIII, Division 1 UG-23(b) for calculating the maximum allowable 
    compressive buckling stress in tank walls for low pressure cargo tanks. 
    The static design and construction of all DOT 400-series cargo tanks 
    must be in accordance with Section VIII of the ASME Code. Any DOT 400-
    series cargo tank which is required to be certified to the ASME Code 
    also must be designed in accordance with the Code's requirements for 
    dynamic loading, including UG-23(b). This applies to DOT 407 cargo 
    tanks with a MAWP greater than 35 psig and each tank designed to be 
    loaded by vacuum, and to DOT 412 cargo tanks having a MAWP greater than 
    15 psig.
        TTMA stated manufacturers believe the requirements in Sec. 178.345-
    3(b) should be modified to allow several methods of analysis as 
    appropriate for the cargo tank under consideration. Using the methods 
    outlined in the ASME Code produces lower allowable compressive stress 
    values, resulting in substantially thicker sheets for the DOT 400-
    series tanks as compared with the MC 300-series cargo tanks.
        One commenter stated that while the UG-23(b) calculations may be 
    appropriate for DOT 407 cargo tank with MAWP ratings between 25 and 35 
    psig, this formula will rarely yield reasonable results for DOT 406 or 
    DOT 412 cargo tanks having a MAWP of 15 psig or less. Commenters 
    recommended two alternatives to the ASME UG-23(b) design calculations, 
    both of which are formulas from engineering texts. One is from the 
    ``Alcoa Structural Handbook,'' 1960, page 156 and Table 23; the other 
    is from ``Formulas for Stress and Strain,'' Fifth Edition, by Roark and 
    Young, pages 554 and 555 and Table 35. The ``Alcoa Structural 
    Handbook'' formula is as follows:
    Ri/ts is greater than 200
    E = modulus of elasticity of material at design temperature
    Ri = inside radius of the shell (largest radius of non-circular 
    ts = minimum thickness of shell less corrosion allowance
    SbA = critical compressive buckling stress per the Alcoa formula
    Sc = allowable compressive stress due to static bending loads
        The Roark and Young formula is as follows:
    Ri/ts is greater than 10
    SbY = critical compressive buckling stress per Roark and Young
    v = Poisson's ratio
        Other symbols are the same as in the Alcoa formula, above.
        Based on the merit of these comments, RSPA is revising paragraph 
    (b) to allow alternative methods for determining compressive buckling 
    stress for DOT 400-series cargo tanks which are not required to be 
    certified in accordance with the ASME Code. This allows manufacturers 
    more freedom in the design of DOT 400-series cargo tank motor vehicles, 
    particularly the DOT 406 cargo tank.
        RSPA solicited information on the structural integrity of cargo 
    tanks and, in particular, the loading combinations that may be 
    encountered during operation of cargo tank motor vehicles as prescribed 
    in paragraph (c). Information was received from several commenters 
    which indicated that the loadings from normal operating conditions are 
    different from loadings experienced in extreme dynamic events. The 
    normal operating loadings are more frequent in occurrence, but much 
    lower than the extreme dynamic loadings.
        The requirement contained in current paragraph (c) only specifies 
    extreme dynamic loadings. A cargo tank designer must determine which 
    loadings, if any, should be considered as acting simultaneously. TTMA 
    stated it is unlikely that extreme dynamic loadings will occur and 
    highly unlikely that such loadings will occur at the same time. TTMA 
    reported that if the extreme dynamic loadings are considered by the 
    cargo tank designer as acting simultaneously, the resulting weight of a 
    DOT 406 cargo tank would increase significantly. TTMA went on to state 
    that such an increase in tank weight would have an adverse effect on 
    public safety because it would cause a decrease in the number of 
    gallons delivered each trip, increasing the number of trips and miles 
    driven, thus increasing the probability of more accidents, personal 
    injuries and fatalities.
        During discussions on structural integrity issues at the February 
    1994 public meeting, the potential for changes in loading due to liquid 
    movement was addressed. Commenters generally agreed that while 
    significant lading movement can occur during partially loaded 
    conditions and that such movement cannot be disregarded by cargo tank 
    designers and vehicle operators, the variables involved are more than 
    can be comprehensively dealt with at this time. The general agreement 
    was that the highest stress conditions on most cargo tank 
    configurations occur when the cargo tanks are full. Discussions on how 
    to combine the loadings in calculating the structural integrity 
    requirements have been going on for a number of years. RSPA agrees with 
    commenters that the loadings currently in the HMR are based on extreme 
    conditions that would be realized only on a rare occasion, if ever. 
    Thus, based on recent information presented at the public meetings and 
    written comments received in response to the NPRM, RSPA concludes that, 
    for the design and construction of cargo tanks, it is best to consider 
    separately the effects of normal operating loadings, which are known to 
    act in combination, and the effects of extreme dynamic loadings, which 
    are not expected to act in combination with each other. Therefore, in 
    this final rule, RSPA is revising paragraph (c) to provide structural 
    design requirements that will be more reflective of conditions 
    encountered by cargo tank motor vehicles. These revisions will require 
    cargo tank designers to consider normal operating loadings to be acting 
    simultaneously, except that longitudinal acceleration and deceleration 
    cannot occur at the same time. Also, extreme dynamic loadings must be 
    considered in separate calculations; these loadings may be considered 
    to be acting independently.
        Paragraph (d) prescribes design calculations that should be 
    considered to account for stresses due to impact in an accident. For 
    consistency, the accident damage requirements contained in current 
    paragraph (d) are moved to Sec. 178.345-8(e) where other accident 
    damage protection requirements appear. Also, consistent with other 
    changes made to this section, paragraphs (a) (1) and (3) are amended by 
    removing the reference to paragraph (d) of this section.
        Paragraph (e) is editorially revised, for clarity and consistency, 
    by changing the word ``wall'' to read ``shell and heads'', and 
    paragraphs (e) through (g) are redesignated as paragraphs (d) through 
    Section 178.345-5
        Commenters supported the proposed change in paragraph (b) that all 
    fittings and devices mounted on a manhole cover must withstand the same 
    static internal fluid pressure as that required for the manhole. 
    However, commenters requested a revision to clarify that fitting and 
    device manufacturers are responsible for testing and certifying the 
    structural integrity of their products. RSPA agrees with the commenters 
    that the fitting and device manufacturers should be responsible for 
    ensuring the integrity of their components. Therefore, the proposed 
    provision is revised for clarity and added as new paragraph (f).
        Another commenter suggested that paragraph (e) be revised to 
    require that each manhole cover must be marked with the date of 
    certification. RSPA will consider this comment in a future rulemaking 
    Section 178.345-6
        A minor editorial change is adopted as proposed in the NPRM.
    Section 178.345-8
        Commenters recommended several changes to the accident damage 
    protection requirements. They requested that all accident damage 
    protection devices be designed so that calculated stress under the 
    conditions prescribed not exceed the ultimate strength of the material 
    of construction. They pointed out certain inconsistencies in the design 
    criteria specified in this section. For example, in paragraph (d), the 
    design stress for accidents involving longitudinal deceleration is 
    based on ``the lesser of the yield strength or 75 percent of the 
    ultimate strength''; the general requirement for accident damage 
    protection in paragraph (a)(3), is based on ``75 percent of the 
    ultimate strength''; while bottom damage and rollover damage 
    protection, in paragraphs (b) and (c), both are based on the ``ultimate 
    strength.'' RSPA agrees there is merit in using the same criteria 
    whenever possible. Therefore, in this final rule, the design of all 
    accident damage protection devices is based on the ultimate strength of 
    the material of construction.
        The primary purpose of accident damage protection is to prevent the 
    release of hazardous lading from a cargo tank in the event of an 
    accident. For example, during an accident involving the maximum level 
    of longitudinal deceleration expected, if the front head of a cargo 
    tank experiences stress levels above the yield point of the material of 
    construction, the head will bulge or distort. However, if that deformed 
    head continues to contain the lading, the intent of this requirement 
    has been met. In a practical sense, good engineering practice provides 
    for factors of safety when analytical methods are not well established 
    and when safety considerations call for reducing the probability of 
        When an accident imposes loads on the cargo tank wall, the material 
    of the wall, however, must be stronger than the accident damage 
    protection device. For example, in a rollover accident, the portion of 
    the cargo tank wall to which a rollover protection device is attached 
    should not fail before the rollover protection device fails. The design 
    stresses in the protection device itself can be based on the ultimate 
    strength of the material, but the loads transmitted to the cargo tank 
    wall must be based on a more conservative value. This can be achieved 
    by use of factors of safety.
        Accordingly, paragraph (a)(3) is revised to base design stresses on 
    the ultimate strength of the material with a 1.3 safety factor (i.e., 
    the reciprocal of 0.75 times ultimate, rounded).
        Commenters have stated that most impacts on bottom damage 
    protection devices in accidents occur directly from the side of the 
    vehicle. TTMA has stated that any piping at the bottom of a tank is 
    protected fore and aft by the running gear of the cargo tank motor 
    vehicle or its towing vehicle. Contending that reduced forces of impact 
    can be expected from front and rear, TTMA petitioned for a reduction 
    from 155,000 pounds to 27,000 pounds fore and aft along the 
    longitudinal axis of the vehicle. RSPA believes, however, that the 
    possibility of impacts from the front is very real for trailers; for 
    example, during turning maneuvers, or in the event that the towing 
    vehicle rides over an obstacle such as a guard rail. On the other hand, 
    impacts from the rear are less likely on trailers because of the rear 
    suspension. Therefore, RSPA has revised paragraph (b)(1) to recognize 
    that suspension components and structural mounting members can provide 
    all, or part, of bottom damage protection. Additionally, in paragraph 
    (b) introductory text, a second sentence is added to clarify that a 
    single protection device may be used to protect outlets, projections 
    and piping grouped or clustered together.
        Commenters stated that in the general rollover damage protection 
    requirements, in paragraph (c), the wording ``enclosed inside'' could 
    be misunderstood to require that closures and fittings must be 
    protected from rollover damage on all sides--front, sides, rear and 
    top. They also suggested that the protection devices be located no more 
    than 48 inches from the closure or fitting. RSPA never intended to 
    require that the component being protected be fully enclosed by the 
    protective device. Also, RSPA does not agree with adding a dimensional 
    location requirement. Rather than dimensional controls, one of RSPA's 
    overall objectives is to provide performance requirements when 
    appropriate. Therefore, paragraph (c) is revised to clarify the 
    ambiguous wording.
        Commenters requested that in paragraph (c)(1), the tangential 
    design load for rollover protection be reduced from 2 ``g'' to 0.5 
    ``g'' or 1 ``g.'' A commenter stated that ``neither industry nor 
    government have any data to support what this rollover protection 
    device strength should be'', contending that MC 306 accident damage 
    protection has performed well, even considering findings of the NTSB 
    study of overturn accidents. A commenter provided analytical data that 
    indicated the internal bulkheads would be overstressed under 2 ``g'' 
    tangential loads using the current MC 306 design.
        A February 4, 1992 NTSB investigation report on rollover accidents 
    involving MC 306 and MC 312 cargo tanks recommended several actions by 
    both RSPA and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The NTSB 
    report supported the earlier RSPA decision to increase the rollover 
    design load in the horizontal plane from one-half the weight of the 
    loaded cargo tank motor vehicle prescribed in the MC 306, MC 307 and MC 
    312 specifications, to twice the weight of the loaded cargo tank motor 
    vehicle prescribed in the DOT 406, DOT 407 and DOT 412 specifications. 
