96-31326. Foreign Futures and Options Transactions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 238 (Tuesday, December 10, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 64985-64989]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-31326]
    17 CFR Part 30
    Foreign Futures and Options Transactions
    AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
    ACTION: Order.
    SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or 
    ``CFTC''), subject to the conditions specified below, is granting to 
    designated Dealers of the New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange 
    (``Exchange'' or ``NZFOE'') the following relief: Exemption under 
    Commission rule 30.10, 17 CFR 30.10 (1996), from application of certain 
    of the Commission's foreign futures and options rules to solicit and 
    accept orders from United States customers for otherwise permitted 
    transactions on the NZFOE and on any non-U.S. exchange 1 where 
    such Dealers are permitted under New Zealand law to conduct futures 
    business for customers; and confirmation of the applicability of the 
    Limited Marketing Orders.
        \1\ The term ``non-U.S. exchange'' refers to a foreign board of 
    trade which is defined in Commission rule 1.3 (ss), 17 CFR 1.3(ss) 
    (1996) as:
        Any board of trade, exchange or market located outside the 
    United States, its territories or possessions, whether incorporated 
    or unincorporated, where foreign futures or foreign options 
    transactions are entered into.
        Thus, contracts that are traded on a market that has been 
    designated as a contract market pursuant to section 5 of the 
    Commodity Exchange Act (``CEA'' or ``Act'') are not within the scope 
    of this Order.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 9, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jane C. Kang, Esq., or Marianne A. 
    Bueno, Esq., Division of Trading and Markets, Commodity Futures Trading 
    Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20581. Telephone: (202) 418-5430.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On July 23, 1987, the Commission adopted 
    final rules governing the domestic offer and sale of commodity futures 
    and option contracts traded on or subject to the rules of a foreign 
    board of trade.2 These rules, which are codified in Part 30 of the 
    Commission's regulations,3 generally extend the Commission's 
    existing customer protection regulations for products offered or sold 
    on contract markets in the United States to foreign futures and option 
    products 4 sold to U.S. customers by imposing requirements with 
    respect to registration, disclosure, capital adequacy, protection of 
    customer funds, recordkeeping and reporting, sales practice and 
    compliance procedures that are generally comparable to those applicable 
    to wholly domestic transactions.
        \2\ 52 FR 28980 (Aug. 5, 1987).
        \3\ 17 CFR Part 30 (1996).
        \4\ Commission rule 30.1(a), 17 CFR 30.1(a) (1996), defines the 
    term ``foreign futures'' as ``any contract for the purchase or sale 
    of any commodity for future delivery made, or to be made, on or 
    subject to the rules of any foreign board of trade.''
        Commission rule 30.1(b), 17 CFR 30.1(b) (1996), defines the term 
    ``foreign option'' as ``any transaction or agreement which is or is 
    held out to be of the character of, or is commonly known to the 
    trade as, an `option', `privilege', `indemnity', `bid', `offer', 
    `put', `call', `advance guaranty', or `decline guaranty', made on or 
    subject to the rules of any foreign board of trade.''
        In formulating a regulatory program to govern the offer and sale of 
    foreign futures and options products to U.S. customers, the Commission, 
    among other things, considers the potential extraterritorial impact of 
    such a program and the desirability of avoiding duplicative regulation 
    of firms engaged
    [[Page 64986]]
    in international business. Based upon these considerations, the 
    Commission, as set forth in Commission rule 30.10, determined to permit 
    persons located outside the United States and subject to a comparable 
    regulatory structure in the jurisdiction in which they are located to 
    seek an exemption from certain of the requirements imposed by the Part 
    30 rules so as to solicit or accept orders directly from U.S. customers 
    for foreign futures or option transactions.5 Provided such 
    exemption would not otherwise be contrary to the public interest, 
    persons located and doing business outside of the United States were 
    granted relief based upon substituted compliance with the comparable 
    regulatory requirements imposed by the foreign jurisdiction.6
        \5\ In general, foreign exchanges have filed rule 30.10 
    applications on behalf of their members in connection with 
    transactions on those exchanges. In certain cases, where a 
    regulatory/self-regulatory authority has requested that firms 
    subject to its jurisdiction be granted broader relief to engage in 
    transactions on exchanges other than in its home jurisdiction, the 
    relief has been granted where the relevant authority has represented 
    that it will monitor its firms for compliance with the terms of the 
    order in connection with such offshore transactions.
