96-31631. Implementation of Equal Access to Justice Act in Commission Proceedings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 245 (Thursday, December 19, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 66961-66965]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-31631]
    29 CFR Part 2704
    Implementation of Equal Access to Justice Act in Commission 
    AGENCY: Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission is 
    proposing to revise its rules providing for the award of attorneys' 
    fees and other expenses under the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA), 5 
    U.S.C. 504, applicable to eligible individuals and entities who are 
    parties to administrative proceedings before the Commission. The 
    proposed revisions to the rules are in response to amendments to the 
    EAJA, enacted pursuant to Public Law 104-121, 110 Stat. 862 (1996), and 
    effective on March 29, 1996. The proposed rules authorize fee awards 
    under a newly-defined standard--when the Secretary of Labor's demand is 
    substantially in excess of the decision of the Commission and is 
    unreasonable when compared to that decision. The proposed rules also 
    expand the definition of a ``party'' eligible for an award under this 
    new standard to include ``a small entity'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 601. 
    The maximum hourly rate for attorneys' fees in all EAJA cases before 
    the Commission is increased to $125. Finally, the Commission is 
    revising its rules to provide that parties submit EAJA applications to 
    the Chief Administrative Law Judge instead of the Chairman. The 
    Commission invites public comments on these proposed rules.
    DATES: Comments should be received by January 21, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to Richard L. Baker, Executive 
    Director, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 1730 K 
    Street, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20006. For the convenience of 
    persons who will be reviewing the comments, it is requested that 
    commenters provide an original and three copies of their comments.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Norman M. Gleichman, General Counsel, 
    Office of the General Counsel, 1730 K Street, NW, 6th Floor, 
    Washington, DC 20006, telephone 202-653-5610 (202-566-2673 for TDD 
    Relay). These are not toll-free numbers.
    I. Background
        Under the Commission's present rules, the EAJA applies to 
    administrative adjudications, brought pursuant to the Federal Mine 
    Safety and Health Act of 1977, 30 U.S.C. 801 et seq., in which an 
    eligible party prevails over the Department of Labor's Mine Safety and 
    Health Administration. 29 CFR 2704.100 and 2704.103. Prior to the 
    enactment of Public Law 104-121, prevailing parties could receive 
    awards if they met the EAJA's eligibility standards (which set ceilings 
    on the net worth and number of employees) and if the government's 
    position was not ``substantially justified.''
        Public Law 104-121 creates an additional standard under which 
    eligible parties can obtain fees in administrative adjudications. The 
    EAJA amendments authorize an award when a government ``demand'' is both 
    ``substantially in excess of the decision of the adjudicative officer'' 
    and ``unreasonable.'' Id. at 231(a). Under this standard, if the demand 
    by the Secretary of Labor is substantially in excess of the judgment 
    finally obtained by the Secretary and is unreasonable when compared 
    with that judgment under the facts and circumstances of the case, the 
    Commission shall award to the opposing party the fees and other 
    expenses related to defending against the excessive demand, unless the 
    party has committed a willful violation of law or otherwise acted in 
    bad faith, or special circumstances make an award unjust. Id.
        Public Law 104-121 also establishes a separate definition of a 
    ``party'' for fee awards under the new standard. Parties that are 
    eligible to apply for awards include ``small entit[ies] as defined in 
    section 601 [of title 5].'' Id. at 231(b)(2). Title 5 U.S.C. 601(6) 
    provides that ``small entity'' has ``the same meaning as the term[ ] 
    `small business'. . . .'' In turn, a ``small business'' is defined at 5 
    U.S.C. 601(3) as a ``small business concern'' under section 3 of the 
    Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632). Section 632(a) authorized the Small 
    Business Administration (SBA) to establish standards to specify when a 
    business concern is ``small.'' The SBA has recently issued updated size 
    standards for various types of economic activity, categorized by the 
    Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC). 13 CFR 121.105. In 
    defining the standards for small businesses engaged in mining, the SBA 
    regulations count either annual receipts or numbers of employees. The 
    number of employees or annual receipts specified is the maximum allowed 
    for a concern and its affiliates to be considered small. 13 CFR 
    121.201. The standards for the mining industry are as follows:
    DIVISION B--MINING:                                                     
      MAJOR GROUP 10--METAL MINING........  500 employees.                  
      MAJOR GROUP 12--COAL MINING.........  500 employees.                  
      MAJOR GROUP 14--MINING AND QUARRYING  500 employees.                  
       OF NON-METALLIC MINERALS, EXCEPT                                     
      1081 Metal Mining Services..........  $5 million.                     
      1241 Coal Mining Services...........  $5 million.                     
      1481 Nonmetallic Minerals Services,   $5 million.                     
       Except Fuels.                                                        
    13 CFR 121.201.
        Finally, Public Law 104-121 increases the maximum fee award of an 
    attorney or agent from $75.00 to $125.00 per hour. Id. at 231(b)(1).
    II. Analysis of the Regulations
        The present language of Sec. 2704.100 providing for fee awards to 
    prevailing parties when the Secretary's position is not substantially 
    justified is unchanged. The Commission proposes to add new language to 
    the rule to provide that an eligible party may receive an award if the 
    demand of the Secretary is substantially in excess of the decision of 
    the Commission and is unreasonable when compared with that decision, 
    unless the applicant party has committed a willful violation of law or 
    otherwise acted in bad faith or special circumstances make an award 
    unjust. For purposes of this part, a decision of the Commission 
    includes not only a decision by the Commission but also a decision by 
    an administrative law judge that becomes final by operation by law.
        The present language of Sec. 2704.102 is revised to specify that 
    recovery under the prevailing party standard is available for any 
    adversary adjudication commenced before the Commission after August 5, 
    1984. Proposed language provides that, where an applicant seeks an 
    award based on a substantially excessive and unreasonable demand of
    [[Page 66962]]
    the Secretary, the adversary adjudication before the Commission must 
    have commenced on or after March 29, 1996, the effective date of the 
    EAJA amendments.
        In Sec. 2704.104(a) the Commission proposes to restate the 
    reference to 5 U.S.C. 551(3), which defines ``party'' in the 
    Administrative Procedure Act. The Commission proposes to add new 
    language referring to the eligibility conditions specified in 
    paragraphs (b) and (c).
        Section 2704.104(b) states the eligibility requirements for an 
    applicant seeking an award based on prevailing party status. The 
    requirements in the present paragraph (b) are proposed in renumbered 
    form with one exception; references to charitable or tax exempt 
    organizations and units of local government have been deleted, because 
    it is not apparent that such organizations have ever been involved in a 
    Mine Act proceeding. Paragraph (c) states the standards for an 
    applicant seeking an award based on a substantially excessive and 
    unreasonable demand by the Secretary. Such an applicant must be a small 
    entity as defined in 5 U.S.C. 601. To qualify as a small business under 
    5 U.S.C. 601(3), the applicant must meet the requirements for a small 
    mining business concern as set forth by the SBA at 13 CFR 121.104, 
    121.106 and 121.201. Title 13 CFR 121.106 details the SBA's methodology 
    of counting employees, which differs from the Commission's present rule 
    for counting employees for purposes of determining eligibility of a 
    prevailing party.
        The Commission proposes that it not reiterate the specific SBA 
    standards for ascertaining whether a mining operation is ``small'' 
    because those standards are subject to revision periodically by the 
    SBA. Instead, the Commission proposes to notify the mining community, 
    by Federal Register publication, of changes in the SBA standards as 
    they occur. The Commission has omitted any reference to other types of 
    small entities contained in 5 U.S.C. 601, including ``small 
    organization,'' which pertains to not-for-profit enterprises, and 
    ``small governmental jurisdiction,'' 5 U.S.C. 601(4) and (5), because 
    it is unlikely that any of these organizations will be involved in 
    proceedings under the Mine Act.
        The Commission proposes to redesignate Sec. 2704.104(c) through (g) 
    and amend paragraphs (c) and (f), in conformance with the EAJA 
    amendments relating to eligibility, by adding language to the present 
    rules. Under proposed paragraph (d), the annual receipts, number of 
    employees or net worth of the applicant, as applicable, shall be 
    determined as of the date the underlying proceeding was initiated under 
    the Mine Act. Under proposed paragraph (g), the annual receipts, 
    numbers of employees or net worth, as applicable, of the applicant and 
    its affiliates shall be aggregated to determine eligibility. The 
    Commission proposes to leave unchanged, except for redesignating, 
    current paragraphs (d), (e), and (g).
