99-30838. Storage of Federal Records  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 231 (Thursday, December 2, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 67662-67668]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-30838]
    36 CFR Parts 1220, 1222, and 1228
    RIN 3095-AA86
    Storage of Federal Records
    AGENCY: National Archives and Records Administration.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NARA is amending its records management regulations governing 
    records creation, maintenance, and disposition to update provisions 
    relating to the storage of Federal records. Current regulations focus 
    on the use of NARA records centers for off-site storage and provide 
    procedures for securing NARA approval of agency records centers. 
    However, in addition to records centers operated by NARA and other 
    Federal agencies, some agencies now use commercial records storage 
    facilities for the storage of their records. Among the changes is a new 
    requirement that agencies maintain the same level of intellectual 
    control over records stored in their own records centers and commercial 
    records storage facilities, as is required for records stored in NARA 
    records centers. As part of this requirement, agencies must report to 
    NARA when permanent or unscheduled records are sent for storage to an 
    agency records center or commercial storage facility. The revised 
    regulations specify that agencies must store Federal records in space 
    with appropriate environmental controls to ensure their preservation 
    until the expiration of their retention period (for temporary records) 
    or until the date of transfer to the National Archives of the United 
    States (for permanent records).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 3, 2000.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nancy Allard at 301-713-7360.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NARA published a notice of proposed 
    rulemaking on April 30, 1999, at 64 FR 23510. We considered all 
    comments that were received through July 7, 1999, the closing date for 
    comments on a related proposed rule, Agency Records Centers. We 
    received comments from 7 Federal agencies, the Society of American 
    Archivists, a commercial records center vendor, and a records 
    management consultant. Following is a discussion of these comments and 
    the changes that we made to the proposed rule.
    Section 1220.18
        One agency recommended that we modify Sec. 1220.18 to allow agency-
    owner to inspect its records regardless of physical location (inspect 
    in FRCs). The cited provision deals with NARA access to records for 
    inspection for appraisal and evaluation purposes. The appropriate 
    vehicle for the provision recommended by the agency is the contract 
    with a commercial storage facility or the interagency agreement with 
    NARA or another agency operating an agency records center.
    Section 1228.50(a)(1)
        One agency found the discussion of published schedules confusing. 
    We have revised the paragraph to define what a published schedule 
    contains before noting what is not included in the published schedule.
    Sections 1222.50(c) and 1228.154(f)
        Three agencies offered comments on Sec. 1222.50(c). One agency 
    asked that we clarify that agencies did not have to remove records from 
    facilities if the noncompliance relates to a standard which must be 
    phased in during the next 10 years, and we have done so. Two agencies 
    stated that 6 months was not sufficient time to move records from 
    noncompliant facilities. One of the agencies recommended allowing at 
    least one year. The other agency, citing procurement lead times, 
    recommended moving permanent records if the facility is not brought up 
    to standards within 6 months and moving the remaining records within 
    another year. We have changed the requirement to provide that agencies 
    must initiate removal of records from a noncompliant center within 6 
    months and complete removal within 18 months after initial discovery of 
    the deficiencies. We have also modified Sec. 1228.154(f) to conform 
    with this change.
    Section 1228.54
        One agency asked that this section be modified to allow agencies to 
    retain records needed under court order or agency imposed moratorium 
    for longer than one year without NARA approval. Another agency 
    questioned the need for NARA approval of requests for extension of 
    retention periods for records stored in centers other than NARA's and 
    objected to the requirement that agencies provide NARA with copies of 
    formal instructions that extend retention periods. We have not changed 
    this section. Agencies are reminded that 44 U.S.C. 3303a makes 
    retention periods in approved agency records schedules mandatory unless 
    the Archivist of the United States, under his authority in 44 U.S.C. 
    2909, permits the agency to retain the records longer upon submission 
    of evidence of need.
        Another agency recommended that this section address situations 
    where NARA determines that records are no longer permanent but the 
    custodial agency wants to keep them permanently or to donate them to a 
    non-profit organization. Section 1228.60, which is not revised in this 
    rule, does provide for donation of temporary records, which include 
    those records previously appraised as permanent by NARA but 
    subsequently found to be disposable.
    Section 1228.152 Chart
        The Office of the Secretary, Department of Defense (DOD) noted that 
    NARA has determined that Official Military Personnel Files (OMPFs) are 
    permanent records and stated that they should be included with other 
    permanent records on the chart. A commercial records center vendor also 
    recommended that OMPFs be permitted in any records storage facility. We 
    have adopted DOD's comment. We caution
    [[Page 67663]]
    DOD agencies that they must follow DOD-wide policy in retiring their 
    records to a records storage facility.