        To date, such expanded relief has been granted:
        (a) on May 15, 1989, to firms designated by the U.K. Securities 
    and Investments Board and certain U.K. SROs to conduct brokerage 
    activities for U.S. customers on any non-U.S. exchange designated 
    under U.K. law. 54 FR 21599, 21600 (May 19, 1989); 54 FR 21604, 
    21605 (May 19, 1989) (Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers 
    (``AFBD'')); 54 FR 21609, 21610 (May 19, 1989) (The Securities 
    Association (``TSA'')); 54 FR 21614, 21615 (May 19, 1989) 
    (Investment Management Regulatory Organisation). The AFBD and TSA 
    subsequently merged to form the Securities and Futures Association, 
    which became the successor organization for rule 30.10 purposes. 55 
    FR 14017 (Apr. 5, 1991); and
        (b) on April 7, 1993, to firms designated by the Sydney Futures 
    Exchange (``SFE''). 58 FR 19209 (Apr. 13, 1993).
        \6\ The Commission has authorized, subject to certain 
    conditions, firms which have received rule 30.10 relief to engage in 
    limited marketing conduct with respect to foreign futures or option 
    contracts from locations within the United States through their 
    employees or other representatives. 57 FR 49644 (Nov. 3, 1992); 59 
    FR 42156 (Aug. 17, 1994) (hereinafter ``Limited Marketing Orders'').
        Prior to the issuance of the Limited Marketing Orders, rule 
    30.10 relief was available only to qualified firms subject to a 
    comparable regulatory system which solicited U.S. customers from a 
    foreign location. The Limited Marketing Orders interpret rule 30.10 
    relief more expansively to allow rule 30.10 exempted firms and their 
    employees or other representatives to market foreign futures and 
    option products to qualified customers from U.S. locations under 
    certain conditions. Among other conditions, the Limited Marketing 
    Orders require that the regulatory or self-regulatory organization 
    to which the Commission has issued 30.10 relief or its equivalent 
    obtain written confirmation from the Commission that the Limited 
    Marketing Orders apply to such rule 30.10 order.
        In issuing orders under rule 30.10, the Commission evaluates 
    whether the particular foreign regulatory program provides a basis for 
    permitting substituted compliance for purposes of exemptive relief 
    pursuant to Commission rule 30.10. The specific elements examined are 
    set forth in Appendix A to Part 30, ``Interpretative Statement With 
    Respect to the Commission's Exemptive Authority Under Section 30.10 of 
    Its Rules'' (``Appendix A'').7 These elements include: (1) 
    Registration, authorization or other form of licensing, fitness review 
    or qualification of persons (both individuals and firms) through which 
    customer orders are solicited and accepted; (2) minimum financial 
    requirements for those persons who accept customer funds; (3) 
    protection of customer funds from misapplication; (4) minimum sales 
    practice standards, including the disclosure of the risks of futures 
    transactions; (5) recordkeeping and reporting requirements; (6) 
    procedures to audit for compliance with, and to take action against 
    those persons who violate, the requirements of the program; and (7) the 
    existence of appropriate information-sharing arrangements. The 
    Commission may apply additional conditions to ensure that brokers 
    licensed under other regulatory regimes are not permitted to solicit 
    U.S. customers while effectively evading U.S. requirements, such as 
    those relative to statutory disqualification.
        \7\ 17 CFR Part 30, Appendix A (1996).
        Moreover, the Commission specifically stated in adopting rule 30.10 
    that no exemption based on substituted compliance of a general nature 
    would be granted unless the persons to whom the exemption is to be 
    applied: (1) Consent to jurisdiction in the United States and designate 
    an agent for service of process in the United States with respect to 
    transactions subject to Part 30 by filing a copy of the relevant agency 
    agreement with the National Futures Association (``NFA''); (2) agree to 
    make their books and records available in the United States to 
    Commission and Department of Justice representatives; and (3) notify 
    NFA of the commencement or termination of business in the United 
        \8\ 52 FR 28980, 28981 and 29002 (Aug. 5, 1987).
