94-27275. Job Training Partnership Act: Title IIIJob Development Broker Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 212 (Thursday, November 3, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-27275]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: November 3, 1994]
    Employment and Training Administration
    Job Training Partnership Act: Title III--Job Development Broker 
    AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Labor.
    ACTION: Notice of availability of funds and solicitation for grant 
    application (SGA).
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training 
    Administration (ETA), announces a demonstration program to identify job 
    development brokers that will link specific job opportunities with the 
    development of appropriate curricula and support mechanisms for 
    eligible dislocated workers to be funded with Secretary's National 
    Reserve funds appropriated through Title III of the Job Training 
    Partnership Act (JTPA).
        This notice describes the process that eligible entities must use 
    to apply for demonstration funds, the subject area for which 
    applications will be accepted for funding, how grantees are to be 
    selected, and the responsibilities of grantees. Up to $2 million will 
    be made available for funding the approximately three to five 
    demonstration projects covered by this solicitation.
        Everything needed to apply is contained in this announcement.
    DATES: Applications for grant awards will be accepted commencing 
    November 6, 1994. The closing date for receipt of applications will be 
    December 16, 1994, at 2 p.m. (Eastern Time) at the address below.
    ADDRESSES: Applications shall be mailed to U.S. Department of Labor, 
    Employment and Training Administration, Division of Acquisition and 
    Assistance, Attention: Ms. Brenda Banks, Reference: SGA/DAA 94-23, 
    Constitution Avenue, NW., Room S-4203, Washington, DC 20210.
    Ms. Brenda Banks, Division of Acquisition and Assistance, Telephone: 
    (202) 219-7300 (This is not a toll-free number).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This announcement consists of five parts. 
    Part I describes the authorities and purpose of the demonstration 
    program, and identifies demonstration policy and topics. Part II 
    describes the application process and provides detailed guidelines for 
    use in applying for demonstration grants. There is no separate 
    application package. Part III includes the statement of work for the 
    demonstration projects. Part IV identifies and defines the selection 
    criteria which will be used in reviewing and evaluating applications. 
    Part V describes the reporting requirements.
    Part I. Background
    A. Authorities
        Section 324 of the Job Training Partnership Act authorizes the use 
    of funds reserved under Part B of Title III for demonstration programs. 
    The Secretary shall conduct or provide for an evaluation of the success 
    of each demonstration program.
    B. Purpose of the Demonstration
        Job Development Broker Demonstration Projects funded through this 
    solicitation are to provide reemployment and retraining services--as 
    described in sections 314(c) and 314(d) JTPA--to eligible dislocated 
    workers. The goals of this retraining program are to:
    --Expand the retraining resources available to dislocated workers being 
    served under Title III of the Job Training Partnership Act; and
    --Support the development of a job development marketplace where 
    brokers with retraining and employment opportunities can compete to 
    provide assistance to dislocated workers on the basis of performance 
    and customer satisfaction.
        The purpose of this demonstration is to identify brokers that will 
    link specific job opportunities with the development of appropriate 
    curricula and support mechanisms so that eligible dislocated workers 
    who successfully complete the program will get those jobs, at a cost 
    that will be competitive with other program options available for the 
    dislocated worker substate grantees and their customers.
    C. Demonstration Policy
    1. Awards
        DOL will select approximately three to five applicants, making 
    awards up to $2.0 million in total, to conduct demonstrations for job 
    development brokers. It is anticipated that individual grant awards 
    will be approximately $300,000 to $500,000 each; however, in no case 
    will an award exceed $750,000.
    2. Evaluation
        Under a separate announcement, DOL will select and fund an 
    evaluation contractor to: (1) Provide technical assistance to selected 
    grantees in establishing appropriate data collection methods and 
    processes; and (2) conduct an independent evaluation of the outcomes, 
    impacts and benefits of the demonstration projects. Grantees will be 
    expected to make available participant records and access to personnel, 
    as specified by the evaluation contractor.
        In addition, DOL will establish, for each demonstration project 
    site, an oversight group made up of federal, State and substate staff.