    Section 1228.154(c)
        Three agencies and the Society of American Archivists (SAA) offered 
    comments on this section. One agency argued that the requirement to 
    notify NARA when the agency sends permanent records for storage should 
    be replaced by a requirement that agencies maintain the information on 
    permanent records and supply it to NARA upon request. Another agency 
    recommended that the requirement be changed to require agencies that 
    were transferring records to an agency-owned records center to provide 
    NARA only with summary information on an annual basis. A third agency 
    recommended that the rule be modified to require that agencies report 
    to NARA whenever permanent or unscheduled records are moved from an 
    agency or commercial records center to which they were originally sent. 
    The SAA endorsed the information that must be maintained on records 
    sent to storage.
        We have adopted only the third comment. The amount of information 
    that agencies must furnish to NARA when transferring permanent or 
    unscheduled records to records storage facilities is the same 
    information agencies themselves must have to locate and access the 
    records. It is important to keep that information up to date. We do not 
    believe that submitting the information to NARA as the records are 
    transferred is more burdensome than maintaining the information in a 
    central location in the agency or compiling a summary report for NARA 
    for records that are not transferred to a NARA center. For records 
    transferred to a NARA center, the transfer paperwork will be used to 
    comply with this requirement. The reporting requirements for permanent 
    and unscheduled should be consistent throughout the Government. As 
    permanent records are a very small percentage of all agency records, 
    the reporting requirement should place a minimal burden on the 
    agencies. Information on unscheduled records is required to assist NARA 
    in inspecting the records as part of their appraisal.
    Section 1228.156(b)
        One agency pointed out a discrepancy between Section 1228.154(b) 
    and this paragraph concerning the timing of submission of information 
    on unscheduled records. The agency recommended that both sections be 
    modified to permit an agency to submit schedules and provide the 
    information within 90 days after the records are transferred to a 
    records storage facility. We have changed Section 1228.156(b) to 
    conform with Section 1228.154(b). Section 1228.154 requires submission 
    of a proposed schedule for the records and NARA confirmation that the 
    schedule is accepted for processing before the records are moved to a 
    records storage facility. We believe that this requirement provides an 
    incentive for the agency to take the necessary steps to schedule the 
    records. Moreover, if the SF 115 is missing information about the 
    records that is necessary for NARA processing, the agency can locate it 
        Another agency objected to the requirement to submit information on 
    permanent records sent to storage outside of NARA facilities, 
    contending that this information could change over time and is not 
    needed by NARA until the records are transferred 30 to 50 years later. 
    We did not adopt this comment. As we note in our discussion of the 
    comments on Section 1228.154, the information to be furnished to NARA 
    on permanent records is the same level of information agencies 
    themselves need to locate and access the records. The change we are 
    making to Section 1228.154 will ensure that the information is kept up 
    to date. We do not believe that submitting the information to NARA as 
    the records are transferred is more burdensome than maintaining the 
    information in the agency.
    Sections 1228.160 and 1228.168(b)
        One agency recommended that these sections be revised to authorize 
    electronic submission of the SF 135 and SF 180 to NARA. At the present 
    time, we do not have the capability to accept and process the 
    electronic versions of these forms. The wording of the regulation will 
    not prohibit electronic forms when we are able to accept them.
    Section 1228.170
        One agency recommended that we clarify that NARA will not destroy 
    records in its own records centers without first receiving written 
    concurrence from the agency. Since we have already instituted this 
    procedure, we have adopted the comment.
    Section 1228.272
        DOD was concerned that this section would not permit the agency to 
    control transfer of military personnel records at the level of the 
    individual OMPF, which would adversely affect the finding aids to those 
    records. This requirement was intended to ensure that permanent records 
    stored by facilities that use bar coding to control and track boxes 
    will identify and ship permanent records as collections of records 
    series, as required on the agencies' approved SF 115s. We will be 
    working with DOD to incorporate the terms of transfer of the OMPFs in 
    the SF 115, which will be a binding agreement on both agencies, and, if 
    necessary, will be made an exception to this regulation.
        One agency recommended that NARA provide agencies with a checklist 
    of requirements to consider when establishing a contract for commercial 
    facilities. This suggestion is outside the scope of the regulation but 
    we plan to make the checklist of facility requirements that we use to 
    inspect agency centers available as a tool for agencies to use.
