2024-28351. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of the Rough Popcornflower From Endangered to Threatened With a Section 4(d) Rule
Table 1—Rough Popcornflower Downlisting Criteria and Status by Recovery Units/Area, Douglas County, Oregon
[✓ = criterion met]
Population Recovery unit Downlisting criteria #1 #2 #3 #4 Plants >5,000 (# of plants) Managed or protected Patches within 1 km Area >500 m2 (size in m2 ) DC #1 and #2 met 4 3 survey yrs. w/in last 5 yrs.; no 2-yr decrease 1. Horsepasture 2 Sutherland Creek ✓ (700,000) ✓ ✓ ✓ (10,700) ✓ 2. TNC 1 Oerding/ODOT 2 Del Rio Sutherland Creek ✓ (29,681) ✓ ✓ ✓ (800) ✓ ✓ 3. ODOT 2 Wilbur Mitigation site Sutherland Creek ✓ (42,511) ✓ ✓ ✓ (1,810) ✓ 4. Hawthorne Sutherland Creek (250) ✓ (150) 5. Orenco Ponds Sutherland Creek ✓ (14,380) ✓ ✓ ✓ (1,500) ✓ ✓ 6. Red Rock Sutherland Creek ✓ (5,092) ✓ ✓ (372) ✓ 7. Southside Swale Sutherland Creek (525) ✓ ✓ ✓ (550) ✓ 8. Deady Sutherland Creek ✓ (6,000) ✓ ✓ (500) ( print page 99815) 9. Sutherland East Sutherland Creek (1,000) ✓ (6) 10. Ford's Pond Callapooya Creek ✓ (5,082) ✓ ✓ (450) ✓ 11. Stearns Lane Callapooya Creek (0) ✓ (0) 12. Nonpareil Callapooya Creek (0) ✓ (0) 13. Goat Ranch Callapooya Creek (75) ✓ (5) 14. ODOT 2 Yoncalla South Yoncalla Creek ✓ (5,800) ✓ ✓ (350) 15. ODOT 2 Yoncalla 2 Yoncalla Creek ✓ (5,595) ✓ ✓ ✓ (800) ✓ 16. Soggy Bottoms Patch Umpqua Mgmt. Area 3 (3,363) ✓ ✓ (108) 17. Middle Barn/Soggy Bottoms Sister Umpqua Mgmt. Area 3 ✓ (11,222) ✓ ✓ ✓ (1,000) ✓ ✓ 18. Westgate Umpqua Mgmt. Area 3 ✓ (6,000) ✓ ✓ ✓ (600) ✓ Total 836,576 plants 19,701 m2 1 TNC means The Nature Conservancy. 2 ODOT means the Oregon Department of Transportation. 3 The Umpqua Management Area is not an official recovery unit. This area is an additional recovery management area that includes introduced populations of rough popcornflower in the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)'s North Bank Habitat Management Area. 4 Downlisting Criterion 3 states that a minimum of nine reserves, each meeting the requirements in Downlisting Criteria 1 and 2, are distributed with at least one reserve each in the Calapooya Creek and Yoncalla Creek recovery units, and a minimum of five reserves in the Sutherlin Creek recovery unit.