        Section 2704.105(a) sets forth the standards for an applicant 
    seeking an award based on prevailing party status and is unchanged 
    except that it is amended to include the sentence regarding denial or 
    reduction of an award because of unreasonable protraction in the 
    proceedings or special circumstances that is presently in paragraph 
        The proposed language in Sec. 2704.105(b) tracks the language of 
    Public Law 104-121 at section 231(a) and provides that, if the demand 
    of the Secretary is substantially in excess of the decision of the 
    Commission and is unreasonable when compared with such decision, under 
    the facts and circumstances of the case, the Commission shall award to 
    an eligible party applicant fees and expenses related to defending 
    against the excessive demand. Nevertheless, an award may not be made if 
    the applicant has committed a willful violation of law or otherwise 
    acted in bad faith or special circumstances make an award unjust. 
    Whether the applicant has unduly or unreasonably protracted the 
    underlying proceeding may also be considered. The proposed language 
    provides that the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that the 
    demand of the Secretary is substantially excessive and unreasonable. 
    The rule also defines ``demand'' by tracking language in the EAJA 
    amendments, Public Law 104-121 at section 231(b)(5)(F). While the 
    statutory language might suggest that the new standard of awards is 
    limited to penalty cases, that issue is best left to resolution in 
    individual case adjudication.
        In conformity with the EAJA amendments, Sec. 2704.106(b) is amended 
    to provide that the maximum award for fees of an attorney or agent is 
    $125.00 per hour.
        Section 2704.107(a) is amended to reflect that the highest award 
    for fees of an attorney or agent is $125.00 per hour. The term 
    ``agent'' is added to the present rule to bring the rule into 
    conformity with the statutory language.
        The present language of Sec. 2704.108 provides for awards only to 
    prevailing parties in cases where the Secretary's position is not 
    substantially justified. The Commission proposes to amend the rule to 
    add a reference to the new standard for recovery in the EAJA amendments 
    set forth in Sec. 2704.105(b). The rule provides that, if an applicant 
    is entitled to an award under either standard in Sec. 2704.105, the 
    award shall be made by the Commission against the Department of Labor.
        Proposed Sec. 2704.201 designates the Chief Administrative Law 
    Judge as the Commission official to whom EAJA applications are 
    submitted, revising the present procedure requiring submission of 
    applications to the Chairman. The Commission further proposes to amend 
    present Sec. 2704.201(a) and (b) by moving their major portions 
    relating to the contents of an application by a prevailing party to 
    Sec. 2704.202. The remaining portions of the proposed rule set forth 
    the information common to applications based on either prevailing party 
    status or a substantially excessive and unreasonable demand by the 
    Secretary and are a redesignation of major portions of present 
    Sec. 2704.201(a) to (f).
        In Sec. 2704.202(a) the Commission proposes to amend the present 
    rule by adding the requirements presently in Sec. 2704.201(a) for an 
    EAJA application by a prevailing party. Present Sec. 2704.202(b) is 
    redesignated as Sec. 2704.204.
        Proposed Sec. 2704.202(b) is primarily a redesignation of present 
    Sec. 2704.201(b) concerning the applicant's net-worth exhibit. Language 
    from present Sec. 2704.201(b) permitting a tax-exempt organization to 
    omit a net-worth statement has not been retained because of the low 
    likelihood that such an organization would ever be a party to a 
    Commission proceeding.
        Present Sec. 2704.203 is redesignated as Sec. 2704.205. Proposed 
    Sec. 2704.203(a) amends the present rule by adding the new standard for 
    recovery. Proposed Sec. 2704.203(b) provides that the application must 
    show that the applicant is a small entity as defined in 5 U.S.C. 
    601(6). Paragraph (b) also refers to the SBA regulations at 13 CFR Part 
    121 and provides that the application shall include a statement of the 
    applicant's annual receipts or number of employees, where the applicant 
    seeks eligibility based on being a small business. Paragraph (b) 
    requires a brief description of the type and purpose of the applicant's 
    organization or business. Because the EAJA amendments rely on the SBA's 
    definition of ``small business concern,'' and because the SBA has 
    defined small business concerns engaged in mining in terms of annual 
    receipts or number of employees and has set forth its methodology for
    [[Page 66963]]
    calculating the annual receipts or number of employees (13 CFR 121.104 
    and 121.106), the Commission intends that parties be guided by those 
    regulations in meeting the SBA's standards of annual receipts or number 
    of employees to qualify as a ``small business.''
