97-32399. Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 238 (Thursday, December 11, 1997)]
    [Pages 65268-65271]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-32399]
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and 
        In compliance with the requirement of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for opportunity for public comment on 
    proposed data collection projects, the Centers for Disease Control and 
    Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic summaries of proposed projects. 
    To request more information on the proposed projects or to obtain a 
    copy of the data collection plans and instruments, call the CDC Reports 
    Clearance Officer on (404) 639-7090.
        Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of 
    information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
    the agency, including whether the information shall have practical 
    utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
    proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
    utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways 
    to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, 
    including through the use of automated collection techniques for other 
    forms of information technology. Send comments to Wilma Johnson, CDC 
    Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, MS-D24, Atlanta, GA 
    30333. Written comments should be received within 60 days of this 
    Proposed Projects
        1. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey--(0920-0278)--
    Extension--The National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey 
    (NHAMCS) has been conducted annually since 1992 by the Division of 
    Health Care Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC. The 
    NHAMCS is the principal source of data on the approximately 158 million 
    visits to hospital emergency and outpatient departments and is the only 
    source of nationally representative estimates on the demographic 
    characteristics of outpatients, diagnoses, diagnostic services, 
    medication therapy, and the patterns of use of care in hospitals which 
    differ in size, location, and ownership. Additionally, the NHAMCS is 
    the only source of national estimates on non-fatal causes of injury in 
    the emergency department.
    [[Page 65269]]
        These data complement the data on visits to non-Federal physicians 
    in office-based practices collected through the NHAMCS (0920-0234), 
    together providing data on approximately 90 percent of the ambulatory 
    care provided in the U.S. Data collected through the NHAMCS are 
    essential for the planning of health services, for improving medical 
    education, determining health care work force needs and assessing the 
    health status of the population. Users of NHAMCS data include, but are 
    not limited to, congressional offices, Federal agencies such as NIH., 
    various private associations such as the American Heart Association, as 
    well as universities and state health departments. The total cost to 
    respondents is estimated to be $292,223.
                                                                 Number of     Number of   Avg. burden/     Total   
         Noninstitutional general and short-stay hospital       respondents    responses/    response    burden  (in
               outpatient and emergency departments            (departments)   respondent    (in hrs.)      hrs.)   
    Induction forms..........................................           440             6      1               2,640
    Patient record forms:                                                                                           
        Emergency departments................................           425            50      0.06666         1,417
        Outpatient departments...............................           275           200      0.066666        3,667
          Total..............................................  .............  ...........  ............        7,724
        2. Children's Longitudinal Development Study--New--Since 1991, 
    surveillance of children aged three to ten years who have one or more 
    select developmental disabilities (cerebral palsy, mental retardation, 
    hearing impairment, and vision impairment) has been conducted in the 
    five-county Atlanta metropolitan area through the Metropolitan Atlanta 
    Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP). Children have 
    been identified primarily through the special education programs of the 
    public schools in those five counties. Recently, surveillance has been 
    expanded to identify children with cerebral palsy at younger ages 
    through a broader array of medical facilities where diagnostic 
    evaluations are performed, and to include autism as one of the 
    developmental disabilities routinely under surveillance. An ongoing 
    case-control study is proposed to yearly (1) contact parents of all 
    children with any of the five developmental disabilities who are newly 
    identified in the surveillance data base and who were born in the metro 
    Atlanta area (approximately 675 children per year) and contact parents 
    of 250 children used as controls in order to request access to both 
    maternal prenatal and labor and delivery hospital records and infant 
    hospital records prior to newborn discharge (all accessed medical 
    records will be reviewed to obtain detailed information on pre- and 
    perinatal risk factors for developmental disabilities; this type of 
    information typically is lacking or incomplete in school records or 
    childhood medical records) and (2) conduct telephone interviews with 
    mothers of approximately 250 children with cerebral palsy or severe 
    mental retardation selected from the larger pool of approximately 675 
    children, plus interview mothers of the 250 control children. The 
    interviews will supply additional risk factor information relating to 
    the mothers' medical and reproductive histories, prenatal behaviors and 
    exposures, and family histories of developmental problems. Initially, 
    to be cases, children in the interview sample would be under seven 
    years of age at the time they were diagnosed as having cerebral palsy 
    or severe mental retardation. A sample of Atlanta-born children of 
    similar age and birth weight to the interview case children would be 
    randomly identified from vital records and used as controls. 
