95-27473. Final Listing of Recommendations and Statements Regarding Administrative Practice and Procedure  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 216 (Wednesday, November 8, 1995)]
    [Pages 56312-56316]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-27473]
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules 
    or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings 
    and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, 
    delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency 
    statements of organization and functions are examples of documents 
    appearing in this section.
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 216 / Wednesday, November 8, 1995 / 
    [[Page 56312]]
    Final Listing of Recommendations and Statements Regarding 
    Administrative Practice and Procedure
    AGENCY: Administrative Conference of the United States.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: Final listing of Recommendations and Statements issued by the 
    Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) between 1968 and 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Administrative Conference of the United 
    States, an independent advisory agency in the executive branch, has 
    been issuing recommendations and statements on the improvement of the 
    federal administrative process since 1968. Recommendations have been 
    made to the President, agencies, Congress and the Judicial Conference, 
    and are aimed at making the administrative process more efficient and 
    more fair. Statements are more generalized positions on issues of 
    federal administrative procedure. Over the years, the text of most of 
    these recommendations and statements have been published in the Federal 
    Register and, between 1973 and 1993, in the Code of Federal Regulations 
    at 1 CFR Parts 305 and 310. In recent years, budget limitations have 
    prevented the Administrative Conference from publishing the text of its 
    recommendations and statements in the CFR.
        The Administrative Conference is closing its doors on October 31, 
    1995, because Congress has not appropriated funds for the agency. As a 
    service to the public who may wish to find the text of the over 200 
    recommendations and statements ACUS has issued over the past 27 years, 
    we are publishing a list containing the Federal Register citations for 
    all of the recommendations and statements that have been published 
    there in the past. The text of all ACUS recommendations and statements, 
    including those never published in the Federal Register, can be found 
    in the Conference's annual reports and the published volumes of 
    Administrative Conference Recommendations and Reports, which are 
    available at the Regional Federal Depository Libraries located in each 
    state, the Library of Congress or its Law Library, and at the library 
    of the Washington College of Law at The American University in 
    Washington, DC. Similarly, the reports that served as a basis for the 
    recommendations and statements are published in the ACUS 
    Recommendations and Reports described above.
        The Administrative Conference was a statutory advisory committee, a 
    majority of whose members were from federal agencies; the others were 
    from the private sector and academia. Administrative Conference 
    recommendations and statements were developed through a process that 
    involved preparation of a study on a particular topic of administrative 
    law or procedure. Typically, a committee of the Administrative 
    Conference considered the study, and with assistance of contract 
    consultants and staff from the Office of the Chairman, developed 
    proposed recommendations and statements. Those recommendations and 
    statements were debated by the full membership of the Administrative 
    Conference at its Plenary Sessions, which normally occurred twice a 
    year. The adopted text became a formal Administrative Conference 
    recommendation or statement.
        Of the approximately 200 recommendations and statements adopted by 
    the Administrative Conference during its history, over two-thirds were 
    implemented in whole or in part. A digest describing the implementation 
    of ACUS recommendations will be available at the Library of Congress or 
    its Law Library and at the library of the Washington College of Law at 
    The American University in Washington, DC.
                                    Recommendations of the Administrative Conference                                
    68-1..............  Adequate Hearing Facilities..................  Not published.                               
    68-2..............  U.S. Government Organization Manual..........  Not published.                               
    68-3..............  Parallel Table of Statutory Authority and      Not published.                               
                         Rules (2 CFR Ch. I).                                                                       
    68-4..............  Consumer Bulletin............................  Not published.                               
    68-5..............  Representation of the Poor in Agency           38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         Rulemaking of Direct Consequence to Them.                                                  
    68-6..............  Delegation of Final Decisional Authority       38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         Subject to Discretionary Review by the                                                     
    68-7..............  Elimination of Jurisdictional Amount           Not published.                               
                         Requirement in Judicial Review.                                                            
    68-8..............  Judicial Review of Interstate Commerce         Not published.                               
                         Commission Orders.                                                                         
    69-1..............  Statutory Reform of the Sovereign Immunity     Not published.                               