        By letters dated June 8 and June 12, 1993, as supplemented, counsel 
    for the Exchange requested that the Commission exercise its authority 
    under Commission rule 30.10 to exempt certain Dealers 9 from 
    compliance with the registration and other requirements of Part 30 
    relative to brokerage activities undertaken on or subject to the rules 
    of the NZFOE for or on behalf of customers in the United States 10 
    and which are otherwise permissible as to U.S. customers.11 By 
    letter dated February 22, 1996, counsel for the Exchange requested 
    expanded rule 30.10 relief to permit Dealers to also solicit or accept 
    orders from U.S. customers for otherwise permitted transactions on any 
    non-U.S. exchange where the Dealers are entitled to carry such 
    accounts. The Exchange construes its customer protection rules broadly 
    to also apply to regulated activities on exchanges other than the NZFOE 
    and as authorizing disciplinary action against its Dealers in 
    connection with such activities.12
        \9\ Subsequent to the acquisition of the NZFOE by the SFE, 
    member firms of the NZFOE are called ``Dealers'' and shall be 
    referred to as such in this Order.
        \10\ See letters dated June 8 and June 12, 1993, from Philip 
    McBride Johnson, counsel for the Exchange, to Jean A. Webb, 
    Commission, Re: Petition for Authorization of the Offer and Sale in 
    the United States of Futures and Option Contracts Traded on the 
        By letter dated July 12, 1993, counsel for the Exchange also 
    requested that the Commission authorize the offer and sale of option 
    contracts traded on the Exchange to persons resident in the United 
    States. See letter dated July 12, 1993 from Mr. Johnson to Ms. Webb, 
    Re: Petition Pursuant to Commission Regulation Sec. 30.3(a) for 
    Exemption of Certain Commodity Options on the NZFOE.
        On March 12, 1996, the Commission amended Commission rule 
    30.3(a) to no longer require an authorization order before a 
    particular foreign option product could be offered or sold to U.S. 
    customers. However, the amendment does not affect existing 
    restrictions on transactions involving stock index futures and 
    foreign government debt. 61 FR 10891 (Mar. 18, 1996). Based on the 
    foregoing, by letter dated March 22, 1996 from Jane C. Kang, 
    Commission, to Mr. Johnson, the Exchange was notified that its 
    application under rule 30.3 was deemed withdrawn.
        \11\ The Part 30 rules apply solely with respect to foreign 
    futures and foreign options, which are defined by reference to the 
    term ``foreign board of trade.'' See note 1 above.
        \12\ Letter dated February 22, 1996 from Philip McBride Johnson, 
    counsel for the Exchange, to Jane C. Kang, Commission.
        By letter dated June 5, 1996, counsel for the Exchange requested 
    confirmation from the Commission that the Limited Marketing Orders will 
    apply to Dealers which have confirmed rule 30.10 relief.13
        \13\ Letter dated June 5, 1996 from Philip McBride Johnson, 
    counsel for the Exchange, to Jane C. Kang, Commission.
        Order: The Commission is hereby issuing the following order:
        Order under CFTC Rule 30.10 exempting designated dealers of the 
    NZFOE from the application of certain of the foreign futures and 
    options rules the later of thirty days after publication of the 
    order herein in the Federal Register or after the filing of relevant 
    consents by dealers of the exchange and the exchange under the terms 
    and conditions of this order.
        The Commission has reviewed the information and representations 
    contained in, among other things, the following submissions:
    [[Page 64987]]
    --The Securities Act 1978, as amended, 1988, No. 234 (21 December 
    --The Futures Industry (Client Funds) Regulations 1990, No. 227 (3 
    September 1990)(``Client Funds Regulations'');
    --The Companies Act 1955, Articles of Association of New Zealand 
    Futures and Options Exchange Limited;
    --New Zealand Securities Commission Annual Report (30 June 1992);
    --The Annual Audited Financial Statements of the New Zealand Futures 
    and Options Exchange (31 March 1992);
    --New Zealand Futures & Options Exchange, A Specialist, Screen-Trading 
    --Aklaw Number Thirty-Nine Limited (Aklaw) Petition to the Australian 
    Ministerial Council; and
    --Letters dated June 8, 1993; June 12, 1993; June 9, 1994; February 22, 
    1996; June 6, 1996; and November 12, 1996 from Philip McBride Johnson, 
    Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, counsel for the Exchange.