        Finally, we have made several nonsubstantive editorial changes, 
    such as using active voice in several sentences and correcting a 
    typographical error in the existing text of redesignated Section 
        This rule is contained in NARA's Regulatory Plan and is a 
    significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 of September 
    30, 1993. As such, it has been reviewed by OMB. As required by the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, it is hereby certified that this rule will 
    not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. This rule is not a major rule as defined in 5 U.S.C. Chapter 
    8, Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking.
    List of Subjects in 36 CFR Parts 1220, 1222, and 1228
        Archives and records.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, NARA amends 36 CFR parts 
    1220, 1222, and 1228 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 1220 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104(a) and chs. 29 and 33.
        2. In Sec. 1220.14, revise the definitions of ``Disposition'', 
    ``Permanent record'' and ``Recordkeeping requirements''; and add new 
    definitions in alphabetical order for ``Commercial records storage 
    facility'', ``Records center'', and ``Records storage facility'' to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 1220.14  General definitions.
    * * * * *
        Commercial records storage facility is a private sector commercial 
    facility that offers records storage, retrieval, and disposition 
    * * * * *
    [[Page 67664]]
        Disposition means those actions taken regarding records no longer 
    needed for the conduct of the regular current business of the agency.
    * * * * *
        Permanent record means any Federal record that has been determined 
    by NARA to have sufficient value to warrant its preservation in the 
    National Archives of the United States Permanent records include all 
    records accessioned by NARA into the National Archives of the United 
    States and later increments of the same records, and those for which 
    the disposition is permanent on SF 115s, Request for Records 
    Disposition Authority, approved by NARA on or after May 14, 1973.
        Recordkeeping requirements means all statements in statutes, 
    regulations, and agency directives or authoritative issuances, that 
    provide general and specific requirements for Federal agency personnel 
    on particular records to be created and maintained by the agency.
    * * * * *
        Records center is defined in 44 U.S.C. 2901(6) as an establishment 
    maintained and operated by the Archivist or by another Federal agency 
    primarily for the storage, servicing, security, and processing of 
    records which need to be preserved for varying periods of time and need 
    not be retained in office equipment or space.
    * * * * *
        Records storage facility is a records center or a commercial 
    records storage facility, as defined in this section, i.e., a facility 
    used by a Federal agency to store Federal records, whether that 
    facility is operated and maintained by the agency, by NARA, by another 
    Federal agency, or by a private commercial entity.
    * * * * *
        3. In Sec. 1220.18, revise the section heading, designate the 
    existing text as paragraph (b), and add new paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1220.18  Inspection of records.
        (a) In order for NARA to conduct inspections and studies required 
    in 44 U.S.C. Chapter 29 and records appraisals in 44 U.S.C. Chapter 33, 
    agencies must provide access for authorized NARA staff members to 
    records in the agency's legal custody, regardless of the physical 
    location of the records.
    * * * * *
        4. Revise Sec. 1220.36 to read as follows:
    Sec. 1220.36  Maintenance and use of records.
        (a) Agencies must institute adequate records management controls 
    over the maintenance and use of records wherever they are located to 
    ensure that all records, regardless of format or medium, are organized, 
    classified, and described to promote their accessibility, and make them 
    available for use by all appropriate agency staff for their authorized 
    retention period. Agencies must also maintain permanent records in a 
    format that will permit transfer to the National Archives of the United 
        (b) Agencies must ensure that they maintain adequate information 
    about their records moved to an off-site records storage facility (see 
    36 CFR 1228.154). Agencies must also create and maintain records that 
    document the destruction of temporary records and the transfer of 
    permanent records to the National Archives of the United States. The 
    disposition of records that provide such documentation is governed by 
    General Records Schedule (GRS) 16.
        (c) Agencies must also comply with GSA regulations on the 
    maintenance and use of records found in 41 CFR part 101-11.
        5. Revise Sec. 1220.38 to read as follows:
    Sec. 1220.38  Disposition of records.
        (a) Agencies must ensure the proper, authorized disposition of 
    their records, regardless of format or medium, so that permanent 
    records are preserved and temporary records no longer of use to an 
    agency are promptly deleted or disposed of in accordance with the 
    approved records schedule when their required retention period expires. 
    As an intermediate step when records are not needed for current day-to-
    day reference, they may be transferred to a records storage facility.
        (b) Agencies must secure NARA approval of a records schedule or 
    apply the appropriate General Records Schedule item before destroying 
    any temporary records or transferring permanent records to the National 
    Archives of the United States (see 36 CFR part 1228).
        6. Revise Sec. 1220.42 to read as follows:
    Sec. 1220.42  Agency internal evaluations.
        Each agency must periodically evaluate its records management 
    programs relating to records creation and record keeping requirements, 
    maintenance and use of records, and records disposition. These 
    evaluations shall include periodic monitoring of staff determinations 
    of the record status of documentary materials in all media, and 
    implementation of these decisions. These evaluations should determine 
    compliance with NARA regulations in this subchapter, including 
    requirements for storage of agency records and records storage 
    facilities in 36 CFR part 1228, subparts I and K, and assess the 
    effectiveness of the agency's records management program.
        7. The authority citation for part 1222 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2904, 3101, and 3102.
        8. In Sec. 1222.20, remove the period at the end of paragraphs 
    (b)(5), (b)(8), and (b)(9), and add a semicolon in its place, and add 
    paragraph (b)(10) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1222.20  Agency responsibilities.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (10) Ensure that records storage facilities used to store the 
    agency's records comply with the standards specified in 36 CFR part 
    1228, subpart K. The agency must also comply with 36 CFR 1228.240 by 
    obtaining NARA approval of an agency records center or submitting 
    documentation of compliance by a commercial records storage facility 
    before the agency transfers records to that facility.
        9. In Sec. 1222.50, revise the section heading and add paragraph 
    (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1222.50  Records maintenance and storage.
    * * * * *
        (c) Agencies must ensure that:
        (1) Records in their legal custody sent for off-site storage are 
    maintained in facilities that meet the standards specified in 36 CFR 
    part 1228, subpart K;
        (2) The information requirements specified at 36 CFR 1228.154 are 
    met; and
        (3) They remove their records from any records storage facility 
    that does not correct nonconformances with the standards specified in 
    36 CFR part 1228, subpart K. (A facility is compliant if it does not 
    have to meet the standard until a specific date in the future or 
    compliance has been waived by NARA in accordance with 36 CFR 1228.238.) 
    Agencies must initiate removal of the records from such a center within 
    6 months of initial discovery of the deficiencies by NARA or the agency 
    and to complete removal of the records within 18 months after initial 
    discovery of the deficiencies.
        10. The authority citation for part 1228 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. chs. 21, 29, and 33.
    [[Page 67665]]
        11. In Sec. 1228.22, revise paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1228.22  Developing records schedules.
    * * * * *
        (d) Based on agency need, develop specific recommended retention 
    and disposition instructions for each records series or each part of an 
    automated information system, including file breaks, retention periods 
    for temporary records, transfer periods for permanent records, and 
    instructions for the transfer of records to an approved records storage 
    facility when appropriate.
    * * * * *
        12. In Sec. 1228.24, revise paragraph (c)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1228.24  Formulation of agency records schedules.
    * * * * *
        (c) Provisions of schedules. * * *
        (2) The removal to a records storage facility of records not 
    eligible for immediate destruction or other disposition but which are 
    no longer needed in office space. These records are maintained by the 
    records storage facility until they are eligible for final disposition 
    * * * * *
        13. In Sec. 1228.32, add paragraph (c), to read as follows:
    Sec. 1228.32  Request to change disposition authority.
    * * * * *
        (c) Agencies must secure NARA approval before changing the 
    provision in a disposition instruction that specifies the period of 
    time that permanent records will remain in agency legal custody prior 
    to transfer to the National Archives of the United States.
        14. In Sec. 1228.50, revise paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(3) to read as 
    Sec. 1228.50  Application of schedules.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (1) Published schedules contain disposition authorities granted by 
    NARA for records that the agency continues to create. They include 
    general instructions for transfer of records to a records storage 
    facility, transfer of records to the National Archives of the United 
    States, and other retention and disposition procedures. They do not 
    include nonrecurring records for which NARA has granted authority for 
    immediate disposal or transfer to the National Archives of the United 
    * * * * *
        (3) Prior to issuance, agencies may consult with NARA concerning 
    directives or other issuances containing approved schedules, 
    instructions for use of NARA records centers, transfer of records to 
    the National Archives of the United States, or other matters covered by 
    NARA procedures or regulations.
    * * * * *
        15. In Sec. 1228.54, revise paragraphs (a), (c)(4), and (e) and 
    remove paragraphs (g) and (h) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1228.54  Temporary extension of retention periods.
