99-28732. Organization; Termination of Farm Credit Status  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 214 (Friday, November 5, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 60370-60383]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-28732]
    12 CFR Part 611
    RIN 3052-AB86
    Organization; Termination of Farm Credit Status
    AGENCY: Farm Credit Administration.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This proposed rule will amend Farm Credit Administration's 
    (FCA) regulations that will allow a Farm Credit System (FCS, Farm 
    Credit or System) institution to terminate its FCS charter and become a 
    financial institution under another Federal or State chartering 
    authority. The purpose of our proposal is to amend the existing 
    regulations so they apply to all banks and associations and to make 
    other changes. We also withdraw a proposed termination rule published 
    in 1993.
    DATES: Please send your comments to us on or before February 3, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: We encourage you to send comments via electronic mail to 
    reg-comm@fca.gov'' or through the Pending Regulations section of our 
    interactive website at ``www.fca.gov.'' You may mail or deliver 
    comments to Patricia W. DiMuzio, Director, Regulation and Policy 
    Division, Office of Policy and Analysis, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, 
    McLean, VA, 22102-5090 or send by facsimile transmission to (703) 734-
    5784. You may review copies of all comments we receive in the Office of 
    Policy and Analysis, FCA.
    Alan Markowitz, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Policy and Analysis, 
    Farm Credit Administration, McLean, VA 22102-5090, (703) 883-4479;
    Rebecca S. Orlich, Senior Attorney, Office of General Counsel, Farm 
    Credit Administration, McLean, VA 22102-5090, (703) 883-4020, TDD (703) 
    I. Objectives
        The objectives of our proposed rule are to:
         Provide a termination procedure for Farm Credit 
    associations and banks that implements section 7.10 of the Farm Credit 
    Act of 1971, as amended (1971 Act);
         Ensure that all equity holders of a terminating 
    institution are treated fairly and equitably;
         Ensure that stockholder disclosure materials are easy to 
    read and understand;
         Ensure that the remaining FCS institutions can continue 
    fulfilling their congressional mandate of serving the credit needs of 
    farmers, ranchers, and cooperatives; and
         Ensure that the remaining FCS institutions are able to 
    operate safely and soundly.
    II. Background
        The Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 \1\ (1987 Act) amended the 1971 
    Act by adding section 7.10--Termination of System Institution Status. 
    Section 7.10 allows an FCS institution to terminate its status as a 
    Farm Credit institution if the institution:
        \1\ Public Law 100-233, 101 Stat. 1568 (1988).
         Provides advance notice to us at least 90 days before 
         Receives Federal or State approval of a charter for a 
    bank, savings and loan or other financial institution;
         Receives our approval;
         Receives the approval of a majority of the institution's 
    voting stockholders;
         Pays or adequately provides for the payment of all its 
    outstanding debt obligations;
         Pays to the Farm Credit Insurance Fund (Insurance Fund) an 
    amount by which the institution's capital exceeds 6 percent of its 
    assets; and
         Fulfills any other conditions that we, by regulation, 
    consider appropriate.
        In addition to the requirements of section 7.10, section 7.11 of 
    the 1971 Act requires that any plan of termination, including all 
    information to be distributed to the stockholders, must be submitted to 
    us for approval prior to the stockholder vote. Section 7.11 requires us 
    to act on the plan of termination and related disclosure materials 
    within 60 days of their submission to us. If we take no action, the 
    institution may submit its proposal to stockholders. If we disapprove 
    the plan, our notice to the institution must specify the reasons for 
        On December 18, 1989, we published an Advance Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking (ANPRM) \2\ requesting comments on the manner and process 
    for implementing the new termination procedures. On July 12, 1990, we 
    published a proposed rule authorizing the termination of Farm Credit 
    status for small associations only.\3\ An association is defined as 
    ``small'' when its investment in its affiliated Farm Credit Bank (FCB) 
    is 25 percent or less of the bank's capital, or when its loan from the 
    FCB totals 25 percent or less of the bank's total loans. On January 30, 
    1991, we published the current final rule that establishes the 
    procedure for small associations.\4\
        \2\ See 54 FR 51763.
        \3\ See 55 FR 28639.
        \4\ See 56 FR 3397.
        On March 19, 1993, we published a proposed rule establishing a 
    procedure for the termination of large associations, FCBs and banks for 
    cooperatives (BCs) and revisions to the regulations on the termination 
    of FCS status for small associations (1993 proposed rule).\5\ The 1993 
    proposed rule also included requirements enacted in the Farm Credit 
    Banks and Associations Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 (1992 Act).\6\ 
    The 1992 Act amended the 1971 Act by increasing our time to review the 
    application from 30 days to 60 days and clarifying provisions for the 
    repayment of assistance for debt obligations issued by the Farm Credit 
    System Financial Assistance Corporation (FAC).
        \5\ See 58 FR 15099.
        \6\ Public Law 102-552, 106 Stat. 4102 (1992).
    [[Page 60371]]
        After the comment period for the 1993 proposed rule closed, we 
    decided that additional public comment was needed. On July 26, 1993, we 
    published a resolicitation of comments that explained how the exit fee 
    was to be calculated and provided examples. In addition, we clarified 
    other provisions of the 1993 proposed rule.
        We took no further action on the 1993 proposed rule. We now 
    withdraw the 1993 proposal and propose amendments to the existing rule. 
    This proposal has similarities to the existing rule and the 1993 
    proposal but differs in several significant respects as follows:
        1. There are no separate subparts for FCB and agricultural credit 
    bank terminations. The 1993 proposal had three separate subparts.
        2. The date on which a terminating institution's exit fee is 
    calculated is the termination date. The information statement will 
    include a ``preliminary exit fee estimate,'' calculated as of the 
    quarterend before the termination application is filed, with any 
    adjustments we may require. In the existing rule and 1993 proposal, the 
    date of the exit fee calculation is the quarterend before the 
    termination application is filed.
        3. A terminating institution must pay 110 percent of the 
    preliminary exit fee estimate, with any adjustments we may require, 
    into an escrow account on the termination date. It must also pay into 
    escrow 110 percent of the amount of stock retirements to dissenting 
    stockholders and System institutions. After an independent audit to 
    determine the final exit fee, the escrow agent will disburse the funds.
        4. A terminating association may repay its direct loan on a 
    schedule agreed to by its bank, without a time limit on the repayment 
    period. In the existing rule and the 1993 proposal, the association 
    must repay the loan in 3 years or less.
        5. A Farm Credit bank does not have to enter into an agreement with 
    a terminating affiliated association regarding when the bank will 
    retire the association's investment. Instead, the bank may retire the 
    investment according to an existing capital revolvement plan or may 
    make some other retirement agreement with the association. In the 
    absence of a revolvement plan or other agreement with the association, 
    the bank must retire the investment on or before the date the 
    association (or the successor institution) repays its direct loan. In 
    the existing rule and the 1993 proposal, the FCA must specify how the 
    investment is retired if the bank and the association cannot agree.
        6. System institutions with investments in a terminating 
    institution have the option to exchange their investments for equity in 
    the successor institution. In the existing rule and the 1993 proposal, 
    the terminating institution must retire equity held by other System 
    institutions (other than an affiliated bank) at termination.
        7. In the existing rule and the 1993 proposal, the adjusted book 
    value of dissenting stockholders' equities is calculated after the exit 
    fee. The terminating institution must, in effect, pay dissenting 
    stockholders out of the total capital the successor institution may 
    retain. In our proposal, a dissenting stockholder receives the adjusted 
    book value for his equity, calculated before the exit fee is paid. The 
    terminating institution pays dissenting stockholders before the 
    calculation of the total capital it may retain for the successor 
    institution. In addition, the calculation of a non-terminating 
    association's interest in a terminating bank is unchanged from the 1993 
        8. A terminating bank's payment to the FAC is to be based only on 
    the retail loan volume of the bank, the associations terminating with 
    it, and any association maintaining its direct loan with the 
    terminating bank after termination. The 1993 proposal did not specify 
    whether the retail loan volume of a non-terminating affiliated 
    association would be included in the calculation of a terminating 
    bank's FAC payment.
        9. We have rewritten the rule using plain language principles. 
    Those principles are: short sentences; minimal use of defined terms and 
    highly technical words; the active voice; and the use of ``we'' or 
    ``us'' for the FCA and ``you'' for the terminating institution.
        Below is a section-by-section analysis of the proposed rule.
    III. Section-by-Section Analysis
        Our section-by-section analysis of the proposed rule generally 
    discusses only those sections where we have recommended substantive 
    Section 611.1200  Applicability of These Regulations
        This section is amended to be applicable to all FCS banks and 
    associations. The existing rule applies only to small associations.
    Section 611.1205  Definitions That Apply in Subpart P
        We propose a number of changes to this section. The terms 
    ``terminating association,'' ``terminating resolution,'' and 
    ``termination vote'' would be deleted since they are explained in other 
    sections of these regulations. We propose to replace the definition of 
    ``GAAP'' with a reference to the definition of ``generally accepted 
    accounting principles'' in our accounting regulations, which are in 
    part 621 of this chapter. Our proposal would move the definition of 
    ``assets'' from existing Sec. 611.1240 to this section, because the 
    term is also used in other sections of the termination regulations.
    Section 611.1210  Commencement Resolution and Advance Notice
        We propose to amend Sec. 611.1210(b)(1) by requiring the 
    terminating institution to send a certified copy of the commencement 
    resolution to us and the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation 
    (FCSIC). A terminating association must also send a copy to its 
    affiliated bank. A terminating bank must also send a copy to its 
    affiliated associations, the other FCS banks, and the Federal Farm 
    Credit Banks Funding Corporation (Funding Corporation). We would revise 
    Sec. 611.1210(b)(2) to clarify that the brief announcement to all 
    equity holders must describe the specific effect of termination on the 
    equities held and on any borrower rights.
