[Federal Register Volume 63, Number 212 (Tuesday, November 3, 1998)]
[Pages 59295-59296]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 98-29349]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. CP99-25-000]
Petal Gas Storage Company; Notice of Application
October 28, 1998.
Take notice that on October 20, 1998, Petal Gas Storage Company
(Petal), 229 Milam Street, Shreveport, Louisiana, 71101, filed in
Docket No. CP99-25-000 an application pursuant to Section 7 of the
Natural Gas Act for authorization to construct and operate a second
underground, salt dome cavern in Mississippi for the storage of natural
gas and to construct and operate related facilities necessary to
provide firm and interruptible gas storage service to others, on a
self-implementing basis with pre-granted abandonment authorization and
at market based rates.
It is stated that Petal, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Crystal Oil
Company, was authorized on August 4, 1993, in Docket No. CP93-69-000 to
construct and operate facilities related to a first storage cavern in
Forrest County, Mississippi. Petal states that it is proposing to
construct a second storage cavern. Petal also states that the second
cavern represents the initial phase of a long-term planned expansion of
Petal's services. It is stated that Phase I, the focus of the subject
filing, is limited in scope, in that, Petal requests authorization to
drill one well, leach a salt storage cavern with a storage capacity of
5.2 Bcf and install 825 feet of flow lines. Petal states that it does
not intend to use the power of eminent domain. Petal further states all
construction activity, except for 412 feet of flow lines on an easement
to be acquired by Petal from Dynegy Midstream Services Limited
Partnership, will take place on a 10.89 acre tract that was subject to
environmental review in Docket No. CP93-69-000 and that Petal owns in
Petal states that Phase II of the expansion project is still in the
planning process; however, it is anticipated that Phase II will involve
the construction of additional pipeline facilities in order to
facilitate bi-directional interconnects with Transcontinental Gas Pipe
Line Corporation, Southern Natural Gas Company, Destin Pipeline
Company, L.L.C., the Koch Gateway Pipeline Company (Koch Gateway) high
pressure system, and Florida Gas Transmission Corporation, which, in
tandem with Petal's current interconnections with Tennessee Gas
Pipeline Company and the Koch Gateway low pressure system, will provide
added flexibility and enable Petal to access new markets. Petal states
that if it does not pursue the Phase II project in conjunction with the
development of the second storage cavern, it will operate both the
first and second storage caverns as a single storage facility for the
benefit of both existing and new customers.
Petal states that it has entered into a precedent agreement for
firm storage service which covers at least 31 percent of the storage
capacity available from the second cavern. In addition, Petal states
that all available capacity in the first cavern is fully utilized.
Further, Petal states that the existing contract commitments for
service from the first storage cavern and the precedent agreement cover
62 percent of the storage capacity from the first and second caverns.
Petal states that since it plans to operate the two caverns as a single
storage facility, customers will have access to capacity in both
storage caverns up to the total quantity reflected in their contracts.
It is stated that upon completion of the second cavern, the two
storage caverns will be capable of a combined average daily injection
rate of 160,000 Mcf per day, allowing customers to fill the working gas
capacity in as little as 40 days, and an average combined daily
withdrawal rate of 640,000 Mcf per day, allowing customers to
completely withdraw gas in 10 days.
Petal proposes to offer its storage services at market-based rates.
No cost data or revenue projections were submitted with this proceeding
because Petal is requesting a waiver of those Commission Regulations
requiring said submission.
Any person desiring to participate in the hearing process or to
make any protest with reference to said application should on or before
November 9, 1998, file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, a motion to intervene
or a protest in accordance with the requirements of the Commission's
Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211) and the
Regulations under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR 157.10). All protests
filed with the Commission will be considered by it in determining the
appropriate action to be taken but will not serve to make the
protestants parties to the proceeding. The Commission's rules require
that protestors provide copies of their protests to the party or
parties directly involved. Any person wishing to become a party to a
proceeding or to participate as a party in any hearing therein must
file a motion to intervene in accordance with the Commission's Rules.
A person obtaining intervenor status will be placed on the service
list maintained by the Secretary of the Commission and will receive
copies of all documents filed by the applicant and by every one of the
intervenors. An intervenor can file for rehearing of any Commission
order and can petition for court review of any such order. However, an
intervenor must submit copies of comments or any other filing it makes
with the Commission to every other intervenor in the proceeding, as
well as 14 copies with the Commission.
A person does not have to intervene, however, in order to have
comments considered. A person, instead, may submit two copies of
comments to the Secretary of the Commission. Commenters will be placed
on the Commission's environmental mailing list, will receive copies of
environmental documents and will be able to participate in meetings
associated with the Commission's environmental review process.
[[Page 59296]]
Commenters will not be required to serve copies of filed documents on
all other parties. However, commenters will not receive copies of all
documents filed by other parties or issued by the Commission and will
not have the right to seek rehearing or appeal the Commission's final
order to a federal court.
The Commission will consider all comments and concerns equally,
whether filed by commenters or those requesting intervenor status.
Take further notice that, pursuant to the authority contained in
and subject to jurisdiction conferred upon the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission by Sections 7 and 15 of the Natural Gas Act and
the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, a hearing will be
held without further notice before the Commission or its designee on
this application if no motion to intervene is filed within the time
required herein, if the Commission on its own review of the matter
finds that a grant of the certificate is required by the public
convenience and necessity. If a motion for leave to intervene is timely
filed, or if the Commission on its own motion believes that a formal
hearing is required, further notice of such hearing will be duly given.
Under the procedure herein provided for, unless otherwise advised,
it will be unnecessary for Petal to appear or be represented at the
Linwood A. Watson, Jr.,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 98-29349 Filed 11-2-98; 8:45 am]