98-29809. Oryzalin: Amendment to the Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 215 (Friday, November 6, 1998)]
    [Pages 59993-59994]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-29809]
    [OPP-34152; FRL-6039-1]
    Oryzalin: Amendment to the Reregistration Eligibility Decision 
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Amendment to the Oryzalin Reregistration Eligibility Decision 
    (RED) Document
    SUMMARY: This notice amends the Oryzalin Reregistration Eligibility 
    Decision (RED) Document, Case 0186, pursuant to section 4(g)(2) of the 
    Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 7 U.S.C. 136 
    et seq. This amendment revises the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 
    requirements established in the RED for handlers of oryzalin end-use 
    products. All handlers loaders of oryzalin liquid formulations will be 
    required to wear: chemical-resistant gloves, shoes, socks, long-sleeved 
    shirt, and long pants. In addition, mixers and loaders of liquid 
    formulations will be required to wear a chemical-resistant apron. PPE 
    for all other non-homeowner use scenarios will be determined based on 
    the toxicity of the end-use product, as per guidance provided by the 
    Worker Protection Standard (WPS). This notice does not apply to the 
    homeowner uses of oryzalin.
    DATES: Written comments on the RED decisions must be submitted by 
    December 7, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Submit three copies of written comments identified with the 
    docket control number ``OPP-34152'' by mail to: Public Information and 
    Records Integrity Branch, Information Resources and Services Division 
    (7506C), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 
    401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person, deliver comments to: 
    Rm 119, Crystal Mall 2 (CM #2), 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, 
    Arlington, VA.
         Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by 
    following the instructions under ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION'' of this 
    document. No Confidential Business Information (CBI) should be 
    submitted through e-mail.
        Information submitted as a comment in response to this notice may 
    be claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information 
    as CBI. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in 
    accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the 
    comment that does not contain CBI must be submitted for inclusion in 
    the public docket. Information not marked confidential will be included 
    in the public docket without prior notice (including comments and data 
    submitted electronically). The public docket and docket index, 
    including printed paper versions of electronic comments that does not 
    include any information claimed as CBI, will be available for public 
    inspection in Rm. 119 at the address given above, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 
    p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
        The Oryzalin RED and Fact Sheet are available from the National 
    Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, 
    Springfield, VA 22161. Attn: Order Desk; Telephone No. (703) 487-4650. 
    To obtain a copy of the Oryzalin RED, request publication number PB95-
    1791721; for the Oryzalin RED Fact Sheet request PB95-187670. This 
    notice is also being forwarded to NTIS.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carmelita White, Chemical Review 
    Manager, Reregistration Branch III, Special Review and Reregistration 
    Division (7508W), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC 20460. Office location 
    and telephone number: Sixth floor, CM #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, 
    Arlington, VA. (703) 308-7038.
        Electronic Availability: Electronic copies of this document and 
    various support documents are available from the EPA home page at the 
    Federal Register-Environmental Documents entry for this document under 
    ``Laws and Regulations'' (http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/).
        EPA published a notice in the Federal Register of on March 8, 1995, 
    (60 FR 12763)(FRL-4940-6), announcing the availability of the Oryzalin 
    RED. In the RED, EPA provided its regulatory position on the registered 
    uses of oryzalin based on the information and data available at that 
    time. The RED set forth specific requirements for product 
    reregistration eligibility. The Agency required certain PPE (coveralls 
    over long-sleeved shirt and long pants,
    [[Page 59994]]
    chemical-resistant gloves, chemical-resistant footwear and chemical-
    resistant headgear for overhead exposures) for all non-homeowner uses 
    of oryzalin. The RED also required a chemical-resistant apron for 
    mixers and loaders of all non-homeowner, end-use oryzalin liquid 
    products. The additional PPE were required to mitigate exposure to 
    oryzalin due to carcinogenicity concerns.
        In the Oryzalin RED, the Agency used the Pesticide Handler Exposure 
    Database (PHED), Version 1.0, to derive exposure estimates for mixers, 
    loaders and applicators. In August 1995, DowElanco requested that the 
    Agency reconsider the additional PPE requirements. In responding to 
    this request, the Agency conducted a new risk and exposure assessment 
    using an updated version of this same database (PHED 1.1) that 
    contained more accurate information. The updated PHED database became 
    available after the Oryzalin RED document had been published. The 
    refined assessment indicated that the PPE requirements in the RED were 
    overly restrictive, however, the refined risk estimates still showed 
    that baseline PPE (i.e., long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks and 
    shoes) were not adequately protective of mixers and loaders of the 
    liquid formulations and applicators using hand-held equipment.
        For mixers and loaders of oryzalin liquids and applicators using 
    hand-held equipment, the Agency is now requiring, chemical-resistant 
    gloves, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes, and socks. Additionally, 
    for mixers and loaders of oryzalin liquids, a chemical-resistant apron 
    is required. PPE for all other formulations will be determined based on 
    the acute toxicity of the end-use product, as per guidance provided by 
    the Worker Protection Standard (WPS).
        For the low-pressure handwand use scenario, the refined oryzalin 
    exposure and risk assessment used the high-pressure handwand data set 
    rather than the low-pressure handwand data set. The Agency believes 
    that the high-pressure handwand data set more closely approximates the 
    type of spray equipment used to apply oryzalin to ornamentals and 
    turfgrass. The risk estimates for applicators with the high-pressure 
    handwand scenario were 3.5 x 10-5 with the baseline PPE and chemical-
    resistant gloves, which is in the acceptable range for applicators.
        Electronic copies of the REDs and RED fact sheets can be downloaded 
    from the Pesticide Special Review and Reregistration Information System 
    at (703) 308-7224, and also can be reached on the Internet via EPA's 
    website at: http//www.epa.gov/REDs/.
        The official record for this notice, as well as the public version, 
    has been established for this notice under docket control number ``OPP-
    34152'' (including comments and data submitted electronically as 
    described below). A public version of this record, including printed, 
    paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include any 
    information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 8:30 a.m. 
    to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    official record is located at the address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the 
    beginning of this document.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption. Comment and data 
    will also be accepted on disks in WordPerfect 5.1 or 6.1 file format or 
    ASCII file format. All comments and data in electronic form must be 
    identified by the docket control number (OPP-34152). Electronic 
    comments on this notice may be filed online at many Federal Depository 
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection.
        Dated: October 23, 1998.
    Jack E. Housenger,
    Acting Director, Special Review and Reregistration Division, Office of 
    Pesticide Programs.
    [FR Doc. 98-29809 Filed 11-5-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Amendment to the Oryzalin Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Document
Document Number:
Written comments on the RED decisions must be submitted by December 7, 1998.
59993-59994 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-34152, FRL-6039-1
PDF File: