96-31122. Notice of Receipt of Requests to Voluntarily Cancel Certain Pesticide Registrations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 239 (Wednesday, December 11, 1996)]
    [Pages 65218-65220]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-31122]
    [OPP-66233; FRL 5573-6]
    Notice of Receipt of Requests to Voluntarily Cancel Certain 
    Pesticide Registrations
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, 
    Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, EPA is issuing a 
    notice of receipt of requests by registrants to voluntarily cancel 
    certain pesticide registrations.
    DATES: Unless a request is withdrawn by March 11, 1997, orders will be 
    issued cancelling all of these registrations.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: James A. Hollins, Office of 
    Pesticide Programs (7502C), Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., 
    SW, Washington, DC 20460. Office location for commercial courier 
    delivery and telephone number: Room 216, Crystal Mall No. 2, 1921 
    Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, (703) 305-5761; e-mail: 
    I. Introduction
        Section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and 
    Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, provides that a pesticide 
    registrant may, at any time, request that any of its pesticide 
    registrations be cancelled. The Act further provides that EPA must 
    publish a notice of receipt of any such request in the Federal Register 
    before acting on the request.
    II. Intent to Cancel
        This Notice announces receipt by the Agency of requests to cancel 
    some 20 pesticide products registered under section 3 or 24(c) of 
    FIFRA. These registrations are listed in sequence by registration 
    number (or company number and 24(c) number) in the following Table 1.
        Table 1. -- Registrations with Pending Requests for Cancellation    
        Registration No.          Product Name            Chemical Name     
    000070-00254...........  Rigo Home Pest         2-Methyl-4-oxo-3-(2-    
                              Control RTU            propenyl)-2-cyclopenten-
                                                     1-yl d-trans-2,2-      
                                                    N-Octyl bicycloheptene  
                                                     propylpiperonyl) ether 
                                                     80% and related        
                                                     compounds 20%          
                                                     ic acid, cyano(3-      
    000070-00256...........  Rigo Aero-Spray Home   2-Methyl-4-oxo-3-(2-    
                              Pest Control           propenyl)-2-cyclopenten-
                                                     1-yl d-trans-2,2-      
                                                    N-Octyl bicycloheptene  
                                                     propylpiperonyl) ether 
                                                     80% and related        
                                                     compounds 20%          
                                                     ic acid, cyano(3-      
    000432-00770...........  Foliafume XK           Pyrethrins              
    000869-00230...........  Green Light BT Worm    Delta endotoxin of      
                              Killer Bacillus        Bacillus thuringiensis 
                              Thuringiensis ME       variety kurstaki       
                                                     encapsulated in        
    003125-00321...........  Bolstar 6              O-Ethyl O-(4-           
                                                     (methylthio)phenyl) S- 
    003125-00328...........  Bolstar Technical      O-Ethyl O-(4-           
                              Insecticide            (methylthio)phenyl) S- 
    003125 AZ-91-0006......  Monitor 4              O,S-Dimethyl            
    003125 FL-82-0046......  Bolstar 6              Xylene range aromatic   
                              Emulsifiable           solvent                
                                                    O-Ethyl O-(4-           
                                                     (methylthio)phenyl) S- 
    004758-00143...........  Hill's Holiday Flea &  Isopropanol             
                              Tick Pump Spray                               
                                                     propylpiperonyl) ether 
                                                     80% and related        
                                                     compounds 20%          
    004816-00661...........  Dog Dip E.C.           Rotenone                
                                                    Cube Resins other than  
    007969 ID-88-0005......  Poast                  O,O-Dimethyl S-         
    007969 ID-88-0006......  Poast                  O,O-Dimethyl S-         
    [[Page 65219]]
    010182-00167...........  Ordram 5-G             S-Ethyl hexahydro-1H-   
    010182-00272...........  Ordram A 10-G          S-Ethyl hexahydro-1H-   
    010182-00306...........  Drexel Molinate 96%    S-Ethyl hexahydro-1H-   
                              Technical              azepine-1-carbothioate 
    010182-00307...........  Drexel Molinate 8E     S-Ethyl hexahydro-1H-   
    010182-00308...........  Drexel Molinate 10G    S-Ethyl hexahydro-1H-   
    033688-00001...........  No Crab                4-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-N-
    045728-00008...........  Ferbam Technical       Ferric                  
    056077-00050...........  Ethephon Concentrate   (2-                     
        Unless a request is withdrawn by the registrant within 90 days of 
    publication of this notice, orders will be issued cancelling all of 
    these registrations. Users of these pesticides or anyone else desiring 
    the retention of a registration should contact the applicable 
    registrant directly during this 90-day period. The following Table 2, 
    includes the names and addresses of record for all registrants of the 
    products in Table 1, in sequence by EPA Company Number.
