94-30889. Practices and Procedures  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 242 (Monday, December 19, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-30889]
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    [Federal Register: December 19, 1994]
    5 CFR Part 1201
    Practices and Procedures
    AGENCY: Merit Systems Protection Board.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Board is amending its rules to update and clarify various 
    provisions and to ensure that the rules in this part, as a whole, are 
    effective, consistent, sensible, and understandable, in accordance with 
    Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993. By making this amendment, 
    the Board is providing current and consistent information to its 
    customers regarding its adjudicatory practices and procedures.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 19, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert E. Taylor, Clerk of the Board, 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Merit Systems Protection Board is 
    amending its rules at 5 CFR part 1201 to add a new appealable action 
    and to correct the citations for two others in Sec. 1201.3(a); to 
    delete Sec. 1201.3(d); to clarify the place of filing requirements in 
    Secs. 1201.4(d), 1201.22(a), and 1201.182 following the realignment of 
    the Board's regional and field offices; to correct a cross-reference in 
    Sec. 1201.37(a); to conform the method of filing requirements for 
    original jurisdiction cases in Sec. 1201.122(c) to those for appellate 
    jurisdiction cases; to replace the July 1991 edition of the MSPB Appeal 
    Form in Appendix I with the revised October 1994 edition; to add 
    information regarding the TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) 
    capability of facsimile numbers in the regional and field offices, add 
    the suite number of the Atlanta Regional Office, and change the address 
    and facsimile number of the Denver Field Office in Appendix II; and to 
    add and delete approved hearing locations in Appendix III.
        (a) Section 1201.3(a)(6) is amended by adding 5 CFR part 844 to the 
    citation so that the citation refers to the part of the regulations of 
    the Office of Personnel Management governing disability retirement 
    determinations under the Federal Employees' Retirement System, as well 
    as to 5 CFR parts 831 and 842.
        (b) Section 1201.3(a)(7) is amended by correcting the citation to 
    read ``5 CFR 731.103(d) and 731.508.'' The corrected citation refers to 
    the regulations of the Office of Personnel Management providing for 
    appeals to the Board of suitability determinations made by an agency 
    acting under authority delegated by OPM (5 CFR 731.103(d)) and such 
    determinations made by OPM (5 CFR 731.508).
        (c) Section 1201.3(a) is amended by adding a new subparagraph (21) 
    to include as an action appealable to the Board a reduction-in-force 
    action affecting a career or career candidate appointee in the Foreign 
    Service. Public Law 103-326, effective April 30, 1994, amended the 
    Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.) by, inter alia, 
    providing authority to the Secretary of State to conduct reductions in 
    force affecting career or career candidate appointees in the Foreign 
    Service and by granting those appointees the right to appeal such 
    reduction-in-force actions to the Board.
        (d) Section 1201.3 is amended by deleting paragraph (d). This 
    paragraph was added to the Board's rules in this part to implement 5 
    U.S.C. 1221(j), as added by the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 
    (Pub. L. 101-12). Subsequently, the Board ruled in McCann v. Navy, 57 
    M.S.P.R. 288 (1993) that 5 U.S.C. 1221(j) and the Board's regulation at 
    5 CFR 1201.3(d) should be construed to apply only to individual right 
    of action appeals and other actions established by 5 U.S.C. chapter 12. 
    Because the provisions of part 1201 are applicable to appeals that 
    arise from actions other than those established by 5 U.S.C. chapter 12, 
    the Board has determined that the continued inclusion of Sec. 1201.3(d) 
    in this part is likely to prove confusing to parties and that it 
    should, therefore, be deleted.
        (e) Section 1201.4(d) is amended to clarify the definition of 
    ``appropriate'' office for purposes of filings with the Board. On March 
    30, 1994 (59 FR 14739), the Board published a revision to its rules in 
    appendix II and appendix III of this part to reflect the realignment of 
    its regional office structure into six regional and five field offices. 
    In the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION explaining that revision, the Board 
    stated in part: ``Appeals and related matters will continue to be filed 
    with either the regional or field office having geographic 
    jurisdiction.'' The Board is now amending Sec. 1201.4(d) to 
    specifically include field offices, as well as regional offices, in the 
        (f) Section 1201.22(a) is amended to clarify that appeals and 
    responses to appeals are to be filed with the appropriate Board 
    regional or field office. See explanation in paragraph (e) above.
        (g) Section 1201.37(a) is amended by deleting the reference to 
    ``Sec. 1201.116'' and replacing it with ``Sec. 1201.117.'' On June 16, 
    1994 (59 FR 30863), the Board published an amendment to its rules in 
    this part that revised Sec. 1201.115, redesignated Secs. 1201.116 
    through 1201.119 as Secs. 1201.117 through 1201.120, respectively, and 
    added a new Sec. 1201.116. Because the former Sec. 1201.116 was 
    redesignated as Sec. 1201.117, the Board is now making a conforming 
    amendment to the cross-reference to that section in Sec. 1201.37(a).