    69-2..............  Judicial Enforcement of Orders of the          Not published.                               
                         National Labor Relations Board.                                                            
    69-3..............  Publication of a ``Guide to Federal Reporting  Not published.                               
    69-4..............  Analytical Subject-Indexes to Selected         Not published.                               
                         Volumes of the Code of Federal Regulations.                                                
    69-5..............  Elimination of Duplicative Hearings in FAA     Not published.                               
                         Safety De-certification Cases.                                                             
    69-6..............  Compilation of Statistics on Administrative    38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         Proceedings by Federal Departments and                                                     
    69-7..............  Consideration of Alternatives in Licensing     38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    69-8..............  Elimination of Certain Exemptions from the     38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         APA Rulemaking Requirements.                                                               
    69-9..............  Recruitment and Selection of Hearing           38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         Examiners; Continuing Training for                                                         
                         Government Attorneys and Hearing Examiners;                                                
                         Creation of a Center for Continuing Legal                                                  
    70-1..............  Parties Defendant............................  Not published.                               
    70-2..............  SEC No-Action Letters Under Section 4 of the   Not published.                               
                         Securities Act of 1933.                                                                    
    70-3..............  Summary Decision in Agency Adjudication......  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    [[Page 56313]]
    70-4..............  Discovery in Agency Adjudication.............  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    70-5..............  Practices and Procedures under the             Not published.                               
                         Renegotiation Act of 1951.                                                                 
    71-1..............  Interlocutory Appeal Procedures..............  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    71-2..............  Principles and Guidelines for Implementation   38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         of the Freedom of Information Act.                                                         
    71-3..............  Articulation of Agency Policies..............  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    71-4..............  Minimum Procedures for Agencies Administering  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         Discretionary Grant Programs.                                                              
    71-5..............  Procedure of the Immigration and               Not published.                               
                         Naturalization Service in Respect to Change-                                               
                         of-Status Applications.                                                                    
    71-6..............  Public Participation in Administrative         38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    71-7..............  Rulemaking on a Record by the Food and Drug    Not published.                               
    71-8..............  Modification and Dissolution of Orders and     38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    71-9..............  Enforcement of Standards in Federal Grant-In-  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         Aid Programs.                                                                              
    72-1..............  Broadcast of Agency Proceedings..............  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    72-2..............  Conflict-Of-Interest Problems in Dealing with  Not published.                               
                         Natural Resources of Indian Tribes.                                                        
    72-3..............  Procedures of the United States Board of       Not published.                               
    72-4..............  Suspension and Negotiation of Rate Proposals   38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         by Federal Regulatory Agencies.                                                            
    72-5..............  Procedures for the Adoption of Rules of        38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
                         General Applicability.                                                                     
    72-6..............  Civil Money Penalties as a Sanction..........  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    72-7..............  Pre-induction Review of Selective Service      Not published.                               
                         Classification Orders and Related Procedural                                               
    72-8..............  Adverse Actions against Federal Employees....  38 FR 19782 (July 23, 1973).                 
    73-1..............  Adverse Agency Publicity.....................  38 FR 16839 (June 27, 1973).                 
    73-2..............  Labor Certification of Immigrant Aliens......  38 FR 16840 (June 27, 1973).                 
    73-3..............  Quality Assurance Systems in the Adjudication  38 FR 16840 (June 27, 1973).                 
                         of Claims of Entitlement to Benefits or                                                    
    73-4..............  Administration of Antidumping Law by the       39 FR 4846 (Feb. 7, 1974).                   
                         Department of the Treasury.                                                                
    73-5..............  Elimination of the ``Military or Foreign       39 FR 4847 (Feb. 7, 1974).                   
                         Affairs Function'' Exemption From APA                                                      
                         Rulemaking Requirements.                                                                   
    73-6..............  Procedures for Resolution of Environmental     39 FR 4848 (Feb. 7, 1974).                   
                         Issues in Licensing Proceedings.                                                           
    74-1..............  Subpena Power in Formal Rulemaking and Formal  39 FR 23041 (June 26, 1974).                 
