2024-28338. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Species Status for the Peñasco Least Chipmunk and Designation of Critical Habitat
Table 1—Population Resiliency Category Definitions for Peñasco Least Chipmunk (With Assigned Scores)
High (1) Moderate (0) Low (−1) Very low/extirpated (−2) • density or relative abundance is high • population is increasing over time • there is connectivity between the populations • the number of subpopulations is high, spatially dispersed, and able to withstand or recover from stochastic events • large, contiguous areas of increasing availability of suitable habitat with no detectable impacts from land use or management • density or relative abundance is moderate • population is stable over time • populations are adjacent to each other, but unsuitable habitat precludes dispersal • multiple subpopulations, allowing for some ability to withstand or recover from stochastic events • areas of moderately sized habitat with some isolated habitat patches • land use or management occurs but does not significantly limit chipmunk resources • density or relative abundance is low • population is decreasing over time but still extant • populations are extremely isolated from one another • two subpopulations allow for some, but limited, ability to withstand or recover from stochastic events • habitat occurs as small isolated patches • land use or management reduces chipmunk resources • abundance decreases over time, such that population may be extirpated completely. • no connectivity with other populations exists. • if extant, no subpopulation structure occurs. • little to no suitable habitat is available. • if patches exist, they are small and isolated and will lead or have led to high probability of extirpation. • land use or management removes chipmunk resources.