2015-31707. Information Collection: Renewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf; Proposed Collection for OMB Review; Comment Request  

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    60-day notice.


    To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is inviting comments on a collection of information that we will submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The information collection request (ICR) concerns the paperwork requirements in the regulations under “Renewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf.”


    Submit written comments by February 16, 2016.


    Please send your comments on this ICR to the BOEM Information Collection Clearance Officer, Kye Mason, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166 (mail); or kye.mason@boem.gov (email); or (703) 787-1209 (fax). Please reference ICR 1010-0176 in your comment and include your name and return address.

    Start Further Info


    Kye Mason, Office of Policy, Regulations, and Analysis at (703) 787-1025 to request additional information about this ICR or copies of the referenced forms.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    OMB Control Number: 1010-0176.

    Title: 30 CFR 585, Renewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf.

    Forms: BOEM-0002, BOEM-0003, BOEM-0004, BOEM-0005, BOEM-0006.

    Abstract: The Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq. and 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to issue leases, easements, or rights-of-way on the OCS for activities that produce or support production, transportation, or transmission of energy from sources other than oil and gas (renewable energy). Specifically, subsection 8(p) of the OCS Lands Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1337(p)), directs the Secretary of the Interior to issue any necessary regulations to carry out the OCS renewable energy program. The Secretary delegated this authority to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The BOEM has issued regulations for OCS renewable energy activities at 30 CFR part 585; this notice concerns the reporting and recordkeeping elements required by these regulations.

    Respondents operate commercial and noncommercial technology projects that include installation, construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning of offshore facilities, as well as possible onshore support facilities. The BOEM must ensure that these activities and operations on the OCS are performed in a safe and pollution-free manner, do not interfere with the rights of other users on the OCS, and balance the protection and development of OCS resources. Therefore, BOEM needs information concerning the proposed activities, facilities, safety equipment, inspections and tests, and natural and manmade hazards near the site, as well as assurance of fiscal responsibility.

    The BOEM uses forms to collect some information to ensure proper and efficient administration of OCS renewable energy leases and grants and to document the financial responsibility of lessees and grantees. Forms BOEM-0002, BOEM-0003, BOEM-0004, and BOEM-0006 are used by renewable energy entities on the OCS to assign a lease interest, designate an operator, and to assign or relinquish a lease or grant. Form BOEM-0005 was designed to guarantee the performance of sureties with respect to bonds issued on behalf of OCS renewable energy lessees, grantees, and operators. The BOEM maintains the submitted forms as official lease and grant records pertaining to operating responsibilities, ownership, and financial responsibility.

    We will protect information considered proprietary under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and its implementing regulations (43 CFR part 2) and under regulations at 30 CFR 585.113, addressing disclosure of data and information to be made available to the public and others. No items of a sensitive nature are collected. Responses are mandatory or required to obtain a benefit.

    Frequency: On occasion or annually.

    Description of Respondents: Companies interested in renewable energy-related uses on the OCS and holders of leases and grants under 30 CFR part 585.

    Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden: We estimate the burden for this information collection to be 25,688 hours. The following table details the individual components and estimated hour burdens. In calculating the burdens, we assumed that respondents perform certain requirements in the normal course of their activities. We consider these to be usual and customary and took that into account in estimating the burden.

    Burden Table

    Section(s) in 30 CFR 585Reporting and recordkeeping requirement 1Hour burdenNon-hour cost burdens
    Average number of annual responsesAnnual burden hours
    Subpart A—General Provisions
    102; 105; 110These sections contain general references to submitting comments, requests, applications, plans, notices, reports, and/or supplemental information for BOEM approval—burdens covered under specific requirements0
    102(e)State and local governments enter into task force or joint planning or coordination agreement with BOEM12 agreements2
    103; 904;Request general departures not specifically covered elsewhere in part 58526 requests12
    105(c)Make oral requests or notifications and submit written follow up within 3 business days not specifically covered elsewhere in part 58515 requests5
    106; 107; 213(e); 230(f); 302(a); 408(b)(7); 409(c); 1005(d); 1007(c); 1013(b)(7)Submit evidence of qualifications to hold a lease or grant; submit required supporting information (electronically if required)220 submissions40
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    106(b)(1)Request exception from exclusion or disqualification from participating in transactions covered by Federal non-procurement debarment and suspension system11 exception1
    106(b)(2), 118(c), 225(b); 436; 437; 527(c); 705(c)(2); 1016Request reconsideration and/or hearingRequirement not considered IC under 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(9).0
    108; 530(b)Notify BOEM within 3 business days after learning of any action filed alleging respondent is insolvent or bankrupt11 notice1
    109Notify BOEM in writing of merger, name change, or change of business form no later than 120 days after earliest of either the effective date or filing dateRequirement not considered IC under 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(1).0
    111Within 30 days of receiving bill, submit processing fee payments for BOEM document or study preparation to process applications and other requests.54 submissions2
    4 payments × $4,000 = $16,000
    111(b)(2), (3)Submit comments on proposed processing fee or request approval to perform or directly pay contractor for all or part of any document, study, or other activity, to reduce BOEM processing costs24 requests8
    111(b)(3)Perform, conduct, develop, etc., all or part of any document, study, or other activity; and provide results to BOEM to reduce BOEM processing fee19,0001 submission19,000
    111(b)(3)Pay contractor for all or part of any document, study, or other activity, and provide results to BOEM to reduce BOEM processing costs3 contractor payments × $950,000 = $2,850,000
    111(b)(7); 118(a); 436(c)Appeal BOEM estimated processing costs, decisions, or orders pursuant to 30 CFR 590Exempt under 5 CFR 1320.4(a)(2), (c).0
    113(b)Respond to the Freedom of Information Act release schedule41 agreement4
    115(c)Request approval to use later edition of a document incorporated by reference or alternative compliance11 request1
    116The Director may occasionally request information to administer and carry out the offshore renewable energy program via Federal Register Notices425 submissions100
    118(c); 225(b)Within 15 days of bid rejection, request reconsideration of bid decision or rejectionRequirement not considered IC under 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(9).0
    Subtotal71 responses19,176
    $2,866,000 non-hour costs
    Subpart B—Issuance of OCS Renewable Energy Leases
    200; 224; 231; 235; 236; 238These sections contain references to information submissions, approvals, requests, applications, plans, payments, etc., the burdens for which are covered elsewhere in part 5850
    210; 211(a-c); 212 thru 216Submit nominations and general comments in response to Federal Register notices on Request for Interest in OCS Leasing, Call for Information and Nominations (Call), Area Identification, and Notices of Sale. Includes industry, State & local governmentsNot considered IC as defined in 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(4)0
    210; 211(a-c); 212 thru 216Submit comments and required information in response to Federal Register notices on Request for Interest in OCS Leasing, Call for Information and Nominations (Call), Area Identification, and Notices of Sale. Includes industry, State & local governments430 comments120
    211(d); 216; 220 thru 223; 231(c)(2)Submit bid, payments, and required information in response to Federal Register Final Sale Notice512 bids60
    224Within 10 business days, execute 3 copies of lease form and return to BOEM with required payments, including evidence that agent is authorized to act for bidder; if applicable, submit information to support delay in execution—competitive leases12 lease executions2
    230; 231(a)Submit unsolicited request and acquisition fee for a commercial or limited lease52 requests10
    231(b)Submit comments in response to Federal Register notice re interest of unsolicited request for a lease44 comments16
    231(g)Within 10 business days of receiving lease documents, execute lease; file financial assurance and supporting documentation—noncompetitive leases22 leases4
    231(g)Within 45 days of receiving lease copies, submit rent and rent informationBurdens covered by information collections approved for ONRR 30 CFR Chapter XII.0
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    235(b); 236(b)Request additional time to extend preliminary or site assessment term of commercial or limited lease, including revised schedule for SAP, COP, or GAP submission13 requests3
    237(b)Request lease be dated and effective 1st day of month in which signed11 request1
    238Submit other renewable energy research activitiesBurden covered under SAPs & GAPs § 585.600(a), (c).0
    Subtotal56 responses216
    Subpart C—ROW Grants and RUE Grants for Renewable Energy Activities
    306; 309; 315; 316These sections contain references to information submissions, approvals, requests, applications, plans, payments, etc., the burdens for which are covered elsewhere in part 5850
    302(a); 305; 306Submit copies of a request for a new or modified ROW or RUE and required information, including qualifications to hold a grant, in format specified51 request5
    307; 308(a)(1)Submit information in response to Federal Register notice of proposed ROW or RUE grant area or comments on notice of grant auction42 comments8
    308(a)(2), (b); 315; 316Submit bid and payments in response to Federal Register notice of auction for a ROW or RUE grant51 bid5
    309Submit decision to accept or reject terms and conditions of noncompetitive ROW or RUE grant21 submission2
    Subtotal5 responses20
    Subpart D—Lease and Grant Administration
    400; 401; 402; 405; 409; 416, 433These sections contain references to information submissions, approvals, requests, applications, plans, payments, etc., the burdens for which are covered elsewhere in part 5850
    401(b)Take measures directed by BOEM in cessation order and submit reports in order to resume activities1001 report100
    405(d)Submit written notice of change of addressRequirement not considered IC under 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(1)0
    405(e); Form BOEM-0006If designated operator (DO) changes, notify BOEM and identify new DO for BOEM approval11 notice1
    408 thru 411; Forms BOEM-0002 and BOEM-0003Within 90 days after last party executes a transfer agreement, submit copies of a lease or grant assignment application, including originals of each instrument creating or transferring ownership of record title, eligibility and other qualifications; and evidence that agent is authorized to execute assignment, in format specified1 (30 minutes per form × 2 forms = 1 hour)2 requests/submissions2
    415(a)(1); 416; 420(a), (b); 428(b)Submit request for suspension and required information/payment no later than 90 days prior to lease or grant expiration101 request10
    417(b)Conduct, and if required pay for, site-specific study to evaluate cause of harm or damage; and submit copies of study and results, in format specified1001 study/submission100
    1 study × $950,000 = $950,000
    425 thru 428; 652(a); 235(a), (b)Request lease or grant renewal no later than 180 days before termination date of your limited lease or grant, or no later than 2 years before termination date of operations term of commercial lease. Submit required information61 requests6
    435; 658(c)(2); Form BOEM-0004Submit copies of application to relinquish lease or grant, in format specified11 submission1
    436; 437Provide information for reconsideration of BOEM decision to contract or cancel lease or grant areaRequirement not considered IC under 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(9).0
    Subtotal8 responses220
    $950,000 non-hour costs
    Subpart E—Payments and Financial Assurance Requirements
    An * indicates the primary cites for providing bonds or other financial assurance, and the burdens include any previous or subsequent references throughout part 585 to furnish, replace, or provide additional bonds, securities, or financial assurance (including riders, cancellations, replacements). This subpart contains references to other information submissions, approvals, requests, applications, plans, etc., the burdens for which are covered elsewhere in part 585. In the future BOEM may require electronic filings of certain submissions.0
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    500 thru 509; 1011Submit payor information, payments and payment information, and maintain auditable records according to ONRR regulations or guidanceBurdens covered by information collections approved for ONRR 30 CFR Chapter XII.0
    506(c)(4)Submit documentation of the gross annual generation of electricity produced by the generating facility on the lease—use same form as authorized by the EIA. (Burden covered under DOE/EIA OMB Control Number 1905-0129 to gather info and fill out form. BOEM's burden is for submitting a copy)15 min2 submissions.5
    510; 506(c)(3)Submit application and required information for waiver or reduction of rental or other payment11 submission1
    * 515; 516; 525(a) thru (f)Execute and provide $100,000 minimum lease-specific bond or other approved security; or increase bond level if required12 bonds2
    * 516(a)(2), (3), (b), (c); 517; 525(a) thru (f)Execute and provide commercial lease supplemental bonds in amounts determined by BOEM12 bonds2
    516(a)(4); 521(c)Execute and provide decommissioning bond or other financial assurance; schedule for providing the appropriate amount11 bond1
    517(c)(1)Submit comments on proposed adjustment to bond amounts11 submission1
    517(c)(2)Request bond reduction and submit evidence to justify51 request5
    * 520; 521; 525(a) thru (f); Form BOEM-0005Execute and provide $300,000 minimum limited lease or grant-specific bond or increase financial assurance and required information11 bond1
    525(g)Surety notice to lessee or ROW/RUE grant holder and BOEM within 5 business days after initiating surety insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding, or Treasury decertifies surety11 surety notice1
