2024-29912. Joint Industry Plan; Order Approving Amendments to the National Market System Plan Governing the Consolidated Audit Trail Designed To Implement Cost Savings Measures
Table 1—The Shares of Options Quote Events and Options Market Maker Quotes in Listed Options in CAT
[January 2024-March 2024]
Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Panel A (numbers in billions) All events in CAT (1) [= (2) + (9)] 8,164 7,811 7,892 All options-related events in CAT (2) [= (3) + (8)] 7,166 6,905 7,039 All options exchange events (3) [= (4) + (7)] 6,817 6,530 6,655 OMM a quotes in Listed Options (4) [= (5) + (6)] 6,528 6,225 6,340 Options quote (OQ) events (5) 5,287 4,884 4,896 Options quote cancel (OQC) events (6) 1,241 1,341 1,444 Other options exchange events (7) 289 305 315 Industry member options-related events (8) 349 376 384 All equities events in CAT (9) 998 906 853 Panel B (%) Options quote events as percent of all options exchange events [=100*(5)/(3)] 78 75 74 Options quote events as percent of all options-related events in CAT [=100*(5)/(2)] 74 71 70 Options quote events as percent of all events in CAT [=100*(5)/(1)] 65 63 62 Options Market Maker quotes in Listed Options as percent of all options exchange events [=100*(4)/(3)] 96 95 95 Options Market Maker quotes in Listed Options as percent of all options-related events in CAT [=100*(4)/(2)] 91 90 90 Options Market Maker quotes in Listed Options as percent of all events in CAT [=100*(4)/(1)] 80 80 80 Source: CAT Data. ( print page 103045) Notes: (1) Other options exchange events include options order accepted, options order modified and options order canceled events, internal options route and options cancel route events, options trade events, and various other options exchange events. Industry member options-related events include industry member options events and industry member multi-leg events. (2) All equities events in CAT include all equities exchange events and industry member equities events. (3) All events in CAT include all options exchange events, all equities exchange events, and all industry member events. a OMM refers to Options Market Maker.