94-30994. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of Endangered Status for the Arroyo Southwestern Toad  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 241 (Friday, December 16, 1994)]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-30994]
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    [Federal Register: December 16, 1994]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AB97
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of 
    Endangered Status for the Arroyo Southwestern Toad
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) determines endangered 
    status for the arroyo southwestern toad (Bufo microscaphus 
    californicus) pursuant to the provisions of the Endangered Species Act 
    of 1973, as amended (Act). The arroyo toad occurs exclusively in 
    streams in southern California and northwestern Baja California, 
    Mexico. The arroyo toad has been extirpated from an estimated 75 
    percent of its former range. Threats to the survival of this species 
    include: habitat degradation, predation, and small population sizes. 
    Only 6 of the 22 extant populations south of Ventura are known to 
    contain more than a dozen adults. This rule implements the protection 
    and recovery provisions provided by the Act for the arroyo southwestern 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 17, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: The complete file for this rule is available for inspection, 
    by appointment, during normal business hours at the Ventura Field 
    Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2140 Eastman Avenue, Suite 100, 
    Ventura, California 93003.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Cathy R. Brown at the above 
    address (805/644-1766).
        The arroyo toad (Bufo microscaphus californicus) is a small toad in 
    the family Bufonidae. This taxon was originally described as Bufo 
    cognatus californicus from a specimen collected at Santa Paula, Ventura 
    County (Camp 1915). Camp's specimen was later shown to differ in 
    several respects from Bufo cognatus and was afforded specific status as 
    Bufo californicus (Myers 1930). In the following two decades, this toad 
    was considered a subspecies of Bufo compactilis (Linsdale 1940) and of 
    B. woodhousei (Shannon 1949). The currently accepted taxonomy of the 
    arroyo toad as a subspecies of Bufo microscaphus, the southwestern 
    toad, is based on morphological similarities (Stebbins 1951, Price and 
    Sullivan 1988). The arroyo toad (B. microscaphus californicus) is 
    geographically isolated from the Arizona toad (B. microscaphus 
    microscaphus) by the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. Work is now in 
    progress to determine if the arroyo toad is genetically distinct at the 
    species level (S. Sweet, Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, pers. comm., 
        The arroyo toad is a small (5 to 8 centimeters (cm) (2 to 3 
    inches)), light greenish gray or tan toad with warty skin and dark 
    spots. Its underside is buff colored and often without spots. A light- 
    colored stripe crosses the head and eyelids, and a light area usually 
    occurs on each sacral hump and in the middle of the back. Its movement 
    consists of hopping rather than walking. Its courtship vocalization is 
    a high trill, usually lasting 8 to 10 seconds.
        The arroyo toad is restricted to rivers that have shallow, gravelly 
    pools adjacent to sandy terraces. Breeding occurs on large streams with 
    persistent water from late March until mid-June (Sweet 1989). Eggs are 
    deposited and larvae develop in shallow pools with minimal current and 
    little or no emergent vegetation and with sand or pea gravel substrate 
    overlain with flocculent silt. After metamorphosis (June or July), the 
    juvenile toads remain on the bordering gravel bars until the pool no 
    longer persists (3 to 8 weeks, depending on site and year) (Sweet 
    1992). Juveniles and adults forage for insects on sandy stream terraces 
    that have nearly complete closure of cottonwoods (Populus spp.), oaks 
    (Quercus spp.), or willows (Salix spp.), and almost no grass and 
    herbaceous cover at ground level. Adult toads excavate shallow burrows 
    on the terraces where they shelter during the day when the surface is 
    damp or during longer intervals in the dry season (Sweet 1989).
        Arroyo toads were historically found along the length of drainages 
    in southern California from San Luis Obispo County to San Diego County, 
    but now they survive primarily in the headwaters as small isolated 
    populations (Sweet 1992, J. Stephenson, Cleveland National Forest, in 
    litt., 1993). Urbanization and dam construction beginning in the early 
    1900's in southern California caused most of the extensive habitat 
    degradation. The species was formerly distributed southward along the 
    northwestern coastal region of Baja California, Mexico, to the vicinity 
    of San Quintin (ca. 30.5 deg. N Lat.).
        Most remaining populations in the United States occur on privately 
    owned lands, primarily within or adjacent to the Cleveland National 
    Forest. Less than 50 percent of the known extant populations of arroyo 
    toad occur in areas owned or managed by the Forest Service (Los Padres, 
    San Bernardino, and Cleveland National Forests) (Sweet 1992, J. 
    Stephenson, in litt., 1993). Due mostly to habitat destruction, only 
    eight drainages remain where populations of this species may be viable 
    (S. Sweet, pers. comm. 1993; J. Stephenson, in litt., 1993). In 1990, 
    only seven pairs of arroyo toads were known to have bred anywhere 
    within the toad's range (Sweet 1992). Due to the isolation and the 
    small sizes, almost all populations are at great risk of extinction.
    Previous Federal Action
        The arroyo toad was first included by the Service as a category 2 
    candidate species in the September 18, 1985, Notice of Review of 
    Vertebrate Wildlife (50 FR 37958). Category 2 applies to taxa for which 
    information now in the possession of the Service indicates that 
    proposing to list as endangered or threatened is possibly appropriate, 
    but for which conclusive data on biological vulnerability and threat 
    are not currently available to support proposed rules. The subspecies 
    also was included as a category 2 candidate in the January 6, 1989, and 
    November 21, 1991, Animal Notices of Review (54 FR 554 and 56 FR 58804, 
    respectively). After publication of the most recent Notice of Review, 
    the Service obtained substantial information on the biological 
    vulnerability and the environmental threats to elevate this species to 
    category 1. Category 1 species are those for which the Service 
    possesses sufficient data to support proposals for listing. Most of the 
    new information and analyses came from Dr. Samuel Sweet, University of 
    California, Santa Barbara; Dr. Mark Jennings, California Academy of 
    Sciences; and staff of the Los Padres National Forest.
        On December 30, 1992, (not January 12, 1993, as indicated in 
    proposed rule (58 FR 41232)) the Service received a petition from Dr. 