    NTSB also noted that at this time, test results are not available to 
    support this four-fold increase, but limited testing performed under 
    RSPA and FHWA sponsorship for studies of release from dome covers 
    indicate forces can easily exceed 2 ``g''. Additionally, NTSB 
    questioned whether the load specified for the DOT 406, DOT 407 and DOT 
    412 specifications are adequate in a typical rollover accident.
        RSPA agrees with comments that in some rollover accidents, cargo 
    tank rotation is limited to 120 degrees or less, so that these 
    horizontal forces do not come into play unless a roadside obstacle is 
    struck. In such incidents, the side of the cargo tank absorbs most of 
    the energy of the rollover. However, in other rollover incidents, cargo 
    tank motor vehicles have rotated 180 degrees or more and rollover 
    protection devices have failed.
        RSPA performed simple calculations to estimate the forces that 
    would be expected to bring a sliding overturned cargo tank motor 
    vehicle to a halt, at a variety of speeds and stopping distances. From 
    the calculations performed regarding stopping distances, RSPA concludes 
    that the design loads should not be decreased. FHWA will initiate a 
    study aimed at developing a more refined understanding of the forces 
    involved in cargo tank rollover accidents.
        For these reasons, RSPA rejects requests to lower the tangential 
    design load. In many cases, manufacturers will find it necessary to 
    develop new designs for overturn protection devices, perhaps with 
    associated short-term increased cost, but with enhanced safety 
    benefits. Several manufacturers already have developed satisfactory 
    protection devices which meet these design criteria. In addition, RSPA 
    has made several minor editorial revisions in paragraph (c)(1) to 
    improve clarity.
        Paragraph (d)(3) prescribes that each cargo tank rear-end 
    protection device and its attachment to the vehicle must be designed to 
    satisfy the conditions specified in paragraph (d)(1) when subject to an 
    impact of the cargo tank at rated payload, at a deceleration of 2 
    ``g''. Such an impact must be considered as being uniformly applied in 
    a horizontal plane at an angle of 30 degrees or less to the 
    longitudinal axis of the vehicle. Commenters requested elimination of 
    the 30 degree angle for this impact load. They stated that most rear-
    end collisions of trucks and trailers involve other vehicles and are 
    ``in line'', i.e., the longitudinal centerlines of the two vehicles are 
    parallel at impact. TTMA pointed out that the National Highway Traffic 
    Safety Administration (NHTSA) published a notice of proposed rulemaking 
    [Docket No. 1-11, Notice 9; January 3, 1992], containing a proposal for 
    rear impact guards and protection. The NHTSA proposal specified an 
    impact only in the direction of the longitudinal centerline of the 
    struck vehicle; it did not address angular impact. NHTSA's rear impact 
    requirements are intended for the design of underride guards that will 
    minimize impacts in occurrences where automobiles underride (i.e., 
    slide under) the rear-end of large trucks and trailers. These 
    requirements are intended to protect passenger occupants while RSPA's 
    requirement for cargo tank rear-end protection is intended to prevent 
    impacts to lading retention components that could result in the loss of 
    hazardous material lading. Upon further review, RSPA agrees that 
    requiring rear-end protection devices to withstand impacts at an angle 
    of 30 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle is excessive. 
    Therefore, paragraph (d)(3) is revised to reduce the angle of impact to 
    10 degrees.
        A requirement contained in current paragraph (d) of Sec. 178.345-3 
    specifying design stress for accidents involving longitudinal 
    deceleration is revised and moved to new paragraph 178.345-8(e) in this 
    final rule. The specified design stress is based on the ultimate 
    strength of the material with a factor of safety of 1.3 (i.e., the 
    reciprocal of 0.75 times ultimate, rounded). The use of 2 ``g'' as a 
    reasonable maximum level for longitudinal deceleration in accident 
    situations generally has been accepted by industry but commenters have 
    stated that the reliability of strain gauge testing and finite element 
    analysis is questionable when structures are loaded above the yield 
    point. For this reason, cargo tank manufacturers who choose to design 
    at this level may use performance testing to prove that tank heads and 
    shell can withstand this 2 ``g'' loading condition. Alternate 
    analytical methods or combinations of test and analysis may be used if 
    they are accurate and verifiable.
    Section 178.345-10
        This section specifies requirements for the pressure relief and 
    vacuum systems on DOT 400-series cargo tank motor vehicles. It also 
    specifies lading retention requirements for the pressure relief system 
    in the event of an overturn. Numerous commenters suggested alternative 
    provisions for pressure relief systems on DOT 400-series cargo tanks. 
    Pressure relief valve manufacturers stated that they have found it very 
    difficult to attain ``no loss of lading'' with valve designs capable of 
    withstanding the characteristic dynamic pressure surge required by the 
    regulation, especially at low design pressures.
        For these reasons, commenters requested that RSPA allow the loss of 
    one liter of lading. If adopted, a properly functioning pressure relief 
    valve could be expected to release no more than one liter of hazardous 
    material in an overturn accident. This amount of liquid would be so 
    widely dispersed by the motion of the vehicle as to cause minimal 
    danger of fire or environmental damage.
        Cargo tank shipments of poisonous-by-inhalation (PIH) materials in 
    Hazard Zones A and B are subject to special provisions which result in 
    high working pressures, thicker tank walls and thermal insulation. 
    Insulation moderates thermal gain, thus increasing the pressure 
    differential between valve pressure settings and dynamic pressure; 
    also, it cushions the impact of accidents. The net effect of these 
    features makes it unlikely that even small releases of PIH lading will 
        RSPA believes allowing a minute release of other types of ladings 
    in overturn accidents has greater safety benefits when compared with 
    possible loss of an entire cargo tank load. Therefore, paragraph 
    (b)(3)(ii) is revised to specify that after August 31, 1995, DOT 400-
    series cargo tanks must be equipped with a pressure relief valve that 
    will release no more than one liter of lading in an emergency situation 
    before reclosing to a leak-tight position. In addition, editorial 
    changes are made in paragraph (b)(3)(i) for clarity.
    Section 178.345-13
        A paragraph heading, ``Leakage test.'' is added to paragraph (c) as 
    proposed in the NPRM.
    Section 178.345-14
        This section specifies cargo tank marking requirements. The 
    California Highway Patrol recommended several substantial changes 
    throughout this section that were not proposed in the NPRM. While RSPA 
    believes some of these changes may have merit, they will have to be 
    considered in a future rulemaking.
        Proposed paragraph (d) is revised to clarify that each cargo tank 
    on a multi-tank cargo tank motor vehicle must have a separate 
    nameplate, unless each cargo tank is made by the same manufacturer with 
    the same materials, manufactured thickness, and minimum thickness.
    Section 178.345-15
        RSPA proposed to add a new paragraph (e) to allow affixing a metal 
    certification plate to cargo tanks which do not meet all of the 
    applicable specification requirements. This would be indicated by not 
    stamping a compliance date on the plate. A commenter pointed out that 
    the proposed wording does not specifically require the Registered 
    Inspector to stamp the date of compliance on the specification plate 
    when the cargo tank is brought into full conformance with the 
    specification. RSPA agrees with the commenter and has clarified the 
        Another commenter requested a revision to clarify that, for ASME 
    tanks, the cargo tank motor vehicle manufacturer must furnish a 
    manufacturer's data report to the cargo tank owner as required by the 
    ASME Code, in addition to other required documents. The ASME Code 
    requires a cargo tank manufacturer to prepare a manufacturer's data 
    report for each tank. RSPA agrees with the commenter and has added a 
    provision in paragraph (b)(2) specifying that the manufacturer must 
    supply the cargo tank owner with a copy of the manufacturer's data 
    report, at the time of delivery.
    Section 178.346-1
        RSPA proposed to add a new paragraph (d)(9) specifying provisions 
    for the use of a single full fillet lap weld joint without plug welds 
    for longitudinal seams on the top 25 percent of the cargo tank. For the 
    most part, commenters agreed in principal with the proposal; however, 
    they recommended that the use of single fillet weld lap joint not be 
    limited to the top one-fourth of the cargo tank.
        Several manufacturers stated that they have used single full fillet 
    lap welded joints for longitudinal seams on both the top and bottom 
    areas of thousands of low-pressure cargo tank motor vehicles. They 
    stated their service experience with these joints over many years of 
    operations has been very good.
        Advantages cited by the manufacturers for using this type of weld 
    include the ability to achieve excellent fit between the shell and head 
    flanges, and reduction in the amount of time personnel must work in 
    confined spaces. However, because the ASME Code does not recognize this 
    joint configuration, it may not be used on ASME certified vessels.
        Industry submitted reports of tensile tests of the typically used 
    single full fillet lap joints to RSPA. Test results indicate that 
    failure occurs at stress levels of about 70 to 75 percent of the 
    ultimate strength of adjacent material. One commenter opposed the use 
    of such joints but provided no supporting test data.
        RSPA believes the satisfactory performance of these joints over the 
    years serves as a persuasive argument for their continued use on DOT 
    406 cargo tank motor vehicles. However, because a major reason for 
    establishing the DOT 400-series specifications is enhanced quality 
    assurance, the joints may be used only when subject to certain 
    conditions. Therefore, new paragraph (d)(9) specifies the conditions 
    for use of these joints in longitudinal seams, requirements for 
    periodic compliance testing, and design requirements for determining 
    weld joint efficiency. In addition, a new paragraph (d)(10) is added to 
    clarify that requirements of paragraph UW-9(d), of Section VIII, 
    Division 1, ASME Code do not apply.
    Section 178.346-2
        Minor editorial changes are made to paragraph (a).
    Section 178.346-10
        Valve manufacturers stated that, during prototype testing, they 
    have encountered substantial problems in obtaining adequate flow under 
    emergency conditions with pressure relief valves designed for the 
    comparatively low MAWP levels typical of DOT 406 cargo tank motor 
    vehicles. These problems have been resolved for current valves; 
    however, the valve manufacturers continue to believe the emergency flow 
    capacities, which are permitted to release up to one gallon of lading 
    under the dynamic pressure surges characteristic of rollover accidents, 
    are still marginal in some cases. Because of the problems encountered 
    by valve manufacturers, RSPA will allow an additional year for product 
    development and manufacturing start-up. This extension is added in a 
    new paragraph (b)(3).
        RSPA proposed to revise paragraph (c)(1) to permit DOT 406 cargo 
    tanks to have the same set pressure and test pressure as allowed in 
    Sec. 178.345-10(d)(1), and as prescribed for DOT 407 and 412 cargo 
    tanks except that the reclosing pressure would remain at no less than 
    MAWP. Commenters stated that while the proposed language would be 
    helpful in increasing the venting capacity to a limited extent and 
    providing a similar difference between opening and closing pressures 
    over a range of MAWP values, it would not eliminate the need for 
    supplementary venting capacity. Commenters requested that the flow rate 
    be determined at a higher pressure, specifically at 125 percent of the 
    tank test pressure. This would provide more pressure differential 
    across the valve seat and provide higher venting capacities. As 
    discussed in the preamble for 178.346-10(b) above, pressure relief 
    valve manufacturers reported that they have found it difficult to 
    obtain adequate emergency flow capacities in valves designed for DOT 
    406 cargo tank motor vehicles.
        Based on comments received, RSPA believes the problem can be 
    relieved by implementing two measures. The first measure is to increase 
    the tolerance on the valve set pressure to allow the valve to begin 
    opening at a lower set pressure and to be fully open at a higher 
    pressure. The second measure is to increase the venting capacity rating 
    pressure to 125 percent of the tank test pressure, and not greater than 
    3 psi above the tank's MAWP. Because the pressure relief valves are 
    required to be removed from the cargo tank during periodic pressure 
    testing, the tank itself will not be exposed to pressures above its 
    normal test pressure [see Sec. 180.407(g)(1)(i)]. This increase in the 
    venting capacity rating pressure will still provide a satisfactory 
    margin of safety with respect to tank bursting pressure, even in the 
    event of exposure to fire. The combined effect of these changes can be 
    expected to significantly raise the pressure differential across the 
    valve seat, thus increasing flow. Accordingly, both paragraphs (c)(1) 
    and paragraph (d)(1) have been revised to include these two measures.