        Based upon its review of the above supporting materials and the 
    Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets dated November 21, 
    1996, and subject to the conditions set forth below, the Commission has 
    determined to issue this Order which will become effective the later of 
    thirty days after publication of this Order in the Federal Register or 
    the filing of consents by Dealers of the Exchange and the Exchange to 
    the terms and conditions of the Order herein.
        Furthermore, subject to the conditions set forth below, the 
    Commission concludes that the standards for relief set forth in 
    Commission rule 30.10 and, in particular, Appendix A thereof, have 
    generally been satisfied and that compliance with the SAA, the Client 
    Funds Regulations and NZFOE rules may be substituted for compliance 
    with certain sections of the Act as more particularly set forth herein. 
    By this Order, the Commission hereby exempts, subject to specified 
    conditions, those Dealers identified to the Commission as eligible for 
    the rule 30.10 relief granted herein from registration with the 
    Commission based upon substituted compliance by such Dealers with the 
    applicable statutes and relevant Exchange and other rules in effect in 
    New Zealand.
        This determination to permit substituted compliance is based on, 
    among other things, the Commission's finding that the regulatory scheme 
    governing the firms trading on the Exchange who would be exempted 
    hereunder provides:
        (1) A system of qualification or licensing of firms and persons 
    who deal in transactions subject to regulation under Part 30 that 
    includes, for example, criteria and procedures for granting, 
    monitoring, suspending and revoking licenses, and provisions for 
    requiring and obtaining access to information about licensees;
        (2) Financial requirements for licensees;
        (3) A system for the segregation of customer funds that applies 
    to all customers and which requires the separate accounting for such 
    funds, augmented by funds designed to compensate customers who have 
    suffered a loss as a result of fraud or insolvency or other failure 
    of a Dealer;
        (4) Recordkeeping and reporting requirements pertaining to 
    financial and trade information including, without limitation, order 
    tickets, trade confirmations, customer account statements, 
    customers' deposit records and accounting records for customer and 
    proprietary trades;
        (5) Sales practice standards for licensees which include, for 
    example, required disclosures to customers and prohibitions on 
    misrepresentations and other deceptive practices;
        (6) Procedures to audit for compliance with, and to redress 
    violations of, customer protection and sales practice requirements 
    including, without limitation, a surveillance program and the 
    existence of broad powers to conduct investigations and to impose 
    sanctions; and
        (7) Mechanisms for sharing information between the Exchange and 
    the New Zealand Securities Commission (``NZSC'') and the Commission 
    on an ``as needed'' basis including, without limitation, 
    confirmation data, data necessary to trace funds, position data, 
    data on firms' standing to do business and financial condition, and 
    mechanisms for cooperating with the Commission in inquiries, 
    compliance matters, investigations and enforcement 
        \14\ On September 16, 1996, the Commission and the NZSC signed a 
    Memorandum of Understanding concerning consultation and mutual 
    assistance for the exchange of information. In addition, the 
    Exchange has provided assurances to the Commission regarding the 
    availability of information relevant to Part 30 on an ``as needed'' 
    basis. See letter dated June 9, 1994 from Philip McBride Johnson, 
    counsel for the Exchange, to Jane C. Kang, Commission.
        Further, the Commission has determined in this Order to permit 
    Dealers designated for rule 30.10 relief to solicit and accept orders 
    from U.S. customers for otherwise permitted transactions in commodity 
    futures and commodity options (including options on futures) 15 on 
    or subject to the rules of any non-U.S. exchange permitted under New 
    Zealand law, other than a contract market designated as such pursuant 
    to section 5 of the CEA, undertaken by such Dealers from a location in 
    New Zealand.
