98-32925. Notice of Significant Reduction in the Rate of Future Benefit Accrual  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 239 (Monday, December 14, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 68678-68684]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-32925]
    Internal Revenue Service
    26 CFR Parts 1 and 602
    [TD 8795]
    RIN 1545-AT78
    Notice of Significant Reduction in the Rate of Future Benefit 
    AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.
    ACTION: Final regulations.
    SUMMARY: This document contains final regulations that provide guidance 
    on the requirements of section 204(h) of the Employee Retirement Income 
    Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), relating to defined benefit 
    plans and to individual account plans that are subject to the funding 
    standards of section 302 of ERISA. It requires the plan administrator 
    to give notice of plan amendments, which provide for a significant 
    reduction in the rate of future benefit accural, to participants in the 
    plan and certain other parties.
    DATES: Effective Date: December 14, 1998.
        Applicability Dates: For dates of applicability of these 
    regulations, see Effective Dates under Supplementary Information.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Diane S. Bloom at (202)622-6214 or 
    Christine L. Keller at (202)622-6090 (not toll-free numbers).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The collection of information contained in these final regulations 
    has been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget 
    in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
    3705(d)) under the control number 1545-1477. The collection of 
    information in these final regulations is in Sec. 1.411(d)-6. Responses 
    to this collection of information are required in order to obtain a 
    benefit. Specifically, this information is required for a taxpayer who 
    wants to amend a qualified plan to significantly reduce the rate of 
    future benefit accrual. This information will be used to notify 
    participants, alternate payees and employee organizations of the 
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid 
    control number.
        The estimated average burden per recordkeeper varies from 1 hour to 
    [[Page 68679]]
    hours, depending on individual circumstances, with an estimated average 
    of 5 hours.
        Estimated number of respondents: 3,000.
        Estimated annual frequency of responses: Once.
        Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and 
    suggestions for reducing this burden should be sent to the Internal 
    Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Clearance Officer, OP:FS:FP, Washington, DC 
    20224, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer 
    for the Department of the Treasury, Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503.
        Books or records relating to a collection of information must be 
    retained as long as their contents may become material in the 
    administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and 
    tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
        On December 12, 1995, temporary regulations (TD 8631), under 
    section 411 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 411, were filed, 
    providing guidance on section 204(h) of the Employee Retirement Income 
    Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), 29 U.S.C. 1054(h). The 
    temporary regulations were published in the Federal Register on 
    December 15, 1995 (60 FR 64320). A notice of proposed rulemaking (EE-
    34-95), cross-referencing the temporary regulations, was published in 
    the Federal Register (60 FR 64401) on the same day.
        After consideration of the comments received regarding the proposed 
    regulations, the temporary regulations are replaced and the proposed 
    regulations are adopted as revised by this Treasury decision.
        Section 204(h) was added to ERISA by section 11006(a) of the 
    Single-Employer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1986 (Title XI of Pub. 
    L. 99-272), and was amended by section 1879(u)(1) of the Tax Reform Act 
    of 1986, Pub. L. 99-514. Pursuant to section 101(a) of the 
    Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1978, 29 U.S.C. 1001nt, the Secretary of 
    the Treasury has authority to issue regulations under parts 2 and 3 of 
    subtitle B of title I of ERISA (including section 204 of ERISA). Under 
    section 104 of Reorganization Plan No. 4, the Secretary of Labor 
    retains enforcement authority with respect to parts 2 and 3 of subtitle 
    B of title I of ERISA, but, in exercising such authority, is bound by 
    the regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury.
        In addition to the proposed and temporary regulations, prior 
    guidance relating to the requirements of section 204(h) has been 
    provided in Rev. Proc. 94-13 (1994-1 C.B. 566), Notice 90-73 (1990-2 
    C.B. 353), Notice 89-92 (1989-2 C.B. 410), Rev. Proc. 89-65 (1989-2 
    C.B. 786), Notice 88-131 (1988-2 C.B. 546), and Notice 87-21 (1987-1 
    C.B. 458).
    Explanation of Provisions
        Section 204(h) applies if a defined benefit plan or a money 
    purchase pension or other individual account plan that is subject to 
    the funding standards of section 302 of ERISA is amended to provide for 
    a significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual. It 
    requires the plan administrator to give written notice of the amendment 
    to participants in the plan, to alternate payees, and to employee 
    organizations representing participants in the plan (or to a person 
    designated, in writing, to receive the notice on behalf of a 
    participant, alternate payee, or employee organization). The notice 
    must set forth the plan amendment and its effective date and must be 
    provided after adoption of the amendment and not less than 15 days 
    before the effective date of the amendment.
