[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 212 (Thursday, November 3, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 94-27110]
[[Page Unknown]]
[Federal Register: November 3, 1994]
VOL. 59, NO. 212
Thursday, November 3, 1994
Federal Grain Inspection Service
7 CFR Part 68
Fees for Beltsville Commodity Testing Laboratory Services
AGENCY: Federal Grain Inspection Service, USDA.\1\
\1\The authority to exercise the functions of the Secretary of
Agriculture contained in the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as
amended (7 U.S.C. 1621-1627) concerning inspection and
standardization activities related to grain and similar commodities
and products thereof has been delegated to the Administrator,
Federal Grain Inspection Service (7 U.S.C. 75a; 7 CFR 68.5).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), under authority
of the Agricultural Marketing Act (AMA) of 1946, is proposing to
increase service fees charged by the FGIS Commodity Testing Laboratory
at Beltsville, Maryland. FGIS is also proposing to establish a test and
unit fee for vomitoxin testing at the Laboratory.
These revisions are necessary to cover, as nearly as practicable,
the projected operating costs, including related supervisory and
administrative costs, for commodity laboratory testing services.
DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before December 5,
ADDRESSES: Written comments must be submitted to George Wollam, Federal
Grain Inspection Service, USDA, Room 0624 South Building, P.O. Box
96454, Washington DC 20090-6454; or FAX (202) 720-4628.
All comments received will be made available for public inspection
during regular business hours in room 0623 South Building, 1400
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC. (7 CFR 1.27(b)).
George Wollam, address as above, telephone (202) 720-0292.
Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
This rule has been determined to be significant for the purposes of
Executive Order 12866 and therefore has been reviewed by the Office of
Management and Budget.
This proposed increase in the service fees is necessary to recover
operating losses at the Beltsville Commodity Testing Laboratory. These
fees were last increased on December 17, 1984 (57 FR 59887), and due to
increases in operating costs, revenue is not covering operating costs.
The overall cost of operating the laboratory increased between FY 92
and 93 by more than 8 percent. This cost increase occurred
simultaneously with a more than 17 percent downturn in revenue due to
fewer service requests. Revenue of $1,035,411 did not cover the
operating cost of $1,192,669 for FY 93, resulting in a 1-year operating
loss of $157,228. Given FY 93 volume, the proposed fee increase will
generate revenue of $1,394,577 or an increase of $355,224.
Under these circumstances, the Administrator of the Federal Grain
Inspection Service has determined that this proposed action will not
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
Executive Order 12778
This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778,
Civil Justice Reform. This action is not intended to have a retroactive
effect. This proposed rule will not pre-empt any State or local laws,
regulations, or policies unless they present irreconcilable conflict
with this rule. There are no administrative procedures which must be
exhausted prior to any judicial challenge to provisions of this rule.
Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
David R. Shipman, Acting Administrator, FGIS, has determined that
this proposed rule will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities as defined in the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) because most users of the
official commodity laboratory testing services do not meet the
requirements for small entities. In addition, FGIS is required by
statute to recover the costs of providing official commodity laboratory
testing services, as nearly as practicable.
Information Collection and Recordkeeping Requirements
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35), the previously approved information collection and
recordkeeping requirements concerning applications for inspection
services, including official commodity laboratory testing services,
have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control
number 0580-0013.
The fees for commodity laboratory testing services were last
increased August 1, 1984, (49 FR 26547). Subsequent adjustments were
made on April 17, 1991, (56 FR 15483), adding several new laboratory
test services and consolidating others for clarity and efficiency.
Currently, these fees appear in section 68.90, Table 4 of the
regulations (7 CFR 68.90, Table 4).
FGIS is adding a vomitoxin laboratory testing service to the
current list of fees, 7 CFR 68.90, Table 4. The new test is required to
accommodate frequent grain and food industry requests for this service.
