95-30085. Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Malting Barley Price and Quality Endorsement Crop Insurance Provisions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 237 (Monday, December 11, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 63457-63461]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-30085]
    Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
    7 CFR Part 457
    RIN 0563-AB24
    Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Malting Barley Price and 
    Quality Endorsement Crop Insurance Provisions
    AGENCY: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (``FCIC'') hereby 
    proposes to revise the Malting Barley Option Crop Insurance provisions. 
    The intended effect of this action is to improve the insurance coverage 
    now available for producers who grow malting barley under contract with 
    a brewery, or business that sells malt or processed mash to a brewery; 
    and to provide a new option that will allow producers without contracts 
    (open market producers) to obtain insurance for their malting barley.
    DATES: Written comments, data, and opinions on this proposed rule must 
    be submitted by the close of business December 21, 1995 to be 
    considered when the rule is to be made final. The comment period for 
    information collections under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
    continues through February 5, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments, data, and opinion on this proposed rule 
    should be sent to Diana Moslak, Regulatory and Procedural Development 
    Staff, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, USDA, Washington, D.C. 
    20250. Hand or messenger delivery should be made to 14th and 
    Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 6097, South Building, Washington, D.C. 
    Written comments will be available for public inspection and copying in 
    the Office of the Manager, 14th and Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 
    6097, South Building, Washington, D.C., during regular business hours, 
    Monday through Friday.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information and a copy of 
    the Regulatory Economic Analysis of the Malting Barley Endorsement Crop 
    Insurance provisions, contact Diana Moslak, Regulatory and Procedural 
    Development Staff, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, USDA, 
    Washington, D.C. 20250. Telephone (202) 720-0713.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This action has been reviewed under United 
    States Department of Agriculture (``USDA'') procedures established by 
    Executive Order 12866 and Departmental Regulation 1512-1. This action 
    constitutes a review as to the need, currency, clarity, and 
    effectiveness of these regulations under those procedures. The sunset 
    review date established for these regulations is July 1, 2000.
        This rule has been determined to be ``significant'' for the 
    purposes of Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, has been reviewed by 
    the Office of Management and Budget (``OMB'').
        A Regulatory Economic Analysis has been completed and is available 
    to interested persons at the address listed above. In summary, the 
    analysis finds that the expected benefits of this action outweigh the 
    costs. The new Malting Barley Price and Quality Endorsement will 
    simplify program operations, benefit FCIC and reinsured companies, and 
    enhance the insurance coverage for malting barley producers.
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        The information collection requirements contained in these 
    regulations were submitted to OMB for their approval under section 
    3507(j) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, and received emergency 
    approval through March 5, 1996. The agency is also seeking a valid 
    approval for 3 years under section 3507(d). These requirements were 
    previously approved by OMB under OMB control number 0563-0003 through 
    September 30, 1998. Public comments are due by February 5, 1996.
        The title of this information collection is ``Catastrophic Risk 
    Protection Plan and Related Requirements including General Crop 
    Insurance Regulations, Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Malting 
    Barley Price and Quality Endorsement Crop Insurance Provisions.'' The 
    Information to be collected includes: a crop insurance acreage report, 
    an insurance application and continuous contract. Information collected 
    from the acreage report and application is electronically submitted to 
    FCIC by the reinsured companies. Some respondents may provide 
    additional information for the purpose of selecting malting barley 
    insurance coverage options. Potential respondents to this information 
    collection are growers of malting barley that are eligible for Federal 
    crop insurance.
        The information requested is necessary for the insurance company 
    and FCIC to provide insurance, provide reinsurance, determine 
    eligibility, determine and collect premiums or other monetary amounts 
    (or fees), and pay benefits.
        All information is reported annually. The reporting burden for this 
    collection of information is estimated to average 16.9 minutes per 
    response for each of the 3.6 responses from approximately 1,755,015 
    respondents. The total annual burden on the public for this information 
    collection is 2,676,932 hours.
