94-30410. Grants for Faculty Training Projects in Geriatric Medicine and Dentistry  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 237 (Monday, December 12, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-30410]
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    [Federal Register: December 12, 1994]
    Public Health Service
    42 CFR Part 57
    RIN 0905-AE13
    Grants for Faculty Training Projects in Geriatric Medicine and 
    AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final regulation revises the existing regulations 
    governing the program for Grants for Faculty Training Projects in 
    Geriatric Medicine and Dentistry authorized by section 777(b) of the 
    Public Health Service Act (the Act), to implement statutory amendments 
    made by the Health Professions Extension Amendments of 1992 and to 
    include other technical and ministerial changes to conform the existing 
    regulations with the amendments made by the statute. The final rule 
    also removes a section in the regulations to allow for less restrictive 
    requirements for those individuals who may benefit from further 
    fellowship or retraining experience in a lifetime.
    DATES: These regulations are effective December 12, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Neil H. Sampson, Director, Division of 
    Associated, Dental and Public Health Professions, Bureau of Health 
    Professions, HRSA, room 8-101, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, 
    Rockville, Maryland 20857; telephone: (301) 443-6853.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On March 3, 1994, the Assistant Secretary 
    for Health, with the approval of the Secretary of Health and Human 
    Services, published in the Federal Register (59 FR 10104), a Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to revise the regulations governing the 
    program for Grants for Faculty Training Projects in Geriatric Medicine 
    and Dentistry, authorized under section 777(b) of the Public Health 
    Service Act (the Act) (42 U.S.C. 294o). The Health Professions 
    Education Extension Amendments of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-408) amended and 
    renumbered former section 789(b) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 295g-9(b)) to 
    section 777(b).
        The NPRM proposed amendments to implement several statutory 
    provisions by: (1) Adding a definition for the term ``Geriatric 
    psychiatry'' to implement the requirement for the expansion of project 
    support to include the training of physicians who plan to teach 
    geriatric psychiatry, and by (2) adding a definition for the term 
    ``Relevant advanced training or experience'' to implement the 
    requirement for dentists who are awarded a 2-year internal medicine or 
    family medicine fellowship. The NPRM also proposed to remove a section 
    in the regulations regarding the period of time for appointment to 
    fellowships to allow for less restrictive requirements for those 
    individuals who may benefit from further fellowship or retraining 
    experience in a lifetime.
        The public comment period on the proposed regulations closed on 
    April 4, 1994. The Department received 4 public comments. The comments 
    received on the proposed rule to section 777(b) and the Department's 
    responses to the comments are discussed below according to the section 
    numbers and headings of the regulation affected.
    Section 57.4102 ``Definitions''
        The Department proposed the following definition for the term 
    ``Geriatric psychiatry'':
        ``Geriatric psychiatry'' means the prevention, diagnosis, 
    evaluation and treatment of mental disorders and disturbances seen in 
    older adults.
        This definition was proposed to be added to the section to 
    incorporate the statutory requirement for the expansion of project 
    support to include the training of physicians who plan to teach 
    geriatric psychiatry.
        The Department received positive responses to this definition.
        The Department also proposed the following definition for the term 
    ``Relevant advanced training or experience'':
        ``Relevant advanced training or experience'' means at least one of 
    the following: (1) Completion of at least a 12-month graduate training 
    program in a health-related discipline, the basic sciences, or 
    education; or (2) a minimum of 2 years of clinical practice, of which 
    at least 12 months were devoted in part to managing older dental 
    patients in a hospital, long-term care facility, or other setting.
        This definition was proposed to be added to the section to 
    incorporate the statutory requirement for the expansion of fellowship 
    eligibility of dental fellows in the program.
        One respondent found this definition ``extremely helpful in setting 
    a high standard for the selection of highly motivated and qualified 
        The Department also received a request that dentists who have had 
    ``relevant teaching experience in an accredited dental school'' be 
    added to the definition. The Department accepts the general intent of 
    this recommendation while noting that ``relevant'' alone is not 
    explicit and is open to interpretation. In response to this concern, 
    the Department has expanded the definition of ``Relevant advanced 
    training or experience'' in the final regulations to include an 
    additional experience, ``a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience in 
    an accredited dental educational program of which at least 12 months 
    were devoted in part to issues pertaining to the care of older 
    Section 57.4111 ``Duration of Fellowships''
        The Department proposed to remove this section from the regulations 
    to allow less restrictive requirements for those individuals who may 
    benefit from further fellowship or retraining experience in a lifetime. 
    The section language read:
        ``An appointment to a fellowship may be made for a period not to 
    exceed 12 months. Fellowship assistance for participants in a 1-year 
    fellowship program and a 1-year retraining program is limited to 12 
    months. Participants in 2-year fellowship programs may receive a 
    second 12-month appointment for a total period of 24 months.''
        The Department gave an example in the NPRM how this language might 
    be restrictive to fellows: ``For example, a faculty fellow who 
    completed a 1-year retraining to have the skills required to 
    incorporate geriatrics into course content and clinical rotations may 
    discover 5 years later that another fellowship experience would provide 
    the opportunity to develop research skills in geriatrics required to 
    expand the scope and depth of practice-based geriatric research.''
        One respondent requested the ``removal of the 1-year fellowship 
    [retraining] limit of Federal support for psychiatrists who wish to 
    train other psychiatrists in geriatric psychiatry''. The respondent 
    stated that this is a reasonable request as it would permit the 
    training to fully meet the requirements of exposure to the physical and 
    mental disabilities of a diverse population of elderly individuals.
        The Department has not accepted this recommendation because the 
    statute requires that the 2-year fellowship program be an internal 
    medicine or family medicine fellowship program, not a psychiatry 
    fellowship program. (See section 777(b)(3)(B) of the Act and 
    Sec. 57.4105(d) of the regulations.) However, psychiatrists are 
    eligible to participate as fellows in the 2-year programs.
        In addition to the changes proposed above, a number of technical, 
    clarifying, and ministerial changes were included to conform the 
    existing regulations with amendments made by Pub. L. 102-408. The 
    Department also received a few comments on some of these technical 
    changes. The Department's responses are also discussed below. These 
    changes affecting the program for Faculty Training Projects in 
    Geriatric Medicine and Dentistry are as follows:
        1. Revise the section number of the Act from ``789(b)'' to 
    ``777(b)'' wherever it appears in subpart PP, as renumbered, and the 
    United States Code citation from ``(42 U.S.C. 295g-9(b))'' to ``(42 
    U.S.C. 294o)'', in accordance with Pub. L. 102-408.
        2. Revise Sec. 57.4101, entitled ``To what projects do these 
    regulations apply?'', by adding the words ``geriatric psychiatry'' to 
    reflect statutory language which expands project support to include the 
    training of physicians who plan to teach geriatric psychiatry.
        3. Revise Sec. 57.4102, entitled ``Definitions.'', to amend the 
    following terms to:
        a. Remove the definition of ``Council'' regarding the National 
    Advisory Council on Health Professions Education, in accordance with 
    Pub. L. 102-408. The statute repealed the Council effective October 1, 
        b. Revise the phrase ``by an organized medical staff'' to ``by an 
    organized health care staff'' at the end of the definition of 
    ``Extended care facility'' to clarify that staff of health care 
    institutions includes nurses, physical therapists, social workers and 
    other health care staff who provide ``medically-prescribed skilled 
    nursing care or rehabilitative services''.