    Sweet and Dr. Mark Jennings to list the arroyo toad as endangered 
    (Sweet and Jennings 1992). Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Endangered Species 
    Act of 1973 (Act), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq), requires to the 
    maximum extent practicable, that the Secretary make a finding within 90 
    days of receipt of a petition, as to whether or not substantial 
    information indicates the requested action may be warranted. If such a 
    finding is made, the Service is directed to commence a review of the 
    status of the species. Within 12 months of receipt of a petition found 
    to present substantial information, the Secretary is further directed 
    to make a finding that the petitioned action is warranted, not 
    warranted, or warranted but precluded. In this instance, the 
    preparation of the proposed rule was nearly complete at the time the 
    petition was received, thus alleviating the need to commence the status 
    review that the Service would typically start in response to a 
        On August 3, 1993, the Service published a proposed rule in the 
    Federal Register (58 FR 41231) to list the arroyo toad as endangered. 
    That proposal was based primarily on information provided by the 
    petitioners, published literature, and contacts with various 
    Summary of Comments and Recommendations
        In the August 3, 1993, proposed rule and associated notifications 
    all interested parties were requested to submit factual reports or 
    information relevant to a final decision on the listing proposal. 
    Appropriate state agencies, county governments, Federal agencies, 
    scientific organizations, and other interested parties were contacted 
    and requested to comment. Notice of the publication of the proposal was 
    published in the Santa Barbara News Press, Los Angeles Times, and the 
    San Diego Union Tribune. Requests for a public hearing were received 
    from four parties: the California Cattlemen's Association, the Newhall 
    Land and Farming Company, Public Lands for the People, and United Water 
    Conservation District. On September 9, 1993, the Service published a 
    notice in the Federal Register announcing the hearing and extending the 
    comment period until October 15, 1993 (58 FR 47428). The Service 
    conducted a hearing on October 4, 1993, at the Minerals Management 
    Service in Camarillo, California. Thirteen parties presented testimony.
        During the comment period, the Service received written and oral 
    comments from 27 parties, including those of three Federal agencies, 
    three State agencies, and 19 individuals or groups. The Santa Monica 
    Mountains National Recreation Area (National Park Service), U.S. Forest 
    Service, the U.S. National Biological Survey's National Ecology 
    Research Center, Southwestern Herpetologists Society, Keep the Sespe 
    Wild Committee, and the Environmental Defense Center were some of the 
    eight commenters expressing support for the listing proposal. Sixteen 
    commenters opposed the listing of the arroyo toad. Eight were neutral 
    on the proposal but offered clarification or additional information. 
    Written and oral statements obtained during the public hearing and 
    comment period are combined in the following discussion. In addition, 
    information submitted by the commenters, including updated locality and 
    population data from the Cleveland, San Bernardino, and Los Padres 
    National Forests, has been incorporated into this final rule. Opposing 
    comments and other comments questioning the rule have been organized 
    into specific issues. These issues and the Service's response to each 
    are summarized as follows:
        Issue 1: One of the petitioners noted that the common name for the 
    species, Bufo microscaphus, is southwestern toad, whereas the common 
    name of the subspecies, B. microscaphus californicus, is arroyo toad. 
    In the proposed rule the Service referred to B. microscaphus 
    californicus as the arroyo southwestern toad.
        Service Response: The Service acknowledges the nomenclatural 
    confusion in the proposed rule. The Service prefers to utilize common 
    names of subspecies that also reflect the species to which it is 
    presently assigned; such usage allows the general public to find 
    information on both the full species and the listed subspecies. The 
    common name of the subspecies appears as the ``arroyo southwestern 
    toad'' in the rule but is usually referred to as the ``arroyo toad'' in 
    the preamble text.
        Issue 2: Several commenters believed that there was insufficient 
    scientific evidence to list the arroyo toad; that all the data on the 
    species came from a single ``biased'' source; and that more studies 
    should be conducted before a final decision on listing could be made.
        Service Response: In researching the proposed rule, the Service 
    reviewed data and consulted publications from many sources, including 
    herpetologists at academic institutions, staff biologists with the U.S. 
    Forest Service, research biologists within the Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, and museum records. It is the consensus of the herpetologists 
    that contacted the Service that the arroyo toad is one of the most 
    threatened amphibians in southern California (see Issue 7). A recent 
    report prepared under contract to the California Department of Fish and 
    Game stated that the combination of threats ``probably make this taxon 
    the most vulnerable in California'' (Jennings and Hayes 1992). In 
    regard to recommendations that more studies are needed before listing 
    the arroyo toad, section 4 of the Act states that a determination to 
    list must be based on the best scientific and commercial data available 
    after conducting a review of the status of the species. The Service 
    completed such a review of the toad in preparing the proposed rule and 
    prior to the receipt of the petition. The best scientific and 
    commercial data now available supports listing the arroyo toad as 
        Issue 3: Several commenters believed that the proposed rule did not 
    present any scientific evidence for the adverse effects of mining, 
    recreation, or grazing on arroyo toads.
        Service Response: The proposed rule presented numerous examples of 
    habitat degradation caused by mining, recreation, and grazing (see 
    Factor A in the proposed rule and this final rule). As stated in the 
    proposed rule, mining, recreation, and grazing have all been observed 
    to alter microhabitat characteristics essential to successful breeding 
    of arroyo toads. Recreation and grazing are also implicated in 
    mortality of adult and juvenile arroyo toads. As directed by the Act, 
    the Service used the best available scientific and commercial data in 
    proposing to list the arroyo toad. These data demonstrate the potential 
    negative effects of these activities. Although the commenters do not 
    agree with the conclusions in the proposed rule, they did not submit 
    any information to disprove the Service's analysis of the effects of 
    mining, grazing, or recreation on arroyo toad populations.
        Issue 4: Several commenters stated that the listing of the arroyo 
    toad should not proceed until the Service conducts the appropriate 
    National Environmental Policy Act review.