    Additionally, photographs and head circumference measurements of case 
    and control mothers and children included in the interview sample will 
    be taken either in the home or at a centralized location. The total 
    cost to respondents is $0.
                                                                   Number of    Number of     burden/       Total   
                             Respondents                          respondents   responses/    response   burden  (in
                                                                               respondents   (in hrs.)      hrs.)   
        Contact calls...........................................        1,000            1          .33          330
        Scheduling call.........................................          500            1          .33          165
        Telephone interview.....................................          500            1         1.50          750
        Photography/anthropometry...............................          500            1          .75          375
          Total.................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........        1,620
        3. Cognitive Function and Symptom Patterns in Gulf War Veterans--
    New--This study will use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 
    on previously studied cohorts of Gulf War veterans and Germany-deployed 
    Gulf War-era controls to determine if there are differences in patterns 
    of brain activation between both Gulf War veterans reporting a high 
    level of physical symptoms and Gulf War veterans with fewer symptoms 
    and between those veterans deployed to the Persian Gulf and those 
    deployed to Germany. In addition, an assessment of the relationship 
    between brain activation patterns and levels of cognitive functioning 
    will be completed. Patterns of activation on fMRI will be measured 
    while the subject is presented with a number of challenge paradigms 
    including a finger tapping task and a test of visual working memory. 
    Conventional magnetic resonance imaging scans will also be acquired on 
    all subjects prior to the fMRI in order to rule out subjects with brain 
    [[Page 65270]]
    (e.g., stroke, cancer) and also to examine whether there are volumetric 
    differences between the groups within specific neuroanatomical areas. 
    The total cost to respondents is $0.00.
                                                                                Number of   Avg. burden/    Total   
                             Respondents                           Number of    responses/    response   burden  (in
                                                                  respondents   respondent   (in hrs.)      hrs.)   
    High-symptom Gulf-deployed veterans.........................           40            1          1.5           60
    Low symptom Gulf-deployed veterans..........................           40            1          1.5           60
    Normal controls (non-Gulf-deployed veterans)................           40            1          1.5           60
          Total.................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........          180
        4. X-ray Examination Program--(0920-0020)--Extension--The X-ray 
    Examination Program is a federally mandated program under the Federal 
    Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, PL-95-164. The Act provides the 
    regulatory guidance for the administration of the National Coal 
    Workers' X-ray Surveillance Program, a surveillance program to protect 
    the health and safety of underground coal miners. This program requires 
    the gathering of information from coal mine operators, participating 
    miners, participating x-ray facilities and participating physicians. 
    The Appalachian Laboratory for Occupational Safety and Health (ALOSH), 
    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is 
    charged with administration of this program. The total cost to 
    respondents is $47,910.00.
                                                                               Number of   Avg. burden/     Total   
                            Respondents                           Number of    responses/    response    burden  (in
                                                                 respondents   respondent    (in hrs.)      hrs.)   
    Physicians/interpretation..................................       20,000            1        0.05          1,000
    Physician/certification....................................          350            1        0.166            58
    Miners.....................................................       10,000            1        0.3333        3,333
    Mine operators.............................................          500            1        0.5             250
    Facilities.................................................          300            1        0.5             150
          Total................................................  ...........  ...........  ............        4,791
        5. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey--(0920-0234)--
    Extension--The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) was 
    conducted annually from 1973 to 1981, again in 1985, and resumed as an 
    annual survey in 1989. It is directed by the Division of Health Care 
    Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC. The purpose of 
    NAMCS is to meet the needs and demands for statistical information 
    about the provision of ambulatory medical care services in the United 
    States. Ambulatory services are rendered in a wide variety of settings, 
    including physicians' offices and hospital outpatient and emergency 
    departments. The NAMCS target population consists of all office visits 
    within the United States made by ambulatory patients to non-Federal 
    office-based physicians (excluding those in the specialties of 
    anesthesiology, radiology, and pathology) who are engaged in direct 
    patient care. The complement portion of data collection consists of the 
    remaining physicians in the AMA and AOA files; that is, physicians who 
    AMA and AOA classify as being federally employed, or in the three 
    specialties excluded from the traditional NAMCS, or as not spending the 
    majority of their professional time in office based practice. Since 
    more than 80 percent of all direct ambulatory medical care visits occur 
    in physicians' offices, the NAMCS provides data on the majority of 
    ambulatory medical care services. To complement these data, in 1992 
    NCHS initiated the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey 
    (NHAMCS, OMB No. 0920-0278) to provide data concerning patient visits 
    to hospital outpatient and emergency departments. The NAMCS, together 
    with the NHAMCS constitute the ambulatory component of the National 
    Health Care Survey (NHCS), and will provide coverage of more than 90 
    percent of ambulatory medical care.