    3. Eligible Participants
        Workers eligible for assistance under these demonstration grants 
    are those eligible dislocated workers who are participants in Title III 
    funded programs operated by State and substate grantees.
    4. Allowable activities
        Grant funds awarded under this demonstration may be used to provide 
    the services described in JTPA Section 314(c) and Section 314(d). The 
    establishment of linkages with employers, development of appropriate 
    training curricula, and negotiation of agreements with the Title III 
    State and substate grantees will be critical parts of this 
    demonstration, but they must be combined with delivery of services and 
    placement of participants in unsubsidized employment.
    5. Grant Period
        Projects must be completed not later than June 30, 1996. 
    Applications must clearly describe project activities to be undertaken 
    during the proposed grant period. Funding of project activity 
    subsequent to the approved period of performance will be the 
    responsibility of the applicant. Additional grant funds will not be 
    available under this demonstration.
    6. Cost Limitations
        Demonstration grants are not subject to the cost limitations for 
    formula-funded Title III grants at Section 315 of the JTPA. However, 
    any offeror proposing administrative costs higher than 15 percent of 
    the budget and supportive services higher than 25 percent of the funds 
    requested in the application shall provide a narrative justification.
    D. Demonstration Topic
        DOL is soliciting applications for demonstration projects to test 
    the ability of brokers to market services that link specific job 
    opportunities with appropriate training and support mechanisms so that 
    eligible dislocated workers who successfully complete the program will 
    get those jobs, at a cost which will be competitive with other program 
    options available for Title III substate grantees and their 
    Part II. Application Process
    A. Eligible Applicants
        Eligible applicants under this demonstration include (1) employers 
    and associations of employers, (2) unions and organizations 
    representing workers, and (3) education and training institutions. 
    Consideration will be given to awarding at least one grant in each of 
    the three categories of eligible applicants. While matching funds will 
    not be required, applicants will have to demonstrate the ability to 
    market their services to dislocated worker program grantees that have 
    training resources, including Title III formula-allotted funds to 
    States and substate grantees, or Title III National Reserve Account 
    B. Submission of Proposals
        An original and three (3) copies of the proposal shall be 
    submitted. The proposal shall consist of two (2) separate and distinct 
    parts--Part I, the Financial Proposal, and Part II, the Technical 
    1. Financial Proposal
        The Financial Proposal shall contain the SF-424, ``Application for 
    Federal Assistance'' (three ink signed originals) Appendix No., and SF 
    424-A, ``Budget Information'' (Appendix No. 2). The Federal Domestic 
    Assistance Catalog number is 17.246. The budget shall include on 
    separate pages: a cost analysis of the budget, identifying in detail 
    the amount of each budget line item attributable to each of the Title 
    III cost categories at Section 314 of JTPA for funds requested through 
    this grant; an identification of the amount of each budget line item 
    which will be covered by other funds, and the sources of those funds 
    (including other Title III funds, employer funds, in-kind resources 
    secured and unsecured loans, grants, and other forms of assistance, 
    public and private); and an analysis of the cost effectiveness in terms 
    of unit costs for the delivery of services to individual dislocated 
    workers in comparison with similar services available to dislocated 
    workers through Title III, and in terms of the scope of the effort with 
    regard to the projected number of placements available and the number 
    of different dislocated worker program operators (States and substate 
    grantees) which will be involved.
        Federal funds cannot be used to support training which an employer 
    is in a position to, and would otherwise, provide.
        Federal funds may not be used for acquisition of production 
    equipment. The only type of equipment that may be acquired with Federal 
    funds is equipment necessary for the operation of the grant. Grant 
    funds may cover only those costs which are appropriate and reasonable. 
    In the instance of a purchase, the cost of the equipment is to be 
    prorated over the projected life of the equipment to determine the cost 
    to the grant. Awardee must receive prior approval from the Department 
    of Labor/Employment and Training Administration's Property Officer for 
    the purchase and/or lease of any property and/or equipment with a per 
    unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, and a useful life of more than 
    one year as defined in OMB Circulars A-102 and A-110. This includes the 
    purchase of ADP equipment. The request must be directed through your 
    Grant Officer's Technical Representative (GOTR) and must include a 
    detailed description and cost of the items to be acquired.