        Service Response: The Service need not prepare environmental 
    assessments or environmental impact statements pursuant to the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for reasons outlined in the Federal 
    Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244). Basically, the listing of a 
    species is exempt as a matter of law for NEPA review. Listing decisions 
    are based upon biological, not sociological or economical, 
    considerations. This view has been upheld in at least one court case 
    (Pacific Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 657 F. 2d 829 (1981))
        Issue 5: One commenter was puzzled by the Service's statement in 
    the proposed rule that ``little opportunity exists for natural 
    dispersal and recolonization following local extirpations,'' because 
    volunteers of an off-road vehicle association had recently offered to 
    relocate toads into formerly occupied habitats.
        Service Response: The Service's statement referred to the effects 
    of habitat fragmentation on the viability of arroyo toad populations 
    and their ability to disperse naturally to reoccupy former habitat. The 
    Service appreciates the offer for volunteer help and will consider such 
    offer in the recovery of the species. The reintroduction of arroyo 
    toads into habitats from which small, isolated populations had become 
    extirpated would likely require frequent, intensive management efforts. 
    In most cases, such efforts would be unsuccessful, especially if the 
    arroyo toads were placed in degraded areas. Section 2 of the Endangered 
    Species Act clearly states that the purpose of the Act is to provide a 
    means whereby the natural ecosystems upon which endangered and 
    threatened species depend may be conserved. However, such intensive 
    management actions may play a role in endangered species recovery, in 
    addition to habitat protection.
        Issue 6: One commenter stated that failure to designate critical 
    habitat ``hampers the efforts of landowners and other interested 
    parties to locate additional populations of this species, possibly 
    precluding the need for protection under the act.''
        Service Response: Designation of critical habitat for the arroyo 
    toad would not be prudent at this time. The arroyo toad is threatened 
    by taking, an activity difficult to control. Remaining populations of 
    the arroyo toad are small and geographically restricted, so that they 
    are now vulnerable to unrestricted collection. Publication of specific 
    localities, which would be required in proposing critical habitat, 
    would reveal precise locality data and thereby make the species more 
    vulnerable to additional collection and acts of vandalism, and increase 
    the difficulties of enforcement. Designation of critical habitat first 
    focuses on known occupied habitat, which would not aid in locating 
    additional populations.
        Issue 7: One commenter believed that the Service was not justified 
    in keeping habitat and population data confidential, because this 
    practice ``does not allow for an independent assessment of the 
    vulnerability of the species and the critical need for listing.''
        Service Response: The proposed and final rules contain a complete 
    summary of the data available to the Service regarding the status of 
    the arroyo toad. Habitat and population data have been available for 
    review (see ``Addresses'' section above). As discussed above (Issues 2 
    and 6), these data have been reviewed by the scientific community and 
    there is a consensus among herpetologists that the arroyo toad is one 
    of the most threatened amphibians in California.
        Issue 8: Several commenters referred to the economic impacts of 
    listing the arroyo toad and recommended that the Service not proceed 
    with listing the species until the present and future economic impacts 
    of listing had been considered.
        Service Response: Section 4 of the Act directs the Service to 
    consider only the best scientific and commercial data available when 
    making a decision regarding the appropriateness of listing a species as 
    endangered or threatened; economic impacts are not considered in this 
    evaluation. Economic factors are only to be considered in the 
    designation of critical habitat.
        Issue 9: Several commenters contended that listing constitutes 
    taking of private property by the Federal government without 
    compensation to the landowner.
        Service Response: Listing of the arroyo toad under the Endangered 
    Species Act will trigger the protective measures of section 9 of the 
    Act, prohibiting the take of this species. In addition, the Act 
    requires that Federal agencies insure that activities they authorize, 
    fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence 
    of any listed species, or destroy or adversely modify its critical 
    habitat, if any is designated. Any activity on private land that 
    requires Federal involvement (such as a section 404 permit under the 
    Clean Water Act) that may affect this species would have to be reviewed 
    by the Service to insure that the continued existence of the species 
    would not be jeopardized.
        Listing under the Act does not imply that private land would be 
    confiscated or taken without just compensation. Recovery planning for 
    the arroyo toad may include recommendations for land acquisition or 
    easements involving private landowners. These efforts only would be 
    undertaken with the cooperation of the landowner. In the majority of 
    cases, private landowners are not precluded from using their land in 
    the manner originally intended.
        Issue 10: One commenter requested that the proposed listing of the 
    arroyo toad be delayed until the Service could investigate the 
    possibility of implementing an arroyo toad hatchery and transplanting 
        Service Response: Section 2 of the Endangered Species Act states 
    that the purpose of the Act is to provide a means whereby the 
    ecosystems upon which endangered and threatened species depend may be 
    conserved. Captive breeding programs, such as the hatchery proposed by 
    the commenter, may be considered in planning for the recovery of some 
    listed species but are not a substitute for recovery of listed species 
    in the wild. See the Service's response to Issue 5 above.
        Issue 11: One commenter asked if the arroyo toad's decline is tied 
    to the worldwide amphibian decline.
        Service Response: The Endangered Species Act permits the listing of 
    species that have become rare due to both natural and manmade factors. 
    The decline of the arroyo toad may be due in part to the as-yet-unknown 
    factors causing the decline of amphibians throughout the world. As 
    summarized in the proposed rule, however, habitat degradation, 
    predation by introduced species, and the inadequacy of existing 
    regulatory mechanisms have played a significant role in the arroyo 
    toad's decline.
        Issue 12: One commenter stated that the decision to list the arroyo 
    toad should be withheld until the genetic studies prove that the arroyo 
    toad is a distinct species.
        Service Response: Section 3(15) of the Act states that ``(T)he term 
    ``species'' includes any subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants . . . 
    which interbreeds when mature.'' Therefore, for the purposes of the 
    Act, this subspecies is treated as a species. Determination of full 
    species status is not necessary to proceed with listing the arroyo 
        Issue 13: One commenter questioned the Service's preparation of a 
    proposed rule prior to receipt of a petition. The commenter suggested 
    that this indicated impropriety, and an unacceptably close relationship 
    with the petitioners, on the part of the Service.