    74-2..............  Procedures for Discretionary Distribution of   39 FR 23041 (June 26, 1974).                 
                         Federal Assistance.                                                                        
    74-3..............  Procedures for the Department of the Interior  39 FR 23043 (June 26, 1974).                 
                         with Respect to Mining Claims on Public                                                    
    74-4..............  Preenforcement Judicial Review of Rules of     39 FR 23044 (June 26, 1974).                 
                         General Applicability.                                                                     
    75-1..............  Licensing Decisions of the Federal Banking     40 FR 27925 (July 2, 1975).                  
    75-2..............  Affirmative Action for Equal Employment        40 FR 27926 (July 2, 1975).                  
                         Opportunity in Nonconstruction Employment.                                                 
    75-3..............  The Choice of Forum for Judicial Review of     40 FR 27926 (July 2, 1975).                  
                         Administrative Action.                                                                     
    75-4..............  Procedures to Ensure Compliance by Federal     40 FR 27928 (July 2, 1975).                  
                         Facilities with Environmental Quality                                                      
    75-5..............  Internal Revenue Service Procedures: The       41 FR 3982 (Jan. 27, 1976).                  
                         Audit and Settlement Processes.                                                            
    75-6..............  Internal Revenue Service Procedures:           41 FR 3982 (Jan. 27, 1976).                  
                         Collection of Delinquent Taxes.                                                            
    75-7..............  Internal Revenue Service Procedures: Civil     41 FR 3984 (Jan. 27, 1976).                  
    75-8..............  Internal Revenue Service Procedures: Tax       41 FR 3985 (Jan. 27, 1976).                  
                         Return Confidentiality.                                                                    
    75-9..............  Internal Revenue Service Procedures: Taxpayer  41 FR 3986 (Jan. 27, 1976).                  
                         Services and Complaints.                                                                   
    75-10.............  Internal Revenue Service Procedures: The IRS   41 FR 3987 (Jan. 27, 1976).                  
                         Summons Power.                                                                             
    76-1..............  The Exception from Mandatory Retirement        41 FR 29653 (July 19, 1976) and              
                         Exception for Certain Presidential            41 FR 30319 (July 23, 1976).                 
    76-2..............  Strengthening Informational and Notice-Giving  41 FR 29653 (July 19, 1976).                 
                         Functions of the ``Federal Register''.                                                     
    76-3..............  Procedures in Addition to Notice and the       41 FR 29654 (July 19, 1976).                 
                         Opportunity for Comment in Informal                                                        
    76-4..............  Judicial Review under the Clean Air Act and    41 FR 56757 (Dec. 30, 1976).                 
                         Federal Water Pollution Control Acts.                                                      
    76-5..............  Interpretive Rules of General Applicability    41 FR 56769 (Dec. 30, 1976).                 
                         and Statements of General Policy.                                                          
    77-1..............  Legislative Veto of Administrative             42 FR 54251 (Oct. 5, 1977).                  
    77-2..............  Judicial Review of Customs Service Actions...  42 FR 54251 (Oct. 5, 1977).                  
    77-3..............  Ex Parte Communications in Informal            42 FR 54253 (Oct. 5, 1977).                  
                         Rulemaking Proceedings.                                                                    
    78-1..............  Reduction of Delay in Ratemaking Cases.......  43 FR 27507 (June 26, 1978).                 
    78-2..............  Procedures for Determining Social Security     43 FR 27058 (June 26, 1978).                 
                         Disability Claims.                                                                         
    78-3..............  Time Limits on Agency Actions................  43 FR 27509 (June 26, 1978).                 
    78-4..............  Federal Agency Interaction with Private        44 FR 1357 (Jan. 5, 1979).                   
                         Standard-Setting Organizations in Health and                                               
                         Safety Regulation.                                                                         
    79-1..............  Hybrid Rulemaking Procedures of the Federal    44 FR 38817 (July 3, 1979).                  
                         Trade Commission.                                                                          
    79-2..............  Disputes Respecting Federal-State Agreements   44 FR 38823 (July 3, 1979).                  