    Section 178.346-13
        In the NPRM, RSPA proposed to increase the emergency flow capacity 
    of DOT 406 pressure relief valves by raising the test pressure of the 
    cargo tank. This was intended to alleviate problems reported by valve 
    manufacturers by increasing the differential pressure across the valve 
    seat, thus increasing flow. However, commenters requested that RSPA not 
    make this change because of the increased danger of deformation of 
    heads at pressure levels above 5.0 psig, especially for internal heads 
    in which the pressure is applied to the convex side. One commenter 
    stated that pressures above 5.0 psig would require increased head 
    thickness or bracing, thus increasing the weight of the tank resulting 
    in lower payload and higher manufacturing cost.
        As an alternative means of increasing emergency flow, commenters 
    suggested that the set pressure and the flow rating pressure of the 
    pressure relief valve itself be changed while retaining the existing 
    tank test pressure. RSPA agrees with this alternative. Therefore, RSPA 
    has revised paragraphs 178.346-10(c)(1) and (d)(1) instead of revising 
    the tank test pressure requirements.
        Shortly before publication of the NPRM, TTMA petitioned RSPA to use 
    the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) test for vapor-tightness for 
    all DOT 406 cargo tanks. TTMA requested that Method 27 be authorized 
    for all DOT 406 cargo tanks, regardless of whether they are: (a) used 
    in gasoline delivery, (b) fitted with vapor collection equipment, or 
    (c) subject to this test under EPA rules. Method 27, is found in 
    appendix A. to 40 CFR Part 60. Section 1.1 of Method 27 is applicable 
    for the determination of vapor tightness of a gasoline delivery tank 
    which is equipped with vapor collection equipment. Requirements for 
    applying the initial pressure-vacuum and test criteria are contained in 
    40 CFR Part 60, Subpart XX--Standards of Performance for Bulk Gasoline 
    Terminals. In Sec. 60.501, the definition of vapor tight gasoline tank 
    truck reads:
        Vapor-tight gasoline tank truck means a gasoline tank truck 
    which has demonstrated within the 12 preceding months that its 
    product delivery tank will sustain a pressure change of not more 
    than 750 pascals (75 mm of water) within 5 minutes after it is 
    pressurized to 4,500 pascals (450 mm of water). This capability is 
    to be demonstrated using the pressure test procedure specified in 
    Reference Method 27.
        It should be noted that 750 pascals = 0.109 psi = 3.0 inches of 
    water and 4,500 pascals = 0.653 psi = 18.1 inches of water. Similar 
    provisions for benzene are prescribed in 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart BB--
    National Emission Standard for Benzene Emissions from Benzene Transfer 
    Operations, at Sec. 60.601.
        RSPA authorized this alternative leakage test in the June 12, 1989 
    final rule published under HM-183 to relieve burdens of duplicate test 
    requirements for cargo tanks intended for use in locations where, based 
    on established standards of air quality, EPA has decided that release 
    of gasoline vapors constitutes a hazard to the environment. TTMA stated 
    that a cargo tank motor vehicle manufacturer may not know the local air 
    pollution requirements to which the motor vehicle may be subject. RSPA 
    recognizes TTMA's concerns and is permitting this alternative test when 
    a cargo tank is equipped with vapor recovery equipment without 
    qualification regarding the materials transported. RSPA also has 
    revised paragraph (c) and Sec. 180.407(h)(2) to reference appropriate 
    acceptance criteria in EPA's regulation contained in 40 CFR 60.
    Section 180.403
        Commenters supported the proposal to add a definition for the term 
    ``replacement of a barrel.'' TTMA recommended that, in the definition 
    of ``replacement of a barrel'' the wording ``unused tank'' should be 
    clarified to mean a ``new tank.'' RSPA agrees and the word ``new'' is 
    added parenthetically after the word ``unused.''
        Commenters also supported the proposal to revise the definition of 
    rebarrelling. However, for the reasons contained in the preamble 
    discussion for Sec. 180.413 the proposed revision is not being adopted 
    in this final rule. A commenter recommended that the definition of 
    ``repair'' be modified to include the replacement of components such as 
    valves, vents and fittings. RSPA believes this suggested change would 
    be confusing because a ``repair'' is specifically defined to mean ``any 
    welding done to the cargo tank wall to return it to the original 
    specification or a later equivalent specification.'' Replacement of 
    valves, vents and fittings is considered maintenance. Therefore, the 
    current definition is retained.
    Section 180.405
        Minor editorial changes are made in subparagraphs (f)(1)(iii) and 
    (f)(4) as proposed in the NPRM.
        In paragraph (g)(2), RSPA proposed to clarify that fittings and 
    devices mounted on a manhole cover are part of the manhole assembly and 
    must meet all performance standards required for the manhole cover. A 
    commenter stated that the current requirement is adequate and 
    recommended that RSPA not adopt the proposed change. The commenter 
    stated that any concern or problem is due to a lack in verifying the 
    continued proper securement of these fittings and devices to the 
    manhole cover. The commenter said that the annual leakage test and 
    inspection requirements in Sec. 180.407 should be sufficient to assure 
    that these in-service fittings and devices remain securely mounted and 
    properly sealed on in-service manholes. RSPA agrees with the commenter 
    and the proposed changes are not adopted in this final rule.
        Another commenter recommended that paragraph (g)(2)(i) be revised 
    to add ``month and year'' to the certification marking on manhole 
    assemblies. Although RSPA believes that such a requirement may have 
    merit, an opportunity should be provided for public comment; therefore, 
    it will be considered in a future rulemaking action.
        Paragraph (h) specifies that replacement for any reclosing pressure 
    relief valve must be capable of re-seating to a leak-tight condition 
    after a pressure surge. Section 180.405(c) authorizes modifying the 
    reclosing pressure relief valves of an MC 306 cargo tank by installing 
    the dual function pressure relief valves which are required for DOT 406 
    cargo tank motor vehicles. Commenters pointed out that this replacement 
    could result in an MC 306 cargo tank having lower emergency venting 
    capacity than its specification requires; because it is difficult to 
    produce a valve that achieves the comparatively high flow rates of the 
    MC 306 units, withstands the pressure surges specified in the DOT 406 
    specification, and recloses with minimal loss of lading. A reduced flow 
    capacity is less likely to be encountered in fitting an MC 307 with a 
    DOT 407 valve replacement, and in fitting an MC 312 with a DOT 412 
    valve replacement, because of the larger pressure differentials which 
    are commonly used in these cargo tanks. Regardless of the equipment 
    installed, the venting requirements specified in the particular cargo 
    tank specification must be met whenever a pressure relief valve is 
    replaced. For this reason, in this final rule, RSPA is authorizing 
    replacement of defective MC 306 pressure relief valves with new or 
    refurbished MC 306 pressure relief valves until August 31, 1998. After 
    this date, any valve replacements must be the surge resistant pressure 
    relief valves required for DOT 400-series cargo tanks. This allows 
    three years for implementation of this safety approvement.
    Section 180.407
        In the table in paragraph (c), chlorine cargo tanks must be leakage 
    tested annually. These cargo tanks are also required to be pressure 
    tested every two years. Based on a comment, RSPA has extended the 
    frequency for conducting the leakage test to two years to coincide with 
    the pressure test. Certain minor editorial changes are made in 
    paragraph (d)(1)(i) for clarity. Paragraph (e)(1) is revised to clarify 
    that when a particular tank design such as a cargo tank with a lining, 
    coating or internal baffles, precludes an internal visual inspection, 
    the tank must be hydrostatically or pneumatically tested. Paragraph 
    (e)(4), which is duplicative with the requirements in paragraph (f)(3), 
    is removed as proposed in the NPRM.
        RSPA proposed to revise paragraph (g)(1)(iv), covering the pressure 
    test of specification cargo tanks for consistency with the proposed 
    changes to Sec. 178.346-10; however, commenters who initially sought 
    this change recommended that the proposal be withdrawn and the current 
    provisions retained. Therefore, no change is made in this final rule.
        Paragraph (h)(2) is revised to permit the use of the EPA Method 27 
    vapor tightness test on any cargo tank fitted with a vapor recovery 
    system and used in gasoline or benzene service, as discussed earlier 
    under the preamble discussion to Sec. 178.346-13(c)(2). A commenter 
    suggested that paragraph (h)(2) require the use of oil or soap to 
    detect leaks in cargo tank seams, piping, valves and accessories when 
    performing the Method 27 test. RSPA believes that oil or soap can be 
    very useful in locating leaks, but that it would be an unnecessary 
    burden if required for all Method 27 tests. Accordingly, RSPA has not 
    adopted the suggested change.
        Paragraph (i) prescribes that the heads and shell of all unlined 
    cargo tanks used for the transportation of materials corrosive to the 
    tank must be thickness tested. Consistent with changes made to 
    Sec. 178.345-1(1)(2) in this final rule, a new paragraph (i)(4)(x) is 
    added to specify that thickness testing must be performed on connecting 
    structures of a carbon steel, self-supporting multi-tank cargo tank 
    motor vehicle.
        Requirements for continuing qualification and maintenance of cargo 
    tank motor vehicles include periodic measurement of the thickness of 
    heads and shells. This has focused attention on interpretation of 
    specification requirements for minimum thickness, especially of 
    specification MC 306, MC 307, MC 312 cargo tanks and their 
        In the specifications for MC 306, MC 307 and MC 312 cargo tanks 
    constructed of steel, minimum thickness requirements for heads and 
    shells were expressed in terms of U. S. Standard Gauges for sheet 
    material or, for some MC 312 units where plate material was specified, 
    in terms of fractions of an inch. These data were found at Table I and 
    Table II in specifications for each of the respective types. Although 
    not explicitly stated in the regulatory text, the tabulated values were 
    the minimum nominal sheet and plate sizes permitted for these cargo 
    tanks. For aluminum, values in Table I and Table II were the minimum 
    nominal thickness expressed in decimals. The tolerances on mill 
    thickness and the minimum thickness after forming were not covered. 
    Although major steel purchase orders and steel mill production controls 
    for sheet stock and thin plate are based on specific thicknesses and 
    tolerances rather than on standard gauges, manufacturing tolerances 
    have been established by the American Society for Testing and Materials 
    (ASTM) for standard gauges and plate. For example, ASTM A480/A480M 
    provides general specifications for stainless steels and heat-resisting 
    steel plate, sheet and strip; Tables A1.2 and A1.17 in this 
    specification are of special interest to manufacturers of DOT 
    specification cargo tanks. For MC 307 and MC 312 cargo tanks which were 
    required to be designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME 
    Code, minimum mill undertolerances are set forth in Section VIII, 
    Division 1 at UG-16(c). The ASME values are more restrictive than those 
    of ASTM A480/A480M.
        In January 1991, the National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc. (NTTC) 
    published a revision to their ``Cargo Tank Maintenance Manual'' which 
    included a table of minimum thicknesses for U.S. steel gauges ranging 
    from 3 through 30. The accompanying narrative stated that the basic 
    information was ``provided by DOT.'' A table, contained in 
    Sec. 173.24(c)(2) of the 1990 edition of the HMR was cited for gauges 
    12 through 30 with extrapolation being used to complete the other 
    gauges. The values presented in that table were intended for relatively 
    severe cold-working operations such as those experienced in forming the 
    top and bottom chimes of steel drums, not for cargo tank construction. 