        Present Sec. 2704.204 is redesignated as Sec. 2704.206. Proposed 
    Sec. 2704.204 is a redesignation of Sec. 2704.202(b). In addition, the 
    Commission proposes to modify the language in present Sec. 2704.202(b) 
    for regulating the public disclosure of financial information in the 
    networth and annual receipts exhibits. Present Sec. 2704.202(b) only 
    relates to the net-worth exhibit.
        Proposed Sec. 2704.205 is a redesignation of present Sec. 2704.203.
        Proposed Sec. 2704.206 is a redesignation of Sec. 2704.204. 
    Paragraph (a) adds new language that an application may also be filed 
    when a demand by the Secretary is substantially in excess of the 
    decision finally obtained in the case and unreasonable. In addition, 
    language has been added to provide for the filing of EAJA applications 
    with the Commission 30 days after final disposition by a court in the 
    event that an applicant wishes to file in light of the court's 
    disposition. See Dole v. Phoenix Roofing, Inc., 922 F.2d 1202 (5th Cir. 
    1991). Section 2704.206(b) proposes language to include the new 
    standard for recovery. Section 2704.206(c) is changed to delete an 
    inadvertent reference to section 105(a) of the Mine Act, 30 U.S.C. 
    815(a), in the definition of final Commission dispositions in the 
    present rule; in addition, references to Commission EAJA decisions in 
    Sec. 2704.307 and 2704.308 are deleted.
        Proposed Sec. 2704.305 eliminates ``prevailing'' from present 
    Sec. 2704.305 to reflect that an EAJA award is no longer limited to 
    proceedings involving a prevailing party but includes those proceedings 
    in which the Secretary has made a substantially excessive and 
    unreasonable demand.
        Because an EAJA award is no longer limited to a prevailing party, 
    language has been added to Sec. 2704.307 to provide for the issuance of 
    written findings and conclusions covering whether the applicant has 
    been subjected to a substantially excessive and unreasonable demand. 
    Commission judges are instructed to make specific findings depending on 
    whether the application was filed pursuant to Sec. 2704.105 (a) or (b).
    III. Matters of Regulatory Procedure
        The Commission has determined that these rules are not subject to 
    Office of Management and Budget review under Executive Order 12866.
        The Commission has determined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
    (5 U.S.C. 601-612) that these rules, if adopted, would not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Therefore, a Regulatory Flexibility Statement and Analysis has not been 
        The Commission has determined that the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 
    U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) does not apply because these rules do not contain 
    any information collection requirements that require the approval of 
    the Office of Management and Budget.
    List of Subjects in CFR Part 2704
        Administrative practice and procedure, Equal access to justice.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, it is proposed that 29 CFR 
    part 2704 be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 2704 is revised to read as 
        Authority: Pub. L. 96-481, 94 Stat. 2325 (5 U.S.C. 504(c)(1)); 
    Pub. L. 99-80, 99 Stat. 183; Pub. L. 104-121, 110 Stat. 862.
    Subpart A--General Provisions
        2. Section 2704.100 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.100  Purpose of these rules.
        The Equal Access to Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. 504, provides for the 
    award of attorney fees and other expenses to eligible individuals and 
    entities who are parties to certain administrative proceedings (called 
    ``adversary adjudications'') before this Commission. An eligible party 
    may receive an award when it prevails over the Department of Labor, 
    Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), unless the Secretary of 
    Labor's position in the proceeding was substantially justified or 
    special circumstances make an award unjust. In addition to the 
    foregoing ground of recovery, an eligible party may receive an award if 
    the demand of the Secretary is substantially in excess of the decision, 
    unless the applicant party has committed a willful violation of law or 
    otherwise acted in bad faith, or special circumstances make an award 
    unjust. The rules in this part describe the parties eligible for each 
    type of awards. They also explain how to apply for awards, and the 
    procedures and standards that this Commission will use to make the 
        3. Section 2704.102 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.102  Applicability.
        Section 2704.105(a) applies to adversary adjudications before the 
    Commission pending or commenced on or after August 5, 1984. Section 
    2704.105(b) applies to adversary adjudications commenced on or after 
    March 29, 1996.
        4. Section 2704.104 is amended by revising paragraphs (b) through 
    (e) and removing paragraphs (f) and (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.104  Eligibility of applicants.
