98-29953. Migratory Bird Hunting; Regulations to Increase Harvest of Mid- Continent Light Geese  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 216 (Monday, November 9, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 60271-60278]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-29953]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 20
    RIN 1018-AF25
    Migratory Bird Hunting; Regulations to Increase Harvest of Mid-
    Continent Light Geese
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Mid-continent lesser snow goose and Ross' goose population
    [[Page 60272]]
    has nearly quadrupled in the last 30 years. The Western Central Flyway 
    lesser snow and Ross' goose population also has quadrupled in the last 
    23 years. Collectively, these central and eastern arctic and subarctic-
    nesting light goose populations are referred to as Mid-continent light 
    geese (MCLG)
        Due to high population growth rates, a decline in adult mortality, 
    and an increase in winter survival, MCLG are now seriously injurious to 
    their habitat and habitat important to other migratory birds which 
    poses a serious threat to the short and long-term health and status of 
    migratory bird populations. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service 
    or ``we'') believes that MCLG populations exceed long-term sustainable 
    levels for their arctic and subarctic breeding habitats and the 
    populations must be reduced. This proposed rule will authorize the use 
    of additional hunting methods (electronic callers and unplugged 
    shotguns) during a normal open light-goose hunting season when all 
    other migratory bird hunting seasons are closed. We designed the 
    program to increase MCLG harvest and to provide a biologically sound 
    and cost effective and efficient method for the reduction and 
    management of overabundant MCLG populations.
    DATES: The comment period for this proposed rule closes January 8, 
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be mailed to Chief, Office of Migratory Bird 
    Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Interior, ms 
    634--ARLSQ, 1849 C Street NW., Washington, D.C. 20240. The public may 
    inspect comments during normal business hours in room 634--Arlington 
    Square Building, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bob Blohm, Acting Chief, Office of 
    Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, (703) 358-
        Lesser snow and Ross' geese that primarily migrate through North 
    Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri, and winter 
    in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and eastern, central, and southern 
    Texas and other Gulf Coast States are referred to as the Mid-continent 
    population of light geese (MCP). Lesser snow and Ross' geese that 
    primarily migrate through Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado and winter in 
    New Mexico, northwestern Texas, and Chihuahua, Mexico are referred to 
    as the Western Central Flyway population of light geese (WCFP). Ross' 
    geese are often mistaken for lesser snow geese due to their similar 
    appearance. Ross' geese occur in both the MCP and the WCFP and mix 
    extensively with lesser snow geese on both the breeding and wintering 
    grounds. MCP and WCFP lesser snow and Ross' geese are collectively 
    referred to as Mid-continent light geese (MCLG) because they breed, 
    migrate, and winter in the ``Mid-continent'' or central portions of 
    North America primarily in the Central and Mississippi Flyways. They 
    are referred to as ``light'' geese due to their light coloration as 
    opposed to ``dark'' geese such as the white-fronted or Canada goose.
        MCLG breed in the central and eastern arctic and subarctic regions 
    of Northern Canada. MCLG populations are experiencing high population 
    growth rates and have substantially increased in numbers within the 
    last 30 years. MCP light geese have more than tripled within 30 years 
    from an estimated 800,000 birds in 1969 to approximately three million 
    birds in 1998 and have grown an average of 5% per year for the last ten 
    years (Abraham et al. 1996, USFWS 1998b). WCFP light geese have 
    quadrupled in 23 years from 52,000 in 1974 to 216,000 in 1997 (USFWS 
    1997b), and have increased an average of 9% per year for the last ten 
    years (USFWS 1998b). The above population estimates are not true 
    population counts and likely underestimate the true population sizes. 
    They were derived from an index which is used to detect population 
    growth trends by sampling a portion of a population. Breeding colony 
    estimates, actual population counts estimated from spring and summer 
    surveys, suggest that the actual population sizes of MCLG may be in 
    excess of five million breeding birds (D. Caswell pers. comm. 1998). 
    For example, in one area northwest of Hudson Bay alone, the Queen Maud 
    Gulf, estimates for breeding and non-breeding (failed to successfully 
    nest) adult Ross' and lesser snow geese for 1998 are 1.29 million and 
    1.82 million birds, respectively (Alisauskas et al. 1998). These geese 
    are in addition to the millions of geese estimated to be nesting along 
    west Hudson and James Bays where the geese have precipitated severe 
    habitat degradation and on Southampton and Baffin Islands where signs 
    of habitat degradation are becoming evident. MCLG populations have 
    exceeded the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) 
    population objective levels in both the United States and Canada. NAWMP 
    population objective levels are used to demonstrate that MCLG 
    populations have increased substantially over what is considered to be 
    a healthy population level, not to suggest that MCLG be reduced to 
    NAWMP population objective levels. Population management thresholds, 
    however, are management thresholds that specify both an upper and lower 
    population level objective.
        Ross' geese (WCFP and MCP) currently exceed 200,000 birds (December 
    index) and breeding colony estimates (actual counts of nesting birds) 
    approached 400,000 birds in 1996 (Batt 1997) and exceeded 1 million 
    birds in1998; both estimates well exceed the recommended minimum 
    population objective level for Ross' geese of 100,000 birds (USDOI et 
    al. 1998). MCP lesser snow geese estimates currently exceed 2.8 million 
    birds (December index); the lower and upper population management 
    thresholds are 800,000 and 1.2 million birds, respectively (Central and 
    Mississippi Flyway Councils 1982) with a recommended minimum population 
    objective level of 1 million birds (USDOI et al. 1998). WCFP lesser 
    snow goose estimates currently exceed 200,000 birds (December index) 
    which exceeds the recommended minimum population objective level of 
    110,000 birds (USDOI et al. 1998). Although our intention is to 
    significantly reduce these populations to relieve pressures on the 
    breeding habitats, we feel that these efforts will not threaten the 
    long-term status of these populations as we are confident reduction 
    efforts will not result in the populations falling below the population 
    goal and management objective levels indicated above. Evaluation and 
    assessment mechanisms are in place to estimate population sizes and 
    will be used to prevent the over-harvest of these populations.
