2024-26650. Federal Plan Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units That Commenced Construction On or Before June 4, 2010 and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since August 7, 2013
Table 1—Examples of Potentially Regulated Entities
Category NAICS code Examples of potentially regulated entities Any industrial or commercial facility using a solid waste incinerator 211, 212, 486 Mining; oil and gas exploration operations; pipeline operators. 221 Utility providers. 321, 322, 337 Manufacturers of wood products; manufacturers of pulp, paper and paperboard; manufacturers of furniture and related products. 325, 326 Manufacturers of chemicals and allied products; manufacturers of plastics and rubber products. 327 Manufacturers of cement; nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing. 333, 336 Manufacturers of machinery; manufacturers of transportation equipment. 423, 44 Merchant wholesalers, durable goods; retail trade.