        \15\ Relief under this Order extends only to those products 
    falling within the jurisdiction of the CEA and remains subject to 
    existing product restrictions under the CEA and Commission 
    regulations and procedures thereunder related to stock indices and 
    foreign government debt (see CEA section 2(a)(1)(B)(v) and 
    Securities and Exchange Commission rule 3a12-8, 17 CFR 240.3a12-8 
        The Commission also hereby confirms that the Limited Marketing 
    Orders will apply to Dealers designated by the Exchange for rule 30.10 
    relief pursuant to this Order. Any such Dealer acting pursuant to the 
    Limited Marketing Orders will be required to comply with the terms and 
    conditions of the Limited Marketing Orders in addition to those 
    specified herein.
        This Order does not provide an exemption from any provision of the 
    Act or regulations thereunder not specified herein, for example, 
    without limitation, the antifraud provision in Commission rule 30.9, 17 
    CFR 30.9 (1996), or the disclosure provisions of Commission rules 1.55, 
    30.6 and 33.7, 17 CFR 1.55, 30.6 and 33.7 (1996), including the 
    requirements of rule 1.55(f), 30.6(e) and 33.7(f).16
        \16\ These rules essentially provide that delivery of a mandated 
    risk disclosure statement does not eliminate any obligation under 
    the Act to disclose all material information to existing or 
    prospective customers even if the information is not specifically 
    required by the applicable risk disclosure rule.
        The relief does not extend to rules or regulations relating to 
    trading, directly or indirectly, on U.S. exchanges. For example, a 
    Dealer trading in U.S. markets for its own account would be subject to 
    the Commission's large trader reporting requirements.17 Similarly, 
    if such a Dealer were carrying a position on a U.S. exchange on behalf 
    of foreign clients, it would be subject to the reporting requirements 
    applicable to foreign brokers.18 The relief herein does not apply 
    to Dealers that solicit U.S. customers for transactions on U.S. 
    markets. In that case, the Dealer must comply with all applicable U.S. 
    laws and regulations, including the requirement to register in the 
    appropriate capacity.
        \17\ See, e.g., 17 C.F.R. Part 18 (1996).
        \18\ See, e.g., 17 C.F.R. Parts 17 and 21 (1996).
        The eligibility of any Dealer to seek rule 30.10 relief under this 
    exemptive Order is subject to the following conditions:
        I. The regulatory or self-regulatory organization responsible 
    for monitoring the compliance of such Dealer with the regulatory 
    requirements described in the rule 30.10 petition must represent in 
    writing to the CFTC that:
        A. Each Dealer for which relief is sought is registered, 
    licensed or authorized, as appropriate, and is otherwise in good 
    standing under the standards in place in New Zealand; such Dealer is 
    engaged in business with customers located in New Zealand as well as 
    in the United States; and such Dealer would not be statutorily 
    disqualified from
    [[Page 64988]]
    registration under section 8a(2) of the CEA, 7 U.S.C. 12(a)(2) 
        B. It will monitor Dealers to which relief is granted for 
    compliance with the regulatory requirements for which substituted 
    compliance is accepted and will promptly notify the Commission or 
    NFA of any change in status of a Dealer which would affect its 
    continued eligibility for the exemption granted hereunder, including 
    the termination of its activities in the United States;
        C. All transactions on the Exchange with respect to customers 
    resident in the United States will be made on or subject to the 
    rules of the Exchange and be otherwise permissible as to U.S. 