        The rapid rise of MCLG populations has been influenced heavily by 
    human activities (Sparrowe, 1998, Batt 1997). The greatest attributable 
    factors are:
        (1) The expansion of agricultural areas in the United States and 
    prairie Canada that provide abundant food resources during migration 
    and winter;
        (2) The establishment of sanctuaries along the Flyways specifically 
    to increase bird populations;
        (3) A decline in harvest rate; and
        (4) An increase in adult survival rates.
        Although all of these factors contributed to the rapid rise in MCLG 
    populations, the expansion of agriculture in prairie Canada and the 
    United States is considered to be the primary attributable factor 
    (Sparrowe 1998, Abraham and Jefferies 1997). Today, MCLG continue to 
    exploit soybean, rice, and other crops during the winter primarily in 
    the Gulf Coast States and are observed less frequently
    [[Page 60273]]
    in the natural coastal marshes they historically utilized. Similarly, 
    MCLG migrating through the Mid-latitude and northern United States and 
    prairie Canada during spring migration exploit cereal grain crops 
    consisting of corn, wheat, barley, oats and rye (Alisauskas et al. 
    1988). For example, an estimated 1 to 2 million MCLG stage in the 
    Rainwater Basin in Nebraska from mid-February to mid-March and 
    primarily feed on corn left over from harvesting (USFWS 1998a). These 
    crops provide MCLG with additional nutrients during spring migration 
    assuring that MCLG arrive on the breeding grounds in prime condition to 
    breed. Increased food subsidies during spring migration over the last 
    30 years has resulted in higher reproductive potential and breeding 
    success (Ankney and McInnes 1978, Abraham and Jefferies 1997). 
    Consequently, more geese survived the winter and migration and were 
    healthier as they returned to their breeding grounds in Canada.
        This is not intended to criticize the conservation efforts 
    accomplished by the implementation of conservation-oriented 
    agricultural practices. Such efforts have benefitted numerous wildlife 
    species. It is merely to point out that MCLG have exploited these 
    artificial resources which has resulted in an increase in survival.
    Foraging Behavior of MCLG
        The feeding behavior of MCLG is characterized by three foraging 
    methods. Where spring thawing has occurred and above-ground plant 
    growth has not begun, lesser snow geese dig into and break open the 
    turf (grub) consuming the highly nutritious below-ground biomass, or 
    roots, of plants. Grubbing continues into late spring. Lesser snow 
    geese also engage in shoot-pulling where the geese pull the shoots of 
    large sedges, consume the highly nutritious basal portion, and discard 
    the rest, leaving behind large unproductive, and potentially 
    unrecoverable areas (Abraham and Jefferies 1997). A third feeding 
    strategy utilized by many species is grazing which in some cases, 
    stimulates plant growth. Both lesser snow geese and Ross' geese graze. 
    Due to their shorter bill size, Ross' geese are able to graze shorter 
    stands of grass.
        Grubbing, grazing, and shoot-pulling are natural feeding behaviors 
    and at lower population levels have had positive effects on the 
    ecosystem. For example, at lower numbers, geese fed on the tundra 
    grasses and actually stimulated growth of plant communities resulting 
    in a positive feedback loop between the geese and the vegetation. 
    However, the rapidly expanding numbers of geese, coupled with the short 
    tundra growing season, disrupted the balance and has resulted in severe 
    habitat degradation in sensitive ecosystems. The Hudson Bay Lowlands 
    salt-marsh ecosystem, for example, consists of a 1,200 mile strip of 
    coastline along west Hudson and James Bays, Canada. It contains 
    approximately 135,000 acres of coastal salt-marsh habitat. Vast 
    hypersaline areas devoid of vegetation degraded by rapidly increasing 
    populations of MCLG have been observed and documented extensively 
    throughout the Hudson Bay Lowlands (Abraham and Jefferies 1997). 
    Rockwell et al. (1997a) observed the decline of more than 30 avian 
    populations in the La Perouse Bay area due to severe habitat 
    degradation. These declines and other ecological changes represent a 
    decline in biological diversity and indicate the beginning of collapse 
    of the current Hudson Bay Lowlands salt-marsh ecosystem. Much of the 
    degraded habitat is unlikely to recover (Abraham and Jefferies 1997). 
    In badly degraded areas, less than 20% of the vegetation within an 
    exclosure has recovered after 15 years of protection from MCLG (Abraham 
    and Jefferies 1997). Recovery rates of degraded areas are further 
    slowed by the short tundra growing season and the high salinity levels 
    in the exposed and unprotected soil.