        The comment period for information collections under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 continues through February 5, 1996, on the 
    following: (a) whether the proposed collection of information is 
    necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
    including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the 
    accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed 
    collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, 
    and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to 
    minimize the burden of the collection of information 
    [[Page 63458]]
    on respondents, including through the use of automated collection 
    techniques or other forms of information technology.
        Comments should be submitted to the Desk Officer for Agriculture, 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB), Washington, D.C. 20503 and to Bonnie Hart, Information 
    Management Branch, Farm Service Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 
    Washington, D.C. 20250. Copies of the information collection may be 
    obtained from Bonnie Hart at the above address. Telephone (202) 690-
        It has been determined under section 6(a) of Executive Order 12612, 
    Federalism, that this rule does not have sufficient federalism 
    implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. The 
    provisions contained in this rule will not have a substantial direct 
    effect on states or their political subdivisions, or on the 
    distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
        This regulation will not have a significant impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities. The impact of obtaining or delivering these 
    policies will not vary significantly from that required to obtain or 
    deliver the present policy. Therefore, this action is determined to be 
    exempt from the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 605 ) and no Regulatory Flexibility Analysis was prepared.
        This program is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic 
    Assistance under No. 10.450.
        This program is not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 
    12372 which require intergovernmental consultation with state and local 
    officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V, 
    published at 48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983.
        The Office of the General Counsel has determined that these 
    regulations meet the applicable standards provided in subsections 2(a) 
    and 2(b)(2) of Executive Order 12778. The provisions of this rule will 
    preempt state and local laws to the extent such state and local laws 
    are inconsistent herewith. The administrative appeal provisions 
    promulgated by the National Appeals Division under Pub. L. No. 103-354 
    must be exhausted before judicial action may be brought.
        This action is not expected to have any significant impact on the 
    quality of the human environment, health, and safety. Therefore, 
    neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact 
    Statement is needed.
        FCIC proposes to amend the Common Crop Insurance Regulations (7 CFR 
    part 457) by revising and reissuing 7 CFR 457.103, Malting Barley 
    Option effective for the 1996 and succeeding crop years. The principal 
    changes to the provisions for insuring malting barley are as follows:
        1. The current Malting Barley Option will be replaced by the 
    proposed Malting Barley Price and Quality Endorsement. The new 
    endorsement is divided into two coverage options. Option A is intended 
    to provide insurance coverage for producers who do not grow malting 
    barley under contract with a brewery or with a business that makes or 
    sells malt or processed mash to a brewery. Option B provides insurance 
    coverage for producers who grow malting barley under such a contract. A 
    producer may select only one option to cover all acreage planted to 
    approved varieties of malting barley in the county during the crop 
    Option A
        2. Section 1--Requires an applicant for insurance or insured to 
    provide records of the sale of malting barley for at least four crop 
    years to be eligible for coverage. These production records may be used 
    to determine the malting barley production guarantee (see item 3 
        3. Section 2--Provides that the malting barley production guarantee 
    per acre will be the lesser of: (a) The production guarantee calculated 
    under the APH regulations, 7 CFR part 400, subpart G, and the Small 
    Grains Crop Provisions for feed barley for acreage planted to approved 
    malting varieties; or (b) the average amount calculated under the APH 
    regulations of malting barley sold per planted acre during the APH base 
        4. Section 3--Provides for the maximum malting barley additional 
    value price to be designated in the Special Provisions.
        5. Section 4--Indicates the production to count against the malting 
    barley production guarantee. Quality standards specified in this 
    section represent typical minimum acceptance standards in the malting 
    barley industry.
        6. Section 5--Provides that a claim cannot be settled until final 
    disposition of all production can be determined, or May 31 of the 
    calendar year following the crop year. Production stored after May 31 
    of the calendar year following the crop year will be adjusted based on 
    the quality specifications contained in subsection 4(b) of the option. 
    This extended settlement period is intended to prevent the payment of 
    an indemnity for production that does not meet quality specifications 
    but is ultimately used for malting purposes due to a shortage of 
    quality malting barley. If barley is used for malting purposes 
    regardless of quality it is production to count against the guarantee.
