96-28430. Questions and Answers Regarding Implementation of an Interim Permitting Approach for Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations in Storm Water Permits  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 216 (Wednesday, November 6, 1996)]
    [Pages 57425-57429]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-28430]
    Questions and Answers Regarding Implementation of an Interim 
    Permitting Approach for Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations in 
    Storm Water Permits
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the Environmental Protection 
    Agency (EPA) has developed a set of questions and answers to assist 
    municipalities and permitting authorities in implementing its recent 
    policy outlining an interim approach for incorporating water quality-
    based effluent limitations into storm water permits.
    Background and Purpose
        On August 26, 1996, the EPA published in the Federal Register (61 
    FR 43761) a policy outlining an interim approach for incorporating 
    water quality-based effluent limitations into National Pollution 
    Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permits. The policy 
    was developed to address the variable nature of storm water discharges, 
    and the typical lack of information on which to base numeric water 
    quality-based effluent limitations (expressed as concentration and 
    mass). The policy addresses issues related to the type of effluent 
    limitations that are most appropriate for NPDES storm water permits to 
    provide for the attainment of water quality standards. Since the policy 
    only applies to water quality-based effluent limitations, it is not 
    intended to affect technology-based limitations, such as those based on 
    effluent guidelines or the permit writer's best professional 
    judgements, that are incorporated into storm water permits.
        Based on numerous requests for additional information regarding the 
    implementation of the policy, the EPA has developed the following set 
    of questions and answers. For convenience, the policy is also reprinted 
    Policy Statement
        In response to recent questions regarding the type of water 
    quality-based effluent limitations that are most appropriate for 
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water 
    permits, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is adopting an 
    interim permitting approach for regulating wet weather storm water 
    discharges. Due to the nature of storm water discharges, and the 
    typical lack of information on which to base numeric water quality-
    based effluent limitations (expressed as concentration and mass), EPA 
    will use an interim permitting approach for NPDES storm water permits.
        The interim permitting approach uses best management practices 
    (BMPs) in first-round storm water permits, and expanded or better-
    tailored BMPs in subsequent permits, where necessary, to provide for 
    the attainment of water quality standards. In cases where adequate 
    information exists to develop more specific conditions or limitations 
    to meet water quality standards, these conditions or limitations are to 
    be incorporated into storm water permits, as necessary and appropriate. 
    This interim permitting approach is not intended to affect those storm 
    water permits that already include appropriately derived numeric water 
    quality-based effluent limitations. Since the policy only applies to 
    water quality-based effluent limitations, it is not intended to affect 
    technology-based limitations, such as those based on effluent 
    guidelines or the permit writer's best professional judgement, that are 
    incorporated into storm water permits.
    [[Page 57426]]
        Each storm water permit should include coordinated and cost-
    effective monitoring program to gather necessary information to 
    determine the extent to which the permit provides for attainment of 
    applicable water quality standards and to determine the appropriate 
    conditions or limitations for subsequent permits. Such a monitoring 
    program may include, ambient monitoring, receiving water assessment, 
    discharge monitoring (as needed), or a combination of monitoring 
    procedures designed to gather necessary information.
        This interim permitting approach applies only to EPA, however, EPA 
    also encourages authorized States and Tribes to adopt similar policies 
    for storm water permits. This interim permitting approach provides 
    time, where necessary, to more fully assess the range of issues and 
    possible options for the control of storm water discharges for the 
    protection of water quality. This interim permitting approach may be 
    modified as a result of the ongoing Urban Wet Weather Flows Federal 
    Advisory Committee policy dialogue on this subject.
    Questions and Answers
        Question 1: Must EPA require that storm water dischargers, 
    industrial or municipal, be subject to numeric water quality-based 
    effluent limitations (expressed as concentration and mass) in order to 
    attain water quality standards (WQS)?
        Answer 1: No. Although National Pollutant Discharge Elimination 
    System (NPDES) permits must contain conditions to ensure that water 
    quality standards are met, this does not require the use of numeric 
    water quality-based effluent limitations. Under the Clean Water Act 
    (CWA) and NPDES regulations, permitting authorities may employ a 
    variety of conditions and limitations in storm water permits, including 
    best management practices, performance objectives, narrative 
    conditions, monitoring triggers, action levels (e.g., monitoring 
    benchmarks, toxicity reduction evaluation action levels), etc., as the 
    necessary water quality-based limitations, where numeric water quality-
    based effluent limitations are determined to be unnecessary or 
        A. The Clean Water Act does not require numeric effluent 
        Section 301 of the CWA requires that discharger permits include 
    effluent limitations necessary to meet State or Tribal WQS. Section 502 
    defines ``effluent limitation'' to mean any restriction on quantities, 
    rates, and concentrations of constituents discharged from point 
    sources. The CWA does not say that effluent limitations need be 
    numeric. As a result, EPA and States have flexibility in terms of how 
    to express effluent limitations.
