94-30515. Agency Report Forms Under OMB Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 238 (Tuesday, December 13, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-30515]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: December 13, 1994]
    [Notice 94-100]
    Agency Report Forms Under OMB Review
    AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
    ACTION: Notice of Agency Report Forms Under OMB Review.
    SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 
    Chapter 35), agencies are required to submit proposed information 
    collection requests to OMB for review and approval, and to publish a 
    notice in the Federal Register notifying the public that the agency has 
    made submission.
        Copies of the proposed forms, the requests for clearance (S.F. 
    83's), supporting statements, instructions, transmittal letters, and 
    other documents submitted to OMB for review, may be obtained from the 
    Agency Clearance Officer. A copy of the proposed questionnaire is 
    attached. Comments on the items listed should be submitted to the 
    Agency Clearance Officer and the OMB Paperwork Reduction Project.
    DATES: Comments are requested by December 28, 1994. If you anticipate 
    commenting on a form but find that time to prepare will prevent you 
    from submitting comments promptly, you should advise the OMB Paperwork 
    Reduction Project and the Agency Clearance Officer of your intent as 
    early as possible.
    ADDRESSES: Donald J. Andreotta, NASA Agency Clearance Officer, Code 
    JTD, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546; Office of Management and 
    Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2700-NEW), Washington, DC 20503.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bessie Berry, NASA Reports Officer, 
    (202) 358-1368.
        Title: Landsat Advisory Process Survey Questionnaire.
        OMB Number: 2700-New.
        Type of Request: New.
        Frequency of Report: On occasion.
        Type of Respondent: Individuals or households, State or local 
    governments, Farms, Businesses or other for-profit, Federal agencies or 
    employees, Non-profit institutions, Small businesses or organizations.
        Number of Respondents: 100.
        Responses Per Respondent: 1.
        Annual Responses: 100.
        Hours Per Response: 2.
        Annual Burden Hours: 200.
        Number of Recordkeepers: 0.
        Annual Hours Per Recordkeeping: 0.
        Annual Recordkeeping Burden Hours: 0.
        Total Annual Burden Hours: 200.
        Abstract-Need/Uses: NASA is required by law to seek advice and 
    comments on the effectiveness of Landsat to improve its utility from US 
    Government agencies, State and local government agencies, academic 
    institutions, non-profit organizations, value-added companies, 
    industry, and the public.
        Dated: December 6, 1994.
    Donald J. Andreotta
    Chief, IRM Policy and Acquisition Management Office.
    Landsat Advisory Process Survey
    November 1994.
    Respondent Information Form
    Salutation (e.g., Dr., Prof.), First, Last, Suffix (e.g., III, Sr.)
    Institutional affiliation:---------------------------------------------
    Mailing address:-------------------------------------------------------
    Zip/mail code:---------------------------------------------------------
    Primary E-Mail;--------------------------------------------------------
    Secondary E-Mail:------------------------------------------------------
    Landsat Advisory Process Survey
    (1) How did you learn about the Landsat Advisory Process?
         The Internet
         A government publication
         A professional journal or other publication
         A professional meeting
         From a colleague
         Other (please specify) ______________
    (2) Which of the following user categories best describes your area 
    of interest in the use of Landsat data products? (choose one only)
         National security
         University research
         Post-secondary education
         Primary or secondary education
         Consultant services
         News media
         State/local government
         Federal civil agency
         Private industry
         Public interest (non-profit) organization
         International (Non-US) organization
         Private citizen
         Other (please specify) ______________
    (3) In which of the following fields do you now use, plan to use, or 
    would like to use Landsat data products? (please check all that 
         Coastal studies
         Cold regions research
         Environmental monitoring
         Global change funded research
         Land cover classification
         Land use classification
         Ocean studies
         Vegetation analysis
         Wildlife studies
         Other(s) (please specify) ______________
    (4) Which of the following best describes the most frequent spatial 
    domain of your application of Landsat data? (choose one only)
         Local area, e.g. within state or province
         US national (including Alaska and Hawaii)
         National, non-US
         Regional, non-US
    (5) How long have you been using Landsat data?
         0 to 3 years
         3 to 7 years
         More than 7 years
         Not a current user of Landsat data
    (6) How important is Landsat or Landsat-type data to the 
    accomplishment of your objectives?
         Very important
         Moderately important
    (7) On what type(s) of media do you currently receive Landsat data?
         Hard copy image
         Electronic file transfer
         Magnetic tape
         Tape cartridge
         Other (please specify)__________
    (8) On what type(s) of media would you prefer to receive Landsat 
         Hard copy image
         Electronic file transfer
         Magnetic tape
         Tape cartridge
         Other (please specify)__________
    (9) What other types of remotely-sensed data of the Earth do you 
    use? (check all that apply)
         Ground-based measurements
         Aerial photography
         Non-photographic data from airborne platforms
         Space photography
         Non-photographic data from space-based platforms
    (10) What types of remotely-sensed data do you use, or plan to use, 
    in concert with Landsat or Landsat-type data? (check all that apply)
         Laboratory measurements/observations
         Ground-based measurements
         Aerial photography
         Non-photographic data from airborne platforms
         Space photography
         Very high spatial resolution (1-5 meters), non-
    photographic data from space-based platforms
         High spatial resolution (5-80 meters), non-photographic 
    data from space-based platforms
         Moderate to low spatial resolution (>80 meters), non-
    photographic data from space-based platforms
    (11) How do you currently rate the ease of obtaining Landsat data?
         Readily obtainable
         Somewhat difficult to obtain
         Very difficult to obtain
    (12) What is the primary difficulty you encounter with the use of 
    Landsat data?
         Data characteristics (spatial/spectral resolution)
         Data availability
         Other (please specify)__________
    (13) In the past 6 months, have you used any commercial or public 
    on-line service to search for, or browse Landsat data?
    (a) If ``Yes,'' which one(s)__________
    (b) Did the service meet your needs?
         If ``No,'' please explain__________
    (14) How many full Landsat scene equivalents did you obtain in 
    calendar year 1994 (to date)?
         <1> 1-5
    (15) For Landsat data you purchased since 1/1/93, please indicate 
    the number of scenes acquired for each period.
                                                                MSS     TM  
    1/1/93 to present.......................................  ......  ......
    1/1/87-12/31/92.........................................  ......  ......
    1/1/82-12/31/86.........................................  ......  ......
    Before 12/31/81.........................................  ......  ......
    (16) The cost of Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data from 
    Landsat 7 is expected to be substantially less than the current cost 
    of TM data. Assuming a per scene cost for ETM+of $500-1000, will you 
    plan to use
         More Landsat data/year than now
         Less Landsat data/year than now
         About the same number of scenes per year as now
         Don't know
    (17) Over the last five years, the number of Landsat scenes you have 
    used has
         Increased steadily
         Decreased steadily
         Remained about the same
         Varied from year to year
         Not applicable--not a data user in that period
    (18) If the same data were available through a domestic station at 
    double the price but with a substantially shorter delivery time than 
    through a foreign station, which of the following would be true?
         More likely to buy data from domestic station
         More likely to buy data from foreign station
         Make no difference
         Data source may vary dependent on other requirements
         No opinion
    (19) How important to your utilization of Landsat data is continued 
    direct transmission of local data to ground stations?
         Very important
         Somewhat important
         Not very important
         Don't know
    (20) Have you ordered Landsat data from a ground station outside the 
    US within the past three years?
    (a) If ``Yes,'' how would you rate the experience?
         Completely satisfactory
         Somewhat unsatisfactory
         Completely unsatisfactory
         No basis to judge
    (21) Indicate which of the following describe(s) your experience 
    with ground stations. (check all that apply)
         The ground station provided local expertise that was of 
         The ground station had data from my area of interest
         Metadata and/or browse files from the data at the ground 
    station were readily available
         The ground station provided training and assistance in 
    applications and other user services
         The ground station was difficult to use
         Data prices were too high
         Not applicable
         Other comments __________
    (22) Currently, the Landsat system is unable to acquire data from 
    all land areas because of the absence of recording capability and 
    TDRSS link. In regard to your work, this limitation
         Makes the current Landsat system of no value
         Substantially limits the value of Landsat
         Has no impact on the work
         No opinion
    (23) If Landsat data were available as a raw data stream from a 
    location in the US for use without restriction, and for only a 
    modest fee to cover government costs, would your organization be 
    interested in accessing it for distribution to others on a 
    commercial or public service basis?