        A plan amendment that is subject to the notice requirements of 
    section 204(h) may also be subject to additional reporting and 
    disclosure requirements under title I of ERISA, such as the requirement 
    to provide a summary of material modifications. See sections 102(a) and 
    104(a) of ERISA, 29 U.S.C. 1022 and 1024, and the regulations 
    thereunder for guidance on when a summary of material modifications 
    must be provided. Section 204(h) notice must be provided at least 15 
    days before the effective date of an amendment significantly reducing 
    the rate of future benefit accrual, even though a summary of material 
    modifications describing the amendment is provided at a later date.
    Summary of Comments
        Commentators generally supported the basic rules in the proposed 
    and temporary regulations, and the final regulations are substantially 
    similar to the proposed and temporary regulations. However, a number of 
    clarifications have been made in response to comments.
        For example, changes have been made in the rules for cases in which 
    there has been a failure to notify all affected participants in 
    accordance with section 204(h). The proposed and temporary regulations 
    provided that if a plan administrator fails to notify more than a de 
    minimis percentage of affected participants, the plan administrator is 
    considered to have complied with section 204(h) only with respect to 
    those participants who were provided with section 204(h) notice. In 
    response to comments, the final regulations have added a requirement 
    that the plan administrator have acted in good faith in order for this 
    relief to apply. Thus, where there is an intentional failure to give 
    section 204(h) notice, the amendment will not be effective as to any 
        In addition, the final regulations provide that the basic rule in 
    Q&A-13 of the final regulations (that the amendment will not be 
    effective with respect to participants or alternate payees who did not 
    receive section 204(h) notice) applies unless the number of 
    participants who were not provided with section 204(h) notice is de 
    minimis and certain other conditions (described in Q&A-14 of the final 
    regulations) are satisfied. Thus, the regulations clarify that, except 
    for the limited circumstances set forth in Q&A-14 of the final 
    regulations relating to certain de minimis failures to notify, the 
    amendment will not be effective with respect to participants or 
    alternate payees who did not receive notice in accordance with section 
        At the suggestion of commentators, the final regulations also 
    address the application of section 204(h) to a sale of a business, as 
    well as its application to plan mergers and transfers of plan assets 
    and liabilities. The final regulations add examples that apply the 
    general principles established under the regulations to typical sales 
    and merger transactions. In response to one commentator, an example has 
    been added to illustrate that a plan merger can require notice under 
    section 204(h).
        In response to requests by commentators for additional guidance on 
    the mechanics of providing section 204(h) notice, Q&A-11 has been added 
    providing rules that can be relied on to calculate the 15-day notice 
    period. These rules provide that when section 204(h) notice is 
    delivered by first class mail, the notice is considered given as of the 
    date of the United States postmark stamped on the cover in which the 
    document is mailed.
        Commentators also suggested that the rules under the temporary 
    regulations concerning plan terminations needed to be expanded. The 
    final regulations contain an example illustrating the application of 
    section 204(h) to certain specific situations that arise when a defined 
    benefit plan cannot be terminated on a proposed termination date 
    because there is a failure to satisfy
    [[Page 68680]]
    all of the requirements of title IV of ERISA for terminating the plan. 
    The example provides, in part, that if all of the requirements of title 
    IV are not satisfied accruals will still cease if an amendment has been 
    adopted that ceases accruals as of a specified date and section 204(h) 
    notice of that amendment, including a statement of its effective date, 
    is given. Apart from this clarification, the rule under the temporary 
    regulations concerning terminations under title IV remains unchanged.
        The final regulations, like the proposed and temporary regulations, 
    interpret section 204(h) as applying with respect to changes that 
    affect the annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age. The 
    statutory phrase ``rate of future benefit accrual'' implies, on its 
    face, that section 204(h) is limited to changes in the accrued benefit. 
    Nonetheless, one commentator suggested that the temporary regulations 
    be changed to require section 204(h) notice when defined benefit plans 
    are amended to significantly reduce or eliminate early retirement 
    subsidies or optional forms of benefit. Most commentators, however, 
    generally supported the basic standard of the regulations under which a 
    reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual depends on whether the 
    amendment affects the annual benefit commencing at normal retirement 
    age. Some commentators also noted that the approach in the proposed and 
    temporary regulations would ease plan administration. Accordingly, the 
    final regulations retain the rule of the proposed and temporary 
    regulations that, for purposes of section 204(h), an amendment to a 
    defined benefit plan affects the rate of future benefit accrual only if 
    it is reasonably expected to change the amount of the future annual 
    benefit commencing at normal retirement age.