    However, since adopting 49 CFR 180 Subpart E--Qualification and 
    Maintenance of Cargo Tanks, the values published in the NTTC manual 
    have been used for thickness testing as required by Sec. 180.407(i). In 
    the NPRM, RSPA proposed to add a new paragraph (i)(5) containing a 
    minimum thickness table for steel and aluminum for the sizes of sheet 
    and plate which have been authorized for MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 
    303, MC 304, MC 305, MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, and MC 312 heads 
    and shells. The way in which minimum thickness has been set forth over 
    the years has varied. For example, steel thicknesses generally have 
    been expressed in terms of U.S. Standard Gauge (USSG), but, in the case 
    of the MC 303 specification, both USSG values and decimal values were 
    used. Thickness values for aluminum more often have been expressed in 
    decimals. However, in the case of the MC 302 specification, both USSG 
    values and decimal values were tabulated; and in the case of the MC 304 
    specification, the values for aluminum were required to be calculated 
    by multiplying the USSG values listed for mild steel by a factor of 
        TTMA suggested several changes to the table for clarity. TTMA also 
    recommended that the table be divided into two separate tables: one for 
    steel and one for aluminum. RSPA agrees with TTMA's recommendation. 
    Therefore, in this final rule, current paragraphs (i)(5) through (1)(7) 
    are redesignated as paragraphs (i)(6) through (i)(8), and a new 
    paragraph (i)(5) containing two minimum thickness tables has been 
    added. The tables include all thicknesses found in the eleven 
    specifications cited above, plus USSG number 7 which has been used by a 
    number of manufacturers. For steel, nominal thicknesses range from USSG 
    number 19 to 3/8'' plate; for aluminum, nominal thicknesses range from 
    0.078'' to 0.540''.
    Section 180.413
        RSPA proposed to revise requirements on the repair, modification, 
    stretching or rebarrelling of cargo tanks. A commenter requested a 
    revision to the record requirements contained in proposed paragraph (b) 
    to require that the National Board ``R-1'' report be completed for all 
    repairs on ASME Code stamped cargo tanks. The commenter stated that 
    completing the document will ensure that the repair and method of 
    repair conforms to the National Board Inspection Code and is approved 
    by an Authorized Inspector. RSPA believes this revision is unnecessary 
    because Sec. 180.413 requires that any repair or modification involving 
    welding on the tank head must be certified by a Registered Inspector, 
    and that any repair or modification to an ASME Code ``U'' stamped cargo 
    tank must be in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code. The 
    National Board requires the use of the ``R-1'' forms for repairs and 
    modifications. Therefore, this commenter's recommendation is not 
    adopted in this final rule.
        RSPA proposed to require that any repair, modification, stretching 
    or rebarrelling of an ASME Code-stamped cargo tank must be performed by 
    a repair facility holding a National Board ``R'' stamp. The National 
    Board allows a facility other than a National Board ``R'' stamp holder 
    to make repairs and modifications to ASME Code cargo tanks when 
    authorized within a governmental jurisdiction. Jurisdictional 
    authorization is only recognized within state boundaries where the 
    repair facility is located. Therefore, because most cargo tank motor 
    vehicles are operated in interstate commerce, RSPA has adopted the 
    proposal requiring repairs on DOT specification cargo tanks certified 
    to the ASME Code to be performed only by a facility holding a valid 
    ``R'' stamp.
        Based on a letter from TTMA stating that the regulations provide no 
    distinction between a ``100 percent rebarrel'' and the manufacture of a 
    new cargo tank, RSPA proposed to clarify the rebarrelling requirements 
    and to differentiate between ``rebarrelling a cargo tank'' and 
    ``manufacturing a cargo tank''. It was never RSPA's intent to imply 
    that a repair facility holding only a National Board ``R'' stamp would 
    be allowed to manufacture a new cargo tank or to perform a ``100 
    percent rebarrel'' of a cargo tank. Such work can be performed only by 
    a manufacturer who is registered with DOT and holds an ASME ``U'' 
    stamp. RSPA proposed adding a provision disallowing a repair facility 
    from replacing an entire cargo tank by performing a ``100 percent 
        However, based on comments received in the proposed clarification, 
    the reference to a ``100 percent rebarrelled cargo tank'' has also 
    caused confusion. Therefore, the proposed change is not adopted in this 
    final rule, but RSPA will seek to clarify this provision in a future 
        CGA urged RSPA to add a new paragraph (e)(3)(v) specifying that 
    modifications of MC 338 cargo tanks must conform to the specification 
    in effect at the time of manufacture or at the time of modification. 
    CGA pointed out that many cryogenic cargo tanks were operating under 
    DOT exemption prior to adoption of the MC 338 cargo tank specification. 
    Some of these units do not conform to the design criteria in 
    Secs. 178.338-3 and 178.338-10. CGA stated that engineering and 
    manufacturing costs to upgrade these cargo tanks to this new design 
    criteria would be too restrictive. Yet, CGA also stated that ``to 
    encourage continuous modification and improvement, modifications to MC 
    338 cargo tanks must be performed in accordance with the specifications 
    in effect at the time of manufacture or at the time of modification.''
        Proposed Sec. 180.413 provides for a cargo tank to be modified in 
    accordance with a current specification in effect at the time the work 
    is done. For example, a feature on an MC 305 cargo tank may be modified 
    in accordance with the MC 306 specification until August 31, 1995, and 
    after that date in accordance with the DOT 406 specification; an MC 330 
    cargo tank may be modified in accordance with the MC 331 specification. 
    Similarly, a cargo tank authorized under an exemption issued before 
    October 1, 1984 for transportation of a cryogenic liquid must be marked 
    as a ``DOT MC 338'' cargo tank in accordance with Sec. 180.405(d). The 
    only cryogenic cargo tank specification is the MC 338. Thus, no feature 
    of an MC 338 cryogenic cargo tank can be modified in accordance with 
    any other specification. However, an MC 338 cryogenic cargo tank may be 
    repaired in accordance with either its original design specified in the 
    exemption under which it was manufactured or the MC 338 specification 
    requirements in effect at the time of the repair. Therefore, CGA's 
    suggested change is not adopted in this final rule.
        CGA recommended a revision to paragraph (e)(6) to clarify that a 
    cargo tank manufacturer who welds attachments and appurtenances which 
    have no affect on the structural integrity or lading retention 
    capability of a tank is not required to have a National Board ``R'' or 
    ASME ``U'' stamp. CGA also suggested a revision to paragraph (e)(7) to 
    clarify that mounting specifications should be governed by welding to 
    the cargo tank ``shell and head'' rather than the cargo tank ``wall''. 
    RSPA agrees and paragraphs (e)(6) and (e)(7) are revised for clarity.
    IV. Docket HM-183D
        On September 3, 1993, RSPA published an interim final rule that 
    amended requirements concerning the registration of Registered 
    Inspectors and Design Certifying Engineers for certification of cargo 
    tank motor vehicles. RSPA extended the closing of the registration 
    period from December 31, 1991 to December 31, 1995. This action was in 
    response to a petition for rulemaking, P-1167, filed by NTTC. RSPA 
    stated in the rule that although an opportunity for public comment had 
    not been provided, RSPA was seeking public comment to the action. RSPA 
    further stated that any comments received would be addressed along with 
    comments received to the NPRM under Docket HM-183C. The effective date 
    of this rule was September 3, 1993. The comment period closed on 
    October 13, 1993; RSPA received no comments in regard to this action. 
    Therefore, that extension remains in effect.
    V. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
    1. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        This final rule is not considered a significant regulatory action 
    under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and was not reviewed by the 
    Office of Management and Budget. The rule is not considered significant 
    under the Regulatory policies and Procedures of the Department of 
    Transportation (44 FR 11034). A regulatory evaluation is available for 
    review in the docket.
    2. Executive Order 12612
        This final rule has been analyzed in accordance with the principles 
    and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612 (``Federalism''). 
    Federal law expressly preempts State, local, and Indian tribe 
    requirements applicable to the transportation of hazardous material 
    that cover certain subjects and are not ``substantively the same'' as 
    the Federal requirements. 49 U.S.C. 5125(b)(1). These covered subjects 
        (A) the designation, description, and classification of hazardous 
        (B) the packing, repacking, handling, labeling, marking, and 
    placarding of hazardous material;
        (C) the preparation, execution, and use of shipping documents 
    related to hazardous material and requirements respecting the number, 
    contents, and placement of those documents;
        (D) the written notification, recording, and reporting of the 
    unintentional release in transportation of hazardous material; or
        (E) the design, manufacturing, fabricating, marking, maintenance, 
    reconditioning, repairing, or testing of a packaging or a container 
    which is represented, marked, certified, or sold as qualified for use 
    in transporting hazardous material.
        This final rule addresses the design, manufacturing, repairing, and 
    other requirements for packages represented as qualified for use in the 
    transportation of hazardous material. Therefore, this final rule 
    preempts State, local, or Indian tribe requirements that are not 
    ``substantively the same'' as Federal requirements on these subjects. 
    Section 5125(b)(2) of Title 49 U.S.C. provides that when DOT issues a 
    regulation concerning any of the covered subjects after November 16, 
    1990, DOT must determine and publish in the Federal Register the 
    effective date of Federal preemption. The effective date may not be 
    earlier than the 90th day following the date of issuance of the final 
    rule and no later than two years after the date of issuance. RSPA has 
    determined that the effective date of Federal preemption of this final 
    rule will be 90 days after publication in the Federal Register.
        Because RSPA lacks discretion in this area, preparation of a 
    federalism assessment is not warranted.
    3. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        I certify that this final rule will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. There are no direct 
    or indirect adverse economic impacts for small units of government, 
    businesses, or other organizations.
    4. Paperwork Reduction Act
        This amendment imposes no changes to the information collection and 
    recordkeeping requirements contained in the June 12, 1989 final rule, 
    which were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 
    the provisions of 44 U.S.C. chapter 35 and assigned control number 
    5. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)
        A regulation identifier number (RIN) is assigned to each regulatory 
    action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. The 
    Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda in 
    April and October of each year. The RIN number contained in the heading 
    of this document can be used to cross-reference this action with the 
    Unified Agenda.
    List of Subjects
    49 CFR Part 171
        Exports, Hazardous materials transportation, Hazardous waste, 
    Imports, Incorporation by reference, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    49 CFR Part 173
        Hazardous materials transportation, Packaging and containers, 
    Radioactive materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    49 CFR Part 178
        Hazardous materials transportation, Motor vehicles safety, 
    Packaging and containers, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    49 CFR Part 180
        Hazardous materials transportation, Motor carriers, Motor vehicle 
    safety, Packaging and containers, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        In consideration of the foregoing, title 49, chapter I of the Code 
    of Federal Regulations, is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 171 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5127; 49 CFR 1.53.
        2. In Sec. 171.7, in paragraph (a)(3) table, the first entry for 
    the ASME Code and the entry for the National Board Inspection Code are 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 171.7  Reference material.
        (a) * * *
        (3) Table of material incorporated by reference. * * * 
                  Source and name of material                                    49 CFR reference                   
                                                      * * * * * * *                                                 
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers:                                                                       
        ASME Code, Sections II (Parts A and B), V, VIII      173.32; 173.306; 173.315; 173.318; 173.420; 178.245;   
         (Division 1), and IX of 1992 Edition of American     178.255; 178.270; 178.271; 178.272; 178.337; 178.338; 
         Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and           178.345; 178.346; 178.347; 178.348; 179.400; 180.407; 
         Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda through December    180.417                                               
         31, 1993.                                                                                                  
    National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel                                                                    
                                                      * * * * * * *                                                 
    National Board Inspection Code, A Manual for Boiler and  180.413                                                
     Pressure Vessel Inspectors, NB-23, 1992 Edition                                                                
                                                      * * * * * * *                                                 
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for part 173 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5127, 49 CFR 1.53.