    Option B
        7. Section 1--Requires an applicant for insurance or insured to 
    provide a copy of the malting barley contract by the acreage reporting 
    date to be eligible for coverage. The amount of production under 
    contract may be used to determine the malting barley production 
    guarantee (see item 8 below).
        8. Section 2--Provides that the malting barley production guarantee 
    per acre be the lesser of: (a) The production guarantee calculated 
    under the APH regulations, 7 CFR part 400, subpart G, and the Small 
    Grains Crop Provisions for feed barley for acreage planted to approved 
    malting varieties; or (b) the amount determined by dividing the number 
    of bushels of contracted production by the number of acres planted to 
    approved malting varieties, and multiplying the result by the 
    percentage for the coverage level you elected under the Small Grains 
    Crop Provisions for feed barley.
        9. Section 3--Establishes the maximum malting barley additional 
    value price as: (a) The difference between the maximum price election 
    available for feed barley under the Small Grains Crop Provisions and 
    the established sale price in the malting barley contract provided such 
    price is fixed on or before the acreage reporting date; or (b) the 
    basis or differential per bushel shown in the malting barley contract 
    if the sale price is based on a future market price for basic (feed) 
    barley plus a differential amount for malting barley production. For 
    example, if the malting barley contract provides for a fixed price of 
    $2.50 per bushel on or before the acreage reporting date and the 
    maximum price election available for feed barley is $1.90 per bushel, 
    the additional value price would be $0.60 per bushel ($2.50-$1.90); 
    however, if the malting barley contract provides for a basis or 
    differential of $0.60 per bushel above a future market price, the 
    additional value price would be $0.60. In no event will the additional 
    value price exceed 200% of the maximum additional value price shown in 
    the Special Provisions.
        10. Section 4--Indicates the production to count against the 
    malting barley production guarantee in the event of a claim. Production 
    meeting the 
    [[Page 63459]]
    minimum acceptance standards specified in the malting barley contract 
    for percentage of protein, plump kernels, thin kernels, germination, 
    blight damage, mold injury or damage, sprout damage, frost injury or 
    damage, and parts per million of substances or conditions, including 
    mycotoxins, that are identified by the Food and Drug Administration as 
    being injurious to human or animal health, or the standards specified 
    in this section, will be considered production to count.
        11. Section 5--Specifies that a claim cannot be settled until final 
    disposition of all production can be determined, or May 31 of the 
    calendar year following the crop year. Production stored after this 
    date will be adjusted based on the quality specifications indicated in 
    subsection 4(b) of the option. This extended settlement period is 
    intended to prevent the payment of an indemnity for production that 
    does not meet quality specifications but that is ultimately used for 
    malting purposes due to a shortage of quality malting barley. If barley 
    is used for malting purposes regardless of quality it is production to 
    count against the guarantee.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 457
        Crop insurance, Malting Barley Price and Quality Endorsement Crop 
    Proposed Rule
        Pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Crop Insurance 
    Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. Sec. 1501 et seq.), the Federal Crop 
    Insurance Corporation hereby proposes to amend the Common Crop 
    Insurance Regulations (7 CFR part 457), effective for the 1996 and 
    succeeding crop years, as follows:
    PART 457--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 457 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(1).
        2. Section 457.103 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 457.103  Malting Barley Crop Insurance.
        The malting barley crop insurance provisions for the 1996 and 
    succeeding crop years are as follows:
    United States Department of Agriculture; Federal Crop Insurance 
    Corporation; Small Grains Crop Insurance; Malting Barley Price and 
    Quality Endorsement
    (This is a continuous endorsement. Refer to section 2 of the Common 
    Crop Insurance Policy.)
        In return for your payment of premium for the coverage contained 
    herein, this endorsement will be attached to and made part of the 
    Common Crop Insurance Policy (Sec. 457.8) and Small Grains Crop 
    Provisions (Sec. 457.101), subject to the terms and conditions 
    described herein.
        1. You must have the Common Crop Insurance Policy (Sec. 457.8) 
    and the Small Grains Crop Insurance Provisions (Sec. 457.101) in 
    force to elect to insure malting barley under this endorsement.
