98-29626. Special Conditions: Boeing Model 777 Series Airplanes; Seats With Articulating Seat Backs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 214 (Thursday, November 5, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 59692-59695]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-29626]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 25
    [Docket No. NM148; Special Conditions No. 25-141-SC]
    Special Conditions: Boeing Model 777 Series Airplanes; Seats With 
    Articulating Seat Backs
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
    ACTION: Final special conditions.
    SUMMARY: These special conditions are issued for Boeing Model 777 
    series airplanes with articulating seat backs. The applicable 
    regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for 
    this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional 
    safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to 
    establish a level of safety equivalent to that provided by the existing 
    airworthiness standards.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 7, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeff Gardlin, Propulsion, Mechanical 
    Systems, and Crashworthiness Branch, ANM-112, Transport Airplane 
    Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, FAA, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
    Renton, Washington 98055-4056; telephone (206) 227-2136; facsimile 
    (425) 227-1149.
        On April 15, 1998, the Boeing Company applied for a change to Type 
    Certificate No. T00001SE to include Model 777 series airplanes equipped 
    with seats with articulating seat backs (seats that have a portion of 
    the seat back that moves under inertia loads). Sicma Aero Seat, a 
    Boeing supplier, has designed a seat for installation on a Boeing 777-
    300 airplane with an articulating seat back that is designed to rotate 
    forward under a prescribed inertial load. The prescribed inertial load 
    is slightly below the 16g test condition of Sec. 25.562. The inertial 
    load causes the seat back mounted video monitor and headrest assembly 
    to partially separate from the seat back and pivot forward. The goal of 
    the design is to reduce the mass of the upper seat back subject to 
    impact, thereby reducing the Head Injury Criteria (HIC) measurement and 
    enhancing passenger safety.
        Section 25.562 specifies the dynamic test criteria for each seat 
    type installed in the airplane. The pass/fail criteria for these seats 
    include structural as well as human tolerance criteria. In particular, 
    the regulations require that persons not suffer serious head injury 
    under the conditions specified in the tests, and that a HIC measurement 
    of not more than 1000 units be recorded, should contact with the cabin 
    interior occur. While the test conditions described in this section are 
    specific, it is the intent of the requirement that an adequate level of 
    head injury protection be provided for crash severities up to and 
    including that specified.
        The FAA has established guidance, known as ``simplified HIC 
    certification,'' described in a February 1996 Transport Airplane 
    Directorate memorandum, which provides a simplified procedure for 
    demonstrating compliance with the HIC requirements of 
    Sec. 25.562(c)(5). This procedure provides test conditions that meet 
    the intent of the requirements, without causing excessive testing to be 
    performed. The typical seat back has three areas that are considered 
    head strike zones within the +/-10-degree yaw range of impact 
    orientation. The procedure describes two different tests that address 
    these three head strike zones for the majority of cases.
        Because Sec. 25.562 and FAA guidance do not adequately address 
    seats with articulating seat backs, the FAA recognizes that appropriate 
    pass/fail criteria need to be developed that do fully address the 
    safety concerns specific to occupants of these seats.
    Type Certification Basis
        Under the provisions of 14 CFR 21.101, Boeing must show that Model 
    777 airplanes equipped with seats with articulating seat backs comply 
    with the regulations in the U.S. type certification basis established 
    for the Model 777 airplane. The U.S. type certification basis for the 
    Model 777 is established in accordance with 14 CFR 21.29 and 21.17 and 
    the type certification application date. The U.S. type certification 
    basis is listed in Type Certificate Data Sheet No. T00001SE.
        If the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness 
    regulations (i.e., 14 CFR Part 25 as amended) do not contain adequate 
    or appropriate safety standards for Boeing Model 777 series airplanes 
    because of a novel or unusual design feature, special conditions are 
    prescribed under the provisions of 14 CFR 21.16 to establish a level of 
    safety equivalent to that established in the regulations.
        In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special 
    conditions, the Boeing Model 777 must comply with the fuel vent and 
    exhaust emission requirements of 14 CFR Part 34 and the noise 
    certification requirements of 14 CFR Part 36.
        Special conditions, as appropriate, are issued in accordance with 
    14 CFR 11.49 after public notice, as required by 14 CFR 11.28 and 
    11.29(b), and become part of the type certification basis in accordance 
    with 14 CFR 21.101(b)(2). Special conditions are initially applicable 
    to the model for which they are issued. Should the type certificate for 
    that model be amended later to include any other model that 
    incorporates the same novel or unusual design feature, or should any 
    other model already included on the same type certificate be modified 
    to incorporate the same novel or unusual design feature, the special 
    conditions would also apply to the other model under the provisions of 
    Sec. 21.101(a)(1).