        Existing Sec. 611.1210(c)(1) requires a terminating institution to 
    submit to us an estimate of its exit fee with an explanation of how it 
    was calculated. We propose to eliminate this requirement. We also 
    propose to eliminate existing Sec. 611.1210(c)(2) and (3), which 
    contain a procedure for the FCA to confirm the terminating 
    institution's exit fee before submission of the termination 
    application. We believe that we can review the terminating 
    institution's exit fee calculations during our 60-day statutory review 
        Proposed Sec. 611.1210(c) would require a terminating bank to begin 
    negotiations with the remaining FCS banks on the terminating bank's 
    satisfaction of its share of Systemwide obligations under section 4.4 
    of the 1971 Act. The Funding Corporation, at its option, may 
    participate in these negotiations and be a party to the agreement 
    referred to in Sec. 611.1260(c) to the extent necessary for the Funding 
    Corporation to fulfill its duties with respect to financing and 
        Proposed Sec. 611.1210(e) allows a terminating bank to continue to 
    participate in Systemwide debt obligations until the date of 
    termination. Existing Sec. 611.1210(e) has been redesignated as (f).
    [[Page 60372]]
    Section 611.1215  Prohibited Acts
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1226 as Sec. 611.1215. 
    This section is substantially similar to the existing rule on 
    prohibited acts, except that we have expanded its application to 
    prospective, as well as current, equity holders.
    Section 611.1220  Filing of Termination Application
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1211 as Sec. 611.1220. 
    The substance of this section is unchanged from the existing rule, 
    except that we would require five copies of a termination application. 
    This is the same number of copies we require for other types of 
    corporate applications, such as mergers. However, should an institution 
    send us the application in electronic form, it must send us at least 
    one hard copy application with original signatures.
    Section 611.1221  Filing of Termination Application--Timing
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1212 as Sec. 611.1221. 
    We propose to eliminate the references to the filing date and the 10-
    day review period for technical completeness in existing 
    Sec. 611.1212(a) and (b). We also propose to reduce the 60-day advance 
    notice requirement in existing Sec. 611.1212(c) to 30 days. If we 
    receive the termination application less than 30 days after receiving 
    the advance notice as required by redesignated Sec. 611.1221(b), we may 
    disapprove the application. The 30-day time period is now adequate as a 
    result of statutory changes that provided us with an additional 30 days 
    to act on a termination application.
    Section 611.1222  Plan of Termination--Contents
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1230 as Sec. 611.1222. 
    This section is substantially similar to the existing rule.
    Section 611.1223  Information Statement--Contents
        We propose to redesignate Sec. 611.1225 as Sec. 611.1223. Proposed 
    Sec. 611.1223 has a new requirement to draft the information statement 
    according to plain language principles. We believe System institutions 
    should make their communications with stockholders easy to read and 
    understand, just as we have undertaken to do in communications with 
    System institutions and the public. Since last October, we have been 
    complying with a Presidential directive to write communications in 
    plain, everyday language and use short sentences, the active voice, and 
    the pronoun ``you'' where appropriate. We strongly endorse the 
    President's directive and believe that using plain language saves the 
    Government and the public time, effort, and money.\7\
        \7\ Presidential Memorandum on Plain Lanauge in Government 
    Writing (63 FR 31883, June 10, 1998). The FCA, as an independent 
    agency, is not obligated to comply but is doing so voluntarily.
        Our proposal has a requirement to draft the information statement 
    in a clear, concise and understandable manner using:
         Short sentences;
         Active voice;
         Tabular presentation or bullet lists for complex material, 
    whenever possible; and
          No legal jargon or highly technical business terms.
        Our proposal is modeled on the plain English rule of the Securities 
    and Exchange Commission (SEC) that applies to prospectuses.\8\ The 
    SEC's rule, which went into effect on October 1, 1998, is the result of 
    a joint effort by that agency and a number of regulated companies to 
    improve their disclosure documents for the benefit of investors, their 
    ultimate users. Our new requirement would give the same benefit to the 
    stockholders of a terminating institution by applying the same general 
    principles to the information statement.
        \8\ The SEC's plain English rule for prospectuses is set forth 
    at 17 CFR 230.421. For additional guidance, you should consult the 
    SEC's plain English Handbook, which is available on the SEC's 
    website at www.sec.gov.
        Proposed Sec. 611.1223(d)(2) contains a new requirement to specify 
    the amounts of the estimated exit fee and the estimated expenses of 
    termination and organization of the successor institution. It also 
    separates the statutory requirement to list the benefits and 
    disadvantages of the termination from the explanation of the board's 
    basis for recommending the termination. We believe a separate 
    discussion of this information will be important to stockholders in 
    their evaluation of the termination proposal. The rest of proposed 
    Sec. 611.1223 contains substantially the same requirements as the 
    existing rule except that we propose to require a balance sheet and 
    income statement for each of the 3 preceding years. We believe it is 
    important for stockholders to have an additional year of financial 
    information to review to provide a complete picture of the proposed 
    Section 611.1230  FCA Review and Approval
        We propose to redesignate Sec. 611.1215 as Sec. 611.1230. We 
    propose to amend this section to remove the references to the filing 
    date and extend our review period from 30 days to 60 days, to implement 
    the change made to section 7.11(a)(2) of the 1971 Act by the 1992 Act. 
    In proposed new Sec. 611.1230(b), we would retain the right to deny a 
    termination if we determine that the termination would have a material 
    adverse effect on the ability of the remaining FCS institutions to 
    adequately serve agriculture. We do not believe Congress intended 
    section 7.10 to jeopardize the ability of the System to continue to 
    fulfill its congressional mandate of serving the credit needs of 
    farmers, ranchers and their cooperatives.
        Finally, existing Sec. 611.1215(f) is redesignated as 
    Sec. 611.1230(d). We propose to clarify that, if a reconsideration vote 
    is held, the termination cannot occur earlier than 15 days after the 
    reconsideration vote.
    Section 611.1240  Voting Record Date and Stockholder Approval
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1220 as Sec. 611.1240. 
    While we have rewritten this section, it does not differ in substance 
    from the existing rule.
    Section 611.1245  Stockholder Reconsideration
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1235 as Sec. 611.1245. 
    We have streamlined and simplified this section and amended the 
    provision to require that stockholders submit the petition to us rather 
    than the institution for review.
    Section 611.1250  Preliminary Exit Fee Estimate
        This proposal contains significant revisions to the timing of the 
    exit fee calculations for banks and associations. First, in proposed 
    Sec. 611.1250 we add a ``preliminary exit fee estimate'' requirement to 
    be calculated as of the quarterend before the institution files its 
    termination application. Second, the computation date for the ``final 
    exit fee,'' which is described in proposed Sec. 611.1255, would be the 
    actual termination date. These proposals differ from the existing rule, 
    which requires the institution to estimate its exit fee after the 
    commencement resolution and to calculate the actual exit fee as of the 
    quarterend before filing the termination application.
        We believe that calculating the exit fee on the termination date is 
    more consistent with the 1971 Act's requirement. A calculation at this 
    later date allows us to take into account all of the financial changes 
    that occur up to and including the final date on which the institution 
    is chartered as a System institution. We would still require an 
    estimate of the exit fee as of the quarterend before the terminating 
    institution files its application. This
    [[Page 60373]]
    estimated exit fee, with any adjustments we require, would be used to 
    explain the costs of termination to stockholders in the information 
        Proposed Sec. 611.1250(a) explains how to calculate the preliminary 
    exit fee estimate for an association. Assets and liabilities would 
    continue to be based on the average daily balances for the 12 months 
    ending on the computation date. We have also kept the requirements that 
    the account balances be independently audited and conform with GAAP. We 
    may waive the requirement for an independent audit if one was performed 
    as of a date less than 6 months before the filing of the termination 
        As described below, we propose to require a terminating association 
    to add or subtract certain amounts from the assets and liabilities. 
    Some of these amounts must be calculated on an average daily balance in 
    order not to distort the effect of adding or subtracting the amounts. 
    Other amounts, which are estimates of future transactions or expenses 
    that we expect to be recorded on or close to the termination date, will 
    not be averaged for this calculation.
        We have kept the requirement that the terminating association must 
    add back to assets expenses it has incurred because it is seeking to 
    terminate its System status. We continue to believe that termination 
    expenses are organizational expenses of the successor institution and 
    are its responsibility. Thus, we propose not allowing such expenses 
    when determining the exit fee.
        In the 1993 proposed rule, we proposed to allow terminating 
    institutions to subtract from their exit fees the FAC liabilities and 
    certain tax liabilities that are due as a result of terminating. We are 
    again allowing the deductions in this proposed rule, but the deductions 
    will be from assets instead of the exit fee. This proposed amendment 
    would not materially affect the amount of the exit fee to be paid.
        The tax liability we refer to in proposed 
    Sec. 611.1250(a)(4)(ii)(B) generally relates to patronage distributions 
    that some banks allocated to their associations prior to the issuance 
    of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109. We believe that 
    the net value of such patronage to the institution should be the same, 
    whenever received, and therefore believe that it is appropriate to 
    calculate capital based on the after-tax impact of all patronage 
        A terminating institution must make adjustments to assets and 
    liabilities for significant future transactions that it reasonably 
    expects to occur on or before the termination date. This is not 
    intended to include nominal transactions or most expenses that occur in 
    the normal course of business. We do expect a terminating institution 
    to include non-routine or significant transactions such as retirements 
    of equities, loan repayments, gains or losses on the sale of assets, 
    and patronage distributions.
        On the liability side of the balance sheet, a terminating must 
    subtract from liabilities any GAAP liability that we treat as 
    regulatory capital for capital or collateral purposes. We believe this 
    approach is fair and equitable, and it is consistent with the treatment 
    of regulatory capital by the other Federal financial institution 
    regulatory agencies.
        A terminating institution must also make any adjustments that we 
    require under Sec. 611.1250(c), as we do under existing 
    Sec. 611.1240(e).
        After making the necessary adjustments to assets and liabilities, 
    the preliminary total capital will be calculated by subtracting 
    liabilities from assets. The preliminary exit fee estimate will be the 
    amount by which the total capital exceeds 6 percent of assets, as 
        Proposed Sec. 611.1250(b) explains how to calculate the preliminary 
    exit fee estimate when the terminating institution is a bank. The exit 
    fee for a bank is based on the combined balance sheets of the bank and 
    any affiliated associations that are terminating with it. The bank's 
    portion would be the difference between the exit fee based on the 
    combined balance sheets and the exit fees for the terminating 
    associations calculated as if they were terminating alone. If there are 
    no associations terminating with the bank, the exit fee is based solely 
    on the bank's balance sheet.
        The first of four steps in calculating a bank's preliminary exit 
    fee estimate is to calculate the exit fee for the terminating 
    associations as if they were terminating alone, according to 
    Sec. 611.1250(a). The second step is to adjust the bank's assets in the 
    same manner as for an association, with the following three exceptions. 
    A terminating bank must:
         Subtract from assets the average daily balances of the 
    equity investments held by affiliated associations that are not 
         Subtract from assets and liabilities the direct loans to 
    affiliated associations that are not terminating.
         Add to assets the estimated amount of FAC payments it will 
    receive from the terminating institutions. This offsets the deduction 
    the bank makes when it adjusts its balance sheet for its payment to the 
        The third step is combining the bank's adjusted balance sheet with 
    the adjusted balance sheets of the terminating associations in 
    conformity with GAAP, using cross-elimination methods. For purposes of 
    termination, total capital is calculated by subtracting the adjusted 
    liabilities from adjusted assets of the combined balance sheets. 
    Lastly, the adjusted assets of the combined balance sheets are 
    multiplied by 6 percent. Subtracting this amount from the total capital 
    results in the preliminary exit fee estimate for the combined entity. 
    The bank's portion will be the difference between the preliminary exit 
    fee estimate of the combined balance sheets and the total of exit fees 
    for the terminating associations calculated in the first step. Although 
    it is unlikely, if the exit fees of the terminating associations exceed 
    the exit fee of the combined entity, the associations would pay their 
    exit fees, and the bank would have no exit fee.
        Proposed Sec. 611.1250(c) is essentially the same as 
    Sec. 611.1240(e) in the existing regulations. It provides that we will 
    review the transactions of the institution for the 3-year period prior 
    to the termination resolution and will require adjustments, in order to 
    assure that account balances are accurate. In addition, we may require 
    adjustments to reverse the effect of transactions outside the ordinary 
    course of business.
    Section 611.1255  Exit Fee Calculation
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1240 as Sec. 611.1255. 
    We are proposing to move the definition for assets that is in existing 
    Sec. 611.1240 to Sec. 611.1205 and to remove the definitions for total 
    capital and contingent liabilities as unnecessary. Proposed 
    Sec. 611.1255(a) describes the exit fee calculation for a terminating 
    association. The final exit fee calculation is similar to the 
    preliminary exit fee estimate, but there are several differences. One 
    difference is that amounts estimated for the preliminary exit fee 
    estimate will be known, and adjustments will be made for actual 
    amounts. Another difference is that a terminating association must 
    account for the retirement of equities of dissenting stockholders. To 
    account for these retirements, the association must subtract from 
    assets the equity retired to dissenting stockholders on the termination 
    date before computing the exit fee. Dissenters' equity is not deducted 
    in the preliminary exit fee estimate because a terminating institution 
    would not know or be able to reasonably estimate the number of 
    dissenters or the amount of their equity.
    [[Page 60374]]
        Subtracting payments to dissenters from assets before calculating 
    total capital is a change from the existing regulation. In the existing 
    regulation, because the exit fee is calculated before dissenting 
    stockholders' equities are retired, the terminating institution in 
    effect pays the dissenters out of the capital it would otherwise take 
    to the successor institution. Another change from the existing 
    regulation is in determining the book value of dissenting stockholders' 
    equity. We propose to determine it before the exit fee is calculated. 
    In the existing regulation, the book value is determined based on the 
    capital the institution has after it pays the exit fee. In re-examining 
    this issue, we decided to make this change so that all stockholders 
    whose equity in the terminating institution is retired, including 
    retail borrowers and non-terminating associations, would be treated in 
    the same manner. Another reason for the change is that the book value 
    would be similar to what it would be if the association liquidated 
        Proposed Sec. 611.1255(b) describes the final exit fee calculation 
    for a terminating bank. As is the case with a terminating association, 
    the final exit fee calculation for a bank is similar to the preliminary 
    exit fee estimate. Again, the main differences between the preliminary 
    estimate and the final exit fee are that actual values are used instead 
    of estimates and the bank must subtract the equity retirements of 
    dissenting stockholders as part of the final exit fee calculation. The 
    amount is subtracted from assets before calculating the exit fee. In 
    addition, the bank must subtract from assets and liabilities the direct 
    loans to non-terminating affiliated associations only if they repay or 
    transfer their loans before the bank terminates.
        Proposed Sec. 611.1255(c) covers payment of the exit fee and 
    retirements of equity to dissenting stockholders. The terminating 
    institution must deposit in an escrow account, acceptable to the FCSIC 
    and us, an amount equal to 110 percent of the preliminary exit fee 
    estimate with adjustments based on information available on the 
    termination date. We will adjust the preliminary exit fee estimate to 
    account for stock retirements to dissenting stockholders and System 
    institutions, and any other adjustments we require. We believe this 
    will be more accurate than using the preliminary exit fee estimate 
    disclosed in the information statement because it replaces the 
    estimated amounts for FAC obligations, taxes, and other expenses with 
    actual amounts. It also includes stock retirements. As stated above, 
    the final exit fee must be based on an independent audit of the 
    terminating institution as of the termination date. The final account 
    balances and final exit fee will not be known, and the final audit will 
    not be completed, for several weeks or months after the termination. 
    Thus, the estimated exit fee must be held in escrow until we know the 
    final account balances and have calculated the final exit fee. In 
    addition, the terminating institution also must deposit in escrow an 
    amount equal to 110 percent of the equity retired to dissenting 
    stockholders pending the final audit.
        Proposed Sec. 611.1255(d) describes the pay-out of escrow following 
    completion of the independent audit. Following the audit, we will 
    calculate the final exit fee and the amount owed to stockholders. We 
    will direct the escrow agent to pay the exit fee to the Insurance Fund 
    and to pay amounts owed to dissenting stockholders. The escrow agent 
    will then return any remaining amounts to the successor institution. If 
    the escrowed funds are not enough to cover the exit fee or the amounts 
    owed to stockholders, proposed Sec. 611.1255(e) requires the successor 
    institution to pay any shortfall to the escrow agent for distribution 
    to the appropriate parties. We will require the terminating institution 
    to sign a statement binding the successor institution to pay additional 
    amounts owed to dissenting stockholders and System institutions.
    Section 611.1260  Payment of Debts and Assessments--Terminating 
        We propose to redesignate existing Sec. 611.1250 as Sec. 611.1260. 
    Proposed Sec. 611.1260 would continue to apply only to terminating 
    associations. We propose to delete existing Sec. 611.1250(b) because we 
    believe it is unnecessary. We propose to redesignate Sec. 611.1250(c) 
    as Sec. 611.1260(b) and remove the 3-year limitation for a terminating 
    association that does not become an ``other financing institution'' to 
    repay its debt obligations to its affiliated bank. Without the time 
    limit, a bank will have the flexibility to set its own repayment terms 
    as necessary for the bank to manage the risk on its balance sheet and 
    its debt structure. However, if a terminating association is unable to 
    reach agreement with its bank for repaying its obligations, the 
    association must repay its obligations at termination. We also propose 
    new Sec. 611.1260(d) that requires a terminating association to pay its 
    FAC debt obligations to its affiliated bank as required by section 6.26 
    of the 1971 Act. In response to comments received in response to the 
    1993 proposal, proposed Sec. 611.1260(d) defines the appropriate 
    discount rate that would be used. The rate would be the non-interest 
    bearing U.S. Treasury security rate with a maturity as near as possible 
    to the period remaining until the terminating association's FAC 
    obligations would be due.
    Section 611.1265  Retirement of equities--Terminating Association
        We propose to redesignate Sec. 611.1255 as Sec. 611.1265. This 
    section would continue to apply only to the termination of an 
    association. Existing Sec. 611.1255(a) authorizes a Farm Credit Bank to 
    retire equities owned by a terminating association on the date of 
    termination or in phases after the date of termination, in accordance 
    with a written agreement between the bank and the association. The 
    existing rule limits the phased retirement to the earlier of the date 
    on which the terminating association repays all indebtedness to its 
    bank or 3 years from the date of termination. Should the bank and the 
    terminating association fail to reach an agreement on when to retire 
    the bank's equities, existing Sec. 611.1255(b) authorizes either party 
    to request our review of the most recent proposals along with the 
    points of disagreement. The existing rule states that we may require 
    the bank to retire the terminating association's equities under 
    conditions that we impose.
        We propose to amend existing Sec. 611.1255(a) and (b) by: (1) 
    Removing the 3-year limitation for a terminating association's 
    affiliated bank to retire purchased and allocated equities held by the 
    association; (2) eliminating our role in deciding how retirements must 
    occur when a terminating association and its affiliated bank cannot 
    agree; and (3) redesignating Sec. 611.1255(a) and (b) as 
    Sec. 611.1265(b) and (c). Our proposal would authorize the affiliated 
    bank to retire purchased and allocated equities held by the terminating 
    association in accordance with the terms of a capital revolvement plan 
    or other agreement between the bank and the association. If there is no 
    agreement, these equities must be retired no later than when the 
    terminating association pays off its loan from the bank. However, any 
    equity retirement by the bank is subject to its having adequate capital 
    and remaining in a safe and sound condition as required by proposed 
    Sec. 611.1265(a).
        Section 611.1255(a) of the existing rule prohibits a bank from 
    retiring equities owned by a terminating association if such retirement 
    would result in the bank's failure to meet minimum capital 
    requirements. In addition, existing Sec. 611.1255(c) states
    [[Page 60375]]
    that no retirement of equities may occur if we determine that the 
    retirement would threaten the viability of the bank. We propose changes 
    by: (1) Redesignating Sec. 611.1255(c) as Sec. 611.1265(a); and (2) 
    prohibiting a bank from retiring a terminating association's equities 
    if we determine that the bank would otherwise be in an unsafe or 
    unsound condition.
        In new Sec. 611.1265(c), we clarify that a bank's retirement of a 
    terminating association's equity is limited to the par or face value of 
    purchased or allocated equities. A bank may not pay any portion of its 
    unallocated surplus to a terminating association.
        We propose to delete the requirements in existing Sec. 611.1255(d) 
    and (e) for associations to retire FAC-preferred stock prior to 
    termination since all shares of FAC-preferred stock were redeemed 
    before 1995. We also propose changes to Sec. 611.1255(e) to give a Farm 
    Credit institution with an equity interest in a terminating association 
    the option of having the investment retired or maintaining its 
    investment in that association after it terminates. However, should a 
    Farm Credit institution decide to maintain its investment in a 
    terminating institution, that investment would be included in the 
    assets on which the exit fee is calculated. This could result in a 
    reduction in the value of the investment when compared to the value of 
    the equity if it were retired at termination.
    Section 611.1270  Repayment of Obligations--Terminating Bank
        Proposed Sec. 611.1270 establishes the procedure for a terminating 
    bank to satisfy its obligations. We have simplified the procedure that 
    was published in the 1993 proposal. In addition, we have clarified 
    several provisions as a result of comments received from both the 1993 
    proposal and the resolicitation. A terminating bank must pay or make 
    adequate provision for payment of all its outstanding obligations as of 
    the termination date. In the 1993 proposal, we listed three options a 
    terminating bank may use to satisfy the Systemwide and consolidated 
    obligations on which it is primarily liable. We have replaced this with 
    a requirement in proposed Sec. 611.1270(c) to allow any method that 
    would be acceptable to the remaining FCS banks and us.
        Proposed Sec. 611.1270(c)(1) requires the terminating bank and the 
    other FCS banks to enter into an agreement, subject to our approval, to 
    satisfy obligations issued under section 4.2 of the 1971 Act on which 
    it is not primarily liable. This agreement must specify how the 
    successor institution will satisfy its joint and several liability to 
    holders of obligations other than those obligations on which the 
    terminating bank is primarily liable.
        We propose in Sec. 611.1270(c)(2) that the banks enter into an 
    agreement to make adequate provision for payment of the terminating 
    bank's joint and several liability. If the terminating bank and the 
    other FCS banks are unable to reach agreement within 90 days before the 
    proposed date of termination, the FCA will specify the manner in which 
    the terminating bank will make adequate provision for the payment of 
    its joint and several liability and the manner in which we will make 
    joint and several calls for those obligations outstanding on the 
    termination date.
        Proposed Sec. 611.1270(c)(3) clarifies that, notwithstanding any 
    other provision in the regulations on how calls would be made by us on 
    defaulted obligations, the terminating bank would remain liable under 
    section 4.4 of the 1971 Act for all issues outstanding on the 
    termination date until they are repaid.
        Proposed Sec. 611.1270(d) reflects the statutory amendments made by 
    the 1992 Act governing the repayment of FAC obligations by a 
    terminating bank. We propose to require a terminating bank to base the 
    calculation of its FAC payment on the retail loan volume of the bank 
    and those associations that are terminating with the bank or that will 
    continue to have a direct loan relationship with the successor 
    institution. If any of the bank's affiliated associations choose to 
    remain in the System and transfer their direct loans to another Farm 
    Credit bank, the calculation of the bank's FAC payment would not 
    include the retail loan volume of those associations. In addition, it 
    is our intention in this section to require the FAC to take into 
    consideration loan volumes of previous years but not to require that 
    the average of those years be used to project future loan volumes for 
    the remaining years before FAC obligations mature. We invite your 
    comment and suggestions on this point.
    Section 611.1275  Retirement of equities--Terminating Bank
        Proposed Sec. 611.1275(a) states that System institutions that hold 
    equities in a terminating bank have the right to have their equities 
    retired on the termination date. Institutions may choose to maintain 
    investments in a terminating bank even if they vote against the 
    termination. However, the value of such equity could be reduced by the 
    exit fee payment. Proposed Sec. 611.1275(c) authorizes an association 
    that is not terminating to require its terminating bank to transfer its 
    investment to another FCS bank after its bank adopts a commencement 
    resolution. The investment must include purchased and allocated 
    equities and the association's pro rata share of the bank's unallocated 
    Section 611.1280  Dissenters' Rights
        This section appears in the existing rule as Sec. 611.1260. 
    Proposed Sec. 611.1280 addresses the rights of equity holders who 
    dissent from the termination and requires that dissenters receive cash 
    in exchange for their interests in the terminating institution. A 
    dissenting stockholder is:
         An equityholder other than a System institution that was 
    eligible to vote on the termination resolution and voted against the 
    termination, or
         An equityholder on the termination date that was 
    ineligible to vote.
    The proposal would give dissenting stockholders the right to have their 
    equities in the terminating institution retired on the termination 
    date. The proposal would entitle dissenting stockholders to the 
    adjusted book value of their equity in accordance with the priorities 
    set forth in the liquidation provisions of the terminating 
    institution's bylaws. The proposal differs from existing 
    Sec. 611.1260(c), which requires the amount paid to dissenting 
    stockholders to be calculated after the amount of the exit fee is 
    deducted from assets. Proposed Sec. 611.1280 eliminates deduction of 
    the exit fee. We believe that the proposed method provides dissenting 
    stockholders their pro rata share of capital. However, this change is 
    likely to result in a lower exit fee than in the existing regulation. 
    We specifically seek comments on this.
        Existing Sec. 611.1260(c)(ii) authorizes a successor institution to 
    issue subordinated debt to dissenting stockholders for amounts in 
    excess of par or face value. Proposed Sec. 611.1280(e) eliminates the 
    payment of subordinated debt to dissenting stockholders. Since 
    dissenting stockholders are paid before the calculation of the exit 
    fee, there is no longer a need for an institution to issue subordinated 
    debt. The terminating institution must pay dissenting stockholders in 
    cash or make some other arrangement that is satisfactory to each 
    dissenting equityholder for their share of capital.
    [[Page 60376]]
    Section 611.1285  Loan Refinancing by Borrowers
        We have redesignated Sec. 611.1266 as Sec. 611.1285. Proposed 
    Sec. 611.1285(a), like existing Sec. 611.1266, would require a 
    terminating institution to provide credit and loan information about a 
    borrower to another FCS institution when requested by a borrower 
    seeking refinancing with such institution. Proposed Sec. 611.1285(b) 
    would also authorize any FCS institution to lend in a terminating 
    institution's territory provided:
         We have not assigned the terminating institution's 
    territory to another FCS institution; and
         The FCS institution seeking to lend in a terminating 
    institution's territory is otherwise authorized by the 1971 Act and 
    regulations to extend the type of credit provided by the terminating 
    Section 611.1290  Continuation of Borrower Rights
        This section appears in the existing rule as Sec. 611.1270. While 
    we have rewritten this section, it does not differ in substance from 
    the existing rule.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 611
        Agriculture, Banks, banking, Organization and functions (Government 
    agencies), Rural areas.
        For the reasons stated in the preamble, we propose to amend part 
    611 of chapter VI, title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations as 
        1. The authority citation for part 611 is revised to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1.3, 1.13, 2.0, 2.10, 3.0, 3.21, 4.12, 4.15, 
    4.20, 4.21, 5.9, 5.10, 5.17, 6.9, 6.26, 7.0-7.13, 8.5(e) of the Farm 
    Credit Act (12 U.S.C. 2011, 2021, 2071, 2091, 2121, 2142, 2183, 
    2203, 2208, 2209, 2243, 2244, 2252, 2278a-9, 2278b-6, 2279a-2279f-1, 
    2279aa-5(e)); secs. 411 and 412 of Public Law 100-233, 101 Stat. 
    1568, 1638; secs. 409 and 414 of Public Law 100-399, 102 Stat. 989, 
    1003, and 1004.
        2. Revise subpart P to read as follows:
    Subpart P--Termination of System Institution Status
    611.1200  Applicability of this subpart.
    611.1205  Definitions that apply in this subpart.
    611.1210  Commencement resolution and advance notice.
    611.1215  Prohibited acts.
    611.1220  Filing of termination application.
    611.1221  Filing of termination application-timing.
    611.1222  Plan of termination-contents.
    611.1223  Information statement-contents.
    611.1230  FCA review and approval.
    611.1240  Voting record date and stockholder approval.
    611.1245  Stockholder reconsideration.
    611.1250  Preliminary exit fee estimate.
    611.1255  Exit fee calculation.
    611.1260  Payment of debts and assessments-terminating association.
    611.1265  Retirement of equities-terminating association.
    611.1270  Repayment of obligations-terminating bank.
    611.1275  Retirement of equities-terminating bank.
    611.1280  Dissenters' rights.
    611.1285  Loan refinancing by borrowers.
    611.1290  Continuation of borrower rights.
    Subpart P--Termination of System Institution Status
    Sec. 611.1200  Applicability of this subpart.
        These regulations apply to each bank and association that desires 
    to terminate its System institution status and become chartered as a 
    bank, savings association or other financial institution.
    Sec. 611.1205  Definitions that apply in this subpart.
        Assets means all assets (less appropriate valuation adjustments) 
    determined in conformity with GAAP, except as otherwise required in 
    this subpart.
        GAAP means ``generally accepted accounting principles'' as that 
    term is defined in Sec. 621.2(c) of this chapter.
        OFI means an ``other financing institution'' that has a funding and 
    discount agreement with a Farm Credit bank under section 1.7(b)(1) of 
    the Act.
        Successor institution means the bank, savings association, or other 
    financial institution that the terminating bank or association will 
    become when we revoke its Farm Credit charter.
    Sec. 611.1210  Commencement resolution and advance notice.
        (a) Adoption of commencement resolution. Your board of directors 
    must begin the termination process by adopting a commencement 
    resolution stating your intention to terminate Farm Credit status under 
    section 7.10 of the Act.
        (b) Advance notice. Within 5 days after adopting the commencement 
    resolution, you must:
        (1) Send a certified copy of the commencement resolution to us and 
    the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (FCSIC). If you are an 
    association, also send a copy to your affiliated bank. If you are a 
    bank, also send a copy to your affiliated associations, the other Farm 
    Credit banks and the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation 
    (Funding Corporation);
        (2) Mail an announcement to all equity holders stating you are 
    taking steps to terminate Farm Credit status and describing the 
        (i) The process of termination;
        (ii) The expected effect of termination on equity holders, 
    including the effect on borrower rights and the consequences of any 
    stock retirements before termination;
        (iii) The type of charter the successor institution will have; and
        (iv) Any bylaw creating a special class of borrower stock and 
    participation certificates under paragraph (f) of this section.
        (c) Bank negotiations on joint and several liability. If you are a 
    terminating bank, within 10 days of adopting the commencement 
    resolution you and the other Farm Credit banks must begin negotiations 
    to provide for your satisfaction of joint and several liability on 
    consolidated and Systemwide obligations under section 4.4 of the Act. 
    The Funding Corporation may, at its option, be a party to the 
    negotiations to the extent necessary to fulfill its duties with respect 
    to financing and disclosure. The agreement must comply with the 
    requirements in Sec. 611.1270(c).
        (d) Disclosure to customers after commencement resolution. Between 
    the date of the commencement resolution and the termination date, you 
    must give the following information to your customers:
        (1) For each applicant who is not a current stockholder, describe 
    at the time of loan application:
        (i) The effect of the proposed termination on the borrower's loan; 
        (ii) Whether the borrower will continue to have any of the borrower 
    rights provided under the Act and regulations.
        (2) For any equity holders who ask to have their equities retired, 
    explain that the retirement would extinguish the holder's right to 
    exchange those equities for an interest in the successor institution. 
    In addition, inform holders of equities entitled to your residual 
    assets in liquidation that retirement before termination would 
    extinguish their right to dissent from the termination and receive the 
    adjusted book value of their equities.
        (e) Terminating bank's right to continue issuing debt. Until the 
    termination date, a terminating bank may continue to participate in the 
    issuance of consolidated and Systemwide obligations to the same extent 
    it would be able to participate if it were not terminating.
        (f) Special class of stock. Notwithstanding any requirements to the 
    contrary in Sec. 615.5230(b) of this
    [[Page 60377]]
    chapter, you may adopt bylaws providing for the issuance of a special 
    class of stock and participation certificates between the date of 
    adoption of a commencement resolution and the termination date. Your 
    stockholders must approve the special class before you adopt the 
    commencement resolution. The equities must comply with section 4.3A of 
    the Act and be identical in all respects to existing classes of 
    equities that are entitled to the residual assets of the institution in 
    a liquidation, except for the value a holder will receive in a 
    termination. In a termination, the holder of the special class of stock 
    receives value equal to the lower of either par (or face) value, or 
    adjusted book value. A holder must have the same right to vote (if the 
    equity is held on the voting record date) and to dissent as holders of 
    similar equities issued before the commencement resolution. If the 
    termination does not occur, the special classes of stock and 
    participation certificates must automatically convert into shares of 
    the otherwise identical equities.
    Sec. 611.1215  Prohibited acts.
        (a) Statements about termination. Neither the institution nor any 
    director, officer, employee or agent may make any untrue or misleading 
    statement of a material fact, or fail to disclose any material fact, 
    about the termination to a current or prospective equity holder.
        (b) Representations regarding FCA approval. Neither the institution 
    nor any director, officer, employee or agent may make an oral or 
    written representation to anyone that a preliminary or final approval 
    of the termination by us is, directly or indirectly, either a 
    recommendation on the merits of the proposal or an assurance that the 
    information given by you to your equity holders is adequate or 
    Sec. 611.1220  Filing of termination application.
        (a) Adoption of termination resolution. Your board must adopt a 
    termination resolution authorizing the application for termination and 
    for a new charter.
        (b) Contents of termination application. Send us an original and 
    five copies of the termination application for review and preliminary 
    approval. If you send us the application in electronic form, you must 
    send us at least one hard copy application with original signatures. 
    The application must contain:
        (1) A certified copy of the termination resolution;
        (2) A copy of the plan of termination required under Sec. 611.1222;
        (3) An information statement that complies with Sec. 611.1223;
        (4) All other information that you give to current or prospective 
    equity holders in connection with the termination; and
        (5) Any additional information that either we request or your board 
    of directors wishes to submit in support of the application.
        (c) Requirement to update application. You must immediately send us 
    any material changes to information in the plan of termination, 
    including financial information, that occur between the date you file 
    the application and the termination date. In addition, send us copies 
    of any additional written information on the termination that you give 
    to current or prospective equity holders before termination.
    Sec. 611.1221  Filing of termination application--timing.
        If we receive the termination application required in Sec. 611.1220 
    less than 30 days after receiving the advance notice, we may in our 
    discretion disapprove the application.
    Sec. 611.1222  Plan of termination--contents.
        The plan of termination must include:
        (a) Copies of all contracts, agreements, and other documents on the 
    proposed termination and organization of the successor institution.
        (b) A statement of how you will transfer assets to, and have your 
    liabilities assumed by, the successor institution.
        (c) Your plan to retire outstanding equities or convert them to 
    equities of the successor institution.
        (d) A copy of the charter application for the successor 
    institution, with any exhibits or other supporting information.
        (e) A statement, if applicable, whether the successor institution 
    will continue to borrow from a Farm Credit bank and how such a 
    relationship will affect your provision for payment of debts. The plan 
    of termination must include evidence of any agreement and plan for 
    satisfaction of outstanding debts (including amounts you owe to the 
    Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation (FAC) because of 
    the termination).
    Sec. 611.1223  Information statement--contents.
        (a) Plain language requirements.
        (1) Present the contents of the information statement in a clear, 
    concise and understandable manner.
        (2) Use short, explanatory sentences, bullet lists or charts where 
    helpful, and descriptive headings and subheadings.
        (3) Minimize the use of glossaries or defined terms.
        (4) Write in the active voice when possible.
        (5) Avoid legal and highly technical business terminology.
        (b) Disclaimer. Place the following statement in boldface type in 
    the material sent to equity holders, either on the notice of meeting or 
    the first page of the information statement:
        The Farm Credit Administration has not determined if this 
    information is accurate or complete. You should not rely on any 
    statement to the contrary.
        (c) Summary. The first part of the information statement must be a 
    summary that concisely explains:
        (1) Which stockholders have a right to vote on termination;
        (2) The material changes the termination will cause to the rights 
    of stockholders, borrowers, and other equity holders;
        (3) The effect of those changes;
        (4) The potential benefits and disadvantages of the termination;
        (5) The right of certain stockholders to dissent and receive cash 
    for their existing equities; and
        (6) The proposed termination date.
        (d) Remaining requirements. The rest of the information statement 
    must contain the following:
        (1) Plan of termination. Describe the plan of termination.
        (2) Benefits and disadvantages. Provide the following information:
        (i) An enumerated statement of the anticipated benefits and 
    potential disadvantages of the termination;
        (ii) An explanation of the preliminary exit fee estimate, with any 
    adjustments we require, and estimated expenses of termination and 
    organization of the successor institution; and
        (iii) An explanation of the board's basis for recommending the 
        (3) Initial board of directors. List the initial board of directors 
    and senior officers for the successor institution, with a brief 
    description of the business experience of each person, including 
    principal occupation and employment during the past 5 years.
        (4) Bylaws and charter. Summarize the provisions of the bylaws and 
    charter of the successor institution that differ materially from your 
    bylaws and charter. The summary must state:
        (i) Whether the successor institution will require a borrower to 
    hold an equity interest as a condition for having a loan; and
        (ii) Whether the successor institution will require stockholders to 
    do business with the institution.
    [[Page 60378]]
        (5) Changes to equity. Explain any changes in the nature of equity 
    investments in the successor institution, such as changes in dividends, 
    patronage, voting rights, preferences, retirement of equities, and 
    liquidation priority. If equities protected under section 4.9A of the 
    Act are outstanding, the information statement must state that the 
    Act's protections will be extinguished on termination.
        (6) Effect of termination on statutory and regulatory rights. 
    Explain the effect of termination on rights granted by the Act and FCA 
    regulations. You must explain the effect termination will have on 
    borrower rights granted in the Act and subparts K, L, and N of part 614 
    of this chapter.
        (7) Loan refinancing by borrowers. (i) State, as applicable, that 
    borrowers may seek to refinance their loans with the System 
    institution(s) that already serve, or will be permitted to serve, your 
    territory. State that no System institution is obligated to refinance 
    your loans.
        (ii) If we have assigned your territory to another System 
    institution before the information statement is mailed to equity 
    holders, or if another System institution is already chartered to make 
    the same type of loans you make in your territory, identify such 
    institution(s) and provide the following information:
        (A) The name, address, and telephone number of the institution; and
        (B) An explanation of the institution's procedures to apply for 
        (iii) If we have not assigned the territory before you mail the 
    information statement, give the name, address and telephone number of 
    the System institution specified by us and state that borrowers may 
    contact the institution for information about loan refinancing.
        (8) Equity exchanges. Explain the formula and procedure to exchange 
    equity in your institution for equity in the successor institution.
        (9) Employment, retirement, and severance agreements. Describe any 
    employment agreement or arrangement between the successor institution 
    and any of your senior officers (as defined in Sec. 620.1 of this 
    chapter) or directors. Describe any severance and retirement plans that 
    cover your employees or directors and state the costs you expect to 
    incur under the plans in connection with the termination.
        (10) Exit fee calculation. Explain how the exit fee will be 
        (11) New charter. Describe the nature and type of financial 
    institution the successor institution will be and any conditions of 
    approval of the new chartering authority or regulator.
        (12) Differences in successor institution's programs and policies. 
    Summarize any differences between you and the successor institution on:
        (i) Interest rates and fees;
        (ii) Collection policies;
        (iii) Services provided; and
        (iv) Any other item that would affect a borrower's lending 
    relationship with the successor institution, including whether a 
    stockholder's ability to borrow from the institution will be 
        (13) Capitalization. Discuss expected capital requirements of the 
    successor institution, and the amount and method of capitalization.
        (14) Sources of funding. Explain the sources and manner of funding 
    the successor institution's operations.
        (15) Contingent liabilities. Describe how the successor institution 
    will address any contingent liability it will assume from you.
        (16) Tax status. Summarize the differences in tax status between 
    your institution and the successor institution, and explain how the 
    differences will affect stockholders.
        (17) Regulatory environment. Describe briefly how the regulatory 
    environment for the successor institution will differ from your current 
    regulatory environment, and any effect on the cost of doing business or 
    the value of stockholders' equity.
        (18) Dissenters' rights. Explain which equity holders are entitled 
    to dissenters' rights and what those rights are. The explanation must 
    include the estimated liquidation value of the stock, procedures for 
    exercising dissenters' rights, and a statement of when the rights may 
    be exercised.
        (19) Financial information. (i) Present the following financial 
        (A) A balance sheet and income statement for each of the 3 
    preceding fiscal years;
        (B) A balance sheet as of a date within 90 days of the date you 
    mail the termination application to us, presented on a comparative 
    basis with the corresponding period of the previous 2 fiscal years;
        (C) An income statement for the interim period between the end of 
    the last fiscal year and the date of the balance sheet required by 
    paragraph (d)(19)(i)(B) of this section, presented on a comparative 
    basis with the corresponding period of the previous 2 fiscal years;
        (D) A pro forma balance sheet of the successor institution 
    presented as if termination had occurred as of the date of the most 
    recent balance sheet presented in the statement; and
        (E) A pro forma summary of earnings for the successor institution 
    presented as if the termination had been effective at the beginning of 
    the interim period between the end of the last fiscal year and the date 
    of the balance sheet presented under paragraph (d)(19)(i)(D) of this 
        (ii) The format for the balance sheet and income statement must be 
    the same as the format in your annual report and must contain 
    appropriate footnote disclosures, including data on high-risk assets, 
    other property owned, and allowance for losses.
        (iii) The financial statements must include either:
        (A) A statement signed by the chief executive officer and each 
    board member that the various financial statements are unaudited, but 
    have been prepared in all material respects in conformity with GAAP 
    (except as otherwise disclosed) and are, to the best of each signer's 
    knowledge, a fair and accurate presentation of the financial condition 
    of the institution; or
        (B) A signed opinion by an independent certified public accountant 
    that the various financial statements have been examined in conformity 
    with generally accepted auditing standards and included such tests of 
    the accounting records and other such auditing procedures as were 
    considered necessary in the circumstances, and, as of the date of the 
    statements, present fairly the financial position of the institution in 
    conformity with GAAP applied on a consistent basis, except as otherwise 
        (20) Subsequent financial events. Describe any event after the date 
    of the financial statements, but before the date you send the 
    termination application to us, that would have a material impact on 
    your financial condition or the condition of the successor institution.
        (21) Other subsequent events. Describe any event after you send the 
    termination application to us that could have a material impact on any 
    information in the termination application.
        (22) Other material disclosures. Describe any other material fact 
    or circumstance that a stockholder would need to know to make an 
    informed decision on the termination, or that is necessary to make the 
    disclosures not misleading.
        (23) Ballot and proxy. Include a ballot and proxy, with 
    instructions on the purpose and authority for their use, and the proper 
    method for the stockholder to sign the proxy.
        (24) Board of directors certification. Include a certification 
    signed by the entire board of directors as to the truth, accuracy, and 
    completeness of the information contained in the
    [[Page 60379]]
    information statement. If any director refuses to sign the 
    certification, the director must inform us of the reasons for refusing.
    Sec. 611.1230  FCA review and approval.
        (a) FCA review period. We will review a termination application and 
    either give preliminary approval or disapprove the application no later 
    than 60 days after we receive the application.
        (b) Reservation of right to disapprove termination. In addition to 
    any other reason for disapproval, we may disapprove a termination if we 
    determine that the termination would have a material adverse effect on 
    the ability of the remaining System institutions to fulfill their 
    statutory purpose.
        (c) Conditions of final FCA approval. We will give final approval 
    to your termination application only if:
        (1) Your stockholders vote in favor of termination in the 
    termination vote and in any reconsideration vote;
        (2) You give us executed copies of all contracts, agreements, and 
    other documents submitted under Sec. 611.1222;
        (3) You have paid or made adequate provision for payment of debts 
    and retirement of equities;
        (4) A Federal or State chartering authority has granted a new 
    charter to the successor institution;
        (5) You deposit into escrow an amount equal to 110 percent of the 
    estimated exit fee plus 110 percent of the estimated amount you must 
    pay to retire equities of dissenting stockholders, as described in 
    Sec. 611.1255(c); and
        (6) You have fulfilled any other condition of termination we have 
        (d) Effective date of termination. If we grant final approval, we 
    will revoke your charter, and the termination will be effective on the 
    last to occur of--
        (1) Fulfillment of all conditions listed in paragraph (c) of this 
        (2) Your proposed termination date;
        (3) Ninety (90) days after we receive the notice described in 
    Sec. 611.1240(e); and
        (4) Fifteen (15) days after any reconsideration vote.
    Sec. 611.1240  Voting record date and stockholder approval.
        (a) Stockholder meeting. You must call the meeting by written 
    notice in compliance with your bylaws. The stockholder meeting to vote 
    on the termination must occur within 60 days of our preliminary 
    approval (or, if we take no action, within 60 days of the end of our 
    approval period).
        (b) Voting record date. The voting record date may not be more than 
    70 days before the stockholders' meeting.
        (c) Information statement. You must provide all equity holders with 
    a notice of meeting and the information statement required by 
    Sec. 611.1222 at least 30 days before the stockholder vote.
        (d) Voting procedures. The voting procedures must comply with 
    Sec. 611.330. You must have an independent third party count the 
    ballots. If a voting stockholder notifies you of the stockholder's 
    intent to exercise dissenters' rights, the tabulator must be able to 
    verify to you that the stockholder voted against the termination. 
    Otherwise, the votes of stockholders must remain confidential.
        (e) Notice to FCA and equity holders of voting results. Within 10 
    days of the termination vote, you must send us a certified record of 
    the results of the vote. You must notify all equity holders of the 
    results within 30 days after the stockholder meeting. If the 
    stockholders approve the termination, you must give the following 
    information to equity holders:
        (1) Stockholders who voted against termination and equity holders 
    who were not entitled to vote have a right to dissent as provided in 
    Sec. 611.1280; and
        (2) Voting stockholders have a right, under Sec. 611.1245, to file 
    a petition with the FCA for reconsideration within 35 days after the 
    date you mail to them the notice of the results of the termination 
        (f) Requirement to notify new equity holders. You must provide the 
    information described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section to each 
    person that becomes an equityholder after the termination vote and 
    before termination.
    Sec. 611.1245  Stockholder reconsideration.
        (a) Right to reconsider termination. Voting stockholders have the 
    right to reconsider their approval of the termination if a petition 
    signed by 15 percent of the stockholders is filed with us within 35 
    days after you mail notices to stockholders that the termination vote 
    was approved. If we determine that the petition complies with the 
    requirements of section 7.9 of the Act, you must call a special 
    stockholders' meeting to reconsider the vote. The meeting must occur 
    within 60 days after the date on which you mailed to stockholders the 
    results of the termination vote. If a majority of the stockholders 
    voting, in person or by proxy, vote against the termination, the 
    termination may not take place.
        (b) Stockholder list and expenses. You must, at your expense, 
    timely give stockholders who request it a list of the names and 
    addresses of stockholders eligible to vote in the reconsideration vote. 
    The petitioners must pay all other expenses for the petition. You must 
    pay expenses that you incur for the reconsideration vote.
    Sec. 611.1250  Preliminary exit fee estimate.
        (a) Preliminary exit fee estimate-terminating association. You must 
    provide a preliminary exit fee estimate to us when you submit the 
    termination application. Calculate the preliminary exit fee estimate in 
    the following order:
        (1) Base your exit fee calculation on the average daily balances of 
    assets and liabilities. Any amounts we refer to in this section are 
    average daily balances unless we specify that they are not. Amounts 
    that are not average daily balances will be referred to as ``dollar 
        (2) Determine account balances in conformity with GAAP and have 
    them independently audited by a qualified public accountant, as defined 
    in Sec. 621.2(i) of this chapter, as of the quarterend immediately 
    before the date you send us your termination application. We may, in 
    our discretion, waive the audit requirement if an independent audit was 
    performed as of a date less than 6 months before you submit the 
    termination application.
        (3) Calculate the 12-month balances of assets and liabilities as of 
    the quarterend immediately before the date you send us your termination 
        (4) Make adjustments to assets as follows:
        (i) Add back expenses you have incurred related to termination. 
    Related expenses include, but are not limited to, legal services, 
    accounting services, auditing, business planning, and application fees 
    for the termination and reorganization.
        (ii) Subtract the following:
        (A) The dollar amount of your estimated payment (to your affiliated 
    bank) related to FAC obligations; and
        (B) The dollar amount of your estimated taxes due to the 
        (iii) Adjust for the dollar amount of significant transactions you 
    reasonably expect to occur between the quarterend before you file your 
    termination application and termination. Examples of these transactions 
    include, but are not limited to, gains or losses on the sale of assets, 
    retirements of equity, loan repayments, and patronage distributions. Do 
    not make adjustments for future expenses related to termination, such 
    as severance or special retirement payments, or stock retirements to 
    dissenting stockholders and Farm Credit institutions.
    [[Page 60380]]
        (5) Subtract from liabilities any liability that we treat as 
    regulatory capital under the capital or collateral requirements in 
    subparts H and K of part 615 of this chapter.
        (6) Make any adjustments we require under paragraph (c) of this 
        (7) After making these adjustments to assets and liabilities, 
    subtract liabilities from assets. This is your preliminary total 
    capital for purposes of termination.
        (8) Multiply assets as adjusted above by 6 percent, and subtract 
    this amount from preliminary total capital. This is your preliminary 
    exit fee estimate.
        (b) Preliminary exit fee estimate--terminating bank. (1) Affiliated 
    associations that are terminating with you must calculate their 
    individual preliminary exit fee estimates as described in paragraph (a) 
    of this section.
        (2) Base your exit fee calculation on the average daily balances of 
    assets and liabilities. Any amounts we refer to in this section are 
    average daily balances unless we specify that they are not. Amounts 
    that are not average daily balances will be referred to as ``dollar 
        (3) The account balances must be in conformity with GAAP and 
    independently audited by a qualified public accountant, as defined in 
    Sec. 621.2(i) of this chapter, as of the quarterend immediately before 
    the date you send us your termination application. We may, in our 
    discretion, waive this requirement if an independent audit was 
    performed as of a date less than 6 months before you submit the 
    termination application.