        (a) Approved agency records schedules and the General Records 
    Schedules are mandatory (44 U.S.C. 3303a). Records series or systems 
    eligible for destruction must not be maintained longer without the 
    prior written approval of the National Archives and Records 
    Administration (NWML) except when:
        (1) The agency has requested a change in the retention period for 
    the records series or system in accordance with Sec. 1228.32; or
        (2) Records are needed for up to one year beyond the date they are 
    eligible for disposal. When such records are in a records storage 
    facility, the agency must notify the facility of the need for continued 
    retention of the records.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (4) A statement of the current and proposed physical location of 
    the records.
    * * * * *
        (e) Agencies must ensure that affected records storage facilities 
    are notified when NARA approves an extension of the retention period 
    beyond the period authorized in the records control schedule. Agencies 
    must forward to NARA (NWML) two copies of all formally issued 
    instructions which extend the retention periods.
    * * * * *
        16. In Sec. 1228.100, revise paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1228.100  Responsibilities.
        (a) The Archivist of the United States and heads of Federal 
    agencies are responsible for preventing the alienation or unauthorized 
    destruction of records, including all forms of mutilation. Records may 
    not be removed from the legal custody of Federal agencies or destroyed 
    without regard to the provisions of agency records schedules (SF 115 
    approved by NARA or the General Records issued by NARA).
    * * * * *
        17. Revise subpart I to read as follows:
    Subpart I--Transfer of Records to Records Storage Facilities
    1228.150  Where can a Federal agency transfer records for storage?
    1228.152  Under what conditions may Federal records be stored in 
    records storage facilities?
    1228.154  What requirements must an agency meet when it transfers 
    records to a records storage facility?
    1228.156  What procedures must an agency follow to transfer records 
    to an agency records center or commercial records storage facility?
    Subpart I--Transfer of Records to Records Storage Facilities
    Sec. 1228.150  Where can a Federal agency transfer records for storage?
        Federal agencies may store records in the following types of 
    records storage facilities, so long as the facilities meet the facility 
    standards in subpart K of this part. Records transferred to a records 
    storage facility remain in the legal custody of the agency.
        (a) NARA records centers. NARA owns or operates records centers for 
    the storage, processing, and servicing of records for Federal agencies 
    under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 2907. These NARA records centers 
    include a National Personnel Records Center which contains designated 
    records of the Department of Defense and the Office of Personnel 
    Management and other designated records pertaining to former Federal 
    civilian employees. A list of NARA records centers is available from 
    the NARA web site at http://www.nara.gov and also in the U.S. 
    Government Manual, which is for sale from the Superintendent of 
    Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Mail Stop: SSOP, 
    Washington, DC 20402-9328, and is available on the Internet from http:/
        (b) Records centers operated by or on behalf of one or more Federal 
    agencies other than NARA.
        (c) Commercial records storage facilities operated by private 
    Sec. 1228.152  Under what conditions may Federal records be stored in 
    records storage facilities?
        The following chart shows what records can be stored in a records 
    storage facility and the conditions that apply:
    [[Page 67666]]
                 Type of Record                         Conditions
    (1) Permanent records..................  (i) Any storage facility that
                                              meets the provisions of
                                              subpart K of this part.
    (2) Unscheduled records................  (i) Any storage facility that
                                              meets the provisions of
                                              subpart K of this part.
                                             (ii) Also requires submission
                                              of SF 115 and its acceptance
                                              from NARA under the provisions
                                              of subpart B of this part.
    (3) Temporary records (excluding         (i) Any storage facility that
     Civilian Personnel Records).             meets the provisions of
                                              subpart K of this part.
    (4) Vital records......................  (i) Storage facility must meet
                                              the provisions of subpart K of
                                              this part and 36 CFR part
    (5) Civilian Personnel Records.........  (i) May only be transferred to
                                              NPRC, St. Louis as required by
                                              this part.
    Sec. 1228.154  What requirements must an agency meet when it transfers 
    records to a records storage facility?
        An agency must meet the following requirements when it transfers 
    records to a records storage facility:
        (a) Ensure that the requirements of subpart K of this part are met. 
    Special attention must be paid to ensuring appropriate storage 
    conditions for records on non-paper based media (e.g., film, audio 
    tape, magnetic tape), especially those that are scheduled for long-term 
    or permanent retention, as those records typically require more 
    stringent environmental controls (see 36 CFR parts 1230 through 1234).
        (b) To transfer unscheduled records, submit an SF 115 to NARA 
    (NWML) prior to the transfer. The agency may transfer the records only 
    after NARA has determined that the SF 115 meets the requirements 
    specified in this part.