FGIS continually strives to contain operating costs through program
efficiencies and streamlining. In fiscal year 1992, FGIS took specific
action to reduce chemical disposal costs by implementing new
technology. FGIS further enhanced laboratory procedures to improve
overall efficiency. While these changes proved successful in reducing
certain costs, the overall cost of operating the laboratory increased
between FY 92 and 93 by more than 8 percentum. This cost increase
occurred simultaneously with a more than 17 percentum downturn in
revenue due to fewer service requests. Revenue of $1,035,441 did not
cover the operating cost of $1,192,669 for fiscal year 1993, resulting
in a 1-year operating loss of $157,228.
Given fiscal year 1993 volume, the proposed fee increase will
generate revenue of $1,394,577 or an increase of $355,224.
Proposed Action
Section 203(h) of the AMA (7 U.S.C. 1622(h)) provides for the
establishment and collection of fees that are reasonable, and as nearly
as practicable, to cover the costs of the services rendered.
These fees cover the FGIS administrative and supervisory costs for
the performance of official services. FGIS costs include personnel
compensation, personnel benefits, travel, rent, communications,
utilities, contractual services, supplies, and equipment.
Section 68.90, Table 4 (as currently shown in section 68.90, Table
4 of the regulations) is revised to provide for the increase in
laboratory commodity testing fees and the addition of the vomitoxin
laboratory testing as outlined in the background.
The increased fees for laboratory tests are: Aflatoxin test (other
than TLC or Minicolumn), Aflatoxin (TLC), Aflatoxin (Minicolumn),
Appearance & Odor, Ash, Bacteria count, Baking test (cookies), Bostwick
(uncooked/cook test/dispersibility), Brix, Calcium, Carotenoid Color,
Cold test (oil), Cooking test (other than corn soy blend), Crude fat,
Crude fiber, Dough handling (baking), E. coli, Falling number, Fat
(acid hydrolysis), Fat-stability (A.O.M.), Flash point (point & closed
cup), Free fatty acid, Hydrogen ion activity (pH), Iron enrichment,
Linolenic acid (fatty acid profile), Lovibond color, Moisture, Moisture
& volatile matter, Performance test (prepared bakery mix), Peroxide
value, Pesticide residue (carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide,
ethylene dibromide), Phosphorus, Popcorn kernels (total defects),
Popping ratio/value popcorn, Potassium bromate, Protein, Salmonella,
Salt or sodium content, Sanitation (light filth), Sieve test, Smoke
point, Solid fat index, Unsaponifiable matter, Urease activity, Visual
exam (hops pellet), Visual exam (insoluble impurities, oils, and
shortening), Visual exam (pasta), Visual exam (processed grain
products), Vitamin enrichment, and Water activity.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 68
Administrative practice and procedure, Agriculture commodities.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 7 CFR Part 68 is proposed
to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 68 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 202-208, 60 Stat. 1087, as amended (7 U.S.C.
1621 et seq.)
Sec. 68.90 [Amended]
2. Section 68.90 is amended by revising the section heading,
paragraph (a), Table 4, and paragraphs (b) and (c) to read as follows:
Fees for Official Laboratory Test Services Performed at the FGIS
Commodity Testing Laboratory at Beltsville, Maryland. For Processed
Agricultural Products.