        Service Response: Section 4(b) of the Act establishes two methods 
    by which a species may be considered for listing. Section 4(b)(1)(A) 
    describes the process followed by the Service when the Service 
    initiates a listing proposal. Section 4(b)(3)(A) describes the process 
    of initiating a listing action in response to a petition. In each case, 
    the Service conducts a status review of the species. A status review 
    takes into account the best available scientific and commercial 
    information, including published reports and consultations with 
    experts, regarding the species to determine if it should be provided 
    protection under the Act. In the case of the arroyo toad, as discussed 
    above, the Service had completed a status review of the species and 
    drafted a proposed rule (pursuant to section 4(b)(1)(A)) before the 
    petition was received.
        Issue 14: Two commenters contended that adequate regulatory 
    mechanisms are currently in place to protect the arroyo toad, because 
    the species occurs largely on National Forest lands. Therefore, any 
    action that could affect the species would undergo environmental review 
    pursuant to National Environmental Policy Act.
        Service Response: As stated in the proposed rule and this final 
    rule, the arroyo toad has been extirpated from an estimated 75 percent 
    of its former range. Although a substantial proportion of currently 
    occupied habitat is found on National Forest lands, recovery of arroyo 
    toads on privately owned lands will likely be necessary to restore the 
    species to levels that will permit removal from the endangered species 
    list. The commenters are correct in stating that actions on Federal 
    lands would be subject to review under the National Environmental 
    Policy Act (NEPA). However, the objective of NEPA is to ensure that 
    Federal agencies consider every significant aspect of the environmental 
    impact of a proposed action. The law does not guarantee that actions 
    with significant impacts will not be authorized. Therefore, NEPA will 
    be applied to actions that affect the arroyo toad, but it does not 
    assure protection for the species.
        Issue 15: One commenter stated that listing will not alleviate the 
    effect of exotic predators, which was identified in the proposed rule 
    as one of the most severe threats to the survival of the arroyo toad.
        Service Response: The Act provides for the determination of 
    endangered or threatened status to be based upon the five factors of 
    section 4(a)(1) and not upon whether or not certain threats can be 
    reduced or eliminated in a species' recovery. Section 4(f)(1) of the 
    Act directs the Service to develop and implement a recovery plan for 
    the conservation and survival of listed species. Most of the exotic 
    predators are either game fish (e.g., bass, trout) or the bullfrog (see 
    below). A recovery plan would address the reduction of some of the 
    impacts from those predators through State and Federal actions. Section 
    6 of the Act enables the Service to transfer funds to State endangered 
    species conservation programs for implementation of actions that will 
    further the conservation of the listed species. Thus, by listing the 
    arroyo toad, guidance and funding can be provided for habitat 
    management, including control of exotic predators in arroyo toad 
    Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
        After a thorough review and consideration of all information 
    available, the Service has determined that the arroyo toad should be 
    classified as an endangered species. Procedures found at section 4 of 
    the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and regulations (50 
    CFR part 424) promulgated to implement the listing provisions of the 
    Act were followed. A species may be determined to be an endangered or 
    threatened species due to one or more of the five factors described in 
    section 4(a)(1). These factors and their application to the arroyo 
    southwestern toad (Bufo microscaphus californicus) are as follows:
    A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment 
    of Its Habitat or Range
        Habitat destruction and alteration constitutes the most severe 
    threat facing the arroyo toad. This toad is now confined to the 
    headwaters of streams it occupied historically along their entire 
        The arroyo toad was formerly found on rivers with near-perennial 
    flow throughout southern California from San Luis Obispo County to San 
    Diego County. It is believed to be extirpated in San Luis Obispo County 
    (S. Sweet, pers. comm., 1991). Populations persist in Santa Barbara, 
    Ventura, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego Counties. Recent 
    sightings of scattered individuals have been reported from Orange, San 
    Bernardino, and southwest Imperial Counties.
        The majority of the remaining populations in Santa Barbara and 
    Ventura Counties are located on the Los Padres National Forest. This 
    National Forest supports the majority of southern California's 
    remaining intact large river systems and maintains five viable 
    populations of arroyo toads. Sespe Creek in Ventura County has the 
    largest known population (Sweet 1992). Other populations are found on 
    the Sisquoc, Santa Ynez, and upper and lower Piru drainages (Sweet 
        Populations to the south are located primarily in San Diego and 
    Riverside Counties and are predominantly found in the vicinity of the 
    Cleveland National Forest and on private lands within or adjacent to 
    national forest. In San Diego County, arroyo toads have been found on 
    the Santa Margarita, Guejito, Sweetwater, Vallecito, San Luis Rey, 
    Santa Ysabel, Witch, Cottonwood, Temescal, Agua Caliente, Santa Maria, 
    Lusardi, Pine Valley, Noble, Kitchen, Long Potrero, Upper San Diego, 
    San Vincente, and Morena drainages. Populations on Temescal, Agua 
    Caliente, Pine Valley, and Cottonwood drainages may be considered 
    viable (J. Stephenson, in litt., 1993; J. Copp, California Academy of 
    Sciences, in litt., 1993). Recent surveys have located very small 
    populations of arroyo toads in four creeks in southwestern Riverside 
    County (Temecula, Arroyo Seco, San Mateo, and Tenaja Creeks) (J. 
    Stephenson, in litt., 1993). The single recent occurrence of arroyo 
    toads in San Bernardino County is on Deep Creek in the San Bernardino 
    National Forest.
        Several factors presently threaten the remaining 25 percent of the 
    habitat of the arroyo toad including: (1) Short- and long-term changes 
    in river hydrology, including construction of dams and water 
    diversions; (2) alteration of riparian wetland habitats by agriculture 
    and urbanization; (3) construction of roads; (4) site-specific damage 
    by off-highway vehicle use; (5) development of campgrounds and other 
    recreational activities; (6) over-grazing; and (7) mining activities.
        Dam construction was responsible for the loss of approximately 40 
    percent of the estimated original range of the arroyo toad. Twenty-six 
    large impoundments are currently located within the range of this 
    species, inundating over 190 km (120 miles) of suitable habitat. 
    Additional areas have been identified as potential dam sites and, if 
    constructed, would destroy 25 percent of the current range (6 to 7 
    percent of the original range) of the arroyo toad (Sweet 1991a).