    Novel or Unusual Design Features
        The Boeing Company has proposed installing seats with articulating 
    seat backs on a Boeing Model 777-300 airplane. The articulating seat 
    back is designed to rotate forward under a prescribed inertial load. 
    The prescribed inertial load is slightly below the 16g test condition 
    specified in Sec. 25.562. The inertial load causes the seat back 
    mounted video monitor and headrest
    [[Page 59693]]
    assembly to partially separate from the seat back and pivot forward. 
    The goal of the design is to reduce the mass of the upper seat back 
    subject to impact, thereby reducing the HIC and enhancing passenger 
        The Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) state the performance 
    criteria for head injury protection in objective terms. Additionally, 
    as discussed earlier in this document, the FAA has established further 
    guidance to address head injury protection for the majority of cases. 
    However, none of these criteria are adequate to address the specific 
    issues raised concerning seats with articulating seat backs. The FAA 
    has therefore determined that, in addition to the requirements of 14 
    CFR part 25, special conditions are needed to address requirements 
    particular to installation of seats with articulating seat backs.
        Accordingly, in addition to the passenger injury criteria specified 
    in 14 CFR 25.562 and 25.785, Boeing must also comply with these special 
    conditions for Model 777 series airplanes equipped with seats with 
    articulating seat backs. Note that HIC, which is addressed in this 
    special condition, does not address occupant injury due to contact with 
    sharp edges or protrusions. Damage to the anthropomorphic test device 
    (ATD) may be used as part of the evaluation of protrusions and sharp 
    edges in demonstrating compliance with Sec. 25.785(b). Other conditions 
    may be developed, as needed, based on further FAA review and 
    discussions with the manufacturer and civil aviation authorities.
        The seat with the articulating seat back is a new and complex 
    design that warrants additional requirements to ensure an equivalent 
    level of safety to that provided by the regulations. This seat reduces 
    the effective mass that an occupant contacts during a high inertial 
    load, thereby increasing the amount of head injury protection. However, 
    additional considerations are necessary to ensure that the articulating 
    seat back design does not introduce other hazards to occupants. If the 
    articulating seat back fails to break away at the designed inertial 
    load, the seat back may remain rigid, resulting in a significantly 
    higher head injury than allowed for in the regulations. To ensure that 
    the occupant does not contact a rigid seat back, the seat back must 
    break away each time the designed break away inertial load is 
        In addition, it is important to evaluate the articulating seat back 
    at lower values than the designed break away inertial load. During a 
    lower inertial load, the occupant may also contact the seat. Since the 
    seat will not break away prior to the occupant contacting the seat 
    during this lower inertial load, the occupant may receive a more severe 
    head injury than during an event occurring at the designed break away 
    inertial load. The intent of the regulations is that the occupant is 
    protected from head injury for crash severities up to and including 
    that specified.
        When the articulating seat back breaks away, the video monitor 
    pivots and moves forward, leaving a rectangular opening in the seat 
    back. This opening could pose an entrapment hazard to the person seated 
    behind the seat. During any testing for certification, the head must 
    not become entrapped. In addition, the head must not become entrapped 
    in any other foreseeable operating conditions for the range of 
        The articulating seat back may have protrusions and/or recessed 
    areas (i.e., bottom lip of the seat back opening) that pose a head 
    injury hazard to the occupant during emergency conditions. As stated in 
    Sec. 25.562(c)(5), the head impact for a seat occupant cannot exceed a 
    HIC of 1,000 units. The ``simplified HIC certification'' procedure is 
    commonly used to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 25.562(c)(5). Due to 
    the non-standard articulating seat back configuration, the ``simplified 
    HIC certification'' procedure alone may not be sufficient for 
    demonstrating compliance with Sec. 25.562(c)(5). The ATD must come in 
    contact with these protrusions or recessed areas of the seat back 
    opening during testing. If the ATD does not contact these areas using 
    the ``simplified HIC certification'' procedure, additional testing will 
    be required to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 25.562(c)(5).
    Discussion of Comments
        Notice of Proposed Special Conditions No. 25-98-03-SC for Model 777 
    series airplanes equipped with articulating seat backs was published in 
    the Federal Register on June 4, 1998 (63 FR 30423). Six commenters 
        One commenter had no objection to the special conditions. Two of 
    the commenters generally agreed with the need for special conditions, 
    but requested clarifications regarding certain of the specific 
    conditions. The remaining three commenters did not agree that special 
    conditions were warranted.