                         for Administration of the Supplemental                                                     
                         Social Security Income Program.                                                            
    79-3..............  Agency Assessment and Mitigation of Civil      44 FR (38824 (July 3, 1979).                 
                         Money Penalties.                                                                           
    79-4..............  Public Disclosure Concerning the Use of Cost-  44 FR 38826 (July 3, 1979), and              
                         Benefit and Similar Analyses in Regulation.   FR 7755 (Aug. 14, 1979)                      
    79-5..............  Hybrid Rulemaking Procedures of the Federal    45 FR 2307 (Jan. 11, 1980).                  
                         Trade Commission: Administration of the                                                    
                         Program to Reimburse Participants' Expenses.                                               
    79-6..............  Elimination of the Presumption of Validity of  45 FR 2308 (Jan. 11, 1980).                  
                         Agency Rules and Regulations in Judicial                                                   
                         Review, as Exemplified by the Bumpers                                                      
    79-7..............  Appropriate Restrictions on Participation of   45 FR 2309 (Jan. 11, 1980).                  
                         a Former Agency Official in Matters                                                        
                         Involving the Agency.                                                                      
    80-1..............  Trade Regulation Rulemaking Under Magnuson-    45 FR 46772 (July 11, 1980).                 
                         Moss Warranty-Federal Trade Commission                                                     
                         Improvement Act.                                                                           
    80-2..............  Enforcement of Petroleum Price Regulations...  45 FR 46774 (July 11, 1980).                 
    80-3..............  Interpretation and Implementation of the       45 FR 46774 (July 11, 1980).                 
                         Federal Advisory Committee Act.                                                            
    80-4..............  Decisional Officials' Participation In         45 FR 46776 (July 11, 1980).                 
                         Rulemaking Proceedings.                                                                    
    [[Page 56314]]
    80-5..............  Eliminating or Simplifying the ``Race to the   45 FR 84954 (Dec. 24, 1980).                 
                         Courthouse'' in Appeals from Agency Action.                                                
    80-6..............  Intragovernmental Communications in Informal   45 FR 86407 (Dec. 31, 1980).                 
                         Rulemaking Proceedings.                                                                    
    81-1..............  Procedures for Assessing and Collecting        46 FR 62806 (Dec. 29, 1981).                 
                         Freedom of Information Act Fees.                                                           
    81-2..............  Current Versions of the Bumpers Amendment....  46 FR 62806 (Dec. 29, 1981).                 
    82-1..............  Exemption (b)(4) of the Freedom of             47 FR 30702 (July 15, 1982).                 
                         Information Act.                                                                           
    82-2..............  Resolving Disputes under Federal Grant         47 FR 30704 (July 15, 1982).                 
    82-3..............  Federal Venue Provisions Applicable to Suits   47 FR 30706 (July 15, 1982).                 
                         Against the Federal Government.                                                            
    82-4..............  Procedures for Negotiating Proposed            47 FR 30708 (July 15, 1982).                 
    82-5..............  Federal Regulation of Cancer-causing           47 FR 30710 (July 15, 1982).                 
    82-6..............  Federal Officials' Liability for               47 FR 58208 (Dec. 30, 1982).                 
                         Constitutional Violations.                                                                 
    82-7..............  Judicial Review of Rules in Enforcement        47 FR 58208 (Dec. 30, 1982).                 
    83-1..............  The Certification Requirement in the Contract  48 FR 31179 (July 7, 1983).                  
                         Disputes Act.                                                                              
    83-2..............  The ``Good Cause'' Exemption from APA          48 FR 31180 (July 7, 1983).                  
                         Rulemaking Requirements.                                                                   
    83-3..............  Agency Structure for Review of Decisions of    48 FR 57461 (Dec. 30, 1983).                 
                         Presiding Officers Under the Administrative                                                
                         Procedure Act.                                                                             
    83-4..............  Use of the Freedom of Information Act for      48 FR 57463 (Dec. 30, 1983).                 