        Applicants may budget limited amounts of grant funds to work with 
    technical expert(s) to provide advice and develop more complete project 
    2. Technical Proposal
        The technical proposal shall demonstrate the offeror's capabilities 
    in accordance with the Statement of Work/Project Summary as described 
    in Part III of this announcement. NO COST DATA OR REFERENCE TO PRICE 
    3. Page Count Limit
        Applications are to be limited to 30 single-side pages, single-
    spaced. The technical proposal should include a 2 to 3 page executive 
    C. Hand-Delivered Proposals
        Proposals should be mailed at least five (5) days prior to the 
    closing date. However, if proposals are hand-delivered, they shall be 
    received at the designated place by 2 p.m., Eastern Time by December 
    16, 1994. All overnight mail will be considered to be hand-delivered 
    and must be received at the designated place by the specified time and 
    closing date. Telegraphed and/or faxed proposals will not be honored. 
    Failure to adhere to the above instructions will be a basis for a 
    determination of nonresponsiveness.
    D. Late Proposals
        Any proposal received at the office designated in the solicitation 
    after the exact time specified for receipt will not be considered 
    unless it--
        (1) Was sent by the U.S. Postal Service registered or certified 
    mail not later than the fifth calendar day before the date specified 
    for receipt of the application (e.g., an offer submitted in response to 
    a solicitation requiring receipt of applications by the 15th of the 
    month must have been mailed by the 10th); or
        (2) Was sent by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Next Day Service--
    Post Office to Addressee, not later than 5 p.m. at the place of mailing 
    two working days prior to the date specified for receipt of proposals. 
    The term ``working days'' excludes weekends and U.S. Federal holidays.
        The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of a 
    late proposal sent either by the U.S. Postal Service registered or 
    certified mail is the U.S. postmark both on the envelope or wrapper and 
    on the original receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. Both postmarks 
    must show a legible date or the proposal shall be processed as if 
    mailed late. ``Postmark'' means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed 
    impression (exclusive of a postage meter machine impression) that is 
    readily identifiable without further action as having been supplied and 
    affixed by employees to the U.S. Postal Service on the date of mailing. 
    Therefore, applicants should request the postal clerk to place a 
    legible hand cancellation ``bull's eye'' postmark on both the receipt 
    and the envelope or wrapper.
        The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of a 
    late proposal sent by ``Express Mail Next Day Service--Post Office to 
    Addressee'' is the date entered by the post office receiving clerk on 
    the ``Express Mail Next Day Service--Post Office to Addressee'' label 
    and the postmark on both the envelope and wrapper and on the original 
    receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. ``Postmark'' has the same meaning 
    as defined above. Therefore, applicants should request the postal clerk 
    to place a legible hand cancellation ``bull's eye'' postmark on both 
    the receipt and the envelope or wrapper.
    E. Withdrawal of Proposals
        Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice or telegram (including 
    mailgram) received at any time before award. Proposals may be withdrawn 
    in person or by an applicant or an authorized representative thereof, 
    if the representative's identity is made known and the representative 
    signs a receipt for the proposal before an award.
    F. Period of Performance
        The period of performance will be from the date of grant execution 
    through not later than June 30, 1996.
    G. Funding
        DOL has set aside up to $2.0 million to be awarded, based on 
    receipt of meritorious proposals consistent with the criteria 
    identified in this announcement. It is expected that grant awards will 
    be approximately $300,000 to $500,000 each. However, in no case shall 
    an award exceed $750,000.
    Part III. Statement of Work
        Each application must include in the appropriate section(s): (1) 
    Information that indicates adherence to the provisions described in 
    Part I of this announcement; (2) information that responds to the 
    requirements in this part; and (3) other information the offeror 
    believes will address the selection criteria identified in Part IV. 