        Long-term research efforts have indicated signs of ``trophic 
    cascade'' in La Perouse Bay, Cape Henrietta Maria, and Akimiski Island 
    (R. Rockwell pers. comm. 1998). Trophic cascade is essentially the 
    collapse of an existing food chain indicating that the ecosystem is 
    unable to support its inhabitants. Impacts associated with trophic 
    cascade are indicative that MCLG populations have exceeded the carrying 
    capacity of much of their breeding habitat. Impacts such as a decline 
    in biological diversity and physiological stress, malnutrition, and 
    disease in goslings have been documented and observations of such 
    impacts are increasing. Additional observations in areas north of 
    Hudson Bay on Southampton and Baffin Islands, northwest in the Queen 
    Maud Gulf region, and south off the west coast of James Bay on Akimiski 
    Island also suggest similar habitat degradation patterns from expanding 
    colonies of MCLG. Batt (1997) reported the rapid expansion of existing 
    colonies and the establishment of new colonies in the central and 
    eastern arctic. In 1973, for example, Canadian Wildlife Service data 
    indicated that approximately 400,000 light geese nested on West Baffin 
    Island. In 1997, approximately 1.8 million breeding adults were 
    counted. Similar colony expansions have been reported for the Queen 
    Maud Gulf region and Southampton Island. Rapid colony expansion must be 
    halted and the populations must be reduced to prevent further habitat 
    degradation and to protect the remaining habitat upon which numerous 
    wildlife species depend.
    Breeding Habitat Status
        MCLG breeding colonies occur over a large area encompassing eastern 
    and central portions of Northern Canada. Habitat degradation by MCLG 
    has been most extensively studied in specific areas where colonies have 
    expanded exponentially and exhibit severe habitat degradation. The 
    Hudson Bay Lowlands salt-marsh ecosystem, for example, lies within a 
    135,000 acre narrow strip of coastline along west Hudson and James Bays 
    and provides important stopover sites for numerous migratory bird 
    species. Of the 135,000 acres of habitat in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, 
    35% is considered to be destroyed, 30% is damaged, and 35% is 
    overgrazed (Batt 1997). Habitats currently categorized as ``damaged'' 
    or ``overgrazed'' are moving and will continue to move into the 
    ``destroyed'' category if goose populations continue to expand. 
    Accelerated habitat degradation has occurred on Southampton and Baffin 
    Islands and appear to be following the same pattern as documented in 
    the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Current research efforts are underway to 
    confirm observations of habitat degradation by MCLG in other areas.
    Migration and Wintering Habitat Conditions and Degradation
        There is no evidence to suggest that wintering habitat for MCLG is 
    threatened or that it may limit population growth. Presently, there are 
    approximately 2.25 million acres of rice fields in Texas, Louisiana, 
    and Arkansas, in addition to the millions of acres of cereal grain 
    crops in the Midwest. Consequently, food availability and suitable 
    wintering habitat are not limiting MCLG during the migration and 
    wintering portions of the annual cycle.
    Summary of Environmental Consequences of Taking No Action
        At each site they occupy, MCLG will continue to degrade the plant 
    communities until food and other resources are exhausted, forcing yet 
    more expansion. The pattern has been, and will continue to be, that as 
    existing nesting colonies expand, they exploit successively poorer 
    quality habitats,
    [[Page 60274]]
    which are less able to accommodate them and which become degraded more 
    quickly. Eventually, the coastal salt-marsh communities surrounding 
    Hudson Bay and James Bay will become remnant with little chance of 
    recovery as long as MCLG populations remain high and for some time 
    after it declines from natural causes, if they do. The functioning of 
    the whole coastal ecosystem, from consolidation of sediments by 
    colonizing plants to provision of suitable habitats for invertebrate 
    and vertebrate fauna, will be detrimentally and possibly irrevocably 
    altered. Similar conditions will likely come to prevail at selected 
    non-coastal areas where MCLG have occupied most of the suitable nesting 
    habitats. As many as 30 other avian species, including American wigeon, 
    Northern shoveler, stilt sandpiper, Hudsonian godwit, and others, that 
    utilize those habitats have declined locally, presumably due to habitat 
    degradation by MCLG. Other species, such as Southern James Bay Canada 
    geese, a species of management concern, that breed on nearby Akimiski 
    Island and numerous other waterfowl species that migrate and stage with 
    MCLG, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted. Arctic 
    mammalian herbivores will also be impacted as the vegetative 
    communities upon which they depend become depleted.
        We expect that MCLG populations will continue to grow at least 5% 
    annually, resulting in more severe and widespread ecological impacts. 
    Although several factors influence population dynamics, the greatest 
    single factor in the populations' increase is high and increasing adult 
    survival rates (Rockwell et al. 1997b). Therefore, removing adults from 
    the populations is the most effective and efficient approach in 
    reducing the populations. Experts feel that breaking eggs and other 
    non-lethal techniques have been determined to be ineffective in 
    significantly reducing the populations within a reasonable time to 
    preserve and protect habitat (Batt 1997).
        We have attempted to curb the growth of MCLG populations by 
    increasing bag and possession limits and extending the open hunting 
    season length for light geese to 107 days, the maximum allowed by the 
    Migratory Bird Treaty. However, due to the rapid rise in MCLG numbers, 
    low hunter success, and low hunter interest, harvest rate (the 
    percentage of the population that is harvested), has declined despite 
    evidence that the number of geese harvested has increased (USFWS 1997). 
    The decline in harvest rate indicates that the current management 
    strategies are not sufficient to stabilize or reduce population growth 
        We realize that current MCLG management policies need to be re-
    examined and believe that alternative regulatory strategies designed to 
    increase MCLG harvest, implemented concurrently with habitat management 
    and other non-lethal control measures, have the potential to be 
    effective in reducing MCLG populations to levels that the remaining 
    breeding habitat can sustain. We prefer to implement alternative 
    regulatory strategies designed to increase MCLG harvest afforded by the 
    Migratory Bird Treaty and avoid the use of more drastic population 
    control measures. More direct population control measures such as 
    trapping and culling programs may be necessary if the current proposed 
    action is not successful. Should the proposed action be unsuccessful in 
    five years, we will consider more direct population control measures to 
    reduce MCLG.