        B. EPA's regulations do not always require numeric effluent 
        EPA has, through regulation, interpreted the statute to allow for 
    non-numeric limitations (e.g., ``best management practices'' or BMPs, 
    see 40 CFR 122.2) to supplement or replace numeric limitations in 
    specific instances that meet the criteria specified at 40 CFR 
    122.44(k). This regulation essentially codifies a court case addressing 
    storm water discharges. NRDC v. Costle, 568 F.2d 1369 (D.C. Cir. 1977). 
    In that case, the Court stated that EPA need not establish numeric 
    effluent limitations where such limitations were infeasible.
        C. EPA has interpreted the statute and regulations to allow BMPs in 
    lieu of numeric limitations.
        EPA has defended use of BMPs as a substitute for numeric 
    limitations in litigation involving storm water discharges (CBE v. EPA, 
    91-70056 (9th Cir.)(brief on merits)) and in correspondence (Letter 
    from Michael Cook, EPA, to Peter Lehner, NRDC, May 31, 1995). EPA has 
    found that numeric limitations for storm water permits can be very 
    difficult to develop at this time because of the existing state of 
    knowledge about the intermittent and variable nature of these types of 
    discharges and their effects on receiving waters. Some storm water 
    permits, however, currently do contain numeric water quality-based 
    effluent limitations where adequate information exists to derive such 
        Question 2: Has EPA provided guidance on a methodology for deriving 
    numeric water quality-based effluent limitations?
        Answer 2: Yes, but primarily for continuous wastewater discharges 
    at low flow conditions in the receiving water, not intermittent wet 
    weather discharges during high flow conditions. Regulations at 40 CFR 
    122.44(d) specify the requirements under which permitting authorities 
    establish water quality-based effluent limitations when a facility has 
    the ``reasonable potential'' to cause or contribute to an excursion of 
    numeric or narrative water quality criteria. In addition, EPA guidance 
    in the Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics 
    Control (TSD) and the NPDES Permit Writers Training Manual, 
    supplemented with total maximum daily load (TMDL) and modeling 
    guidance, supports issuing permits that include numeric water quality-
    based effluent limitations. This guidance was based on crafting numeric 
    water quality-based effluent limitations using TMDLs, or calculations 
    similar to those used in developing TMDLs, and wasteload allocations 
    (WLAs) derived through modeling. EPA expects the Urban Wet Weather 
    Flows Federal Advisory Committee (60 FR 21189, May 1, 1995) will review 
    this issue at greater length and may provide recommendations on how to 
        Question 3: Why can numeric water quality-based effluent 
    limitations be difficult to derive for storm water permits?
        Answer 3: Storm water discharges are highly variable both in terms 
    of flow and pollutant concentrations, and the relationships between 
    discharges and water quality can be complex. The water quality impacts 
    of storm water discharges are related to the uses designated by States 
    and Tribes in their WQS, the quality of the storm water discharge 
    (e.g., conventional or toxic pollutants conveyed to the receiving 
    water) and quantity of the storm water (e.g., erosion and loss of 
    habitat caused by increased flows and velocity). Uses may be impacted 
    by both water quality and water quantity. Depending on site-specific 
    considerations, some of the water quality impacts of storm water 
    discharges may be more related to the physical effects (e.g., stream 
    bank erosion, streambed scouring, extreme temperature variations, 
    sediment smothering) than the type and amount of pollutants present in 
    the discharge. For municipal storm water discharges in particular, the 
    current use of system-wide permits and a variety of jurisdiction-wide 
    BMPs, including educational and programmatic BMPs, does not easily lend 
    itself to the existing methodologies for deriving numeric water 
    quality-based effluent limitations. These methodologies were designed 
    primarily for process wastewater discharges which occur at predictable 
    rates with predictable pollutant loadings under low flow conditions in 
    receiving waters. Using these methodologies, limitations are typically 
    derived for each specific outfall to be protective of low flows in the 
    receiving water. Because of this, permit writers have not made wide-
    spread use of the existing methodologies and models for storm water 
    discharge permits. In addition, wet weather modeling is technically 
    more difficult and expensive than the simple dilution models generally 
    used in the permitting process.