        (4) Calculate the 12-month balances of assets and liabilities as of 
    the quarterend immediately before the date you send us your termination 
        (5) Make adjustments to assets and liabilities as follows:
        (i) Add back to assets the following:
        (A) Expenses you have incurred related to termination. Related 
    expenses include, but are not limited to, legal services, accounting 
    services, auditing, business planning, and application fees for the 
    termination and reorganization; and
        (B) Any specific allowance for losses, and a pro rata portion of 
    any general allowance for loan losses on direct loans to an association 
    that you do not expect to incur before or at termination.
        (ii) Subtract from your assets and liabilities an amount equal to 
    the average daily balances of your direct loans to your affiliated 
    associations that are not terminating.
        (iii) Subtract the following from assets:
        (A) Equity investments in you held by non-terminating associations. 
    A non-terminating association's investment consists of purchased 
    equities, allocated equities, and a pro rata share of the bank's 
    unallocated surplus;
        (B) The dollar amount of your estimated termination payment to the 
    FAC; and
        (C) The dollar amount of estimated taxes due to the termination.
        (iv) Subtract from liabilities any liability that we treat as 
    regulatory capital under the capital or collateral requirements in 
    subparts H and K of part 615 of this chapter.
        (v) Adjust for the dollar amount of significant transactions you 
    reasonably expect to occur between the quarterend before you file your 
    termination application and termination. Examples of these transactions 
    include, but are not limited to, retirements of equity, loan 
    repayments, and patronage distributions. Do not make adjustments for 
    future expenses related to termination, such as severance or special 
    retirement payments, or stock retirements to dissenting stockholders 
    and Farm Credit institutions.
        (6) Add to assets the dollar amount of estimated termination 
    payments of the terminating associations related to FAC obligations.
        (7) Make any adjustments we require under paragraph (c) of this 
        (8) After the above adjustments, combine your balance sheet with 
    the balance sheets of your terminating associations after they have 
    made the adjustments required in paragraph (a) of this section. 
    Subtract liabilities from assets. This is your preliminary total 
    capital for purposes of termination.
        (9) Multiply the assets of the combined balance sheet after the 
    above adjustments by 6 percent. Subtract this amount from the 
    preliminary total capital of the combined balance sheet. This is the 
    preliminary exit fee estimate of the bank and terminating affiliated 
        (10) Your preliminary exit fee estimate is the amount by which the 
    exit fee for the combined entity exceeds the total of the individual 
    preliminary exit fee estimates of your affiliated terminating 
        (c) Three-year look-back. (1) We will review your transactions over 
    the 3 years before the date of the termination resolution under 
    Sec. 611.1220. Our review will include, but not be limited to, the 
        (i) Additions to or subtractions from any allowance for losses;
        (ii) Additions to assets or liabilities, or subtractions from 
    assets or liabilities, due to transactions that are outside your 
    ordinary course of business;
        (iii) Dividends or patronage refunds exceeding your usual 
        (iv) Changes in the institution's capital plan, or in implementing 
    the plan, that increased or decreased the level of borrower investment;
        (v) Contingent liabilities, such as loss-sharing obligations, that 
    can be reasonably quantified; and
        (vi) Assets that may be overvalued, undervalued or not recorded on 
    your books.
        (2) If we determine the account balances do not accurately show the 
    value of your assets and liabilities, we will make any adjustments we 
    deem necessary. In addition, we may require you to reverse the effect 
    of a transaction if we determine that:
        (i) You have retired capital outside the ordinary course of 
        (ii) You have taken any other actions unrelated to core business 
    that have the effect of changing the exit fee, or
        (iii) You incurred expenses related to termination prior to the 12-
    month average daily balance period on which the exit fee calculation is 
        (3) We may require you to make these adjustments to the exit fee 
    estimate that is disclosed in the information statement and to the 
    final exit fee calculation.
    Sec. 611.1255  Exit fee calculation.
        (a) Final exit fee calculation-terminating association. Calculate 
    the final exit fee in the following order:
        (1) Base your exit fee calculation on the average daily balances of 
    assets and liabilities. Any amounts we refer to in this section are 
    average daily balances unless we specify that they are not. Amounts 
    that are not average daily balances will be referred to as ``dollar 
        (2) The account balances must be in conformity with GAAP and 
    independently audited by a qualified public accountant, as defined in 
    Sec. 621.2(i) of this chapter, as of the termination date.
        (3) Calculate the 12-month balances of assets and liabilities as of 
    the termination date. Assume for this calculation that you have not 
    paid or accrued the items described in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this 
        (4) Make adjustments to assets and liabilities as follows:
        (i) Add back expenses related to termination. Related expenses 
    include, but are not limited to, legal services, accounting services, 
    auditing, business planning, payments of severance and special 
    retirements, and application fees for the termination and 
    [[Page 60381]]
        (ii) Subtract from assets the following:
        (A) The dollar amount of your termination payment (to your 
    affiliated bank) related to FAC obligations;
        (B) The taxes you will have to pay due to the termination; and
        (C) Payments to retire the equities of dissenting stockholders and 
    Farm Credit institutions at termination.
        (iii) Subtract from liabilities any liability that we treat as 
    regulatory capital under the capital or collateral requirements in 
    subparts H and K of part 615 of this chapter.
        (iv) Make the adjustments that we require under Sec. 611.1250(c). 
    For the final exit fee, we will review and may require additional 
    adjustments for transactions between the date you adopted the 
    termination resolution and the termination date.
        (5) After making these adjustments to assets and liabilities, 
    subtract liabilities from assets. This is your total capital for 
    purposes of termination.
        (6) Multiply assets by 6 percent, and subtract this amount from 
    total capital. This is your final exit fee.
        (b) Final exit fee calculation-terminating bank. (1) The individual 
    exit fees of affiliated associations that are terminating with you must 
    be calculated as described in paragraph (a) of this section.
        (2) Base your exit fee calculation on the average daily balances of 
    assets and liabilities. Any amounts we refer to in this section are 
    average daily balances unless we specify that they are not. Amounts 
    that are not average daily balances will be referred to as ``dollar 
        (3) The account balances must be in conformity with GAAP and 
    independently audited by a qualified public accountant, as defined in 
    Sec. 621.2(i) of this chapter, as of the termination date.
        (4) Calculate the 12-month balances of assets and total capital as 
    of the termination date. Assume for this calculation that you have not 
    paid or accrued the items described in paragraph (b)(5)(iii)(B), (C), 
    and (D) of this section.
        (5) Make adjustments to assets and liabilities as follows:
        (i) Add back the following to your assets:
        (A) Expenses you have incurred related to termination. Related 
    expenses include, but are not limited to, legal services, accounting 
    services, auditing, business planning, payments of severance and 
    special retirements, and application fees for the termination and 
        (B) The amount of the termination payments to you by the 
    terminating associations related to FAC obligations.
        (ii) Subtract from your assets and liabilities your direct loans to 
    affiliated associations that were paid off or transferred in the 12-
    month period before termination.
        (iii) Subtract from your assets the following:
        (A) Equity investments held in you by affiliated associations that 
    you retired or transferred during the 12 months before termination. A 
    non-terminating association's investment consists of purchased 
    equities, allocated equities, and a pro rata share of the bank's 
    unallocated surplus;
        (B) The dollar amount of your termination payment to the FAC;
        (C) The dollar amount of taxes paid or accrued due to the 
    termination; and
        (D) Payments to retire the equities of dissenting stockholders and 
    Farm Credit institutions.
        (iv) Subtract from liabilities any liability that we treat as 
    regulatory capital under the capital or collateral requirements in 
    subparts H and K of part 615 of this chapter.
        (v) Make the adjustments that we require under Sec. 611.1250(c). 
    For the final exit fee, we will review and may require additional 
    adjustments for transactions between the date you adopted the 
    termination resolution and the termination date.
        (6) After the above adjustments, combine your balance sheet with 
    the balance sheets of terminating associations after making the 
    adjustments required in paragraph (a) of this section.
        (7) Subtract combined liabilities from combined assets. This is the 
    total capital of the combined balance sheet.
        (8) Multiply the assets of the combined balance sheet after the 
    above adjustments by 6 percent. Subtract this amount from the total 
    capital of the combined balance sheet. This amount is the combined 
    final exit fee for you and the terminating affiliated associations.
        (9) Your final exit fee is the amount by which the combined final 
    exit fee exceeds the total of the individual final exit fees of your 
    affiliated terminating associations.
        (c) Payment of exit fee. On the termination date, you must:
        (1) Deposit into an escrow account acceptable to us and the FCSIC 
    an amount equal to 110 percent of the preliminary exit fee estimate, 
    adjusted to account for stock retirements to dissenting stockholders 
    and Farm Credit institutions, and any other adjustments we require.
        (2) Deposit into an escrow account acceptable to us an amount equal 
    to 110 percent of the equity you must retire for dissenting 
    stockholders and System institutions holding stock that would be 
    entitled to a share of the remaining assets in a liquidation.
        (d) Pay-out of escrow. Following the independent audit of the 
    institution's account balances as of the termination date, we will 
    determine the amount of the final exit fee and the amounts owed to 
    stockholders to retire their equities. We will then direct the escrow 
    agent to:
        (1) Pay the exit fee to the Farm Credit Insurance Fund;
        (2) Pay the amounts owed to dissenting stockholders; and
        (3) Return any remaining amounts to the successor institution.
        (e) Additional payment. If the amount held in escrow is not enough 
    to pay the amounts under paragraph (d)(1) and (2) of this section, the 
    successor institution must pay any remaining liability to the escrow 
    agent for distribution to the appropriate parties. The termination 
    application must include evidence that, after termination, the 
    successor institution will pay any remaining amounts owed to dissenting 
    Sec. 611.1260  Payment of debts and assessments--terminating 
        (a) General rule. If you are a terminating association, you must 
    pay or make adequate provision for the payment of all outstanding debt 
    obligations and assessments.
        (b) No OFI relationship. If the successor institution will not 
    become an OFI, you must either:
        (1) Pay debts and assessments owed to your affiliated Farm Credit 
    bank at termination; or
        (2) With your affiliated Farm Credit bank's concurrence, arrange to 
    pay any obligations or assessments to the bank after termination.
        (c) Obligations to other Farm Credit institutions. You must pay or 
    make adequate provision for payment of obligations to any Farm Credit 
    institution (other than your affiliated bank) under any loss-sharing or 
    other agreement.