                         Discovery Purposes.                                                                        
    84-1..............  Public Regulation of Siting of Industry        49 FR 29938 (July 25, 1984).                 
                         Development Projects.                                                                      
    84-2..............  Procedures for Product Recalls...............  49 FR 29940 (July 25, 1984).                 
    84-3..............  Improvements in the Administration of the      49 FR 29942 (July 25, 1984).                 
                         Government in the Sunshine Act.                                                            
    84-4..............  Negotiated Cleanup of Hazardous Waste Sites    49 FR 29942 (July 25, 1984).                 
                         Under CERCLA.                                                                              
    84-5..............  Preemption of State Regulation by Federal      49 FR 49838 (Dec. 24, 1984).                 
    84-6..............  Disclosure of Confidential Information Under   49 FR 49838 (Dec. 24, 1984).                 
                         Protective Order in International Trade                                                    
                         Commission Proceedings.                                                                    
    84-7..............  Administrative Settlement of Tort and Other    49 FR 49840 (Dec. 24, 1984).                 
                         Monetary Claims Against the Government.                                                    
    85-1..............  Legislative Preclusion of Cost/Benefit         50 FR 28363 (July 12, 1985).                 
    85-2..............  Agency Procedures for Performing Regulatory    50 FR 28364 (July 12, 1985).                 
                         Analysis of Rules.                                                                         
    85-3..............  Coordination of Public and Private             50 FR 28366 (July 12, 1985).                 
                         Enforcement of Environmental Laws.                                                         
    85-4..............  Administrative Review in Immigration           50 FR 52894 (Dec. 27, 1985).                 
    85-5..............  Procedures for Negotiating Proposed            50 FR 52895 (Dec. 27, 1985).                 
    86-1..............  Nonlawyer Assistance and Representation......  51 FR 25641 (July 16, 1986).                 
    86-2..............  Use of the Federal Rules of Evidence in        51 FR 25642 (July 16, 1986).                 
                         Federal Agency Adjudications.                                                              
    86-3..............  Agencies' Use of Alternative Means of Dispute  51 FR 25643 (July 16, 1986).                 
    86-4..............  The Split-Enforcement Model for Agency         51 FR 46986 (Dec. 30, 1986).                 
    86-5..............  Medicare Appeals.............................  51 FR 46987 (Dec. 30, 1986).                 
    86-6..............  Petitions for Rulemaking.....................  51 FR 46988 (Dec. 30, 1986).                 
    86-7..............  Case Management as a Tool for Improving        51 FR 46989 (Dec. 30, 1986).                 
                         Agency Adjudication.                                                                       
    86-8..............  Acquiring the Services of ``Neutrals'' for     51 FR 46990 (Dec. 30, 1986).                 
                         Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution.                                                   
    87-1..............  Priority Setting and Management of Rulemaking  52 FR 23629 (June 24, 1987).                 
                         by the Occupational Safety and Health                                                      
    87-2..............  Federal Protection of Private Sector Health    52 FR 23631 (June 24, 1987).                 
                         and Safety Whistleblowers.                                                                 
    87-3..............  Agency Hiring of Private Attorneys...........  52 FR 23632 (June 24, 1987).                 
    87-4..............  User Fees....................................  52 FR 23634 (June 24, 1987).                 
    87-5..............  Arbitration in Federal Programs..............  52 FR 23635 (June 24, 1987).                 
    87-6..............  State-Level Determinations in Social Security  52 FR 49142 (Dec. 30, 1987).                 
                         Disability Cases.                                                                          
    87-7..............  A New Role for the Social Security Appeals     52 FR 49143 (Dec. 30, 1987).                 
    87-8..............  National Coverage Determinations under the     52 FR 49144 (Dec. 30, 1987).                 
                         Medicare Program.                                                                          
    87-9..............  Dispute Procedures in Federal Debt Collection  52 FR 49146 (Dec. 30, 1987).                 
    87-10.............  Regulation by the Occupational Safety and      52 FR 49147 (Dec. 30, 1987).                 
                         Health Administration.                                                                     
    87-11.............  Alternatives for Resolving Government          52 FR 49148 (Dec. 30, 1987).                 