        We restrict the scope of this proposed rule to Mid-continent 
    populations of light geese (MCLG): Mid-continent and Western Central 
    Flyway lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) and Ross' 
    geese (C. rossi) and the United States portions of the Central and 
    Mississippi Flyways (primarily Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, 
    Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, 
    Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and 
    Wyoming) where they migrate, stage, or winter. Evidence exists to 
    support the conclusion that MCLG migrate, stage, and winter in these 
    areas and breed in the arctic and subarctic areas that are experiencing 
    severe habitat degradation.
        We are concurrently proposing an additional but separate population 
    reduction strategy. In addition to this proposed rule to amend 50 CFR 
    part 20, we are also proposing to amend 50 CFR part 21 to authorize the 
    use of a conservation order to increase take of MCLG. The conservation 
    order will be in the nature of an order authorizing States to implement 
    actions to harvest MCLG, by shooting in a hunting manner, inside or 
    outside of the regular open migratory bird hunting season frameworks 
    when all migratory bird hunting seasons are closed. This proposal is 
    also in the nature of a proposed rule and the notice and request for 
    comments appears in this issue of the Federal Register.
        We do not expect this proposed action (amendment to 50 CFR part 20) 
    implemented alone to achieve our management objective which is to 
    reduce MCLG populations such that the December index falls within 
    800,000 and 1.2 million birds. The success of this strategy will hinge 
    upon State participation, hunter participation, and hunter 
    effectiveness. If a State does not participate, then its hunters will 
    not be able to participate decreasing the program's potential. We do 
    not expect some States to participate in this proposed action due to 
    the infeasibility of implementing the action when all other migratory 
    bird hunting seasons are closed. MCLG migrate through northern and Mid-
    latitude States in the fall, however, the geese typically do not reach 
    some of those States prior to 10 March during spring migration. For 
    those States to be able to utilize this proposed action, they would 
    have to close all other migratory bird hunting seasons in the fall, 
    which is highly unlikely. Conversely, many migratory bird hunting 
    seasons in the southern States close prior to 10 March. Therefore, it 
    is much more feasible for southern States to implement this proposed 
    action by establishing a light-goose only season when all other 
    migratory bird seasons are closed. We are proposing the second action 
    (conservation order) referred to above in order to maximize the 
    program's potential and obtain our management objective within a 
    reasonable time-frame to avoid the use of more direct population 
    control programs. The second proposed action, a conservation order, 
    will allow northern States to participate in this effort and enable 
    them to harvest MCLG during spring migration, particularly after 10 
    March. Harvest projections for this proposed action (amendment to 50 
    CFR part 20) are rolled into the harvest projections for the second 
    proposed action (conservation order) and are not in addition to the 
    harvest projections for the second proposed action.
    Proposed Revision to 50 CFR 20
        We propose to revise 50 CFR part 20.21 with the intent to increase 
    harvest of Mid-continent light geese during the open hunting season 
    (MCLG) by authorizing the use of electronic callers and unplugged 
    shotguns during a light goose only season when all other migratory bird 
    hunting seasons are closed. This is in an effort to reduce overabundant 
    MCLG populations that have become seriously injurious to other 
    migratory bird populations and to habitat essential to migratory bird 
    populations. Conditions under the proposed regulation require that 
    participating States inform all hunters acting under the authority of 
    the proposed amendment of the conditions
    [[Page 60275]]
    that apply to the utilization of this proposed amendment.
        Under the authority of this proposed rule, States could develop and 
    initiate aggressive harvest management strategies by offering hunters 
    additional hunting methods to harvest MCLG with the intent to increase 
    harvest of MCLG. By operating under an existing program, a regular 
    light-goose only season, affected States would not have to create a new 
    program to implement the proposed action, which would significantly 
    reduce administrative burden to the State and Federal governments. In 
    order to minimize or avoid negative impacts to non-target species and 
    to eliminate confusion regarding enforcement of the restrictions 
    associated with this proposed action, States may only implement this 
    proposed action when all other migratory bird hunting seasons are 
    closed. Although we expect this proposed action to facilitate other 
    protection and recovery efforts,, we do not expect this proposed action 
    (amendment to 50 CFR part 20) implemented alone to achieve our 
    management objective. Therefore, we are concurrently proposing an 
    additional but separate population reduction strategy (discussed above) 
    to work in concert with this proposed action to obtain our management 
    objective. We feel the overall strategy will result in biologically 
    sound and more cost-effective and efficient overabundant MCLG 
    population management and could preclude the use of more drastic, 
    direct population control measures such as trapping and culling 
    programs. Although the desired goal is to significantly reduce 
    overabundant MCLG populations, we believe that this proposed action 
    will not threaten the long-term health and status of MCLG populations 
    or threaten the status of other species that could be impacted through 
    the implementation of this proposed action. Evaluation and monitoring 
    strategies are in place to assess the overall impacts of this proposed 
    action on MCLG harvest and impacts to non-target species that may be 
    affected by the implementation of this proposed action.
