[Federal Register Volume 61, Number 216 (Wednesday, November 6, 1996)]
[Pages 57408-57410]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 96-28474]
[Docket No. CP97-27-000, et al.]
Puget Sound Energy, et al.; Natural Gas Certificate Filings
October 29, 1996.
Take notice that the following filings have been made with the
1. Puget Sound Energy
[Docket No. CP97-27-000]
Take notice that on October 16, 1996 Puget Sound Energy (PSE), 411
108th Avenue, N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004-5515, as Successor In
Interest to Washington Natural Gas Company, in its capacity as Project
Operator of the Jackson Prairie Storage Project (Storage Project),
filed an abbreviated application for a certificate of public
convenience and necessity pursuant to Section 7(c) of the Natural Gas
Act, to succeed to the role as Project Operator of the Storage Project
effective upon the merger of the current certificate holder, Washington
Natural Gas Company (Washington Natural), with, and into, PSE.
Specifically, PSE requests the Commission to reissue to PSE certain
case-specific Section 7(c) certificates and a Part 284 blanket
certificate previously issued to Washington Natural, as Project
Operator of the Storage Project, all as more fully described in the
application that is on file with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission and open to public inspection.
PSE states that no change in operations, no new construction, nor
increase in storage activity is proposed. Rather, PSE states that this
application is submitted in its status as ``Successor In Interest'' to
Washington Natural the current Project Operator of the Storage Project
which is located in Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington adjacent to
Northwest Pipeline Corporation's (Northwest) main transmission lines.
The Storage Project is currently owned in equal one-third undivided
interests by Washington Natural, Northwest Pipeline, and Washington
Water Power Company. PSE states that the operations of the Storage
Project are conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Gas Storage
Agreement (Project Agreement) to which each of the owners is a
signatory. According to PSE, the Project Agreement provides that the
overall supervision of the Project is conducted by a Management
Committee on which each of the three owners is represented.
PSE says the Project Agreement is on file with the Commission as
Washington Natural's Rate Schedule No. S-1 in its FERC Gas Tariff,
First Revised Volume No. 1. Concurrent with the effective date of the
merger, PSE states that it will file the Project Agreement as its FERC
Gas Tariff, Original Volume No. 1 and will cancel Washington Natural's
tariff. PSE states that it is filing this application at this time,
pending a review of the merger by the Washington Utilities and
Transportation Commission (WUTC), to ensure that the Commission will
have all of the necessary information to grant authorizations requested
effective with the approval of the merger, thereby avoiding any lapse
in the authorization to conduct storage operations, especially during
the upcoming winter heating season.
Comment date: November 19, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
2. Equitrans, L.P.
[Docket No. CP97-42-000]
Take notice that on October 18, 1996, Equitrans, L.P. (Equitrans),
3500 Park Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15275, filed in the above docket a
request pursuant to Sections 157.205 and 157.212 of the Regulations
under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR Sections 157.205 and 157.212) to
install one delivery tap pursuant to its blanket certificate in Docket
No. CP83-508-000 and transferred to Equitrans in Docket No. CP86-676-
000, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file
with the Commission and open to public inspection.
Equitrans states that the proposed delivery tap is to be installed
on Equitrans' field gathering pipeline No. F-114 in Greene County,
Pennsylvania. The tap will be instituted to provide transportation
deliveries to Equitable Gas for retail service to one residential
customer. Equitrans indicates that it will charge Equitable the
applicable transportation rate contained in Equitrans' FERC Gas Tariff
on file with and approved by the Commission. Equitrans projects that
the quantity of gas to be delivered through the proposed delivery tap
will be approximately 1 Mcf on a peak day.
Equitrans states that it will offer the proposed service within the
existing certificated transportation entitlements of Equitable Gas
under Equitrans' Rate Schedule FTS. Equitrans indicates that its tariff
does not prohibit this type of service. Further, Equitrans states that
the total volumes to be delivered to Equitable Gas after this request
do not exceed the total volumes authorized prior to the request.