        4. In Sec. 173.33, a new paragraph (h) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 173.33 Hazardous materials in cargo tank motor vehicles.
    * * * * *
        (h) Each liquid or vapor discharge opening in an MC 330 or MC 331 
    cargo tank and each liquid filling and liquid discharge line in an MC 
    338 cargo tank must be provided with a remotely controlled internal 
    self-closing stop valve, except when an MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank is 
    marked and used exclusively to transport carbon dioxide, or except when 
    an MC 338 is used to transport argon, carbon dioxide, helium, krypton, 
    neon, nitrogen, and xenon. However, if the cargo tank motor vehicle was 
    certified before January 1, 1995, this requirement is applicable only 
    when an MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank is used to transport a flammable 
    liquid, flammable gas, hydrogen chloride (refrigerated liquid), or 
    anhydrous ammonia; or when an MC 338 cargo tank is used to transport 
    flammable ladings.
    Sec. 173.33  [Amended]
        5. In addition, in Sec. 173.33, in paragraph (d)(3), a second 
    sentence is added at the end of the text preceding the table to read 
    ``The venting capacity requirements of the original DOT cargo tank 
    specification must be met whenever a pressure relief valve is 
    Sec. 173.225  [Amended]
        6. In Sec. 173.225, in paragraph (e)(2), the phrase ``MC 310, MC 
    311, MC 312 and DOT 412'' is revised to read ``MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, 
    MC 312, DOT 407, and DOT 412''.
        7. In Sec. 173.315, paragraph (o)(1) and the first sentence in 
    paragraph (o)(2) are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 173.315  Compressed gases in cargo tanks and portable tanks.
    * * * * *
        (o) * * *
        (1) Any hose, piping, or tubing used for loading or unloading that 
    is mounted or carried on the motor vehicle may not be attached to any 
    valve and must be capped at all ends to prevent the entry of moisture, 
    except at the time of loading or unloading. Except at the time of 
    loading and unloading, the pipe connection of each angle valve must be 
    closed with a screw plug which is chained or otherwise fastened to 
    prevent misplacement.
        (2) Each chlorine cargo tank angle valve must be tested to be leak 
    free at not less than 225 psig using dry air or inert gas before 
    installation and thereafter every 2 years when performing the required 
    periodic retest in Sec. 180.407(c) of this subchapter. * * *
    * * * * *
        8. The authority citation for part 178 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5127, 49 CFR 1.53.
        9. In Sec. 178.337-1, paragraph (e)(2) is amended by revising the 
    last sentence to read as follows:
    Sec. 178.337-1  General requirements.
    * * * * *
        (e)* * *
        (2)* * *Insulating material used on tanks for chlorine must be 
    corkboard or polyurethane foam, with a minimum thickness of 4 inches, 
    or 2 inches minimum thickness of ceramic fiber/fiberglass of 4 pounds 
    per cubic foot minimum density covered by 2 inches minimum thickness of 
    * * * * *
    Sec. 178.337-1  [Amended]
        10. In addition, in Sec. 178.337-1, the following changes are made:
        a. In paragraph (a)(3), the reference ``173.33(i)'' is revised to 
    read ``178.337-1(e)(2)'' and the reference ``173.315(a) Table Note 11'' 
    is revised to read ``173.315(a) Table''.
        b. In paragraph (e)(1), the reference ``173.315(a) Table, Note 11'' 
    is revised to read ``173.315(a) Table''.
    Sec. 178.337-9  [Amended]
        11. In Sec. 178.337-9, paragraph (b)(7)(i) is removed, and 
    paragraphs (b)(7)(ii) and (b)(7)(iii) are redesignated as paragraphs 
    (b)(7)(i) and (b)(7)(ii), respectively.
        12. In Sec. 178.337-11, paragraph (a)(2) introductory text is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 178.337-11  Emergency discharge control.
        (a)* * *
        (2) Except for a cargo tank marked ``For carbon dioxide only'', 
    each liquid or vapor discharge opening in a cargo tank must be equipped 
    with a remotely controlled internal self-closing stop valve. This 
    requirement does not apply to a cargo tank motor vehicle certified 
    before January 1, 1995, unless intended for use to transport a 
    flammable liquid, flammable gas, hydrogen chloride, refrigerated 
    liquid, or anhydrous ammonia. For cargo tanks intended for use in 
    chlorine service, see paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
    * * * * *
        13. In Sec. 178.338-9, paragraph (c)(2) is revised to read as 
    Sec. 178.338-9  Holding time.
    * * * * *
        (c)* * *
        (2) Same design. The term ``same design'' as used in this section 
    means cargo tanks made to the same design type. See Sec. 178.320(a)(3) 
    for definition of ``design type''.
    * * * * *
        14. In Sec. 178.338-11, in the introductory text in paragraph (c), 
    the first sentence is removed and two new sentences are added to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 178.338-11  Discharge control devices.
    * * * * *
        (c) Except for a cargo tank used to transport the following 
    refrigerated liquids: argon, carbon dioxide, helium, krypton, neon, 
    nitrogen, and xenon; each liquid filling and liquid discharge line must 
    be provided with a remotely controlled internal self-closing stop 
    valve. This requirement does not apply to a cargo tank motor vehicle 
    certified before January 1, 1995, unless intended for use to transport 
    flammable ladings.* * *
    * * * * *
        15. In Sec. 178.345-1, in paragraph (c), definitions for ``Extreme 
    dynamic loading'' and ``Normal operating loading'' are added, in 
    appropriate alphabetical order and paragraph (i)(2) is revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 178.345-1  General requirements.
    * * * * *
        (c)* * *
    * * * * *
        Extreme dynamic loading means the maximum single-acting loading a 
    cargo tank may experience during its expected life, excluding accident 
    * * * * *
        Normal operating loading means the loading a cargo tank may be 
    expected to experience routinely in operation.
    * * * * *
        (i)* * *
        (2) The strength of the connecting structure joining multiple cargo 
    tanks in a cargo tank motor vehicle must meet the structural design 
    requirements in Sec. 178.345-3. Any void within the connecting 
    structure must be vented to the atmosphere and have a drain located on 
    the bottom centerline. Each drain must be accessible and must be kept 
    open at all times. The drain in any void within the connecting 
    structure of a carbon steel, self-supporting cargo tank may be either a 
    single drain of at least 1.0 inch diameter, or two or more drains of at 
    least 0.5 inch diameter, 6.0 inches apart, one of which is located on 
    the bottom centerline.
    * * * * *
        16. In Sec. 178.345-3, paragraphs (b) and (c) are revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 178.345-3  Structural integrity.
    * * * * *
        (b) ASME Code design and construction. The static design and 
    construction of each cargo tank must be in accordance with Section 
    VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code. The tank design must include 
    calculation of stresses generated by the MAWP, the weight of the 
    lading, the weight of structures supported by the cargo tank wall and 
    the effect of temperature gradients resulting from lading and ambient 
    temperature extremes. When dissimilar materials are used, their thermal 
    coefficients must be used in the calculation of thermal stresses.
        (1) Stress concentrations in tension, bending and torsion which 
    occur at pads, cradles, or other supports must be considered in 
    accordance with Appendix G of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME 
        (2) Longitudinal compressive buckling stress for ASME certified 
    vessels must be calculated using paragraph UG-23(b), Section VIII, 
    Division 1 of the ASME Code. For cargo tanks not required to be 
    certified in accordance with the ASME Code, compressive buckling stress 
    may be calculated using alternative analysis methods which are accurate 
    and verifiable. When alternative methods are used calculations must 
    include both the static loads described in this paragraph and the 
    dynamic loads described in paragraph (c) of this section.
        (c) Shell design. Shell stresses resulting from static or dynamic 
    loadings, or combinations thereof, are not uniform throughout the cargo 
    tank motor vehicle. The vertical, longitudinal, and lateral normal 
    operating loadings can occur simultaneously and must be combined. The 
    vertical, longitudinal and lateral extreme dynamic loadings occur 
    separately and need not be combined.
        (1) Normal operating loadings. The following procedure addresses 
    stress in the tank shell resulting from normal operating loadings. The 
    effective stress (the maximum principal stress at any point) must be 
    determined by the following formula:
    S = 0.5(Sy + Sx)  [0.25(Sy-Sx)\2\ + 
        (i) S = effective stress at any given point under the combination 
    of static and normal operating loadings that can occur at the same 
    time, in psi.
        (ii) Sy = circumferential stress generated by the MAWP and 
    external pressure, when applicable, plus static head, in psi.
        (iii) Sx = The following net longitudinal stress generated by 
    the following static and normal operating loading conditions, in psi:
        (A) The longitudinal stresses resulting from the MAWP and external 
    pressure, when applicable, plus static head, in combination with the 
    bending stress generated by the static weight of the fully loaded cargo 
    tank, all structural elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by 
    the cargo tank wall;
        (B) The tensile or compressive stress resulting from normal 
    operating longitudinal acceleration or deceleration. In each case, the 
    forces applied must be 0.35 times the vertical reaction at the 
    suspension assembly, applied at the road surface, and as transmitted to 
    the cargo tank wall through the suspension assembly of a trailer during 
    deceleration; or the horizontal pivot of the tractor or converter dolly 
    fifth wheel, or the drawbar hinge on the fixed dolly during 
    acceleration; or anchoring and support members of a truck during 
    acceleration and deceleration, as applicable. The vertical reaction 
    must be calculated based on the static weight of the fully loaded cargo 
    tank, all structural elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by 
    the cargo tank wall. The following loadings must be included:
        (1) The axial load generated by a decelerative force;
        (2) The bending moment generated by a decelerative force;
        (3) The axial load generated by an accelerative force; and
        (4) The bending moment generated by an accelerative force; and
        (C) The tensile or compressive stress generated by the bending 
    moment resulting from normal operating vertical accelerative force 
    equal to 0.35 times the vertical reaction at the suspension assembly of 
    a trailer; or the horizontal pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) 
    or turntable; or anchoring and support members of a truck, as 
    applicable. The vertical reaction must be calculated based on the 
    static weight of the fully loaded cargo tank, all structural elements, 
    equipment and appurtenances supported by the cargo tank wall.
        (iv) SS = The following shear stresses generated by the 
    following static and normal operating loading conditions, in psi:
        (A) The static shear stress resulting from the vertical reaction at 
    the suspension assembly of a trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the 
    upper coupler (fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring and support 
    members of a truck, as applicable. The vertical reaction must be 
    calculated based on the static weight of the fully loaded cargo tank, 
    all structural elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by the 
    cargo tank wall;
        (B) The vertical shear stress generated by a normal operating 
    accelerative force equal to 0.35 times the vertical reaction at the 
    suspension assembly of a trailer; or the horizontal pivot of the upper 
    coupler (fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring and support members of 
    a truck, as applicable. The vertical reaction must be calculated based 
    on the static weight of the fully loaded cargo tank, all structural 
    elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by the cargo tank wall;
        (C) The lateral shear stress generated by a normal operating 
    lateral accelerative force equal to 0.2 times the vertical reaction at 
    each suspension assembly of a trailer, applied at the road surface, and 
    as transmitted to the cargo tank wall through the suspension assembly 
    of a trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the upper coupler (fifth 
    wheel) or turntable; or anchoring and support members of a truck, as 
    applicable. The vertical reaction must be calculated based on the 
    static weight of the fully loaded cargo tank, all structural elements, 
    equipment and appurtenances supported by the cargo tank wall; and
        (D) The torsional shear stress generated by the same lateral forces 
    as described in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(C) of this section.