(a) In addition to the fees, if any, for sampling or other
requested service, a fee will be assessed for each laboratory test
(original, retest, or appeal) as follows:
Table 4.--Laboratory Fees\1\
Laboratory tests Fees
(1) Alpha monoglycerides...................................... $18.00
(2) Aflatoxin test (other than TLC or Minicolumn method)...... 22.50
(3) Aflatoxin (TLC)........................................... 48.00
(4) Alfatoxin (Minicolumn method)............................. 25.00
(5) Appearance & odor......................................... 3.00
(6) Ash....................................................... 8.50
(7) Bacteria count............................................ 10.00
(8) Baking test (cookies)..................................... 28.00
(9) Bostwick (cooked)......................................... 12.60
(10) Bostwick (uncooked/cook test/dispersibility)............. 6.50
(11) Brix..................................................... 8.00
(12) Calcium.................................................. 12.50
(13) Carotenoid color......................................... 12.50
(14) Cold test (oil).......................................... 10.00
(15) Color test (syrups)...................................... 6.50
(16) Cooking test (other than corn soy blend)................. 7.00
(17) Crude fat................................................ 10.00
(18) Crude fiber.............................................. 13.00
(19) Dough handling (baking).................................. 8.50
(20) E. coli.................................................. 19.00
(21) Falling number........................................... 12.00
(22) Fat (acid hydrolysis).................................... 14.00
(23) Fat stability (A.O.M.)................................... 27.00
(24) Flash point (open & close cup)........................... 14.00
(25) Free fatty acid.......................................... 12.00
(26) Hydrogen ion activity (ph)............................... 9.50
(27) Iron enrichment.......................................... 15.00
(28) Iodine number/value...................................... 9.50
(29) Linolenic acid (fatty acid profile)...................... 50.00
(30) Lipid phosphorous........................................ 47.00
(31) Lovibond color........................................... 10.00
(32) Margarine (nonfat solids)................................ 23.60
(33) Moisture................................................. 6.00
(34) Moisture average (crackers).............................. 4.00
(35) Moisture & volatile matter............................... 8.50
(36) Performance test (prepared bakery mix)................... 32.00
(37) Peroxide value........................................... 13.50
(38) Pesticide residue (carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide &
ethylene dibromide).......................................... 50.00
(39) Phosphorus............................................... 14.00
(40) Popcorn kernels (total defects).......................... 19.00
(41) Popping ratio/value popcorn.............................. 19.00
(42) Potassium bromate........................................ 20.00
(43) Protein.................................................. 7.50
(44) Rope spore count......................................... 31.50
(45) Salmonella............................................... 40.00
(46) Salt or sodium content................................... 12.50
(47) Sanitation (filth light)................................. 24.00
(48) Sieve test............................................... 5.00
(49) Smoke point.............................................. 22.00
(50) Solid fat index.......................................... 85.00
(51) Specific volume (bread).................................. 21.80
(52) Staphylococcus aureus.................................... 24.50
(53) Texture.................................................. 6.50
(54) Tilletia controversa kuhn (TCK).......................... 25.20
(55) Unsaponifiable matter.................................... 25.00
(56) Urease activity.......................................... 12.50
(57) Visual exam (hops pellet)................................ 7.50
(58) Visual exam (insoluble impurities, oils & shortening).... 5.00
(59) Visual exam (pasta)...................................... 10.50
(60) Visual exam (processed grain products)................... 12.00
(61) Visual exam (total foreign material other than cereal
grains)...................................................... 6.50
(62) Vitamin enrichment....................................... 7.00
(63) Vomitoxin (TLC).......................................... 40.00
(64) Vomitoxin (Qualitative).................................. 30.00
(65) Vomitoxin (Quantitative)................................. 40.00
(66) Water activity........................................... 20.00
(67) Wiley melting point...................................... 12.50
(68) Other laboratory tests................................... \2\
\1\When laboratory test service is provided for FGIS by a private
laboratory, the applicant will be assessed a fee which, as nearly as
practicable, covers the costs to FGIS for the service provided.
\2\Fees for other laboratory tests not referenced above will be based on
the noncontract hourly rate listed in Table 1.
(b) If a requested test is to be reported on a specified moisture
basis, a fee for moisture test will also be assessed.
(c) Laboratory tests referenced above will be charged at the
applicable laboratory fee listed in Table 4 when performed at field
locations other than at the applicant's facility.
Dated: October 25, 1994.
Patricia Jensen,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs.
[FR Doc. 94-27110 Filed 11-2-94; 8:45 am]