    Summary of Environmental Consequences of Proposed Action
    MCLG Populations and Associated Habitats
        We project that we will harvest two million MCLG over the next 
    three years without the use of this proposed action based on current 
    MCLG harvest trends. Under certain assumptions, our most liberal 
    estimate indicates that we can expect to harvest an additional one 
    million MCLG within three years of implementation of this proposed 
    action bringing the total harvest to three million MCLG within three 
    years of implementation of this proposed action. Once the December 
    index falls within 800,000 to 1.2 million birds, the proposed 
    amendments to 50 CFR part 20 will be revoked. The impact is expected to 
    be regional within the Central and western Mississippi Flyway States. 
    MCLG winter in the southern States in the Flyways substantially longer 
    than northern or Mid-latitude States. Therefore, the opportunity to 
    harvest more MCLG is greatest in those States. Additional hunting 
    methods authorized by a State under the authority of this proposed 
    rule, will facilitate a hunter's ability to harvest more MCLG and will 
    facilitate other efforts to increase adult mortality and therefore 
    decrease numbers of MCLG.
        Although we can expect the additional hunting methods to be 
    effective, there is no precedent to guide us in determining to what 
    degree they will be effective. It is equally difficult to ascertain to 
    what degree the public will utilize the new methods, which will 
    influence its effectiveness. However, with certain assumptions, we may 
    project an increase in harvest using existing harvest data.
        Several assumptions must be established before projecting the 
    effect of the proposed action on harvest. We are assuming that all 
    affected States will act under the authority of this proposed rule and 
    allow the additional methods authorized in this proposed action, that 
    current MCLG hunter numbers will not decrease, and that the new hunting 
    methods authorized in this proposed action, if used, will increase 
    hunter effectiveness and overall harvest. We do not assume that all 
    MCLG hunters will use the new hunting methods and of those that do, we 
    do not assume that all will increase their effectiveness. We are 
    assuming that 25% of the current MCLG hunters will use the new hunting 
    methods and increase his/her effectiveness in harvesting MCLG.
        We determined, based on a linear regression analysis of historical 
    harvest data, that harvest number has increased approximately 31,600 
    MCLG per year for the last ten years. A simple linear regression of the 
    harvest data represents our most conservative estimate because the 
    analysis does not take into account other factors that influence 
    harvest such as the recent regulation changes for light geese. A more 
    complex analysis demonstrates that harvest number has actually 
    increased at a faster rate since the bag and possession limits for 
    light geese have been increased (USFWS 1998c). Today, more MCLG are 
    harvested with fewer hunters and hunter participation and light goose 
    hunting is increasing. Therefore, conservatively, we projected that 
    harvest will increase 31,600 per year for the next 5 years.
        In 1997-98, 602,800 MCLG were harvested in the affected States (AR, 
    CO, IL, IA, KS, LA, MS, MO, MT, NE, NM, ND, OK, SD, TX, and WY). 
    Combined with our projection that harvest will increase by 31,600 per 
    year without any changes to hunting regulations, we can expect to 
    harvest 634,400 MCLG in the 1998-1999 regular light goose season in 
    those affected States. Under the assumptions stated above, we can 
    expect to harvest an additional 301,300 MCLG through the implementation 
    of this proposed action during a light-goose only season bringing the 
    total projected harvest to 935,700 MCLG in the first year of 
    implementation of this proposed action. These figures are based on 
    increasing harvest number. Therefore, we expect this projected harvest 
    to increase annually. We expect to harvest 1.1 million MCLG in the 
    second year of implementation and 1.2 million in the third year of 
        Central and Mississippi Flyway Council management guidelines 
    suggest that MCLG populations should rest between approximately 800,000 
    and 1.2 million birds based on the December index (USFWS 1998b, Central 
    and Mississippi Flyway Councils 1982). Batt (1997) estimate that the 
    populations should be reduced by 50% by 2005. Based on the December 
    index, that would suggest a reduction from approximately three million 
    birds to approximately 1.5 million birds in the December index; a 
    figure which coincides with the management guidelines determined by the 
    Central and Mississippi Flyway Council. Therefore, our efforts will 
    focus on a goal similar to those documented. It is important to 
    understand that the December index is not a population count. It is 
    simply used to detect population growth trends by sampling a portion of 
    a population. The reduction of MCLG will be carefully analyzed and 
    assessed on an annual basis using the December index and other surveys 
    to ensure that the populations are not over-harvested.
        We expect an increase in harvest to facilitate other efforts, such 
    as habitat management on the wintering grounds and increased harvest of 
    MCLG by Canadian aboriginals, to decrease MCLG numbers and relieve 
    pressures on the breeding grounds. There is no evidence
    [[Page 60276]]
    to suggest that the use of additional hunting methods during a light-
    goose only season will result in an over-harvest of MCLG. Once the 
    December index reflects a number within the management guidelines 
    mentioned above (approximately 800,000-1.2 million), the proposed 
    action will be revoked and the methods authorized will no longer be 
    allowed. It is improbable that the use of the additional methods will 
    threaten the long-term status of MCLG populations because we will 
    monitor the MCLG populations and act accordingly to avoid it by 
    modifying or revoking the proposed action.
    Other Species
        An increase in harvest, and subsequently a decrease in MCLG 
    numbers, is expected to relieve pressures on other migratory bird 
    populations that utilize MCLG breeding and wintering grounds and other 
    areas along the migration routes. It is expected to reduce the 
    possibility that other species will be forced to seek habitat elsewhere 
    or abandon unsuitable degraded habitat altogether, which could 
    potentially result in decreased reproductive success of affected 
    populations. We expect a decrease in MCLG populations to contribute to 
    increased reproductive success of adversely impacted populations. 