    * 526 Form BOEM-0005In lieu of surety bond, pledge other types of securities, including authority for BOEM to sell and use proceeds and submit required information (1 hour for form)21 pledge2
    526(c)Provide annual certified statements describing the nature and market value, including brokerage firm statements/reports11 statement1
    * 527; 531Demonstrate financial worth/ability to carry out present and future financial obligations, annual updates, and related or subsequent actions/records/reports, etc101 demonstration10
    528Provide third-party indemnity; financial information/statements; additional bond info; executed guarantor agreement and supporting information/documentation/agreements101 submission10
    528(c)(6); 532(b)Guarantor/Surety requests BOEM terminate period of liability and notifies lessee or ROW/RUE grant holder, etc11 request1
    * 529In lieu of surety bond, request authorization to establish decommissioning account, including written authorizations and approvals associated with account21 request2
    530Notify BOEM promptly of lapse in bond or other security/action filed alleging lessee, surety or guarantor et al is insolvent or bankrupt11 notice1
    533(a)(2) (ii), (iii)Provide agreement from surety issuing new bond to assume all or portion of outstanding liabilities31 submission3
    536(b)Within 10 business days following BOEM notice, lessee, grant holder, or surety agrees to and demonstrates to BOEM that lease will be brought into compliance161 demonstration every 2 years8
    Subtotal21 responses52.5
    Subpart F—Plans and Information Requirements
    Two ** indicate the primary cites for Site Assessment Plans (SAPs), Construction and Operations Plans (COPs), and General Activities Plans (GAPs); and the burdens include any previous or subsequent references throughout part 585 to submission and approval. This subpart contains references to other information submissions, approvals, requests, applications, plans, etc., the burdens for which are covered elsewhere in part 5850
    ** 600(a); 601(a), (b); 605 thru 614; 238; 810Within time specified after issuance of a competitive lease or grant, or within time specified after determination of no competitive interest, submit copies of SAP, including required information to assist BOEM to comply with NEPA/CZMA such as hazard info, air quality, SEMS, and all required information, certifications, requests, etc., in format specified2402 SAPs480
    ** 600(b); 601(c), (d)(1); 606(b); 618; 620 thru 629; 632; 633; 810If requesting an operations term for commercial lease, within time specified before the end of site assessment term, submit copies of COP, or FERC license application, including required information to assist BOEM to comply with NEPA/CZMA such as hazard info, air quality, SEMS, and all required information, surveys and/or their results, reports, certifications, project easements, supporting data and information, requests, etc., in format specified1,0002 COPs2,000
    ** 600(c); 601(a), (b); 640 thru 648; 651; 238; 810Within time specified after issuance of a competitive lease or grant, or within time specified after determination of no competitive interest, submit copies of GAP, including required information to assist BOEM to comply with NEPA/CZMA such as hazard info, air quality, SEMS, and all required information, surveys and reports, certifications, project easements, requests, etc., in format specified2402 GAP480
    ** 601(d) (2); 622; 628(f); 632; 634; 658(c)(3); 907Submit revised or modified COPs, including project easements, and all required additional information501 revised or modified COP50
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    602 2Until BOEM releases financial assurance, respondents must maintain, and provide to BOEM if requested, all data and information related to compliance with required terms and conditions of SAP, COP, or GAP29 records/submissions18
    ** 613(a), (d), (e); 617Submit revised or modified SAPs and required additional information501 revised or modified SAP50
    612; 647Submit copy of SAP or GAP consistency certification and supporting documentation, including noncompetitive leases12 leases2
    615(a)Notify BOEM in writing within 30 days of completion of construction and installation activities under SAP12 notices2
    615(b)Submit annual report summarizing findings from site assessment activities304 reports120
    615(c)Submit annual, or at other time periods as BOEM determines, SAP compliance certification, effectiveness statement, recommendations, reports, supporting documentation, etc404 certifications160
    617(a)Notify BOEM in writing before conducting any activities not approved, or provided for, in SAP; provide additional information if requested101 notice10
    627(c)Submit oil spill response plan as required by BSEE 30 CFR part 254Burden covered under BSEE 1014-0007.0
    631Request deviation from approved COP schedule21 request2
    633(b)Submit annual, or at other time periods as BOEM determines, COP compliance certification, effectiveness statement, recommendations, reports, supporting documentation, etc509 certifications450
    634(a)Notify BOEM in writing before conducting any activities not approved or provided for in COP, and provide additional information if requested101 notice10
    635Notify BOEM any time commercial operations cease without an approved suspension11 notice1
    636(a)Notify BOEM in writing no later than 30 days after commencing activities associated with placement of facilities on lease area12 notices2
