Table 1—Periodic Monitoring Requirements
Air concentration condition Periodic monitoring requirement If initial exposure monitoring is below the ECEL action level (<0.02 ppm 8-hour TWA) Periodic exposure monitoring is required at least once every five years. If the most recent exposure monitoring indicates that airborne exposure is above the ECEL (>0.03 ppm 8-hour TWA) Periodic exposure monitoring is required within three months of the most recent exposure monitoring. If the most recent exposure monitoring indicates that airborne exposure is at or above the ECEL action level but at or below the ECEL (≥0.02 ppm 8-hour TWA, ≤0.03 ppm 8-hour TWA) Periodic exposure monitoring is required within six months of the most recent exposure monitoring. If the two most recent (non-initial) exposure monitoring measurements, taken at least seven days apart within a 6-month period, indicate exposure is below the ECEL action level (<0.02 ppm 8-hour TWA) Periodic exposure monitoring is required within five years of the most recent exposure monitoring. If the owner or operator engages in a condition of use for which WCPP ECEL would be required but does not manufacture, process, use, or dispose of CTC in that condition of use over the entirety of time since the last required monitoring event The owner or operator may forgo the next periodic monitoring event. However, documentation of cessation of use of CTC is required and periodic monitoring would be required when the owner or operator resumes the condition of use. Note : Additional scenarios in which monitoring may be required are discussed in Unit IV.B.3.b.iv.