        2. You must select either option A or option B before the sales 
    closing date. Failure to select either option A or option B, or 
    failure to qualify for coverage under the terms of the option 
    selected, will result in no coverage under this endorsement for the 
    applicable crop year. For example, if you elect option B but fail to 
    have a binding malting barley contract by the acreage reporting 
    date, no coverage will be provided under this endorsement for the 
    crop year. The selection will continue from year to year unless you 
    cancel or change your selection prior to the sales closing date.
        3. You must select an added value price election at the time of 
        4. The additional premium amount for this coverage will be 
    determined by multiplying your malting barley production guarantee 
    per acre times your selected additional value price election, times 
    the premium rate, times the insured acreage, times your share at the 
    time coverage begins.
        5. In addition to the acreage reporting requirements contained 
    in section 6 of the Common Crop Insurance Policy (Sec. 457.8), you 
    must provide the information required by your selected option.
        6. All barley acreage that is planted to approved malting 
    varieties, and that is insurable under the feed barley crop 
    provisions and the selected option must be insured under this 
    endorsement and, on the acreage report, will be designated as, and 
    limited to, one unit.
        7. In lieu of provisions in the Common Crop Insurance Policy 
    (Sec. 457.8) that require you to submit a claim for indemnity not 
    later than 60 days after the end of the insurance period, you must 
    submit a claim for indemnity declaring the amount of your loss not 
    later than May 31 of the calendar year immediately following the 
    crop year.
        8. Prevented planting coverage is not provided by this 
    endorsement but is available only under the terms of the Small 
    Grains Crop Provisions for barley.
        9. Definitions:
        (a) APH--Actual Production History as determined in accordance 
    with 7 CFR part 400, subpart G.
        (b) Approved malting variety--A variety of barley specified as 
    such in the Special Provisions.
        (c) Brewery--A facility where malt beverages are commercially 
    produced for human consumption.
        (d) Contracted production--The quantity of malting barley the 
    insured producer agrees to grow and deliver, and the buyer agrees to 
    accept, under the terms of the malting barley contract.
        (e) Licensed grain grader--A person who is authorized to inspect 
    and grade barley under the United States Grain Standards Act or the 
    United States Warehouse Act.
        (f) Malting barley contract--A written contract with a brewery 
    or business that produces or sells malt or processed mash to a 
    brewery or a company owned by such brewery or business, in which is 
    stated the production contracted and a purchase price or a method to 
    be used in determining such price.
        (g) Objective test--A determination made by a qualified person 
    using standardized equipment that is widely used in the malting 
    industry, and following a procedure approved by the American Society 
    of Brewing Chemists when determining percent germination or protein 
    content; grading performed following a procedure approved by the 
    Federal Grain Inspection Service when determining quality factors 
    other than percent germination or protein content; or by the Food 
    and Drug Administration when determining parts per million of 
    mycotoxins or other substances or conditions that are identified as 
    being injurious to human or animal health.
        (h) Subjective test--A determination made using olfactory, 
    visual, touch or feel, masticatory, or other senses unless performed 
    by a licensed grain grader; or that uses non-standardized equipment, 
    or that does not follow a procedure approved by the American Society 
    of Brewing Chemists, the Federal Grain Inspection Service, or the 
    Food and Drug Administration.
        (i) Value per bushel--The highest price per bushel received or 
    that could be received for the malting barley in the local market 
        (j) Unit--All insurable acreage of approved malting varieties in 
    the county on the date coverage begins for the crop year.
    Option A (for Non-Contracted Production or a Combination of Contracted 
    and Non-Contracted Production)
        This option provides coverage for malting barley production 
    losses at a price per bushel greater than that available under the 
    Small Grains Crop Provisions.
        1. To be eligible for coverage under this option you must 
    provide us acceptable records of the sale of malting barley and the 
    number of acres planted to malting varieties for at least the four 
    crop years prior to the crop year immediately preceding the current 
    crop year. For example, to determine your production guarantee for 
    the 1995 crop year, records must be provided for the 1990 through 
    the 1993 crop years, if malting barley was planted in each of those 
    crop years. You must provide these records to us no later than the 
    production reporting date.
