2024-25854. Standardized Tests and Minimum Passing Scores for Foreign Health Care Workers To Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
Summary of Recommendations on English Language Proficiency Tests and Scores
[12-point font single spaced]
Test name Test section Current score Recommended score Justification and impact Evidence Timeframe [Insert Name of Test] [Insert what section of the test the modification refers to, i.e., overall, listening, reading, writing, or speaking.] [Insert current score for each test by health profession or occupation by level of degree.] [Insert recommended score for each test by health profession or occupation by level of degree.] [Provide a brief description of why the modification is necessary.] [Provide a brief description of potential impact of the modification if accepted.] [Describe evidence to support this modification ( i.e., concordance analysis and findings, evaluation studies, and other supporting material to substantiate this recommendation).] [Insert if this modification is time sensitive. If yes, describe why.] Summary of Administrative Comments on English Language Proficiency Tests and Scores