        The NAMCS provides a range of baseline data on the characteristics 
    of the users and providers of ambulatory medical care. Data collected 
    include the patients' demographic characteristics and medical problems, 
    and the physicians' diagnostic services, therapeutic prescriptions and 
    disposition decisions. These data, together with trend data, may be 
    used to monitor the effects of change in the health care system, 
    provide new insights into ambulatory medical care, and stimulate 
    further research on the use, organization, and delivery of ambulatory 
        Users of NAMCS data include congressional and other federal 
    government agencies (e.g. NIMH, NIAAA, NCI, HRSA), state and local 
    governments, medical schools, schools of public health, colleges and 
    universities, private businesses, nonprofit foundations and 
    corporations, professional associations, as well as individual 
    practitioners, researchers, administrators and health planners. Users 
    vary from the inclusion of a few selected statistics in a large 
    research effort, to an in-depth analysis of the entire NAMCS data set 
    covering several years. The total cost to respondents is estimated to 
    be $153,250.
                                                                  Number of    Number of   Avg. burden/     Total   
                            Respondents                          respondents   responses/    response    burden  (in
                                                                (physicians)   respondent    (in hrs.)      hrs.)   
    Office-based physicians...................................         2,500            1       0.25             625
    Induction form............................................         2,500           30       0.03333        2,500
    Patient record form.......................................  ............  ...........  ............  ...........
    [[Page 65271]]
    Complement physicians.....................................           500            1       0.25             125
    Induction form............................................           100           30       0.0333           100
    Patient record form.......................................  ............  ...........  ............  ...........
          Total...............................................  ............  ...........  ............        3,350
        6. Information Collection to Establish Community Assistance Panels 
    (CAPs)--(0923-0007)--Extension--The Agency for Toxic Substances and 
    Disease Registry (ATSDR) is mandated pursuant to the 1980 Comprehensive 
    Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and its 
    1986 Amendments, The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act 
    (SARA), to prevent or mitigate adverse human health effects and 
    diminished quality of life resulting from the exposure of hazardous 
    substances into the environment. To facilitate this effort, ATSDR seeks 
    the cooperation of the community being evaluated through direct 
    communication and interaction. Direct community involvement is required 
    to conduct a comprehensive scientific study and to effectively 
    disseminate specific health information in a timely manner. Also, this 
    direct interaction fosters a clear understanding of health issues that 
    the community considers to be of importance and establishes credibility 
    for the agency. The Community Assistance Panel nomination forms are 
    completed by individuals in the community to nominate themselves or 
    others for participation on these panels. Other than the possible cost 
    of a postage stamp, there is no cost to respondents. This request is 
    for a 3-year extension of the current OMB approval of the Community 
    Assistance Panel nominations form.
                                                                                Number of   Avg. burden/    Total   
                             Respondents                           Number of    responses/    response    burden (in
                                                                  respondents  respondents   (in hrs.)      hrs.)   
    General Public..............................................          300            1        .1666           50
          Total.................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........           50
        Dated: December 5, 1997.
    Wilma G. Johnson,
    Acting Associate Director for Policy Planning and Evaluation, Centers 
    for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
    [FR Doc. 97-32399 Filed 12-10-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4163-18-M

Document Information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Entry Type:
Document Number:
65268-65271 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
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