    customers, and the Commission will receive prompt notice of all 
    material changes to NZSC and Exchange rules, the SAA and Client Fund 
        D. It will carry out its compliance, surveillance and rule 
    enforcement activities with respect to solicitations and acceptance 
    of orders by designated Dealers of U.S. customers for otherwise 
    permissible transactions involving options and futures business on 
    non-U.S. exchanges to the same extent that the Exchange conducts 
    such activities in regard to Exchange business;
        E. Customers resident in the United States will be provided no 
    less stringent regulatory protection than New Zealand customers 
    under all relevant provisions of New Zealand law;
        F. It consents to maintain all Exchange records for a minimum of 
    five years; and
        G. It will cooperate with the Commission with respect to any 
    inquiries concerning any activity subject to regulation under the 
    Part 30 rules, including sharing the information specified in 
    Appendix A to the Part 30 rules on an ``as needed'' basis in 
    accordance with the agreed information sharing arrangement and will 
    use its best efforts to notify the Commission if it becomes aware of 
    any information which in its judgment affects the financial or 
    operational viability of a New Zealand-domiciled Dealer doing 
    business in the United States under the exemption granted by this 
        II. Each Dealer seeking rule 30.10 relief hereunder must apply 
    in writing whereby it:
        A. Consents to jurisdiction in the United States under the Act 
    and files a valid and binding appointment of an agent in the United 
    States for service of process in accordance with the requirements 
    set forth in Commission rule 30.5, 17 CFR 30.5 (1996);
        B. Acknowledges that it can be required by the Exchange to 
    provide the Exchange immediate access to its books and records 
    related to transactions under Part 30 required to be maintained 
    under the applicable laws and Exchange rules in effect in New 
    Zealand and that the Exchange will cooperate in providing access to 
    such books and records to the Commission in accordance with the 
    agreed upon information sharing arrangement;
        C. Consents that all futures or regulated option transactions 
    with respect to customers resident in the United States will be made 
    on or subject to the rules of the Exchange or any other exchange, 
    other than a contract market designated as such pursuant to section 
    5 of the Act, and will be undertaken consistent with the rules of 
    the NZSC and Exchange and applicable provisions of the SAA and 
    Client Funds Regulations;
        D. Represents that no principal, and no employee who solicits or 
    accepts orders from U.S. customers, would be disqualified from 
    directly applying to do business in the United States under section 
    8a(2) of the CEA, 7 U.S.C. 12a(2) (1994), and consents to notify the 
    Commission promptly of any change in that representation based on a 
    change in control as generally defined in Commission rule 3.32, 17 
    CFR 3.32 (1996);
        E. Discloses the identity of each subsidiary or affiliate 
    domiciled in the United States with a related business (e.g., banks 
    and broker/dealer affiliates) and provides a brief description of 
    such subsidiary's or affiliate's principal business in the United 
        F. Consents to participate in any NFA arbitration program which 
    offers a procedure for resolving customer disputes on the papers 
    where such disputes involve representations or activities with 
    respect to transactions under Part 30, and consents to notify 
    customers resident in the United States of the availability of such 
    a program; and if the U.S. customer elects NFA arbitration, that the 
    Dealer consents to participate in NFA arbitration even in 
    circumstances where the claim involves a matter arising primarily 
    out of delivery, clearing, settlement or floor practices;
        G. Consents to maintain all firm records for a minimum of five 
        H. Undertakes to comply with the applicable provisions of New 
    Zealand law and Exchange and NZSC rules which form the basis upon 
    which this exemption from certain provisions of the Act is granted;
        I. Agrees to provide to any U.S. customer either the generic 
    risk disclosure statement approved by the Commission under rule 
    1.55(c), or the risk disclosure statements mandated by Commission 
    rules 30.6(a) [i.e., 1.55(a)] and 33.7, and applicable Commission 
    orders, as appropriate;19
        \19\ See, e.g., CFTC Advisory No. 90-1 [1987-1990 Transfer 
    Binder] Comm. Fut. L. Rep. (CCH) para. 24,597 (Feb. 21, 1990) 
    (disclosure statement related to the deferred payment of options 
        J. With respect to transactions effected on behalf of U.S. 
    customers on the NZFOE, complies with the regulations relating to 
    segregation of client funds under NZFOE rules and New Zealand laws;
        K. With respect to transactions effected on behalf of U.S. 
    customers on any non-U.S. futures and options exchange other than 
    the NZFOE and the SFE 20, whether by the Dealer directly as a 
    clearing member of such other exchange or through the intermediation 
    of one or more intermediaries, complies with paragraphs 1, 2 or 3 
        \20\ NZFOE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SFE, which received 
    rule 30.10 relief from the Commission on November 1, 1988. 53 FR 
    44856 (Nov. 7, 1988). The SFE and its members are required to 
    segregate customer funds from money and property belonging to the 
    firm and cannot use customer funds to satisfy the firm's 
    obligations, both at the firm level and at the SFE clearing house in 
    connection with all transactions effected on the SFE. See Section 
    1209 of the Australian Corporations Law; SFE Article 43; and SFE 
    Clearing House By-Law 41. Consequently, with respect to transactions 
    on the SFE on behalf of U.S. foreign futures and options customers, 
    NZFOE Dealers may comply with existing NZFOE and SFE rules in 
    connection with paragraph K relating to the foreign futures and 
    options secured amount.