        (c) Create documentation sufficient to identify and locate files.
        (1) Such documentation must include for each individual records 
    series spanning one or more consecutive years transferred to storage:
        (i) Creating office;
        (ii) Series title;
        (iii) Description (in the case of permanent or unscheduled records, 
    the description must include a folder title list of the box contents or 
    equivalent detailed records description);
        (iv) Date span;
        (v) Physical form and medium of records (e.g., paper, motion 
    picture film, sound recordings, photographs or digital images);
        (vi) Volume;
        (vii) Citation to NARA-approved schedule or agency records 
    disposition manual (unscheduled records must cite the date the SF 115 
    was submitted to NARA);
        (viii) Restrictions on access if applicable;
        (ix) Disposition (``permanent,'' ``temporary,'' or ``unscheduled; 
    SF 115 pending'');
        (x) Date of disposition action (transfer to the National Archives 
    of the United States or destruction);
        (xi) Physical location, including name and address of facility; and
        (xii) Control number or identifier used to track records.
        (2) In the case of permanent and unscheduled records, provide 
    copies of such documentation to NARA and advise NARA in writing of the 
    new location whenever the records are moved to a new storage facility.
        (d) Ensure that NARA-approved retention periods are implemented 
    properly and that records documenting final disposition actions 
    (destruction or transfer to the National Archives of the United States) 
    are created and maintained as required by 36 CFR 1220.36.
        (1) Retain temporary records until the expiration of their NARA-
    approved retention period and no longer, except as provided for in 
    Sec. 1228.54.
        (2) Transfer permanent records to the National Archives of the 
    United States in accordance with Sec. 1228.260.
        (e) Provide access to appropriate NARA staff to records wherever 
    they are located in order to conduct an evaluation in accordance with 
    36 CFR 1220.50 or to process a request for records disposition 
        (f) Move temporary records that are subsequently reappraised as 
    permanent to a facility that meets the environmental control 
    requirements for permanent records in Sec. 1228.232 within one year of 
    their re-appraisal, if not already in such a facility. (Paper-based 
    permanent records in an existing records storage facility that does not 
    meet the environmental control requirements in Sec. 1228.232(b) on 
    October 1, 2009, must be moved from that facility no later than 
    February 28, 2010.)
    Sec. 1228.156   What procedures must an agency follow to transfer 
    records to an agency records center or commercial records storage 
        Federal agencies must use the following procedures to transfer 
    records to an agency records center or commercial records storage 
        (a) Agreements with agency records centers or contracts with 
    commercial records storage facilities must incorporate the standards in 
    subpart K of this part and allow for inspections by the agency and NARA 
    to ensure compliance. An agency must remove records promptly from a 
    facility if deficiencies identified during an inspection are not 
    corrected within six months.
        (b) For temporary records, the agency must make available to NARA 
    on request the documentation specified in Sec. 1228.154. For permanent 
    records, the agency must transmit this documentation to NARA (NWML) no 
    later than 30 days after records are transferred to the agency records 
    center or commercial records storage facility. For unscheduled records, 
    the agency must transmit the information to NWML with the SF 115 before 
    the records are transferred as required by Sec. 1228.154(b).
        (c) Agencies must establish procedures that ensure that temporary 
    records are destroyed in accordance with NARA-approved schedules and 
    that NARA-approved changes to schedules, including the General Records 
    Schedules, are applied to records in agency records centers or 
    commercial records storage facilities in a timely fashion. Procedures 
    must include a requirement that the agency records center or commercial 
    records storage facility notify agency records
    [[Page 67667]]
    managers or the creating office prior to the disposal of temporary 
    records unless disposal of temporary records is initiated by the 
        (d) Agencies must establish procedures to ensure that the agency 
    records centers or commercial records storage facilities transfer 
    permanent records to the National Archives of the United States as 
    individual series spanning one or more years and in accordance with the 
    provisions of Sec. 1228.272.
        (e) Agencies must ensure that records that are restricted because 
    they are security classified or exempt from disclosure by statute, 
    including the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a), or regulation are stored and 
    maintained in accordance with applicable laws, executive orders, or 
        (f) Agencies must ensure that disposable records, including 
    restricted records (security classified or exempted from disclosure by 
    statute, including the Privacy Act, or regulation), are destroyed in 
    accordance with the requirements specified in Sec. 1228.58.
        (g) Agencies must ensure that emergency operating vital records, as 
    defined in 36 CFR 1236.14, that are transferred to an agency records 
    center or commercial records storage facility are available in 
    accordance with 36 CFR part 1236.