                         Contract Disputes.                                                                         
    87-12.............  Adjudication Practices and Procedures by the   52 FR 49151 (Dec. 30, 1987).                 
                         Federal Bank Regulatory Agencies.                                                          
    88-1..............  Presidential Transition Workers' Code of       53 FR 26026 (July 11, 1988).                 
                         Ethical Conduct.                                                                           
    88-2..............  Federal Government Indemnification of          53 FR 26027 (July 11, 1988).                 
                         Government Contractors.                                                                    
    88-3..............  Federal Reserve Board's Handling of            53 FR 26028 (July 11, 1988).                 
                         Applications Under the Bank Holding Company                                                
    88-4..............  Deferred Taxation for Conflict-of-Interest     53 FR 26029 (July 11, 1988).                 
    88-5..............  Agency Use of Settlement Judges..............  53 FR 26030 (July 11, 1988).                 
    88-6..............  Judicial Review of Preliminary Challenges to   53 FR 39585 (Oct. 11, 1988).                 
                         Agency Action.                                                                             
    88-7..............  Valuation of Human Life in Regulatory          53 FR 39586 (Oct. 11, 1988).                 
    88-8..............  Resolution of Claims Against Savings           53 FR 39587 (Oct. 11, 1988).                 
    88-9..............  Presidential Review of Agency Rulemaking.....  54 FR 5207 (Feb. 2, 1989).                   
    88-10.............  Federal Agency Use of Computers in Acquiring   54 FR 5209 (Feb. 2, 1989).                   
                         and Releasing Information.                                                                 
    88-11.............  Encouraging Settlements by Protecting          54 FR 5211 (Feb. 2, 1989).                   
                         Mediator Confidentiality.                                                                  
    89-1..............  Peer Review and Sanctions in the Medicare      54 FR 28965 (July 10, 1989).                 
    89-2..............  Contracting Officers' Management of Disputes.  54 FR 28967 (July 10, 1989).                 
    89-3..............  Conflict-of-Interest Requirements for Federal  54 FR 28969 (July 10, 1989).                 
                         Advisory Committees.                                                                       
    89-4..............  Asylum Adjudication Procedures...............  54 FR 28972 (July 10, 1989).                 
    89-5..............  Achieving Judicial Acceptance of Agency        54 FR 28973 (July 10, 1989).                 
                         Statutory Interpretations.                                                                 
    89-6..............  Public Financial Disclosure by Executive       54 FR 28973 (July 10, 1989).                 
                         Branch Officials.                                                                          
    89-7..............  Federal Regulation of Biotechnology..........  54 FR 53494 (Dec. 29, 1988).                 
    89-8..............  Agency Practices and Procedures for the        54 FR 53495 (Dec. 29, 1988).                 
                         Indexing and Public Availability of                                                        
                         Adjudicatory Decisions.                                                                    
    89-9..............  Processing and Review of Visa Denials........  54 FR 53496 (Dec. 29, 1988).                 
    89-10.............  Improved Use of Medical Personnel in Social    54 FR 53496 (Dec. 29, 1988).                 
                         Security Disability Determinations.                                                        
    90-1..............  Civil Money Penalties for Federal Aviation     55 FR 34209 (Aug. 22, 1990).                 
    [[Page 56315]]
    90-2..............  The Ombudsman in Federal Agencies............  55 FR 34211 (Aug. 22, 1990).                 
    90-3..............  Use of Risk Communication by Regulatory        55 FR 34212 (Aug. 22, 1990).                 
                         Agencies in Protecting Health, Safety and                                                  
                         the Environment.                                                                           
    90-4..............  Social Security Disability Program Appeals     55 FR 34213 (Aug. 22, 1990).                 
                         Process: Supplementary Recommendation.                                                     
    90-5..............  Federal Agency Electronic Records Management   55 FR 53270 (Dec. 28, 1990).                 
                         and Archives.                                                                              
    90-6..............  Use of Simplified Proceedings in Enforcement   55 FR 53271 (Dec. 28, 1990).                 