        1. a. Must maintain in a separate account or accounts money, 
    securities and property in an amount at least sufficient to cover or 
    satisfy all of its current obligations to U.S. customers denominated 
    as the foreign futures or foreign options secured amount;
        b. May not commingle such money, securities and property with 
    the money, securities or property of the Dealer, with any 
    proprietary account of such Dealer, and may not use such money, 
    securities and property to secure or guarantee the obligations of, 
    or extend credit to, the Dealer or any proprietary account of the 
        c. May deposit together with the secured amount required to be 
    on deposit in the separate account or accounts referred to in 
    paragraph 1. a. above money, securities or property held for or on 
    behalf of non-U.S. customers of the Dealer for the purpose of 
    entering into foreign futures and options transactions. In such a 
    case, the amount that must be deposited in such separate account or 
    accounts must be no less than the greater of (1) the foreign futures 
    and foreign options secured amount required by paragraph 1. a. above 
    plus the amount that would be required to be on deposit if all such 
    customers (including non-U.S. customers) were subject to such 
    requirement, or (2) the foreign futures and foreign options secured 
    amount required by paragraph 1. a. above plus the amount required to 
    be held in a separate account or accounts for or on behalf of such 
    non-U.S. customers pursuant to any applicable law, rule or 
    regulation or order, or any rule of any self-regulatory 
        d. The separate account or accounts referred to in paragraph 1. 
    a. above must be maintained under an account name that clearly 
    identifies them as such, with any of the following depositories:
        (1) Another person registered with the Commission as a futures 
    commission merchant (``FCM''), or a firm exempted from FCM 
    registration pursuant to CFTC rule 30.10;
        (2) The clearing organization of any foreign board of trade;
        (3) Any member and/or clearing member of such foreign board of 
    trade; or
        (4) A bank or trust company which any of the depositories 
    identified in (1)-(3) above may use consistent with the applicable 
    laws and rules of the jurisdiction in which the depository is 
    located; and
        e. The separate account or accounts referred to in paragraph 1. 
    a. may be deemed a good secured amount depository only if the Dealer 
    obtains and retains in its files for the period required by 
    applicable law and Exchange rules, a written acknowledgement from 
    such separate account depository that:
        (1) It was informed that such money, securities or property are 
    held for or on behalf of customers of the Dealer; and
        (2) It will ensure that such money, securities or property will 
    be held and treated at all times effectively in accordance with the 
    provisions of this paragraph; and, provided further, that the Dealer 
    assures itself that such separate account depository will not pass 
    on such money, securities or
    [[Page 64989]]
    property to any other depository unless the Dealer has assured 
    itself that all such other separate account depositories will treat 
    such funds in a manner consistent with the procedures described in 
    this paragraph 1 herein; 21 or
        \21\ This proviso is intended to ensure that the originating 
    Dealer makes reasonable inquiries and understands prior to the 
    initiation of a trade the conditions under which its customers' 
    funds will be held at all subsequent depositories, so that it may 
    determine whether it may count a particular intermediary or clearing 
    house as a good separate account depository for purposes of this 
    Order or must alternatively set aside funds in the manner set forth 
    in paragraph 2. The Dealer initially would discuss with its 
    immediate intermediary broker whether funds will be transferred to 
    any subsequent depositories and determine the conditions under which 
    such funds would be treated. Compliance with this condition would be 
    satisfied by the Dealer obtaining relevant information or assurances 
    from appropriate sources such as, for example, the immediate 
    intermediary broker, exchanges or clearinghouses, exchange 
    regulators, banks, attorneys or regulatory references.
        This requirement is intended to ensure that funds provided by 
    U.S. customers for foreign futures and options transactions, whether 
    held at a U.S. FCM under rule 30.7(c) or a firm exempted from 
    registration as an FCM under CFTC rule 30.10, will receive 
    equivalent protection at all intermediaries and exchange clearing 
    organizations. Thus, for example, an exchange that does not 
    segregate customer from firm obligations and firms which trade on 
    such exchanges and which do not arrange to comply otherwise with any 
    of the procedures described in paragraph K would not be deemed an 
    acceptable separate account. Specifically, such exchange or firms 
    could not provide a valid and binding acknowledgement to a rule 
    30.10 exempted firm.