    Further, we expect that by decreasing the numbers of MCLG on wintering 
    and migration stopover areas, the risk of transmitting avian cholera to 
    other species will be reduced which will reduce the threat of a 
    widespread avian cholera outbreak. We do not expect the proposed action 
    to result in an increased intake of non-target species. The proposed 
    action will only be allowed when all other migratory bird hunting 
    seasons are closed.
        Any action taken has economic consequences. Continued inaction is 
    likely to result in ecosystem failure of the Hudson Bay Lowlands salt-
    marsh ecosystem and potentially other ecosystems as MCLG populations 
    expand and exploit new habitats. Without more effective population 
    control measures to curb the populations, the populations of MCLG are 
    expected to continue increasing and become more and more unstable as 
    suitable breeding habitat diminishes. As population densities increase, 
    the incidence of avian cholera among MCLG and other species is likely 
    to increase throughout the Flyways, particularly at migration stopover 
    sites. Losses of other species such as pintails, white-fronted geese, 
    sandhill cranes, and whooping cranes, from avian cholera may be great. 
    This may result in reduced hunting, birdwatching, and other 
    opportunities. It may also result in the season closures of adversely 
    impacted migratory game birds such as white-fronted geese, sandhill 
    cranes, and pintails. Goose damage to winter wheat and other 
    agricultural crops will continue and worsen. Habitat damage in the 
    Arctic will eventually trigger density-dependent regulation of the 
    population which likely will result in increased gosling mortality and 
    may cause the population to decline precipitously. However, it is not 
    clear when such population regulation will occur and what habitat, if 
    any, will remain to support the survivors. Such a decline may result in 
    a population too low to permit any hunting, effectively closing MCLG 
    hunting seasons. The length of the closures will largely depend on the 
    recovery rate of the breeding habitat which likely will take decades. 
    Although the overall impact of closures of light-goose seasons in the 
    Central and Mississippi Flyways that could result from continued 
    degradation of the breeding habitat is small on a national scale, it 
    would be concentrated where large flocks of geese stage and winter. As 
    hunter services tend to be performed by people with low incomes, the 
    impact of a closure would fall disproportionately on low income groups 
    near goose concentrations. We expect the proposed action to reduce the 
    risk of light-goose season closures in the Central and Mississippi 
    Flyways and avoid a $70 million loss in output and reduce the 
    possibility of increased agricultural loss. We expect special MCLG 
    population control efforts to create additional take opportunities 
    which is expected to add $18 million in output to local economies.
    Public Comment Received
        On April 6, 1998, we issued in the Federal Register (63 FR 16819) a 
    notice of intent announcing that we would develop a draft Environmental 
    Assessment to examine alternative regulatory strategies to reduce MCLG 
    populations. This notice invited public comment on possible regulatory 
    alternatives. The notice also advised the public that the draft 
    Environmental Assessment along with a proposed rule would be published 
    in the Federal Register later this year for public review and comment.
        As a result of this invitation for public comment, 247 comments 
    consisting of 1 from a Federal agency, 8 from State wildlife agencies, 
    7 from private organizations, 1 from a Flyway Council, 115 from private 
    citizens, and 115 from people who signed a petition were received. 
    Comments were generally dichotomized by two key points of concern.
        To summarize, 186 comments were supportive of our intent to examine 
    alternative regulatory strategies designed to increase MCLG harvest to 
    reduce the MCLG population. These commenters agreed that there was a 
    problem and that the resolution should entail reduction by lethal means 
    and supported the use of additional hunting methods to increase harvest 
    of MCLG. Comments in support of such action were received from 1 
    Federal agency, 8 State wildlife agencies, 1 Flyway Council, 5 private 
    conservation agencies, 94 private citizens, and 77 from people who 
    signed a petition. Conversely, 59 comments received were in opposition 
    to the Service's intent to reduce MCLG populations by use of lethal 
    means either because they believe it is not scientifically justified to 
    reduce the populations or attempts to do so would be inhumane. Instead, 
    these commenters offered two non-lethal recommendations to reduce the 
    populations: (1) Hazing adults off nests and (2) egging (destroying 
    nests) on the breeding grounds. Comments in support of no action or 
    non-lethal action were received from 2 private animal welfare agencies, 
    19 private citizens, and 38 from people who signed a petition. 
    Additionally, 2 comments were received in support of reducing the 
    populations by use of lethal means, however, recommended use of Federal 
    and State wildlife agency programs such as trapping and culling.
        Service Response: We are also opposed to the inhumane treatment of 
    any birds and we do not believe that authorizing additional hunting 
    methods or by providing additional opportunities to increase harvest of 
    MCLG is inhumane. We also prefer non-lethal control activities, such as 
    habitat modification, as the first means of resolving this issue. 
    However, habitat modification and other harassment tactics do not 
    always work satisfactorily and lethal methods are sometimes necessary 
    to increase the effectiveness of non-lethal management methods. 
    Further, MCLG breed in remote locations in the arctic and subarctic 
    regions of Northern Canada. Implementing control activities in those 
    areas is cost-prohibitive and dangerous. Instead, we feel that 
    providing States with additional opportunity and means to increase MCLG 
    harvest while implementing non-lethal control measures concurrently is 
    the most efficient and feasible short-term
    [[Page 60277]]
    solution. We will continue to work jointly with the Canadian Wildlife 
    Service to reduce MCLG in both the United States and in Canada.
    References Cited
    Abraham, K. F., R. L. Jefferies, R. F. Rockwell, and C. D. MacInnes. 