    636(b)Notify BOEM in writing no later than 30 days after completion of construction and installation activities12 notices2
    636(c)Notify BOEM in writing at least 7 days before commencing commercial operations11 notices1
    ** 642(b); 648; 655; 658(c)(3)Submit revised or modified GAPs and required additional information501 revised or modified GAP50
    651Before beginning construction of OCS facility described in GAP, complete survey activities identified in GAP and submit initial findings. [This only includes the time involved in submitting the findings; it does not include the survey time as these surveys would be conducted as good business practice.]302 surveys/reports60
    653(a)Notify BOEM in writing within 30 days of completing installation activities under the GAP12 notices2
    653(b)Submit annual report summarizing findings from activities conducted under approved GAP304 reports120
    653(c)Submit annual, or at other time periods as BOEM determines, GAP compliance certification, recommendations, reports, etc404 certifications160
    655(a)Notify BOEM in writing before conducting any activities not approved or provided for in GAP, and provide additional information if requested101 notice10
    656Notify BOEM any time approved GAP activities cease without an approved suspension11 notice1
    658(c)(1)If after construction, cable or pipeline deviate from approved COP or GAP, notify affected lease operators and ROW/RUE grant holders of deviation and provide BOEM evidence of such notices31 notice/evidence3
    659Determine appropriate air quality modeling protocol, conduct air quality modeling, and submit 3 copies of air quality modeling report and 3 sets of digital files as supporting information to plans705 reports/information350
    Subtotal68 responses4,596
    Subpart G—Facility Design, Fabrication, and Installation
    Three *** indicate the primary cites for the reports discussed in this subpart, and the burdens include any previous or subsequent references throughout part 585 to submitting and obtaining approval. This subpart contains references to other information submissions, approvals, requests, applications, plans, etc., the burdens for which are covered elsewhere in part 585.0
    *** 700(a)(1), (b), (c); 701Submit Facility Design Report, including copies of the cover letter, certification statement, and all required information (1-3 paper or electronic copies as specified)2001 report200
    *** 700(a)(2); (b), (c); 702Submit copies of a Fabrication and Installation Report, certification statement and all required information, in format specified1601 report160
    705(a)(3); 707; 712Certified Verification Agent (CVA) conducts independent assessment of the facility design and submits copies of all reports/certifications to lessee or grant holder and BOEM—interim reports if required, in format specified1001 interim report100
    1001 final report100
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    705(a)(3); 708; 709; 710; 712CVA conducts independent assessments/inspections on the fabrication and installation activities, informs lessee or grant holder if procedures are changed or design specifications are modified; and submits copies of all reports/certifications to lessee or grant holder and BOEM—interim reports if required, in format specified1001 interim report100
    1001 final report100
    *** 703; 705(a)(3); 712; 815CVA/project engineer monitors major project modifications and repairs and submits copies of all reports/certifications to lessee or grant holder and BOEM—interim reports if required, in format specified201 interim report20
    151 final report15
    705(c)Request waiver of CVA requirement in writing; lessee must demonstrate standard design and best practices401 waiver40
    706Submit for approval with SAP, COP, or GAP, initial nominations for a CVA or new replacement CVA nomination, and required information162 nominations32
    708(b)(2)Lessee or grant holder notify BOEM if modifications identified by CVA/project engineer are accepted11 notice1
    709(a) (14); 710(a)(2), (e) 2Make fabrication quality control, installation towing, and other records available to CVA/project engineer for review (retention required by § 585.714)13 records retention3
    713Notify BOEM within 10 business days after commencing commercial operations11 notice1
    714 2Until BOEM releases financial assurance, compile, retain, and make available to BOEM and/or CVA the as-built drawings, design assumptions/analyses, summary of fabrication and installation examination records, inspection results, and records of repairs not covered in inspection report. Record original and relevant material test results of all primary structural materials; retain records during all stages of construction1001 lessee100
    Subtotal17 responses972
    Subpart H—Environmental and Safety Management, Inspections, and Facility Assessments for Activities Conducted Under SAPs, COPs, and GAPs
    801(c), (d)Notify BOEM if endangered or threatened species, or their designated critical habitat, may be in the vicinity of the lease or grant or may be affected by lease or grant activities12 notices2
    801(e), (f)Submit information to ensure proposed activities will be conducted in compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA); including agreements and mitigating measures designed to avoid or minimize adverse effects and incidental take of endangered species or critical habitat62 submissions12