        In addition to habitat loss through direct inundation, dams can 
    have significant effects on habitat quality downstream. Artificial flow 
    regulation disrupts the natural processes that produce the terrace and 
    pool habitats required by arroyo toads. Unseasonal water releases may 
    prevent arroyo toads from breeding due to habitat changes (Sweet 1992).
        Another consequence of sustained unnatural perennial flows below 
    dams is an adverse effect on the habitat of this species by encouraging 
    vegetative growth in a riparian corridor, which increases ground 
    stability and hence confines and deepens the creek channel. Water 
    temperatures are reduced below the temperatures needed for larval 
    development (Sweet 1991a).
        The arroyo toad is also sensitive to stream diversions as they 
    cause the riparian areas to dry. Water diversions that alter normal 
    flows have degraded habitats and adversely affected arroyo toads by 
    leading to: (1) The early drying of breeding pools, causing breeding 
    failures or loss of the larval population; (2) restriction of the 
    period essential for rapid growth when newly-metamorphosed toads can 
    forage on damp gravel bars; and (3) loss of damp subsurface soil, which 
    may result in high adult mortality during late summer and early fall 
    (Sweet 1992).
        Development projects in riparian wetlands have caused permanent 
    losses of riparian habitats and are the most conspicuous factor in the 
    decline of the arroyo toad (S. Sweet, pers. comm., 1991). Agriculture 
    and urbanization have already destroyed much of the suitable arroyo 
    toad habitat south of the Santa Clara River in Ventura County (S. 
    Sweet, pers. comm., 1991). Stream terraces have been converted to 
    farming, road corridors, and residential and commercial uses, while the 
    streams themselves have been channelized for flood control. Large 
    stretches of riparian corridor habitat have also been degraded or 
    destroyed by cattle and feral pigs (S. Sweet, pers. comm., 1991).
        Recreational activities in riparian wetlands have had substantial 
    negative effects to arroyo toad habitat and individuals, as discussed 
    in Factor E. Off-highway vehicles cause extensive damage to the shallow 
    pools in which arroyo toads breed (Sweet 1992).
        Streamside campgrounds in southern California national forests have 
    frequently been located adjacent to arroyo toad habitat (Sweet 1992). 
    In the Los Padres National Forest, each of the three campgrounds on 
    Piru and Sespe Creeks were developed on terraces used by arroyo toads 
    within 50 to 100 meters (150 to 300 feet) of their breeding pools. On 
    the upper Santa Ynez River, also in Los Padres National Forest, three 
    of four campgrounds are also located in arroyo toad habitat (Sweet 
    1991a, 1991b). The placement of campgrounds is similar in the Cleveland 
    National Forest in San Diego County; upper San Juan Creek, upper San 
    Luis Rey River, and Cottonwood Creek all have campgrounds situated 
    adjacent to arroyo toad breeding habitats (M. Jennings, in litt., 
        The use of heavy equipment in yearly reconstruction of roads and 
    stream crossings in the national forests has had significant and 
    repeated impacts to arroyo toads and toad habitat. Maintenance of the 
    road to Ogilvy Ranch, a private inholding in the Los Padres National 
    Forest, is likely responsible for a depressed population of arroyo 
    toads in Mono Creek. The Ogilvy Ranch road makes 18 crossings of Mono 
    Creek, many directly through or near arroyo toad breeding pools. In 
    summer 1992, the Los Padres National Forest declined to open the Ogilvy 
    Ranch road in order to protect populations of arroyo toads and other 
    candidate amphibians and reptiles. However, the road was opened with a 
    bulldozer in the fall. As juvenile arroyo toads were likely burrowed in 
    the soft sand adjacent to the creek, grading the road up the creek 
    destroyed habitat and probably killed individual toads. Regular 
    maintenance of roads in the Los Padres National Forest negatively 
    affects arroyo toad individuals and toad habitat on the Santa Ynez 
    River, Piru and Sespe Creeks, as well.
        Mining activities are an additional threat to this species. 
    Recreational suction dredging for gold adversely affects toad habitat 
    and individuals. Dredging destroys breeding pools used by arroyo toads 
    and causes excessive siltation downstream, which asphyxiates eggs and 
    small larvae. For example, during the Memorial Day weekend of 1991, 
    four small dredges operating on Piru Creek (Los Padres National Forest) 
    produced sedimentation visible more than 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) 
    downstream and adversely affected 40,000 to 60,000 arroyo toad larvae. 
    Subsequent surveys revealed nearly total destruction of the species in 
    this stream section; fewer than 100 larvae survived, and only 4 
    juvenile toads were located (Sweet 1992).
        Several rivers in the Los Padres National Forest were recently 
    temporarily closed to gold mining, and it is uncertain whether the ban 
    will be made permanent. In December 1992, a group of miners challenged 
    the Forest Service's authority to close Piru Creek to mining. These 
    individuals practiced various methods of gold extraction until cited by 
    the Forest Service. It is probable that future challenges will occur 
    and, if successful, will threaten the population of arroyo toads on 
    Piru Creek.
    B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
    Educational Purposes
        Populations of the arroyo toad are becoming so small and confined 
    that even limited taking by campers, recreationists, and scientific 
    researchers could adversely affect this species' viability. These toads 
    are threatened from collecting by children near the campgrounds. No 
    data exists on the extent of such collection activities, but it is 
    probable that it continues to occur.
    C. Disease or Predation
        Over the past 20 years, at least 60 species of fishes have been 
    introduced to the western U.S. States, 59 percent of which are 
    predatory (Hayes and Jennings 1986; Jennings 1988). The introduction of 
    exotic predators to southern California waters has been facilitated, in 
    part, by the interbasin transport of water (e.g., California Aqueduct). 
    Introduced predators had substantial impacts on the sizes of extant 
    populations of arroyo toads and may have contributed to regional 
    extinctions (Hayes and Jennings 1986).
        Virtually all rivers that contain or once contained arroyo toads 
    support populations of introduced predatory fish, such as green sunfish 
    (Lepomis cyanellus), largemouth bass (Micropterous salmoides), 
    mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), black bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus), 
    arroyo chub (Gila orcutti), prickly sculpin (Cottus asper), rainbow 
    trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), oriental gobies (Tridentiger sp.), and red 
    shiners (Notropis lutrensis) (Sweet 1992). All of these introduced fish 
    prey on tadpoles and have been observed inducing high arroyo toad 
    larval mortality in breeding pools on the Piru, Sespe, and Santa Ynez 
    drainages. It is probable that predation by introduced fish species 
    occurs elsewhere (Sweet 1992).
        Arroyo toads occur in streams with perennial or near perennial 
    flow. Most streams with populations of arroyo toads also have 
    populations of introduced bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). Adult bullfrogs 
    are highly predatory and have been observed to prey on adult arroyo 
    toads (Sweet 1993). Habitat for bullfrogs has been enhanced within the 
    existing range of the arroyo toad via diversions and artificially 
    maintained perennial flows below dams. Increased bullfrog populations 
    in these permanent water areas threaten the survival of arroyo toad 
    D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
        The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is responsible for 
    administering section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act 
    Amendments of 1972 (Clean Water Act) and has authority to regulate the 
    placement of dredged and fill materials into waters of the United 
    States. Individual actions under nationwide permits undergo minimal 
    outside agency review. Individual permits, which are subject to more 
    extensive review, are required for projects that affect greater than 4 
    hectares (10 acres).
        The Corps cannot issue a nationwide or individual permit where a 
    federally proposed or listed species may be affected, without first 
    conferring or consulting with the Service under section 7 of the 
    Endangered Species Act. In addition, the Service, as part of the 
    section 404 review process, provides comments on both pre-discharge 
    notices for nationwide permits and public notices for individual 
        Most construction projects in or near arroyo toad habitat would 
    require a permit from the Corps pursuant to section 404 of the Clean 
    Water Act. In practice, the Corps' actions under section 404 have not 
    adequately protected arroyo toads, as the Corps has rarely required 
    individual permits where impacts to the toad would occur. The Corps has 
    either approved the projects under nationwide permits, or there have 
    been repeated unauthorized activities. Federal listing of this species 
    will ensure greater consideration of the effects of permitted actions 
    during the review process, as well as provide the protection of section 
    7 of the Act.
        The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California 
    Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) require an intensive environmental 
    review of projects that may adversely affect Federal candidate species. 
    However, project proponents are not required to avoid impacts to these 
    species, and proposed mitigation measures are frequently not adequately 
    implemented. As with section 404 permits, the Service's comments 
    through these environmental review processes are only advisory.
        Forest Service policy, as described in the National Forest 
    Management Act, states ``Fish and wildlife habitat shall be managed to 
    maintain viable populations of existing native and desired non-native 
    vertebrate species in the planning area'' (36 CFR 219.19). The Los 
    Padres National Forest has recently funded studies on the ecology of 
    arroyo toads (Sweet 1992, 1993). The Los Padres and Cleveland National 
    Forests have begun to use this information to develop a riparian 
    habitat conservation strategy to provide better protection for arroyo 
    toads and other sensitive riparian species on the two forests. This 
    positive step may address the impacts associated with road maintenance, 
    off-highway vehicle use, placer mining, recreation, and the issuance of 
    special use permits for dam and water diversion construction, all of 
    which have contributed to the decline of the arroyo toad on national 
    forests lands in southern California. Conservation actions by the 
    Forest Service and the State of California will assist in the recovery 
    of the species. Recovery of the species can not be assured, however, 
    without the implementation of protective measures for arroyo toad 
    populations on private lands.
        Alteration of the natural intermittent flow regimes by dams has had 
    significant adverse impacts to arroyo toads. Prior to 1992, the 
    California Department of Water Resources, which operates Pyramid Dam on 
    Piru Creek in the Los Padres and Angeles National Forests, frequently 
    discharged excess flows from the reservoir resulting in the depressed 
    population of arroyo toads on lower Piru Creek. Recent coordination 
    among the Department of Water Resources, Forest Service, and Fish and 
    Wildlife Service have resulted in releases from the dam that more 
    closely mimic natural flows, benefitting the arroyo toad. Water 
    releases of several million gallons per day from Barrett Dam on 
    Cottonwood Creek during the period when larval arroyo toads were 
    metamorphosing negatively affected the population in San Diego County 
    in summer 1993.
        Although the arroyo toad is classified as a ``Species of Special 
    Concern'' by the State of California (Steinhart 1990) and may not be 
    taken without an approved scientific collecting permit, this 
    designation provides no special, legally mandated protection of the 
    species and its habitat.
    E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Its Continued Existence
        Several other factors have also contributed to the decline of the 
    species including drought, fire, and light and noise pollution. 
    Additionally, there has been direct mortality of the toads due to road 
    construction and maintenance, water inundation or drainage from dams 
    and diversions, off-highway vehicle use, cattle and pig trampling, 
    mining, and recreational activities.
        By far, the most significant natural factor adversely affecting the 
    arroyo toad is drought and resultant deterioration of riparian 
    habitats. Southern California recently experienced 5 consecutive years 
    of lower than average rainfall. These drought conditions, when combined 
    with human-induced water reductions (i.e., diversions of water from 
    streams), have degraded riparian ecosystems and have created extremely 
    stressful conditions for most aquatic species.
        Drought also affects arroyo toads in another manner. Female arroyo 
    toads must feed for at least 2 months in order to develop the fat 
    reserves needed to produce a clutch of eggs (Sweet 1992). In drought 
    years, females may find insufficient insect prey to produce eggs before 
    males cease their courtship behavior of calling, resulting in no 
    reproduction in that year. The extremely low reproduction of 1990 was 
    likely due to 4 years of severe drought (Sweet 1992). Although rainfall 
    patterns in 1992 and 1993 returned to near normal levels, drought is a 
    naturally recurring phenomenon in southern California. There is no 
    doubt that arroyo toads evolved with periodic, severe drought. However, 
    the recurrence of this natural event combined with the many manmade 
    factors negatively affecting arroyo toad survival remains a significant 
    threat to the species persistence.
