95-30082. ANR Advance Holdings, Inc.Merger and Control ExemptionANR Freight System, Inc., Transport USA, Inc., and Advance Transportation Company  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 237 (Monday, December 11, 1995)]
    [Pages 63543-63544]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-30082]
    [No. MC-F-20757]
    ANR Advance Holdings, Inc.--Merger and Control Exemption--ANR 
    Freight System, Inc., Transport USA, Inc., and Advance Transportation 
    AGENCY: Interstate Commerce Commission.
    ACTION: Notice that the Commission has been requested to issue a 
    finding that the cash price of $10 per share payable to the minority 
    stockholders of Advance Transportation Company in connection with the 
    recent merger of that corporation into ANR Freight System, Inc., is 
    just and reasonable.
    SUMMARY: On November 3, 1995, Advance Transportation Company was merged 
    into ANR Freight System, Inc., which has been renamed ANR Advance 
    Transportation Company, Inc. The terms and conditions of the merger 
    included, among other things, a ``cashing out'' of all minority 
    stockholders of Advance Transportation Company at a price of $10 per 
    share. The Commission has been requested to issue a finding that the 
    cash price of $10 per share payable to the minority stockholders of 
    Advance Transportation Company in connection with the merger is just 
    and reasonable.
    DATES: Comments must be filed by January 10, 1996. Replies must be 
    filed by January 25, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: All pleadings should refer to No. MC-F-20757. Comments (an 
    original and 10 copies) should be sent to: Office of the Secretary, 
    Case Control Branch, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1201 Constitution 
    Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20423.1 Comments should also be 
    served (one copy each) on: (1) Warren Belmar, Fulbright & Jaworski 
    L.L.P., 801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004; and (2) 
    James F. Moriarty, Fleischman & Walsh, P.C., Suite 600, 1400 16th 
    Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Replies (an original and 10 
    copies) should be sent to: Office of the Secretary, Case Control 
    Branch, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1201 Constitution Avenue, N.W., 
    Washington, D.C. 20423. Replies should also be served (one copy each) 
    on: any persons filing comments; each of the approximately 675 
    participants in the employee stock ownership plan that formerly held 
    stock in Advance Transportation Company; and each of the 39 former 
    employees that held stock in Advance Transportation Company immediately 
    prior to the recent merger.
        \1\ Legislation to terminate the Commission on December 31, 
    1995, is now pending enactment. Until further notice, parties 
    submitting pleadings should continue to use the current name and 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Beryl Gordon, (202) 927-5610. [TDD for 
    the hearing impaired: (202) 927-5721.]
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The merger consummated November 3, 1995, was 
    incidental to a control transaction that involved three motor carriers: 
    ANR Freight System, Inc. (ANR Freight); Transport USA, Inc. 
    (Transport); and Advance Transportation Company (ATC).2
        \2\  ATC was also licensed as a broker, but its broker status is 
    of no particular consequence in the present context.
        Immediately prior to the merger and the control transaction, (1) 
    ANR Freight and Transport were wholly owned direct subsidiaries of ANR 
    Advance Holdings, Inc. (AA Holdings), which was itself a wholly owned 
    direct subsidiary of ANRFS Holdings, Inc. (ANRFS), which was in its 
    turn a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of The Coastal Corporation, and 
    (2) ATC's stock was held by ``principal stockholders'' and by 
    ``minority stockholders.'' The ATC principal stockholders were eight 
    individual family members, who collectively owned 78.4% of ATC's stock. 
    The ATC minority stockholders included both an employee stock ownership 
    plan (an ESOP), under which approximately 675 ATC employees were the 
    beneficial owners of the stock held by the ESOP, and 39 former ATC 
    employees, each of whom owned outright ATC stock that had formerly been 
    held by the ESOP. The ESOP held 21.6% of ATC's stock; the 39 former 
    employees held an additional 415 shares of ATC's stock.3
        \3\  The cited figures (the 78.4% holdings of the principal 
    stockholders; the 21.6% holdings of the ESOP, on behalf of 
    approximately 675 ATC employees; and the 415 shares held by the 39 
    former ATC employees) have varied somewhat through the course of 
    this proceeding. We have therefore used the figures provided in the 
    most recent pleading (the petition filed November 14, 1995), which 
    we understand to represent the exact figures as they stood 
    immediately prior to the merger of ATC into ANR Freight. We realize, 
    of course, that the described ATC holdings add up to 415 shares 
    above 100%. The context, however, suggests that either the 78.4% 
    figure or the 21.6% figure has been rounded off, because the 415 
    shares held outright by former employees amount to approximately 
    0.07% of ATC's stock.
        The control transaction of which the merger was a part involved the 
    common control of ANR Freight, Transport, and ATC. Common control of 
    these three motor carriers was obtained by AA Holdings, which already 
    controlled ANR Freight and Transport, and which received, as part of 
    the control transaction, the 78.4% stock ownership of ATC that had 
    previously been held by the eight principal stockholders of ATC.
        In connection with and incidental to the control transaction, (1) 
    ATC was merged into ANR Freight, and ANR Freight was renamed (its new 
    acronym is AATC), and (2) the principal stockholders of ATC acquired 
    50% of the stock of AA Holdings (prior to the transaction, ANRFS had 
    held 100% of the stock of AA Holdings). In connection with and 
    incidental to the merger of ATC into ANR Freight, ATC's minority 
    stockholders (the ESOP and the former employees) were ``cashed out'' at 
    a price of $10 per each share of ATC stock formerly held by such 
    minority stockholders.
        The merger and the broader control transaction were subject to our 
    jurisdiction under 49 U.S.C. 11343(a). Accordingly, by notice of 
    exemption filed August 23, 1995, five parties (ANR Freight, Transport, 
    AA Holdings, ANRFS, and ATC) invoked the 49 U.S.C. 11343(e) class 
    exemption codified at 49 CFR Part 1186. The notice was published in the 
    ICC Register on September 1, 1995 (at pages 15-16), and it indicated 
    that we had exempted, subject to public comment, both the merger of ATC 
    into ANR Freight and the 
    [[Page 63544]]
    control by AA Holdings of AATC (the renamed survivor of that merger) 
    and Transport.4 Comments were due 30 days after publication of the 
    notice, but none was filed. Accordingly, the exemption became effective 
    on October 31, 1995. See 49 CFR 1186.7. The merger and the control 
    transaction of which it was a part were thereafter consummated on 
    November 3, 1995.
        \4\ By separate decision served September 1, 1995, AA Holdings 
    was authorized to assume temporary control of ANR Freight, 
    Transport, and ATC pending final disposition of the exemption 
        By petition filed November 14, 1995, AA Holdings and AATC 
    (petitioners) request a determination verifying that the cash price of 
    $10 per share payable to ATC's minority stockholders in liquidation of 
    their ATC stock is just and reasonable.5 Petitioners seek this 
    determination (1) because they believe that we are required by 
    Schwabacher v. United States, 334 U.S. 182 (1948), to make such a 
    determination to protect minority stockholders, and (2) in order to 
    immunize the ANR Freight/ATC merger from the otherwise applicable state 
    law rights, particularly the otherwise applicable state law dissenters' 
    rights, of the minority stockholders. See 49 U.S.C. 11341(a) (``A 
    carrier, corporation, or person participating in [a transaction 
    exempted under Title 49, Subtitle IV, Chapter 113, Subchapter III] is 
    exempt from the antitrust laws and from all other law, including State 
    and municipal law, as necessary to let that person carry out the 
    transaction,'' etc.). Petitioners urge expedited handling of their 
        \5\ The petition itself references, and is accompanied by, a 
    substantial document entitled ``Petitioners' Appendices,'' which we 
    shall refer to as the appendix document.
        Our statutory mandate, 49 U.S.C. 11344(c), requires, among other 
    things, that we determine, in appropriate cases, that the terms and 
    conditions of certain transactions affecting stockholders are just and 
    reasonable. See, e.g., Union Pacific Corp. et al.--Cont.--MO-KS-TX Co. 
    et al., 4 I.C.C.2d 409, 515 (1988) (``In appraising this transaction 
    affecting the rights of stockholders, it is incumbent upon us to see 
    that the interests of minority stockholders are protected and that the 
    overall proposal is just and reasonable to those stockholders. 
    Schwabacher v. United States, 344 U.S. 182, 198, 201 (1948).''). To 
    move this matter to a speedy resolution, we will proceed in an 
    expedited fashion.