        18. Redesignate subpart J of part 1228 as subpart L of part 1228 as 
    set forth in the following redesignation table:
                                                                 New Section
                       Old Section Subpart J                      Subpart L
    1228.180...................................................     1228.260
    1228.182...................................................     1228.262
    1228.183...................................................     1228.264
    1228.184...................................................     1228.266
    1228.186...................................................     1228.268
    1228.188...................................................     1228.270
    1228.190...................................................     1228.272
    1228.192...................................................     1228.274
    1228.194...................................................     1228.276
    1228.196...................................................     1228.278
    1228.198...................................................     1228.280
    1228.200...................................................     1228.282
        19. Add a new subpart J to read as follows:
    Subpart J--Transfer, Use, and Disposition of Records in a NARA Records 
    1228.160  How does an agency transfer records to a NARA records 
    1228.162  How does an agency transfer vital records to a NARA 
    records center?
    1228.164  What records must be transferred to the National Personnel 
    Records Center (NPRC)?
    1228.166  How does an agency transfer records to the National 
    Personnel Records Center (NPRC)?
    1228.168  How can records be used in NARA records centers?
    1228.170  How are disposal clearances managed for records in NARA 
    records centers?
    Subpart J--Transfer, Use, and Disposition of Records in a NARA 
    Records Center
    Sec. 1228.160   How does an agency transfer records to a NARA records 
        An agency transfers records to a NARA records center using the 
    following procedures:
        (a) General. NARA will ensure that its records centers meet the 
    facilities standards in subpart K of this part, which meets the 
    agency's obligation in Sec. 1228.154(a).
        (b) NARA records centers will not accept records that pose a threat 
    to other records or to the health and safety of users including 
    hazardous materials such as nitrate film, radioactive or chemically 
    contaminated records, records exhibiting active mold growth, or 
    untreated insect or rodent infiltrated records. Agencies may contact 
    the NARA records center for technical advice on treating such records.
        (c) Agencies may use any NARA records center (see Sec. 1228.154(a)) 
    if space is available for the storage of unclassified records. All NARA 
    facilities are equipped to store classified records that have a 
    national security classification up to Confidential, and certain NARA 
    facilities can also accept Secret (or ``Q'') classified records. Only 
    the Washington National Records Center is equipped to store records 
    that have been assigned a national security classification of Top 
    Secret, as defined in Executive Order 12958 (3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 333) 
    and predecessor orders. For storage of restricted records requiring 
    vault storage (regardless of the level of classification), agencies 
    must contact the records center(s) they wish to use to find out if the 
    center(s) can properly store the records.
        (d) Transfers to NARA records centers must be preceded by the 
    submission of a Standard Form 135, Records Transmittal and Receipt. 
    Preparation and submission of this form will meet the requirements for 
    records description provided in Sec. 1228.154(c), except the folder 
    title list required for permanent and unscheduled records. A folder 
    title list is also required for records that are scheduled for sampling 
    or selection after transfer.
        (e) A separate SF 135 is required for each individual records 
    series having the same disposition authority and disposition date.
        (f) For further guidance on transfer of records to a NARA records 
    center, consult the NARA Records Management Web Site (http://
    www.nara.gov), or current NARA publications and bulletins by contacting 
    the Office of Regional Records Services (NR), individual NARA regional 
    facilities, or the Washington National Records Center (NWMW).
    Sec. 1228.162   How does an agency transfer vital records to a NARA 
    records center?
        For assistance on selecting an appropriate site among NARA 
    facilities for storage of vital records, agencies may contact NARA 
    (NR), 8601 Adelphi Rd., College Park, MD 20740-6001. The actual 
    transfers are governed by the general requirements and procedures in 
    this subpart and 36 CFR part 1236.
    Sec. 1228.164   What records must be transferred to the National 
    Personnel Records Center (NPRC)?
        General Records Schedules 1 and 2 specify that certain Federal 
    civilian personnel, medical, and pay records must be centrally stored 
    at the National Personnel Records Center (Civilian Personnel Records), 
    111 Winnebago Street, St. Louis, MO 63118. An agency must transfer the 
    following four types of records to the NPRC:
        (a) Official personnel folders of separated Federal civilian 
        (b) Service record cards of employees who separated or transferred 
    on or before December 31, 1947;
        (c) Audited individual earnings and pay cards and comprehensive 
    payrolls; and
        (d) Employee medical folders of separated Federal civilian 
    Sec. 1228.166   How does an agency transfer records to the National 
    Personnel Records Center (NPRC)?