        Periodic fires may adversely affect arroyo toads by causing direct 
    mortality, destroying streamside vegetation, or eliminating vegetation 
    that sustains the watershed. Recent natural and human-induced wildfires 
    had devastating effects on populations of arroyo toads. The 1991 Lions 
    Fire on upper Sespe Creek in the Los Padres National Forest destroyed 
    habitat containing the largest known extant population of arroyo toads 
    including 15 known breeding pools and over 50 percent of the known 
    adult population on the Sespe drainage (Sweet 1991c). Surveys in 1992 
    revealed that the effects of the fire and subsequent flooding, erosion, 
    and siltation caused the death of not less than 50 percent of the 
    resident adult population of arroyo toads.
        The vocalizations of male toads are crucial to the breeding success 
    of this species, as their calls are the key factor to finding mates. 
    Light and noise pollution from adjacent developments or campgrounds may 
    also reduce arroyo toad reproductive success by disrupting the 
    vocalization behavior of males during the breeding season (M. Jennings, 
    in litt., 1993). Generally, the local population of arroyo toads 
    declines as campground use increases (Sweet 1992).
        Unseasonal water releases from dams may prevent arroyo toads from 
    breeding altogether, as discussed in Factor A, or may wash away eggs 
    and larvae if releases are made after breeding has occurred (Sweet 
    1992). For example, large unscheduled releases from Pyramid Lake in May 
    1991 virtually eliminated all reproduction by arroyo toads below the 
    dam in Piru Creek in what would have been the best year for 
    reproduction following 5 years of drought (Sweet 1992). A proposal to 
    convey State Water Project water from Pyramid Lake to Piru Lake via 
    Piru Creek would also threaten arroyo toad survival on Piru Creek, if 
    releases substantially alter natural flow regimes.
        Grazing brings another potential source of mortality to this 
    species. Horses and cattle graze in riparian areas and may trample eggs 
    and larvae of arroyo toads (S. Sweet, pers. comm., 1991). Grazing also 
    increases levels of sedimentation in streams that can smother eggs and 
    larvae (M. Jennings, in litt., 1993)
        Off-highway vehicle use is believed to be the primary factor 
    responsible for the decimation of the Mojave River population of the 
    arroyo toad (Jennings 1991). On Memorial Day weekend in 1991, a fence 
    protecting a breeding pool on Piru Creek was cut, and off-highway 
    vehicles had access to the creek. The disturbance destroyed a small 
    sand bar that maintained a shallow pool, resulting in the loss of 
    12,000 to 16,000 arroyo southwestern tadpoles (Sweet 1992).
        Recreational use of campgrounds is heaviest in early summer, when 
    arroyo toad larvae and juveniles are present and most vulnerable. As 
    the young toads are diurnal, sedentary, and live on the sand bars, they 
    are often crushed. Recreational use has resulted in the alteration of 
    stream and breeding pool morphology and trampling of juvenile toads 
    (Sweet 1992). Adult arroyo toads, which forage in open areas in the 
    campgrounds, are frequently killed on campground roads at night (Sweet 
    1992; M. Jennings, in litt., 1993).
        Habitat loss, high mortality, and low reproduction from all of the 
    sources discussed above also result in the fragmentation of surviving 
    populations into isolated subpopulations. While these subpopulations 
    may continue to survive and reproduce over the short term, their long-
    term survival is not secure, because little opportunity exists for 
    natural dispersal and recolonization following local extirpations 
    (Sweet 1991a). Habitat fragmentation increases the probability of local 
    extirpation due to stochastic events and also likely results in 
    reduction of genetic variability within the small, isolated 
        The recent years of extremely low reproductive success have likely 
    been a bottleneck in the remaining populations of arroyo toads, in 
    which few individuals will reach sexual maturity until 1995 (Sweet 
    1992). As mature adults age and die in the next 2 years, little 
    recruitment into the breeding population is likely, and numerous local 
    extinctions of already small populations are probable. As individuals 
    may not survive and reproduce due to detrimental events such as drought 
    or road maintenance, and, as the population numbers are low and the 
    range is restricted, such events could cause the extinction of the 
        The Service has carefully assessed the best scientific and 
    commercial information available regarding the past, present and future 
    threats faced by the arroyo toad in determining to make this final 
    rule. The arroyo toad has been extirpated from a substantial portion of 
    its historic range. Virtually all remaining populations are small and 
    face a variety of immediate threats to their continued viability. This 
    toad lives in highly specialized habitats that have been and will 
    continue to be targeted for development and degradation by human 
    activities and is extremely vulnerable to habitat modification and 
    water quality changes. Based on this evaluation, the preferred action 
    is to list the arroyo toad as endangered. Other alternatives to this 
    action were considered but not preferred because not listing this 
    species at all or listing it as threatened would not be in keeping with 
    the purposes of the Act. For the reasons discussed below, critical 
    habitat is not being proposed at this time.
    Critical Habitat
        Section 4(a)(3) of the Act requires to the maximum extent prudent 
    and determinable that the Secretary designate critical habitat at the 
    time a species is determined to be endangered or threatened. The 
    Service finds that designation of critical habitat is not presently 
    prudent for the arroyo toad.
        As discussed under Factor B in the ``Summary of Factors Affecting 
    the Species,'' the arroyo toad is threatened by taking, an activity 
    difficult to control. Remaining populations of the arroyo toad are 
    small and geographically restricted, so that they are now vulnerable to 
    unrestricted collection. Publication of specific localities, which 
    would be required in proposing critical habitat, would reveal precise 
    locality data and, thereby, make the species more vulnerable to 
    additional collection and acts of vandalism and increase the 
    difficulties of enforcement.
        The Forest Service has been notified of the locations and 
    importance of protecting this species' habitat. Protection of this 
    species' habitat will be addressed in the recovery process and through 
    the section 7 consultation process. Therefore, it would not now be 
    prudent to determine the critical habitat of the arroyo toad.
    Available Conservation Measures
        Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
    threatened under the Endangered Species Act include recognition, 
    recovery actions, requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions 
    against certain activities. Recognition through listing encourages and 
    results in conservation actions by Federal, State, and private 
    agencies; groups; and individuals. The Endangered Species Act provides 
    for possible land acquisition and cooperation with the States and 
    requires that recovery actions be carried out for all listed species. 