    1996. Why are there so many white geese in North America? 7th 
    International Waterfowl Symposium, Memphis, TN.
    ____________________, and R. L. Jefferies. 1997. High goose 
    populations: causes, impacts and implications. Pages 7-72 in B. D. 
    J. Batt, ed. Arctic Ecosystems in Peril: Report of the Arctic Goose 
    Habitat Working Group. Arctic Goose Joint Venture Special 
    Publication. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. and 
    Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario. 120 pp.
    Alisauskas, R., C. D. Ankney, and E. E. Klaas. 1988. Winter diets 
    and nutrition of mid-continental lesser snow geese. J. Wildl. 
    Manage. 52:403-414.
    ____________________, S.M. Slattery, D.K. Kellett, D.S. Stern, and 
    K.D. Warner. 1998. Spatial and temporal dynamics of Ross' and snow 
    goose colonies in Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary, 1966-1998. 
    Canadian Wildlife Service, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 21pp.
    Ankney, C. D. and C. D. MacInnes. 1978. Nutrient reserves and 
    reproductive performance of female lesser snow geese. Auk 95:459-
    Batt, B. D. J., editor. 1997. Arctic ecosystems in peril: report of 
    the Arctic Goose Habitat Working Group. Arctic Goose Joint Venture 
    Special Publication. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, 
    D.C. and Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario.
    Rockwell, R.F.,E. Cooch, and S. Brault. 1997a. Dynamics of the Mid-
    continent population of lesser snow geese: projected impacts of 
    reductions in survival and fertility on population growth rates. 
    Pages 73-100 in B. D. J. Batt, ed. Arctic Ecosystems in Peril: 
    Report of the Arctic Goose Habitat Working Group. Arctic Goose Joint 
    Venture Special Publication. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    Washington, D.C. and Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario. 120 
    ____________________, D. Pollack, K. F. Abraham, P. M. Kotanen, and 
    R. L. Jefferies. 1997b. Are there declines in bird species using La 
    Perouse Bay? The Hudson Bay Project status report for Ducks 
    Unlimited, Inc. Ryder, J. P. 1969. Nesting colonies of Ross' goose. 
    ____________________. 1998. Personal Communication. American Museum 
    of Natural History. New York, NY.
    Sparrowe, R. 1998. Report of the Stakeholder's Committee on Arctic 
    Nesting Geese. Rollin Sparrowe, Chair. Wildlife Management 
    Institute, Washington, D.C.
    U.S. Department of the Interior, Environment Canada, and Secretaria 
    De Desarrollo Social. 1998d. 1998 update to the North American 
    Waterfowl Management Plan--fulfilling the legacy: expanding the 
    vision. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington D.C.
    USFWS. 1997a. Waterfowl population status, 1997. Office of Migratory 
    Bird Management, Arlington, VA. 32 pp.
    ____________________. 1997b. Harvest and population survey data 
    book, Central Flyway, compiled by D.E. Sharp. Office of Migratory 
    Bird Management, Denver, CO. 123 pp.
    ____________________. 1998a. Mid-continent Lesser Snow Goose 
    Workshops: Central and Mississippi Flyways, Fall 1997. Office of 
    Migratory Bird Management and Division of Refuges, Arlington, VA.
    ____________________. 1998b. Waterfowl populations status, 1998. 
    Department of Interior, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arlington, 
    VA. 31pp.
    ____________________. 1998c. Waterfowl Population Status, 1998. 
    Department of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Arlington, 
    Yancey, R., M. Smith, H. Miller, and L. Jahn. 1958. Waterfowl 
    distribution and migration report (Mississippi Flyway States). 
    Proceedings 11th Annual Southeastern Association of Game and Fish 
    Commissioners: 105-115.
    NEPA Considerations
        We have prepared a draft Environmental Assessment (EA), as defined 
    under the authority of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 
    in connection with this proposed regulation. The EA is available for 
    public review at the above address.
    Endangered Species Act Consideration
        Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), as amended (16 
    U.S.C. 1531-1543; 87 Stat. 884) provides that `` Each Federal agency 
    shall, in consultation with the Secretary, insure that any action 
    authorized, funded, or carried out * * * is not likely to jeopardize 
    the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or 
    result in the destruction or adverse modification of (critical) habitat 
    * * *'' Consequently, we initiated Section 7 consultation under the ESA 
    for this proposed rulemaking. Completed results of our consultation 
    under Section 7 of the ESA may be inspected by the public in, and will 
    be available to the public from, the Office of Migratory Bird 
    Management at the above address.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 12866, and Executive 
    Order 12630
        The economic impacts of this proposed rulemaking will fall 
    disproportionately on small businesses because of the structure of the 
    waterfowl hunting related industries. The proposed regulation benefits 
    small businesses by avoiding ecosystem failure to an ecosystem that 
    produces migratory bird resources important to American citizens. The 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires the 
    preparation of flexibility analyses for rules that will have a 
    significant effect on a substantial number of small entities. Data are 
    not available to estimate the number of small entities affected, but it 
    is unlikely to be a substantial number on a national scale. We expect 
    the proposed action to reduce the risk of light-goose season closures 
    in the Central and Mississippi Flyways subsequently avoiding a $70 
    million loss in output and reducing the possibility of increased 
    agricultural loss. We expect special MCLG population control efforts to 
    create additional take opportunities which is expected to add $18 
    million in output to local economies. We have determined that a 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis is not required. Migratory bird 
    regulations are recognized as exempt from takings implication 
    assessment under E.O. 12630. This rule was not subject to review by the 
    Office of Management and Budget under E.O. 12866.