         Yes for commercial development (value-added)
         Yes for public service (noncommercial) distribution
         Not applicable
         Depends on following conditions/circumstances:
                         ETM+Instrument Characteristics                     
                         Band                        Wavelength   resolution
                                                        (um)         (m)    
    Pan...........................................    0.50-0.90           15
    Band 1........................................    0.45-0.52           30
    Band 2........................................    0.52-0.60           30
    Band 3........................................    0.63-0.69           30
    Band 4........................................    0.76-0.90           30
    Band 5........................................    1.55-1.75           30
    Band 7........................................    2.08-2.35           30
    Band 6........................................    10.4-12.5           60
         Swath width=185 km
         5% absolute radiometric calibration
         Revisit time=16 days
         Best 8 of 9 bits
         Data transmitted via two 75 Mbps data streams
    (24) Given the above description of the ETM+instrument on Landsat 7, 
    how likely are you to use ETM+data?
         Very likely
         Somewhat likely
         Not likely
         Will not use ETM+data
         Don't know
    (25) Please rank the following features of ETM+in order of their 
    importance to you. (1--very important; 2--important; 3--nice to 
    have; 4--not important)
        ____ 185 km swath width
        ____ 5% absolute radiometric calibration
        ____ revisit interval 16 days
        ____ panchromatic band
        ____ thermal infrared band
        ____ 30m resolution
        ____ The suite of sensor characteristics
        ____ Other (specify) __________________
    (26) Distribution of ETM+data is scheduled to begin by late 1998. 
    How many scenes of ETM+data do you (i.e., your organization) expect 
    to purchase the first year they are available? Assume cost per scene 
    is not a factor in your decision.
         Less than 5 scenes
         5-10 scenes
         11-20 scenes
         More than 20 scenes
         I don't expect to purchase any scenes the first year
         Don't know
    How many scenes per year do you expect to purchase in subsequent 
         Same as above
         More than above
         Less than above
         Don't know
    (27) Several commercial satellite systems are being built that will 
    supply very high spectral and spatial resolution data. How will the 
    advent of such systems affect your use of Landsat data?
         Landsat data purchases will likely increase
         Landsat data purchases will likely decrease
         No impact on Landsat data purchases
         Don't know
    (28) Regarding planning for future Landsat missions, please rank the 
    following capabilities in ascending order (1 to 7: 1 being the most 
    important) of their importance to you.
        __ Maintaining ETM+image characteristics
        __ Improved spatial resolution in the Pan band
        __ Improved spatial resolution in the spectral bands
        __ Shorter revisit interval
        __ Imroved spectral resolution (more bands)
        __ Active sensing (radar capability)
        __ Other (please specify) ______________
    (29) Utilizing Landsat data in the future may require improved 
    technological capability in your organization, e.g., ability to 
    apply radiometric and/or geometric corrections to raw data. Such a 
         Would be a major difficulty
         Would be a minor difficulty
         Would be no difficulty
         No opinion
    (30) What other types of land remote sensing data acquired from 
    space-borne platforms are you currently using or plan to use?
         Other(s) (please specify) ______________
    (31) Please provide your recommendations to the Landsat Program 
    Management regarding the status, effectiveness and operation of the 
    Landsat system.
    [FR Doc. 94-30515 Filed 12-12-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7510-01-M

Document Information

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Agency Report Forms Under OMB Review.
Document Number:
Comments are requested by December 28, 1994. If you anticipate commenting on a form but find that time to prepare will prevent you from submitting comments promptly, you should advise the OMB Paperwork Reduction Project and the Agency Clearance Officer of your intent as early as possible.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 13, 1994, Notice 94-100