    Each application should follow the format outlined here:
    A. Target Group
        A description of the qualifications or criteria for participation 
    in the demonstration project, and the process to be used to identify 
    and select participants to be served through this demonstration project 
    from among the total number of eligible individuals served by the Title 
    III program in the area covered by the demonstration application.
    B. Components of the Job Development Broker Demonstration Program
        An identification of the major elements of the job development 
    broker demonstration project and a description of how the project works 
    in terms of enrolling eligible workers and placing them in agreed upon 
    unsubsidized employment. Specifically, applicants must demonstrate:
        The availability of specific jobs or occupations for which training 
    will be provided and the relevance of the training to the jobs into 
    which participants will be placed;
        A commitment from the employers to hire dislocated workers who 
    successfully complete the training into those jobs; and
        Agreements with dislocated workers programs under Title III of the 
    Job Training Partnership Act that will identify eligible dislocated 
    workers and refer them to the broker for service.
    C. Administration and Management
        Identify the management structure for the project and demonstrate 
    the means to ensure accountability for performance. Provide a 
    description of the process and procedures to be used to obtain feedback 
    from participants and other appropriate parties on the responsiveness 
    and effectiveness of the services provided. The description should 
    include an identification of the types of information to be obtained, 
    the method(s) and frequency of data collection, and how the information 
    will be used in implementing and managing the project. It is expected 
    that grantees may employ focus groups and surveys, in addition to other 
    methods, to collect feedback information.
    D. Use of Existing Services and Resources
        An identification of the specific sources and amounts of other 
    funds which will be used, in addition to funds provided through this 
    grant, to implement the project.
        The application must include information on any other JTPA funds 
    and non-JTPA resources committed to this project, including employer 
    funds, secured and unsecured loans, grants, and other forms of 
    assistance, public and private. The application shall also describe the 
    relationship of this project to the ongoing assistance to dislocated 
    workers through the formula-funded JTPA Title III program(s) in the 
    service area.
    E. Coordination and Linkages
        A description of the consultation with relevant parties in 
    developing the project design and of the role of these parties in 
    implementing the project, especially with regard to employer 
    involvement in the development of appropriate training. Suggested 
    consultation shall include: State JTPA Dislocated Worker Unit, Substate 
    Title III grantee(s) and administrative entity(ies), as well as 
    organized labor, employers, and organizations providing education, 
    training and supportive services.
    F. Participant Services
        A description of the services to be available and/or provided to 
    participants. The services supported with funds under this grant must 
    be allowable under Section 314 of the Act. This description should 
    include a participant service flowchart indicating the sequence in the 
    participant service process and the criteria/decision points which are 
    used to determine the appropriateness of specific services for 
    individual participants, and the support provided to ensure that each 
    participant will receive the appropriate assistance from the point of 
    enrollment until 90 days after placement.
    G. Outcomes
        A description of the project outcomes and of the specific measures, 
    and planned achievement levels, that will be used to determine the 
    success of the project. These outcomes and measures should include, but 
    are not limited to:
         The number of participants projected: to be enrolled in 
    services, to successfully complete services through the project, and to 
    be placed into new jobs;
         Measurable effects of the services provided to project 
    participants as indicated by gains in individuals' skills, 
    competencies, or other outcomes;
         Average wages of participants prior to and at completion 
    of project;
         Customer satisfaction with the project services, and of 
    critical points in the service delivery process; and
         Other additional measurable, performance-based outcomes 
    that are relevant to the project and which may be readily assessed 
    during the period of performance of the project, such as cost 
    effectiveness of service and comparison with other available service 
    strategies, and acceptance and agreements with Title III grantees. 
    [Note: An explanation of how such additional measures are relevant to 
    the purpose of the demonstration program shall be included in the 
        The proposal shall also describe how outcomes achieved by 
    individuals in the retraining program will be compared to outcomes 
    achieved by individuals not receiving such assistance at the same Title 
    III grantee.
    H. Replicability
        Provide a description of the applicant's plans for continuing the 
    project or how it might be replicated.