        (2) Extreme dynamic loadings. The following procedure addresses 
    stress in the tank shell resulting from extreme dynamic loadings. The 
    effective stress (the maximum principal stress at any point) must be 
    determined by the following formula:
    S = 0.5(Sy + Sx)  [0.25(Sy - Sx)\2\ + 
        (i) S = effective stress at any given point under a combination of 
    static and extreme dynamic loadings that can occur at the same time, in 
        (ii) Sy = circumferential stress generated by MAWP and 
    external pressure, when applicable, plus static head, in psi.
        (iii) Sx = the following net longitudinal stress generated by 
    the following static and extreme dynamic loading conditions, in psi:
        (A) The longitudinal stresses resulting from the MAWP and external 
    pressure, when applicable, plus static head, in combination with the 
    bending stress generated by the static weight of the fully loaded cargo 
    tank, all structural elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by 
    the tank wall;
        (B) The tensile or compressive stress resulting from extreme 
    longitudinal acceleration or deceleration. In each case the forces 
    applied must be 0.7 times the vertical reaction at the suspension 
    assembly, applied at the road surface, and as transmitted to the cargo 
    tank wall through the suspension assembly of a trailer during 
    deceleration; or the horizontal pivot of the tractor or converter dolly 
    fifth wheel, or the drawbar hinge on the fixed dolly during 
    acceleration; or the anchoring and support members of a truck during 
    acceleration and deceleration, as applicable. The vertical reaction 
    must be calculated based on the static weight of the fully loaded cargo 
    tank, all structural elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by 
    the cargo tank wall. The following loadings must be included:
        (1) The axial load generated by a decelerative force;
        (2) The bending moment generated by a decelerative force;
        (3) The axial load generated by an accelerative force; and
        (4) The bending moment generated by an accelerative force; and
        (C) The tensile or compressive stress generated by the bending 
    moment resulting from an extreme vertical accelerative force equal to 
    0.7 times the vertical reaction at the suspension assembly of a 
    trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) or 
    turntable; or the anchoring and support members of a truck, as 
    applicable. The vertical reaction must be calculated based on the 
    static weight of the fully loaded cargo tank, all structural elements, 
    equipment and appurtenances supported by the cargo tank wall.
        (iv) SS = The following shear stresses generated by static and 
    extreme dynamic loading conditions, in psi:
        (A) The static shear stress resulting from the vertical reaction at 
    the suspension assembly of a trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the 
    upper coupler (fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring and support 
    members of a truck, as applicable. The vertical reaction must be 
    calculated based on the static weight of the fully loaded cargo tank, 
    all structural elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by the 
    cargo tank wall;
        (B) The vertical shear stress generated by an extreme vertical 
    accelerative force equal to 0.7 times the vertical reaction at the 
    suspension assembly of a trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the upper 
    coupler (fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring and support members of 
    a truck, as applicable. The vertical reaction must be calculated based 
    on the static weight of the fully loaded cargo tank, all structural 
    elements, equipment and appurtenances supported by the cargo tank wall;
        (C) The lateral shear stress generated by an extreme lateral 
    accelerative force equal to 0.4 times the vertical reaction at the 
    suspension assembly of a trailer, applied at the road surface, and as 
    transmitted to the cargo tank wall through the suspension assembly of a 
    trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) or 
    turntable; or anchoring and support members of a truck, as applicable. 
    The vertical reaction must be calculated based on the static weight of 
    the fully loaded cargo tank, all structural elements, equipment and 
    appurtenances supported by the cargo tank wall; and
        (D) The torsional shear stress generated by the same lateral forces 
    as described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(C) of this section.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 178.345-3  [Amended]
        17. In addition, in Sec. 178.345-3, the following changes are made:
        a. In paragraph (a)(1), the phrase at the beginning of the sentence 
    ``Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, the'' is removed 
    and replaced with the word ``The''.
        b. In paragraph (a)(3), the wording ``paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) 
    of this section'' is revised to read ``paragraphs (b) and (c) of this 
    section'' each place it appears.
        c. Paragraph (d) is removed.
        d. Paragraphs (e) through (g) are redesignated as paragraphs (d) 
    through (f), and in redesignated paragraph (d) the wording ``cargo tank 
    wall'' is revised to read ``cargo tank shell and heads''.
        18. In Sec. 178.345-5, a new paragraph (f) is added to read as 
    Sec. 178.345-5  Manhole assemblies.
    * * * * *
        (f) All fittings and devices mounted on a manhole cover, coming in 
    contact with the lading, must withstand the same static internal fluid 
    pressure and contain the same permanent compliance markings as that 
    required for the manhole cover. The fitting or device manufacturer 
    shall verify compliance using the same test procedure and frequency of 
    testing as specified in Sec. 178.345-5(b).
    Sec. 178.345-6  [Amended]
        19. In Sec. 178.345-6, in paragraphs (a) and (b), the second 
    sentence of each paragraph is revised to read ``The design calculations 
    of the support elements must include the stresses indicated in 
    Sec. 178.345-3(b) and as generated by the loads described in 
    Sec. 178.345-3(c).''.
        20. In Sec. 178.345-8, paragraphs (a)(3), (b) introductory text, 
    (b)(1), (c) introductory text, (c)(1), and (d)(3) are revised; and a 
    new paragraph (e) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 178.345-8  Accident damage protection.
        (a) * * *
        (3) Accident damage protection devices attached to the wall of a 
    cargo tank must be able to withstand or deflect away from the cargo 
    tank the loads specified in this section. They must be designed, 
    constructed and installed so as to maximize the distribution of loads 
    to the tank wall and to minimize the possibility of adversely affecting 
    the lading retention integrity of the cargo tank. Accident induced 
    stresses resulting from the appropriate accident damage protection 
    device requirements in combination with the stresses from the tank 
    operating at the MAWP may not result in a tank wall stress greater than 
    the ultimate strength of the material of construction using a safety 
    factor of 1.3. Deformation of the protection device is acceptable 
    provided the devices being protected are not damaged when loads 
    specified in this section are applied.
    * * * * *
        (b) Each outlet, projection or piping located in the lower \1/3\ of 
    the tank circumference (or cross section perimeter for non-circular 
    tanks) that could be damaged in an accident that may result in the loss 
    of lading must be protected by a bottom damage protection device, 
    except as provided by paragraph (a)(1) of this section and 
    Sec. 173.33(e) of this subchapter. Outlets, projections and piping may 
    be grouped or clustered together and protected by a single protection 
        (1) Any bottom damage protection device must be able to withstand a 
    force of 155,000 pounds (based on the ultimate strength of the 
    material) from the front, side, or rear, uniformly distributed over 
    each surface of the device, over an area not to exceed 6 square feet, 
    and a width not to exceed 6 feet. Suspension components and structural 
    mounting members may be used to provide all, or part, of this 
    protection. The device must extend no less than 6 inches beyond any 
    component that may contain lading in transit.
    * * * * *
        (c) Each closure for openings, including but not limited to the 
    manhole, filling or inspection openings, and each valve, fitting, 
    pressure relief device, vapor recovery stop valve or lading retaining 
    fitting located in the upper \2/3\ of a cargo tank circumference (or 
    cross section perimeter for non-circular tanks) must be protected by 
    being located within or between adjacent rollover damage protection 
    devices, or by being 125 percent of the strength that would be provided 
    by the otherwise required damage protection device.
        (1) A rollover damage protection device on a cargo tank motor 
    vehicle must be designed and installed to withstand loads equal to 
    twice the weight of the loaded cargo tank motor vehicle applied as 
    follows: normal to the tank shell (perpendicular to the tank surface); 
    and tangential (perpendicular to the normal load) from any direction. 
    The stresses shall not exceed the ultimate strength of the material of 
    construction. These design loads may be considered to be uniformly 
    distributed and independently applied. If more than one rollover 
    protection device is used, each device must be capable of carrying its 
    proportionate share of the required loads and in each case at least 
    one-fourth the total tangential load. The design must be proven capable 
    of carrying the required loads by calculations, tests or a combination 
    of tests and calculations.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (3) The structure of the rear-end protection device and its 
    attachment to the vehicle must be designed to satisfy the conditions 
    specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section when subjected to an 
    impact of the cargo tank motor vehicle at rated payload, at a 
    deceleration of 2 ``g''. Such impact must be considered as being 
    uniformly applied in the horizontal plane at an angle of 10 degrees or 
    less to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
        (e) Longitudinal deceleration protection. In order to account for 
    stresses due to longitudinal impact in an accident, the tank shell and 
    heads must be able to withstand the load resulting from the design 
    pressure in combination with the dynamic pressure resulting from a 
    longitudinal deceleration of 2 ``g''. For this loading condition, the 
    allowable stress value used may not exceed the ultimate strength of the 
    material of construction using a safety factor of 1.3. Performance 
    testing, analytical methods, or a combination thereof, may be used to 
    prove this capability provided the methods are accurate and verifiable. 
    For cargo tanks with internal baffles, the decelerative force may be 
    reduced by 0.25 ``g'' for each baffle assembly, but in no case may the 
    total reduction in decelerative force exceed 1.0 ``g''.
        21. In 178.345-10, paragraphs (b)(3)(i) and (ii) are revised to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 178.345-10  Pressure relief.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) Each pressure relief device must be able to withstand dynamic 
    pressure surge reaching 30 psig above the design set pressure and 
    sustained above the set pressure for at least 60 milliseconds with a 
    total volume of liquid released not exceeding one gallon before the 
    relief device recloses to a leak-tight condition. This requirement must 
    be met regardless of vehicle orientation. This capability must be 
    demonstrated by testing. An acceptable test procedure is outlined in 
    TTMA RP No. 81--``Performance of Spring Loaded Pressure Relief Valves 
    on MC 306, MC 307, and MC 312 Tanks,'' May 24, 1989 edition.
        (ii) After August 31, 1995, each pressure relief device must be 
    able to withstand a dynamic pressure surge reaching 30 psig above the 
    design set pressure and sustained above the design set pressure for at 
    least 60 milliseconds with a total volume of liquid released not 
    exceeding one liter before the relief valve recloses to a leak-tight 
    condition. This requirement must be met regardless of vehicle 
    orientation. This capability must be demonstrated by testing. TTMA RP 
    No. 81, cited in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, is an acceptable 
    test procedure.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 178.345-13  [Amended]
        22. In Sec. 178.345-13, a heading is added to paragraph (c) to read 
    ``Leakage test.''.
    Sec. 178.345-14  [Amended]
        23. In Sec. 178.345-14, in paragraph (d), the following changes are 
        a. The paragraph heading ``Multi-cargo tank cargo tank motor 
    vehicle'' is revised to read ``Multi-tank cargo tank motor vehicle''.
        b. At the end of the second sentence, the phrase ``unless all of 
    the cargo tanks are identical'' is revised to read ``unless all cargo 
    tanks are made by the same manufacturer with the same materials, 
    manufactured thickness, minimum thickness and to the same 
        24. In Sec. 178.345-15, a sentence is added in the beginning of 
    paragraph (b)(2) and a new paragraph (e) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 178.345-15  Certification.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) For each ASME tank, a tank manufacturer's data report as 
    required by the ASME Code. * * *
    * * * * *
        (e) Specification shortages. If a cargo tank is manufactured which 
    does not meet all applicable specification requirements, thereby 
    requiring subsequent manufacturing involving the installation of 
    additional components, parts, appurtenances or accessories, the cargo 
    tank manufacturer may affix the name plate and specification plate, as 
    required by Sec. 178.345-14 (b) and (c), without the original date of 
    certification stamped on the specification plate. The manufacturer 
    shall state the specification requirements not complied with on the 
    manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance. When the cargo tank is 
    brought into full compliance with the applicable specification, the 
    Registered Inspector shall stamp the date of compliance on the 
    specification plate. The Registered Inspector shall issue a Certificate 
    of Compliance stating details of the particular operations performed on 
    the cargo tank, and the date and person (manufacturer, carrier, or 
    repair organization) accomplishing the compliance.