    * * * * *
        (b) For purposes of awards under Sec. 2704.150(a) for prevailing 
        (1) The employees of an applicant include all persons who regularly 
    perform services for remuneration for the applicant, under the 
    applicant's direction and control. Part-time employees shall be 
    included on a proportional basis;
        (2) The net worth and number of employees of the applicant and all 
    of its affiliates shall be aggregated to determine eligibility. Any 
    individual, corporation or other entity that directly or indirectly 
    controls or owns a majority of the voting shares or other interest of 
    the applicant, or any corporation or other entity of which the 
    applicant directly or indirectly owns or controls a majority of the 
    voting shares or other interest, will be considered an affiliate for 
    purposes of this part, unless the administrative law judge determines 
    that such treatment would be unjust and contrary to the purposes of the 
    Act in light of the actual relationship between the affiliated 
    entities. In addition, the administrative law judge may determine that 
    financial relationships of the applicant other than those described in 
    this paragraph constitute special circumstances that would make an 
    award unjust.
        (3) An applicant who owns an unincorporated business will be 
    considered as an ``individual'' rather than a ``sole owner of an 
    unincorporated business'' if the issues on which the applicant prevails 
    are related primarily to personal interests rather than to business.
        (4) The types of eligible applicants are as follows--
        (i) An individual with a net worth of not more than $2 million;
        (ii) The sole owner of an unincorporated business who has a net 
    worth of not more than $7 million, including both personal and business 
    interests, and employs not more than 500 employees;
    [[Page 66964]]
        (iii) Any other partnership, corporation, association, or public or 
    private organization with a net worth of not more than $7 million and 
    not more than 500 employees;
        (c) For the purposes of awards under Sec. 2704.105(b), eligible 
    applicants are small entities as defined in 5 U.S.C. 601, subject to 
    the annual-receipts and number-of-employees standards as set forth by 
    the Small Business Administration at 30 CFR part 121;
        (d) For the purpose of eligibility, the net worth, number of 
    employees, or annual receipts of an applicant, as applicable, shall be 
    determined as of the date the underlying proceeding was initiated under 
    the Mine Act.
        (e) An applicant that participates in a proceeding primarily on 
    behalf of one or more other persons or entities that would be 
    ineligible is not itself eligible for an award.
        5. Section 2704.105 is revised as follows:
    Sec. 2704.105  Standards for awards.
        (a) A prevailing applicant may receive an award of fees and 
    expenses incurred in connection with a proceeding, or in a significant 
    and discrete substantive portion of the proceeding, unless the position 
    of the Secretary was substantially justified. The position of the 
    Secretary includes, in addition to the position taken by the Secretary 
    in the adversary adjudication, the action or failure to act by the 
    Secretary upon which the adversary adjudication is based. The burden of 
    proof that an award should not be made to a prevailing applicant 
    because the Secretary's position was substantially justified is on the 
    Secretary, who may avoid an award by showing that his position was 
    reasonable in law and fact. An award will be reduced or denied if the 
    applicant has unduly or unreasonably protracted the underlying 
    proceeding or if special circumstances make the award unjust.
        (b) If the demand of the Secretary is substantially in excess of 
    the decision of the Commission and is unreasonable when compared with 
    such decision, under the facts and circumstances of the case, the 
    Commission shall award to an eligible applicant the fees and expenses 
    related to defending against the excessive demand, unless the applicant 
    has committed a willful violation of law or otherwise acted in bad 
    faith or special circumstances make an award unjust. The burden of 
    proof that the demand of the Secretary is substantially in excess of 
    the decision of the Commission and is unreasonable when compared with 
    such decision is on the applicant. As used in this section, ``demand'' 
    means the express demand of the Secretary which led to the adversary 
    adjudication, but does not include a recitation by the Secretary of the 
    maximum statutory penalty--
        (1) In the administrative complaint, or
        (2) Elsewhere when accompanied by an express demand for a lesser 
        6. Section 2704.106(b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.106  Allowable fees and expenses.
    * * * * *
        (b) No award for the fee of an attorney or agent under this part 
    may exceed $125.00 per hour. No award to compensate an expert witness 
    may exceed the highest rate at which the Secretary of Labor pays expert 
    witnesses. However, an award may also include the reasonable expenses 
    of the attorney, agent, or witness as a separate item if the attorney, 
    agent or witness ordinarily charges clients separately for such 
    * * * * *
        7. Section 2704.107(a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.107  Rulemaking on maximum rates for attorney fees.