        2. Your malting barley production guarantee per acre will be the 
    lesser of:
        (a) The production guarantee for feed barley for acreage planted 
    to approved malting varieties calculated in accordance with the 
    Small Grains Crop Provisions and APH regulations; or
        (b) A production guarantee calculated in accordance with APH 
    procedures using the malting barley sales and acreage records 
    provided by you.
        3. The additional value price per bushel elected cannot exceed 
    the maximum price designated in the Special Provisions.
        4. The amount of production to count against your malting barley 
    production guarantee will include all: 
    [[Page 63460]]
        (a) Appraised production determined in accordance with 
    subsections 11(c)(1) (i) and (ii) of the Small Grains Crop 
        (b) Harvested production and potential unharvested production 
    that meets, or would if properly handled, meet:
        (1) Tolerances established by the Food and Drug Administration 
    or other public health organization of the United States for 
    substances or conditions, including mycotoxins, that are identified 
    as being injurious to human or animal health; and
        (2) The following quality standards, as applicable:
                                                  Six-rowed malting barley             Two-rowed malting barley     
    Protein (dry basis)...................  14.0% maximum......................  14.0% maximum.                     
    Plump kernels.........................  65.0% minimum......................  75.0% minimum.                     
    Thin kernels..........................  10.0% maximum......................  10.0% maximum.                     
    Germination...........................  95.0% minimum......................  95.0% minimum.                     
    Blight damaged........................  4.0% maximum.......................  4.0% maximum.                      
    Injured by mold.......................  5.0% maximum.......................  5.0% maximum.                      
    Mold damaged..........................  0.4% maximum.......................  0.4% maximum.                      
    Sprout damaged........................  1.0% maximum.......................  1.0% maximum.                      
    Injured by frost......................  5.0% maximum.......................  5.0% maximum.                      
    Frost damaged.........................  0.4% maximum.......................  0.4% maximum.                      
        (c) Harvested production that does not meet the quality 
    standards contained in subsection 4(b) of this option, but is 
    accepted by a buyer for malting purposes.
        (d) No reduction in value will be allowed for moisture content; 
    damage due to uninsured causes; costs or reduced value associated 
    with drying, handling, processing, or quality factors other than 
    those contained in subsection (b) of this section; or any other 
    costs associated with normal handling and marketing of malting 
    barley. All grade and quality determinations must be based on the 
    results of objective tests. No indemnity will be paid for any loss 
    established by subjective tests. We may obtain one or more samples 
    of the insured crop and have tests performed at an official grain 
    inspection location established under the Grain Standards Act to 
    verify the result of any test. In the event of a conflict in the 
    test results, our results will be used to determine the amount of 
    production to count. If failure to meet the quality standards is due 
    to insurable causes, the quantity of such production may be reduced 
    for quality deficiencies by:
        (1) Adding the maximum barley price election under the Small 
    Grains Crop Provisions and the maximum additional value price;
        (2) Dividing this sum into the value per bushel of the damaged 
    production; and
        (3) Multiplying the resulting factor (not to exceed 1.0) by the 
    number of bushels of damaged production.
        5. No claim under this option may be settled until the earlier 
        (a) The date final disposition of production from all acreage 
    planted to approved malting barley varieties is completed; or
        (b) May 31 of the calendar year immediately following the 
    calendar year in which the insured malting barley is normally 
    harvested. Production to count for malting barley that has not been 
    sold by this May 31 date will include all production that meets the 
    quality specifications contained in subsection 4(b) of this option.
        The limitations specified in subsections 5(a) and (b) will not 
    apply when all production from the insured malting barley unit 
    grades U.S. No. 4 or lower in accordance with the grades and grade 
    requirements for the subclasses Six-rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, 
    and the class Barley in accordance with the Official United States 
    Standards for Grain.