        The Department received one comment regarding the proposed 
    clarifying change to the phrase ``organized health care staff'' as 
    having potential conflict with individual State laws or licensing 
    authorities. It is the Department's view that the clarifying phrase 
    includes medical staff along with all other health care professionals 
    and should not be in conflict with any individual State laws or 
    licensing authorities. Therefore, this amendment will remain as 
        c. Revise the introductory text to the definition of ``Fellowship 
    program'' by removing the reference to a 1-year fellowship program 
    which is no longer a statutory provision for project support; and 
    revise paragraph (2) of the definition to reflect new statutory 
    requirements for the training of dentists who have ``demonstrated a 
    commitment to an academic career and who have completed postdoctoral 
    dental training, including postdoctoral dental education programs or 
    who have relevant advanced training or experience''.
        The Department received favorable support for this change.
        d. Revise the section number of the Act in the definition of 
    ``School of medicine or school of osteopathic medicine'' from 
    ``701(5)'' to ``799(1)(E)'', in accordance with Pub. L. 102-408.
        4. Amend Sec. 57.4105, entitled ``Project requirements.'', to:
        a. Revise paragraph (d) regarding the requirement that projects be 
    based in a graduate medical education program by adding the words ``or 
    psychiatry'' after the phrase ``or in a department of geriatrics'' to 
    reflect statutory language which expanded project support to include 
    the training of physicians who plan to teach geriatric psychiatry. 
    Paragraph (d) is further revised by removing the phrase ``in existence 
    as of December 1, 1987'' at the end of the sentence, in accordance with 
    Pub. L. 102-408;
        b. Revise paragraph (e) regarding the requirement that projects be 
    staffed by at least two physicians in full-time teaching positions who 
    have experience or training in geriatric medicine by adding the words 
    ``or geriatric psychiatry'', in accordance with Pub. L. 102-408; and
        c. Revise the introductory text to paragraph (f) regarding the 
    requirement that the project must provide fellows ``with training in 
    geriatrics and exposure to the physical and mental disabilities of'' a 
    diverse population of elderly individuals, to more appropriately 
    reflect the language in Pub. L. 102-408.
        5. Revise Sec. 57.4106, entitled ``How will applications be 
    evaluated?'', by:
        a. Removing the reference to the National Advisory Council on 
    Health Professions Education, in accordance with Pub. L. 102-408, in 
    paragraph (a) introductory text and revising the introductory text to 
    reflect current statutory language regarding the evaluation and 
    recommendation process of awarding grant applications; and
        b. Adding a comma and the words ``psychiatry, or'' after the words 
    ``geriatric medicine'' in paragraph (a)(5) to reflect statutory 
    language which expanded training to include geriatric psychiatry.
        5. Redesignate Sec. 57.4112, entitled ``Termination of 
    fellowships.'', as Sec. 57.4111, and Sec. 57.4113, entitled ``For what 
    purposes may grant funds be spent?'', as Sec. 57.4112, and 
    Sec. 57.4114, entitled ``What additional Department regulations apply 
    to grantees?'', as 113.
        6. Redesignate Sec. 57.4115, entitled ``What other audit and 
    inspection requirements apply to grantees?'', as Sec. 57.4114 and 
    revise the section number ``705'' in the text to ``798(e)'', in 
    accordance with Pub. L. 102-408.
        The Department is further revising Sec. 57.4115 by removing the 
    reference to ``section 705 of the PHS Act'' instead of renumbering the 
    section number to ``798(e)'' as proposed in the NPRM. The reference to 
    section 705 concerning audit and inspection requirements is redundant 
    to the requirements that are already covered under 45 CFR part 74. We 
    are also removing the parenthetical phrase at the end of the section 
    text citing the OMB approval number regarding information collection 
    requirements as no longer necessary.
        7. Redesignate Sec. 57.4116, entitled ``Additional conditions.'', 
    as Sec. 57.4115.