        The final regulations clarify that the term ``annual benefit 
    commencing at normal retirement age'' refers, in a defined benefit 
    plan, to the benefit payable in the form in which the terms of the plan 
    express the accrued benefit. In the case of a defined benefit plan that 
    does not express the accrued benefit as an annual benefit, the final 
    regulations provide that the term ``annual benefit commencing at normal 
    retirement age'' refers to the benefit payable in the form of a single 
    life annuity commencing at normal retirement age that is the actuarial 
    equivalent of the accrued benefit expressed under the terms of the plan 
    under the principles of section 411(c)(3) (relating to actuarial 
    adjustments to determine an employee's accrued benefit).
        Some commentators also suggested that certain bright-line standards 
    be established for some of the rules, including how to determine 
    whether an amendment results in a significant reduction and what 
    constitutes a de minimis percentage of participants for purposes of the 
    rules relating to failure to provide notice to all participants and 
    alternate payees. Because the wide variety of potential facts and 
    circumstances make it difficult to adopt clear standards that are 
    appropriate in all circumstances, the final regulations do not include 
    such bright-line standards.
    Effective Dates
        The final regulations apply to amendments adopted on or after 
    December 12, 1998. The final regulations provide that the rules set 
    forth in the temporary regulations apply to determine whether section 
    204(h) and the final regulations are satisfied with respect to an 
    amendment that is adopted before the effective date of the final 
    regulations (and on or after the effective date of the temporary 
    Special Analyses
        It has been determined that this Treasury decision is not a 
    significant regulatory action as defined in EO 12866. Therefore, a 
    regulatory assessment is not required. It also has been determined that 
    section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 5) 
    does not apply to these regulations and because the notice of proposed 
    rulemaking preceding the regulations was issued prior to March 24, 
    1996, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) does not 
    apply to these regulations, and, therefore, a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis is not required. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Internal 
    Revenue Code, the notice of proposed rulemaking preceding these 
    regulations was submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the 
    Small Business Administration for comment on their impact on small 
    Drafting Information
        The principal author of these regulations is Christine L. Keller. 
    However, other personnel from the IRS and Treasury Department 
    participated in their development.
    List of Subjects
    26 CFR Part 1
        Income taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    26 CFR Part 602
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    Adoption of Amendments to the Regulations
        Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 1 and 602 are amended as follows:
        Par. 1. The authority citation for part 1 is amended by removing 
    the entry for Sec. 1.411(d)-6T and by adding an entry in numerical 
    order to read as follows:
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
        Sec. 1.411(d)-6 is issued under Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 
    1978, 29 U.S.C. 1001nt. * * *
    Sec. 1.411(d)-6T  [Removed]
        Par. 2. Section 1.411(d)-6T is removed.
        Par. 3. Section 1.411(d)-6 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.411(d)-6  Section 204(h) notice.
        Q-1: What are the requirements of section 204(h) of the Employee 
    Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA) (29 U.S.C 
        A-1: (a) Requirements of section 204(h). Section 204(h) of ERISA 
    (``section 204(h)'') generally requires written notice of an amendment 
    to certain plans that provides for a significant reduction in the rate 
    of future benefit accrual. Section 204(h) generally requires the notice 
    to be provided to plan participants, alternate payees, and employee 
    organizations. The plan administrator must provide the notice after 
    adoption of the plan amendment and not less than 15 days before the 
    effective date of the plan amendment.
        (b) Other notice requirements. Other provisions of law may require 
    that certain parties be notified of a plan amendment. See, for example, 
    sections 102 and 104 of ERISA, and the regulations thereunder, for 
    requirements relating to summary plan descriptions and summaries of 
    material modifications.
        Q-2: To which plans does section 204(h) apply?
        A-2: Section 204(h) applies to defined benefit plans that are 
    subject to part 2 of subtitle B of title I of ERISA and to individual 
    account plans that are subject to both such part 2 and the funding 
    standards of section 302 of ERISA. Accordingly, individual account 
    plans that are not subject to the funding standards of section 302, 
    such as profit-sharing and stock bonus plans, are not subject to 
    section 204(h).
        Q-3: What is ``section 204(h) notice''?
    [[Page 68681]]
        A-3: ``Section 204(h) notice'' is notice that complies with section 
    204(h) and the rules in this section.
        Q-4: For which amendments is section 204(h) notice required?
        A-4: (a) In general. Section 204(h) notice is required for an 
    amendment to a plan described in Q&A-2 of this section that provides 
    for a significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual.
        (b) Delegation of authority to Commissioner. The Commissioner of 
    Internal Revenue may provide through publication in the Internal 
    Revenue Bulletin of revenue rulings, notices, or other documents (see 
    Sec. 601.601(d)(2) of this chapter) that section 204(h) notice need not 
    be provided for plan amendments otherwise described in paragraph (a) of 
    this Q&A-4 that the Commissioner determines to be necessary or 
    appropriate, as a result of changes in the law, to maintain compliance 
    with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended 
    (Code) (including requirements for tax qualification), ERISA, or other 
    applicable federal law.
        Q-5: What is an amendment that affects the rate of future benefit 
    accrual for purposes of section 204(h)?
        A-5: (a) In general--(1) Defined benefit plans. For purposes of 
    section 204(h), an amendment to a defined benefit plan affects the rate 
    of future benefit accrual only if it is reasonably expected to change 
    the amount of the future annual benefit commencing at normal retirement 
    age. For this purpose, the annual benefit commencing at normal 
    retirement age is the benefit payable in the form in which the terms of 
    the plan express the accrued benefit (or, in the case of a plan in 
    which the accrued benefit is not expressed in the form of an annual 
    benefit commencing at normal retirement age, the benefit payable in the 
    form of a single life annuity commencing at normal retirement age that 
    is the actuarial equivalent of the accrued benefit expressed under the 
    terms of the plan, as determined in accordance with the principles of 
    section 411(c)(3) of the Code).
        (2) Individual account plans. For purposes of section 204(h), an 
    amendment to an individual account plan affects the rate of future 
    benefit accrual only if it is reasonably expected to change the amounts 
    allocated in the future to participants' accounts. Changes in the 
    investments or investment options under an individual account plan are 
    not taken into account for this purpose.
        (b) Determination of rate of future benefit accrual. In accordance 
    with paragraph (a) of this Q&A-5, the rate of future benefit accrual is 
    determined without regard to optional forms of benefit (other than the 
    annual benefit described in paragraph (a) of this Q&A-5), early 
    retirement benefits, or retirement-type subsidies, within the meaning 
    of such terms as used in section 411(d)(6) of the Code (section 204(g) 
    of ERISA). The rate of future benefit accrual is also determined 
    without regard to ancillary benefits and other rights or features as 
    defined in Sec. 1.401(a)(4)-4(e).
        (c) Examples. These examples illustrate the rules in this Q&A-5:
        Example 1. A plan is amended with respect to future benefit 
    accruals to eliminate a right to commencement of a benefit prior to 
    normal retirement age. Because the amendment does not change the 
    annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age, it does not 
    reduce the rate of future benefit accrual for purposes of section 
        Example 2. A plan is amended to modify the actuarial factors 
    used in converting an annuity form of distribution to a single sum 
    form of distribution. The use of these modified assumptions results 
    in a lower single sum. Because the amendment does not affect the 
    annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age, it does not 
    change the rate of future benefit accrual for purposes of section 
        Q-6: What plan provisions are taken into account in determining 
    whether there has been a reduction in the rate of future benefit 
        A-6: (a) Plan provisions taken into account. All plan provisions 
    that may affect the rate of future benefit accrual of participants or 
    alternate payees must be taken into account in determining whether an 
    amendment provides for a significant reduction in the rate of future 
    benefit accrual. Such provisions include, for example, the dollar 
    amount or percentage of compensation on which benefit accruals are 
    based; in the case of a plan using permitted disparity under section 
    401(l) of the Code, the amount of disparity between the excess benefit 
    percentage or excess contribution percentage and the base benefit 
    percentage or base contribution percentage (all as defined in section 
    401(l)); the definition of service or compensation taken into account 
    in determining an employee's benefit accrual; the method of determining 
    average compensation for calculating benefit accruals; the definition 
    of normal retirement age in a defined benefit plan; the exclusion of 
    current participants from future participation; benefit offset 
    provisions; minimum benefit provisions; the formula for determining the 
    amount of contributions and forfeitures allocated to participants' 
    accounts in an individual account plan; and the actuarial assumptions 
    used to determine contributions under a target benefit plan (as defined 
    in Sec. 1.401(a)(4)-8(b)(3)(i)).
        (b) Plan provisions not taken into account. Plan provisions that do 
    not affect the rate of future benefit accrual of participants or 
    alternate payees are not taken into account in determining whether 
    there has been a reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual. For 
    example, provisions such as vesting schedules or optional forms of 
    benefit (other than the annual benefit described in Q&A-5(a) of this 
    section) are not taken into account.
        (c) Examples. The following example illustrates the rules in this 
        Example. A defined benefit plan provides a normal retirement 
    benefit equal to 50% of final average compensation times a fraction 
    (not in excess of one), the numerator of which equals the number of 
    years of participation in the plan and the denominator of which is 
    20. A plan amendment that changes the numerator or denominator of 
    that fraction must be taken into account in determining whether 
    there has been a reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual.
        Q-7: What is the basic principle used in determining whether an 
    amendment provides for a significant reduction in the rate of future 
    benefit accrual for purposes of section 204(h)?
        A-7: Whether an amendment provides for a significant reduction in 
    the rate of future benefit accrual for purposes of section 204(h) is 
    determined based on reasonable expectations taking into account the 
    relevant facts and circumstances at the time the amendment is adopted. 
    For a defined benefit plan this is done by comparing the amount of the 
    annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age as determined under 
    Q&A-5(a)(1) under the terms of the plan as amended, with the amount of 
    the annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age as determined 
    under Q&A-5(a)(1) under the terms of the plan prior to amendment. For 
    an individual account plan, this is done in accordance with Q&A-5(a)(2) 
    by comparing the amounts to be allocated in the future to participants' 
    accounts under the terms of the plan as amended, with the amounts to be 
    allocated in the future to participants' accounts under the terms of 
    the plan prior to amendment.
        Q-8: Are employees who have not yet become participants in a plan 
    at the time an amendment to the plan is adopted taken into account in 
    applying section 204(h) with respect to the amendment?
        A-8: No. Employees who have not yet become participants in a plan 
    at the
    [[Page 68682]]
    time an amendment to the plan is adopted are not taken into account in 
    applying section 204(h) with respect to the amendment. Thus, if section 
    204(h) notice is required with respect to an amendment, the plan 
    administrator need not provide section 204(h) notice to such employees.
        Q-9: If section 204(h) notice is required with respect to an 
    amendment, must such notice be provided to participants or alternate 
    payees whose rate of future benefit accrual is not reduced by the 
        A-9: (a) In general. A plan administrator need not provide section 
    204(h) notice to any participant whose rate of future benefit accrual 
    is reasonably expected not to be reduced by the amendment, nor to any 
    alternate payee under an applicable qualified domestic relations order 
    whose rate of future benefit accrual is reasonably expected not to be 
    reduced by the amendment. A plan administrator need not provide section 
    204(h) notice to an employee organization unless the employee 
    organization represents a participant to whom section 204(h) notice is 
    required to be provided.
        (b) Facts and circumstances test. Whether a participant or 
    alternate payee is described in paragraph (a) of this Q&A-9 is 
    determined based on all relevant facts and circumstances at the time 
    the amendment is adopted.
        (c) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in this 
        Example 1. Plan A is amended to reduce significantly the rate of 
    future benefit accrual of all current employees who are participants 
    in the plan. It is reasonable to expect based on the facts and 
    circumstances that the amendment will not reduce the rate of future 
    benefit accrual of former employees who are currently receiving 
    benefits or that of former employees who are entitled to vested 
    benefits. Accordingly, the plan administrator is not required to 
    provide section 204(h) notice to such former employees.
        Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that 
    Plan A also covers two groups of alternate payees. The alternate 
    payees in the first group are entitled to a certain percentage or 
    portion of the former spouse's accrued benefit, and for this purpose 
    the accrued benefit is determined at the time the former spouse 
    begins receiving retirement benefits under the plan. The alternate 
    payees in the second group are entitled to a certain percentage or 
    portion of the former spouse's accrued benefit, and for this purpose 
    the accrued benefit was determined at the time the qualified 
    domestic relations order was issued by the court. It is reasonable 
    to expect that the benefits to be received by the second group of 
    alternate payees will not be affected by any reduction in a former 
    spouse's rate of future benefit accrual. Accordingly, the plan 
    administrator is not required to provide section 204(h) notice to 
    the alternate payees in the second group.
        Example 3. Plan B covers hourly employees and salaried 
    employees. Plan B provides the same rate of benefit accrual for both 
    groups. The employer amends Plan B to reduce significantly the rate 
    of future benefit accrual of the salaried employees only. At that 
    time, it is reasonable to expect that only a small percentage of 
    hourly employees will become salaried in the future. Accordingly, 
    the plan administrator is not required to provide section 204(h) 
    notice to the participants who are currently hourly employees.
        Example 4. Plan C covers employees in Division M and employees 
    in Division N. Plan C provides the same rate of benefit accrual for 
    both groups. The employer amends Plan C to reduce significantly the 
    rate of future benefit accrual of employees in Division M. At that 
    time, it is reasonable to expect that in the future only a small 
    percentage of employees in Division N will be transferred to 
    Division M. Accordingly, the plan administrator is not required to 
    provide section 204(h) notice to the participants who are employees 
    in Division N.
        Example 5. The facts are the same facts as in Example 4, except 
    that at the time the amendment is adopted, it is expected that soon 
    thereafter Division N will be merged into Division M in connection 
    with a corporate reorganization (and the employees in Division N 
    will become subject to the plan's amended benefit formula applicable 
    to the employees in Division M). In this instance, the plan 
    administrator must provide section 204(h) notice to the participants 
    who are employees in Division M and to the participants who are 
    employees in Division N.
        Q-10: Does a notice fail to comply with section 204(h) if it 
    contains a summary of the amendment and the effective date, without the 
    text of the amendment itself?
        A-10: No, the notice does not fail to comply with section 204(h) 
    merely because the notice contains a summary of the amendment, rather 
    than the text of the amendment, if the summary is written in a manner 
    calculated to be understood by the average plan participant and 
    contains the effective date. The summary need not explain how the 
    individual benefit of each participant or alternate payee will be 
    affected by the amendment.
        Q-11: How may section 204(h) notice be provided?
        A-11: A plan administrator (including a person acting on behalf of 
    the plan administrator such as the employer or plan trustee) may use 
    any method reasonably calculated to ensure actual receipt of the 
    section 204(h) notice. First class mail to the last known address of 
    the party is an acceptable delivery method. Likewise, hand delivery is 
    acceptable. Section 204(h) notice may be enclosed with or combined with 
    other notice provided by the employer or plan administrator. For 
    example, a notice of intent to terminate under title IV of ERISA or a 
    notice to interested parties of the application for a determination 
    letter may also serve as section 204(h) notice if it otherwise meets 
    the requirements of this section.
        Q-12: How may the 15-day notice requirement be satisfied?
        A-12: (a) Generally. A section 204(h) notice is deemed to have been 
    provided at least 15 days before the effective date of the amendment if 
    it has been provided by the end of the 15th day before the effective 
    date. When notice is delivered by first class mail, the notice is 
    considered provided as of the date of the United States postmark 
    stamped on the cover in which the document is mailed.
        (b) Example. The following example illustrates the provisions of 
    this Q&A-12:
        Example. Plan A is amended to reduce significantly the rate of 
    future benefit accruals effective December 1, 1999. The plan 
    administrator causes section 204(h) notice to be mailed to all 
    affected participants. The mailing is postmarked November 16, 1999. 
    Accordingly, the section 204(h) notice is considered to be given not 
    less than 15 days before the effective date of the plan amendment.
        Q-13: If a plan administrator fails to provide section 204(h) 
    notice to some participants or alternate payees, will the plan 
    administrator be considered to have complied with section 204(h) with 
    respect to participants and alternate payees who were provided with 
    section 204(h) notice?
        A-13: The plan administrator will be considered to have complied 
    with section 204(h) with respect to a participant to whom section 
    204(h) notice is required to be provided if the participant and any 
    employee organization representing the participant were provided with 
    section 204(h) notice, and if the plan administrator has made a good 
    faith effort to comply with the requirements of section 204(h). The 
    plan administrator will be considered to have complied with section 
    204(h) with respect to an alternate payee to whom section 204(h) notice 
    is required to be provided if the alternate payee was provided with 
    section 204(h) notice, and if the plan administrator made a good faith 
    effort to comply with the requirements of section 204(h). If these 
    conditions are satisfied the amendment will become effective in 
    accordance with its terms with respect to the participants and 
    alternate payees to whom section 204(h) notice was provided. Except to 
    the extent provided
    [[Page 68683]]
    in Q&A-14, the amendment will not become effective with respect to 
    those participants and alternate payees who were not provided with 
    section 204(h) notice.
        Q-14: Will a plan be considered to have complied with section 
    204(h) if the plan administrator provides section 204(h) notice to all 
    but a de minimis percentage of participants and alternate payees to 
    whom section 204(h) notice must be provided?
        A-14: The plan will be considered to have complied with section 
    204(h) and the amendment will become effective in accordance with its 
    terms with respect to all parties to whom section 204(h) notice was 
    required to be provided (including those who did not receive notice 
    prior to discovery of the omission), if the plan administrator--
        (a) Has made a good faith effort to comply with the requirements of 
    section 204(h);
        (b) Has provided section 204(h) notice to each employee 
    organization that represents any participant to whom section 204(h) 
    notice is required to be provided;
        (c) Has failed to provide section 204(h) notice to no more than a 
    de minimis percentage of participants and alternate payees to whom 
    section 204(h) notice is required to be provided; and (d) Provides 
    section 204(h) notice to those participants and alternate payees 
    promptly upon discovering the oversight.
        Q-15: How does section 204(h) apply to the sale of a business?
        A-15: (a) Generally. Whether section 204(h) notice is required in 
    connection with the sale of a business depends on whether a plan 
    amendment is adopted that significantly reduces the rate of future 
    benefit accrual.
        (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this 
        Example 1. Corporation Q maintains Plan A, a defined benefit 
    plan that covers all employees of Corporation Q, including employees 
    in its Division M. Plan A provides that participating employees 
    cease to accrue benefits when they cease to be employees of 
    Corporation Q. On January 1, 2000, Corporation Q sells all of the 
    assets of Division M to Corporation R. Corporation R maintains Plan 
    B, which covers all of the employees of Corporation R. Under the 
    sale agreement, employees of Division M become employees of 
    Corporation R on the date of the sale (and cease to be employees of 
    Corporation Q), Corporation Q continues to maintain Plan A following 
    the sale, and the employees of Division M become participants in 
    Plan B. In this Example, no section 204(h) notice is required 
    because no plan amendment was adopted that reduced the rate of 
    future benefit accrual. The employees of Division M who become 
    employees of Corporation R ceased to accrue benefits under Plan A 
    because their employment with Corporation Q terminated.
        Example 2. Subsidiary Y is a wholly owned subsidiary of 
    Corporation S. Subsidiary Y maintains Plan C, a defined benefit plan 
    that covers employees of Subsidiary Y. Corporation S sells all of 
    the stock of Subsidiary Y to Corporation T. At the effective date of 
    the sale of the stock of Subsidiary Y, in accordance with the sale 
    agreement between Corporation S and Corporation T, Subsidiary Y 
    amends Plan C so that all benefit accruals cease. In this Example, 
    section 204(h) notice is required to be provided because Subsidiary 
    Y adopted a plan amendment that significantly reduced the rate of 
    future benefit accrual in Plan C.
        Example 3. Corporation U maintains two plans: Plan D covers 
    employees of Division N and Plan E covers the rest of the employees 
    of Corporation U. Plan E provides a significantly lower rate of 
    future benefit accrual than Plan D. Plan D is merged with Plan E, 
    and all of the employees of Corporation U will accrue benefits under 
    the merged plan in accordance with the benefit formula of former 
    Plan E. In this Example, section 204(h) notice is required.
        Example 4. Corporation V maintains several plans, including Plan 
    F, which covers employees of Division P. Plan F provides that 
    participating employees cease to accrue further benefits under the 
    plan when they cease to be employees of Corporation V. Corporation V 
    sells all of the assets of Division P to Corporation W, which 
    maintains Plan G for its employees. Plan G provides a significantly 
    lower rate of future benefit accrual than Plan F. Plan F is merged 
    with Plan G as part of the sale, and employees of Division P who 
    become employees of Corporation W will accrue benefits under the 
    merged plan in accordance with the benefit formula of former Plan G. 
    In this Example, no section 204(h) notice is required because no 
    plan amendment was adopted that reduced the rate of future benefit 
    accrual. Under the terms of Plan F as in effect prior to the merger, 
    employees of Division P cease to accrue any further benefits under 
    Plan F after the date of the sale because their employment with 
    Corporation V terminated.
