98-29648. Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 214 (Thursday, November 5, 1998)]
    [Pages 59806-59807]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-29648]
    Office of the Secretary
    Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
    November 2, 1998.
        The Department of Labor (DOL) has submitted the following public 
    information collection requests (ICRs) to the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). A copy of 
    each individual ICR, with applicable supporting documentation, may be 
    obtained by calling the Department of Labor, Departmental Clearance 
    Officer, Todd R. Owen (202 219-5096 ext. 143) or by E-mail to Owen-
        Comments should be sent to the Office of Information and Regulatory 
    Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk Officer for MSHA, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503 (202 395-7316), within 30 days 
    from the date of this publication in the Federal Register.
        The OMB is particularly interested in comments which:
        * Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
    necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
    including whether the information will have practical utility;
        * Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of 
    the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 
    methodology and assumptions used;
        * Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
    be collected; and
        * Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who 
    are to respond, including through the use of appropriated automated, 
    electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
    other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
    submission of responses.
        Agency: Mine Safety and Health Administration.
        Title: Radiation Sampling and Exposure Records.
        OMB Number: 1219-0003 (Extension).
        Frequency: Weekly.
        Affected Public: Business or other for-profit.
        Number of Respondents: 20.
        Estimated Time Per Respondent: 10 minutes.
        Total Burden Hours: 8,000.
        Total Annualized Capital/startup Costs: $0.
        Total Annual (operating/maintaining): $182,500.
        Description: Airborne radon and radon daughters exist in every 
    uranium mine and several other underground mining commodities. Radon is 
    a radioactive gas. Operators are required to conduct weekly sampling 
    where the fluctuation in radiation is substantial or concentrations of 
    radon daughters exceed 0.3 WL. Monthly sampling is required where mines 
    have consistent readings of 0.3 WL or less. The mine operators are 
    required to keep records of all mandatory samplings, retained the 
    results at the mine site or nearest mine office for two years.
        Agency: Mine Safety and Health Administration.
        Title: Notification of Legal Identity.
        OMB Number: 1219-0008 (Extension).
        Agency Form Number: MSHA Form 2000-7.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Affected Public: Business or other for-profit.
        Estimated Time Per Respondent: 23 minutes.
        Total Responses: 6,307.
        Total Burden Hours: 6,307.
        Total Annualized Capital/startup Costs: $0.
        Total Annual (operating/maintaining): $2,018.
        Description: Requires mine operators to file with MSHA the name and 
    address of the mine and the name and address of the persons who control 
    and operate the mine, and any revisions of such names and addresses. 
    The information is used to identify persons chargeable with violations 
    of safety and health standards, in the assessment of civil penalties, 
    and in the service of legal documents.
        Agency: Mine Safety and Health Administration.
        Title: Application for Waiver of Surface Facilities Requirement.
        OMB Number: 1219-0024 (Reinstatement).
        Frequency: On Occasion.
        Affected Public: Business or other for-profit.
        Number of Respondents: 419.
        Estimated Time Per Respondent: 30 minutes.
        Total Burden Hours: 470 hours.
                       Category                     Applications    Minutes       Salary     Total cost     burden
    Initial for management........................           419           20          $43       $6,020          140
    Initial for clerical..........................  ............           10           17        1,190           70
    Exception for management......................           521           10           43        3,741           87
    Exception for clerical........................  ............           10           17        1,479           87
        Totals....................................           940  ...........  ...........       12,430          384
    [[Page 59807]]
        Total Annualized Capital/startup Costs: $0.
        Total Annual (operating/maintaining): $0.
        Description: Coal mine operators are required to provide bathing 
    facilities, clothing change rooms, and sanitary flush toilet facilities 
    in a location convenient for use of the miners. If the operator is 
    unable to meet any or all of the requirements, he/she may apply for a 
    waiver. Applications are filed with the District Manager for the 
    district in which the mine is located.
        Agency: Mine Safety and Health Administration.
        Title: Respirator Program Records.
        OMB Number: 1219-0048 (Extension).
        Frequency: On Occasion.
        Affected Public: Business or other for-profit.
        Number of Respondents: 2,700.
        Estimated Time Per Respondent: 5-one half hours.
        Total Burden Hours: 3,973.
        Total Annualized Capital/startup Costs: $0.
        Total Burden Costs (operating/maintaining): $131,666.
        Description: Where protective equipment or respirators are required 
    because of exposure to harmful substances, MSHA regulations require a 
    written respirator program that addresses such issues as selection, 
    fitting, use, and maintenance of respirators to ensure that workers are 
    properly and effectively using the equipment, and that such equipment 
    offers adequate protection for workers. Records of fit-testing are 
    essential for determining that the worker is wearing the proper 
    respirator. Certain records are also required to be kept in connection 
    with respirators, including records of the date of issuance of the 
    respirator, and fit-test results. The fit-testing records are essential 
    for determining that the worker is wearing the proper respirator.
        Agency: Mine Safety and Health Administration.
        Title: Rock Burst Control Plan.
        OMB Number: 1219-0097 (Extension).
        Frequency: On Occasion.
        Affected Public: Business or other for-profit.
        Number of Respondents: 2.
        Estimated Time Per Respondent: 12 hours.
        Total Burden Hours: 24 hours.
        Total Annualized Capital/startup Costs: $0.
        Total Annual (operating/maintaining): $864.
        Description: Rock bursts in an underground mine pose a serious 
    threat to the safety of miners in the area affected by the burst. These 
    bursts may reasonably be expected to result in the entrapment of 
    miners, death, and serious physical harm. Title 30 Section 57.3461 
    requires operators of underground metal and nonmetal mines to develop a 
    rock burst control plan within 90 days after a rock burst has been 
    Todd R. Owen,
    Departmental Clearance Officer.
    [FR Doc. 98-29648 Filed 11-4-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4510-43-M

Document Information

Labor Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
59806-59807 (2 pages)
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