        Question 4: Has EPA previously recognized the technical difficulty 
    in deriving numeric water quality-based
    [[Page 57427]]
    effluent limitations for storm water discharges?
        Answer 4: Yes. EPA recognized the technical difficulty in deriving 
    numeric water quality-based effluent limitations for wet weather 
    discharges in its brief on the merits in Citizens for a Better 
    Environment (CBE) v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 91-
    70056 (9th Cir.) and in the Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance (58 FR 
    20841, April 16, 1993).
        In the CBE case, EPA explained why it was technically infeasible to 
    derive numeric water quality-based effluent limitations for the 
    discharge of metals in storm water into South San Francisco Bay and 
    asserted that a water quality-based effluent limitation could take the 
    form of a narrative statement, such as a BMP, if it was infeasible to 
    derive a numeric limitation. In explaining its arguments in the CBE 
    case, EPA cited 40 CFR 122.44(k)(2), which provides that BMPs may be 
    imposed in NPDES permits ``to control or abate the discharge of 
    pollutants when * * * [n]umeric effluent limitations are infeasible.''
        In the Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance, EPA did not extend the 
    method for calculating wasteload allocations, the basis for numeric 
    water quality-based effluent limitations, to storm water or combined 
    sewer overflow (CSO) discharges because the varying nature of these 
    discharges is inconsistent with the assumptions used in developing the 
    guidance. The Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance defers to national 
    guidance and policy on wet weather and does not seek to establish a 
    separate and distinct set of wet weather requirements. EPA expects the 
    Urban Wet Weather Flows Advisory Committee to provide recommendations 
    about how to address the broader technical issues involved in achieving 
    compliance with WQS in a wet weather context.
        Question 5: What are the potential problems of using standard 
    methodologies to derive numeric water quality-based effluent 
    limitations for storm water permits?
        Answer 5: Correctly derived numeric water quality-based effluent 
    limitations provide a greater degree of confidence that a discharge 
    will not cause or contribute to an exceedance of the WQS, because 
    numeric water quality-based effluent limitations are derived directly 
    from the numeric component of those standards. In addition, numeric 
    water quality-based effluent limitations can avoid the expense 
    associated with overly protective treatment technologies because 
    numeric water quality-based effluent limitations provide a more 
    precisely quantified target for permittees. Potential problems of 
    incorporating inappropriate numeric water quality-based effluent 
    limitations rather than BMPs in storm water permits at this time are 
    significant in some cases. Deriving numeric water quality-based 
    effluent limitations for any NPDES permit without an adequate effluent 
    characterization, or an adequate receiving water exposure assessment 
    (which could include the use of dynamic modeling or continuous 
    simulations) may result in the imposition of inappropriate numeric 
    limitations on a discharge. Examples of this include the imposition of 
    numeric water quality criteria as end-of-pipe limitations without 
    properly accounting for the receiving water assimilation of the 
    pollutant or failure to account for a mixing zone (if allowed by 
    applicable State or Tribal WQS). This could lead to overly stringent 
    permit requirements, and excessive and expensive controls on storm 
    water discharges, not necessary to provide for attainment of WQS. 
    Conversely, an inadequate effluent characterization could lead to water 
    quality-based effluent limitations that are not stringent enough to 
    provide for attainment of WQS. This could result because effluent 
    characterization and exposure assessments for discharges with high 
    variability of pollutant concentrations, loadings, and flow are more 
    difficult than with process wastewater discharges at low flows.
        Question 6: How are water quality-based effluent limitations 
    developed for combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges?
        Answer 6: The CSO Control Policy issued by EPA on April 19, 1994 
    (59 FR 18688) provides direction on compliance with the technology-
    based and water quality-based requirements of the CWA for communities 
    with combined sewer systems. The CSO Policy provides for implementation 
    of technology-based requirements (expressed as ``nine minimum 
    controls'') by January 1, 1997.
        In addition, under the CSO Policy, communities are also expected to 
    develop long-term control plans that will provide for attainment of WQS 
    through either the ``presumption approach'' or the ``demonstration 
    approach.'' Under the presumption approach, CSO controls would be 
    presumed to attain WQS if certain performance criteria are met. A 
    program that meets the criteria specified in the CSO policy is presumed 
    to provide an adequate level of control to meet the water quality-based 
    requirements of the CWA, provided the permitting authority determines 
    that such presumption is reasonable based on characterization, 
    monitoring, and modeling of the system, including consideration of 
    sensitive areas. Under the demonstration approach, the permittee would 
    demonstrate that the selected CSO controls, when implemented, would be 
    adequate to meet the water quality-based requirements of the CWA.