        (a) Agencies must use the following procedures when transferring 
    records to the NPRC:
        (1) Forward the official personnel folder (OPF) and the employee 
    medical folder (EMF) to the National Personnel Records Center at the 
    same time.
        (2) Transfer EMFs and OPFs in separate folders.
        (b) For further guidance consult the NPRC web site (http://
        (c) Consult the Office of Personnel Management web site (http://
    www.opm.gov/feddata/html/opf.htm) for the OPM publication The Guide to 
    Personnel Recordkeeping for procedures on the transfer of OPFs and 
    EMFs. (The Guide is also available from the Superintendent of 
    Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Mail Stop: SSOP, 
    Washington, DC 20402-9328.)
    [[Page 67668]]
    Sec. 1228.168  How can records be used in NARA records centers?
        (a) Agency records transferred to a NARA records center remain in 
    the legal custody of the agency. NARA acts as the agency's agent in 
    maintaining the records. NARA will not disclose the record except to 
    the agency which maintains the record, or under rules established by 
    that agency which are not inconsistent with existing laws.
        (b) Federal agencies must use Standard Form (SF) 180, Request 
    Pertaining to Military Records, to obtain information from military 
    service records in the National Personnel Records Center (Military 
    Personnel Records). Agencies may furnish copies of that form to the 
    public to aid in inquiries. Members of the public and non-governmental 
    organizations also may obtain copies of SF 180 by submitting a written 
    request to the National Personnel Records Center (Military Personnel 
    Records), 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132. OMB Control Number 
    3095-0029 has been assigned to the SF 180.
        (c) Use Standard Form 127, Request for Official Personnel Folder 
    (Separated Employee), to request transmission of personnel folders of 
    separated employees stored at the National Personnel Records Center.
        (d) Use Standard Form 184, Request for Employee Medical Folder 
    (Separated Employee), to request medical folders stored at the National 
    Personnel Records Center.
        (e) Use Optional Form 11, Reference Request--Federal Records Center 
    to request medical records transferred to other NARA records centers 
    prior to September 1, 1984. The request must include the name and 
    address of the agency's designated medical records manager.
        (f) For any other requests, use the Optional Form 11, Reference 
    Request--Federal Records Centers, a form jointly designated by that 
    agency and NARA, or their electronic equivalents.
    Sec. 1228.170  How are disposal clearances managed for records in NARA 
    records centers?
        (a) The National Personnel Records Center will destroy records 
    covered by General Records Schedules 1 and 2 in accordance with those 
    schedules without further agency clearance.
        (b) NARA records centers will destroy other eligible Federal 
    records only with the written concurrence of the agency having legal 
    custody of the records.
        (c) NARA records centers will maintain documentation on the final 
    disposition of records, as required in 36 CFR 1220.36, for the period 
    of time required by General Records Schedule 16.
        (d) When NARA approves an extension of retention period beyond the 
    time authorized in the records schedule for records stored in NARA 
    records centers, NARA will notify those affected records centers to 
    suspend disposal of the records (see Sec. 1228.54(e)).
        20. In newly redesignated subpart L, revise the subpart heading to 
    read as follows:
    Subpart L--Transfer of Records to the National Archives of the 
    United States
        21. In newly redesignated Sec. 1228.272, remove the term ``(MWMD)'' 
    in paragraphs (b)(2) and (c) and add ``(NWMD)'' in its place, and 
    revise the section heading and paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1228.272  Transfer of records to the National Archives of the 
    United States.
        (a) Policy. (1) Federal records will be transferred to NARA's legal 
    custody into the National Archives of the United States only if they 
    are listed as permanent on an SF 115, Request for Records Disposition 
    Authority, approved by NARA since May 14, 1973, or if they are 
    accretions (continuations of series already accessioned) to holdings of 
    the National Archives. Transfers are initiated by submission of an SF 
    258, Agreement to Transfer Records to the National Archives of the 
    United States.
        (2) Each SF 258 must relate to a specific records series, as 
    identified on the SF 115, Request for Records Disposition Authority, in 
    accumulations of one or more consecutive years.
    * * * * *
        Dated: November 22, 1999.
    John W. Carlin,
    Archivist of the United States.
    [FR Doc. 99-30838 Filed 12-1-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7515-01-P

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Effective Date:
National Archives and Records Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 3, 2000.
67662-67668 (7 pages)
3095-AA86: Storage of Federal Records
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