        Several commenters requested a more specific definition regarding 
    the level of reliability intended by the special conditions. Commenters 
    contend that, while a reliable system is desirable, the level of 
    reliability should be made clear. The FAA agrees that the term 
    ``reliable'' is open to interpretation and should be clarified. In this 
    context, the FAA intends that the system be demonstrated to perform as 
    reliably as other means of head injury protection. This will require 
    testing to establish that the design results in repeatable performance. 
    The FAA considers that 18 successful tests, without failure, would 
    constitute acceptable performance. The FAA notes that this will require 
    only three dynamic tests, since 6 seatbacks can be tested at once.
        Other commenters discuss the requirement that the HIC be shown to 
    be less than 1000 for other impact conditions, where the seatback does 
    not break away. Some commenters believe that the wording of the special 
    conditions implies multiple tests at various conditions. The intent of 
    this condition is to ensure that the articulating feature will activate 
    at the minimum impact level that could produce 1000 HIC. Therefore, a 
    test at the maximum impact at which the seatback does not deploy that 
    results in a HIC of less than 1000 would be sufficient. The FAA agrees 
    that the wording of this requirement is not entirely clear, and it has 
    been changed accordingly.
        Another comment concerned the discussion in the preamble regarding 
    lacerations and damage to the ATD. The commenters do not agree that the 
    ATD is an acceptable vehicle for making such assessments, and question 
    whether lacerations qualify as ``serious'' injuries. This discussion is 
    not part of the special conditions themselves, but rather an 
    informational aside concerning the utility of the HIC measurement. The 
    FAA is aware that the ATD will not behave in the same manner as a human 
    being with respect to laceration and will take this into account. In 
    this regard, this seat is not considered particularly different than 
    other seats, and therefore no special condition on this matter is 
    proposed. The issue has been adequately addressed on other designs up 
    to now.
        The issue of head entrapment was also the subject of several 
    comments, especially concerning the language ``under any other 
    foreseeable operating or crash conditions.'' The intent of this 
    requirement is to ensure that the opening created in the seatback does 
    not have the potential to entrap an occupant's head, even if the 
    entrapment does not happen to occur during the specific dynamic tests 
    conducted to demonstrate compliance with other
    [[Page 59694]]
    requirements. That is, just because the head of the ATD might not 
    become entrapped does not necessarily indicate that entrapment is not 
    an issue. Nonetheless, the FAA agrees that considering the phrase ``any 
    other foreseeable crash condition'' literally would require an 
    excessive amount of tests. The severity of the impact is considered 
    limited by the requirements of Sec. 25.562. It is the potential for 
    entrapment that might be variable, depending on occupant size, or 
    precise angle of impact. The FAA has determined that these variables 
    can be assessed using the dynamic tests that are conducted as a source 
    of baseline data.
        Another commenter requested quantification of the term 
    ``entrapment,'' and correlation between the energy needed to entrap the 
    head of the ATD, versus what would be required to entrap the head of a 
    person. In this regard, the FAA considers that entrapment of the ATD's 
    head is sufficient to indicate that a person's head would also be 
    entrapped. The remaining conditions, where the ATD's head is not 
    entrapped, but a person's head would be, are difficult to quantify. The 
    FAA does not have quantitative criteria available to make this 
    assessment in advance, but will review the data that are generated. 
    Considering that smaller occupants will not impact the seatback as high 
    as would larger occupants, it may be that the test with the ATD 
    impacting the opening will be sufficient to show compliance. The 
    wording of the special conditions has been modified to reflect the 
    discussion above.
        One commenter notes that the HIC evaluation of a precise impact 
    target (the lip or edge of the opening) specified in the special 
    conditions will be difficult to achieve, due to the variability in such 
    tests. The FAA recognizes that there is difficulty in testing with a 
    precise target, but this should be a test objective. The FAA will 
    consider the results of the tests in conjunction with other data 
    supplied by the applicant to determine compliance with this requirement 
    if a direct assessment proves impractical.
        Three commenters generally disagree with the special conditions and 
    contend that either the conditions are not justified, or that the 
    existing rules already address them.
        One commenter believes that reliability should not be a requirement 
    of the special condition and is not contained within the dynamic test 
    performance standard. Other commenters agree that reliability is an 
    issue, but contend that the existing regulations already require it by 
    virtue of Sec. 25.601, which prohibits use of features that have been 
    shown to be unreliable. The FAA agrees that the dynamic performance 
    standards do not explicitly address reliability. Section 25.601 has not 
    been applied in this manner, and since the features employed here are 
    novel, the feature's reliability has not been demonstrated or 
    determined. Typically in type certification, the assumption is that the 
    type design is represented during certification testing and that all 
    such articles incorporating that type design will perform identically. 
    In this case, the dynamic performance of a feature intended to provide 
    injury protection might be demonstrated only one time. In making this 
    provision a part of the special conditions, the FAA has determined that 
    a single certification test is not adequate to show compliance.
        These commenters also question the need to address HIC when the 
    seatback does not break away. They contend that the conditions as 
    described are too numerous to address, or that the potential for injury 
    in this case is too low to consider. Regarding the former issue, the 
    special condition has been clarified as noted above. Regarding the 
    latter issue, the FAA would be willing to consider the question of 
    whether the potential for HIC greater than 1000 was negligible when the 
    seatback does not break away, if there are credible data to support 
    that conclusion. Nonetheless, the issue needs to be addressed, whether 
    or not additional tests result.
        These commenters also questioned the issue of entrapment of the 
    head as already addressed by the regulations. Owing to the particular 
    design, the issue of entrapment is not considered to the extent 
    necessary by the current regulations. As discussed above, the 
    performance of the ATD in a particular test may not be indicative of 
    the situation in general. In this case, the design tends to create a 
    potential area for head entrapment as part of its intended operation. 
    This must be addressed explicitly.
        Commenters question whether the issue of HIC on the seatback 
    opening is a requirement at all. These commenters contend that if no 
    contact with the opening occurs during a certification test, then it is 
    not required to be substantiated directly. The commenters cite previous 
    FAA guidance concerning establishment of head strike envelopes and 
    simplified test methods. The FAA notes that the methods cited are 
    dependent on more or less homogeneous contact surfaces that are not 
    sensitive to minor variation in head path. The articulating seatback 
    creates a discontinuity in the impact surface that can only be 
    addressed directly. That is, if the discontinuous area is within the 
    headstrike envelope it does not fall under the guidance previously 
    issued. As noted above, the FAA recognizes the difficulty in trying to 
    assess a specific target, but this must be the objective.
        Comments related to the consideration of sharp edges parallel those 
    discussed earlier, and again, are not part of the special conditions 
        Many commenters also noted that proposed Special Condition 5 is 
    essentially a restatement of Sec. 25.562(c)(8). After further 
    consideration, the FAA agrees that this special condition is redundant, 
    and it is therefore withdrawn.
        Except as noted above, the special conditions for the Model 777 
    series airplanes equipped with articulating seat backs are adopted as 
        As discussed above, these special conditions are applicable to the 
    Model 777 series airplanes. Should Boeing apply at a later date for a 
    change to the type certificate to include another model incorporating 
    the same novel or unusual design feature, the special conditions would 
    apply to that model as well under the provisions of 14 CFR 
        This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features 
    on the Boeing Model 777 series airplanes. It is not a rule of general 
    applicability, and it affects only the manufacturer who applied to the 
    FAA for approval of these features on the airplane.
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
        Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.
        The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.
    The Special Conditions
        Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the 
    Administrator, the following special conditions are issued as part of 
    the type certification basis for Boeing Model 777 series airplanes 
    equipped with seats with articulating seat backs:
        1. The articulating seat back must reliably break away at the 
    designed inertial load.
        2. The HIC value must not exceed 1,000 units under the maximum 
    inertia loading conditions under which the articulating seat back will 
    not break away.
    [[Page 59695]]
        3. The head must not become entrapped in the seat back opening 
    created by the articulating seat back, during any testing conducted to 
    demonstrate compliance with Secs. 25.562 and 25.785(b), and these 
    special conditions. The head must also not become entrapped in the seat 
    back opening during any other foreseeable operating conditions.
        4. The HIC must not exceed 1,000 units for any obvious protrusions 
    or recessed areas of the seat back opening (i.e., bottom lip of the 
    seat back opening). The anthropomorphic test device (ATD) must come in 
    contact with these protrusions or recessed areas of the seat back 
        Issued in Renton, Washington, on October 23, 1998.
    John J. Hickey,
    Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
    [FR Doc. 98-29626 Filed 11-4-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Final special conditions.
Document Number:
December 7, 1998.
59692-59695 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. NM148, Special Conditions No. 25-141-SC
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
14 CFR 25.562(c)(5)