        The CSO Policy anticipates that it will be difficult in the early 
    stages of permitting to determine whether numeric water quality-based 
    effluent limitations are necessary for CSOs, and, if so, what the 
    limitations should be. For that reason, in the absence of sufficient 
    data to evaluate the need for numeric water quality-based effluent 
    limitations, the Policy recommends that the first phase of CSO permits 
    (``Phase I'') contain a narrative requirement to comply with WQS. 
    Further, so-called ``Phase II'' permits would contain water quality-
    based effluent limitations, as provided in 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1) and 
    122.44(k), that may take the form of numeric performance or design 
    standards, such as a certain number of overflow events or a certain 
    percent volume capture. Generally, only after the long-term control 
    plan is in place and after collection of sufficient water quality data 
    (including applicable wasteload allocations developed during a TMDL 
    process) would numeric water quality-based effluent limitations be 
    included in the permit. This would likely occur only after several 
    permitting cycles.
        Question 7: If BMPs alone are demonstrated to provide adequate 
    water quality protection, are additional controls necessary?
        Answer 7: No. If the permitting authority determines that, through 
    implementation of appropriate BMPs required by the NPDES storm water 
    permit, the discharges have the necessary controls to provide for 
    attainment of WQS and any technology-based requirements, additional 
    controls need not be included in the permit. Conversely, if a 
    discharger (municipal or industrial) fails or refuses to adopt and 
    implement adequate BMPs, the permitting authority may have to consider 
    other approaches to ensure water quality protection.
        If, however, the permitting authority has adequate information on 
    which to base more specific conditions or limitations, such limitations 
    are to be incorporated into storm water permits, as necessary and 
    appropriate. Such conditions or limitations may include an integrated 
    suite of BMPs, performance objectives, narrative standards, monitoring 
    triggers, numeric water quality-based effluent limitations,
    [[Page 57428]]
    action levels, etc. Storm water permits may also need to include 
    additional requirements to receive State or Tribal 401 certifications.
        Question 8: What is EPA doing to develop information about the 
    linkage between BMPs and water quality and to facilitate a watershed-
    based approach to storm water permitting?
        Answer 8: The Agency has cooperative agreements with WERF (Water 
    Environment Research Foundation) and ASCE (American Society of Civil 
    Engineers) to research which BMPs are most effective under which 
    circumstances. The results of this research should provide permitting 
    authorities and permittees with information about how to evaluate the 
    effectiveness of different kinds of BMPs in different circumstances and 
    to select the most appropriate controls to achieve water quality 
    objectives. EPA also has cooperative agreements with the Watershed 
    Management Institute and other organizations to conduct research over 
    the next two to four years that will examine the capability of storm 
    water BMPs to improve receiving water quality and restore/protect the 
    biological integrity of those waters. EPA expects the Urban Wet Weather 
    Flows Federal Advisory Committee to provide recommendations on how to 
    permit storm water discharges on a watershed basis.
        Question 9: The interim permitting approach states that permits 
    should include monitoring programs to generate necessary information to 
    determine the extent to which permits are providing for the attainment 
    of water quality standards. What types of monitoring should be included 
    and how much monitoring is necessary?
        Answer 9: The amount and types of monitoring necessary will vary 
    depending on the individual circumstances of each storm water 
    discharge. EPA encourages dischargers and permitting authorities to 
    carefully evaluate monitoring needs and storm water program objectives 
    so as to select useful and cost-effective monitoring approaches. For 
    most dischargers, storm water monitoring can be conducted for two basic 
    reasons: (1) to identify if problems are present, either in the 
    receiving water or in the discharge, and to characterize the cause(s) 
    of such problems; and (2) to assess the effectiveness of storm water 
    controls in reducing contaminants and making improvements in water 
        Under the NPDES storm water program, large and medium municipal 
    separate storm sewer system permittees are required to conduct 
    monitoring. EPA recommends that each such municipal permittee design 
    the monitoring effort to be supportive of the goals and objectives of 
    its storm water management program when developing such a program for 
    the term of its NPDES permit. To accomplish this, a municipal permittee 
    may use a variety of storm water monitoring tools including receiving 
    water chemistry; receiving water biological assessments (benthic 
    invertebrate surveys, fish surveys, habitat assessments, etc.); 
    effluent monitoring; including chemical, whole effluent and visual 
    examinations; illicit connections screening; and combinations thereof, 
    or other methods. Techniques that assess receiving waters will help to 
    identify the degree to which storm water discharges are contributing to 
    any water quality problems. Techniques that assess storm water 
    discharge characteristics will help to identify potential causes of any 
    identified water quality problems. The municipal permittee, in 
    conjunction with the applicable NPDES permitting authority, should 
    determine which monitoring approaches would be most appropriate given 
    the objectives of the storm water management program. If municipal 
    permittees conduct ambient monitoring, it may be most cost-effective to 
    pool resources with other organizations (including, for example, other 
    municipalities, States, and Tribes) conducting monitoring within the 
    same watershed. This could be best accomplished through a coordinated 
    watershed monitoring strategy.
        For industrial storm water dischargers, monitoring may be required 
    under the terms of an NPDES permit for storm water discharges. For 
    those industrial storm water permits that do require monitoring, this 
    is typically done to characterize contaminants that might be found in 
    the industrial runoff and/or to assess the effectiveness of the 
    industrial storm water pollution prevention plan in reducing these 
    contaminants. This typically involves end-of-pipe chemical-specific 
    monitoring. End-of-pipe monitoring may be more appropriate for an 
    industrial facility than for a municipal permittee, given the 
    industrial facility's more discrete site characteristics, which make 
    management strategies such as collection and treatment more feasible. 
    Industries, for the most part, have readily defined storm water 
    conveyances into which runoff flows from discrete drainage areas. 
    Industries may more readily identify and control existing on-site 
    sources of storm water contamination or provide collection and 
    treatment within these discrete drainage areas to control pollutant 
    concentrations in their storm water discharges.
        EPA and other organizations are currently working to improve 
    approaches for monitoring storm water and the potential effects upon 
    water quality. These new approaches are called storm water program 
    ``environmental indicators.'' Environmental indicators are designed to 
    be more meaningful monitoring tools that storm water dischargers can 
    use to conduct storm water monitoring for the purposes described above. 
    A manual describing each of the recommended storm water program 
    environmental indicators is being prepared by the Center for Watershed 
    Protection in Silver Spring, Maryland. That manual is expected to be 
    ready by the end of August 1996 and should provide useful information 
    for storm water dischargers contemplating the need to develop a cost-
    effective, meaningful storm water monitoring program. In addition, EPA 
    expects the Urban Wet Weather Flows Federal Advisory Committee to 
    provide recommendations on how to better monitor storm water and other 
    wet weather discharges using a watershed approach.
        Question 10: Does this interim permitting approach apply to both 
    storm water discharges associated with industrial activity and storm 
    water discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems?
        Answer 10: Yes. The interim permitting approach is applicable to 
    both discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems and storm 
    water discharges associated with industrial activity (as defined by 40 
    CFR 122.26(b)(14)). The interim permitting approach would not affect, 
    however, permits that already incorporate appropriately derived numeric 
    water quality-based effluent limitations. Since the interim permitting 
    approach only addresses water quality-based effluent limitations, it 
    also does not affect technology-based effluent limitations, such as 
    those based on effluent limitations guidelines or developed using best 
    professional judgement, that are incorporated into storm water permits. 
    In addition, particularly for some industries, adequate information may 
    already have been collected with which to assess the reasonable 
    potential for a storm water discharge to cause or contribute to an 
    excursion of a WQS, and from which a numeric water quality-based 
    effluent limitation can be (or has been) appropriately derived. An 
    adequate amount of storm water pollutant source information may also 
    exist with which to assess the effectiveness of the industrial storm
    [[Page 57429]]
    water control measures in complying with the limitations and in 
    reducing storm water contaminants for protecting water quality.
    DATE: The policy was signed by the Assistant Administrator for Water on 
    August 1, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Copies of the policy with the 
    questions and answers are available by writing the U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Water Resources Center, Mail Code 4101, 401 M 
    Street, SW, Washington, D.C., 20460, or by calling (202) 260-7786. If 
    you have additional questions about the policy, please contact, Bill 
    Swietlik, Storm Water Phase I Matrix Manager, Office of Wastewater 
    Management, at (202) 260-9529 or William Hall, Urban Wet Weather Flows 
    Matrix Manager, Office of Wastewater Management, at (202) 260-1458, or 
    by Internet at hall.william@epamail.epa.gov.
        Dated: October 11, 1996.
    Michael B. Cook,
    Director, Office of Wastewater Management, Designated Federal Official.
    [FR Doc. 96-28430 Filed 11-5-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
The policy was signed by the Assistant Administrator for Water on August 1, 1996.
57425-57429 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
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