Comment date: December 13, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph G at the end of this notice.
3. Questar Pipeline Company
[Docket No. CP97-49-000]
Take notice that on October 18, 1996, Questar Pipeline Company
(Questar), 79 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, filed in
Docket No. CP97-49-000 a petition for declaratory order requesting that
the Commission (1) remove the at-risk conditions attached to Commission
orders associated with the Muddy Creek interconnect (57 FERC para.
61,094 and 65 FERC para. 61,033) and the Fidlar Compressor Station
expansion and Main Line 68 replacement facilities (71 FERC para.
61,210) and (2) find that the costs and revenues attributable to these
facilities will be included in Questar's cost of service and revenues
on a rolled-in basis in any future rate proceeding.
[[Page 57409]]
Comment date: November 21, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
4. Southern Natural Gas Company, South Georgia Natural Gas Company
[Docket No. CP97-50-000]
Take notice that on October 18, 1996, Southern Natural Gas Company
and South Georgia Natural Gas Company, 1900 Fifth Avenue North,
Birmingham, Alabama 35202-2563 (jointly referred to as Applicants),
filed in Docket No. CP97-50-000, an application pursuant to Section
7(b) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and Part 157 of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission's (Commission) regulations, for a certificate of
public convenience and necessity authorizing Applicants to abandon an
emergency exchange service between Applicants and Florida Gas
Transmission Company (FGT), all as more fully set forth in the
application which is on file with the Commission and open to public
Applicants request that the Commission issue an order authorizing
the abandonment of the emergency exchange agreement between Applicants
and FGT approved by the Commission in Docket No. CP79-222 on September
14, 1979. Applicants state that, by a letter agreement dated November
14, 1994, FGT agreed to terminate the emergency exchange agreement, and
to make the termination effective September 26, 1995.
Comment date: November 19, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
5. Equitrans, L. P.
[Docket No. CP97-51-000]
Take notice that on October 18, 1996, Equitrans, L. P. (Equitrans),
3500 Park Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15275, filed in the above docket a
request pursuant to Sections 157.205 and 157.212 of the Regulations
under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR Sections 157.205 and 157.212) to
install one delivery tap pursuant to its blanket certificate in Docket
No. CP83-508-000 and transferred to Equitrans in Docket No. CP86-676-
000, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file
with the Commission and open to public inspection.
Equitrans states that the proposed delivery tap is to be installed
on Equitrans' field gathering pipeline No. F-738 in Ritchie County,
West Virginia. The tap will be instituted to provide transportation
deliveries to Equitable Gas for ultimate distribution to one
residential customer. Equitrans indicates that it will charge Equitable
the applicable transportation rate contained in Equitrans' FERC Gas
Tariff on file with and approved by the Commission. Equitrans projects
that the quantity of gas to be delivered through the proposed delivery
tap will be approximately 1 Mcf on a peak day.
Equitrans states that it will offer the proposed service within the
existing certificated transportation entitlements of Equitable Gas
under Equitrans' Rate Schedule FTS. Equitrans indicates that its tariff
does not prohibit this type of service. Further, Equitrans states that
the total volumes to be delivered to Equitable Gas after this request
do not exceed the total volumes authorized prior to the request.
Comment date: December 13, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph G at the end of this notice.
6. Mississippi River Transmission Corporation
[Docket No. CP97-59-000]
Take notice that on October 22, 1996, Mississippi River
Transmission Corporation (MRT), 1600 Smith Street, Houston, Texas
77002, filed an application pursuant to Section 7(b) of the Natural Gas
Act and Part 157 of the Commission's Regulations for permission and
approval to abandon by transfer and sale approximately 10.9 miles of
pipeline, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on
file with the Commission and open to public inspection.