        Because one or more of the eight principal ATC stockholders, 
    although not ``minority stockholders'' in petitioners' usage of this 
    term, could be ``minority stockholders'' in the Schwabacher 
    sense,6 our ``just and reasonable'' jurisdiction conceivably 
    encompasses matters broader than the precise determination sought by 
    petitioners. Petitioners, however, have the right to seek the narrow 
    determination they have requested, and we will therefore limit our 
    inquiry to the precise matter that petitioners have placed before us: 
    Whether the cash price of $10 per share payable to ATC's minority 
    stockholders in liquidation of their ATC stock is just and reasonable; 
    and we will adhere to petitioners' usage of the term ``minority 
    stockholders'' to embrace only the ESOP (under which approximately 675 
    ATC employees were the beneficial stockholders) and the 39 former ATC 
    employees that held ATC stock outside the ESOP.
        \6\ The eight principal stockholders owned, collectively, 78.4% 
    of ATC's stock; what any one of the eight owned has not been 
    indicated. Petitioners have indicated, however, that a 66\2/3\ vote 
    was necessary for approval of the merger. A single principal 
    stockholder acting alone could block the merger only if that 
    stockholder held approximately 11.74% of ATC's stock (and any single 
    principal stockholder might have been unable to block the merger 
    even with 11.74% of ATC's stock; the 11.74% calculation assumes that 
    no stock held by the ESOP and the former employees was voted in 
    favor of the merger). It is immediately apparent that at least two 
    of the principal stockholders each must have owned less than 11.74% 
    of ATC's stock, because the eight principal stockholders together 
    held only 78.4% of such stock.
        Accordingly, we solicit comments from all interested persons 
    respecting whether the cash price of $10 per share payable to the 
    minority stockholders of ATC is just and reasonable. Such comments must 
    be submitted by January 10, 1996. Petitioners may file replies to such 
    comments by January 25, 1996.
        Petitioners have indicated that they will serve a copy of their 
    petition (only the petition; not the appendix document) on each ESOP 
    participant and on each of the 39 former employee stockholders. 
    Petitioners have further indicated that they will serve a copy of the 
    appendix document on any person requesting a copy. We expect that 
    petitioners, if they have not completed such service of the petition 
    prior to the date of publication of this notice, will complete such 
    service no later than December 18, 1995.
        Petitioners have noted that, as a matter of law, Federal Register 
    publication is considered to provide notice to all interested persons. 
    Due process considerations, however, suggest that, whenever possible, 
    identifiable interested persons should receive actual notice rather 
    than constructive notice. We will therefore require petitioners to 
    serve a copy of this notice on each of the approximately 675 ESOP 
    participants and on each of the 39 former employee stockholders. Such 
    service should be accomplished by first class mail, postage prepaid, 
    and all such notices should be mailed no later than December 18, 1995.
        Petitioners should certify in writing, no later than December 21, 
    1995, that they have served copies of their petition and this notice in 
    the manner indicated in the two preceding paragraphs.
        Any interested person may request copies of the petition and/or the 
    appendix document, in writing or by telephone, from Warren Belmar, 
    Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P., 801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20004 (telephone: 202-662-0200) or James F. Moriarty, Fleischman & 
    Walsh, P.C., Suite 600, 1400 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 
    (telephone: 202-939-7900).
        In addition to submitting an original and 10 copies of all comments 
    and replies filed with the Commission, commenters and petitioners are 
    encouraged to submit all pleadings and attachments as computer data 
    contained on a 3.5-inch floppy diskette formatted for WordPerfect 5.1 
    (or formatted so that it can be converted by WordPerfect 5.1). 
    Petitioners are also encouraged to submit on such a diskette the 
    petition and the appendix document (or so much thereof as can 
    conveniently be submitted on such a diskette).
        Decided: December 1, 1995.
        By the Commission, Chairman Morgan, Vice Chairman Owen, and 
    Commissioner Simmons.
    Vernon A. Williams,
    [FR Doc. 95-30082 Filed 12-8-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7035-01-P

Document Information

Interstate Commerce Commission
Entry Type:
Notice that the Commission has been requested to issue a finding that the cash price of $10 per share payable to the minority stockholders of Advance Transportation Company in connection with the recent merger of that corporation into ANR Freight System, Inc., is just and reasonable.
Document Number:
Comments must be filed by January 10, 1996. Replies must be filed by January 25, 1996.
63543-63544 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
No. MC-F-20757
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