            Table 2. -- Registrants Requesting Voluntary Cancellation       
     Company                     Company Name and Address                   
    000070..  SureCo Inc., 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Ste. 221, Tampa, FL 33618.  
    000432..  Agrevo Environmental Health, 95 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale, 
               NJ 07645.                                                    
    000869..  Green Light Co., Box 17985, San Antonio, TX 78217.            
    003125..  Bayer Corp., Agriculture Division, 8400 Hawthorn Rd., Box     
               4913, Kansas City, MO 64120.                                 
    004758..  Pet Chemicals, 4242 BF Goodrich Blvd, Box 18993, Memphis, TN  
    004816..  Agrevo Environmental Health, 95 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale, 
               NJ 07645.                                                    
    007969..  BASF Corp., Agricultural Products, Box 13528, Research        
               Triangle Park, NC 27709.                                     
    010182..  Zeneca Ag Products, Box 15458, Wilmington, DE 19850.          
    033688..  Richard Otten, Agent For: CFPI Agro, S.A., 5116 Wood Valley   
               Dr., Raleigh, NC 27613.                                      
    045728..  Compliance Services International, Agent For: UCB Chemicals   
               Corp., 2001 Jefferson Davis Highway, Ste. 1010, Arlington, VA
    056077..  Cedar Chemical Corp., 5100 Poplar, Suite 2414, Memphis, TN    
    III. Loss of Active Ingredients
        Unless the requests for cancellation are withdrawn, three pesticide 
    active ingredients will no longer appear in any registered products. 
    Those who are concerned about the potential loss of these active 
    ingredients for pesticidal use are encouraged to work directly with the 
    registrants to explore the possibility of withdrawing their request for 
    cancellation. The active ingredients are listed in the following Table 
    3, with the EPA Company and CAS Number.
       Table 3. -- Active Ingredients which would Disappear as a Result of  
                         Registrants' Requests to Cancel                    
           CAS No.              Chemical Name            EPA Company No.    
    35400-43-2..........  Sulprofos                 003125                  
    IV. Procedures for Withdrawal of Request
        Registrants who choose to withdraw a request for cancellation must 
    submit such withdrawal in writing to James A. Hollins, at the address 
    given above, postmarked before March 11, 1997. This written withdrawal 
    of the request for cancellation will apply only to the applicable 
    6(f)(1) request listed in this notice. If the product(s) have been 
    subject to a previous cancellation action, the effective date of 
    cancellation and all other provisions of any earlier cancellation 
    action are controlling. The withdrawal request must also include a 
    commitment to pay any reregistration fees due, and to fulfill any 
    applicable unsatisfied data requirements.
    V. Provisions for Disposition of Existing Stocks
        The effective date of cancellation will be the date of the 
    cancellation order. The orders effecting these requested cancellations 
    will generally permit a registrant to sell or distribute existing 
    stocks for 1 year after the date the cancellation request was received. 
    This policy is in accordance with the Agency's statement of policy as 
    prescribed in Federal Register (56 FR 29362) June 26, 1991; [FRL 3846-
    4]. Exceptions to this general rule will be made if a product poses a 
    risk concern, or is in noncompliance with reregistration requirements, 
    or is subject to a data call-in. In all cases, product-specific 
    disposition dates will be given in the cancellation orders.
        Existing stocks are those stocks of registered pesticide products 
    which are currently in the United States and which have been packaged, 
    labeled, and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the 
    cancellation action. Unless the provisions of an earlier order apply, 
    existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users can be 
    distributed, sold or used legally until they are exhausted, provided 
    that such further sale and use comply with the EPA-approved label and 
    labeling of the
    [[Page 65220]]
    affected product(s). Exceptions to these general rules will be made in 
    specific cases when more stringent restrictions on sale, distribution, 
    or use of the products or their ingredients have already been imposed, 
    as in Special Review actions, or where the Agency has identified 
    significant potential risk concerns associated with a particular 
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Pesticides and pests, Product 
        Dated: November 22, 1996.
    Oscar Morales
    Acting Director, Program Management and Support Division, Office of 
    Pesticide Programs.
    [FR Doc. 96-31122 Filed 12-10-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Unless a request is withdrawn by March 11, 1997, orders will be issued cancelling all of these registrations.
65218-65220 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-66233, FRL 5573-6
PDF File: