94-30780. AIM Equity Funds, Inc., et al.; Notice of Application  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 240 (Thursday, December 15, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-30780]
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    [Federal Register: December 15, 1994]
    [Investment Company Act Rel. No. 20761; 812-9008]
    AIM Equity Funds, Inc., et al.; Notice of Application
    December 9, 1994.
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'').
    ACTION: Notice of Application for Exemption under the Investment 
    Company Act of 1940 (the ``Act'').
    APPLICANTS: AIR Equity Funds, Inc., AIM Funds Group, AIM International 
    Funds, Inc., AIM Investment Securities Funds, AIM Strategic Income 
    Fund, Inc., AIM Summit Fund, Inc., AIM Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., Short-
    Term Investments Co., Short-Term Investments Trust, Tax-Free 
    Investments Co., including all existing and future series thereof 
    (collectively, the ``Existing Funds''), on behalf of themselves and all 
    registered investment companies (including series thereof) for which A 
    I M Advisors Inc. or A I M Capital Management, Inc. (each an 
    ``Adviser'') serves in the future as investment adviser (collectively, 
    with the Existing Funds, the ``Funds''); A I M Advisors, Inc.; and A I 
    M Capital Management, Inc.
    RELEVANT ACT SECTION: Exemption requested under section 17(d) and rule 
    SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Applicants seek a conditional order permitting 
    them to participate in a joint account (the ``Joint Account'') to pool 
    cash balances and reserves for the purpose of investing in: (a) 
    repurchase agreements with remaining maturities not to exceed 60 days; 
    and (b) other short-term money market instruments, including tax-exempt 
    money market instruments, that constitute ``Eligible Securities'' 
    within the meaning of rule 2a-7 under the Act with remaining maturities 
    or deemed maturities (pursuant to rule 2a-7) not to exceed 90 days 
    (``Short-Term Money Market Instruments'').
    FILING DATES: The application was filed on May 18, 1994, and was 
    amended on October 18, 1994, and December 8, 1994.
    HEARING OR NOTIFICATION OF HEARING: An order granting the application 
    will be issued unless the SEC orders a hearing. Interested persons may 
    request a hearing by writing to the SEC's Secretary and serving 
    applicants with a copy of the request, personally or by mail. Hearing 
    requests should be received by the SEC by 5:30 p.m. on January 3, 1995, 
    and should be accompanied by proof of service on applicants, in the 
    form of an affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of service. Hearing 
    requests should state the nature of the writer's interest, the reason 
    for the request, and the issues contested. Persons who wish to be 
    notified of a hearing may request such notification by writing to the 
    SEC's Secretary.
    ADDRESSES: Secretary, SEC, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20549. Applicants, Eleven Greenway Plaza, Suite 1919, Houston, Texas 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James J. Dwyer, Staff Attorney at 
    (202) 942-0581, or C. David Messman, Branch Chief, at (202) 942-0564 
    (Division of Investment Management, Office Investment Company 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the 
    application. The complete application may be obtained for a fee from 
    the SEC's Public Reference Branch.
    Applicant's Representations
        1. The Existing Funds are registered management investment 
    companies, several of which consist of multiple portfolios. AIM 
    Advisors, Inc. is a registered investment adviser that serves as 
    investment adviser to the Existing Funds. AIM Capital Management, Inc., 
    a wholly-owned subsidiary of AIM Advisors, Inc., is a registered 
    investment adviser and serves as subadviser to the AIM Charter, AIM 
    Constellation, and AIM Weingarten portfolios of AIM Equity Funds, Inc.
        2. Pursuant to an existing order (the ``Existing Order''),\1\ the 
    Funds may deposit overnight cash balances and reserves into Joint 
    Accounts that would invest in commercial paper or repurchase agreements 
    with a bank, non-bank government securities dealer, or major brokerage 
    house. The repurchase agreements are collateralized by: U.S. Government 
    obligations; obligations issued or guaranteed as to principal and 
    interest or otherwise backed by any of the agencies or 
    instrumentalities of the U.S. Government; certain obligations of the 
    U.S. Government in the form of separately traded principal and interest 
    components of securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury; or 
    certain U.S. government agency securities such as mortgage-backed 
    certificates issued by the Government National Mortgage Association, 
    the Federal National Mortgage Association, and the Federal Home Loan 
    Mortgage Corporation, that represent ownership interests in mortgage 
    pools. In addition, the Funds may invest jointly in interest bearing or 
    discounted commercial paper, including dollar denominated commercial 
    paper of foreign issuers, provided that the commercial paper is rated 
    in the highest category by Standard & Poor's or Moody's, or unrated but 
    of equivalent investment quality as determined by the Advisers under 
    the supervision of the boards of the applicable Funds.
        \1\Investment Company Act Release Nos. 18550 (Feb. 13, 1992) 
    (notice) and 18614 (Mar. 12, 1992) (order).
        3. The requested order would supersede the Existing Order, and 
    would permit the Funds to purchase on a joint basis other securities in 
    addition to the purchases permitted under the Existing Order. The Joint 
    Accounts established under the requested order would invest in any 
    ``Investment,'' as defined in condition 2 below.
        4. A separate custodial cash account would be established for each 
    Joint Account at the applicable custodian bank into which some or all 
    of the uninvested net cash balances of the participating Funds would be 
    deposited daily.
        5. All of the Funds are authorized by their investment policies and 
    limitations to invest at least a portion of their uninvested cash 
    balances in Investments. An Adviser would determine the amount of 
    anticipated cash available at the end of a trading day. After the 
    Advisers have accumulated data as to available cash and the type of 
    Investments desired for each Fund, they would determine the extent of 
    the market in various securities and aggregate orders as appropriate. 
    The Advisers then would give a broker/dealer one order for each Joint 
    Account and instruct the custodian to allocate the securities acquired 
    by the Joint Account among the participating Funds.
        6. The operation of the Joint Account will result in fewer 
    transactions in Investments for the Funds, thus saving transaction 
    fees. The Funds also will benefit from higher yields and administrative 
    savings through pooling of their uninvested cash balances in Joint 
        7. Subject to differences in investment objectives, each of the 
    Funds has established the same systems and standards for acquiring 
    Investments and the Joint Accounts will use the same systems and 
    standards employed by the individual Funds. With respect to repurchase 
    agreement transactions, these standards include creditworthiness 
    standards for counterparties and for collateral. The repurchase 
    agreements entered into under the requested order will be 
    ``collateralized fully,'' as that term is defined in rule 2a-7, and 
    would have remaining maturities that would not exceed 60 days.
        8. All joint repurchase agreement transactions will be effected in 
    accordance with Investment Company Act Release No. 13005 (Feb. 2, 1983) 
    and with other existing and future positions taken by the SEC or its 
    staff by rule, interpretive release, no-action letter, any release 
    adopting any new rule, or any release adopting any amendments to any 
    existing rule.
    Applicants' Legal Analysis
        1. Section 17(d) of the Act and rule 17d-1 thereunder prohibit an 
    affiliated person of an investment company, acting as principal, from 
    participating in or effecting any transaction in connection with any 
    joint enterprise or joint arrangement in which the investment company 
    participates. Each Fund may be deemed an ``affiliated person'' of each 
    other Fund under the definition set forth in section 2(a)(3). Each Fund 
    participating in the proposed joint account and the Adviser could be 
    deemed to be ``a joint participant'' in a transaction within the 
    meaning of section 17(d). In addition, the proposed account could be 
    deemed to be a ``joint enterprise or other joint arrangement'' within 
    the meaning of rule 17d-1.
        2. Applicants assert that the Joint Account will not result in any 
    conflicts of interest among the joint participants. Although the 
    Advisers will gain some benefit through administrative convenience and 
    possible reduction in clerical costs, the primary beneficiaries will be 
    the participating Funds because the Joint Account will be a more 
    efficient means of administering investment transactions. Applicants 
    believe that the operation of the Joint Account will be free of any 
    inherent bias favoring one Fund over another.
        3. In passing upon applications under section 17(d) and rule 17d-1, 
    the SEC considers whether participation by a registered investment 
    company is consistent with the provisions, policies, and purposes of 
    the Act and not on a basis less advantageous than that of other 
    participants. Applicants submit that these criteria are met.
    Applicants' Conditions
        Applicants agree to the following as express conditions to any 
    order issued by the SEC in connection with the application:
        1. Each Fund will transfer into one or more of the Joint Accounts 
    the cash it wishes to invest through such Joint Accounts after the 
    calculation of its daily cash available for investment and will 
    specifically indicate whether the cash is to be used to purchase 
    Investments. The Joint Accounts will not be distinguishable from any 
    other accounts maintained by a Fund with its custodian bank except that 
    monies from a Fund will be deposited on a commingled basis. The Joint 
    Accounts will not have any separate existence and will not have indicia 
    of separate legal entities. The sole function of the Joint Accounts 
    will be to provide a convenient way of aggregating individual 
    transactions which would otherwise require daily management by each 
    Fund of its uninvested cash balances.
        2. Cash in the Joint Accounts would be invested in one or more of 
    the following, as directed by the Fund: repurchase agreements 
    collateralized by U.S. Government obligations; repurchase agreements 
    collateralized by obligations issued or guaranteed as to principal and 
    interest or otherwise backed by any of the agencies or 
    instrumentalities of the U.S. Government; repurchase agreements 
    collateralized by certain obligations of the U.S. Government in the 
    form of separately traded principal and interest components of 
    securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury; repurchase 
    agreements collateralized by certain U.S. government agency securities 
    such as mortgage-backed certificates issued by the Government National 
    Mortgage Association, the Federal National Mortgage Association, and 
    the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, representing ownership 
    interests in mortgage pools; interest bearing or discounted commercial 
    paper, including dollar denominated commercial paper of foreign 
    issuers; and in any other short-term money market instruments, 
    including tax-exempt money market instruments, that constitute 
    ``Eligible Securities'' within the meaning of rule 2a-7 under the Act 
    (collectively, the ``Investments''). No Fund would be permitted to 
    invest in a Joint Account unless the Investment in such account 
    satisfied the policies and guidelines of that Fund. Investments that 
    are joint repurchase transactions would have a remaining maturity of 60 
    days or less and other Investments would have a remaining maturity of 
    90 days or less, each as determined pursuant to rule 2a-7 under the 
        3. All assets held by a Joint Account would be valued on an 
    amortized cost basis to the extent permitted by applicable SEC release, 
    rule, or order.
        4. Each participating Fund valuing its net assets in reliance upon 
    rule 2a-7 under the Act will use the average maturity of the 
    instrument(s) in the Joint Account in which such Fund has an interest 
    (determined on a dollar weighted basis) for the purpose of computing 
    that Fund's average portfolio maturity with respect to the portion of 
    its assets held in such Account on that day.
        5. In order to assure that there will be no opportunity for one 
    Fund to use any part of a balance of a Joint Account credited to 
    another Fund, no Fund will be allowed to create a negative balance in a 
    Joint Account for any reason, although it would be permitted to draw 
    down its entire balance at any time. Each Fund's decision to invest in 
    a Joint Account would be solely at its option, and no Fund will be 
    obligated either to invest in a Joint Account or to maintain any 
    minimum balance in a Joint Account. In addition, each Fund would retain 
    the sole rights of ownership to any of its assets invested in a Joint 
    Account, including interest payable on such assets invested in such 
        6. The Advisers would administer the investment of the cash 
    balances in and operation of the Joint Accounts as part of their duties 
    under the general terms of each Fund's existing or any future 
    investment advisory contract or subadvisory contract (the ``Advisory 
    Contracts'') and would not collect any additional or separate fees for 
    advising any Joint Account. The operation of the Joint Accounts is not 
    provided for specifically under each Fund's Advisory Contract, but 
    rather is covered under the general terms of each such Contract. The 
    Advisers would collect their fees based upon the assets of each 
    separate Fund as provided in each respective Advisory Contract.
        7. The administration of the Joint Accounts would be within the 
    fidelity bond coverage required by section 17(g) of the Act and rule 
    17g-1 thereunder.
        8. The boards of trustees/directors of the Funds will adopt 
    procedures pursuant to which the Joint Accounts will operate, which 
    will be reasonably designed to provide that the requirements of the 
    application will be met. Each of the boards will make and approve such 
    changes as it deems necessary to ensure that such procedures are 
    followed. In addition, the boards will determine, no less frequently 
    than annually, that the Joint Accounts have been operated in accordance 
    with such procedures.
        9. Any Investment made by a Fund or Funds through the Joint 
    Accounts will satisfy the investment criteria of all Funds 
    participating in that Investment.
        10. The Advisers and the custodian of each Fund will maintain 
    records (in conformity with section 31 of the Act and the rules 
    thereunder) documenting, for any given day, each Fund's aggregate 
    investment in a Joint Account and each Fund's pro rata share of each 
    Investment made through such Joint Account.
        11. Not every Fund participating in the Joint Accounts will 
    necessarily have its cash invested in every Joint Account. However, to 
    the extent a Fund's cash is applied to a particular Joint Account, the 
    Fund will participate in and own a proportionate share of the 
    Investment in such Joint Account, and the income earned or accrued 
    thereon, based upon the percentage of such Investment in such Joint 
    Account purchased with monies contributed by the Fund.
        12. Investments held in a Joint Account generally will not be sold 
    prior to maturity except: (a) If the Advisers believe the Investment no 
    longer presents minimal credit risk; (b) in the case of commercial 
    paper or tax-exempt securities, if as a result of a credit downgrading 
    or otherwise, the Investment no longer satisfies the investment 
    criteria of all Funds participating in that Investment; or (c) in the 
    case of a repurchase agreement, if the counterparty defaults. A Fund 
    may, however, sell its fractional portion of an Investment in a Joint 
    Account prior to the maturity of the Investment in such Joint Account 
    if the cost of such transaction will be borne solely by the selling 
    Fund and the transaction would not adversely affect the other Funds 
    participating in that Joint Account. In no case would an early 
    termination by less than all participating Funds be permitted if it 
    would reduce the principal amount or yield received by other Funds 
    participating in a particular Joint Account or otherwise adversely 
    affect the other participating Funds. Each Fund participating in such 
    Joint Account will be deemed to have consented to such sale and 
    partition of the Investment in such Joint Account.
        13. Any Investment held through a Joint Account with a remaining 
    maturity of more than seven days will be considered illiquid and, for 
    any Fund that is an open-end management investment company registered 
    under the Act, subject to the restriction that the Fund may not invest 
    more than 15% (or such other percentage as set forth by the SEC from 
    time to time) of its net assets in illiquid securities, if the Fund 
    cannot sell its fractional interest in the Investment in such Joint 
    Account pursuant to the requirements described in the preceding 
        For the SEC, by the Division of Investment Management, under 
    delegated authority.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-30780 Filed 12-14-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Application for Exemption under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ``Act'').
Document Number:
The application was filed on May 18, 1994, and was amended on October 18, 1994, and December 8, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 15, 1994, Investment Company Act Rel. No. 20761, 812-9008