                         Actions Before the Occupational Safety and                                                 
                         Health Review Commission.                                                                  
    90-7..............  Administrative Responses to Congressional      55 FR 53272 (Dec. 28, 1990).                 
                         Demands for Sensitive Information.                                                         
    90-8..............  Rulemaking and Policymaking in the Medicaid    55 FR 53273 (Dec. 28, 1990).                 
    91-1..............  Federal Agency Cooperation with Foreign        56 FR 33842 (July 24, 1991).                 
                         Government Regulators.                                                                     
    91-2..............  Fair Administrative Procedure and Judicial     56 FR 33844 (July 24, 1991).                 
                         Review in Commerce Department Export Control                                               
    91-3..............  The Social Security Representative Payee       56 FR 33847 (July 24, 1991).                 
    91-4..............  The National Vaccine Injury Compensation       56 FR 33850 (July 24, 1991).                 
    91-5..............  Facilitating the Use of Rulemaking by the      56 FR 33851 (July 24, 1991).                 
                         National Labor Relations Board.                                                            
    91-6..............  Improving the Supervision of Safety and        56 FR 33852 (July 24, 1991).                 
                         Soundness of Government-Sponsored                                                          
    91-7..............  Implementation of Farmer-Lender Mediation by   56 FR 67140 (Dec. 30, 1991).                 
                         the Farmers Home Administration.                                                           
    91-8..............  Adjudication of Civil Penalties Under the      56 FR 67141 (Dec. 30, 1991).                 
                         Federal Aviation Act..                                                                     
    91-9..............  Specialized Review of Administrative Action..  56 FR 67143 (Dec. 30, 1991).                 
    91-10.............  Administrative Procedures in Antidumping and   56 FR 67144 (Dec. 30, 1991).                 
                         Countervailing Duty Cases.                                                                 
    92-1..............  The Procedural and Practice Rule Exemption     57 FR 30102 (July 8, 1992).                  
                         from the APA Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking                                                 
    92-2..............  Agency Policy Statements.....................  57 FR 30103 (July 8, 1992).                  
    92-3..............  Enforcement Procedures under the Fair Housing  57 FR 30104 (July 8, 1992).                  
    92-4..............  Coordination of Migrant and Seasonal           57 FR 30106 (July 8, 1992).                  
                         Farmworker Service Programs.                                                               
    92-5..............  Streamlining Attorney's Fee Litigation under   57 FR 30108 (July 8, 1992).                  
                         the Equal Access to Justice Act.                                                           
    92-6..............  Implementation of the Noise Control Act......  57 FR 30110 (July 8, 1992).                  
    92-7..............  The Federal Administrative Judiciary.........  57 FR 61760 (Dec. 29, 1992).                 
    92-8..............  Administration of the Office Juvenile Justice  57 FR 61765 (Dec. 29, 1992).                 
                         and Delinquency Prevention's Formula Grant                                                 
    92-9..............  De Minimis Settlements Under Superfund.......  57 FR 61766 (Dec. 29, 1992).                 
    93-1..............  Use of APA Formal Procedures in Civil Money    58 FR 45409 (Aug. 30, 1993).                 
                         Penalty Proceedings.                                                                       
    93-2..............  Review of Prompt Corrective Action Decisions   58 FR 45410 (Aug. 30, 1993).                 
                         by Banking Regulators.                                                                     
    93-3..............  Peer Review in the Award of Discretionary      58 FR 45412 (Aug. 30, 1993).                 
    93-4..............  Improving the Environment for Agency           58 FR 4670 (Feb. 1, 1994).                   
    93-5..............  Procedures for Regulation of Pesticides......  58 FR 4675 (Feb. 1, 1994).                   
    94-1..............  Use of Audited Self-Regulation as a            59 FR 44701 (Aug. 30, 1994).                 
                         Regulatory Technique.                                                                      
    94-2..............  Reforming the Government's Procedure for       59 FR 44703 (Aug. 30, 1994).                 