        (h) Section 1201.122(c) is amended by adding ``commercial overnight 
    delivery'' as a method of filing and service. On July 7, 1993 (58 FR 
    36345), the Board amended its rules in subparts B and C of this part to 
    permit filing and service of appeals and petitions for review by 
    commercial overnight delivery. The Board is now amending 
    Sec. 1201.122(c) to conform the method of filing and service 
    requirements for Special Counsel complaints and proposed agency actions 
    against administrative law judges in subpart D of this part to those 
    for appeals and petitions for review.
        (i) Section 1201.163(c)(1) is amended to clarify that mixed case 
    appeals governed by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978 are to be filed 
    with the appropriate Board regional or field office. See explanation in 
    paragraph (e) above.
        (j) Section 1201.182(a) and Sec. 1201.182(c) are amended to clarify 
    that petitions for enforcement of orders issued under the Board's 
    appellate jurisdiction are to be filed with the appropriate Board 
    regional or field office. See explanation in paragraph (e) above.
        (k) Appendix I is amended by substituting the revised October 1994 
    edition of the MSPB Appeal Form, Optional Form 283 (Rev. 10/94), for 
    the July 1991 edition. The form has been revised as follows:
        (1) On page 1, ``WHERE TO FILE AN APPEAL'' has been revised to 
    state that the appeal is to be filed with the Board's regional or field 
    office having geographic jurisdiction.
        (2) On page 1, ``WHEN TO FILE AN APPEAL'' has been revised to 
    reflect the 10-day extension of the time limit for filing appeals made 
    by the Board's amendment to its rules in this part on June 17, 1994 (59 
    FR 31109).
        (3) On page 1, both ``WHEN TO FILE AN APPEAL'' and ``HOW TO FILE AN 
    APPEAL'' have been revised to include ``commercial overnight delivery'' 
    as a method of filing an appeal, in accordance with the Board's 
    amendment to its rules in this part on July 7, 1993 (58 FR 36345).
        (4) On page 1, the final sentence under ``Public Reporting Burden'' 
    has been revised to replace ``Office of Management Analysis'' with 
    ``Office of Planning and Resource Management Services'' to reflect the 
    reorganization of the Board's headquarters offices and, at the request 
    of the Office of Management and Budget, to delete the requirement that 
    comments and suggestions be sent to OMB's Paperwork Reduction Project.
        (5) On page 2, a sentence has been added in block 7 to put the 
    appellant on notice that designating a representative in the appeal 
    specifically includes authority for the representative to settle the 
    appeal on the appellant's behalf.
        (6) On page 2, block 7 has been revised to clarify what documents 
    should be attached to the appeal and to advise the appellant that 
    filing should not be delayed if the relevant SF-50 or its equivalent is 
    not available.
        (7) On page 2, a check-off box for ``Foreign Service'' has been 
    added in block 20 because career and career candidate appointees in the 
    Foreign Service now have the right to appeal reduction-in-force actions 
    to the Board. See explanation in paragraph (c) above.
        (8) On page 3, in block 32.a, the phrase ``handicapping condition'' 
    has been replaced with ``disability'' to reflect the new preferred 
    terminology under The Americans with Disabilities Act.
        (9) On page 4, in block 38, the phrase ``full 30-day notice'' has 
    been replaced with ``the required number of days notice'' to reflect 
    changes in statute and Office of Personnel Management regulations that 
    now require at least 60 days advance notice for most reduction-in-force 
    actions, with provision for a longer notice period--at least 120 days--
    for some Department of Defense actions, and shorter notice--less than 
    60 days but at least 30 days--under certain circumstances.
        (10) On page 6, in block 41.a, the material after ``Yes'' has been 
    revised to clarify that the attachment requested is a copy of the 
    appellant's request to the Office of Special Counsel for corrective 
        (11) Throughout the form, additional text has been highlighted for 
        The Office of Management and Budget has renewed its approval of the 
    MSPB Appeal Form through July 31, 1997. The form is no longer stocked 
    by the General Services Administration, but may be obtained from the 
    Board's Financial and Administrative Management Division; see notice 
    published September 15, 1994 (59 FR 47363), corrected October 18, 1994 
    (59 FR 52558).
        (l) Appendix II is amended by adding information regarding the TDD 
    (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) capability of facsimile 
    numbers in the regional and field offices, by substituting the suite 
    number for ``10th Floor'' in the address of the Atlanta Regional 
    Office, and by changing the address and facsimile number of the Denver 
    Field Office to reflect the relocation of that office effective 
    December 1, 1994.
        (m) Appendix III is amended by adding two approved hearing 
    locations and deleting one under the Atlanta Regional Office, by adding 
    two under the Denver Field Office, by adding one under the New York 
    Field Office, and by adding one under the San Francisco Regional 
        The Board is publishing this rule as a final rule pursuant to 5 
    U.S.C. 1204(h).
    List of Subjects in 5 CFR Part 1201
        Administrative practice and procedure, Civil rights, Government 
        Accordingly, the Board amends 5 CFR part 1201 as follows:
    PART 1201--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1201 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 1204, and 7701 unless otherwise noted.
    Sec. 1201.3  [Amended]
        2. Section 1201.3 is amended at paragraph (a)(6) by removing the 
    phrase ``5 CFR parts 831 and 842'' in the citation and by adding in its 
    place the phrase ``5 CFR parts 831, 842, and 844.''
        3. Section 1201.3 is amended at paragraph (a)(7) by removing the 
    citation ``(5 CFR 731.401)'' and by adding in its place the citation 
    ``(5 CFR 731.103(d) and 731.508).''
        4. Section 1201.3 is amended by adding a new paragraph (a)(21) as 
    Sec. 1201.3  Appellate jurisdiction.
        (a) * * *
        (21) Reduction-in-force action affecting a career or career 
    candidate appointee in the Foreign Service (Pub. L. 103-236, sec. 
    181(a)(2), to be codified at 22 U.S.C. 4011).
    * * * * *
        5. Section 1201.3 is amended by removing paragraph (d).
    Sec. 1201.4  [Amended]
        6. Section 1201.4 is amended at paragraph (d) by adding the phrase 
    ``or field'' after ``regional'' in the title and the first, second, and 
    fourth sentences, and by adding the phrase ``and field'' after 
    ``regional'' in the third sentence.
    Sec. 1201.22  [Amended]
        7. Section 1201.22 is amended at paragraph (a) by adding the phrase 
    ``or field'' after ``regional'' in the first sentence.
    Sec. 1201.37  [Amended]
        8. Section 1201.37 is amended at paragraph (a)(3) by removing 
    ``Sec. 1201.116'' at the end of the second sentence and by adding in 
    its place ``Sec. 1201.117.''
    Sec. 1201.122  [Amended]
        9. Section 1201.122 is amended at paragraph (c) by adding the 
    phrase ``by commercial overnight delivery,'' after ``by facsimile,'' in 
    the second sentence.
    Sec. 1201.163  [Amended]
        10. Section 1201.163 is amended at paragraph (c)(1) by deleting the 
    phrase ``Regional Office'' in the second sentence and by adding in its 
    place the phrase ``regional or field office.''
    Sec. 1201.182  [Amended]
        11. Section 1201.182 is amended by adding the phrase ``or field'' 
    after ``regional'' in the second sentence of paragraph (a) and in the 
    fourth sentence of paragraph (c).
    Appendix I  [Amended]
        12. Appendix I to part 1201 is amended by removing the July 1991 
    edition of the MSPB Appeal Form, Optional Form 283 (Rev. 7-91), and by 
    adding in its place the October 1994 edition of the MSPB Appeal Form, 
    Optional Form 283 (Rev. 10-94), as follows:
    Appendix I to Part 1201--Merit Systems Protection Board Appeal Form
    BILLING CODE 7400-01-P
    BILLING CODE 7400-01-C
    Appendix II  [Amended]
        13. Appendix II to part 1201 is amended by adding the following new 
    sentence after the first sentence of the first paragraph: ``The 
    facsimile numbers listed below are TDD-capable; however, calls will be 
    answered by voice before being connected to the TDD.''
        14. Appendix II to part 1201 is amended at paragraph 1. by removing 
    ``10th Floor'' and by adding in its place ``Suite 1050.''
        15. Appendix II to part 1201 is amended at paragraph 5. by removing 
    the phrase ``730 Simms Street, suite 301, P.O. Box 25025, Denver, 
    Colorado 80225-0025, Facsimile No.: (303) 231-5205'' and by adding in 
    its place ``12567 W. Cedar Drive, Suite 100, Lakewood, Colorado 80228, 
    Facsimile No.: (303) 969-5109.''
        16. Appendix II to part 1201 is amended by adding ``V/TDD'' before 
    ``Facsimile No.'' in each of the paragraphs 1. through 11.
    Appendix III  [Amended]
        17. Appendix III to part 1201 is amended under the heading 
    ``Atlanta Regional Office'' by removing ``Jacksonville, North 
    Carolina'' and by adding in its place ``Charlotte, North Carolina'' and 
    by adding ``Wilmington, North Carolina'' after ``Raleigh, North 
        18. Appendix III to part 1201 is amended under the heading ``Denver 
    Field Office'' by adding ``Grand Junction, Colorado'' after ``Denver, 
    Colorado'' and by adding ``Fargo, North Dakota'' after ``Bismarck, 
    North Dakota.''
        19. Appendix III to part 1201 is amended under the heading ``New 
    York Field Office'' by adding ``San Juan, Puerto Rico'' after ``Newark, 
    New Jersey.''
        20. Appendix III to part 1201 is amended under the heading ``San 
    Francisco Regional Office'' by adding ``Santa Barbara, California'' 
    after ``San Diego, California.''
        Dated: December 12, 1994.
     Robert E. Taylor,
    Clerk of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 94-30889 Filed 12-16-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7400-01-P

Document Information

Merit Systems Protection Board
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
December 19, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: December 19, 1994
CFR: (8)
5 CFR 1201.37(a)
5 CFR 1201.3
5 CFR 1201.4
5 CFR 1201.22
5 CFR 1201.37
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