        This provision is not intended to create a duty on a rule 30.10 
    firm that it audit any intermediaries for continued compliance with 
    the undertakings it has obtained based on discussions with those 
    relevant intermediaries. It is intended to make clear that firms 
    must engage in a due diligence inquiry before customer funds are 
    sent to another intermediary and take appropriate action (i.e., set 
    aside funds) in the event that it becomes aware of facts leading it 
    to conclude that customer funds are not being handled consistent 
    with the requirements of Commission rules or relevant rule 30.10 
    order by any subsequent intermediary or clearing house.
        2. Must set aside funds constituting the entire secured amount 
    requirement in a separate account as set forth in Commission rule 
    30.7, 17 CFR Sec. 30.7 (1996), and treat those funds in the manner 
    described by that rule; or
        3. Must comply with the terms and procedures of paragraph 1 or 
    2, with the amount required to be segregated under NZFOE rules and 
    New Zealand laws to be substituted for the secured amount 
    requirement as set forth in such paragraphs.22
        \22\ The Client Funds Regulations permit a Dealer to send client 
    funds to a depository outside New Zealand which cannot or will not 
    provide the acknowledgement required by the Client Funds 
    Regulations, provided that the Dealer has first:
        --advised the client that the money may not receive the 
    protection afforded by section 20 of the Client Funds Regulations 
    (i.e., segregation); and
        --obtained the written agreement of the client that 
    notwithstanding such notice, the money may be credited to the client 
    funds account. See section 10 of the Client Funds Regulations.
        The Commission notes, however, that such waiver is inconsistent 
    with the terms of this Order requiring that the secured amount funds 
    of U.S. foreign futures and options customers (or the segregated 
    amount under New Zealand law) be in appropriate separate account 
    locations and protected for the benefit of such customers.
        Upon filing of the notice required under paragraph I. B. as to any 
    such Dealer, the rule 30.10 relief granted by this Order may be 
    suspended immediately as to that Dealer. That suspension will remain in 
    effect pending further notice by the Commission, or the Commission's 
    designee, to the Dealer and the Exchange and/or any applicable 
    regulatory or self-regulatory organization.
        Any material changes or omissions in the facts and circumstances 
    pursuant to which this Order is granted might require the Commission to 
    reconsider its finding that the standards for issuance of an order 
    under Commission rule 30.10, including Appendix A of rule 30.10, have 
    generally been satisfied.
        Further, if experience demonstrates that the continued 
    effectiveness of this Order in general, or with respect to a particular 
    Dealer, would be contrary to public policy or the public interest, or 
    that the systems in place for the exchange of information or other 
    circumstances do not warrant continuation of the exemptive relief 
    granted herein, the Commission may condition, modify, suspend, 
    terminate, withhold as to a specific Dealer, or otherwise restrict the 
    exemptive relief granted in this Order, as appropriate, on its own 
    motion. If necessary, provisions will be made for servicing existing 
    client positions.
    List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 30
        Commodity futures, Commodity options, Foreign futures and options.
        Accordingly, 17 CFR Part 30 is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 30 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 2(a)(1)(A), 4, 4c, and 8a of the Commodity 
    Exchange Act, 7 U.S.C. 2, 6, 6c and 12a.
        2. Appendix C to part 30 is amended by adding at the end of the 
    appendix the following entry to read as follows:
    Appendix C--Foreign Petitioners Granted Relief From the Application of 
    Certain of the Part 30 Rules Pursuant to Sec. 30.10
    * * * * *
        Firms designated by the New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange 
        FR date and citation, ________, 1996, ________ FR ________.
        Issued in Washington, D.C., on December 3, 1996.
    Jean A. Webb,
    Secretary to the Commission.
    [FR Doc. 96-31326 Filed 12-9-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6351-01-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
January 9, 1997.
64985-64989 (5 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
17 CFR 30