                         Civil Forfeiture.                                                                          
    95-1..............  Application and Modifications of FOIA          60 FR 13692 (Mar. 14, 1995).                 
                         Exemption 8.                                                                               
    95-2..............  Debarment and Suspension from Federal          60 FR 13695 (Mar. 14, 1995).                 
    95-3..............  Review of Existing Agency Regulations........  60 FR 43109 (Aug. 18, 1995).                 
    95-4..............  Procedures for Noncontroversial and Expedited  60 FR 43110 (Aug. 18, 1995).                 
    95-5..............  Government Contract Bid Protests.............  60 FR 43113 (Aug. 18, 1995).                 
    95-6..............  ADR Confidentiality and the Freedom of         60 FR 43115 (Aug. 18, 1995).                 
                         Information Act.                                                                           
    95-7..............  Use of Mediation under the Americans with      60 FR 43115 (Aug. 18, 1995).                 
    1.................  Views of the Administrative Conference on the  Not published.                               
                         ``Report on Selected Independent Regulatory                                                
                         Agencies'' of the President's Advisory                                                     
                         Council on Executive Organization.                                                         
    2.................  Statement of the Administrative Conference on  38 FR 16841 (June 27, 1973) as amended at 39 
                         the ABA Proposals to amend the                 FR 23045 (June 26, 1974).                   
                         Administrative Procedure Act.                                                              
    3.................  Statement of the Administrative Conference on  39 FR 4849 (Feb. 7, 1974).                   
                         ABA Resolution No. 1 to Amend the Definition                                               
                         of a Rule in the Administrative Procedure                                                  
    4.................  Strengthening Regulatory Agency Management     40 FR 27928 (July 2, 1975).                  
                         Through Seminars for Agency Officials.                                                     
    5.................  Statement on Procedures to Deal with           41 FR 56770 (Dec. 30, 1976).                 
                         Emergency Shortages of Natural Gas.                                                        
    6.................  Resolution Concerning Congressional            45 FR 2310 (Jan. 11, 1980).                  
                         Termination of Pending Administrative                                                      
                         Proceedings at the Federal Trade Commission.                                               
    7.................  Views of the Administrative Conference         47 FR 30715 (July 15, 1982).                 
                         Proposals Pending in Congress to Amend the                                                 
                         Information Rulemaking Provisions of the                                                   
                         Administrative Procedure Act.                                                              
    8.................  Statement of the Administrative Conference on  47 FR 58210 (Dec. 30, 1982).                 
                         Discipline of Attorneys Practicing before                                                  
                         Federal Agencies.                                                                          
    9.................  Statement on Guidelines for Agency Policy      48 FR 31181 (July 7, 1983).                  
    10................  Statement on Agency Use of an Exceptions       48 FR 57464 (Dec. 30, 1983).                 
                         Process to Formulate Policy.                                                               
    11................  Statement on Hearing Procedures for the        50 FR 52896 (Dec. 27, 1985).                 
                         Resolution of Scientific Issues.                                                           
    12................  Statement on Resolution of Freedom of          52 FR 23636 (June 24, 1987).                 
                         Information Act Disputes.                                                                  
    13................  Statement on Dispute Resolution Procedure in   53 FR 26032 (July 11, 1988).                 
                         Reparations and Similar Cases.                                                             
    14................  Statement on Mass Decisionmaking Programs:     54 FR 28975 (July 10, 1989).                 
                         The Alien Legalization Experience.                                                         
    15................  Procedures for Resolving Federal Personnel     54 FR 53498 (Dec. 29, 1989).                 
    [[Page 56316]]
    16................  Right to Consult with Agency Counsel in        59 FR 4677 (Feb. 1, 1994).                   
                         Agency Investigations.                                                                     
    17................  Comments on SSA's Reengineering of the         59 FR 44704 (Aug. 30, 1994).                 
                         Disability Process.                                                                        
        Dated: October 31, 1995.
    Jeffrey S. Lubbers,
    Research Director.
    [FR Doc. 95-27473 Filed 11-7-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6110-01-M

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Administrative Conference of the United States
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56312-56316 (5 pages)
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