        6. In the event of loss or damage covered by this policy, we 
    will settle your claim by:
        (a) Multiplying the insured acreage by the malting barley 
    production guarantee per acre;
        (b) Multiplying the result by your elected additional value 
    price per bushel;
        (c) Multiplying the number of bushels of production to count by 
    your elected additional value price per bushel; and
        (d) Subtracting the result of step (c) from the result of step 
        7. For example, assume you insure two units of barley under the 
    Small Grains Crop Provisions in which you have a 100% share and that 
    are planted to approved malting varieties. Assume that each unit 
    contains 40 acres. Further assume that your production guarantee 
    under the Small Grains Crop Provisions is 30 bushels per acre or a 
    total of 2,400 bushels. Your malting barley unit production 
    guarantee is limited to 2,100 bushels by subsection 2(b). A loss 
    causes the total production to count for all units under the Small 
    Grains Crop Provisions to drop to 1,000 bushels, none of which meet 
    the quality standards covered by this option. The indemnity for the 
    malting barley unit would be based on a combined production and 
    quality loss of 2,100 bushels. The indemnity would be paid at the 
    additional value price per bushel. If the price were $0.40 per 
    bushel, the indemnity for the malting barley unit would be $840.00 
    (2,100  x  $0.40). The basic loss is paid under the Small Grains 
    Crop Provisions for feed barley.
    Option B--(for Contracted Production)
        This option provides coverage for malting barley production 
    losses at a price per bushel greater than that available under the 
    Small Grains Crop Provisions.
        1. To be eligible for coverage under this option you must 
    provide us a copy of your malting barley contract by the acreage 
    reporting date. Only production or acreage under contract is covered 
    by this option (B). The contract must be in place and effective 
    before the acreage reporting date.
        2. Your malting barley production guarantee per acre will be the 
    lesser of:
        (a) The production guarantee for feed barley for acreage planted 
    to approved malting varieties calculated in accordance with the 
    Small Grains Crop Provisions and APH regulations; or
        (b) The number of bushels obtained by:
        (1) Dividing the number of bushels of contracted production by 
    the number of acres planted to approved malting varieties in the 
    current crop year; and
        (2) Multiplying the result by the percentage for the coverage 
    level you elected for barley covered under the Small Grains Crop 
        3. The additional value price per bushel will not exceed 200% of 
    the maximum additional value price shown on the Special Provisions 
    and will be further limited to:
        (a) The difference between the maximum price election available 
    for feed barley under the Small Grains Crop Provisions and the 
    established sale price contained in the malting barley contract for 
    production that meets the quality standards required by such 
    contract (without regard to discounts or incentives) if the sale 
    price is a fixed dollar amount established on or before the acreage 
    reporting date; or
        (b) The premium amount per bushel contained in the malting 
    barley contract for production that meets the quality specifications 
    required by such contract (without regard to discounts or 
    incentives) if the sale price is based on a future market price for 
    feed barley plus a premium amount for malting barley production.
        4. The amount of production to count against your malting barley 
    production guarantee will include all:
        (a) Appraised production determined in accordance with 
    subsection 11(c)(1) (i) and (ii) of the Small Grains Crop 
        (b) Either harvested production and potential unharvested 
    production that meets, or would if properly handled meet, the 
    minimum acceptance standards contained in the malting barley 
    contract for protein, plump kernels, thin kernels, germination, 
    blight damage, mold injury or damage, sprout damage, frost injury or 
    damage, and mycotoxins or other substances or conditions identified 
    by the Food and Drug Administration or other public health 
    organization of the United States as being injurious to human or 
    animal health, or the following quality standards as applicable:
    [[Page 63461]]
                                                  Six-rowed malting barley             Two-rowed malting barley     
    Protein (dry basis)...................  14.0% maximum......................  14.0% maximum.                     
    Plump kernels.........................  65.0% minimum......................  75.0% minimum.                     
    Thin kernels..........................  10.0% maximum......................  10.0% maximum.                     
    Germination...........................  95.0% minimum......................  95.0% minimum.                     
    Blight damaged........................  4.0% maximum.......................  4.0% maximum.                      