        (a) If warranted by an increase in the cost of living or by special 
    circumstances (such as limited availability of attorneys qualified to 
    handle certain types of proceedings), the Commission may adopt 
    regulations providing that the fees of an attorney or agent may be 
    awarded at a rate higher than $125.00 per hour in some or all of the 
    types of proceedings covered by this part.
    * * * * *
        8. Section 2704.108 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.108  Awards.
        If an applicant is entitled to an award because it has met its 
    burden of proof under Sec. 2704.105 (a) or (b), the award shall be made 
    by the Commission against the Department of Labor.
        9. Subpart B is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart B--Information Required From Applicants
    2704.201  Contents of application--in general.
    2704.202  Contents of application--where the applicant has 
    2704.203  Contents of application--where the Secretary's demand is 
    substantially in excess of the judgment finally obtained and 
    2704.204  Confidential financial information.
    2704.205  Documentation of fees and expenses.
    2704.206  When an application may be filed.
    Subpart B--Information Required From Applicants
    Sec. 2704.201  Contents of application--in general.
        (a) An application for an award of fees and expenses under the Act 
    shall be made to the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Commission 
    at 1730 K Street NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20006. The application 
    shall identify the applicant and the underlying proceeding for which an 
    award is sought.
        (b) The application shall state the amount of fees and expenses for 
    which an award is sought.
        (c) The application may also include any other matters that the 
    applicant wishes the Commission to consider in determining whether and 
    in what amount an award should be made.
        (d) The application should be signed by the applicant or an 
    authorized officer or attorney of the applicant. It shall also contain 
    or be accompanied by a written verification under oath or under penalty 
    of perjury that the information provided in the application is true and 
        (e) Upon receipt of an application, the Chief Administrative Law 
    Judge shall immediately assign it for disposition to the administrative 
    law judge who presided over the underlying Mine Act proceeding.
    Sec. 2704.202  Contents of application--where the applicant has 
        (a) An application for an award under Sec. 2704.105(a) shall show 
    that the applicant has prevailed in a significant and discrete 
    substantive portion of the underlying proceeding and identify the 
    position of the Department of Labor in the proceeding that the 
    applicant alleges was not substantially justified. Unless the applicant 
    is an individual, the application shall also state the number of 
    employees of the applicant and describe briefly the type and purpose of 
    its organization or business.
        (b) The application also shall include a statement that the 
    applicant's net worth does not exceed $2 million (if an individual) or 
    $7 million (for all other applicants including their affiliates, as 
    described in Sec. 2704.104(b)(2) of this part).
        (c) Each applicant must provide with its application a detailed 
    exhibit showing the net worth of the applicant and any affiliates (as 
    described in Sec. 2704.104(b)(2) of this part) when the underlying 
    proceeding was initiated. The exhibit may be in any form convienient to 
    the applicant that
    [[Page 66965]]
    provides full disclosure of the applicant's and its affiliates' assets 
    and liabilities and is sufficient to determine whether the applicant 
    qualifies under the standards in this part. The administrative law 
    judge may require an applicant to file additional information to 
    determine its eligibility for an award.
    Sec. 2704.203  Contents of application--where the Secretary's demand is 
    substantially in excess of the judgment finally obtained and 
        (a) An application for an award under Sec. 2704.105(b) shall show 
    that the Secretary's demand is both substantially in excess of the 
    decision of the Commission and is unreasonable when compared with such 
        (b) The application shall show that the applicant is a small entity 
    as defined in 5 U.S.C. 601(6) and must conform with the standards of 
    the Small Business Administration at 13 CFR 121.201 for mining 
    entities. The application shall include a statement of the applicant's 
    annual receipts or number of employees, as applicable, in conformance 
    with the requirements of 13 CFR 121.104 and 121.106. The application 
    shall describe briefly the type and purpose of its organization or 
    Sec. 2704.204  Confidential financial information.