    I. Definitions
        Unless otherwise indicated in this announcement, definitions of 
    terms used herein shall be those definitions found in the Job Training 
    Partnership Act, as amended, particularly at Section 4 and Section 301.
    Part IV. Evaluation Criteria
        Prospective offerors are advised that the selection of grantee(s) 
    for award is to be made after careful evaluation of proposals by a 
    panel of specialists selected by DOL. Panelists will evaluate the 
    proposals for acceptability with emphasis on the various factors 
    enumerated below. The panel results are advisory in nature and not 
    binding on the Grant Officer.
        Evaluations will be made on the basis of both what the proposed 
    offeror intends to do during the grant period, and on the usefulness of 
    the demonstration after the end of the grant period.
    A. Technical Evaluation (Possible Total: 75 Points)
        Services and Target Group. The demonstrated relationship between 
    the services to be provided and the jobs into which participants are to 
    be placed, and the degree to which the services appear to meet the 
    needs of the target population. The scope of the project in terms of 
    the number of jobs available, the number of participants to be 
    enrolled, and the number and geographic dispersion of Title III 
    grantees to be served. The geographical area served by the project 
    (substate area, multiple substate areas, regionwide, industrywide, or 
    national). The mechanism that will ensure appropriate training and 
    support for each participant from enrollment to 90 days following 
    placement. (20 points)
        Job Development Broker Project Design. The completeness of the 
    description of the retraining, including the jobs for which the 
    training is being provided, a demonstration of employer involvement in 
    the design, and the commitment by employers to hire participants who 
    successfully complete the program. The extent to which the project is 
    cost competitive with other service strategies available to Title III 
    grantees and their participants. The agreements with Title III grantees 
    for referral of qualified participants, and the procedures to establish 
    additional agreements with other Title III grantees. The program 
    specifications and planned outcomes that will be used to monitor and 
    measure performance. (30 points)
        Coordination and Linkages; Utilization of Resources. The extent to 
    which the proposal defines the roles and responsibilities of the 
    applicant and its partners including representatives of the 
    employer(s), the workers and the unions, the Title III grantees, the 
    training providers and others. The number and scope of commitments with 
    employers, and Title III grantees. The extent to which the project will 
    be integrated with other resources and will leverage other resources to 
    increase marketability. (15 points)
        Management and Continuity. The extent to which the management 
    structure monitors performance and customer satisfaction and includes 
    procedures for continuous quality improvement, and which reports that 
    performance to the substate grantees for use in informing the customer 
    about available service options. The viability of the project, if 
    successful, to be continued and expanded, including a description of 
    efforts to negotiate agreements with additional Title III grantees for 
    referral of participants. (10 points)
    B. Cost Evaluation (25 Points)
        The cost effectiveness of the project as indicated by the 
    relationship of proposed costs to number of participants to be served, 
    the range of services to be provided and the planned outcomes, as 
    compared to other service strategies available for the Title III 
    grantees. The extent to which the budget is justified, and which it 
    supports the planned outcomes.
        Applicants are advised that discussions may be necessary in order 
    to clarify any inconsistencies in their applications. Applications may 
    be rejected where the information required is not provided in 
    sufficient detail to permit adequate assessment of the proposal. The 
    final decision on the award will be based on what is most advantageous 
    to the Federal Government as determined by the ETA Grant Officer.
    Part V. Reporting Requirements
        1. Dislocated Worker Special Project Reports as required.
        2. Standard Form 269, Financial Status Report Form.
        3. Quarterly Progress Reports.
        4. Final Project Report.
        Signed at Washington, DC, this 28th day of October 1994.
    Janice E. Perry,
    Grant Officer.
    BILLING CODE 4510-30-M
    [FR Doc. 94-27275 Filed 11-2-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4510-30-C

Document Information

Employment and Training Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of availability of funds and solicitation for grant application (SGA).
Document Number:
Applications for grant awards will be accepted commencing November 6, 1994. The closing date for receipt of applications will be
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: November 3, 1994