        25. In Sec. 178.346-1, new paragraphs (d)(9) and (10) are added to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 178.346-1  General requirements.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (9) Single full fillet lap joints without plug welds may be used 
    for arc or gas welded longitudinal seams without radiographic 
    examination under the following conditions:
        (i) For a truck-mounted cargo tank, no more than two such joints 
    may be used on the top half of the tank and no more than two joints may 
    be used on the bottom half. They may not be located farther from the 
    top and bottom centerline than 16 percent of the shell's circumference.
        (ii) For a self-supporting cargo tank, no more than two such joints 
    may be used on the top of the tank. They may not be located farther 
    from the top centerline than 12.5 percent of the shell's circumference.
        (iii) Compliance test. Two test specimens of the material to be 
    used in the manufacture of a cargo tank must be tested to failure in 
    tension. The test specimens must be of the same thicknesses and joint 
    configuration as the cargo tank, and joined by the same welding 
    procedures. The test specimens may represent all the tanks that are 
    made of the same materials and welding procedures, have the same joint 
    configuration, and are made in the same facility within 6 months after 
    the tests are completed. Before welding, the fit-up of the joints on 
    the test specimens must represent production conditions that would 
    result in the least joint strength. Evidence of joint fit-up and test 
    results must be retained at the manufacturers' facility.
        (iv) Weld joint efficiency. The lower value of stress at failure 
    attained in the two tensile test specimens shall be used to compute the 
    efficiency of the joint as follows: Determine the failure ratio by 
    dividing the stress at failure by the mechanical properties of the 
    adjacent metal; this value, when multiplied by 0.75, is the design weld 
    joint efficiency.
        (10) The requirements of paragraph UW-9(d), of Section VIII, 
    Division 1, ASME Code do not apply.
    Sec. 178.346-2  [Amended]
        26. In Sec. 178.346-2, the paragraph (a) designation is removed; 
    the phrase ``DOT 406 cargo tanks'' is revised to read ``DOT 406 cargo 
    tank motor vehicles''; and in Table II, the heading ``Rated capacity 
    (gallons)'' in the first column is revised to read ``Cargo tank motor 
    vehicle rated capacity (gallons)''.
        27. In Sec. 178.346-10, the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph 
    (b)(1) is removed, the period at the end of paragraph (b)(2) is removed 
    and ``; and'' is added in its place, a new paragraph (b)(3) is added 
    and paragraphs (c)( 1) and (d)(1) are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 178.346-10  Pressure relief.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3) Notwithstanding the requirements in Sec. 178.345-10(b), after 
    August 31, 1996, each pressure relief valve must be able to withstand a 
    dynamic pressure surge reaching 30 psig above the design set pressure 
    and sustained above the set pressure for at least 60 milliseconds with 
    a total volume of liquid released not exceeding one liter before the 
    relief valve recloses to a leak-tight condition. This requirement must 
    be met regardless of vehicle orientation. This capability must be 
    demonstrated by testing. TTMA RP No. 81, cited at Sec. 178.345-
    10(b)(3)(i), is an acceptable test procedure.
        (c) * * *
        (1) Notwithstanding the requirements in Sec. 178.345-10(d), the set 
    pressure of each primary relief valve must be not less than 110 percent 
    of the MAWP or 3.3 psig, whichever is greater, and not more than 138 
    percent of the MAWP. The valve must close at not less than the MAWP and 
    remain closed at lower pressures.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (1) Notwithstanding the requirements in Sec. 178.345-10 (e) and 
    (g), the primary pressure relief valve must have a venting capacity of 
    at least 6,000 SCFH, rated at not greater than 125 percent of the tank 
    test pressure and not greater than 3 psig above the MAWP. The venting 
    capacity required in Sec. 178.345-10(e) may be rated at these same 
    * * * * *
        28. In Sec. 178.346-13, paragraph (c) is revised to read as 
    Sec. 178.346-13  Pressure and leakage tests.
    * * * * *
        (c) Leakage test. Cargo tanks equipped with vapor collection 
    equipment may be leakage tested in accordance with the Environmental 
    Protection Agency's ``Method 27--Determination of Vapor Tightness of 
    Gasoline Delivery Tank Using Pressure-Vacuum Test,'' as set forth in 40 
    CFR Part 60, Appendix A. Acceptance criteria are found at 40 CFR 60.501 
    and 60.601.
        29. The authority citation for part 180 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5127, 49 CFR 1.53.
        30. In Sec. 180.403, a new definition ``Replacement of a barrel'' 
    is added, in the appropriate alphabetical order, to read as follows:
    Sec. 180.403  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Replacement of a barrel means to replace the existing tank on a 
    motor vehicle chassis with an unused (new) tank. For the definition of 
    tank, see Sec. 178.345-1(c), Sec. 178.337-1, or Sec. 178.338-1 of this 
    subchapter, as applicable.
    * * * * *
        31. In Sec. 180.405, paragraph (h) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 180.405  Qualification of cargo tanks.
    * * * * *
        (h) Pressure relief system. Properly functioning reclosing pressure 
    relief valves and frangible or fusible vents need not be replaced. 
    However, replacement of reclosing pressure relief valves on MC-
    specification cargo tanks is authorized subject to the following 
        (1) Until August 31, 1998, the owner of a cargo tank may replace a 
    reclosing pressure relief device with a device which is in compliance 
    with the requirements for pressure relief devices in effect at the time 
    the cargo tank specification became superseded. If the pressure relief 
    device is installed as an integral part of a manhole cover assembly, 
    the manhole cover must comply with the requirements of paragraph (g) of 
    this section.
        (2) After August 31, 1998, replacement for any reclosing pressure 
    relief valve must be capable of reseating to a leak-tight condition 
    after a pressure surge, and the volume of lading released may not 
    exceed one liter. Specific performance requirements for these pressure 
    relief valves are set forth in Sec. 178.345-10(b)(3) of this 
        (3) As provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the owner of a 
    cargo tank may elect to modify reclosing pressure relief devices to 
    more recent cargo tank specifications. However, replacement devices 
    constructed to the requirements of Sec. 178.345-10 of this subchapter 
    must provide the minimum venting capacity required by the original 
    specification to which the cargo tank was designed and constructed.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 180.405  [Amended]
        32. In addition, in Sec. 180.405 the following changes are made:
        a. In paragraph (f)(1)(iii), the phrase ``prescribed in 
    Sec. 178.345-3 of the specification'' is revised to read ``prescribed 
    in Sec. 178.345-3 of this subchapter or the specification'' .
        b. In paragraph (f)(4) introductory text, the phrase ``and an 
    outlet is equipped'' is revised to read ``and except that an outlet is 
        33. In Sec. 180.407, in the table in paragraph (c), immediately 
    under the subheading ``Leakage Test'' in the first column, the 
    following entry is added and the wording ``All cargo tanks except MC 
    338'' is revised to read ``All other cargo tanks except MC 338''; 
    paragraph (e)(1) is revised; paragraph (h)(2) is revised; paragraphs 
    (i)(5) through (i)(7) are redesignated as paragraphs (i)(6) through 
    (i)(8), respectively; the word ``and'' is removed at the end of 
    paragraph (i)(4)(viii); the period at the end of paragraph (i)(4)(ix) 
    is removed and ``; and'' is added in its place; and new paragraphs 
    (i)(4)(x) and (i)(5) are added, to read as follows:
    Sec. 180.407  Requirements for test and inspection of specification 
    cargo tanks.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * * 
        Compliance Dates--Inspections and Retests Under Sec. 180.407(c)     
     Test or inspection (cargo tank  Date by which first test     Interval  
     specification, configuration,    must be completed (see    period after
              and service)                    note 1)           first test  
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    Leakage Test:                                                           
        MC 330 and MC 331 cargo      Sept. 1, 1991...........  2 years      
         tanks in chlorine service.                                         
                                  * * * * * * *                             
    Note 1: If a cargo tank is subject to an applicable inspection or test  
      requirement under the regulations in effect on December 30, 1990, and 
      the due date (as specified by a requirement in effect on December 30, 
      1990) for completing the required inspection or test occurs before the
      compliance date listed in Table I, the earlier date applies.          
    * * * * *
        (e) * * * (1) When the cargo tank is not equipped with a manhole or 
    inspection opening, or the cargo tank design precludes an internal 
    inspection, the tank shall be hydrostatically or pneumatically tested 
    in accordance with 180.407(c) and (g).
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
        (2) Cargo tanks equipped with vapor collection equipment may be 
    leakage tested in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's 
    ``Method 27--Determination of Vapor Tightness of Gasoline Delivery Tank 
    Using Pressure-Vacuum Test,'' as set forth in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix 
    A. Acceptance criteria are found at 40 CFR 60.501 and 60.601.
    * * * * *
        (i) * * *
        (4) * * *
        (x) Connecting structures joining multiple cargo tanks of carbon 
    steel in a self-supporting cargo tank motor vehicle.
        (5) Minimum thicknesses for MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 304, 
    MC 305, MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks are 
    shown in the tables below. The columns headed ``Specified Manufactured 
    Thickness'' tabulate the minimum values required for new construction, 
    generally found in Tables I and II of each specification. ``In-Service 
    Minimum Thicknesses'' are based on 90 percent of the manufactured 
    thickness as specified in the DOT specification, rounded to three 
     Table I.--Minimum Thickness for MC 300, MC 303, MC 304, MC 306, MC 307,
    MC 310, MC 311 and MC 312 Specification Cargo Tanks Constructed of Steel
                                and Steel Alloys                            
                                                         decimal      In-   
      Specified manufactured thickness (US gauge or    equivalent   service 
                         inches)                           for      minimum 
                                                        reference  thickness
                                                        (inches)    (inches)
    19...............................................      0.0418      0.038
    18...............................................      0.0478      0.043
    17...............................................      0.0538      0.048
    16...............................................      0.0598      0.054
    15...............................................      0.0673      0.061
    14...............................................      0.0747      0.067
    13...............................................      0.0897      0.081
    12...............................................      0.1046      0.094
    11...............................................      0.1196      0.108
    10...............................................      0.1345      0.121
    9................................................      0.1495      0.135
    8................................................      0.1644      0.148
    7................................................      0.1793      0.161
    3/16.............................................      0.1875      0.169
    1/4..............................................      0.2500      0.225
    5/16.............................................      0.3125      0.281
    3/8..............................................      0.3750     0.338 
    Table II.--Minimum Thickness for MC 301, MC 302, MC 304, MC 305, MC 306,
       MC 307, MC 311 and MC 312 Specification Cargo Tanks Constructed of   
                          Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys                      
              Specified manufactured thickness (inches)             minimum 
    0.078........................................................      0.070
    0.087........................................................      0.078
    0.096........................................................      0.086
    0.109........................................................      0.098
    0.130........................................................      0.117
    0.141........................................................      0.127
    0.151........................................................      0.136
    0.172........................................................      0.155
    0.173........................................................      0.156
    0.194........................................................      0.175
    0.216........................................................      0.194
    0.237........................................................      0.213
    0.270........................................................      0.243
    0.360........................................................      0.324
    0.450........................................................      0.405
    0.540........................................................      0.486
    * * * * *
    Sec. 180.407  [Amended]
        34. In addition, in Sec. 180.407, the following changes are made:
        a. In paragraph (d)(1)(ii), the wording ``and the cargo tank is not 
    equipped'' is revised to read ``or the cargo tank is not equipped''.
        b. In paragraph (e)(2)(ii), the wording ``as specified 
    Sec. 180.407(f).'' is revised to read ``as specified in 
    Sec. 180.407(f).''.
        c. Paragraph (e)(4) is removed, and paragraph (e)(5) is 
    redesignated as paragraph (e)(4).
        d. In paragraph (g)(1)(iv), the word ``minimum'' is removed.