    802; 902(e)Notify BOEM of archaeological resource within 72 hours of discovery31 notice3
    802(b), (c)If requested, conduct further archaeological investigations and submit report/information101 report10
    802(d)If applicable, submit payment for BOEM costs in carrying out National Historic Preservation Act responsibilities.51 payment.5
    803If required, conduct additional surveys to define boundaries and avoidance distances and submit report152 survey/report30
    *** 810; 614; 627; 632(b); 651Submit safety management system description with the SAP, COP, or GAP352 submissions70
    813(b)(1)Report within 24 hours when any required equipment taken out of service for more than 12 hours; provide written confirmation if reported orally.52 reports1
    11 written confirmation1
    813(b)(3)Notify BOEM when equipment returned to service; provide written confirmation if reported orally.52 notices1
    815(c)When required, analyze cable, P/L, or facility damage or failures to determine cause and as soon as available submit comprehensive written report21 report2
    816Submit plan of corrective action report on observed detrimental effects on cable, P/L, or facility within 30 days of discovery; take remedial action and submit report of remedial action within 30 days after completion21 plan/report2
    822(a)(2)(iii), (b)Maintain records of design, construction, operation, maintenance, repairs, and investigation on or related to lease or ROW/RUE area; make available to BOEM for inspection14 records retention4
    823Request reimbursement within 90 days for food, quarters, and transportation provided to BOEM reps during inspection21 request2
    824(a) 2Develop annual self-inspection plan covering all facilities; retain with records, and make available to BOEM upon request242 plans48
    824(b)Conduct annual self-inspection and submit report by November 1362 reports72
    825Based on API RP 2A-WSD, perform assessment of structures, initiate mitigation actions for structures that do not pass assessment process, retain information, and make available to BOEM upon request602 assessments/actions120
    830(a), (c); 831 thru 833Immediately report incidents to BOEM via oral communications, submit written follow-up report within 15 business days after the incident, and submit any required additional informationOral .52 incidents1
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    Written 41 incident4
    830(d)Report oil spills as required by BSEE 30 CFR 254Burden covered under BSEE 1014-00070
    Subtotal32 responses385.5
    Subpart I—Decommissioning
    Four **** indicate the primary cites for the reports discussed in this subpart, and the burdens include any previous or subsequent references throughout part 585 to submitting and obtaining approval. This subpart contains references to other information submissions, approvals, requests, applications, plans, etc., the burdens for which are covered elsewhere in part 585.
    **** 902; 905, 906; 907; 908(c); 909Submit for approval, in format specified, copies of the SAP, COP, or GAP decommissioning application and site clearance plan at least 2 years before decommissioning activities begin, 90 days after completion of activities, or 90 days after cancellation, relinquishment, or other termination of lease or grant. Include documentation of coordination efforts w/States/CZMA agencies, local or tribal governments, requests that certain facilities remain in place for other activities, be converted to an artificial reef, or be toppled in place. Submit additional information/evidence requested or modify and resubmit application201 application20
    902(d); 908;Notify BOEM at least 60 days before commencing decommissioning activities11 notice1
    910Within 60 days after removing a facility, verify to BOEM that site is cleared11 verification1
    912Within 60 days after removing a facility, cable, or pipeline, submit a written report81 report8
    BOEM does not anticipate decommissioning activities for at least 5 years so the requirements have been given a minimal burden.
    Subtotal4 responses30
    Subpart J—RUEs for Energy- and Marine-Related Activities Using Existing OCS Facilities
    1004, 1005, 1006Contact owner of existing facility and/or lessee of the area to reach preliminary agreement to use facility and obtain concurring signatures; submit request to BOEM for an alternative use RUE, including all required information/modifications11 request1
    1007(a), (b), (c)Submit indication of competitive interest in response to Federal Register notice41 submission4
    1007(c)Submit description of proposed activities and required information in response to Federal Register notice of competitive offering51 submission5
    1007(f)Lessee or owner of facility submits decision to accept or reject proposals deemed acceptable by BOEM11 submission1
    1010(c)Request renewal of Alternate Use RUE61 request6
    1012; 1016(b)Provide financial assurance as BOEM determines in approving RUE for an existing facility, including additional security if required11 submission1
    1013Submit request for assignment of an alternative use RUE for an existing facility, including all required information11 request1
    1015Request relinquishment of RUE for an existing facility11 request1
    Subtotal8 responses20
    Total Burden290 responses25,688
    $3,816,000 Non-Hour Cost Burdens
    1 In the future, BOEM may require electronic filing of certain submissions.
    2 Retention of these records is usual and customary business practice; the burden is primarily to make them available to BOEM and CVAs.

    Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden: We have identified three non-hour cost burdens for this collection totaling $3,816,000 (refer to the table above). These non-hour cost burdens consist of service fees for BOEM document/study preparation, costs for paying a contractor instead of BOEM, and costs for a site-specific study and report to evaluate the cause of harm to natural resources.

    Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Until OMB approves a collection of information, you are not obligated to respond.

    Comments: We invite comments concerning this information collection on:

    • Whether or not the collection of information is necessary, including whether or not the information will have practical utility;
    • The accuracy of our burden estimates;
    • Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and
    • Ways to minimize the burden on respondents.

    If you have costs to generate, maintain, and disclose this information, you should comment and provide your total capital and startup costs or annual Start Printed Page 78763operation, maintenance, and purchase of service costs. You should describe the methods you use to estimate major cost factors, including system and technology acquisition, expected useful life of capital equipment, discount rate(s), and the period over which you incur costs. Capital and startup costs include, among other items, computers and software you purchase to prepare for collecting information, monitoring, and record storage facilities. You should not include estimates for equipment or services purchased: (a) Before October 1, 1995; (b) to comply with requirements not associated with the information collection; (c) for reasons other than to provide information or keep records for the Government; or (d) as part of customary and usual business or private practices.

    We will summarize written responses to this notice and address them in our submission for OMB approval. As a result of your comments, we will make any necessary adjustments to the burden in our submission to OMB.

    Public Availability of Comments: Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

    Start Signature

    Dated: December 10, 2015.

    Deanna Meyer-Pietruszka,

    Chief, Office of Policy, Regulations, and Analysis.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2015-31707 Filed 12-16-15; 8:45 am]