    Paperwork Reduction Act and Information Collection
        This regulation does not require any additional information 
    collection under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The information 
    collection is covered by an existing Office of Management and Budget 
    approval number. The information collections contained in Sec. 20.20 
    have been approved by OMB under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. and assigned 
    clearance number 1018-0015 for the administration of the Migratory Bird 
    Harvest Information Survey (50 CFR 20.20). An agency may not conduct or 
    sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of 
    information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    Unfunded Mandates
        We have determined and certify, in compliance with the requirements 
    of the Unfunded Mandates Act (2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq.) that this proposed 
    rulemaking will not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any given 
    year on local or State government or private entities. This rule will 
    not ``significantly or uniquely'' affect small governments. No 
    governments below the State level will be affected by this rule. A 
    Small Government Agency Plan is not required. This rule will not 
    produce a Federal mandate of $100 million or
    [[Page 60278]]
    greater in any year, i.e., it is not a ``significant regulatory 
    action'' under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
    Civil Justice Reform--Executive Order 12988
        The Department, in promulgating this proposed rule, has determined 
    that these regulations meet the applicable standards provided in 
    sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988. This rule has been 
    reviewed by the Office of the Solicitor. Specifically, this rule has 
    been reviewed to eliminate errors and ambiguity, has been written to 
    minimize litigation, provides a clear legal standard for affected 
    conduct, and specifies in clear language the effect on existing Federal 
    law or regulation. It is not anticipated that this rule will require 
    any additional involvement of the justice system beyond enforcement of 
    provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 that have already 
    been implemented through previous rulemakings.
    Public Comment Invited
        The policy of the Department of the Interior is, whenever 
    practical, to afford you the opportunity to participate in the 
    rulemaking process. Accordingly, interested persons may submit written 
    comments, suggestions, or objections regarding this proposal to the 
    location identified in the address section above. Comments must be 
    received on or before (Insert 60 days from the date of publication of 
    this notice). Following review and consideration of the comments, we 
    intend to issue a final rule.
        Executive Order 12866 requires each agency to write regulations 
    that are easy to understand. We invite your comments on how to make 
    this rule easier to understand including answers to questions such as 
    the following: (1) Are the requirements in the rule clearly stated? (2) 
    Does the rule contain technical language or jargon that interferes with 
    its clarity? (3) Does the format of the rule (grouping and order of 
    sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) aid in or reduce its 
    clarity? (4) Would the rule be easier to understand if it were divided 
    into more (but shorter) sections? (A ``section'' appears in bold type 
    and is preceded by the symbol ``Sec. '' (50 CFR 21.60) (5) Is the 
    description of the rule in the Supplementary Information section of the 
    preamble helpful in understanding the rule? What else could we do to 
    make the rule easier to understand?
        Send a copy of any comments that concern how we could make this 
    rule easier to understand to `` Office of Regulatory Affairs, 
    Department of the Interior, room 7229, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, 
    DC 20240. You may also e-mail the comments to this address: 
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 20
        Exports, Hunting, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.
        For the reasons given in the preamble, we hereby propose to amend 
    part 20 of subchapter B, chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations, as set forth below:
        The authority citation for part 20 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C 703-712; and 16 U.S.C. 742 a-j.
    PART 20--[AMENDED]
    Sec. 20.21   [Amended]
        1. Revise paragraphs (b) and (g) of Sec. 20.21 Hunting methods to 
    read as follows:
    * * * * *
        (b) With a shotgun of any description capable of holding more than 
    three shells, unless it is plugged with a one-piece filler, incapable 
    of removal without disassembling the gun, so its total capacity does 
    not exceed three shells. Provided that during a light-goose only season 
    when all other migratory bird hunting seasons are closed, nothing in 
    this paragraph (b) prohibits the taking of lesser snow and Ross' geese 
    in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, 
    Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North 
    Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming with a shotgun that 
    is capable of holding more than three shells. This exception is subject 
    to an annual assessment by the Service based on harvest data collected 
    from the previous year to determine the effectiveness of this section 
    in meeting the management goals and objectives associated with the 
    reduction of Mid-continent light goose (lesser snow and Ross' geese) 
    populations. The Service will annually publish the determination of 
    that assessment in the Federal Register.
    * * * * *
        (g) By the use or aid of recorded or electrically amplified bird 
    calls or sounds, or recorded or electrically amplified imitations of 
    bird calls or sounds. Provided that during a light goose only season 
    when all other migratory bird hunting seasons are closed, nothing in 
    this paragraph (g) prohibits the taking of lesser snow and Ross' geese 
    in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, 
    Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North 
    Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, South Dakota, and Wyoming with recorded or 
    electrically amplified bird calls or sounds or recorded or electrically 
    amplified imitations of bird calls or sounds. This exception is subject 
    to an annual assessment by the Service based on harvest data collected 
    from the previous year to determine the effectiveness of this 
    regulation in meeting the management goals and objectives associated 
    with the reduction of Mid-continent light goose (Mid-continent lesser 
    snow and Ross' geese) populations. The Service will annually publish 
    the determination of that assessment in the Federal Register.
    * * * * *
        Dated: October 30, 1998.
    Donald J. Barry,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 98-29953 Filed 11-5-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
The comment period for this proposed rule closes January 8, 1999.
60271-60278 (8 pages)
1018-AF25: Migratory Bird Hunting; Regulations To Increase Harvest of Mid-Continent Light Geese
RIN Links:
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CFR: (1)
50 CFR 20.21