Specifically, MRT seeks to abandon and transfer by sale to Arkla, a
division of NorAm Energy Corporation approximately 10.9 miles of 12-
inch pipeline, known as MRT's Newport Loop, together with facilities
appurtenant thereto, located in Jackson and Independence Counties,
Arkansas. MRT states the subject line no longer functions as a loop of
its Main Line No. 1, and serves only to transport natural gas to rural
customers served by Arkla.
Comment date: November 19, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
7. Northern Natural Gas Company
[Docket No. CP97-61-000]
Take notice that on October 23, 1996, Northern Natural Gas Company
(Northern), 1111 South 103rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, filed in
Docket No. CP97-61-000, an abbreviated application pursuant to Section
7(b) of the Natural Gas Act, and Part 157 of the Commission's
Regulations, requesting permission and approval to abandon service
under an individually certificated transportation agreement, all as
more fully set forth in the application which is on file with the
Commission and open to public inspection.
Specifically, Northern proposes to abandon Rate Schedule T-18,
contained in its FERC Gas Tariff, Original Volume No. 2. Northern
states that the underlying contract has been terminated.
Comment date: November 19, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
8. ANR Pipeline Company
[Docket No. CP97-63-000]
Take notice that on October 23, 1996, ANR Pipeline Company (ANR),
500 Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan 48243, filed in Docket No.
CP97-63-000 a request pursuant to Sections 157.205 and 157.211 of the
Commission's Regulations under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR 157.205,
157.211) for authorization to construct and operate an interconnection
between ANR and Hunt Petroleum Company (Hunt) in La Salle Parish,
Louisiana, under ANR's blanket certificate issued in Docket No. CP82-
480-000 pursuant to Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, all as more fully
set forth in the request that is on file with the Commission and open
to public inspection.
ANR proposes to construct and operate an interconnection between
ANR and Hunt at a cost of $5,000 to be reimbursed by Hunt. It is stated
that about 200,000 Mcf/d of gas would be delivered at this point under
ANR's ITS Rate Schedule.
Comment date: December 13, 1996, in accordance with Standard
Paragraph G at the end of this notice.
Standard Paragraphs
F. Any person desiring to be heard or make any protest with
reference to said filing should on or before the comment date file with
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, a motion to intervene or a protest in accordance
with the requirements of the Commission's Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214) and the Regulations under the
Natural Gas Act (18 CFR 157.10). All protests filed with the Commission
will be considered by it in determining the appropriate action to be
taken but will not serve to make the protestants parties to the
proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party to a proceeding or to
participate as a party in any hearing therein must file a motion to
intervene in accordance with the Commission's Rules.
Take further notice that, pursuant to the authority contained in
and subject to jurisdiction conferred upon the Federal
[[Page 57410]]
Energy Regulatory Commission by Sections 7 and 15 of the Natural Gas
Act and the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, a hearing
will be held without further notice before the Commission or its
designee on this filing if no motion to intervene is filed within the
time required herein, if the Commission on its own review of the matter
finds that a grant of the certificate is required by the public
convenience and necessity. If a motion for leave to intervene is timely
filed, or if the Commission on its own motion believes that a formal
hearing is required, further notice of such hearing will be duly given.
Under the procedure herein provided for, unless otherwise advised,
it will be unnecessary for the applicant to appear or be represented at
the hearing.
G. Any person or the Commission's staff may, within 45 days after
the issuance of the instant notice by the Commission, file pursuant to
Rule 214 of the Commission's Procedural Rules (18 CFR 385.214) a motion
to intervene or notice of intervention and pursuant to Section 157.205
of the Regulations under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR 157.205) a protest
to the request. If no protest is filed within the time allowed
therefore, the proposed activity shall be deemed to be authorized
effective the day after the time allowed for filing a protest. If a
protest is filed and not withdrawn within 30 days after the time
allowed for filing a protest, the instant request shall be treated as
an application for authorization pursuant to Section 7 of the Natural
Gas Act.
Lois D. Cashell,
[FR Doc. 96-28474 Filed 11-5-96; 8:45 am]