    Injured by mold.......................  5.0% maximum.......................  5.0% maximum.                      
    Mold damaged..........................  0.4% maximum.......................  0.4% maximum.                      
    Sprout damaged........................  1.0% maximum.......................  1.0% maximum.                      
    Injured by frost......................  5.0% maximum.......................  5.0% maximum.                      
    Frost damaged.........................  0.4% maximum.......................  0.4% maximum.                      
        (c) Harvested production that does not meet the minimum 
    acceptance standards for the factors listed in subsection 4(b) of 
    this option, but that is accepted by a buyer for malting purposes.
        (d) No reduction in value will be allowed for moisture content; 
    damage due to uninsured causes; costs or reduced value associated 
    with drying, handling, processing, or quality factors other than 
    those contained in subsection (b) of this section; or any other 
    costs associated with normal handling and marketing of malting 
    barley. All grade and quality determinations must be based on the 
    results of objective tests. No indemnity will be paid for any loss 
    established by subjective tests. We may obtain one or more samples 
    of the insured crop and have tests performed at an official grain 
    inspection location established under the Grain Standards Act to 
    verify the result of any test. In the event of a conflict in the 
    test results, our results will be used to determine the amount of 
    production to count. If failure to meet the quality standards is due 
    to insurable causes, the quantity of such production may be reduced 
    for quality deficiencies by:
        (1) Adding the maximum barley price election under the Small 
    Grains Crop Provisions and the maximum additional value price;
        (2) Dividing this sum into the value per bushel of the damaged 
    production; and
        (3) Multiplying the resulting factor (not to exceed 1.0) by the 
    number of bushels of damaged production.
        5. No claim under this option may be settled until the earlier 
    of :
        (a) The date final disposition of production from all acreage 
    planted to approved malting barley varieties is completed; or
        (b) May 31 of the calendar year immediately following the 
    calendar year in which the insured malting barley is normally 
    harvested. Production to count for malting barley that has not been 
    sold by this May 31 date will include all production established in 
    accordance with subsection 4(b) of this option.
        The limitations specified in subsections 5 (a) and (b) will not 
    apply when all production from the insured malting barley unit 
    grades U.S. No. 4 or worse in accordance with the grades and grade 
    requirements for the subclasses Six-rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, 
    and the class Barley in accordance with the Official United States 
    Standards for Grain.
        6. In the event of loss or damage covered by this policy, we 
    will settle your claim by:
        (a) Multiplying the insured acreage by the malting barley 
    production guarantee per acre;
        (b) Multiplying the result by your elected additional value 
    price per bushel;
        (c) Multiplying the number of bushels of production to count by 
    your elected additional value price per bushel; and
        (d) Subtracting the result of step (c) from the result of step 
        7. For example, assume you insure two units of barley under the 
    Small Grains Crop Provisions in which you have a 100% share and that 
    are planted to approved malting varieties. Assume that unit contains 
    40 acres. Further assume that your production guarantee under the 
    Small Grains Crop Provisions is 30 bushels per acre or a total of 
    2,400 bushels. Your malting barley unit production guarantee is 
    limited to 2,100 bushels by subsection 2(b). A loss causes the total 
    production to count under the basic barley policy to drop to 1,000 
    bushels, none of which meet the minimum acceptance standards covered 
    under this option. The indemnity for the malting barley unit would 
    be based on a combined production and quality loss of 2,100 bushels. 
    The indemnity would be paid at the additional value price per 
    bushel. If the price were $0.60 per bushel, the indemnity for the 
    malting barley unit would be $1,260.00 (2,100  x  $0.60). The basic 
    loss is paid under the Small Grains Crop Provisions for feed barley.
        Done in Washington, D.C., on December 5, 1995.
    Kenneth D. Ackerman,
    Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 95-30085 Filed 12-6-95; 4:03 pm]

Document Information

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments, data, and opinions on this proposed rule must be submitted by the close of business December 21, 1995 to be considered when the rule is to be made final. The comment period for information collections under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 continues through February 5, 1996.
63457-63461 (5 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
7 CFR 605
7 CFR 457.103