        Q-16: How are amendments to cease accruals and terminate a plan 
    treated under section 204(h)?
        A-16: (a) General rule--(1) Rule. An amendment providing for the 
    cessation of benefit accruals on a specified future date and for the 
    termination of a plan is subject to section 204(h).
        (2) Example. The following example illustrates the rule of 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this Q&A-16:
        Example. (i) An employer adopts an amendment that provides for 
    the cessation of benefit accruals under a defined benefit plan on 
    December 31, 2001, and for the termination of the plan pursuant to 
    title IV of ERISA as of a proposed termination date that is also 
    December 31, 2001. As part of the notice of intent to terminate 
    required under title IV in order to terminate the plan, the plan 
    administrator gives section 204(h) notice of the amendment ceasing 
    accruals, which states that benefit accruals will cease ``on 
    December 31, 2001.'' However, because all the requirements of title 
    IV for a plan termination are not satisfied, the plan cannot be 
    terminated until a date that is later than December 31, 2001.
        (ii) Nonetheless, because section 204(h) notice was given 
    stating that the plan was amended to cease accruals on December 31, 
    2001, section 204(h) does not prevent the amendment to cease 
    accruals from being effective on December 31, 2001. The result would 
    be the same had the section 204(h) notice informed the participants 
    that the plan was amended to provide for a proposed termination date 
    of December 31, 2001, and to provide that ``benefit accruals will 
    cease on the proposed termination date whether or not the plan is 
    terminated on that date.'' However, the cessation of accruals would 
    not be effective on December 31, 2001, had the section 204(h) notice 
    merely stated that benefit accruals would cease ``on the termination 
    date or on the proposed termination date.
        (b) Terminations in accordance with title IV of ERISA. A plan that 
    is terminated in accordance with title IV of ERISA is deemed to have 
    satisfied section 204(h) not later than the termination date (or date 
    of termination, as applicable) established under section 4048 of ERISA. 
    Accordingly, section 204(h) would in no event require that any 
    additional benefits accrue after the effective date of the termination.
        (c) Amendment effective before termination date of a plan subject 
    to title IV of ERISA. To the extent that an amendment providing for a 
    significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual has an 
    effective date that is earlier than the termination date (or date of 
    termination, as applicable) established under section 4048 of ERISA, 
    that amendment is subject to section 204(h). Accordingly, the plan 
    administrator must provide section 204(h) notice (either separately or 
    with or as part of the notice of intent to terminate) with respect to 
    such an amendment.
        Q-17: When does section 204(h) become effective?
        A-17: (a) Statutory effective date. With respect to defined benefit 
    plans, section 204(h) generally applies to plan amendments adopted on 
    or after January 1, 1986. With respect to individual account plans, 
    section 204(h) applies to plan amendments adopted on or after October 
    22, 1986.
        (b) Regulatory effective date--(1) General regulatory effective 
    date. This section is applicable for amendments adopted on or after 
    December 12, 1998.
        (2) Special rule for amendments adopted under the temporary 
    regulations. Whether an amendment
    [[Page 68684]]
    that is adopted on or after December 15, 1995 and before December 12, 
    1998 complies with section 204(h) is determined under the rules of 
    Sec. 1.411(d)-6T in effect prior to December 14, 1998 (See 1.411(d)-6T 
    in 26 CFR Part 1 revised as of April 1, 1998).
        Par. 4. The authority citation for part 602 continues to read as 
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
        Par. 5. In Sec. 602.101, the table in paragraph (c) is amended by 
    removing the entry for 1.411(d)6-T and by adding an entry in numerical 
    order to read as follows:
    Sec. 602.101 OMB  Control numbers.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
                                                                Current OMB
       CFR part or section where identified and described       control No.
                 *        *        *        *        *        *
    1.411(d)-6..............................................       1545-1447
                 *        *        *        *        *        *
        Approved: December 4, 1998.
    Robert E. Wenzel,
    Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
    Jonathan Talisman,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
    [FR Doc. 98-32925 Filed 12-11-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4830-01-P

Document Information

Internal Revenue Service
Entry Type:
Final regulations.
Document Number:
68678-68684 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
TD 8795
1545-AT78: ERISA Section 204(h) Notice
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
26 CFR 601.601(d)(2)
26 CFR 1.411(d)-6
26 CFR 1.411(d)-6T
26 CFR 1.411(d)-6T
26 CFR 602.101