        35. Section 180.413 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 180.413  Repair, modification, stretching, or rebarrelling of 
    cargo tanks.
        (a) General. For purposes of this section, ``stretching'' is not 
    considered a ``modification'' and ``rebarrelling'' is not considered a 
    ``repair.'' Any repair, modification, stretching, or rebarrelling of a 
    cargo tank must be performed in conformance with the requirements of 
    this section.
        (b) Repair--(1) Non-ASME Code stamped cargo tanks. Any work 
    involving repair on an MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 304, MC 305, 
    MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, or MC 312 cargo tank that is not ASME 
    Code stamped must be performed by:
        (i) A cargo tank manufacturer holding a valid ASME Certificate of 
    Authorization for the use of the ASME ``U'' stamp and registered with 
    DOT; or
        (ii) A repair facility holding a valid National Board Certificate 
    of Authorization for the use of the National Board ``R'' stamp and 
    registered with DOT.
        (2) ASME Code stamped cargo tanks. Any work involving repair on any 
    ASME Code stamped cargo tank must be performed by a repair facility 
    holding a valid National Board Certificate of Authorization for the use 
    of the National Board ``R'' stamp and registered in accordance with 
    subpart F of part 107 of subchapter B of this chapter.
        (3) The following provisions apply to cargo tank repairs:
        (i) DOT 406, DOT 407, and DOT 412 cargo tanks must be repaired in 
    accordance with the specification requirements in effect either at the 
    time of manufacture or at the time of repair;
        (ii) MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC 306 cargo tanks 
    must be repaired in accordance with either the original specification 
    or with the DOT 406 specification in effect at the time of repair;
        (iii) MC 304 and MC 307 cargo tanks must be repaired in accordance 
    with either the original specification or with the DOT 407 
    specification in effect at the time of repair;
        (iv) MC 310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks must be repaired in 
    accordance with either the original specification or with the DOT 412 
    specification in effect at the time of the repair;
        (v) MC 338 cargo tanks must be repaired in accordance with the 
    specification requirements in effect either at the time of manufacture 
    or at the time of repair; and
        (vi) MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks must be repaired in accordance 
    with the repair procedures described in CGA Technical Bulletin TB-2 and 
    the National Board Inspection Code--Provisions for Repair of Pressure 
    Vessels. Each cargo tank having cracks or other defects requiring 
    welded repairs must meet all of the requirements of Sec. 178.337-16 of 
    this subchapter (in effect at the time of the repair), except that 
    postweld heat treatment after minor weld repairs is not required. When 
    any repair is made of defects revealed by the wet fluorescent magnetic 
    particle inspection, including those by grinding, the affected area of 
    the cargo tank must again be examined by the wet fluorescent magnetic 
    particle method after hydrostatic testing to assure that all defects 
    have been removed.
        (4) Prior to any repair work, the cargo tank must be emptied of any 
    hazardous material lading. Cargo tanks containing flammable or toxic 
    lading must be purged.
        (5) Any repair of a cargo tank involving welding on the shell or 
    head must be certified by a Registered Inspector. Any repair of an ASME 
    Code ``U'' stamped cargo tank must be in accordance with the National 
    Board Inspection Code.
        (6) The suitability of any repair affecting the structural 
    integrity of the cargo tank must be determined by testing as prescribed 
    in Sec. 180.407.
        (c) Maintenance or replacement of piping, valves, hoses or 
    fittings. In the event of repair, maintenance or replacement, any 
    piping, valve, or fitting must be properly installed in accordance with 
    the provisions of the applicable specification before the cargo tank is 
    returned to hazardous materials service. After maintenance or 
    replacement which does not involve welding on the cargo tank wall, the 
    repaired piping, valves or fittings, the replaced segment of the piping 
    must be leak tested. After repair or replacement of piping, valves or 
    fittings which involves welding on the cargo tank wall, the entire 
    cargo tank, including the repaired or replaced piping, valve or 
    fitting, must be pressure tested in accordance with the applicable 
    specification. Hoses permanently attached to the cargo tank must be 
    tested either before or after installation.
        (d) Modification, stretching, or rebarrelling. Modification, 
    stretching or rebarrelling of a cargo tank must conform to the 
    following provisions:
        (1) Non-ASME Code stamped cargo tanks. If the modification, 
    stretching, or rebarrelling will result in a design type change, then 
    it must be approved by a Design Certifying Engineer. Any work involving 
    modification, stretching, or rebarrelling on an MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, 
    MC 303, MC 304, MC 305, MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, or MC 312 cargo 
    tank that is not ASME stamped must be performed by:
        (i) A cargo tank manufacturer holding a valid ASME Certificate of 
    Authorization for the use of the ASME ``U'' stamp and registered with 
    DOT; or
        (ii) A repair facility holding a valid National Board Certificate 
    of Authorization for the use of the National Board ``R'' stamp and 
    registered with DOT.
        (2) ASME Code stamped cargo tanks. The modification, stretching, or 
    rebarrelling on any ASME Code stamped cargo tank must be performed by a 
    repair facility holding a valid National Board Certificate of 
    Authorization for the use of the National Board ``R'' stamp and 
    registered in accordance with subpart F of part 107 of subchapter B of 
    this chapter. If the modification, stretching, or rebarrelling will 
    result in a design type change, then it must be approved by a Design 
    Certifying Engineer.
        (3) All new material and equipment, and equipment affected by the 
    modification, stretching or rebarrelling must conform with requirements 
    of the specification in effect at the time of such work. In addition, 
    the modification, stretching or rebarrelling must be performed such 
    that the cargo tank, as modified, stretched or rebarrelled, meets the 
    applicable structural integrity requirements (Sec. 178.337-3, 
    Sec. 178.338-3, or Sec. 178.345-3 of this subchapter) of the 
    specification in effect at the time of such work. The work must conform 
    to the requirements of the applicable specification as follows:
        (i) For specification MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305 and MC 
    306 cargo tanks, the provisions of either specification MC 306 or DOT 
    406 until August 31, 1995 and, thereafter to specification DOT 406 
        (ii) For specification MC 304 and MC 307 cargo tanks, the 
    provisions of either specification MC 307 or DOT 407 until August 31, 
    1995 and, thereafter to specification DOT 407 only;
        (iii) For specification MC 310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks, the 
    provisions of either specification MC 312 or DOT 412 until August 31, 
    1995 and, thereafter to specification DOT 412 only; and
        (iv) For specification MC 330 cargo tanks, the provisions of 
    specification MC 331.
        (4) The person performing the modification, stretching, or 
    rebarrelling must:
        (i) Have knowledge of the original design concept, particularly 
    with respect to structural design analysis, material and welding 
        (ii) Assure compliance with the rebuilt cargo tank's structural 
    integrity, venting, and accident damage protection requirements;
        (iii) Assure compliance with all applicable Federal Motor Carrier 
    Safety Regulations for any newly installed safety equipment;
        (iv) Perform all retest procedures on each cargo tank in accordance 
    with the applicable specification and Sec. 180.407;
        (v) Change the existing specification plate to reflect the cargo 
    tank as modified, stretched or rebarrelled. This must include the name 
    of the person doing the work, his DOT registration number, date, retest 
    information, etc. A supplemental specification plate may be installed 
    immediately adjacent to the existing plate(s), or the existing 
    specification plate may be removed and replaced with a new plate; and
        (vi) On a variable specification cargo tank, install a supplemental 
    or new variable specification plate, and replace the specification 
    listed on the original specification plate with the words ``see 
    variable specification plate''.
        (5) The design of the modified, stretched, or rebarrelled cargo 
    tank must be approved by a Design Certifying Engineer registered in 
    accordance with subpart F of part 107 of subchapter B of this chapter. 
    The Design Certifying Engineer must certify that the modified, 
    stretched, or rebarrelled cargo tank meets the structural integrity 
    requirements of the applicable specification. The person performing the 
    modifying, stretching or rebarrelling and a Registered Inspector must 
    certify that the cargo tank is in compliance with this section and the 
    applicable specification by issuing a supplemental manufacturer's 
    certificate. The registration number of the Registered Inspector and 
    the person performing the modification, stretching, or rebarrelling 
    must be entered on the certificate. When a cargo tank is rebarrelled, 
    it must be designed, constructed and certified in accordance with a 
    cargo tank specification currently authorized for construction in Part 
    178 of this subchapter.
        (6) If the mounting of the cargo tank on the cargo tank motor 
    vehicle involves welding on the cargo tank head or shell, then the 
    mounting must be performed as follows:
        (i) Non-ASME Code stamped cargo tanks. For a non-ASME Code stamped 
    cargo tank--
        (A) By a cargo tank manufacturer holding an ASME ``U'' stamp, 
    registered with DOT, and under the direction of a Design Certifying 
    Engineer; or
        (B) By a repair facility holding an ASME ``U'' stamp or a National 
    Board ``R'' stamp, registered with DOT, and under the direction of a 
    Design Certifying Engineer.
        (ii) ASME Code stamped cargo tank. For an ASME Code stamped cargo 
    tank, by a repair facility holding a National Board ``R'' stamp, 
    registered in accordance with subpart F of part 107 of subchapter B of 
    this chapter, and approved by a Design Certifying Engineer.
        (7) If the mounting of a cargo tank on a cargo tank motor vehicle 
    does not involve welding on the cargo tank head or shell, or a change 
    or modification of the methods of attachment, then the mounting shall 
    be in accordance with the original specification or with the 
    specification in effect at the time of the mounting. If the mounting 
    involves any change or modification of the methods of attachment, then 
    the mounting must be approved by a Design Certifying Engineer.
        (8) Prior to any modification, stretching, or rebarrelling a cargo 
    tank must be emptied of any hazardous material lading. Cargo tanks 
    containing flammable or toxic lading must be purged.
        (9) Any modification, stretching, or rebarrelling on the cargo tank 
    involving welding on the shell or head must be certified by a 
    Registered Inspector. Any repair of an ASME Code ``U'' stamped cargo 
    tank must be in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code.
        (10) The suitability of modification, stretching, or rebarrelling 
    affecting the structural integrity of the cargo tank must be determined 
    by testing as prescribed for new manufacture in the applicable 
        (e) Records. Each owner of a cargo tank must retain at its 
    principal place of business all records of repair, modification, 
    stretching, or rebarrelling made to each tank during the time the tank 
    is in service and for one year thereafter. Copies of these records must 
    be retained by a motor carrier, who is not the owner of the cargo tank, 
    at its principal place of business during the period the tank is in the 
    carrier's service. The seller of a cargo tank shall provide the 
    purchaser a copy of the cargo tank Certificate of Compliance, and all 
    repair, inspection and test reports upon sale as an MC or DOT cargo 
        Issued in Washington, DC on October 21, 1994, under authority 
    delegated in 49 CFR Part 1.
    D.K. Sharma,
    Administrator, Research and Special Programs Administration.
    [FR Doc. 94-26625 Filed 10-28-94; 1:21 pm]
    BILLING CODE 4910-60-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective date: January 5, 1995.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: November 3, 1994
CFR: (34)
40 CFR 178.345-1(1)(2)
49 CFR 178.345-3(b)
49 CFR 178.345-3(c).''
40 CFR 173.24(c)(2)
49 CFR 173.33(e)
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