        Further, Public Law 103-227, enacted on March 11, 1994, prohibits 
    smoking in certain facilities in which minors will be present. The 
    Department of Health and Human Services is now preparing to implement 
    the provision of that law. Until those implementation plans are in 
    place, the PHS continues to strongly encourage all grant recipients to 
    provide a smoke-free workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco 
    Economic Impact
        Executive Order 12866 requires that all regulations reflect 
    consideration of alternatives, of costs, of benefits, of incentives, of 
    equity, and of available information. Regulations must meet certain 
    standards, such as avoiding unnecessary burden. Regulations which are 
    ``significant'' because of cost, adverse effects on the economy, 
    inconsistency with other agency actions, effects on the budget, or 
    novel legal or policy issues, require special analysis.
        The Department believes that the resources required to implement 
    the requirements in these regulations are minimal. Therefore, in 
    accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, the Secretary 
    certifies that these regulations will not have a significant impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities. For the same reasons, the 
    Secretary has also determined that this is not a ``significant'' rule 
    under Executive Order 12866.
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980
        This final rule does not affect the recordkeeping or reporting 
    requirements in the existing regulations for the Grants for Faculty 
    Training Projects in Geriatric Medicine and Dentistry.
    List of Subjects Under 42 CFR Part 57
        Dental health, Education of the disadvantaged, Educational 
    facilities, Educational study programs, Grant Programs--education, 
    Grant programs--health, Medical and dental schools, Student aid.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, No. 93.156, Grants for 
    Faculty Training Projects in Geriatric Medicine and Dentistry).
        Dated: September 20, 1994.
    Philip R. Lee,
    Assistant Secretary for Health.
        Approved: December 5, 1994.
    Donna E. Shalala,
        Accordingly, 42 CFR part 57, subpart PP is amended as set forth 
    Subpart PP--Grants for Faculty Training Projects in Geriatric 
    Medicine and Dentistry
        1. The authority citation for subpart PP is revised to read as 
        Authority: Sec. 215 of the Public Health Service Act, 58 Stat. 
    690, 67 Stat. 631 (42 U.S.C. 216); sec. 789(b) of the PHS Act, as 
    amended by Public Law 100-607, 102 Stat. 3136-3138 (42 U.S.C. 295g-
    9(b)); renumbered as sec. 777(b), as amended by Pub. L. 102-408, 106 
    Stat. 2052-54 (42 U.S.C. 294o).
        2. Section 57.4101 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 57.4101  To what projects do these regulations apply?
        These regulations apply to grants to eligible schools and programs 
    under section 777(b) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 294o) for the purpose of 
    providing support for projects to train physicians and dentists who 
    plan to teach geriatric medicine, geriatric psychiatry, or geriatric 
    dentistry, including traineeships, and fellowships for participation in 
    these programs.
        3. Section 57.4102 is amended by removing the definition of 
    ``Council''; by amending the definition of ``Extended care facility'' 
    by revising the phrase ``by an organized medical staff'' at the end of 
    the sentence to read ``by an organized health care staff''; by revising 
    the section number of the Act ``789(b)'' in the definitions of 
    ``Fellow'' and ``Project director'' to read ``777(b)''; by revising the 
    section number of the Act ``701(5)'' in the definition of ``School of 
    medicine or school of osteopathic medicine'' to read ``799(1)(E)''; by 
    revising the definition of ``Fellowship program''; and by adding the 
    definitions of ``Geriatric psychiatry'' and ``Relevant advanced 
    training or experience'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 57.4102  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Fellowship program means a 2-year organized training effort 
    sponsored by an allopathic or osteopathic medical school, a teaching 
    hospital, or a graduate medical education program which is designated 
    to provide training for--
        (1) Physicians who have completed a graduate medical education 
    program in internal medicine, family medicine (including osteopathic 
    general practice), psychiatry, neurology, gynecology, or rehabilitation 
    medicine; and
        (2) Dentists who have demonstrated a commitment to an academic 
    career and who have completed postdoctoral dental training, including 
    postdoctoral dental education programs or who have relevant advanced 
    training or experience.