        Ordinarily, the net-worth and annual receipts exhibits will be 
    included in the public record of the proceeding. However, an applicant 
    that objects to public disclosure of information in any portion of such 
    exhibits and believes there are legal grounds for withholding the 
    information from disclosure may submit that portion of the exhibit 
    directly to the administrative law judge in a sealed envelope labeled 
    ``Confidential Financial Information,'' accompanied by a motion to 
    withhold the information from public disclosure. The motion shall 
    describe the information sought to be withheld and explain, in detail, 
    why it falls within one or more of the specific exemptions from 
    mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 
    552(b)(1)-(9), why public disclosure of the information would adversely 
    affect the applicant, and why disclosure is not required in the public 
    interest. The material in question shall be served on counsel 
    representing the Secretary of Labor against whom the applicant seeks an 
    award, but need not be served on any other party to the proceeding. If 
    the administrative law judge finds that the information should not be 
    withheld from disclosure, it shall be placed in the public record of 
    the proceeding. Otherwise, any request to inspect or copy the exhibit 
    shall be disposed of in accordance with the established procedures 
    under the Freedom of Information Act (29 CFR part 2702).
    Sec. 2704.205 Documentation of fees and expenses.
        The application shall be accompanied by full documentation of the 
    fees and expenses, including the cost of any study, analysis, 
    engineering report, test, project or similar matter, for which an award 
    is sought. A separate itemized statement shall be submitted for each 
    professional firm or individual whose services are covered by the 
    application, showing the hours spent in connection with the underlying 
    proceeding by each individual, a description of the specific services 
    performed, the rate at which each fee has been computed, any expenses 
    for which reimbursement is sought, the total amount claimed, and the 
    total amount paid or payable by the applicant or by any other person or 
    entity for the services provided. The administrative law judge may 
    require the applicant to provide vouchers, receipts, or other 
    substantiation for any expenses claimed.
    Sec. 2704.206  When an application may be filed.
        (a) An application may be filed whenever the applicant has 
    prevailed in the underlying proceeding or in a significant and discrete 
    substantive portion of that proceeding. An application may also be 
    filed when a demand by the Secretary is substantially in excess of the 
    decision of the Commission and is unreasonable when compared with such 
    decision. In no case may an application be filed later than 30 days 
    after the Commission's final disposition of the underlying proceeding, 
    or 30 days after issuance of a court judgment this is final and 
    nonappealable in any Commission adjudication that has been appealed 
    pursuant to section 106 of the Mine Act, 30 U.S.C. 816.
        (b) If review or reconsideration is sought or taken of a decision 
    on the merits as to which an applicant has prevailed or has been 
    subjected to a demand from the Secretary substantially in excess of the 
    decision of the Commission and unreasonable when compared to that 
    decision, proceedings for the award of fees shall be stayed pending 
    final disposition of the underlying controversy.
        (c) For purposes of this part, final disposition before the 
    Commission means the date on which a decision in the underlying 
    proceeding on the merits becomes final under sections 105(d) and 113(d) 
    of the Mine Act (30 U.S.C. 815(d), 823(d)).
    Subpart C--Procedures for Considering Applications
        10. Section 2704.305 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.305  Settlement.
        If an applicant and counsel for the Secretary agree on a proposed 
    settlement of an award before an application has been filed, the 
    application shall be filed with the proposed settlement.
        11. Section 2704.307 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2704.307  Decision of administrative law judge.
        The administrative law judge shall issue an initial decision on the 
    application within 75 days after completion of proceedings on the 
    application. In all decisions on applications, the administrative law 
    judge shall include written findings and conclusions on the applicant's 
    eligibility, an explanation of the reasons for any difference between 
    the amount requested and the amount awarded. As to applications filed 
    pursuant to Sec. 2704.105(a), the administrative law judge shall also 
    include findings on the applicant's status as a prevailing party and 
    whether the position of the Secretary was substantially justified; if 
    at issue, the judge shall also make findings whether the applicant 
    unduly protracted or delayed the underlying proceeding or whether 
    special circumstances make the award unjust. As to applications filed 
    pursuant to Sec. 2704.105(b), the administrative law judge shall 
    include findings that the Secretary made a demand that is substantially 
    in excess of the decision of the Commission and unreasonable when 
    compared with that decision; if a issue, the judge shall also make 
    findings whether the applicant has committed a willful violation of the 
    law or otherwise acted in bad faith or whether special circumstances 
    make the award unjust. The initial decision by the administrative law 
    judge shall become final 40 days after its issuance unless review by 
    the Commission is ordered under Sec. 2704.308 of this part.
        Issued this 6th day of December, 1996 at Washington, D.C.
    Mary Lu Jordan,
    Chairman, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission.
    [FR Doc. 96-31631 Filed 12-18-96; 8:45am]
    BILLING CODE 6735-01-P

Document Information

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments should be received by January 21, 1997.
66961-66965 (5 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (15)
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