        (d) FAC debt payments. Before termination, you must pay future 
    assessments and payment obligations to your affiliated Farm Credit bank 
    to the extent required by subparagraphs (c)(5)(F) and (d)(1)(C)(v) of 
    section 6.26 of the Act. The FAC must make the payment calculations 
    this paragraph requires, subject to FCA approval, based on an 
    appropriate discount rate. The appropriate discount rate is the non-
    interest bearing U.S. Treasury security
    [[Page 60382]]
    rate for securities with a maturity as near as possible to the period 
    remaining until the terminating association's obligations under this 
    paragraph would be due.
    Sec. 611.1265  Retirement of equities--terminating association.
        (a) Safety and soundness restrictions. Notwithstanding anything in 
    these regulations to the contrary, we may prohibit a bank from retiring 
    your equities if the retirement would cause the bank to fall below its 
    regulatory capital requirements after retirement, or if we determine 
    that the bank would be in an unsafe or unsound condition after 
        (b) Retirement agreement. Your affiliated bank may retire the 
    purchased and allocated equities held by you in the bank according to 
    the terms of the bank's capital revolvement plan or an agreement 
    between you and the bank.
        (c) Retirement in absence of agreement. Your affiliated bank must 
    retire any equities not subject to an agreement or revolvement plan no 
    later than when you or the successor institution pays off your loan 
    from the bank.
        (d) No retirement of unallocated surplus. When your bank retires 
    equities you own in the bank, the bank must pay par or face value for 
    purchased and allocated equities, less any impairment. The bank may not 
    pay you any portion of its unallocated surplus.
        (e) Exclusion of equities from capital ratios. If another Farm 
    Credit institution makes an agreement to retire equities you hold in 
    that institution after termination, we may require that institution to 
    exclude part or all of those equities from assets and capital when the 
    institution calculates its capital and net collateral ratios under 
    subparts H and K of part 615 of this chapter.
        (f) Retirement of equities held by other Farm Credit institutions. 
    If a Farm Credit institution other than the affiliated bank owns 
    equities you have issued, the other Farm Credit institution may require 
    you to retire the equities on or before termination. The equities must 
    be retired at book value revised to reflect the adjustments required 
    for the final exit fee calculation in Sec. 611.1255(a)(4)(iii).
    Sec. 611.1270  Repayment of obligations--terminating bank.
        (a) General rule. If you are a terminating bank, you must pay or 
    make adequate provision for the payment of all outstanding debt 
        (b) Satisfaction of primary liability. After consulting with other 
    Farm Credit banks, the Funding Corporation, and the FCSIC, you must pay 
    or make adequate provision for payment of your primary liability on 
    consolidated or Systemwide obligations in a method that we deem 
    acceptable. Before we make a final decision on your proposal and as we 
    deem necessary, we may consult with the other Farm Credit banks, the 
    Funding Corporation, and the FCSIC.
        (c) Satisfaction of joint and several liability. (1) You and the 
    other Farm Credit banks must enter into an agreement covering 
    obligations issued under section 4.2 of the Act and outstanding on the 
    termination date. The Funding Corporation may, at its option, be a 
    party to the agreement to the extent necessary to fulfill its duties 
    with respect to financing and disclosure. The agreement, which is 
    subject to our approval, must specify how you will make adequate 
    provision for the payment of your joint and several liability to 
    holders of obligations other than those obligations on which you are 
    primarily liable.
        (2) If you and the other Farm Credit banks are unable to reach 
    agreement within 90 days before the proposed termination date, we will 
    specify the manner in which you will make adequate provision for the 
    payment of your joint and several liability and how we will make joint 
    and several calls for those obligations outstanding on the termination 
        (3) Notwithstanding any other provision in these regulations, the 
    successor institution will be jointly and severally liable for 
    consolidated and Systemwide debt outstanding on the termination date 
    (other than the obligations on which you are primarily liable), as well 
    as for interest on individual obligations issued and outstanding on the 
    termination date by other banks operating under the same title of the 
    Act. The termination application must include evidence that the 
    successor institution will continue to have this joint and several 
    liability for consolidated and Systemwide debt.
        (d) Payment to the FAC. (1) Before termination, you must pay to the 
    FAC the amounts required by section 6.9(e)(3)(C)(ii) of the Act and by 
    subparagraphs (c)(5)(E)(i) and (d)(1)(C)(iv) of section 6.26 of the 
    Act. For purposes of this calculation, you must include your retail 
    loan volume, the retail loan volume of the associations that are 
    terminating with you, and the retail loan volume of the affiliated 
    associations that continue their direct lending relationships with the 
    successor institution.
        (2) The FAC must make the present value estimation, subject to our 
    approval, based on an appropriate discount rate. The appropriate 
    discount rate is the non-interest bearing U.S. Treasury security rate 
    for securities with a maturity as near as possible to the period 
    remaining until the terminating association's obligations under this 
    paragraph would be due.
    Sec. 611.1275  Retirement of equities--terminating bank.
        (a) Retirement at option of equity holder. System institutions that 
    own your equities have the right to require you to retire the equities 
    on the termination date.
        (b) Value of equity holders' interests. For retirement purposes, 
    the value of the equities held by System institutions is the book value 
    on the termination date, revised to reflect the adjustments required 
    for the final exit fee calculation in Sec. 611.1255(b)(5)(iv).
        (c) Transfer of affiliated association's investment. As an 
    alternative to retirement, an affiliated association that is not 
    terminating has the right to require you to transfer its investment in 
    the bank, including a pro rata share of unallocated surplus, to another 
    Farm Credit bank. The transfer of the investment, which must include 
    purchased equities and allocated and unallocated surplus, must occur on 
    or before the termination date.
    Sec. 611.1280  Dissenters' rights.
        (a) Definition. A dissenting stockholder is an equity holder (other 
    than a System institution) in a terminating institution on the 
    termination date who either:
        (1) Was eligible to vote on the termination resolution and voted 
    against termination;
        (2) Was an equity holder on the voting record date but was not 
    eligible to vote; or
        (3) Became an equity holder after the voting record date.
        (b) Retirement at option of dissenting stockholder. A dissenting 
    stockholder may require a terminating institution to retire the 
    stockholder's equity interest in the terminating institution.
        (c) Value of a dissenting stockholder's interest. You must pay a 
    dissenting stockholder according to the liquidation provisions in your 
    bylaws, except that you must pay at least par or face value for 
    eligible borrower stock (as defined in section 4.9A(d)(2) of the Act).
        (d) Calculation of interest of a dissenting stockholder entitled to 
    the remaining assets. Except as paragraph (f) of this section provides, 
    when you retire equities of the class entitled to the remaining assets 
    in a liquidation, you must pay the adjusted book value.
        (1) The adjusted book value for a terminating association is the 
    [[Page 60383]]
    value on the termination date, after making the adjustments required by 
    us for the final exit fee calculation in Sec. 611.1255(a)(4), except 
    for the subtraction of dissenting stockholders' equity described in 
    Sec. 611.1255 (a)(4)(ii)(C).
        (2) The adjusted book value for a terminating bank is the book 
    value on the termination date, after making the adjustments required by 
    us for the final exit fee calculation in Sec. 611.1255(b)(5)(iv), 
    except for the subtraction of dissenting stockholders' equity described 
    in Sec. 611.1255(b)(5)(iii)(D).
        (e) Form of payment to a dissenting stockholder. You must pay cash 
    or make some other payment arrangement satisfactory to the dissenting 
    stockholder for the stockholder's equities.
        (f) Payment to holders of special class of stock. If you have 
    adopted bylaws under Sec. 611.1210(f), you must pay a dissenting 
    stockholder who owns shares of the special class of stock an amount 
    equal to the lower of the par (or face) or adjusted book value of such 
        (g) Notice to equity holders. The notice to equity holders required 
    in Sec. 611.1240(e) must include a form for stockholders to send back 
    to you, stating their intention to exercise dissenters' rights. The 
    notice must contain the following information:
        (1) A description of the rights of dissenting stockholders set 
    forth in this section, and the approximate value per share that a 
    dissenting stockholder can expect to receive. State whether the 
    successor institution will require borrowers to be stockholders or 
    whether it will require stockholders to be borrowers.
        (2) A description of the current book and par value per share of 
    each class of equities, and the expected book and market value of the 
    stockholder's interest in the successor institution.
        (3) A statement that a stockholder must return the enclosed form to 
    you within 30 days if the stockholder chooses to exercise dissenters' 
        (h) Notice to subsequent equity holders. Equity holders that 
    acquire their equities after the termination vote must also receive the 
    notice described in paragraph (g) of this section. You must give them 
    at least 5 business days to decide whether to request retirement of 
    their stock.
        (i) Reconsideration. If a reconsideration vote is held and the 
    termination is disapproved, the right of stockholders to exercise 
    dissenters' rights is rescinded. If a reconsideration vote is held and 
    the termination is approved, you must retire the equities of dissenting 
    stockholders as if there had been no reconsideration vote.
    Sec. 611.1285  Loan refinancing by borrowers.
        (a) Disclosure of credit and loan information. At the request of a 
    borrower seeking refinancing with another System institution before you 
    terminate, you must give credit and loan information about the borrower 
    to such institution.
        (b) No reassignment of territory. If, at the termination date, we 
    have not assigned your territory to another System institution, any 
    System institution may lend in your territory, to the extent otherwise 
    permitted by the Act and regulations.
    Sec. 611.1290  Continuation of borrower rights.
        You may not require a waiver of contractual borrower rights 
    provisions as a condition of borrowing from and owning equity in the 
    successor institution. Institutions that become OFIs on termination 
    must comply with the applicable borrower rights provisions in the Act 
    and subparts K, L, and N of part 614 of this chapter.
        Dated: October 29, 1999.
    Nan P. Mitchem,
    Acting Secretary, Farm Credit Administration Board.
    [FR Doc. 99-28732 Filed 11-4-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6705-01-P

Document Information

Farm Credit Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Please send your comments to us on or before February 3, 2000.
60370-60383 (14 pages)
3052-AB86: Organization (Reorganization Authorities for System Institutions)
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12 CFR 611.1265(a)
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