    The protection required of Federal agencies and the prohibitions 
    against taking and harm are discussed, in part, below.
        Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended, requires Federal agencies to 
    evaluate their actions with respect to any species that is proposed or 
    listed as endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical 
    habitat, if any is being designated. Regulations implementing this 
    interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
    part 402. Section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to insure that 
    activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species or to destroy or 
    adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a 
    listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency 
    must enter into formal consultation with the Service.
        The Forest Service (Department of Agriculture) and the Corps 
    (Department of Defense) are the main Federal agencies that will be 
    required to protect this species if it is listed. Federal agencies must 
    consult with the Service, as described in section 7 of the Act, on any 
    project that may affect this species. The Forest Service harbors a 
    substantial portion of known arroyo toad populations; hence, some of 
    Forest Service actions within the species' habitat may be affected. 
    Forest Service activities, such as the construction and maintenance of 
    roads, and the issuance of special use permits for dam and bridge 
    construction, mining, and water diversion projects would be subject to 
    the Act's section 7 requirements. Corps activities or issuances of 
    permits subject to section 404 of the Clean Water Act would be subject 
    to the Endangered Species Act section 7 requirements. Any Federal 
    actions that are subject to environmental review under the National 
    Environmental Policy Act may be subject to the requirements of section 
    7 of the Act.
        Listing of the arroyo toad as endangered will provide for the 
    development of a recovery plan. Such a plan will bring together both 
    State and Federal efforts for its conservation. The plan will establish 
    a framework for cooperation and coordination among agencies in 
    conservation efforts. The plan will set recovery priorities and 
    estimate costs of various tasks necessary to accomplish them. It will 
    also describe site-specific management actions necessary to achieve 
    conservation and survival of the arroyo toad.
        The Act and implementing regulations found at 50 CFR 17.21 set 
    forth a series of prohibitions and exceptions that apply to endangered 
    wildlife. These prohibitions, in part, make it illegal for any person 
    subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to take (includes 
    harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or 
    collect; or attempt any such conduct), import or export, transport in 
    interstate or foreign commerce in the course of commercial activity, or 
    sell or offer for sale in interstate or foreign commerce any listed 
    wildlife species. It is also illegal to possess, sell, deliver, carry, 
    transport, or ship any such wildlife that has been taken illegally. 
    Certain exceptions apply to agents of the Service and State 
    conservation agencies.
        It is the policy of the Service (59 FR 34272) to identify to the 
    maximum extent practicable those activities that would or would not 
    constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act at the time of listing. 
    The intent of this policy is to increase public awareness of the effect 
    of this listing on proposed and ongoing activities within a species' 
    range. For further information, contact the Field Supervisor (see 
    ``Addresses'' section). During the public comment period inquiries were 
    made as to the effect listing would have on the mining industry, water 
    projects, and recreational activities. The Service believes that, based 
    on the best available information, the following actions will not 
    result in a violation of section 9, provided these activities are 
    carried out in accordance with existing regulations and permit 
    requirements: momentary moving of individual adult toads out of danger 
    (e.g., road, path); release, diversion, or withdrawal of water in a 
    manner that does not displace tadpoles or eggs or disrupt breeding of 
    adults; normal lighting and noises around campgrounds; and non-
    destructive recreational use of breeding habitat outside of the 
    breeding period (January through May).
        Activities that the Service believes could potentially result in 
    the take of the arroyo toad, include, but are not limited to, 
    unauthorized collecting or capture of the species, except as noted 
    above to momentarily move an individual out of harm's way; introduction 
    of exotic species into occupied habitat (e.g., fish, other species of 
    toads); unauthorized destruction/alteration of the species' habitat 
    (e.g., in- stream dredging, rock removal, channelization, discharge of 
    fill material, operation of any vehicles within the stream channel); 
    violation of a construction, discharge or withdrawal permit that 
    affects occupied habitat; pesticide applications affecting occupied 
    habitat in violation of label restrictions; or other illegal discharges 
    or dumping of toxic chemicals, silt, or other pollutants into waters 
    supporting the species.
        Other unauthorized activities not identified in the above two 
    paragraphs will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine if a 
    violation of section 9 of the Act may have occurred. The Service does 
    not consider these lists to be exhaustive and provides them for the 
    information of the public.
        The Act and 50 CFR 17.22 and 17.23 also provide for the issuance of 
    permits to carry out otherwise prohibited activities involving 
    endangered wildlife species under certain circumstances. Such permits 
    are available for scientific purposes, to enhance the propagation or 
    survival of the species, and for incidental take in connection with 
    otherwise lawful activities. Requests for copies of the regulations on 
    listed wildlife and inquiries regarding them may be addressed to the 
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, Endangered Species 
    Permits, 911 N.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232-4181 (503/231-
    2063; FAX 503/231-6243).
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that an Environmental 
    Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement, as defined under the 
    authority of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need not be 
    prepared in connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 
    4(a) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. A notice 
    outlining the Service's reasons for this determination was published in 
    the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited herein is available upon 
    request from the Ventura Field Office (see ADDRESSES above).
        The primary author of this final rule is Cathy R. Brown of the 
    Ventura Field Office (see ADDRESSES section).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, and Transportation.
    Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations is amended, as set forth below:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500; unless otherwise noted.
        2. Amend Sec. 17.11(h) by adding the following, in alphabetical 
    order under AMPHIBIANS, to the List of Endangered and Threatened 
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
                          Species                                                  Vertebrate population                                                    
    ---------------------------------------------------      Historic range         where endangered or      Status    When listed    Critical     Special  
           Common name             Scientific name                                       threatened                                   habitat       rules   
                                                                          * * * * * * *                                                                     
                                                                          * * * * * * *                                                                     
    Toad, arroyo              Bufo microscaphus         U.S.A. (CA), Mexico.....  Entire.................  E                   568           NA           NA
     southwestern.             californicus.                                                                                                                
                                                                          * * * * * * *                                                                     
        Dated: November 22, 1994.
    Mollie H. Beattie,
    Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    [FR Doc. 94-30994 Filed 12-15-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 17, 1995.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 16, 1994
1018-AB97: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants
RIN Links:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17.11