    * * * * *
        Geriatric psychiatry means the prevention, diagnosis, evaluation 
    and treatment of mental disorders and disturbances seen in older 
    * * * * *
        Relevant advanced training or experience means at least one of the 
    following: (1) Completion of at least a 12-month graduate training 
    program in a health-related discipline, the basic sciences, or 
    education; (2) a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience in an 
    accredited dental education program of which at least 12 months were 
    devoted in part to issues pertaining to the care of older adults; or 
    (3) a minimum of 2 years of clinical practice, of which at least 12 
    months were devoted in part to managing older dental patients in a 
    hospital, long-term care facility, or other setting.
    * * * * *
        4. Section 57.4105 is amended by revising paragraphs (d), (e), and 
    the introductory text to paragraph (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 57.4105  Project requirements.
    * * * * *
        (d) The project must be under the programmatic control of a 
    graduate medical education program in internal medicine or family 
    medicine (including osteopathic general practice) or in a department of 
    geriatrics or psychiatry;
        (e) The project must be staffed by at least two physicians in full-
    time teaching positions who have experience or training in geriatric 
    medicine or geriatric psychiatry and be staffed, or enter into an 
    agreement with an institution staffed, by at least one dentist who is 
    employed in a full- or part-time teaching position and has experience 
    or training in geriatrics;
        (f) The project must provide fellows with training in geriatrics 
    and exposure to the physical and mental disabilities of a diverse 
    population of elderly individuals. The population must include: * * *
    * * * * *
        5. Section 57.4106 is amended by revising the introductory text to 
    paragraph (a) and paragraph (a)(5) to read as follows:
    Sec. 57.4106  How will applications be evaluated?
        (a) As required by section 798(a) of the Act, each application for 
    a grant under this subpart shall be submitted to a peer review group, 
    composed principally of non-Federal experts, for an evaluation of the 
    merits of the proposals made in the application. The Secretary may not 
    approve such an application unless a peer review group has recommended 
    the application for approval. The Secretary will award grants to 
    applicants whose projects will best promote the purposes of section 
    777(b) of the Act and these regulations. The Secretary will consider, 
    among other factors:
    * * * * *
        (5) The extent to which the project will increase the number of 
    geriatric fellowship and retraining positions available for individuals 
    who want to prepare for academic careers in geriatric medicine, 
    psychiatry, or dentistry.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 57.4111  [Amended]
        6. Subpart PP is amended by removing Sec. 57.4111, entitled 
    ``Duration of fellowships.''
    Sec. 57.4112  [Redesignated as Sec. 57.4111]
        7. Section 57.4112, entitled ``Termination of fellowships.'', is 
    redesignated as Sec. 57.4111.
    Sec. 57.4113  [Redesignated as Sec. 57.4112]
        8. Section 57.4113, entitled ``For what purposes may grant funds be 
    spent?'', is redesignated as Sec. 57.4112.
    Sec. 57.4114  [Redesignated as Sec. 57.4113]
        9. Section 57.4114, entitled ``What additional Department 
    regulations apply to grantees?'', is redesignated as Sec. 57.4113.
    Sec. 57.4115  [Redesignated as Sec. 57.4114]
        10. Section 57.4115 is redesignated as 57.4114 and is revised to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 57.4114  ``What other audit and inspection requirements apply to 
        Each entity which receives a grant under this subpart must meet the 
    requirements of 45 CFR part 74 concerning audit and inspection.
    Sec. 57.4116  [Redesignated as Sec. 57.4115]
        11. Section 57.4116, entitled ``Additional conditions.'', is 
    redesignated as Sec. 57.4115.
    [FR Doc. 94-30410 Filed 12-9-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-15-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Public Health Service
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
These regulations are effective December 12, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 12, 1994
CFR: (11)
42 CFR 57.4105(d)
42 CFR 57.4101
42 CFR 57.4102
42 CFR 57.4105
42 CFR 57.4106
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